Spiritual Punctuation-Yetunde Arise 2020

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It is still golden to say that a ‘good name is better than

silver and gold’. You cannot sacrifice godly heritage and

name on the altar of ‘just-anything’ called pleasure. No

matter what, you have to stand for the God you

represent and not give-in to deceitful pressures flying

around like kites. As you guide your spiritual identity, do

well to guide your company too.

Bad company still corrupts good manner and you

can’t sell less what God sacrificed His Only Son to

secure. Don’t just fall in line, you are of a different and

divine heritage; don’t lose your identity because of jollofrice

and chicken. Don’t be a coward, stand for what’s

right and noble; and don’t do anything to please people

or get their favor. Don’t forget, wisdom is profitable to

direct and you are a star in your own right.


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