North Canterbury News: November 12, 2020

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Thursday,<strong>November</strong><strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> | Issue922 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />


Farmers dig in over access<br />


Agroup of Hurunui farmersisreeling<br />

afterbeing told Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

inspectorswill access their properties<br />

wearing body cameras and with apolice<br />

escort for nassella tussock inspections.<br />

Abouthalf adozen farmershave locked<br />

ECan out of their properties for several<br />

yearsbecause they allegeongoing<br />

instances of staff reporting on other<br />

information unrelated to the primary<br />

purposeoftheirvisit.<br />

Rural Advocacy Network chairman<br />

Jamie McFadden says arecent meeting<br />

called between ECanand the farmers<br />

following notification of the regional<br />

council’s intention to enter properties has<br />

failed to heal the rift.<br />

He saysthe tone of the meeting now<br />

means the half­dozen farmers who<br />

originallydenied access are being joined<br />

by others, fearingtheir private property<br />

rights are under threat. The meeting,<br />

attendedbynew ECan chiefexecutive<br />

StefanieRixecker, did little to allay<br />

farmer concerns, Mr McFaddensays.<br />

Widerissues are alleged to include<br />

usingprivateproperty informationfor<br />

otherpurposes without the agreementof<br />

landowners,undertaking mapping of<br />

areassuch as wetlands without<br />

consultation or properprocess, alack of<br />

genuine collaboration, and manipulating<br />

processes to suit ECan’s agenda, such as<br />

its management of braided rivers.<br />

Waiau farmerand network vicechairman<br />

Grant Barbara, in an email to<br />

membersafter the meeting, saysshutting<br />

gates to ECanisnot about avoiding a<br />

nassella inspection. It was aboutECan<br />

needingtoaddressthe widerissues.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

Danny<br />

in lake<br />

battle<br />


What aprize ... Cust’s Danny Pye with the heaviest fish landed during the opening of the high country fishing season at the Coleridge lakes.<br />


Custangler DannyPye had to<br />

takeacold dip to snare his<br />

impressive catch during the<br />

openingofthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> high<br />

country fishery lastSaturday.<br />

Danny was trawling on Lake<br />

Selfe in his kayak when he<br />

snared a3.8kg brown troutnear<br />

ashingle fan.<br />

After 80 minutes fighting to<br />

reelinthe fish,whichwouldnot<br />

cometothe surface, he decided<br />

to take the plungetonet it.<br />

He was one of morethan 200<br />

anglerswho enjoyed the<br />

openingofthe high country<br />

season at the Coleridge lakes<br />

fishing competition,with some<br />

anglersalready out on the water<br />

afew minutes after midnightto<br />

get aprime spot.<br />

Danny’s catchwas by far the<br />

heaviest of the day.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

<br />

<br />


NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Grow<br />

customers,<br />

sales and<br />

profits<br />

with <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

best read<br />

newspaper<br />

Readership: 47,000 weekly<br />

Circulation: 30,150 copies delivered<br />

to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />

&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />

news<br />

Robyn Bristow<br />

Managing Editor<br />

027 3<strong>12</strong> 1581<br />

robyn.bristow<br />

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www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Council denies liability over house<br />


The WaimakaririDistrict<br />

Council says it is not liablefor<br />

a‘‘leaky home’’ in Sefton.<br />

Acouncil statement<br />

maintains the maintenance<br />

regime needed for the house<br />

was specified in the code of<br />

compliance certificateissued<br />

in 2008 and the bestplace to<br />

resolve the matter wouldhave<br />

been in thecourts.<br />

‘‘Thecouncil maintains the<br />

best way of addressing this<br />

matter would havebeen<br />

through the courtswhere the<br />

liability of all the parties<br />

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involved in building the house,<br />

advising the former owner and<br />

the council on code<br />

compliance, advising the<br />

current owners at the time they<br />

bought the property and<br />

subsequently,shouldhave<br />

beenconsidered,’’chief<br />

executiveJim Palmer says.<br />

The council received a<br />

deputation from the current<br />

owners of the Seftonproperty<br />

during its October meeting<br />

seeking areviewofa2018<br />

decisionregarding compensation<br />

for issueswith the mid-<br />

1990s earth-block home.<br />

The deputation and a<br />

subsequent meeting late last<br />

month betweenthe property<br />

ownersand the council<br />

provided an opportunity for<br />

the owners to sharenew<br />

information with the council,<br />

Mr Palmer says.<br />

‘‘Followingthe deputation,<br />

the council requested an<br />

updated report on the property<br />

mattertoconsider during its<br />

<strong>November</strong> meeting.<br />

‘‘The council has reviewed<br />

the matter and reconfirmed its<br />

previous decision that the<br />

mattershould have been<br />

addressedthroughthe courts.<br />

‘‘The council had reasonable<br />

Tensions rise over access<br />

From Page 1<br />

‘‘As stated at the meeting,<br />

the issues thatneed<br />

addressingare all of ECan’s<br />

makingthrough having<br />

ulterior motives or not<br />

followingproper procedures,’’<br />

Mr Barbara said.<br />

‘‘The closed-gate policy<br />

shouldcontinueand mineis<br />

now closed. Thisisavery<br />

effective toolatraisingour<br />

concerns, otherwiseECan<br />

wouldn’t havecalled the<br />

meeting.<br />

‘‘Theyobviously want to<br />

shut thisdown before it<br />

becomes more widespread<br />

in the region. Perhaps this<br />

needs to be adopted as a<br />

nationwide approach?’’<br />

He alsoexpressed<br />

concern about alack of<br />

knowledge and<br />

understandingoffarming<br />

hill and highcountry<br />

properties by ministers of<br />

the Crown, and some<br />

elected regional<br />

councillors.<br />

‘‘While they throw all<br />

farming practices underthe<br />

same set of policies we are<br />

on avery slippery slope.’’<br />

Another Hurunui farmer<br />

said the toneofthe meeting<br />

was set in the first 30<br />

seconds, with the ‘‘typical<br />

ECan arrogance’’ becoming<br />

apparent.<br />

In an emailtoMs<br />

Rixecker afterthe meeting,<br />

which he sharedwith the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>,he<br />

said he knew she had tried<br />

reallyhard to appear to<br />

Access denied ... The sign adopted by <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

farmers who are denying council and government personnel<br />

access to their properties.<br />


want to change things,and<br />

win the trust of farmers, but<br />

the opening address by a<br />

staff member had basically<br />

negated the purpose of the<br />

meeting.<br />

‘‘I was veryimpressedand<br />

very proudofthe farmers<br />

that spoke. Everyone spoke<br />

eloquentlyand passionately<br />

and no-oneshouted.<br />

‘‘At the end of the<br />

meeting, and we had gone<br />

full circle, Icame to the<br />

conclusionthat there was a<br />

hiddenagenda, and by hook<br />

or by crook ECanwas<br />

wanting to enforce access to<br />

these farms thathave shut<br />

their gates.<br />

‘‘It seems strange that the<br />

issue is brought up this year,<br />

when there is anew council<br />

and newchief executive.<br />

‘‘Surely,waiting another<br />

<strong>12</strong> monthswould have<br />

enabled achance for<br />

positive engagementswith<br />

the affected farmersto<br />

resolve the issues.<br />

‘‘I am very disappointed,<br />

Stefanie, because Ireally<br />

thought that finally ECan<br />

was going to change its<br />

attitudetowards the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>farmersand<br />

work withthem in apositive<br />

and pragmatic fashion.<br />

‘‘It seems we still have a<br />

long way to go, given the<br />

attitudeofsome staff within<br />

the operations section.’’<br />

ECanresponds, page 6<br />

The Widest<br />

Music Variety<br />

Tune in nowtolisten on<br />

104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />

andKaikoura<br />

Danny’s<br />

big catch<br />

From Page 1<br />

Danny says he is often up at his<br />

favouritelake.<br />

Anglers didn’t need to catch a<br />

fish to enter the competition.<br />

They only had to present their<br />

licence to go in the prize draw.<br />

There were thousands of dollars<br />

of prizes provided by<br />

Christchurch Hunting and<br />

Fishing.<br />

As well as recording weight and<br />

length, Fish &Game staff<br />

removedscales,otoliths and<br />

stomach samplesfrom selected<br />

fish for age and diet analysis.<br />

The otolith is an ear bone<br />

which records the age and carries<br />

achemical signature of where the<br />

fish is from. They can be analysed<br />

by Fish &Game to assist in<br />

managementofthe fishery.<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>Fish &Game<br />

chief executive Rasmus<br />

Gabrielsson said the fish were in<br />

excellentcondition across the<br />

different speciesand there were<br />

good numbers.<br />

‘‘It bodes well for the domestic<br />

tourism season.<br />

‘‘The high country is part of the<br />

uniqueness of the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

fishery.<br />

‘‘Nowhere else in the world do<br />

anglers get to fish in such<br />

beautifulscenerysoclose to a<br />

major populationcentre,’’he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘These lakesare easy to get to<br />

and have healthy populations of<br />

fish that give anglers the chance<br />

to get ameal for the table, with<br />

only aday trip from the city.’’<br />


HEALTH<br />

EXPO<br />

groundstoissue acode of<br />

compliancecertificatein<br />

2008,’’ he says.<br />

The certificate issued<br />

specified the maintenance<br />

regimerequired to meet the<br />

50-yeardurability standards in<br />

the Building Act.<br />

Thisinformationwas<br />

included in the Land<br />

Information Memorandum to<br />

alert future buyers, Mr Palmer<br />

says. ‘‘There are many parties<br />

who playacontributory rolein<br />

the building andpurchasingof<br />

property, and the council<br />

empathiseswith the current<br />

owners’predicament.’’<br />



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Rangiora home for Thumper<br />

The SouthIsland’s largest<br />

helicopter,aBellUH­1L,is<br />

now basedatthe Rangiora<br />

Airfield.<br />

SouthernHeliLiftchief<br />

pilot DarrenDavison,who<br />

ownsthe companywithhis<br />

wife, Lynda, says growthand<br />

diversification, as wellasthe<br />

introductionofanother<br />

helicopter,aHughes 500, led<br />

to the decision to seeka<br />

permanenthangar forthe<br />

firm’s aircraft and operations.<br />

The Bell helicopter, better<br />

known as an Iroquois or Huey,<br />

had been based largely on the<br />

WestCoast,but with the<br />

introductionofthe Hughes<br />

500,the company wasdoing<br />

moreagricultural and<br />

spraying work.<br />

It madesense to move it to<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,Darren<br />

says.<br />

<strong>North</strong> Cantabrianswillget a<br />

chance to seethe Huey,<br />

nicknamedThumper, up close<br />

at thisFriday’s Oxford Big<br />

FamilyFun Day Out,<br />

organised by theOxford and<br />

DistrictsLionsClub.<br />

BothDarrenand Southern<br />

HeliLift’s licensed engineer,<br />

Fritz van Rooden,will be on<br />

handtoanswer questions.<br />

MuchofDarren’s long<br />

aviation careerhas been spent<br />

in the technically challenging<br />

areas of long­lining andheavy<br />

lifting, both in New Zealand<br />

and in Papua New Guinea,as<br />

wellasprecisionagricultural<br />

work. In more recentyears<br />

there has also been aerial<br />

firefighting.<br />

Fritz, who lives in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, has more than21<br />

years’ experienceworkingon<br />

Hueys.<br />

Last year, he answered the<br />

call from Australiatohelp<br />

during thedevastating bush<br />

fires, workinginNew South<br />

Wales amongexplodinggum<br />

trees to perform field<br />

maintenancerepairsona<br />

firefightingIroquois.<br />

‘‘Unfortunately, we’re<br />

getting more andmore callouts<br />

to large fires in our neck<br />

of thewoods, too, and<br />

Rangioraputs us centraltothe<br />

radiuswecoverfor that,’’<br />

Darrensays.<br />

Darren, Fritz and the Huey<br />

helped fight the Nelsonfires<br />

last year, andhave already<br />

turned outtothe Pukakiand<br />

Ohau blazes in what has been<br />

aparticularlyearlystartto<br />

this fire season.<br />

Thumper’s local workhas<br />

been varied. Darrenand Fritz<br />

flew emergencysupplies and<br />

materials,includingwater<br />

pipes,toKaikoura in the<br />

aftermathofthe 2016<br />

earthquake.<br />

Early in October, it was<br />

frost­fighting in the upper<br />

South Island,and afew days<br />

laterwas usedtobattlethe<br />

Lake Ohaufire.<br />

TheSouthern Heli Liftteam<br />

spent much of the winternear<br />

ArthursPass heli­logging<br />

Douglasfir,which are<br />

processed by southern<br />

sawmillsfor use in the<br />

domesticmarket. Theteam<br />

hasalsocompleted large­scale<br />

top­dressing in the<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

foothills.<br />

Challenging work ... Southern Heli­Lift’s Huey, nicknamed<br />

Thumper, and chief pilot Darren Davison, at work above the raging<br />

Nelson fires last year.<br />


Mayor welcomes new maintenance bylaw<br />


Dan Gordon has welcomedthe passingof<br />

abylawhechampioned lastyear.<br />

The Waimakariri mayorwas pleased to<br />

see his colleagues approve the Property<br />

and Maintenance Bylaw, which he<br />

proposed in January 2019, at lastweek’s<br />

council meeting.<br />

‘‘It gives the council some additional<br />

tools in the toolbox to deal with issues of<br />

long grassinour district,’’ he says.<br />

The bylaw gives the opportunity to<br />

respondifunkept sections become a<br />

problem, he says.<br />

‘‘We have heard reports of issues where<br />

sections are not being maintained as they<br />

should,sothis provides the opportunity<br />

for our stafftowork with those<br />

landowners to get this resolved.<br />

‘‘When Iwas working on this in the<br />

early days,Ihad alot of feedback from<br />

residents in Rangiora, Kaiapoi and<br />

Pegasusinparticular.’’<br />

Councilspreviouslyhad the power<br />

under the Local Government Act (2002) to<br />

respondtoovergrown sections, especially<br />

if they posedafire risk. This authority<br />

passed to Fire and Emergency New<br />

Zealand undernew regulations in 2018.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


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NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Festival planned<br />

Thecombined churches of Rangiora will<br />

putonafree community Christmas<br />

FestivalinVictoria ParkonDecember<br />

20.There will be plenty for children to<br />

do,includingfreeactivities.<br />

Achance to<br />

reduce harm<br />


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The Rangiora Pottery Group<br />

presents<br />

aCelebration of Ceramics<br />

Exhibition <strong>2020</strong><br />

at Art on the Quay<br />

Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre<br />

Cnr Williams St &Raven Quay, Kaiapoi<br />

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Fun evening ... The crowd is entertained at last year’s Celebration Night.<br />


Atime for celebration<br />

CelebrationNight returns to Rangiora<br />

next week.<br />

Christmas is in the air and <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> families are invited for an<br />

evening of late­nightshoppingand<br />

entertainment on Friday, <strong>November</strong> 20.<br />

Rangiora Promotionsco­ordinator<br />

Belinda Toppsays about 100 stalls and<br />

food vendors have been lined up, giving<br />

localshoppers plenty of options.<br />

The event will follow the same proven<br />

format as the lastfew years, but will be<br />

bigger, with some new entertainers<br />

thrown in the mix,Belinda says.<br />

Abuskersarea outsideMacpac will<br />

include entertainment from Mullet Man<br />

and Mim Duo, PaulKlaass and Skye<br />

Broberg. Children’s entertainment will<br />

be outsidePostiePlus, including the<br />

Skye Broberg KidsShow, aukulele<br />

band,Adam Allsortsthe clown and the<br />

popular Natural Magic Pirate Band.<br />

The MainPower Christmas Giving<br />

Tree will be on the Waimakariri District<br />

Council lawn to support families in<br />

need.‘‘People can come along andgive<br />

agift, and why not encourage your child<br />

by taking themtobuy agift and show<br />

them the act of giving?’’<br />

Santawill also be on the councillawn<br />

for photo opportunities and to meethis<br />

many admirers.<br />

Live music will be provided on the<br />

council lawn by Dangerbaby,while the<br />

Christmas Fairy and aliving statue,<br />

YuletideFay, are sure to entertain.<br />

Agift­wrapping station will be offered<br />

outside the Farmers Department Store<br />

for agold coin donation, with the<br />

proceedsgoing to supporting the<br />

running of the event.<br />

Celebration Night starts at 5.30pm in<br />

Rangiora’sHigh Street.Afireworks<br />

display, subject to weather, is planned<br />

for 9.30pm and can be viewed from<br />

Percival Street.<br />

Road Safety Week is achance to raise<br />

awarenessand promote stepseveryone<br />

can take to reduce harm on local roads,<br />

the WaimakaririDistrictCouncilsays.<br />

Policerecently targeted drivers using<br />

cellphones in Southbrook.<br />

Rangiora Police Sergeant Colin<br />

Stewart says it is disappointing to see<br />

the number of driversstillusing their<br />

cellphones.<br />

“Even more disappointingwas<br />

parents using acellphonewhile they<br />

had children in the car.<br />

“We know there’s alot more crashes<br />

than those recorded wherecellphone<br />

use has causedadistraction.’’<br />

Over the last five yearstherehave<br />

been 13 crashes where driversadmitted<br />

they weredistracted by cellphone use.<br />

Threeofthem resulted in serious<br />

injuries.<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Council road<br />

