ARTOZE International Art Magazine | Edition: Oct - Dec, 2020

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October - December 2020



Blog Spot

Pandemic: An Outstanding

Opportunity for Artists

Ten years later from now, when

we look back to talk about the

year 2020, we're all going to

sigh with a kind of relief as it's over

and also fulfilment in being able to

have abundant time to focus on

ourselves and develop the desired

skills as to build a better future post

the pandemic. This sudden pause in

our lives shouldn't be looked upon

as a threat or an undesirable change,

instead, we should unwrap the hidden

opportunities that this break

has resumed. Working hard on making

recognizable changes mentally,

physically, emotionally and financially

it has been a hard time. Pondering

over the brighter shades of

the effects of COVID-19 we realize

that during this course of time, many

have constructed a network or community

and extended their hands to

the farthest making efforts to help

one another progress over tough


The unpropitious pandemic has

actually taken a toll on being coated

with abundant opportunities for

artists across the globe. The lavish

time proposes ideas to pave the

way to the right door you were waiting

to knock. Being an artist here's

how you can yield principal benefits

from this pandemic;

1Explore new artforms

Taking advantage of the

extra hours in a day you can

try venturing into artforms

you've never tried before. This will

help you boost your confidence and

will also open new possibilities in

the vast field of art. Being an expert

in more than one artform gives you

an edge over the others. So what

are you waiting for? Go ahead, take

some inspiration and try something

new with the colours you own.

2Build international


Connecting to art communities

around the world

and breaking boundaries to share

the spirit of creativity via online

meetings, virtual events, appreciating

each other's work and

interacting through social media

platforms can make an effective

impact and aid in composing

influential international bonds.

3Create awareness

on social or political


Staying relevant is the most

important thing for an artist, it is

important to be self-aware and also

have good knowledge of the current

happenings and the immediate surroundings.

Raising your voice for or

against any social or political issues

through your work will help in creating

an impression among the audience.

This will enable you to connect

with your art viewers on a better


4Popularize your work

This is the perfect season

to use social media platforms

to their optimum

use to popularize your work and

connect with a larger audience.

Joining communities and actively

posting on your social accounts

using the right hashtags will exhibit

remarkable growth, which will

further drive you to do even better.

5Participate in virtual

art exhibitions

Being a part of online art exhibitions

and virtual events

that celebrate art and creativity

immensely helps in achieving all the

significant objectives discussed

above. ARTOZE hosts online events

and exhibitions, we encourage the

warmth in the art community. Helping

children and young adults to find

their career interests in art and provide

budding and established artist

a platform to shine has been an

interesting part of the journey.

Art is a boundless feeling of expression,

it is vast and there always

something undiscovered, be the one

to explore what's new to the world.

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