Mowgli Mentoring 10yr Impact Report

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Mentoring: From pioneers to scalers

As we are bombarded with figures on unemployment, migration, population growth,

lost generations, mental illness and suicide, it becomes ever more urgent to develop

more motivated and resilient entrepreneurs, empowered and economically independent

citizens, engaged women and youth and service-orientated leadership.

Mentoring plays a key role within a supportive environmental and infrastructural

ecosystem that enables people to flourish. Through our participants’ stories, as

well as our impact data, we can clearly see how mentoring catalyses three levels

of growth: personal, business and economic.

Our mentoring programmes assist participants to set and achieve their goals,

address challenges and seize new opportunities for growth. They uniquely

enable participants to develop both their capability (skills, knowledge and

behaviours) and their capacity (confidence, motivation, mindset and resilience).

Mentoring also encourages greater societal interconnectedness, strengthens

leadership with a ‘Serve to Lead’ philosophy at the core and enables communities

and countries to sustainably fulfil their long-term economic and social potential.

Over the past ten years, we’ve achieved numerous goals and created significant

impact within emerging economies across the Middle East, North Africa and Sub

Saharan Africa:

Set the benchmark and created awareness of the power of mentoring within 17 countries

Offered a transformational mentoring experience for entrepreneurs (of all stages),

women, youth and organisational leaders

Designed a ‘Mowgli Mentoring Experience’ syllabus which has been accredited by the

European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), enabling us to tailor programmes

for different needs

Created local sustainability through a pool of Mowgli-trained facilitators, who deliver

our programmes in Arabic, English and French

Developed processes to optimise the impact of mentoring investment and provide value

for money

Implemented robust monitoring, evaluation and learning practices to measure the impact

that mentoring has on economic and employment growth

Developed an extensive network and deep understanding of the Middle East and

Africa’s entrepreneurship ecosystems.

It’s been an exciting decade and my sincere appreciation and gratitude goes to our

funders, partners, founder, trustees, team members, facilitators, mentors and mentees

for continually supporting and inspiring us. Looking forward, by 2030, we plan to train

10,000 quality mentors and enable 50,000 individuals to be mentored, further placing

mentoring at the heart of the ecosystems that we are currently developing and

expanding our geographical and sector focus to include educational institutions and

marginalised communities. I hope you will join us to enable us to continue making an

impact across the world.







2100 +


1200 + 920+



Yours sincerely,

Kathleen Bury

Chief Executive Officer, Mowgli Mentoring


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