What You See, Unseen

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lack of narrative or explanation, mathematical precision.

This work can be seen as manifesting purity

or perfection. Her work typifies the idea of internality

as it is brought forth from an inner source.

In Martin’s painting on linen from 1960, white

flower, the restrained, simple means project a

calm denial of the chaos of the world; a turning

toward the sacred, or ideal. In this painting there

is a sense of the artist subsumed by the practice

of art making. Martin did not seek subject matter

from external sources. Rather, for her, the work

was a meditation on perfection. Her approach was

constant and unwavering over the course of more

than thirty years. Derek Whitehead emphasizes

how works of art are able to transmit meaning

through form:

In human creativity the work of poiesis may be sensed as a kinetic gesturing: the

stroke of a brush, the shaping of a poem, the dexterous skill of a musician. Such

activities have a determined symmetry of parts and a distinct temper of being. Poetic

activity signals the emergence of a figure or rhythm — a transmissible figuration —

from the hand of the painter, poet, or musician. Genuine producing requires the

work of ‘the head’ and ‘the hands.’ Working with raw materials constitutes the kind

of producing which places itself in and through the created thing that is let be. 12


While the artist makes deliberate decisions to

utilize particular materials in a particular fashion,

there is an acknowledgement that an ineffable

quality of “letting be” must come through to the

viewer in works of art that we want to return to

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