University College Oxford Record 2020

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quiet sense of humour and more importantly, a

sense of the ridiculous.

David died peacefully at home on 16th August

2019, in the company of his loving family. He will

be greatly missed.


(Wrekin College) died on 4 April 2020 aged

86. On going down from Oxford, David Neville

worked as an insurance broker, first for T. D.

Neville, Ltd., and then for John Ansell

& Partners Ltd. We are most grateful

to Professor Adrian Zuckerman (F.

1973-2010) for providing this tribute:

David’s time at Univ was the

happiest of his youth. For the rest of

his life, his memories of this period

provided him with a rich source of

anecdotes and mirth. He was born on

21 February 1934. From school he went

to do his national service and was en route for

Korea when the war ended. His regiment stopped

in Hong Kong where he dutifully represented it

on the cricket field. Cricket continued to occupy

his energies and mind at Univ too, where he read

Geography. Even so, he found time to hone his

playfulness with words and developed musical

interests, singing for the Bach Choir.

At heart, David was a sportsman of the old

school. He played for the Harlequins and for

Staffordshire county cricket, was a fine skier,

as well as a keen rugby and hockey player. He

was of the Kipling school of thinking about

achievements. His values were very traditional

and always underlined by kindness, humour and

a joie de vivre. He had inexhaustible resources

of love, affection and interest in others. Love for

his family above all. He cared greatly about his

friends and easily made new ones (he would

return from Sainsbury’s having made five new

friends). Notwithstanding his attachment to

traditional English values, he was exceptionally

gentle, tolerant and very patient (unless he was

on the phone to a call centre!). I knew David for

the last twenty years of his life. To the end he

would show a sunny and welcoming disposition

of deep kindness which warmed the heart and

lifted the spirits of all who came into contact

with him.



(Eton) died on 3 May 2019 aged 78.

He read Maths at Univ. A brief note

appeared in last year’s Record, but

his widow Imogen has now kindly

provided this tribute:

Colin liked to claim that the only

reason he got into Univ was on

account of his great-great-uncle Franck

Bright, Master in 1881-1906, and how at his

interview the dons just pointed to the portrait

and that was all.

Colin like many others was good friends with

Gwynne Ovenstone. When he got engaged to

Imogen O’Brien, Gwynne wrote to her father

that she was delighted to see that his daughter

had “got engaged to such an upstanding Univ old

member...” Imogen used to boast that her ancestor

too was an old Univ member: John Potter

(1674-1747) was the only Univ undergraduate

appointed Archbishop of Canterbury.

Colin always called himself a mathematician,

and continued his studies until his last months.

There was no maths don at Univ in his time, so he

had to go to Balliol, to be taught by Jack de Wet.

During a year out in Paris he attended stimulating

lectures at the Sorbonne. He also taught English

74 University College Record | October 2020

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