safetyco­ordinator Kathy Grahamsays<br />

Road Safety Week is achance to be<br />

more mindful of the risks whenout on<br />

the roads, especially past school gates<br />

during pick­upand drop­off.<br />

“We often get feedback fromschools<br />

concernedaboutspeed past their<br />

schoolgates, particularlyour rural<br />

schools.’’<br />

In the last five years there havebeen<br />

186 crashes in the Waimakariridistrict<br />

wherespeed was afactor, resulting in<br />

one fatality, 19 serious injuries and<br />

more than 60 minor injuries.<br />

Drivers are encouraged to check they<br />

are payingfull attention to the areas<br />

they drive through, identify the risks,<br />

checkthat speed is appropriatetothe<br />

conditions, put any distractionstoone<br />

side and concentrate on driving.<br />


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Established 1935

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

5<br />

Park issues<br />

come to head<br />


The Waimakariri District Council is<br />

asking the Pegasus and Woodend<br />

communities to report illegalorantisocial<br />

activity in Gladstone Parktothe<br />

police.<br />

The appealfollowsmany complaints<br />

from residents and visitors who have<br />

seen people riding quadbikes and<br />

motorcyclesingrassed areas of the park,<br />

southofHakatere Road.<br />

The council saysthe actions of afew<br />

people are causingboth anoise nuisance<br />

and safetyconcernsfor park users.<br />

Greenspace manager Grant MacLeod<br />

reminds people thatriding motorbikes<br />

or other motorvehiclesinparksis<br />

dangerousand not allowed.<br />

“We don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun,<br />

but parksare used by children,families<br />

and sportsgroups, and they aren’t an<br />

appropriate place for vehicles.”<br />

“Residentsvalue our open spacesand<br />

should be able to use themsafely,<br />

without putting up with excessivenoise<br />

or anti­social behaviour.”<br />

GladstonePark has several sports<br />

fields, adog park, tennis courts and<br />

children’s playground.<br />

Recreationaluse of motorbikes, quad<br />

bikesorany motorisedvehicle is not<br />

allowed in any part of the park.<br />

The council encourages membersof<br />

the communitytospreadthe word and<br />

contact police if they spotissues.<br />

Trailbike ridersare welcome in<br />

designatedareas alongthe north and<br />

southbanks of the Waimakariri River<br />

RegionalPark and KaiapoiIsland<br />

motocross tracks. A35­hectarearea for<br />

quad bikeshas been developed at Haul<br />

Road,McLeans Island.<br />

Deliberations ... Waimakariri district councillorscontinuetomeet in theRangiora Town Hall<br />

whilestrengtheningwork continuesonthe Rangiora service centrebuilding.<br />


Millions for district upgrades<br />

Covid­19 recovery and the park­and­ride<br />

projects were discussed at last week’s<br />

Waimakariri District Councilmeeting.<br />

Councillors signed off on $10.35 million<br />

in spending on three waters projects over<br />

the next two years,which are subject to the<br />

government’s $8.02mstimulusfunding<br />

allocated to the district.<br />

The projects will now be included in<br />

next year’s2021/31Long Term Plan. They<br />

include upgrades to the PoyntzsRdwater<br />

source, the Fernside sewer, the Loburn<br />

Lea sewer, West Eyreton and Summerhill<br />

storage,centralRangiora capacity andthe<br />

Ohokawaterstorage, as wellasOxford<br />

seweroperational improvements, and<br />

waterand sewer extensions at Tuahiwi.<br />

Funding for the $18.13m Kaiapoi<br />

stormwater and flooding improvements<br />

project was also signedoff, with $9m<br />

coming fromthe government’s ‘‘shovel<br />

ready’’ projects fund. The bulkofthe<br />

remaining $9.13m willcome from the<br />

Kaiapoi urban drainage fund, whichwill<br />

increase the drainage rate for Kaiapoi<br />

ratepayers from $305 to $452per property<br />

for the 2023/24 financialyear.<br />

Councillors voted to bringforward part<br />

of the $4m park­and­ridefund set aside in<br />

the 2018/28Long Term Plan to allow the<br />

new projects in Kaiapoiand Rangiora to<br />

be completed for nextyear’sopening of the<br />

service. Funding of $277,000 for Kaiapoi<br />

and $24,000for Rangiora willbebrought<br />

forward from the 2022/23financial year.<br />

Councillors signed off on anew<br />

WaimakaririVisitor MarketingStrategy<br />

2025,subject to minor amendments.<br />

Business and centres adviser Vanessa<br />

Thompson said staffwere workingwith<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> to develop<br />

themedmaps to help market the district.<br />

Cr Kirstyn Barnett saidWaimakariri’s<br />

targetmarketwas still‘‘friends and family,<br />

but we have abit of competition now’’.<br />

‘‘And it’s not just theadventurous. The<br />

seniors spend the mostmoney in our<br />

district, so we need to attract them, too.’’<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon welcomed the<br />

strategy. ‘‘I was reallyinterested that<br />

Auckland is now our new Australia...<br />

Peopleare goingout and exploring our<br />

country, so this is agood opportunity.’’<br />

Given Waimakariri’s mountains and<br />

rivers‘‘andeverything in between’’, Cr<br />

Niki Mealings wondered if the district<br />

coulddevelop something similarto<br />

Hurunui’sAlpine Pacific Triangle.<br />

Water contaminated<br />

Aboil water notice has been issued for<br />

the Cust Water Supply after the<br />

discovery of E. coli in routine testing.<br />

The water is being chlorinated and<br />

the Waimakariri District Council is<br />

working to determine the<br />

contamination source.<br />

Drinking water should be boiled<br />

continuously for aminute.<br />

The council is asking residents to<br />

inform any neighbours or friends on<br />

the scheme who may not be aware of<br />

the situation.<br />

Jenna McKenzie School of Dance presents...<br />

Down the<br />

Rabbit Hole<br />

<strong>November</strong> 28th-29th <strong>2020</strong><br />

Rangiora Town Hall Auditorium<br />

Adults $20 Children $18 (includes booking fee)<br />

Ticketsavailable <strong>November</strong> 1st<br />

townhallcinemas.co.nz orvisit the Town Hall Cinemas Box Office<br />

Christchurch<br />

Hospital’s<br />

Emergency<br />

Department<br />

is on the move.<br />

From 7.30am on<br />

Wednesday 18 <strong>November</strong>,<br />

if you need emergency<br />

hospital care, you’ll need<br />

to come to the new<br />

Emergency Department<br />

in Waipapa –Christchurch<br />

Hospital, Hagley.<br />

Entry to the Emergency Department drop off<br />

area is off Riccarton Ave.<br />

Turn left in front of Christchurch Women’s<br />

Hospital for drop offand accessible parking<br />

in front of the new building.<br />

Please keep the<br />

Emergency Department<br />

for emergencies.


6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

In the Electoratewith<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP forWaimakariri<br />

Authorised by MattDoocey,Level1ConwayLane,188 High Street,Rangiora.<br />

Promotion aprivilege<br />

It’s agreat privilege to announce that I<br />

have been promoted to party Senior Whip<br />

within Parliament.<br />

With former Senior WhipBarbara<br />

Kuriger promoted to thefrontbench, this<br />

has allowed me to be electedbyCaucusto<br />

become the new Senior Whip.<br />

Senior Whips are responsible for the<br />

smooth running of Parliamentand the<br />

managing of their party’s MPs.<br />

Iwillbebringing to thisrole my<br />

experienceofmanaging small and large<br />

teamswithin the health sector, as well as<br />

usingmymental health clinical<br />

experience for the pastoral carepart of<br />

the role and to build healthy and<br />

productive relationships.<br />

As with any team,itisimportant that<br />

thereisapositive team culture,clear<br />

expectations and afocusonteamwork.<br />

Our health needs are an important<br />

priority for our residents and holding the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> District HealthBoard to<br />

account on its delivery of our healthcare<br />

needsissomething Iprioritise.<br />

Following the loss of leadership within<br />

the board,Iwent down to meet in person<br />

with its new interim chief executive,<br />

Andrew Brant, to briefhim as local MP on<br />

the health needs of the electorate.<br />


By STEFANIE RIXECKER, chief executive<br />

of Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

On <strong>November</strong>3,Iattended acommunity<br />

meeting with interestedparties to discuss<br />

concernsarising from nassella tussock<br />

inspections and associated property<br />

access.<br />

In addition to around20local<br />

landowners,the meetingincluded<br />

representativesfrom the <strong>North</strong>ern<br />

Biosecurity Advisory Group,the Hurunui<br />

WaiauUwha WaterZone Committee,<br />

Hurunui District Counciland<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> councillors.<br />

Key membersofEnvironment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s biosecurity and zoneteams<br />

were also in attendance.<br />

The issuesthat wereraised werenot<br />

limited to nassella tussock. Manycentred<br />

on historicconcerns and asense from<br />

some of the landowners present that they<br />

had lost trust in ECan.<br />

Whileitwas arobustand at times heated<br />

discussion, having the chance to listenand<br />

respond to community membersdirectly<br />

As partofthat discussion,welooked at<br />

ourseven­day after­hourshealthcare<br />

facility, whichthe board committedtoat<br />

my public meeting following our<br />

community­led petition.<br />

We foughthard for this win and Iwant<br />

to ensure the timeframes for delivering<br />

after­hours healthcare to residents<br />

continues to be prioritised.<br />

South Link HealthServices announced<br />

last year that theyhad tendered<br />

successfully to build and run aseven­day<br />

integrated family health service fromthe<br />

health hub site.<br />

It was encouraging to hear from<br />

Andrew that the boardwill soon<br />

announce the signing of the leasefor the<br />

newfacility, with its opening on trackfor<br />

next year. Iwill continue to monitor<br />

progress on this important new facility.<br />

It was an honour to lay awreath with<br />

our community and speak as local MP at<br />

therecent commemoration of the Battle<br />

of Passchendaeleatthe Kaiapoi<br />

Cenotaph. Our losses on what is knownas<br />

NewZealand’s blackest day represented<br />

atragedy for our country and we continue<br />

to be humbledbythe spirit of those who<br />

answered the callofduty.Wewill<br />

remember.<br />

was avaluable opportunity.<br />

We haveoffered to review the nassella<br />

tussock programme with the communityin<br />

the new year.<br />

Our aim is to reach aco­designed<br />

solution thatboth acknowledges<br />

community concerns and reflects our<br />

statutory obligations. We alsoacknowledge<br />

that there are historic issuesalongside<br />

new challenges, whichwarrant us having<br />

more regular discussions. On that basis, we<br />

have committedtoquarterly discussions<br />

with the community.<br />

While we arecertainly not yet there in<br />

terms of aresolution, with agreatdeal of<br />

koreroand mahiaheadofus, thiswas an<br />

importantstep on the journey. Nassella<br />

tussock is aparticularchallenge in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and it is important thatour<br />

staff are delivering to the overall need of<br />

the community.<br />

Developing better ways of working<br />

together will be important with more<br />

significantissues in the future, such as the<br />

Essential Freshwater reforms and Te<br />

Mana oteWai.<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor<br />

District continues to<br />

plan for the future<br />

Twelvemonths havepassed since Iwas<br />

electedmayor. Lookingback, Ican say it<br />

hasbeenveryenjoyable and hasgoneby<br />

quickly.<br />

Every day Iconsider myself fortunate<br />

to serve as mayor andworkwith<br />

councillors committed to you and the<br />

WaimakaririDistrict.<br />

People areimportanttome, and areat<br />

thecentreofeverythingwedoasa<br />

council.Ihavemade it apriority to meet<br />

withanyone who hasaconcern or an<br />

issue they needaddressing.<br />

Iwelcome contactfromanyone who<br />

needs assistance or has an issue they<br />

may want to discuss.Email meat<br />

mayor@wmk.govt.nz or phone (021)<br />

906437.I’m here to help.<br />

It has beenabusyyear,dividedintwo<br />

by Covid­19.<br />

The pandemic has had asignificant<br />

impact globally, nationallyand locally<br />

on households, andweresponded<br />

quicklyand worked hard withstaffto<br />

reduce this year’s rates increase to 1.5<br />

percent, down from4%.<br />

In March next yearwewillbeintouch<br />

to getyourfeedback on two significant<br />

documents which will help shape<br />

Waimakaririfor the decadetocome.<br />

We are working on theLongTerm<br />

Plan (10­year budget) that both<br />

recognises that things havechanged<br />

withCovid, but alsothatweliveina<br />

growingdistrict.<br />

We need to keeppace withgrowthand<br />

notfall behindwithessential<br />

infrastructure investment,while<br />

maintaining the levelsofservice in our<br />

parks, roads, facilities, rubbish<br />

collection, etc, that we have all come to<br />

enjoy and expect.<br />

Thecouncilisalsofinalisingits<br />

DistrictPlan,which is therulebook for<br />

building and ongoing development in<br />

thedistrict. It setsout andenablesareas<br />

forgrowth anddevelopment.<br />

Ienjoygettingaroundourcommunity,<br />

andsummer is the perfectseason for<br />

this.Ifyou’reataneventover summer<br />

andsee meabout,comeandsay hi.<br />

We are fortunate to have so many<br />

excellent events to choosefrom over the<br />

summer.<br />

Thankstoall community groupsand<br />

event organisers for staging them.<br />

❛We need to keeppace with<br />

growth and not fall behindwith<br />

essential infrastructure<br />

investment, whilemaintaining<br />

the levelsofservice.❜<br />

Iwould liketomentionone event held<br />

lastweekend. More than600 people<br />

attendedthe Fridayand Saturday<br />

evening gatherings organised for people<br />

withdisabilities, andtheir carers and<br />

friends.<br />

It washighly enjoyable andgreat to<br />

see everyoneenjoying themselves,<br />

socialising and dancing to themusic and<br />

entertainment.<br />

Thisevent is organisedannually by<br />

PaulaThackwellwithagroup of<br />

volunteers.Weare fortunate to have<br />

people like Paula in our communityand<br />

Iamthankfulfor the difference she<br />

makes.<br />

This Friday, the Oxford and Districts<br />

Lions willhold theBig FamilyFun Day<br />

Outatthe Oxford A&PShowgrounds.<br />

Thanks to theLionsfor putting on this<br />

event.Friday next week,Rangiora<br />

Promotionswill be runningthe annual<br />

Celebration Nightwith Fireworks. This<br />

is alwaysahighlight forthe community.<br />

As weare coming intoChristmas, we<br />

will haveSantaparades andmanymore<br />

Christmas events throughout December.<br />

Keepalookout so youand yourfamily<br />

cancomealong andenjoythem.<br />

Earlier thisweek, on behalf of the<br />

community, we hostedthe council’s<br />

annual Community Service Awards.<br />

Ihavefound it very interesting, along<br />

withthe deputy mayor, to interview<br />

each and,inwriting thecitations, to<br />

learnhow muchvoluntary work is<br />

completed in ourcommunitybyhumble<br />

people whodonot seek recognition for<br />

what theydo.<br />

Thisyear Ihaveintroduced anew<br />

Mayor’s Award to recognisethosewho<br />

havegiven exceptionalservicetoour<br />

district. It is the least we candoon<br />

behalf of ourcommunitytosay thanks to<br />

people whogothe extra mile to serve<br />

ourcommunity.<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Nov <strong>12</strong> Nov 13 Nov 14 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18<br />

Rise 5:58am<br />

Set 8:28pm<br />

Best 10:22am<br />

Times 10:48pm<br />

Good<br />

Rise 5:57am<br />

Set 8:29pm<br />

Best 11:14am<br />

Times 11:41pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 5:56am<br />

Set 8:30pm<br />

Best <strong>12</strong>:08pm<br />

Times<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 5:55am<br />

Set 8:32pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

<strong>12</strong>:35am<br />

1:04pm<br />

Rise 5:54am<br />

Set 8:33pm<br />

Rise 5:53am<br />

Set 8:34pm<br />

Rise 5:52am<br />

Set 8:36pm<br />

Rise 4:29am<br />

Rise 4:57am<br />

Rise 5:25am<br />

Rise 5:56am<br />

Rise 6:32am<br />

Rise 7:15am<br />

Rise 8:06am<br />

Set 4:27pm<br />

Set 5:45pm<br />

Set 7:04pm<br />

Set 8:25pm<br />

Set 9:44pm<br />

Set 10:59pm<br />

Gentle Sturning Gentle Sbecoming Gentle SE becoming Moderate Wturning Moderate SW turning Moderate Sturning<br />

E<br />

moderate E<br />

moderate E<br />

S<br />

S<br />

SE<br />

Moderate S<br />

NE 0.7 mturning<br />

E0.8 m E0.6 m<br />

SE E0.6 m E0.5 m E0.6 m SE 0.8 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:33am<br />

2:03pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:33am<br />

3:04pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

3:35am<br />

4:05pm<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 2:11am 2.3 8:24am 0.5 3:06am 2.4 9:21am 0.4 4:03am 2.5 10:19am 0.4 5:00am 2.6 11:17am 0.3 5:57am 2.6<br />

6:54am 2.7 <strong>12</strong>:36am 0.2 7:51am 2.6 1:32am 0.3<br />

Mouth<br />

2:37pm 2.4 8:53pm 0.4 3:32pm 2.5 9:47pm 0.3 4:27pm 2.5 10:42pm 0.3 5:23pm 2.5 11:39pm 0.3 6:19pm 2.5 <strong>12</strong>:15pm 0.3 7:17pm 2.5 1:11pm 0.3 8:16pm 2.4 2:06pm 0.3<br />

Amberley 2:11am 2.3 8:24am 0.5 3:06am 2.4 9:21am 0.4 4:03am 2.5 10:19am 0.4 5:00am 2.6 11:17am 0.3 5:57am 2.6<br />

6:54am 2.7 <strong>12</strong>:36am 0.2 7:51am 2.6 1:32am 0.3<br />

Beach<br />

2:37pm 2.4 8:53pm 0.4 3:32pm 2.5 9:47pm 0.3 4:27pm 2.5 10:42pm 0.3 5:23pm 2.5 11:39pm 0.3 6:19pm 2.5 <strong>12</strong>:15pm 0.3 7:17pm 2.5 1:11pm 0.3 8:16pm 2.4 2:06pm 0.3<br />

2:20am 2.3 8:33am 0.5 3:15am 2.4 9:30am 0.4 4:<strong>12</strong>am 2.5 10:28am 0.4 5:09am 2.6 11:26am 0.3 6:06am 2.6<br />

