What You See, Unseen

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the experience of interconnectedness.

Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-

1951) wrote something similar about the essence

of seeing in the idea of pure seeing; he argued the

difference between interpretation, which implies

a hypothesis and seeing as a state. 19 He suggested

that philosophy is the elimination of nonsense and

that aesthetics and the mystical are shown, not

said, because they are about one’s relationship to

the facts. In this way, art exploits and transcends

its own material bounds.

Christina Murdoch Mills


According to Wittgenstein, works of art, in all their

forms are bound by an aesthetic that surpasses

the simple requirements of beauty. We must ask,

is that true? Is it beautiful? The object will speak

and reply if it is true. If it is true it will resonate with

us; it is therefore beautiful. This sense of beauty,

via the art object, is also transferred through the

object’s material aspects.

Consider the work of Tara Donovan: she gained

acclaim for her work entitled Haze, 2003, an

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