Smart Campus Guide ENG

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In line with its “Excellence in Education” strategic goal, Izmir University of Economics has

adopted a technology enhanced education model, which is called Smart Campus and

provided students and teaching staff with various education tools, equipment and


Each classroom is equipped with a Smart Projector, an All-in-One PC, cameras,

microphone and an interactive whiteboard. What’s more, Blackboard Learn, Blackboard

Collaborate Ultra, and Panopto systems have been provided.

You will probably have many questions about how to use these educational technologies.

This guide aims to answer your questions and help you make your transition quicker and


Teaching and Learning Center

Getting Started

Activating EkoID

EkoID enables you to access your university email account, Emax announcement system,

printing facilities, and wifi on campus.

You should visit https://oasis.izmirekonomi.edu.tr/site/login-registration to activate

your EkoID and get your OASIS login information.

Make sure you check the email account provided by the university on a regular basis. All

administrative and academic announcements as well as the notifications sent through

the learning management system are emailed to your university email address.

You can access your university email through https://zcstd.izmirekonomi.edu.tr/

Activating OASIS Account

Organizational Administrative Student Information System

(OASIS) enables you to enroll in courses, check your course

grades, receive transcript and other documents.

To activate your OASIS account go to

https://oasis.izmirekonomi.edu.tr and click on the “Activate

your account” link. Enter your student identification number in

“User ID” part, and click on “Activate” button.

A temporary “OASIS” password will be sent to your EkoID

email address which is std.izmirekonomi.edu.tr. Get your

temporary password from your email, log into OASIS again,

and change your password and create a PIN number.

Please avoid using Turkish characters (e.g. ş, ü, ç, ö.) in your


For more information about OASIS activation, click here .


Blackboard Learn is virtual learning environment and an internet-based learning

management system designed to enhance instructional activities by enabling

instructors to manage and create their course materials, assignments and exams.

Blackboard Learn facilitates student learning and enhances their engagement with the

course material. In addition to that, instructors can easily communicate with their

students online and manage class discussions and collaborative projects using blogs,

discussion boards and forums which are available on Blackboard Learn. Students will be

able to access all of these features any time of the day via any medium with internet

connection. Blackboard is used institutionally to supplement face-to-face courses,

and/or to provide any course content for distance education courses.

You will use your Student ID number and your OASIS password to access Blackboard.

Once enrolled, you will see all your courses listed on your Blackboard page.



to access Blackboard Learn home page.

Blackboard Learn Interface

Institution: You will find resources, useful links, and other important content related to the university.

Profile: Allows you to manage your personal information, and modify your notification and privacy


Activity Stream: Shows you what’s new and what’s due in all your courses. It also allows you to jump

directly into course activities right from the list.

Courses: Gives you access to your courses and the ability to search, filter, and even favorite them so

they appear at the top of the list. Courses appear as “cards” and you can view these cards as either a

list or in a grid. If you view the courses in a grid, each card has an image which instructors can

customize. If the image on your course card is customized, the image will replace the current course


Here you can access the organizations that have been set up by the TLC for students and instructors

to share important information, such as workshops and training sessions, and to provide instructional


Calendar: You can view all course, organization, institution, and personal events with ease. You can

view events by day, week, or month.

Messages: You can send a message to one person or multiple people on the Messages page. Messages

activity remains inside the system.

Grades: Shows instructors what needs to be graded and you can start grading from this page. The

Grades page shows students a list of recent grades, and the overall grade for each course.

Tools: Allows you to access tools that live outside your courses, such as portfolios and Content


Institution Page

On the Institution Page, you will find resources, useful links, and other important content

related to the university.

Profile Page

Here you can manage your personal information and modify your notification settings.

Activity Stream

Use the Activity Stream to quickly access the most important information consolidated

from all your courses.

How to Access Courses


You will view your courses as “cards” or you can view these cards in a grid.

Search your courses and apply varying filters. Once you find your most important classes,

click the star to favorite them.They will appear at the top of the page.


Here you can access the organizations that have been set up by the TLC for students to

share important information, such as workshops and training sessions, and to provide

instructional help.


You can view all course, organization, institution, and personal events with ease.


View all your messages for all your courses on one single page and create a message.

Grades (Notlar)

On the Grades page students can see their grades.

How to submit your assignments on Blackboard Learn

Choose the content that contains the homework assignment on the course page. Your instructor can

add assignments to different areas of your course. For example, your instructor might have created a

menu item called Assignments. Ask your instructor if you have questions about how your course is

organized. Click on the item. Review instructions, deadline and grading criteria on Upload Assignment

page and download the files, if any, that are provided by your instructor.

Click on Browse My Computer and select a file to attach. You could click on Do not Attach if you have

uploaded the wrong file. If your assignment is uploaded more than once, the new file will be saved

with a name and a number like history_assignment.doc

Finally, make sure you click on Submit. A message that confirms your assignment has been sent will

be displayed. If you forget to click on Submit, your submission will remain “in progress” and your

instructor will not be able to grade it.

For more information, click here or visit TLC Organization for Students on Blackboard Learn. (See page

16 for more information about the TLC Organization for Students.)

How can I see My Grades on Blackboard Course?

When you access the Grades panel from the menu of your Blackboard course, you can see

the grades and the feedback you received for the assessments in all of your courses.

You can sort your grades by All Courses or Last Graded. If your work hasn't been graded,

grade status icons appear. You can select an item's title to view details.

Blackboard Collaborate

Blackboard Collaborate is the virtual classroom (or web conferencing) tool which

enables voice, video and text interaction between students and lecturers.

For more information, click


or visit TLC Organization for Students on Blackboard Learn.

Blackboard Analytics

You can follow your activities in your courses on the Blackboard.

For more information, please click here


is a video platform that allows video recording, screencasting and video

content management.

It allows instructors to record audio, video and the applications on their computer screen

directly from their desktop. With these features Panopto enables students to access their

course videos and watch the lessons on their computer, smart phone or tablet when they

are unable to attend their classes or prepare for their assignments and exams.

Panopto is integrated in Blackboard and the video viewing is restricted to the instructor

and students enrolled in that particular course.

To watch the video recordings, first, log into Blackboard and select the course you want

to see the recordings for. Then, click on "Panopto Video" link in the course menu.

A new page will load and your class videos will be available for viewing as shown below.


Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is a research and application center founded in line

with IUE’s “excellence in education” strategic goal . TLC aims to promote innovative and

technology enhanced learning techniques to help IUE students to become lifelong learners

and to challenge and inspire them to think critically. Therefore, TLC provides support and

training to instructors and students for the efficient use of Smart Campus tools and facilities.

The manuals and guides on Smart Campus tools prepared and collated by TLC are available

on https://www.ieu.edu.tr/tlc/en/ogrenciler-icin .

You are also advised to frequently visit the TLC Organization for Students page, which

you can access through the My Organizations tab on Blackboard Learn.

To support effective learning, academic seminars and workshops

are held at Teaching and Learning Center.

Academic workshops are free and open to all IUE undergraduate, associate and graduate

students. The workshops cover a variety of topics from time management and exam

anxiety to job interviews and applications. Academic workshop calendar is available on the

TLC website and on the TLC Organization for Students page, which you can access through

the My Organizations tab on Blackboard Learn. To sign up for these workshops send an

email to TLC@ieu.edu.tr

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İzmir University of Economics

Sakarya Caddesi, No:156

35330 Balçova - İzmir / TÜRKİYE

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Teaching and Learning Center - IUE



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