ARTOZE International Art Magazine | Edition: Oct - Dec, 2020

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Artoze October - December 2020

ONGOing Events

Save The Animals

They walked the planet long

before us and inhibited it in all

its glory and peace. Through changing

weathers, climates and periods,

diverse species of animals have

evolved and graced their home,

Planet Earth. Along with human civilization

came the industrialization.

What should’ve been a codependent

chain became a predatory pattern

risking extinction of many species.

Our settlements haven’t only been a

threat to them but their homes too,

with forests and deserts, water bodies

and mountains being reduced

in area to pave way for human life.

The realization and active need for

conservation of animal life and protection

has become evident and

been made a priority in our current

generation. October 4th is celebrated

as World Animal Day and we at

ARTOZE wanted to honor this special

occasion by having our International

Virtual Art Exhibition themed ‘Save

The Animals’. The last day of registration

is 28th September, 2020.

The exhibition will be conducted on

4th October, 2020 itself.

Registration Link:


We are honored and excited to see

what all our participants will have in

store for us and their unique outlook

on empathy, compassion, acceptance

and change towards the fauna

around us. Their keenness to

create awareness about saving the

animals can be expressed through

their wonderful art which speaks

volumes more than words ever will.

Acceptance and appreciation are

the booming factors for any artists

and we ensure those with

a network of art lovers who are

ready to back you up. Participation

in the exhibition also guarantees

international recognition and outstanding

visibility. Every participant

will be awarded with a certificate

of participation as a token of

their hard work and involvement.

We’re excited to have everyone and

experience this one of a kind event

with us. Join us while we celebrate

this noble cause with art and colors,

adding a human touch to the life

of our planet. Give voices to those

who cannot speak with your artwork.

ARTOZE is just simply pleased and

excited to meet those with vibrant

thoughts to paint. We are constantly

making efforts to give you the

best online global exhibition experience.

We wish you all the very best

and look forward to see you all.

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