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In regard to Begone Satan, some persons have asked the

question: "Why publish a story of this kind in our age and

civilization?" One could answer this by replying that our age

and civilization needs to learn anew a lesson that was vainly

laughed to scorn in past generations.

During His sojourn here on earth Christ cast out devils at

various times. The powers of Christ were transmitted to the

Apostles and their successors; and the Church's ordinary rite

of ordination to the Priesthood includes the order of exorcist, in

which Christ's power to cast out devils is transmitted. The

Church, moreover, has a special rite for such exorcisms, and

throughout the ages she has witnessed the effective use of it.

Her long experience also explains her extreme caution, her extensive

investigation of a case, before permitting any exorcism.

For a time it was fashionable to scoff at demoniacal possessions

as part and parcel of an outmoded superstition of bygone

ages of ignorance—like the attitude of a lifetime ago in

regard to the miracles of Lourdes. But facts are stubborn, also

against the scoffing of so-called enlightened criticism. Stubborn

facts cannot be denied even when they baffle all natural explanation.

The absurd thing about such a position is that the critics

"just know" that supernatural or preternatural phenomena simply

"cannot be."

We have become much more sober in our day. And it is a

healthy sign that the man of education no longer scoffs so

readily at that which he cannot explain. So much has been

gained for perennial common sense.

To a great extent the essential matters of Christian faith

are beyond the field of natural knowledge. However, any viewpoint

that is flatly contradicted by true natural knowledge cannot

be a matter of Christian faith. In regard to sin and the

Kingdom of Satan, Christian faith teaches Christ's conquest of

Satan and Satan's dominion by His death and resurrection. Now

this conquest is shared by individual souls in the sacrament of

Baptism, the rite of which contains several solemn exorcisms

as well as renunciation of Satan and his pomps. In the light

of this Christian faith it is not at all surprising that Satan

should be regaining something of his hold on men in our day.

For we have in several past centuries witnessed the increased

abandonment by men of the Church of Christ, and among non-

Catholic denominations the increased abandoment of the sacrament

of Baptism. What is this but a great surrender to the

powers of evil ?

For a succinct statement of the Catholic position on possession

by the devil, the reader is referred to the Catholic Encyclopedia,

article "Possession, Demoniacal."

Virgil Michel, O.S.B., Ph. D.

Written in

German by


and translated by


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