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"Yes, what he says is true. My auto is a complete

wreck. But he was not able to harm me personally."

A quick reply came from the devil : "Our aim was

to get you, but somehow our plans were thwarted. It

was your powerful Patron Saint who prevented us

from harming you."

News of this accident soon spread abroad and the

people in deep sympathy with their beloved pastor,

collected enough money to buy him a new car, so that

the devil would receive no satisfaction from his pranks.

Again and again the devil gleefully reminded the pastor

of this incident and warned him to "be ready for a

whole lot more of fun."

The devil also betrayed himself by saying that he

is often the cause of similar accidents in order to bring

people to quicker ruin.

In that way he can get his revenge

and give vent to his anger because lawsuits frequently

result as a consequence, which, in turn, are responsible

for much hatred and misunderstanding

among people.

The reader may make his own conclusions and

resolutions regarding this. It cannot be so readily

denied that the enemy of mankind actually plays a

great part in such accidents. Is he not a "man-killer

from the very beginning?" Hence a timely warning to

those who use the auto for evil purposes, who decorate

it with all sorts of nonsense and who even display

figures alluringly immoral. The Church has provided

a special blessing under the protection of St.


against evil and disastrous influences.


it is customary to put one of these blessed medals or

medallions in cars for safety's sake. St. Paul calls

attention to the fact that the very air is filled with

evil spirits.


It should be noted that Satan did not use the tongue

of the poor possessed woman to make himself understood.

The helpless creature had been unconscious

during the greater part of the trial.

Her mouth was

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