Dance Prospectus 2021

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You will Learn to

Develop your technique as a dancer

Develop your own style as an artist and performer

Prepare for a job in the performing arts

Prepare for auditions and live performances

Dance and train safely

Care for injuries, eat well and develop resilience

. Use other fitness forms to improve your performance

. Apply principles from established practitioners and styles to inform your own

development as an artist

. Lead others in dance sessions

. Work with artists from other forms to produce collaborative performance work

Why should I choose this course?

. A personalised learning programme to develop your skills and help you achieve

your ambitions beyond the course

. 21 hours a week of contact time (on average), compared with around 12-14 hours

in many FE colleges

. Teaching delivered by professional dancers and dance practitioners who are

specialists in their field and an exciting range of guest tutors

. A professional working atmosphere to help you excel

. Workshops with professional touring dance companies

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