7:03am 2.7 <strong>12</strong>:45am 0.2 8:00am 2.6 1:41am 0.3<br />

Motunau 2:46pm 2.4 9:02pm 0.4 3:41pm 2.5 9:56pm 0.3 4:36pm 2.5 10:51pm 0.3 5:32pm 2.5 11:48pm 0.3 6:28pm 2.5 <strong>12</strong>:24pm 0.3 7:26pm 2.5 1:20pm 0.3 8:25pm 2.4 2:15pm 0.3<br />

2:22am 2.3 8:35am 0.5 3:17am 2.4 9:32am 0.4 4:14am 2.5 10:30am 0.4 5:11am 2.6 11:28am 0.3 6:08am 2.6<br />

7:05am 2.7 <strong>12</strong>:47am 0.2 8:02am 2.6 1:43am 0.3<br />

Gore Bay 2:48pm 2.4 9:04pm 0.4 3:43pm 2.5 9:58pm 0.3 4:38pm 2.5 10:53pm 0.3 5:34pm 2.5 11:50pm 0.3 6:30pm 2.5 <strong>12</strong>:26pm 0.3 7:28pm 2.5 1:22pm 0.3 8:27pm 2.4 2:17pm 0.3<br />

2:14am 1.8 8:27am 0.4 3:08am 1.8 9:24am 0.3 4:05am 1.9 10:21am 0.3 5:02am 2.0 11:19am 0.2 6:00am 2.0<br />

6:58am 2.0 <strong>12</strong>:38am 0.2 7:55am 2.0 1:35am 0.3<br />

Kaikoura 2:43pm 1.9 8:57pm 0.4 3:38pm 1.9 9:50pm 0.3 4:33pm 1.9 10:45pm 0.3 5:30pm 1.9 11:41pm 0.3 6:27pm 1.9 <strong>12</strong>:18pm 0.2 7:25pm 1.9 1:16pm 0.2 8:23pm 1.9 2:14pm 0.2<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


CelebrationNight<br />

Late night shopping<br />

Friday 20<strong>November</strong> I 5:30 - 9:30pm I High Street, Rangiora<br />

Busker’s Pitch<br />

(outside Macpac)<br />

5:30pm -Mullet Man &Mim Duo<br />

6:30pm -Paul Klaass<br />

7:15pm -Skye Broberg<br />

8:00pm -Mullet Man &Mim Duo<br />

8:55pm -Paul Klaass<br />

Council Lawn<br />

DIY Santa Photos (6:00pm -8:00pm)<br />

Live Music byDangerbaby<br />

The Christmas Fairy with Circus Play<br />

MainPower Christmas Giving Tree<br />

(bring the kids todonate agift)<br />

Livingg<br />

Statue ‘Yuletide Fay’<br />

Kid’s Pitch<br />

(outside Postie Plus)<br />

5:30pm -Skye Broberg Kid’s Show<br />

6:00pm -Ukelele Band<br />

6:45pm -Adam Allsorts<br />

7:15pm -Puppet Show<br />

7:35pm -Adam Allsorts<br />

8:05pm -Kahuna Kidsongs<br />

8:35pm -Natural Magic Pirate Band<br />

Extras to know about<br />

The Mike Pero Food Zone (Durham Street)<br />

The Good Drop Licensed Area (Durham Street)<br />

Driveworld Mini Jeeps (outside Rangiora Smokehouse)<br />

FUN HQ Inflatable Toddler’s Area (outside ANZ Bank)<br />

FUN HQ Waterboats &Wipeout (outside Rangiora Smokehouse)<br />

Farmers Gift Wrapping Station (outside(<br />

Farmers -Gold Coin Donation)<br />

9:30pm Fireworks!<br />

Viewing on Percival Street<br />

Principal Sponsor<br />

Proudlybrought to you by the<br />

RangioraPromotions Association<br />


Motoring<br />

Guide<br />

Your local motoring professionals<br />


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Horse Clippers &<br />

Sheep Shears<br />

Oils &Automotive Accessories, Postal<br />

Services, Hot Pies, Sandwiches, Rolls,<br />

Groceries and Sweet Treats<br />

For your convenience<br />

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Puttingqualityfirst<br />

No job is too big or too smallfor <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Collision Repair’spanel<br />

shops. The company has builtareputation<br />

for meetingthe region’s paint­and­panel<br />

repair needs in Kaiapoiand Rangiora.<br />

OwnerJohn Hamilton saysboth centres<br />

continuetooffer all insurance work and<br />

repairs for vehicles, from everyday bumps<br />

and scrapes to major smashwork, rust<br />

removal and restoration.<br />

The growthofits Rangiora premises in<br />

recent times meansitisnow doing more<br />

large­vehicle work on trucks, horse floats,<br />

caravans,motorhomes,bulldozers, planes,<br />

jet boats and evenhelicopters.<br />

‘‘We havealways done thistypeofwork,<br />

but spacelimited how much,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘We havefitted out abig shedout the<br />

back of our Rangiora centre,whichwas<br />

under­utilised. This has allowed us to<br />

diversify into larger vehicles.Wenow do a<br />

lot of fleetwork on trucks, caravans, and<br />

motorhomes.’’<br />

The company started in Amberley in<br />

1994.This centre, previously knownas<br />

Amberley Panel and Paint, was recently<br />

sold to RyanDemmocks, aformer<br />




Breakdown &<br />

After Hours<br />

Service<br />

Available<br />

Phone 03 313 6361<br />

0275 200 711<br />

307 Flaxton Road,<br />


brooktrucks@xtra.co.nz<br />

2324381<br />

employee,bringingtoanend 26 years of<br />

service in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> town<br />

offered by John and his team.<br />

The company expanded into Kaiapoi in<br />

2001 and Rangiora in 20<strong>12</strong>, rebrandingto<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Collision Repair<br />

Centres in 2014.<br />

The business deals with all insurance<br />

companies,offers free quotes,has courtesy<br />

cars, and offersfree pick­up and delivery.<br />

It continues to invest in technologyand<br />

training to ensure it is using the latest<br />

techniques and equipment.<br />

The centresare able to meet all<br />

Certificate of Fitness repairs and rust<br />

work, withcertified welders on staff.<br />

They do awide varietyofpanel and<br />

paint work.<br />

John says the company aims to lookafter<br />

customers from starttofinish.<br />

Respect for customers’ vehicles is<br />

paramount and afriendly, forward­looking<br />

culture is fostered.<br />

Contact Kaiapoi manager Lee Marshon<br />

(03) 3273028, or Rangiora manager John<br />

Brett on (03) 313 6966. The after­hours<br />

contact is JohnHamilton on (027)437 7165.<br />

Pebble Beach<br />

Upholstery<br />

2155281<br />

www.pebblebeachupholstery.co.nz<br />

Ph Brent – 027 724 6000<br />

341e Flaxton Road<br />

Southbrook<br />

Rangiora<br />

BUY 1<br />

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$3 from each tyre sold *<br />

goes tosupport families living with leukaemia<br />

and blood cancers in our community.<br />

*Valid until 30 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Selected tyres only. Conditions apply.<br />


2Markham Street,<br />

Amberley<br />

Phone 03-314 8<strong>12</strong>1<br />

ALL<br />





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Want a New Car?<br />

Take the<br />

Leap!<br />

See the Good Sports.<br />

$187.61<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$137.50<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$72.34<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$117.45<br />

PER WEEK<br />

2018 Hyundai Santa Fe 2.2D<br />

AWD7Seater 2199cc, Blacked Out, Cruise,<br />

5Star ANCAP, 8Airbags, Auto Tiptronic, Bluetooth,<br />

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Turbo Diesel, Rev. Camera.<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

$36,990<br />

2019 Nissan Qashqai ST 2.0<br />

1997cc with 14,893kms, Auto Tiptronic, 8Airbags,<br />

Air Con, 5Star ANCAP, AUX/USB/Bluetooth/CD,<br />

Auto Lights, ESC, Cruise, Hill Start Assist, ISOFIX,<br />

R/Camera, Alloys, Traction<br />

Control, Trip Computer.<br />

$26,990<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

2018 Holden Barina LS<br />

1598cc with 40,497kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />

5Star ANCAP, Air Con, Alloys, Android Auto,<br />

Apple CarPlay, AUX/USB/Bluetooth, MyLink<br />

Entertainment, Cruise, ESC,<br />

ISOFIX, Traction Control.<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

$13,990<br />

2019 Kia Cerato LX<br />

1999cc with 21,569kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />

5Star ANCAP, Air Con, Alloys, ESC, Android Auto,<br />

Apple CarPlay, Auto Lights, Blind Spot Monitoring,<br />

Bluetooth, Rev. Camera,<br />

Traction Control, Cruise.<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

$22,990 $<strong>12</strong>,990<br />

$162.56<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$62.32<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$162.56<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$117.45<br />

PER WEEK<br />

2019 Mitsubishi Outlander LS<br />

7Seater 4WD 2360cc, 7Airbags, Alloys,<br />

5Star ANCAP, Cruise, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay,<br />

AUX/USB/Bluetooth, ISOFIX, ESC, Auto Lights,<br />

Smart Key, Hill Start Assist,<br />

Reverse Camera.<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

$31,990<br />

2014 Toyota Corolla GX 1.8<br />

1798cc, Auto Tiptronic, 5Star ANCAP, 7Airbags,<br />

Air Conditioning, AUX/USB/Bluetooth/CD, ESC,<br />

Chain Driven, Remote Central Locking, Cruise<br />

Control, Multi Functional<br />

Steering Wheel, ISOFIX,<br />

Traction Control.<br />

$11,990<br />

2019 Nissan X-Trail ST 4WD<br />

2488cc with 11,152kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />

5Star ANCAP, Air Con, Alloys, Cruise, AUX/USB/<br />

CD/Bluetooth, Hill Descent Control, ESC, ISOFIX,<br />

Rev. Camera, Smart Key,<br />

Traction Control.<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

$31,990<br />

2018 Hyundai Sonata Elite<br />

Series 2 2359cc with 66,746kms, 5Star ANCAP,<br />

Auto Tiptronic, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, ESC,<br />

GPS/NZ Sat Nav, Heated Leather Seats, Cruise,<br />

Parking Sensors, Wireless<br />

Phone Charging,Smart Key.<br />

$22,990<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

$82.37<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$172.58<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$62.32<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$<strong>12</strong>7.47<br />

PER WEEK<br />

2019 MG 3Core<br />

1498cc with 11,575kms, Auto Tiptronic, 8Airbags,<br />

Alloys, Apple CarPlay, Bluetooth, Cruise, Emergency<br />

Brake Assist, ESC, ISOFIX, Reverse Camera, Touch<br />

Screen Media Interface,<br />

Traction Control, USB Input.<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

$15,990<br />

2018 Hyundai Imax CRDi<br />

8Seater 2497cc with 61,974kms, 4Airbags,<br />

Auto Tiptronic, Alloys, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay,<br />

AUX/USB/Bluetooth, Remote Central Locking, ESC,<br />

Reverse Camera, Cruise,<br />

ISOFIX, Turbo Diesel.<br />

$33,990<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

2017 Hyundai Accent 1.6 VVTI<br />

1591cc with 85,859kms, Auto Tiptronic, 16” Alloys,<br />

5Star ANCAP, 6Airbags, Air Con, Auto Lights,<br />

CD Player, AUX/USB/Bluetooth, Multi Functional<br />

Steering Wheel, ISOFIX,<br />

ESC, Traction Control,<br />

Remote Central Locking.<br />

$11,990<br />

<strong>2020</strong> Holden Trax LTZ1.4 Turbo<br />

1364cc with 8,186kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />

5Star ANCAP, Air Con, Alloys, Android Auto, Apple<br />

CarPlay, Auto Lights, Bluetooth, Reverse Camera,<br />

Cruise, ESC, Heated Seats,<br />

ISOFIX, Smart Key.<br />

$24,990<br />

Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />

2018 Suzuki Swift. 5Star Safety Performance.<br />

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From only $77.36 p/w<br />

From Just<br />

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Stadium Cars Rangiora 03 310 7940 | stadiumcars.co.nz<br />

609 Lineside Road, Waimakariri, Rangiora OPEN 6DAYS<br />

*Conditions apply. Not available with any other offer. Finance offer subject to credit and lending criteria. Finance calculation<br />

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See our website for full disclosure.<br />

NZ New. 5Star ANCAPSafety.<br />

•6Airbags<br />

•Lane Departure Warning<br />

•Reverse Camera<br />

•Traction Control<br />

•Apple CarPlay/Android Auto/Bluetooth<br />

•Touch Screen Media Interface<br />

•ISOFIX Child Seat Anchor Points<br />

•Cruise Control

NEWS<br />

10 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP forWaimakariri<br />

Kaiapoi Office 156B Williams St<br />

P 03 3270514 |Ekaiapoi@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Rangiora Office Level 1Conway Lane, 188 High St<br />

P 03 3107468 |Ewaimakariri@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Iamrunning constituent clinics<br />

in Oxford on thelast Friday of<br />

everymonth.<br />

facebook.com/MattDoocey<br />

mattdoocey.co.nz<br />

Funded by ParliamentaryServiceand<br />

authorised by MattDoocey MP,Level1,<br />

Conway Lane,Rangiora.<br />

Reduction in plastic use supported<br />


The Waimakariri District<br />

Council is backing central<br />

government efforts to reduce<br />

plastic use.<br />

Councillorsendorsed a<br />

submission to the Ministryfor<br />

the Environmentonreducing<br />

the impact of plastic on the<br />

environmentduringlast<br />

week’s council meeting.<br />

The submission, prepared<br />

by council staff,supportsthe<br />

overall directiontoreduce<br />

plastic waste, to phase out<br />

single­use plastics, and to<br />

address thelabelling of plastic<br />

products as biodegradable or<br />

compostable.<br />

‘‘Manyofthe claimsfor<br />

degradability amounttolittle<br />

more than greenwash,’’ the<br />

submission says.<br />

‘‘We welcome the proposal<br />

to phase out these itemsuntil<br />

such time as genuinedegradable<br />

and household compostable<br />

items are available.’’<br />

The councilalso calls on the<br />

governmenttoplacethe<br />

responsibility for product<br />

stewardship back on<br />

manufacturers.<br />

‘‘This helps increase<br />

producer responsibility<br />

throughproductstewardship,<br />

andcreate economic<br />

incentives for the use of<br />

recyclable plastics.<br />

‘‘We anticipate that this will<br />

also reduce public confusion<br />

andmake it easierfor<br />

Waimakariri communities to<br />

make goodrecycling choices.’’<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

described it as an important<br />

submissionand welcomed its<br />

thrust to introduce more<br />

productstewardship.<br />

Cr Kirstyn Barnett said it<br />

willwork only with anational<br />

directiveand by workingwith<br />

manufacturers.<br />

‘‘Wedohave aresponsibility<br />

as consumers not to buy it<br />

unless it’s 1, 2and 5, if you can<br />

avoid it.’’<br />

Cr NikiMealings welcomed<br />

central governmenttakingthe<br />

lead, but noted past governments<br />

had imposed rules<br />

without providingthe toolsto<br />

makethem effective.<br />

PARTS<br />


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or book online at www.dne.co.nz/service/fixed-price<br />

*Terms and conditions apply,see our website for further details.<br />

Lifesaver ... Hurunui resident StephenWoodbury, left, and the<br />

national product manager forthe New ZealandRed Cross,Marcus<br />

Bird,atthe unveiling of the defiibrillator last week.<br />


Defibrillator placed<br />

at Hurunui Hotel<br />

An automated external<br />

defibrillator (AED), has<br />

been mounted on awall at<br />

the Hurunui Hotel complex.<br />

The lifesavingpiece of<br />

medical equipment,funded<br />

through the New Zealand<br />

Red Cross Disaster Relief<br />

Fund, was unveiled<br />

recently.<br />

The initiative was spearheadedbylocal<br />

resident<br />

Stephen Woodbury, who<br />

saw aneed in the district for<br />

an AED to be available in<br />

the eventofacardiac arrest.<br />

He approached the Red<br />

Cross and worked withthe<br />

community to ensure it<br />

becameareality.<br />

“It’s not been an easy job,<br />

but it’s been made so much<br />

easierbyall the people<br />

involved,” Stephen says.<br />

Mr Woodbury, along with<br />

MarcusBird, who is the<br />

national product manager<br />

for the Red Cross, and local<br />

community members<br />

attended the ceremony.<br />

Mr Woodbury said the<br />

unveiling was agreat way to<br />

educate the community on<br />

AEDs and how to use one in<br />

an emergency.<br />

Mr Bird says it is amazing<br />

to see the commitment<br />

peopleinthe Hurunui have<br />

to ensure resilience and<br />

safety in their community.<br />

The installation of the<br />

AED was made possible by<br />

the efforts of Mr Woodbury,<br />

the Red Cross, the<br />

Hawarden Waikari Lions<br />

Club, Adam Martin and<br />

BettinaHoellery at the<br />

HurunuiHotel, Ian<br />

Conner’s electrical work,<br />

MatthewNewton’sjoinery<br />

skills in building the<br />

transformer box, Rob Field<br />

for his consultancy, and<br />

PapanuiElectrical<br />

Supplies.<br />

The former emergency<br />

management officer at<br />

HurunuiDistrict Council,<br />

Dean Eades, worked with<br />

the Red Crosstoestablish<br />

six other AED locations<br />

around the Hurunui—at<br />

the Boyle River, Lyford<br />

Lodge, Conway Hall, the<br />

Greta Valley sports complex,<br />

the Waipara township<br />

and Amberley Beach.<br />

The Red Cross Fundhas<br />

enabled14Community<br />

AEDs to be placed at<br />

variouskey locations from<br />

Amberley Beach to<br />

Blenheim.<br />

AED locations in the<br />

district can be searched<br />

using appsdownloaded<br />

from GooglePlay or the<br />

Apple App Store.<br />

Golfing milestone at Cheviot<br />

Astory on page 3ofthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> last week<br />

had the incorrectname for<br />

WayneYates,whose wifeDi<br />

scored two holes­in­onein<br />

recently at the samehole at<br />

the Cheviot Golf Course. The<br />

error is regretted.

