Photobook Sunday proof read

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One important aspect of this is fragmentation. I

learned as I worked that my strategy, in

photography in particular, is to always show the

part, not the whole: details, oblique angles,

abstract shapes, interesting juxtapositions, rarely

centred. This is a way of trying to look at

something beyond the obvious – a strategy that I

think suits my task of making icons, which can only

ever be partial and hint at the indescribable.

The fragmented approach is described as tentative

and un-masculine but also as possibly a better

method of exploration in this article about

Charlotte Prodger’s work: ‘You never see her

whole body, or anyone else’s. You might see a

portion of her hand, or a bit of her furry hat. The

self is fragmented …. , offering the opposite of the

certainty of a masculinist point of view. It reminds

me of the Scottish poet and nature writer Nan

Shepherd – a writer whom Prodger admires –

saying that ‘the better way to discover a mountain

might be not to walk up it, but to walk around it,

finding its secret places and crevices rather than

its peaks.’[13]

Another way of disrupting over-familiar

assumptions so they are revealed, and possibly

questioned, is suggested by James Hunting’s textile

pieces, which have small disturbances in the

pattern. He says, “Woven cloth follows a rule of

warp and weft. Disrupt these and the eye cannot

smooth over difference. These exclusions hold the

glance. They disturb the non-looking and nonseeing

that pervades, enforcing an


So, something that doesn’t fit – an out-of-place

object, a jarring juxtaposition, some missing

information – can provoke that shift to another

perspective or dimension, maybe by requiring the

imagination to fill the gap, create a narrative. Thus,

I am making ‘icons’ that are in some ways

familiarly religious, but also don’t fit. Something

that provokes not just a question but a feeling of

strangeness or discomfort, while also being

compelling. And I’m making more than one, as

there is not one answer but a number of


This and next two pages, all Pippa King 2019

Kitchen Crucifix

15 th Century Arch and Duster


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