Whirlwind 10th Anniversary Edition: Longfellow's Literary Magazine for 2019-2020

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Beyond The Sky

(Writing From an Image)

By Natalia C.

I continue to retreat backward, but they still follow me.

Jack and his bully buddies just will not stop until they get me.

My feet stumble backward, and I fall to the ground. I brace

myself for impact, but it doesn’t come. Instead, I fall onto a

cloth, and it stops me from falling.

I turn around, and the sky is quivering. My hand seems to

reach out all on its own and touches what used to be the

thing my village knows as the sky. I slide my hand across it.

The texture is rough, almost like sandpaper, yet it moves so


The clouds are still moving somehow, and so are Jack and his

gang, but he is the least of my worries now. My hand moves

downward until I feel the bottom of the sky cloth. I grasp it

with a shaking hand and lift.

A lone tree stands in the distance. White clouds hover around

it in the surrounding sky, but something’s just not right. The

leaves …they’re the wrong shade. And the sky is bright and

alarming. It is none of the black and white shades my little

village knows as our world.

It is light and brilliant, shimmering with something I couldn’t

describe for the life of me. The green is more muted, and yet still

beaming with light next to the completely grey grass.

The whole scene is exploding with, with, oh, I can’t describe it. It

needs a word. A nonsense word that doesn’t have to be a nonsense

word anymore.

I think, and then, “Color!” I exclaim. Yes, color. It sounds

insane, but that’s what makes it perfect. The tree and the sky are

exploding with color.

“What do you mean, color, fool.”

I freeze. Jack and his boys have finally made it up the hill to me. I

drop the drab (in comparison) sky cloth out of pure surprise.

“Well? You gonna answer me, Iris?” Jack says, “Cause if you don’t,

we’re gonna have a real problem on our hands.”

“Color,” I begin, “Is this.” I lift the sky cloth for the little

scoundrels to see. Their jaws drop in awe of what they’re

witnessing. They don’t understand, and neither do I.

“It’s beautiful,” says one of Jack’s sidekicks, I think his name is Joel.

“For once in your sorry lives, you’re right, it is, and we don’t have

any of it here,” I reply.

“And the color is different on both. So I need two names. One for

the tree and one for the sky.” Micheal has a stutter, so when he

said his word, it ended up sounding like green.

“Perfect. The tree is green. The sky is…..blue. A calm name for a

calm looking color.”

The trouble makers all nod in agreement.

Seeing the colors isn’t enough. I want to feel it, the colors. The

green and the blue. The no-longer-nonsense words that describe

this electric sky and lively leaves.

I lift the sky cloth over my head and step out into a new world, a

new universe.


Image Courtesy Of The New York Times “A Year of Picture Prompts”

The heat hits me immediately. I look up, and there is a shining

ball of pure heat staring back down at me. I wince and turn away,

blinking the spots out of my eyes. But I am amazed. This thing

with heat and light is shocking to me. Another word is needed.


It’s beautiful. I look at this new sky around me, and I feel tiny in

comparison. I look back at the world I left behind--all shades of

white and black. Those were the only shades we ever learned in


The village is boring. It is nothing next to this excellence that

is color. I ook back toward that tree. I want to touch the green,

feel it. I run, fast as I can towards the colors, and as I run, I look


There are little flowers everywhere, and they have some sort of

color as well. They are not green or blue; these can be purple,

yellow, orange, red, indigo. One looks like the sun in the sky, and

I decide to call it yellow.

All these different colors surround me as I head for the tree—

thousands of different shades. I decide I am not particularly a fan

of orange, but I really do like the purples and blues.

I am in a new world. I am surrounded by change. I love it more

than words can describe. My life can never be the same again.

I reach the tree. The leaves are everything like the leaves in the

village, but they are bursting with color. Very light red colored

flowers are sprinkled about. They don’t really look like red too

much, so they will be pink.

The trunk of the tree is much much darker than the rest of the

colors, but not quite black. Brown. I climb up the limbs, carefully

placing each foot and pulling myself up. I make it to the top. My

head sticks out the top of the tree. I stretch my arms out and

embrace this new life, ablaze with life and excitement.

A light breeze hits me, and I breathe it in. I feel a joy I’ve never felt

in my entire life. The world stretched out below me, speckled with

light and brilliance. I am happy. I am ecstatic.

I am free.

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