Whirlwind 10th Anniversary Edition: Longfellow's Literary Magazine for 2019-2020

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d Laughing

Language of all

Amusing, but can get out of hand

Underestimating laughter is a huge mistake

Going on and on, never knowing how to stop

However, laughing too hard can be dangerous

Intensely concentrating on the cause of such laughter

Never enough fun without our friends

Great feelings only, the joy shall never end

~Malina R.

Social Media

Social media can be very useful

Of course, it can also be toxic

Can’t go a day without checking my phone

Instagram oh my gosh, I forgot to post

And of course I can’t forget my Snapchat streaks

Love comparing ourselves to each other

Media is a thing that’s very powerful

Eagerly checking and liking celebrities’ posts

Dying to know the newest trends

It is all a part of social media

And the cycle goes on and on

~Hannah G.



You should love your life

Everyday do something new

Things you won’t forget

~Eva N.


I believed in Santa

I believed in the Tooth Fairy

I believed that I knew everything

I believed what everyone told me

I believed that every human was good

I believed that there was no bad in the


I believed everything was easy

I believed that everyone had it the


I believed that no one would do

anything to harm anybody or


I believed that my problems were the

only ones that existed

I believed that there was a monster

under my bed

I believed that if you stepped on a

crack it would break my mom’s back

I believed in everything.

~Nicole C.

What Goes On in My Mind

~Kailin K.


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