Professionals<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />


2301753v1<br />

Experienced Podiatrist;<br />

New to Rangiora<br />

022 1726 049<br />

www.northcanterburypodiatry.co.nz<br />

03 314 7640 info@sasl.co.nz<br />

5Beach Rd, Amberley<br />

Providing proactive accounting<br />

solutions to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Businesses.<br />

Contact Ben Shore or<br />

TsarinaDellow forafree<br />

consultation on yourtax<br />

and accounting needs.<br />

2298662v1<br />

Familiar face ... Christine Staines enjoys supporting <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> families through<br />

the John Rhind office in Kaiapoi.<br />

There to help at the end<br />

John Rhind FuneralDirectors has been<br />

serving <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> for 15 years.<br />

From its Kaiapoibase, John Rhind is<br />

available to travel across the Waimakariri,<br />

Hurunui and Kaikoura districts, general<br />

manager Tony Garing says.<br />

“In <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>wework as much<br />

as we can with local people,including<br />

caterers, florists and celebrants.<br />

“We are committed to supporting the<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> community with all of<br />

the arrangements.”<br />

The only exception is in the preparation<br />

of the body,done at the mortuary in<br />

Christchurch and then returned to<br />

Kaiapoi.<br />

John Rhind Kaiapoiisbased in an old<br />

family homeat118 Williams Street.<br />

“One of the biggestassets in Kaiapoi is<br />

our funeral director Christine Staines,<br />

who runsour Kaiapoi office,” Tony says.<br />

“She is very well­known in the<br />

community, she knowsalot of people and<br />

shehas agood knowledgeofthe district<br />

and knows the history of Kaiapoi.She’s<br />

always available to talkaboutfuneral<br />

arrangements.”<br />

Christine is supported by the mainoffice<br />

in LondonStreet, Christchurch, which<br />

includes three staff whoare <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>residents.<br />

John Rhind offers arange of different<br />

funeral and pricing options, including<br />

fixedprice options thatmay suit people’s<br />

budgets or particular typesoffunerals.<br />

“We can caterfor services which are<br />

smalland verysimple,tothe more<br />

elaborateand involved,” Tonysays.<br />

John Rhind Kaiapoi moved to its present<br />

location after the earthquakes.<br />

“We wantedsomething that was<br />

welcoming and homely, so this was an<br />

obvious choice. It’s like walking into your<br />

grandparent’s home,” Tony says.<br />

Families may choose to haveaburial or<br />

acremation. Thefuneral service can be<br />

held at the Christchurch chapel,the<br />

Harewood Crematorium or John Rhind<br />

can arrangealocalvenue.<br />

“Somefamilies like to haveservicesat<br />

the KaiapoiClub,the golf club, alocal<br />

church, at homeoratthe marae andwe<br />

oftenuse the <strong>North</strong>brookchapel.”<br />

Contact John Rhind Kaiapoi on (03)<br />

327 7499,emailstaff@johnrhind.co.nz or<br />

go to johnrhind.co.nz.<br />

2302329<br />

Call Prosser Quirke Accountants<br />

Chartered Accountants &Business Advisors<br />

2299722v3<br />


6Blake Street, Rangiora, New Zealand<br />

ph. 03 313 7824<br />

email. team@prosser-quirke.co.nz<br />



The caring and professional<br />

health care team for you<br />

and your family<br />

237 High Street<br />

Rangiora<br />

Ph: 313 7877<br />

Over 135 yearsof<br />

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2301633v1<br />

Kaiapoi 118 Williams Street |Christchurch 15-19 London Street<br />

03 327 7499 |www.johnrhind.co.nz


<strong>12</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Advertising feature<br />

Better efficiency<br />

... Matt Cassineri<br />

is Alltech’slocal<br />

area sales manager.<br />

The company’s<br />

E­CO2initiative<br />

provides the<br />

producerwith<br />

management and<br />

nutritional advice<br />

aimedat<br />

addressing overall<br />

production<br />

efficiencyand<br />

improvingthe<br />

carbon footprint.<br />

PamsFresh Carrots 1.5kg<br />

or Parsnips 500g Prepacks<br />

Product of New Zealand<br />

Pams Fresh NZ<br />

Chicken Kebabs 8Pack<br />

$<br />

2 99 pk<br />

$<br />

8 49 pk<br />

Pams Potato<br />

Chips 150g<br />

(excludesKettles)<br />

ANY<br />

2FOR<br />

$<br />

2 99<br />

PamsFresh<br />

TelegraphCucumber<br />

Product of New Zealand<br />

PamsButter 500g<br />

PamsFrozen Pizza<br />

410-455g<br />

$<br />

2 29 ea<br />

$<br />

5 79 ea<br />

$<br />

4 99 ea<br />

The sensible path to<br />

sustainable dairying<br />

There is no doubt that New Zealand has<br />

the perfect climate to produce milk<br />

profitably from pasture.<br />

However, the challenge facing farmers<br />

today is to maintain good milk<br />

production and at the same time reduce<br />

their carbon footprint.<br />

Alltech® E­CO2 assesses the<br />

greenhouse gas footprint of the farm<br />

using international standards and<br />

provides the producer with management<br />

and nutritional advice aimed at<br />

addressing overall production efficiency<br />

and improving the carbon footprint.<br />

The programme has further<br />

opportunities to link with the in vitro<br />

Fermentation Model (IFM) laboratory in<br />

New Zealand.<br />

This next level of service evaluates the<br />

performance of the feed, as well as<br />

making afarm­specific laboratory<br />

assessment of greenhouse gas emissions.<br />

An identical programme in Ireland<br />

has produced arelevant case study.<br />

Eleven dairy farms in Ireland showed<br />

an average reduction of 8percent in<br />

their carbon footprint (measured in CO 2<br />

­<br />

equivalents) after one year, with 50kg<br />

less feed per cow being consumed and<br />

56kg more milk solids per cow being<br />

produced.<br />

Areduction in the carbon footprint of<br />

this size is equivalent to taking 383 cars<br />

off the road, or 107 fewer people taking<br />

round­the­world flights, without losing<br />

cow performance —another no brainer!<br />

For more than 40 years, Alltech has<br />

been developing its business around<br />

science­based technology and<br />

developing tools to assist dairy farmers<br />

in New Zealand to be efficient and<br />

profitable, while maintaining<br />

production and taking care of the<br />

environment.<br />

Alltech’s commitment was recently<br />

highlighted in the formal commitment to<br />

the United Nations Sustainable<br />

Development Goals (SDGs).<br />

In July last year, Alltech committed to<br />

nine of the 17 SDGs that aligned most<br />

closely with the company’s core<br />

business.<br />

In summary, improvements in feed<br />

quality and animal well­being have a<br />

direct effect on overall production<br />

efficiency. Ahealthier animal better<br />

absorbs nutrients and the feed<br />

conversion efficiency is improved.<br />

Better performance means less<br />

greenhouse gas per litre of milk<br />

produced.<br />

If you are interested in knowing your<br />

farm’s current carbon footprint and how<br />

you can improve greenhouse gas<br />

emissions without losing milk<br />

production and revenue, be proactive<br />

instead of reactive, and contact your<br />

local area sales manager, Matt Cassineri<br />

on (027) 208 4606 or email<br />

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Good care crucial to long careers<br />

Awarm bed, plenty of rest<br />

and ahearty meal can all<br />

contribute to the health of<br />

working dogs.<br />

Astudy on working dogs<br />

has revealed they are<br />

vulnerable to developing<br />

musculoskeletal injuries or<br />

illness.<br />

Massey University<br />

partnered with Vetlife to<br />

conduct research involving<br />

<strong>12</strong>6 owners and 641 working<br />

farm dogs in Otago and<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Veterinarian Dr Lori<br />

Linney, of Alexandra, who<br />

led the study, said an average<br />

working­dog career lasted<br />

until the age of seven, but<br />

some would retire early<br />

because of injury.<br />

The study collected data<br />

over four years on feeding,<br />

housing, general health<br />

practices, training and<br />

condition, disease and injury,<br />

as well as career duration.<br />

No other study to date had<br />

included this information<br />

and it was hoped the findings<br />

would contribute to<br />

improving the health and<br />

wellbeing of working dogs.<br />

The breed or gender did<br />

not make amajor difference<br />

to the number of injuries.<br />

Common issues included a<br />

reduced range of motion and<br />

swelling of the carpus or<br />

stifle bones of the leg, while<br />

the hip was the most common<br />

site of pain.<br />

Some ways to help improve<br />

the health of working dogs<br />

were preventing them<br />

jumping from heights where<br />

possible, keeping them warm<br />

in winter, allowing time for<br />

warm­up and cool­down of<br />

muscles, giving them periods<br />

of rest, and good nutrition.<br />

‘‘Even if they do show signs<br />

of musculoskeletal injury or<br />

disease, there are many<br />

things your veterinarian can<br />

do to make them more<br />

comfortable and keep<br />

working,’’ Dr Linney says.<br />

‘‘We also recommend that<br />

owners take care when<br />



You have enough to do without worrying about the perfect drench programme. To help, we<br />

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buying working dogs that they<br />

consider conformation and<br />

existing conditions that may<br />

limit their working future.<br />

‘‘A dog should be carefully<br />

examined before purchase.’’<br />

Working dogs are an<br />

essential part of asheep and<br />

beef farming operation, she<br />

says. ‘‘We recommend<br />

working­dog owners take<br />

steps to prevent the onset and<br />

severity of these injuries to<br />

help prolong their working<br />

dog’s career.’’<br />

It’s adog’s life ... Dr Lori<br />

Linney, of Vetlife Alexandra,<br />

with two working dogs. She<br />

says owners should take steps<br />

to prevent the onset and<br />

severity of injuries to dogs to<br />

help prolong their working life.<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

13<br />

Facial eczema<br />

on the move<br />

Achangingclimatemeansstock in some<br />

non­traditional facial eczema (FE)areas<br />

will be at greaterrisk fromthe diseasein<br />

the near future,Beef +Lamb’s general<br />

manager of farmingexcellence, Dan<br />

Brier, says.<br />

“We have already seen it spread into<br />

the top of the South Island,soitwouldbe<br />

prudent for sheepfarmerstothinkabout<br />

usinggenetics now to future­proof their<br />

flocks.’’<br />

He says even if commercial farmers<br />

started this year with ateam of highly<br />

FE­tolerant rams,itwould take six years<br />

of breeding before any significantdegree<br />

of tolerance was bredinto the flock.<br />

The New Zealand sheepindustry has<br />

been proactive about identifying and<br />

selecting for FE tolerant genetics, so<br />

commercial ram buyers arewell­placed<br />

to benefitfrom generationsofbreeding<br />

by stud breeders in high­risk areas.<br />

FE tolerance is included in the<br />

recently launched nProve genetic<br />

selection tool.<br />

Dan says it is as simpleasmoving the<br />

slider for FE under the health traits<br />

section.This willgenerate alist of<br />

breedersbenchmarked for FE tolerance<br />

and the search can then be refined to<br />

breed, typeand/or location.<br />

Otherprogrammes that indicate merit<br />

when it comes to breeding towards FE<br />

toleranceinclude Genetic TrendGraphs,<br />

Ramguard Flock Status, FE Gold and<br />

TraitLeaderlists (found on Sheep<br />

Improvement Ltd).<br />

“Mostimportantly, commercial<br />

farmers looking to include FE tolerance<br />

in their selection criteria should talk to<br />

theirram breeder and ask themabout<br />

whether they havebeen selectingfor FE<br />

toleranceand for how long,” Dan says.<br />

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Stylish fundraiser planned<br />


The Cancer Society <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Centre is<br />

planning afashion<br />

extravaganza fundraiser for<br />

Rangiora.<br />

Recycle Runway is being<br />

held in the Rangiora Town<br />

Hall auditorium on Saturday,<br />

<strong>November</strong> 21. The doors will<br />

open for the event at 6.15pm,<br />

with the fashion show<br />

running from 7pm to 9pm.<br />

Guests will have the chance<br />

to buy women’s clothing and<br />

accessories in apop­up shop<br />

which will be open from<br />

6.15pm before the show,<br />

during intermission, and after<br />

the show until 10pm.<br />

All funds raised will go to<br />

the Cancer Society to support<br />

Kiwis with cancer, and cancer<br />

research.<br />

Celebrant Jane Godfrey will<br />

be the master of ceremonies,<br />

with Sally Mac the fashion<br />

compere.<br />

There will also be live<br />

music from violinist Fiona<br />

Pears and entertainment<br />

from the Hartley School of<br />

Performing Arts senior dance<br />

troupe, plus adisplay from<br />

Rangiora High School’s<br />

Fashion Revolution Finalists.<br />

‘‘All guests will be treated to<br />

afabulous fashion show<br />

featuring donated pre­loved<br />

clothing and accessories,’’ the<br />

event co­ordinator, Tiffany<br />

Wafer, says.<br />

‘‘They will also receive<br />

fashion advice and<br />

commentary, hear<br />

inspirational stories from<br />

cancer patients and survivors,<br />

see an internationally<br />

acclaimed artist perform, and<br />

be the first to check out all the<br />

wonderful clothes that have<br />

been generously donated for<br />

the event and grab abargain,’’<br />

she says.<br />

Many items of preloved,<br />

recycled and even new<br />

women’s clothing and<br />

accessories have been<br />

donated, including aneverused<br />

wedding dress and a<br />

vintage musquash (muskrat),<br />

full­length fur coat. Check out<br />

Trade Me for these items.<br />

‘‘We are so fortunate to be<br />

receiving such beautiful<br />

clothing and accessories in all<br />

sizes, styles, colours and<br />

brands,’’ Tiffany says.<br />

All further donations of<br />

clothing and accessories will<br />

be gratefully accepted and<br />

can be made by contacting<br />

Tiffany on (021) 139 4909<br />

or emailing tiffany.wafer@<br />

cancercwc.org.nz.<br />

Tickets for the evening<br />

include the fashion show,<br />

entertainment, first access to<br />

the pop­up shop clothing sale,<br />

adrink on arrival, canapes,<br />

and aCancer Society tote bag<br />

for purchases.<br />

Tickets cost $40 and are<br />

available online at<br />

events.humanitix.com/<br />

recycle­runway­rangiora, by<br />

contacting Tiffany, or at the<br />

society’s <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Centre at 143 Percival Street,<br />

Rangiora. Door sales will be<br />

subject to availability.<br />

Vintage style ... CancerSociety<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> volunteer Wendy Campbell,of<br />

Rangiora, modelsavintage fur coatdonatedby<br />

Colleen and Grant Vicary, of Rangiora, for the<br />

fundraiser.<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

15<br />

Hot pool and spa<br />

proposal aired<br />


Acommercialhot pool<br />

andspa hasbeen<br />

proposed forthe former<br />

Kaikoura Community Pool<br />

siteontheEsplanade.<br />

Thecouncilsought<br />

expressionsofinterest<br />

lastmonth.<br />

At its recentcouncil<br />

meeting, councillors<br />

invitedJosephand<br />

Associates to submit a<br />

more detailed proposal<br />

forthe development ofa<br />

commercialhot pool and<br />

spafacility.<br />

‘‘We’vehadacoupleof<br />

submissions and it<br />

provides opportunities for<br />

private operators to invest<br />

in thearea,’’Mayor Craig<br />

Mackle says.<br />

‘‘It’s going to comedown<br />

to private investment<br />

ratherthancouncil<br />

money, butitwill go<br />

through community<br />

consultationtosee what<br />

sort of vibepeople wantto<br />

see.<br />

‘‘It’s definitelyakey<br />

area in the town andit’s<br />

what peopleseewhen<br />

they comeintotown,’’he<br />

says.<br />

Thesitebecame<br />

available after the old<br />

community poolwas<br />

destroyed in the<br />

<strong>November</strong>2016Kaikoura<br />

❛It’s definitely a<br />

key area in the<br />

town and it’s what<br />

people see when<br />

they come into<br />

town.❜<br />

—Mayor Craig Mackle<br />

earthquake.<br />

Anew aquaticcentre<br />

is being built on<br />

Scarborough Street andis<br />

scheduled to open in May<br />

next year.<br />

Feedback is also being<br />

sought from the publicon<br />

theold pool siteproposal<br />

andother ideasfor the<br />

sitebyWednesday,<br />

<strong>November</strong> 18.<br />

Work is progressing to<br />

demolish the old Wakatu<br />

Quay buildings, including<br />

asbestos checks.<br />

‘‘There’s alot differing<br />

views of what should go on<br />

thesite (Wakatu Quay),<br />

but, again, it comes down<br />

to who’s keentoinvest,’’<br />

Mr Macklesays.<br />

‘‘There’s plenty of<br />

interest,but we’vegotto<br />

seewhat workstogether.<br />

It’searly days still, but<br />

we’re definitely making<br />

headway.’’<br />






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16 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Oxford Lions to stage afamily fun day<br />


