Spiritual Punctuation-Yetunde Arise 2020

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Satan, in its independent adventure lost his position

in heaven. Being displaced, he became an instrument of

wrath on earth. In the bid to gather people who would

end up like him, he deceived the first man and made him

rebelled. Man became independent of God, lost his

relationship and habitation of heaven on earth. In

returning to God, hence religion in place of real

remorseful worship led the trail.

This same story played out for the Prodigal son. He

was deceived in search of independence; maybe

freedom. Worn out, battered and shattered; the Prodigal

son resolved to come back to his father. Having suffered

from being 'independent', he valued the guidance of his

father more than before and wanted to serve to earn it

back. Like him like Adam...he sought a home return!

God is always extending His Love to receive man

back as His expressed ambassador. He restores anyone

who come back for His Love and show remorse humbly


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