Whirlwind 10th Anniversary Edition: Longfellow's Literary Magazine for 2019-2020

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~Zoe W.


Running Away



Running away is easy

Bolting at the first sign of trouble

Turning to look the other way

It’s easier

A life free from stress

A life free from pain

It is not that simple

It is a life of regret

It is a life thinking, “What if?”

Have courage

Do not look away

Do not bolt

Do not run away

~Katherine Z.


Everything given to me

Living gratefully

~Natalie T.

Lost Personality

Way back then you could be yourself

If you wore odd clothes nobody stared

Even if I was weird we could still be friends

It was okay to be different; nobody cared

Now I’m confronted with rude remarks like

Don’t wear that outfit, it’s so un-cool

That necklace is so babyish

Don’t wear those shoes; you’ll look like a fool

That book series is only for nerds

Don’t watch that show; it’s so last year

Your taste in music is horrible

And only 5-year olds have that stupid fear

I’ve listened to them; I’ve covered it up

What you see now, it isn’t me

As I grow up, I’ve realized something

I’m losing my personality

I wish I could go back then, back when

If you wore old clothes nobody stared

Even if I was weird we could still be friends

It was okay to be different; nobody cared

~Zsa Zsa A.


~Elissa T.


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