All roads will lead to Oxford tomorrow.<br />

The Oxford and Districts Lionshas<br />

organised a‘‘BigFamily Fun DayOut’’ at<br />

the Oxford Showgrounds for ShowDay.<br />

President Phil Bay saysthe Lionsare<br />

keentoget some events happening after<br />

the Oxford A&P Show was cancelled in<br />

March.<br />

‘‘We started reasonably earlywith our<br />

planning, but with Covid­19 we didn’t<br />

just know if it wasgoing to happen,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘But with everything that’s going on,<br />

we want todosomething positive for the<br />

kids,sothey can just come along and<br />

havesome fun.’’<br />

The day’s proceedings will startat<br />

10amwithperformances from the<br />

Oxford Area School kapahaka group, a<br />

demonstration from asheep dog triallist,<br />

ahighland pipe band, and highland<br />

dancing.<br />


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2331958<br />

❛With everything that’s going on, we want to do something<br />

positive for the kids, so they can just come along and have<br />

some fun.❜<br />

The Oxford Volunteer Fire Brigade<br />

and the local St John branch will put on<br />

demonstrations, while there will be a<br />

vintage machinery display and the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Axemen’s Association will<br />

also be putting on ashow.<br />

There will be craft stalls, includingthe<br />

McIver’s Oxford Community Men’s Shed,<br />

which will have items to sell, while food<br />

stalls will includethe Oxford Lions<br />

caravan, and the Oxford RugbyClub will<br />

run asausage sizzle and chocolate<br />

wheel.<br />

Blade shearing will be demonstrated<br />

and there willbea‘‘wool to garment’’<br />

display, from the spinners to knitters.<br />

2287776<br />

—Oxford andDistricts Lionspresident Phil Bay<br />

Oxford Area School,View Hill, West<br />

Eyreton and Custschools have been<br />

invited to enter teams of five in a<br />

competition involving aseries of skill<br />

tests, MrBay says.<br />

‘‘It’s the sort of thingthat mumsand<br />

dads can offer advice andconfuse them<br />

even more, so it should be alot of fun.’’<br />

There will also be inter­school judging<br />

of pet calvesand lambs.<br />

Afun park will be established for the<br />

children. For $5, children will receivea<br />

bracelet allowing them to comeand go<br />

throughoutthe day.<br />

There will be bouncy castles, ‘‘wonky<br />

bikes’’ and other fun activities.<br />

Some residents fall short<br />

over recycling efforts<br />


Oxford has been enjoying mixed results<br />

when it comes to recycling.<br />

Waimakariri district councillor<br />

Wendy Doody says asuccessful<br />

AgRecovery day was held at the Oxford<br />

Transfer Station last week, but there<br />

have been some disappointing results<br />

from bin audits among urban residents.<br />

‘‘When it comes to rubbish, some<br />

Oxford residents really do need to tidy<br />

up their act.<br />

‘‘Your recycling bin is not arubbish<br />

bin; it’s for recycling,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘They do have to work on it and they<br />

have to work on it fast, because they<br />

could have their bins taken off them.’’<br />

The problem is not unique to Oxford<br />

residents, as several residents across the<br />

Waimakariri district have fallen into<br />

bad habits when it comes to what goes in<br />

the recycling bin since the lockdown.<br />

‘‘What it all comes down to is the<br />

consumer needs to be alot more<br />

careful about what they buy,’’ Cr Doody<br />

says.<br />

‘‘We have been athrowaway society<br />

for such along time and it’s time to<br />

change.’’<br />

She was pleased with the response to<br />

last week’s AgRecovery day, where 19<br />

customers from local farms visited the<br />

Oxford Transfer Station.<br />

In all, 700kg of plastic containers were<br />

crushed, which was enough to fill a<br />

20­foot container.<br />

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Entry to the showgrounds will cost$10<br />

for adults, or $20 acar.<br />

Therewill be freeentry for children to<br />

get in the gate.<br />

The recent mental health awareness<br />

evening organised by the OxfordLions<br />

with Richard Loeand DougAvery was a<br />

success, Mr Bay says.<br />

‘‘Theyhad abit of banter about rugby<br />

and other stuff and we got the mental<br />

health message across.<br />

‘‘The interaction between young and<br />

old was amazing.’’<br />

An acre of potatoes and vegetables<br />

has been planted to supply to local food<br />

banks, while Oxford Lions members<br />

haveprepared 23 tonnes of firewood for<br />

the elderly.<br />

Other Lions events include the Oxford<br />

Santa ParadeonDecember 20, a‘‘Wings<br />

and Wheels Parade’’ display of small<br />

planes andvintage cars planned for<br />

early February and agolf parade at the<br />

end of March.<br />

Ruralrecycling... Plastic containers are sent<br />

up the conveyor belt to be crushed during last<br />

week’s AgRecoveryday at the Oxford Transfer<br />

Station.<br />


Farmers also brought in alot of farm<br />

feed­type bags and chemical waste to be<br />

disposed of safely.<br />

The Widest<br />

Music Variety<br />

Tune in nowtolisten on<br />

104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />


Oxford the place to be in summer<br />


Oxford is avibrant and busy<br />

towninanuncertaintime,<br />

Wendy Doody says.<br />

The Waimakariri district<br />

councillor saysOxford is the<br />

place to visit for summerday<br />

trips.<br />

‘‘Our businesses are doing<br />

verywell and the town seems<br />

to be quite busy,which is really<br />

nicetosee, especially in the<br />

weekends when it’s teeming<br />

withpeople.’’<br />

She says Cantabrianswill<br />

flock to the area for day trips<br />

thissummer to enjoythe<br />

town’s boutique shopping,<br />

cafes, cyclewaysand walking<br />

trails.<br />

The Oxford­Ohoka<br />

Community Board has signed<br />

off,with the backing of the<br />

council, the installationofbike<br />

stands alongMain Street, and a<br />

seatistobeplacedoutsidethe<br />

pharmacy.<br />

The feature wall at Pearsons<br />

Parkhas also been given a<br />

$40,000makeover.<br />

‘‘Solittle things are<br />

happening, but it’s good little<br />

things,’’CrDoody says.<br />

The western part of the<br />

districtwill benefitfrom the<br />

government’s Covid­19<br />

stimulusfunding forthree<br />

waters, with Oxford, Summerhill,<br />

West Eyreton and Poyntz<br />

Roadamong the recipients.<br />

She says Oxford’s allocation<br />

of $379,000will also investigate<br />

asolutiontostormwater<br />

getting into sewer lines.<br />

About $1 million has been set<br />


Do you haveasonordaughteror interested inhorse riding?<br />

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❛Our businesses are<br />

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be quite busy, which<br />

isreally nice to see.❜<br />



L I M I T E D<br />

2311183<br />

—CrWendy Doody<br />

aside to link the PoyntzRoad<br />

supplywith the Summerhill/<br />

West Eyretonscheme, to bring<br />

it up to national drinking water<br />

standards.<br />

Now is thetime for Oxford<br />

residentstostart thinking<br />

about what theywould like to<br />

see in the council’s 2021/31<br />

Long Term Plan, whichwill be<br />

out for consultation in March.<br />

Cr Doody’s wish listincludes<br />

installing an electric barbecue<br />

at the AshleyGorgeand toilets<br />

at the West Oxford Reserve.<br />

The AF8(Alpine Fault<br />

magnitude8)road show, which<br />

was due to visit Oxford in<br />

March,has been rescheduled<br />

for Tuesday,December1,in<br />

the Oxford Town Hall.<br />

There will be asimulation to<br />

help residentsunderstand a<br />

magnitude 8quake.<br />

‘‘It’sgoing to be areally<br />

importanteventtocome and<br />

look at,’’CrDoody says.<br />

‘‘It makes you realise it’s not<br />

going to be if,but when, so we<br />

need to keep ourselves alert<br />

and ready.’’<br />

Cr Doody also advises<br />

families to make sure elderly<br />

OxfordsOldest<br />

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Business Budgets and Cashflows<br />

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Dave Trayner, 9ABay Road, OXFORD<br />

Phn 03-3<strong>12</strong>-4878<br />

Email :atfoxford@outlook.com<br />

Eye to thefuture ... Cr WendyDoodysaysitistime for Oxford<br />

residents to start thinking about whatthey wouldlike to see in the<br />

council’s 2021/31 LongTerm Plan<br />


family members have photo<br />

identification.<br />

‘‘It’s easy to forget when<br />

they’re no longer driving or<br />

theirpassportruns out that<br />

they still need ID, whetherit’s<br />

for gettinginto resthomes or<br />

for dealings with banks.<br />

Christmas fun planned<br />

Christmas is coming to Oxford.<br />

Planning is under way for the town’s<br />

annual festive season events to ensure<br />

there is plenty of fun for all ages.<br />

Santa Claus will pop in for the annual<br />

Oxford and Districts Lions Christmas<br />

Parade on Sunday, December 20.<br />

Once again the parade will leave<br />

from Burnett Street at <strong>12</strong>.30pm, with<br />

Santa taking up his usual position at<br />

the back.<br />

The parade finishes at the Oxford<br />

Showgrounds, where there will be a<br />

bouncy castle and ice creams for the<br />

children, and the Lions food caravan<br />

will be operating.<br />

Once again, there will be prizes for<br />

the best floats, best­decorated bike and<br />

boys’ and girls’ fancy dress.<br />

The Oxford Santa Parade is<br />

organised by the Oxford Lions, on<br />

behalf of the Oxford Promotions Action<br />

Committee and is made possible thanks<br />

to funding from the Waimakariri<br />

District Council.<br />

The popular Christmas Eve Carols in<br />

the Park will be back on the night<br />

before Christmas, with Santa expected<br />

to make afleeting appearance.<br />

The event is being held in the<br />

Pearson Park village green from 7pm to<br />

9pm, finishing just in time to get the<br />

children home to bed before Santa<br />

makes his deliveries.<br />

Toot for Tucker returns to Oxford on<br />

Tuesday, December 1, to restock the<br />

food pantry at the Oxford Community<br />

Trust before the Christmas rush begins.<br />

‘‘They could lookatgetting a<br />

Kiwi Card, which is just like an<br />

18+ Card, or they can get a<br />

photo on their Gold Card.<br />

‘‘It’s worthlookingtothe<br />

future with some of these<br />

things and making sure they<br />

have ID.’’<br />


Black Beech<br />

Wine &Pizza Bar<br />

Dine in<br />

Take away<br />

Functions<br />

We are open <strong>Canterbury</strong> Anniversary Day<br />

13 <strong>November</strong> from 10 am –Late<br />

Come and join us for awinninga Cup Day 14 <strong>November</strong> with<br />

Best Dressed and other prizes tobe won.<br />

Also, Christmas is coming and we will<br />

be open extended hours/days over the<br />

holiday period, book in early to secure<br />

your table on New Year’s Eve.<br />

Normal business hours:<br />

Thursday &Friday 4pm–Late<br />

Saturday &Sunday 11 am –Late<br />

1/46 Main Street, Oxford NZ 7430<br />

Website: Blackbeechbar.com<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Follow our Facebook page: Blackbeechwinebar<br />

to keep up to date with upcoming events.<br />

Bowen Therapy<br />

Bowen Technique<br />

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New owners; Dani &Peter would love to see you<br />

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Proudly supporting the Kiwi Family Trust, to support Plunket and the<br />

community.Handmade new items gratefully accepted at the shop.<br />

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NEWS<br />

18 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Back country tour<br />

The Amuri Lionswill hold a<br />

four­wheel­drive tourofthe<br />

Grampians and Montrose<br />

stationsonSunday,<br />

<strong>November</strong> 22. Assemble at<br />

10am at Grampians Station,<br />

420 Cascade Road,<br />

Culverden. Strictly limited<br />

numbers via online booking.<br />

To register,visit:<br />

registernow.com.au/secure/<br />

Register.aspx?E=41434.<br />

Seniornet <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Angstover mastering the<br />

internet, particularly with<br />

the approaching end of<br />

cheques, has prompted<br />

Seniornet<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

to hold ashort series on<br />

mastering digitaltechnology.<br />

The internet bankingseries<br />

will be held at its learning<br />

centre in the Methodist<br />

Church grounds, 178 High<br />

Street, Rangiora. It opens at<br />

10am on <strong>November</strong>16with a<br />

seminaroninternet banking,<br />

followed by aworkshopat<br />

10am on Monday,<strong>November</strong><br />

23. Participants will be able<br />

to practise on asystemwith<br />

help from tutors without<br />

spending any money. Contact<br />

Bob on (03)3<strong>12</strong> 8933 or email<br />

jobo@gumbrell.netfor more<br />

information.<br />

Alpine Fault8<br />

Apublic science talk will be<br />

held in the Oxford Town Hall<br />

on Tuesday, December, 1, to<br />

discuss theimpacts of an<br />

earthquake on the alpine<br />

faultand how people can be<br />

better prepared for such an<br />

event. The meeting, at 7pm,<br />

will be hosted by Emergency<br />

Management<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Biodiversity address<br />

The Hurunui Biodiversity<br />

Trust’s invitation address<br />

with Sir Tipene O’Regan has<br />

been rescheduled for<br />

Monday, <strong>November</strong>23. This<br />

will be an informative,<br />

entertainingand thoughtprovoking<br />

discussion with<br />

Sir Tipene, adistinguished<br />

Ngai Tahuelder, scholar and<br />

advocate. He will explainthe<br />

ways Maori view the<br />

importance of our native<br />

biodiversity for its cultural,<br />

spiritual andecological<br />

values, then discuss what<br />

sustainable custodianship of<br />

the land means fromaMaori<br />

perspective and how to<br />

achieve this together.<br />

Time:7pm to 9pm,supper<br />

included. Venue:Omihi<br />

Hall,onthe corner of State<br />

Highway 1and Reeces Road.<br />

A$5donation appreciated.<br />

RSVP by <strong>November</strong>19to<br />

hurunuibiodiversity@<br />

gmail.com, or via its<br />

Facebookpage:Hurunui<br />

Biodiversity Trust.<br />

RangioraCroquet Club<br />

The club will holdits open<br />

day at River Road,Rangiora,<br />

on Friday, <strong>November</strong> 13,<br />

from 1pm to 3pm.The club<br />

invites anyone interestedto<br />

join in, or watch the play. All<br />

are welcome. Formore<br />

information, phone Mary on<br />

(03) 3<strong>12</strong> 6727 or Mark on (03)<br />

313 3441.<br />

Hanmer to<br />

feel the beat<br />


The largest interactive drum show in<br />

Australasia willbestaged in Hanmer<br />

Springs this month.<br />

Rhythm Interactive willhold a<br />

performance at the Hanmer Springs<br />

School on Saturday, <strong>November</strong>21, at<br />

1pm.<br />

DirectorJohn Boon says it is afamilyfriendly<br />

performance. The audience will<br />

have lots of fun, with drums provided.<br />

Rhythm Interactive was formed in 2003<br />

and initially was targetedtowards<br />

corporateevents.But in 2008John<br />

decided to introduce the interactive<br />

drum show to schools.<br />

Threeshows are offered—ajunior,<br />

middle school and asenior show —<br />

incorporating arange of themes.<br />

The shows also embrace many of the<br />

school competencies such as<br />

participating and contributing, relating<br />

to others and managing self. Most other<br />

touring schoolperformances offer<br />

students ashow where they watch<br />

performers on stage.<br />

However, with a Rhythm Interactive<br />

performance,the audience becomes the<br />

stage. All the studentsare involved,<br />

together as one right from the start.<br />

‘‘Every one of us has rhythm,<br />

irrespective of our musicalbackground.<br />

Our physical bodiesare riddled with<br />

natural rhythmscalled biorhythms and<br />

the most obviousbody rhythmisour<br />

heartrhythm.’’<br />

Rhythm connects people, John says.<br />

Not asingle word is spoken throughout<br />

the 60­minute performance.<br />

Tickets, available at the schoolonthe<br />

day frommidday, are $15 for adults and<br />

$10 for children (aged5to13).<br />

The Birdinthe Bamboo Cage, by<br />

HazelGaynor<br />

The Bird in the BambooCage is<br />

inspiredbytrue events in China in<br />

1941.Elspeth Kent fledanunhappy<br />

life in Englandfor ateaching postata<br />

missionary school in northernChina.<br />

But when Japan declareswar on the<br />

Allies and occupies the school,<br />

security and home comforts are<br />

replacedbyprivation, uncertainty<br />

and fear. When teachers and students<br />

are removed fromthe school,they<br />

face evengreater uncertainty and danger at aJapanese<br />

internment camp, wherecruelty and punishment reign.<br />

Bill &Shirley: AMemoir, by Keith Ovenden<br />

Bill Sutch and ShirleySmith were two of New Zealand’s most<br />

significant 20thcenturyfigures: Sutchasaneconomist,<br />

influential civil servant, and<br />

inspirational proponentofinnovation<br />

in the fieldsofsocial and economic<br />

development;and Smith as aglassceiling<br />

breaker and sole practitionerin<br />

the formerlymale dominated worldof<br />

law. The memoir begins with the early<br />

years of Keith Ovenden’smarriage to<br />

Bill and Shirley’s only child, Helen<br />

Sutch, and carriesthrough to Bill<br />

Sutch’strial on chargesbrought against<br />

himunder the Official Secrets Act, all<br />

theway to Shirley’s deathmore than 30<br />

years later.<br />

Clothes ...and Other Things that Matter, Alexandra<br />

Shulman<br />

Alexandra Shulman delves into her own life to look at the<br />

emotions, ambitions,expectations and meanings behindthe<br />

way we dress, from the bra to the bikini,the trenchcoat to<br />

trainers. Shealso looks at how our wardrobes intersect with<br />

the larger world—the career ladder, motherhood, romance,<br />

sexual identity, ambition, failure,body imageand celebrity.<br />

. These titles are available in both Waimakariri and<br />

Hurunui libraries.Find out moreabout recent additions to<br />

the library collectionbygoing to the library catalogue at<br />

waimakariri.kotui.org.nzorhurunui.kotui.org.nz, or contact<br />

your locallibrary.<br />


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TradescoursesstartinFebruary.<br />

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Tune in nowtolistenon104.9 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and103.7 Hanmer Springs andKaikoura<br />


