ARTOZE International Art Magazine | Edition: Oct - Dec, 2020

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October - December 2020


Guest of Honour

John hui

Art captures all forms of life.

It captures every area of life,

the beautiful glossy parts

as well as the dark ugly ones. The

confusing ones that challenge the

set social norms of our societies.

It brings out what even words are

unable to convey. It has this sort of

power that brings about hope within

people and a therapy of some sort.

In these times of digital progress,

graphic designing has been on the

rise with its own beauty hidden in its

web of intricacies.

Our guest of honor Mr.John Hui from

London has been sought after by

many among the participants here

today as one of their favorite artists.

John is an artist and graphic

designer based in London. His works

defamiliarise the subject depicted

through abstraction and surrealism

in an effort to convey an uncanny

sense of beauty that challenges

social archetypes.

His latest project includes blog

publications that are centered on

sharing stories, thoughts and art

that are related to our most innate

human connections such as love,

pain and compassion in an effort to

empower others. He one among the

high looked for and sought after artist.

His artworks have an uncommon

sense of innate portrait of thoughts

depicted visually.

As a child John used to paint but

stopped it for a long time since he

felt like everything that could be

painted had already been done.

After completing his studies from

university in London he started tak-

ing up artwork and digital art again.

For him just the idea that a person

could be sitting in their room and

creating such magic out of the simplicities

of life is inspiring. He loves

being original with his paintings and

tries to use materials in their own

unique way and add a special touch.

The message of a piece is always

one of utter importance. For him this

holds a special place in his heart. For

every piece to have its own message

and story which helps in connecting

with people. Each painting

represents a specific person and

where they come from. The beauty

of the painting lies in the seeing

greatness in every person.

He resonated a lot with the

work we do here at ARTOZE

since his current project also

revolves around connecting

with people and their stories of

pain and vulnerability through art.

It meant so much to us that he

too felt a connection with us and

that we’re set out on similar paths.

It was truly an honor to have him

with us at ARTOZE.




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