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A week later the devil advanced a little closer

with his plans of revenge upon the pastor.

"Just wait," he threatened, "until the end of the

week ! When Friday comes, then . . .

The pastor did not take this threat to heart.

was getting sick of listening to the howlings and yelpings

of the devil day after day.

Yet the pastor did indeed have a narrow escape on

a certain Friday.


Friday morning after Mass the telephone rang in

the parish house. It was a call from a farmer, whose

mother was critically ill. Would the pastor kindly

come and administer the last sacraments to the dying?

He wanted to call for the pastor with his own car, but

somehow it was out of order and he couldn't locate the

trouble. He had been trying to start it for over an

hour, but in vain. It simply would not start. So he

asked the pastor to come with his own auto, or to hire

a taxi at the farmer's expense.

Within a quarter of an hour the pastor was on his

way to help the sick woman, carrying the Blessed Sacrament

with him. After dispensing the last sacraments,

Father Steiger was again on the road towards

Earling. The road was familiar to him, for he had

gone that way hundreds of times, by night and by day,

and he knew every bump and stone along the way. He

drove very carefully not only because the auto was

new, but also because he was mindful of the devil's

threats to trick him whenever the opportunity was


He prayed to his Guardian Angel and to St. Joseph,

his Patron Saint, for a safe journey home. Suddenly

as he was driving along, a dense black cloud

appeared before him. It came just as he was about to

pass a bridge over a deep ravine. Great God, it seemed

as if his eyes were blindfolded! The next moment

there was a crash, a smash-up which dumbfounded

him. He found himself in a mess of ruins. The auto had


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