Anew eye to the sky for Oxford<br />


Oxford’s viewofthe heavens is<br />

set to get largernext year.<br />

The OxfordArea School<br />

Observatory’s new Meade<br />

<strong>12</strong>­inch telescopehas finally<br />

arrived and is in the process of<br />

beinginstalled,volunteerChris<br />

Hawessays.<br />

‘‘We are getting there in small<br />

steps. The first hurdlewas the<br />

new telescope is designed to be<br />

used on legs so we had to source<br />

an adapter platefrom Meade<br />

whichtook six weekstoarrive.<br />

‘‘Then the bolts for the new<br />

mounting platewere not<br />

included and we had to source<br />

these.’’<br />

The telescopeisnow mounted<br />

and volunteershope to give it a<br />

few testruns overthe summer.<br />

But with the days getting<br />

longer, the public will have to<br />

wait until daylight savingends<br />

in April next yearbefore it is<br />

open for public viewing.<br />

The observatory’s old10­inch<br />

telescope is to be mounted<br />

outside, which means larger<br />

groups will be able to be hosted<br />

at open nights and events.<br />

Open nightshave proventobe<br />

so popularthat the observatory<br />

had to restrictnumbers to 15 at<br />

atimeover winter.<br />

Unlike theold telescope, the<br />

new one is computerised,<br />

making it easiertotrain<br />

telescope operators,so<br />

volunteers hope to be able to<br />

open on every clear night over<br />

winter.<br />

‘‘With the old telescope,we<br />

had only one personwho could<br />

Stargazing ... Oxford Observatory volunteer James Moffat, right, helps afamily view the cosmos through<br />

the 10­inch telescope, which will be mounted outside following the arrival of abigger telescope. PHOTO: FILE<br />

operate it, so that meant we<br />

were pretty restricted in what<br />

we could do,’’volunteer Erik<br />

Vermaat says.<br />

Mr Vermaat has been teaching<br />

his new ‘‘GoingDeep’’course<br />

this term, which explores<br />

cosmologyand the depths of the<br />

‘‘known universe’’.<br />

It means he will be able to run<br />

asequence of four courses<br />

duringterm time nextyear:<br />

‘‘Exploringthe Solar System’’,<br />

‘‘Leaving the Solar System’’,<br />

which looks out to 500 light years<br />

fromEarth, ‘‘Exploring the<br />

Milky Way’’ and ‘‘Going Deep’’.<br />

‘‘Exploringthe Solar System’’<br />

will be offeredinterm one and,<br />

by then, the fate of three<br />

missionstoMars, including<br />

Nasa’s PerseveranceRover, will<br />

be known.<br />

‘‘Mars will definitely be in<br />

focus and there is so much<br />

happeninginSolar System<br />

research, withthe discovery of<br />

new comets and asteroids,so<br />

therewill be alot to discuss,’’ Mr<br />

Vermaatsays.<br />

Therewill also be apractical<br />

astronomy course, ‘‘The<br />

RhythmicSky’’, on offer next<br />

year,which makesuse of the<br />

telescope to help learners<br />

understand‘‘how celestial<br />

objects move in our sky’’.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

the Oxford Observatorypage on<br />

Facebookorgoto<br />

oxford.ngawhetu.nz/<br />

index.php.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

19<br />

Southbrook<br />

work out<br />

for tender<br />


Work to upgrade Southbrook’s<br />

Flaxton Road is expected to begin<br />

earlynextyear.<br />

Senior engineering adviser Don<br />

Youngtold Waimakariri<br />

councillors at lastweek’s council<br />

meeting that theproposed<br />

1.8­metre­widefootpath on the<br />

eastern side of Flaxton Road has<br />

gone out for tender.<br />

The proposed Flaxton/Fernside<br />

roadsroundaboutproject is due to<br />

go out for tender this week.<br />

‘‘We hopetohave tenderslined<br />

up before Christmas so workon<br />

both projects can begin early next<br />

year.’’<br />

Mr Young says motorists should<br />

expect disruption while the workis<br />

completed. ‘‘There will be quite a<br />

bit of disruptioninthe areafor five<br />

to six months. Staff did give careful<br />

considerationtohow the two<br />

projects wouldwork togetherand it<br />

was decided it was bettertoget it<br />

all done at once.<br />

‘‘We willensurethattwo­way<br />

traffic willbemaintained at all<br />

timeswherever possible.’’<br />

The revised plans for the<br />

footpath on the easternside of<br />

Flaxton Road meansitisnolonger<br />

feasible for the pathwaytobea<br />

shared one with cyclists because of<br />

safety concerns.<br />

The Rangiora­Ashley Community<br />

Boardhas asked stafftoexplore<br />

alternative options for acycleway.<br />

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Applications forspecial licences forNew Year’sEve<br />

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Underthe Sale and Supply of AlcoholAct 20<strong>12</strong>all applications fora<br />

SpecialLicencemust be madeatleast20working daysbefore the event is<br />

held(the onlyexceptionsare forunforeseeableevents suchasfunerals).<br />

All Special Licence applications for events held between Friday<br />

20 <strong>November</strong> and Sunday 14 February 2021 need to be submitted by<br />

Friday 20 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2020</strong>. This allows for the 20 working days after<br />

15 January 2021.<br />

Under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act, a‘working day’ does not<br />

include weekends, statutory holidays or any day between<br />

20 December <strong>2020</strong> and 15 January 2021 inclusive. Please send us your<br />

application immediately.<br />

Applications can be made through any Council Service Centre.<br />

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NEWS<br />

20 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Fundraisers putter off towards the Coast<br />

Afleet of 250 scooters buzzedout of the Rangiora<br />

Showgrounds last Saturday boundfor the West Coast.<br />

Most successfully completed the journey of more<br />

than 250km to Hokitika, with their TranzAlpineSafari<br />

efforts helpingtoraise more than $200,000 forthe<br />

Cancer Society of New Zealand’s<strong>Canterbury</strong>­West<br />

Coastdivision.<br />

Riders dressed up, decorated theirscooters, and hit<br />

the road to support cancer research,education and<br />

support. One participant said he would personally be<br />

donating, on top of the contributionsfrom friends and<br />

family, ‘‘because we all know someone that has or has<br />

had this terrible disease’’.<br />

Off they go ... The start<br />

of the Cancer Society’s<br />

biennial <strong>2020</strong> Trans<br />

Alpine Scooter Safari<br />

fundraiser at the<br />

Rangiora A&P<br />

Showgrounds last<br />

Saturday morning.<br />


Riding for Mike ... One of the scooters before the start<br />

of the ride.<br />

On aroll ... Amini Mutt<br />

Cutts scooter joins the<br />

stragglers at the start of the<br />

fundraiser.<br />

Gala provides afternoon of fun<br />

Library book sale ... Rangiora Library weekend supervisor Kay<br />

Goldsworthy at the tables displaying books for sale at $1 each.<br />


Selected library books<br />

offered at just $1 each<br />

Team effort... NewAshgrove<br />

School principal Leon Van’t Veen­<br />

Gibbon with schoolteacherand<br />

Parent TeacherAssociation (PTA)<br />

representative,Megan Cherry, left,<br />

and PTA committeemembersMel<br />

McDonald,thirdfromleft, Amanda<br />

Sansom, Olivia Crookeand Julie<br />

McCartneyduringthe school’s Gala<br />

Friday fundraiser last week.<br />


Fun times ... SportSuzi,played<br />

by streetentertainer Louise Kerr,<br />

entertains the crowd.<br />

The Rangiora Library is<br />

offering book lovers the<br />

chance to purchase abroad<br />

range of books for just $1 each<br />

in the lead­up to Christmas.<br />

‘‘We usually have books for<br />

sale at the Rangiora Library,<br />

but they are normally $2<br />

each,’’ the library’s weekend<br />

supervisor, Kay Goldsworthy,<br />

said last Sunday.<br />

All of the books on offer are<br />

in good condition but haven’t<br />

been out on loan for two years<br />

or more and are now surplus<br />

to requirements.<br />

They cover awide range,<br />

with everything from The<br />

Complete Book of Canaries,by<br />

G.T. Dodwell, to Create Your<br />

Own Dream Home,byLizzie<br />

O’Prey, The Secret Olympian,<br />

by Anon, The Editor’s Wife,by<br />

Clare Chambers, plus many<br />

sagas, thrillers, science<br />

fiction and travel books.<br />

Kay said it would be good to<br />

sell the books, for people to<br />

read and then possibly pass<br />

on to someone else to enjoy,<br />

which was preferable to<br />

dumping them.



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If you cancel between 21 and 45 days prior toyour date of travel 30% of your tour cost will be charged. If you cancel between 8and 20 days prior to your tour departure you will be charged 50% of your tour cost. Cancellations within 7days of departures will incur a100% cancellation<br />

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Zealand Tours takes no responsibility for costs involved for any changes to flights that mightberequired due to necessary amendments in itineraries. Both tours aresubjecttominimum 10 passengers travelling to guarantee departure. Ask yourHouse of Travelconsultantsfor full details.:

NEWS<br />

22 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Prizewinning restoration ...<br />

Trevor Stanley in his rare 1937 Chrysler Cabriolet.<br />


Rare cabriolet to feature<br />

in upcoming car rally<br />

TrevorStanleybought fourtrailerloads<br />

of carparts in 1984.<br />

After threeyearsofcareful<br />

restorationwork by theAmberley<br />

classiccar enthusiast,his 1937Chrysler<br />

Cabriolet was brought backtolife.<br />

The rareconvertible, which wona<br />

Restoration of the Yearaward, will<br />

takepride of placeinthe latestrally<br />

being organisedbyTrevor,onSunday,<br />

<strong>November</strong> 15.<br />

All soft­top vehicles,fromthe early<br />

1900s rightthroughto<strong>2020</strong>, areinvited<br />

to takepartinthe first open­cars only<br />

country rally.<br />

It starts fromthe Better HalfKitchen<br />

&Bar in Leithfield between 10.30am<br />

and 11.30am, andisascenic tourof<br />

56kmfinishing at thelunch venue,<br />

which is possiblythe largestnostalgia<br />

museum in New Zealand.<br />

The entryfee is $15 avehicle.Money<br />

raised willbedonated to the Amberley<br />

MenzShed.<br />

Fun addition ... Justin Busbridge and Te Matauru Primary School students at the new<br />

sandpit, which has proved ahit with the youngsters.<br />


Sandpitproves ahit<br />

Rangiora’s Te Matauru Primary<br />

students have anew 10 metre by 6metre<br />

sandpit.<br />

Christine Tallot from Harcourts and<br />

Justin Busbridge from subdivision<br />

developer Townsend Fields were<br />

behind the addition to Rangiora’s<br />

newest school, which took shape during<br />

the recent school holidays.<br />

The pair approached deputy principal<br />

Rachele Poole looking for an<br />

opportunity to give to the school.<br />

Rachele opted for asandpit for Years<br />

3to8students, an item that was at the<br />

top of the student’s wishlist.<br />

The sandpit was donated by Townsend<br />

Fields and includes hydraulic lids to the<br />

storage boxes, raised sides, asandpit<br />

cover and 22 cubic metres of golden<br />

sand.<br />

Justin worked with the school to<br />

design the sandpit, which is built with<br />

natural timbers, in keeping with other<br />

playground equipment.<br />

As the truck delivering the sand was<br />

too heavy to drive on the school grounds,<br />

the sand was delivered to the carpark<br />

and the Te Matauru parent community<br />

helped wheelbarrow it to the pit and<br />

shovel it in.<br />

The sandpit has been ahit with all<br />

students and is continually used<br />

throughout the day to enhance learning<br />

experiences, as well as during break<br />

times.<br />

The Te Matauru Primary Unite team<br />

(the PTA) is raising funds through<br />

sausage sizzles and adisco to buy<br />

sandpit equipment. Agrant from Pub<br />

Charity has been sourced by the school<br />

to buy asun shade cover in preparation<br />

for summer.<br />


How wecare for your heart<br />

and arteries at Marvel Clinic<br />

The Whole-bodyscanperformed at<br />

Marvel Health also includes athorough<br />

examination of theheart andblood<br />

vessels.<br />

Theheart is probably themosthardworkingorgan<br />

in thebody. It beats<br />

around 100,000times everyday and<br />

pumps2,000 gallonsofblood daily.<br />

Sixtythousandmiles of bloodvessels<br />

carrynutrient-richblood to sustain<br />

everypartofthe body.<br />

Therefore,diseasesofthe heart<br />

andblood vesselswill put enormous<br />

pressure on theentirebodyand cause<br />

problemsinotherorgans of thebody.<br />

For example, narrowingofthe artery,<br />

otherwiseknown as atherosclerosis,<br />

maycause notonlyhighblood pressure<br />

but also kidney diseases andstroke.<br />

Themarvel health scan examines the<br />

heart, arteries, brain, kidneysand other<br />

organs in detailtodeterminetheir state<br />

of health andsomediseasesthatmay be<br />

present.<br />

Thescanexaminesthe arteries of the<br />

heartand brainfor signs of narrowing.<br />

It canalsocheck forsomecausesof<br />

narrowingofarteries, such as the<br />

presenceofenvironmental pollutants.<br />

Nutrientdeficiencies canalsocause<br />

heartdisease.Deficienciesofiron and<br />

BVitaminsare<br />

associatedwith<br />

Heart failure<br />

andcan also cause<br />

Anaemia.And lack of<br />

magnesium is awell-known causeof<br />

irregularheartbeats.<br />

The Marvel Health Scan performs a<br />

comprehensiveNutrientProfileofthe<br />

body to determinethe nutrients that<br />

maybedeficient. Furthermore, the<br />

scan also includes abodycomposition<br />

analysiswhichexamines thephysical<br />

stateofthe bodysuchasthe fatmass,<br />

musclemassand waterretention which<br />

provides additional information about<br />

thefunctionality of theheart and<br />

arteries.<br />

The Marvel Health scan performs a<br />

detailedexaminationofthe heartand<br />

arteries.<br />

BookAScanToday 03-669-5410<br />

www.marvel.health<br />

Unit 13/6 Cone Street, Rangiora, <strong>Canterbury</strong>, 7400<br />

293 Durham Street, Awly Building, Christchurch, 8013<br />

Theinspections from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. It is not assigned to state the final diagnosis

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24 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Wiltshire focus<br />

Mt Cass Station willhost an open day on<br />

Friday, <strong>November</strong> 20, from 1pm to 4pm,<br />

to allowfarmers to see how no­shear<br />

Wiltshires performin acommercial<br />

environment.<br />

The 1800­hectare hill­country coastal<br />

property near Waiparaisfarmed using<br />

organic principlesbySara and Andrew<br />

Heard and fiveother shareholders,<br />

including well­known organic producer<br />

Tim Chamberlain.<br />

It is underthis low­input system that<br />

the Wiltshires come into their own, with<br />

their inherentinternal parasite<br />

resistance and resilience. Most<br />

importantly, they don’t need shearing,<br />

dagging or crutching andthey don’tget<br />

flystrike.<br />

Mt Cass has been running Wiltshires<br />

for <strong>12</strong> years.<br />



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Peter shares some woolly tales<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> shearer<br />

Peter Casserlyhas hung up his<br />

blade afteradding his name to<br />

another world record.<br />

The 72­year­old master blade<br />

shearer came out of retirement<br />

earlier this year to compete in<br />

the 60th Golden Shears in<br />

Masterton,before being<br />

invited to shearaspecialsheep<br />

at the Poverty Bay A&PShow<br />

last month.<br />

‘‘I don’t think you everretire;<br />

it’s like ridingabike.<br />

Somebody’s always got apet to<br />

shear or acouple of sheepon<br />

their lifestyle block to be shorn.<br />

You just fade away in the<br />

finish,’’ Peter says.<br />

‘‘At the end of the day the<br />

anxiety and the tension of it all<br />

is getting too much.<br />

‘‘And Ihad to knockoff the<br />

booze for aweek before going<br />

up to Gisborneand do some<br />

training.’’<br />

Peter learned to bladeshear<br />

working with the Karaitiana<br />

brothers fromTuahiwi,who<br />

‘‘werefamous in shearing in<br />

the area’’.<br />

‘‘I usedtodoalot of shearing<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> in my day<br />

and was shearing all round<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Otago.’’<br />

Competing in blade<br />

shearing, he won the golden<br />

bladesatthe <strong>Canterbury</strong>A&P<br />

Show in 1975 and 1976, and was<br />

world blade shearing<br />

champion in 1980 at Masterton.<br />

In 1976,hebroke the world<br />

blade shearing record,<br />

shearing 353 sheepinaninehour<br />

day at Rangiatea Station,<br />

near Mt Somers.<br />

Two years earlier,Peter<br />

entered the Guinness World<br />

Records afteropening 100<br />

oysters in three minutesand<br />

three seconds in Christchurch.<br />

MovingtoOmarama, he<br />

becamethe localpublican for<br />

13 yearsfrom 1992, and ran the<br />

Omarama Shears for several<br />

years, where he wonthe New<br />

Zealand Merino shearingtitle.<br />

Over the years, Peter has<br />

been invited to shearcelebrity<br />

sheep, including Shrek, Big<br />

Ben and Suzy.<br />

Coming out of retirement,<br />

Peterplaced third in the open<br />

bladeshearing competition at<br />

this year’s GoldenShears.<br />

‘‘Gizzy Shrek’’ escapedfrom<br />

Wairakaia Station, near<br />

Gisborne, about five years ago<br />

and was foundroaming in a<br />

neighbouringforestryblock.<br />

‘‘They had seen it on several<br />

occasions, but it was too wily,’’<br />

Petersays. ‘‘It had along tail<br />

and no ear tag, but it was quite<br />

calm when Igot to it.’’<br />

While ‘‘Gizzy Shrek’s’’ fleece<br />

is notasheavyassome of the<br />

famous sheepPeterhas shorn<br />

over the years,the fleece<br />

length off the shoulderwas<br />

measured at 58cm—3cm<br />

longer than the previous world<br />

record set in Masterton in 2018.<br />

It took15minutes to give<br />

‘‘GizzyShrek’’ the haircut, with<br />

the fleece weighing in at<br />

14.5kg,much lighterthan<br />

Shrek’s27kg trim in 2004and<br />

Big Ben’s 28.9kg haircutin<br />

2014.<br />

Peter has retired to afourhectarelifestyle<br />

block on the<br />

bank of Cam RiveratTuahiwi,<br />

where he can fish for whitebait<br />

and trout.<br />

‘‘I’m livingthe dream,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

World record ... Peter<br />

Casserly shows off the world<br />

record fleece length which he<br />

shore from ‘‘Gizzy Shrek’’ at the<br />

Poverty Bay A&P Show last<br />

month.<br />


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Are lifestyle blocks athing of the past?<br />

