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While continuing to explore images through

drawing and making patterns, I researched ancient,

universal pattern and symbols such as the

triskelion, spiral and circle - ‘the great round’[25],

symbolising the archetypical creator goddess.

This led to the labyrinth, an ancient symbol used

by people of different belief systems to represent

the journey of life, the inward journey into the

soul, or enlightenment, or the path into the heart

– or womb[33] – of God. I have walked different

labyrinths as a profound spiritual experience, and

included them on drawings of people as

metaphors for the struggle to understand, but this

was the first time I learned that they could be

understood as the womb of God[34]. Theologian

Rosemary Radford Reuther claims that the most

ancient human image of the divine was the ‘primal

matrix’, the great womb within which all things

are generated[35]. Entering and leaving the

labyrinth then represents a powerful symbol of


Personally, I have been drawn to the physical,

ritual aspect of a labyrinth which can be walked as

a kind of bodily prayer. It is a practice that brings

together the body, mind, sprit and emotions. My

interest was drawn to the labyrinth for this

project as it is an ancient pattern that is physical

and can be participatory, involves ritual, functions

as an icon in that its purpose is to connect people

with the divine, and is a metaphor for a femalebodied


Labyrinth Journey 1 (Travel)

30 x 30 cm, relief print using recycled polystyrene, ink

on newspaper, Pippa King 2020

Labyrinth Journey 2 (Map)

31 x 31 cm, relief print using recycled polystyrene, ink

on wrapping paper, Pippa King 2020

Snake Labyrinth

20 x 20 cm, digital drawing with pattern made from a

photograph of a tree shadow, Pippa King 2020

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