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Father Steiger's Housekeeper

Theresa Wegerer,-1944

friends and companions. Hence we can understand

how he persisted in ridiculing

the priest and his actions

when, even in his last moments,

a merciful God granted

him the grace of receiving

the last sacrament of Extreme

Unction. As you live,

so you die. And his concubine,

Mina, was fully his

equal in this respect. Birds

of a feather flock together.

What, was most surprising

was that such a wicked and

blasphemous father was

blessed with such a virtuous


Her sincere piety,

her pure and innocent disposition,

her diligent application,

all were very apparent.

Even during the

period of possession the

devil could not disturb her inner basic disposition because

the devil has no power over the free will

human being.

of a

It was evident that, in addition to the above men^

tioned devils, there were also a great number of other

unclean spirits in her. Among these the so-called

dumb devils and avenging spirits made themselves

especially prominent.


The number of silent devils was countless. Apparently

they were from the lower classes, for they

displayed no marks of strength or power. Their

voices were rather a confusion of sounds from which

no definite answers could be distinguished. There was

no articulate speech, rather a pitiful moaning and subdued

howling. They could put up little resistance

against the powerful effects of exorcism.

It seemed as

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