Will Council's Plan Review stop<br />

4.0ha lots?<br />

There isanew District Plan coming, and we expect<br />

major changes to the minimum lot size for rural<br />

subdivisions, in some or most parts of the District.<br />

It was intended for release mid <strong>2020</strong> however this<br />

was delayed due to the national Covid-19 lockdown<br />

and is now projected to take place March 2021.<br />

So, if you own 8.0 or more hectares (20 acres) of<br />

rural land in Waimakariri District and you’ve been<br />

considering subdividing, now is the time to have a<br />

chat to your local surveyors, Survus Consultants<br />

about your options.<br />

What is the Waimakariri District<br />

Plan?<br />

The District Plan is the Council’s planning rulebook<br />

and governs how people can build on or develop<br />

land in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

As well as making sure that future development is<br />

sustainable and protects our natural resources for<br />

generations to come, the Plan ensures that new<br />

development meets regulatory requirements like<br />

our National Planning Standards and the Resource<br />

Management Act. It also supports growth in the<br />

region - the Waimakariri District is booming and<br />

needs arobust set of rules to make sure it can<br />

continue to grow well into the future.<br />

The District Plan is reviewed every 10 years to<br />

make sure it’s up to date with the needs of the<br />

community, and current regulations. Itwill be back<br />

under review early next year, with the updated plan<br />

scheduled for release in early/mid-2021.<br />

We’ve had a thorough read of the Waimakariri<br />

2048 District Development Strategy -which is the<br />

Council document that underpins the District Plan -<br />

and we expect the new plan to include changes to<br />

the rules and requirements around subdivisions.<br />

What arethe current rules for<br />

rural subdivisions?<br />

The current Waimakariri District Plan allows for<br />

rural subdivision and building, with a lot and<br />

dwelling density of 4.0ha being required (and<br />

certain other criteria).<br />

What arethe proposed<br />

changes?<br />

Until the updated Plan is released, we won’t know<br />

the full details -but there are strong indications<br />

that the minimum lot size for subdivisions will<br />

increase.<br />

Simply put: it’s likely that if you want to<br />

subdivide, 8.0 hectares (2x4halots) will no<br />

longer be enough -you’ll need alarger piece of<br />

land.<br />

The Waimakariri 2048 District Development<br />

Strategy says; “Whilelifestyle lots are afeature of<br />

the District and many enjoy the open spaces, the<br />

most frequent comment made during early<br />

community consultation was adesire to restrict<br />

Dan and Craig fromSurvus Consultants on site discussing aproject.<br />

further subdivision of rural land into lifestyle lots [...]<br />

Based on the feedback received the Council will<br />

explore increasing the minimum rural lot sizes in<br />

parts of the District.”<br />

Council also noted that over the last decade, 73% of<br />

all new rural houses were on lots between 4-4.99<br />

hectares in size and that if this trend continues<br />

more than 3600 new lifestyle lots would be<br />

created by 2048.<br />

What does this mean for you?<br />

If you own 8.0ha or more of rural zoned land, &<br />

have been considering subdividing, don’t waste<br />

time. March 2021 is not far away, and the Council<br />

require a fair amount of information to go to<br />

Council in support of asubdivision application.<br />

If you secure your subdivision consent now, it’ll be<br />

valid for five years -sowhile you don’t have to<br />

subdivide straight away you can lock in your<br />

consent before the rules change, and preserve your<br />

slice of rural paradise!<br />

Give our friendly team acall oranemail and we<br />

can talk you through the application and consent<br />

process. 0508 SURVUS or hello@survus.co.nz

Proudly servicing the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Area<br />


26 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Feds hold an AGM to remember<br />


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Slice of the action ... Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> president Cam Henderson cuts<br />

the cake at the province’s 75th annual meeting.<br />


Afterthe uncertaintyofCovid­19, <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s farming leaders were just<br />

happytocatch up and talk about old times.<br />

Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

presidentCam Henderson was thrilled<br />

with the turnoutafter deciding to hold its<br />

recent 75th annual meetingonZoom.<br />

To Mr Henderson’s surprise, the<br />

Christchurch board room was packed with<br />

people attending in person, with another<br />

five membersjoining online.<br />

‘‘TheAGM went well with manyable to<br />

attend in person. We had agreat<br />

discussionled by ChrisAllen and Claire<br />

McKayaboutwater policy.<br />

‘‘It was agreatway to celebrate the 75th<br />

AGM withsome nibbles,drinksand acake<br />

afterthe meeting. All in all, agreat night.’’<br />

Memberssaid farewell to senior vicepresidentDan<br />

Hodgen,aWaikarisheep<br />

farmer, after his long service to the<br />

provincial executive.<br />

Mr Henderson,anOxforddairy farmer,<br />

was re­electedpresident to completehis<br />

fourth and final year, and Caroline Amyes<br />

agreed to take on the role of junior vicepresident.<br />

Ms Amyes, who lives at Coalgate,is<br />

business support manager for corporate<br />

farming company Craigmore Sustainables.<br />

Leeston sharemilker Karl Dean was reelected<br />

dairychairman with Ms Amyesas<br />

vice­chairwoman,while Oxford<br />

sharemilker Theo Sneek remains<br />

sharemilker rep.<br />

Cheviot sheep farmer Daniel Maxwell<br />

continuesasmeat and woolchairman,<br />

with Hawarden sheep farmer Stuart<br />

Fraserelectedvice­chairman.<br />

RachelStewartwas elected treasurer.<br />

She firstjoinedthe FederatedFarmers<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> board as aNew Zealand<br />

Young Farmers representative and is<br />

keen to encourage moreyoung farmers to<br />

get involved, Mr Henderson says.<br />

‘‘The positions have traditionally been<br />

heldbymen, so it’s good to get afew<br />

women on board.’’<br />

For now,the arablechair position<br />

remainsvacant, after Oxfordcropping<br />

farmer Roscoe Taggart stepped down.<br />

Aspecial 75th AGM book was also<br />

released,recording some of the province’s<br />

historysince the50th AGM.<br />

Three lifemembers,Malcolm Johnson,<br />

DougArchboldand Grant McFadden,<br />

joined in the celebrations.<br />

The Electric Smile<br />

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Life members ... Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> president Cam Henderson, second<br />

from left, and life members Malcolm Johnson, left, Doug Archbold and Grant McFadden<br />

look forward to reading the province’s 75th anniversary booklet.<br />


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Wrightson Kaikoura office<br />

Wednesday fortnightly.<br />

Appointments required.<br />

Call Bruce on 027 223 0054 formoreinfo<br />

or email bruce@meangreenmowers.co.nz<br />

www.meangreenmowers.co.nz<br />

Ashley: 0274 364 776 ah: 314 8541<br />

e: A.Duckworth@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.duckworthfencing.co.nz<br />

“Quality fencing built to your budget”<br />

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You’re smart, hard working and reliable and you know that how<br />

you turn upeach day says alot about you. Whatever your business,<br />

Expressyourselfwiththe allnew Mitsubishi ExpressVan.<br />

The new Express ispacked with features, including: fold-down work<br />

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rain sensingwipersand dusk sensing headlamps. Access to the5.2m 3<br />

cargospace is made easy with dual sliding side doors, as wellaseasy<br />

loading rear barn doors.<br />

Call 03941 3175, visit christchurchmitsubishi.co.nz<br />

or come inand Express yourself from just<br />

$34,990 +GST<br />

+ORC *<br />

Rangiora Mitsubishi<br />

321 High Street, Rangiora<br />

Ph: 03 941 3175<br />

rangioramitsubishi.co.nz<br />

* Price listed is for Express 1.6L Manual and excludes GST and on road costs of up to $800 which<br />

includes registration,WoF,1,000km road user chargesand afull tank of fuel.MetallicSilver, Metallic<br />

Black andRed Solidpaintcolours are availablefor an additional$500. Modelshown in WhiteSolid<br />

paint. Visit www.mmnz.co.nz for full Express Warranty conditions. Optional Accessories Shown.<br />



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48 MONTH | 10% DEPOSIT | 60,000KM | NFV<br />



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requirements and agreed km allowance and less remediation costs) which will be applied to your nal balloon payment. Terms and conditions apply. Excludes all lease and some eet purchasers. Ooer available<br />

on eligible vehicles ordered and delivered by 31 December <strong>2020</strong> or while stock lasts. Nissan reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this ooer. Not available in conjunction with any other ooer.<br />

RANGIORA NISSAN, 321 High Street, Rangiora<br />

Ph: 03 941 3175<br />

www.rangioranissan.co.nz<br />


NEWS<br />

28 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Fun and exercise<br />

all year round<br />

Lagoon Pools import and install quality fibreglass swimming pools. Tocompliment the pools<br />

they supply good quality equipment including salt water chlorinators, heat pumps, pool lights,<br />

fountains and water features, swim turbines, spa jets, robotic pool cleaners and arange ofcovers<br />

androller systems includinghidden andautomated.<br />

Imported from Leisure PoolsinAustralia,their VinylEsterpools arestrongwithsix layers including<br />

protectivearmour. Each poolisstrengthtestedand has alifetimestructuraland osmosiswarranty.<br />

Lagoon Pools owners Julie and Warren are dealers for Leisure Pools inthe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> to<br />

Southland area,and agents forthe EliteHideawayRoller system.<br />

Call Lagoon Pools on0800 927 282 or 349 2160, email info@lagoonpools.co.nz or visit:<br />

www.lagoonpools.co.nz Theyare open by appointment only.<br />

www.lagoonpools.co.nz<br />

03 349 2160<br />

0800 927282<br />

Champion image ... Sandra Fleet’s photograph, Hot Footing It.<br />

Image clicked with judges<br />

Hot Footing It was judged overall<br />

champion at the recent Street<br />

Photography competition run by the<br />

Rangiora Photographic Society.<br />

The photo by Sandra Fleet also won<br />

the Agrade title, and Agrade honours.<br />

Results:<br />

Champion image overall: Hot Footing It –<br />

Sandra Fleet.<br />

Best in grades:<br />

AGrade – Hot Footing It –Sandra Fleet.<br />

BGrade – Escalator –Nick Hampson.<br />

CGrade – Dog Walking the Nun –Martin<br />

Kircher.<br />

Agrade honours:<br />

Night Rainbow –Sarah Perrins.<br />

Hot Footing It –Sandra Fleet.<br />

Are you there? –Graham Dean.<br />

Bgrade honours:<br />

Shopping Mission –Nick Hampson.<br />

Escalator –Nick Hampson.<br />

The Entertainer –Tabitha Andrews.<br />

Cgrade honours:<br />

Dog Walking the Nun ­Martin Kircher.<br />

Harmonic Resonators bound for Rangiora<br />

Harmonic Resonators will playatthe<br />

Rangiora RSA on January 10. It is the last<br />

leg of the band’s SouthIslandtour, and will<br />

be afundraiserfor breast cancer research.<br />

Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at<br />

the RangioraRSA or fromorganiser Ros<br />

Steans on (027) 439 0903.<br />

The Sunday concertruns from 2.30pmto<br />

5pm. To get ataste of theirmusic, visit the<br />

band’s Facebook page for alisten.<br />

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Rangiora Toyota<br />

Resurgent Cheviot<br />

thumps Weedons<br />

Competitionleaders Weedons suffered its<br />

first loss of the country cricketseason on<br />

Saturday after an unsuccessful roadtrip to<br />

Cheviot.<br />

The 105­runloss to aresurgent Cheviot<br />

Magpies cameafter the home sideposted<br />

acommanding214/9 in its allotted45overs<br />

in the latest round of the CRV Ambreed<br />

Country Premier One Day<strong>2020</strong>/21<br />

competition.<br />

Solid contributions by the top five<br />

batsmen, led by ahalf­century from Archie<br />

Redfern, and ablistering 42 runs off23<br />

balls from Will Smith, helpedset up the<br />

dominant win at Cheviot Domain.<br />

Sam Clarke,who grabbed fourwickets,<br />

was the pick of the bowlersfor Weedons,<br />

which was disappointed to gift 31 extras.<br />

The Weedons chasespluttered,losing its<br />

first wicketinthe third over,and never got<br />

going, crumbling to be all out for109.<br />

It was an unfitting farewellfor Weedons<br />

player/coachSam Wilson, whose tireless<br />

work for the club will be sorely missed.<br />

Big win for Ohoka<br />

At Mandeville, abig shout for leg before<br />

wicketwent the way of bowler Rhys Mariu.<br />

It resulted in the dismissalof<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> player HenryShipley for 47<br />

and helped swing abig victory for Ohoka<br />

over Darfield on Saturday.<br />

Shipley’sinnings was the shining light in<br />

Darfield’s disappointing first innings of<br />

134 all out.<br />

Ohoka opener RyanKelly steered the<br />

home XI to asix­wicketwin witha<br />

composed 56 runs off 1<strong>12</strong> balls before<br />

formerCheviot player HarryFitzpatrick<br />

finished off the job with an unbeaten24.<br />

Oxford­Rangiora on top<br />

Oxford­Rangiora won arain­affected<br />

match over Lincolnbysevenruns via the<br />

Duckworth­Lewismethod after batting<br />


first and making 177/8in45overs.<br />

An aggressive 49 from lower order<br />

batsman Mitch Powergave impetus to the<br />

innings and probably ended up turningthe<br />

match.<br />

ArthurPaterson(41 not out)and Robert<br />

Sporke(38 not out)had Lincoln well<br />

placedwhen the raincame down and<br />

washedout play, resultinginthe seven­run<br />

defeat.<br />

Southbrook rolled<br />

Adepleted Southbrook, struggling for<br />

numbers, wasembarrassed on home soil.<br />

Sent in to bat by Leeston­Southbridge,<br />

the10­man Southbrook side was rolled for<br />

apaltry39runs inside 17 overs.<br />

Extraswere the top score with <strong>12</strong>, while<br />

Tom Burt tookafive­wicket haul.Leeston­<br />

Southbridge knockedoff the early<br />

afternoon victoryinjust 6.5 overs, with<br />

RupertYoung leading the way with an<br />

unbeaten 21 off 23 balls.<br />

Seftonhad the bye.<br />

Short scorecards:<br />

Cheviot 214/9(ARedfern 55, WSmith 42,<br />

TWhelan26, REllis 24, JHyde 20; SClarke<br />

4/39, DNightingale 2/29,JParker 2/41) beat<br />

Weedons 109 (B Nightingale 23, SClarke<br />

20; LCalkin 3/18, TFitzpatrick 2/18).<br />

Darfield134 (H Shipley47; HWilliams<br />

2/10,AHamilton2/27,RMiller2/34) lost to<br />

Ohoka 135/6 (R Kelly 56, HFitzpatrick<br />

24no, DLyons 22;TInnes 2/4,LFoulkes<br />

2/29).<br />

Oxford­Rangiora 177/8(MPower 49, D<br />

Fulton38, CScott 24, DSmith 23; WWroe<br />

3/32, HPaterson 2/30, LRobinson2/30) beat<br />

Lincoln 108/5 (A Paterson 41no,RSporke<br />

38no; SFleming 2/25).<br />

Southbrook39(TBurt 5/17, DNeal 3/<strong>12</strong>)<br />

lost to Leeston­Southbridge 40/2 (R Young<br />

21no).<br />

Percival St, Rangiora<br />

(03) 313-8186<br />

www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Athletes take centre-stage<br />

Hitting the line ... Year 5students competeinone of the 60m boys’ sprintheats in the<br />

Rakahuri Zone AthleticSports at AshgrovePark, Rangiora, last Thursday. PHOTOS: DAYNABURTON<br />

Up to the<br />

challenge ... A<br />

Year 6Southbrook<br />

School student<br />

competes in the<br />

girls’ high jump.<br />

Proudly supportingsport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Close contest<br />

... Tightly<br />

bunched<br />

runners at the<br />

end of the Year<br />

6boys’ 60m<br />

sprint final.<br />


RangioraBridge Club<br />

Grey Pairs: N/S: David Rainey/Jeanette<br />

Chatterton 1, Denise Lang/Sue McIlroy 2,<br />

Diane Watson/KayeLainchbury3.E/W:Tom<br />

Rose/WarwickWyatt1,David McRae/Fern<br />

McRae 2, DawnSimpson/JoyceGray3.<br />

Rimu Pairs: N/S:Ant Lilley/Gail Hallams 1,<br />

Jenny Story/PeterStory 2, JoanLloyd/Colleen<br />

Adam3.E/W:RobinHassall/DawnSimpson 1,<br />

Helen Thornburgh/LizPartridge2,Judith<br />

Drive/JanRoose 3.<br />

Monday Evening,Nov 2: N/S: Anne Bagrie/<br />

KateWhitehead, GavinDunnett/NoelLangdon<br />

2, AnnetteCaldwell/Gail Dunlop 3. E/W:<br />

Lindsey Sigglekow/LizCalder1,Kerryn<br />

Lange/Karen Manson 2, MurrayDavis/Sharyn<br />

Davis 3.<br />

SpringTournament: N/S: Judith Calder/<br />

Shirley Symns 1, PeterVan Leeuwen/Ian<br />

Southen 2, TomRose/Rona Maslowski 3. E/W:<br />

Sue Southen/PamTibble 1, Derek Frapwell/<br />

GlendaFrapwell 2,JillAmer/Andrew Findlay<br />

3.<br />

PremierPairs: N/S: HeatherWaldron/Sarah<br />

Waldron1,JackLyon/ShirleySymns2,<br />

Elizabeth Alabaster/Colin Dick3.E/W:Nikki<br />

Luisetti/RichardPeter 1, Gaynor Hurford/<br />

DawnSimpson 2, Beverley Parlane/Barry<br />

Lomax 3.<br />

Amberley GolfClub<br />

Results forthe week to October 31:<br />

Women(Stroke):JanneneCumming70nett,<br />

1; SharonMarsh 71,2;Adele Wilshire, Lyn<br />

Robertson 74,equal3.<br />

MenSenior (Stroke): RogerKeith 69,1;<br />

Roger Hornblow71, 2; PhilCumming 72.<br />

MenJunior (Stroke): Kevin Naish64nett,1;<br />

GordonMcGeddie 68,2;RobinDenby71, 3.<br />

9Hole Stableford Women: HeatherKemp22<br />

points,Val Crooks 16,2.<br />

Men: KingsleyHowie, ReinBakker 17 pts,<br />

equal 1.<br />

Midweek MenStableford:Dave Flewellen<br />

42 pts, 1; Dave Rowell, StuartJohns, Bruce<br />

Mills,40, equal 2.<br />

Midweek womenL.G.U. Stroke:Ann Little<br />

68 nett, 1; Julie Lucas,JudyBrown,Rose<br />

Lester, 70 equal2.<br />

Need help<br />

fundraising?<br />

Want to<br />

promote<br />

your club<br />

or team?<br />

Talk to us about<br />

howwecan help<br />

youreach your<br />

goals faster!<br />

For more<br />

information email<br />

info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Sponsored by...<br />

Rangiora’s own 6-hour teams<br />

endurance mountainbike race.<br />

Assemble your team of 2-4 riders to complete<br />

as many laps as you can in 6 hours.<br />

The course offers a challenge for riders of all skill levels<br />

and the race is open to all riders <strong>12</strong> years & older.<br />

www.rakahuri-rage.nz<br />

Sunday a 7 th Marcha c 2021 2 21

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />


New Build Underway<br />

67 Bayliss Drive, Kaiapoi<br />

City living has been fun, but for these two their hearts and souls are in the country. Having just secured a<br />

parcel of land, and building plans all but signed off; what has been their very first build and home for the past<br />

three years now must be sold to complete the dream... aforever home in the country; presenting an exciting<br />

new opportunity for the next lucky recipient of number 67.<br />

What is on offer is 211m² of well-configured and flexible floor space; comprising of three generous bedrooms,<br />

plus agood size single bedroom, two car internal garaging, separate formal living, with interconnecting open<br />

plan kitchen, dining, and family area; both flow toanexpansive kwila deck that basks in all day sun.<br />

The home boasts many features including awalk-in- pantry, recessed ceilings, great storage, separate<br />

laundry, garden shed, and raised veggie beds, plus fenced for animals and children.<br />

Settlement dates are flexible either before Christmas or early 2021.<br />

Be quick to register your interest and see all this property has to offer.<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

–all offers presented onor<br />

before Thursday 26Nov 4:00 p.m.<br />

4 2 2 1 2<br />

Phone or text for viewing times<br />

Sue &Gemma Roberts<br />

027 440 <strong>12</strong>82 |03323 6045<br />

sue.gemma@harcourts.co.nz<br />

View online @harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

ID# BF35597<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd<br />

Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Four SeasonsRealty<br />


Four Seasons Realty<br />

Zealanders<br />

New by<br />

¥Voted<br />

¥Voted<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

¥2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

★<br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

.:;:<br />

Amberley ld Clifford Place<br />

No Delays... Be In For Christmas!<br />

No Delays! This home can be yoursimmediately.<br />

Situated in agreat location on aquiettree linedstreet in<br />

Amberley, this 1S6m2freeholdtownhouse hassunny<br />

open plan living, spaciousmodern kitchenandis<br />

designed with access &mobility in mind. The private<br />

grounds arewaitingfor your creative flare and can be<br />

easilyfencedfor the pooches. Thegenerous attached<br />

double garagehas internal/external access. Nice easy<br />

sectionand goodoffstreetparking. Amust view!<br />

376sqm i,:

Phone 03 375 0010 |Email live@ravenswood.co.nz<br />

www.ravenswood.co.nz<br />

Subjecttofinal approval of the Waimakariri District Council and the developer,subject to survey.<br />

Dimensions,details and timing of the development areall subject to change.<br />

Prices andavailability are subject to change at anytime.<br />

SALES<br />

O FICE<br />

Childcare<br />

Centre<br />

Lilburne Str et<br />

Hinge Crescent<br />

Bob Robertson Drive<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Zealanders<br />

New by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted •<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

• •<br />

★<br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

this place<br />

andfor good reason<br />

We love<br />

Newresidential community, just 25kms north of Christchurch<br />

City adjacent to StateHighway 1<br />

Masterplan<br />

Printed January<strong>2020</strong><br />

Bowmaker Crescent<br />

Clayton Place<br />

Garlick Str et<br />

Kesteven Place<br />

Bob Robertson Drive<br />

Amenities include major retailers, NewWorld supermarket,<br />

BP ServiceStation, Wild Bean Café&McDonalds plus agreat<br />

variety of smaller and local businesses<br />

Stage3b&csection sizes from 400m2-505m2<br />

Stage3b&csections priced from $165,000<br />

Tara Crescent<br />

John Raven Lane<br />

Minerva Crescent<br />

Bob Robertson Drive<br />

Godley Place<br />

Clegg Street<br />

Minerva Crescent<br />

Minerva Cres<br />

Welsford Str et<br />

Shrimpton Avenue<br />

Chinnerys Road<br />

State Highway 1<br />

Services to the boundary<br />

Zoned forWoodend PrimarySchool and Kaiapoi High School<br />

Stage3dcoming soon<br />

If youhaveany questions, please phone or email Victoria.<br />

Victoria Thompson<br />

027 352 7913 03 313 6158<br />

victoria.thompson@harcourts.co.nz<br />

victoriathompson.harcourts.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

Your home forlocal property.

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Hawarden 684 Heathstock Road<br />

Peaceful and private<br />

This attractively landscaped andvery well maintained house is reluctantlyfor sale as ourvendorsare relocating. The house is<br />

blockconstructioninthe originalpart which is now three bedrooms. Thisarea hasbeen re-lined and insulated.The addition<br />

whichwas built in2001, has the kitchenand lounge,featuring highceilings with Macrocarpa timber and beams, double<br />

glazedaluminum windows, with Canadian Oregonreveals and is heated by alog-burner and aheat pump.This area hasnew<br />

carpet and aheated tile floor in the kitchenaswellas the bathroom. There is alight tube inthe kitchenand askylight in the<br />

lounge.Outside there is anew 50m2Totalspan shedand amodern <strong>12</strong>mx9m three baybarn. Thereare extensive native<br />

plantings as well as rhododendrons, azaleas andhedges.Ecan maps suggestDarnleyShallow SiltyLoamand Pahau<br />

Moderately Deep Silty Loam. Subdivided into six paddocksthe land will be quite productive.<br />

3 1 1<br />

Deadline Sale closes Monday 23rd <strong>November</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL79180<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Hawarden 368 Horsley Down Road<br />

Fernside 642 Oxford Road<br />

Extended living and sheds<br />

Attractive 24 acre block with productive soils andawellmaintained<br />

villa, the original part of which is <strong>12</strong>0 years old. The house is<br />

approximately 272m2 including the verandah,whichisafeature. It<br />

comprises three goodsize bedrooms, large open plan areawith<br />

Wellstoodmulti fuelburner, with wet-back,aswell as aseparate<br />

loungewith alargeMetrowood burner. The kitchenisquite modern<br />

being donein2007. Features include two toilets, alaundry, HRV,<br />

decorative fireplaces in each bedroom and wooden joinery. The<br />

detached car garage is 75m2and includes asleep-out and woodshed.<br />

3 1 2 1<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 18th<br />

<strong>November</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless<br />

sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL78888<br />

MauriceNewell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Modern rural lifestyle<br />

Bursting with natural light andboasting agenuine sense of<br />

tranquillity,this family-orientatedhome is thehaven you've been<br />

searching for! Inside, this sun-soakedhome boasts four bedrooms<br />

(master with en suiteand WIR), separateoffice, alarge family<br />

bathroom,ahighly functional kitchenwith walkinpantry, and living<br />

spacesthat are guaranteed year-round comfortthanks to the 26Kw<br />

Woodsman Strongman logburner. Internal access garaging. Bathed in<br />

sun, the easy-care groundsoffer plenty of options when it comes time<br />

to relax and unwind.The large patio area is perfect forthe summer.<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 2nd<br />

December, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless<br />

sold prior)<br />

View Sun 15 Nov 1.30 -2.30pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL79338<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Southbrook 28 Coronation Street<br />

It's gotta go<br />

Built from brick, this robustly constructed residence represents awonderfulopportunity for both firsthomebuyersand those<br />

lookingfor asolid addition to their investment portfolios. Inside the home, ample4bedroom accommodation is<br />

complementedbytwo bathrooms (including an ensuite), athoughtfully configured kitchen/dining/living area and the added<br />

convenience of aseparate lounge. Doubleglazing, heat pump and alog burner conspiretokeepthe homecozyand warm<br />

throughout the year, while neutral decorensures thenew owners will have no problem expressingtheir ownsense of style and<br />

personality. Outside, the full-fencedsection is asafehavenfor families,whileinternal access garagingand additionaloffstreetparking<br />

complete the appeal.Withasupermarket, restaurants, quality schools with in-walkingdistance, and the<br />

Southbrook Road shopsensuring everythingyou could ever neediswithin close proximity.<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 25th <strong>November</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>at<br />

4.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />

View Sun 15 Nov <strong>12</strong>.15 -1.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU79266<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Waikuku Beach 32 Park Terrace<br />

Enjoy effortless entertaining<br />

This beautifully-presented property is perfectly positioned in the heart<br />

of Waikuku Beach, ahighly-desirable seaside suburb located within<br />

easy reach of the Rangiora township. This well-maintained home<br />

features threebedrooms, amodern kitchen, and agood-sized<br />

bathroom.Designed with families in mind, the open-plan living area<br />

offersplenty of versatility, while aheatpump guarantees year-round<br />

comfort. Other highlightsinclude neutral decor, aseparate laundry,<br />

and excellentindoor/outdoor flow. Drenched in sun, the sprawling<br />

deck is the perfect spot.<br />

3 1 1<br />

Auction 6.00pm, Wed 18th Nov, <strong>2020</strong><br />

View Thu <strong>12</strong> Nov 6.00 -6.30pm<br />

Sun 15 Nov 1.00 -2.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU78655<br />

Sally Davies<br />

M 027 359 5509<br />

*Terms and Conditions apply |Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008<br />

Simply receiveaFREE<br />

appraisal on your property,<br />

and you’reintowin instant<br />

prizes to the value of $20,000!<br />

Find out exactly whereyou<br />

stand in the currentmarket,<br />

and be in to WIN!<br />

Get in touch today<br />

0800 367 5263 or visit<br />

pb.co.nz/instantwin<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Toot for<br />

Tucker<br />

Food Bank Appeal<br />

Tuesday 1 st December <strong>2020</strong><br />

Kaiapoi |Rangiora |Oxford |Amberley |Pegasus |Woodend<br />

Be creativewith your<br />

giving, perhaps some<br />

Christmas treats or<br />

small gifts forchildren.<br />

So start gathering your donations now-Theywill be<br />

gratefully received by the Salvation Army, Wellbeing<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and OxfordCommunity Pantry.<br />

Please supply your ownbags forcollection this year.<br />

With thanks to our supporters.<br />

Proudly sponsored by PropertyBrokers<br />

Flaxton 181 Flaxton Road<br />

We areembarking on aRoadshow throughout<br />

provincial NewZealandtotalk through the<br />

Residential Tenancies Amendmentsand<br />

HealthyHomes Standards, and how these will<br />

affect you. We’d love to have youjoinus!<br />

24 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2020</strong> | 6.00pm<br />

Peppers Clearwater Resort<br />

Clearwater Avenue, Christchurch<br />

When location counts!<br />

We proudly presentone of Waimakariri's most appealingbare land<br />

lifestyle properties currently on themarket. Located adjacent Flaxton<br />

Manor,181 Flaxton Roadiscomprised of 4.1055hectares of prime<br />

bare land, featuring established shelter, four well fenced, paddocks<br />

plus agreat choiceofsuitable building sites.Theland is in goodquality<br />

pasture with aspringfed small pondinthe southwest corner and<br />

could be enhanced to an attractive wetland area. Set well back from<br />

the road down asealedlane, with electricity andwater to the<br />

boundary.<br />

Auction 6.30pm, Wed 2nd Dec, <strong>2020</strong>,<br />

Onsite<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL79272<br />

Leigh Miller<br />

M 021 308 202<br />

JaniceClyma<br />

M 027 434 7090<br />

Visit pb.co.nz/rtaroadshow to register and<br />

formoredetails about this great opportunity.<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Vehicles in Parks Endangering Community<br />

Council are asking the Pegasus and Woodend<br />

communities to report illegal or anti-social<br />

activities inGladstone Park to the Police.<br />

The appeal follows numerous complaints from<br />

residents and visitors who have seen people riding<br />

quadbikes and motorbikes in grassed areas of the<br />

park, south of Hakatere Road. The actions ofa<br />

few people are causing both noise nuisance and<br />

safety concerns for park users at various times of<br />

the day and night.<br />

Council’s Greenspace Manager Grant MacLeod<br />

reminds people that riding motorbikes or other<br />

motorised vehicles in parks is dangerous and<br />

not allowed.<br />

“We don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, but parks are<br />

used by children, families and sports groups -they<br />

aren’t an appropriate place for vehicles,”<br />

says Grant.<br />

Gladstone Park has anumber of sports fields used<br />

by community sports clubs, adog park, tennis<br />

courts and children’s playground.<br />

“Residents value our open spaces and should be<br />

able to use them safely, without having to put up<br />

with excessive noise and anti-social behaviour,”<br />

he said.<br />

Recreational use of motorbikes, quadbikes, or any<br />

motorised vehicle is not allowed inany part of<br />

the park.<br />

Community’s Unsung Heroes Celebrated<br />

at Awards<br />

Each year, the Waimakariri District Council<br />

celebrates the people who have made great<br />

contributions to the District.<br />

Now intheir 29th year, the Community Service<br />

Awards formally recognise the substantial<br />

commitment of the unsung heroes who work<br />

quietly in the background making our community a<br />

better place to live.<br />

Whether it’s for sport, youth, family, church,<br />

education, community or earthquake response, we<br />

want to make sure these volunteers are thanked on<br />

behalf of our community. This year, anew Mayor’s<br />

Award for exceptional community service has also<br />

been introduced.<br />

"There are alot of people doing tremendous<br />

voluntary work in the Waimakariri District,” says<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon. “Many fly under the radar<br />

without recognition. However, we would like to<br />

acknowledge these very humble people for their<br />

considerable contributions. It is the least we can<br />

do, on behalf of agrateful community, to say<br />

thanks to people who go the extra mile to give<br />

outstanding service."<br />

Mayor’s Award recipients: David Ayers, Gary Boot<br />

and Brian Hoult.<br />

Community Service Award recipients: Marilyn<br />

Ayers, Bob Balanos, Liz Duke, Clay Griffin, Judith<br />

Hoult, Nick Ledgard, Tim Reynolds, Glenn Scott,<br />

Armin Svoboda and John Ward.<br />

Planning an Event Where<br />

Alcohol Will be Served?<br />

All applications for special licences over the<br />

new year period need tobelodged by Friday<br />

20 <strong>November</strong>. Applications need to be made at<br />

least 20 working days before the event(the only<br />

exceptions are for unforeseeable events like<br />

funerals). Visit any Council Service Centre orour<br />

website to download an application form.<br />

<strong>2020</strong>/21 Rates<br />

Second Instalment Due<br />

We’d like toremind you that the<br />

second instalment of the <strong>2020</strong>/21<br />

is due on 20 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Pleasenotethat a10% penalty will be<br />

added to any part of thesecondinstalment<br />

that remains unpaidaer27<strong>November</strong><strong>2020</strong>.<br />

If you are having difficulty paying your rates,<br />

we encourage you toget in touch with us to<br />

talk through suitable payment options -phone<br />

0800 965 468 or email rates@wmk.govt.nz<br />

Internet/Telephone Banking Payments<br />

are Welcome<br />

To help usprocess your payment, please:<br />

• use the valuation number as a reference<br />

• ifyou are paying the rates for more than<br />

one property, send the remittance advices<br />

marked “internet banking” or e-mail<br />

property valuation references and details<br />

of payment to rates@wmk.govt.nz<br />

• payments to account number:<br />

01-0877-0<strong>12</strong>9222-00<br />

• please make sure the valuation number<br />

reference on your payment isthe same as<br />

on your rates invoice.<br />

Payments by Visa or MasterCard:<br />

• Payments may be made online using Visa,<br />

MasterCard at waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

• AnEFTPOS online fee of2.34% of the<br />

total amount ofthe payment is charged for<br />

all payments made by creditcard.<br />

Seed Raising<br />

Workshops<br />

The Waimakariri Libraries are hosting seed raising<br />

events in all of our libraries,tocoincidewith the<br />

traditional planting period afterShow Weekend.<br />

Some seeds, soil, and containers will be provided,<br />

and we would liketoencourage all ages to bring<br />

their own seeds to exchange, and recycled<br />

containers to sow their seeds.<br />

We are grateful to have sponsorship<br />

from McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA<br />

Rangiorafor theseevents.<br />

Oxford Library<br />

Wednesday<br />

18 <strong>November</strong>,<br />

4.30–6.30pm<br />

ABOUT<br />


Did you know that arecent survey<br />

showed that over 70% of our community<br />

is concerned about Climate Change?<br />

Your feedback on our dra Climate Change Policy<br />

will help us shape acomprehensiveClimate Change<br />

Response Strategy forWaimakariri.<br />

Consultationcloses this week,let us know what<br />

youthink beforeFriday 13 <strong>November</strong><strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Share your thoughts at waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

Kaiapoi Library,<br />

Thursday<br />

19 <strong>November</strong>,<br />

4.30–6.30pm<br />

Register at anyWaimakariri Library.<br />

RangioraLibrary,<br />

Friday<br />

20 <strong>November</strong>,<br />

4.30–6.30pm<br />


Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

Dr RichardClinghan willdiscuss<br />

his new comicbook‘Jennyand the<br />

Eddies’-inspired by themeasles<br />

outbreak andCOVID 19.<br />

This will be arelaxed family event,<br />

pizza provided for asmall koha.<br />

Booksavailable for sale<br />

$25cashonly.<br />

Kaiapoi Library,<br />

Thursday<br />

<strong>12</strong> <strong>November</strong><br />

5.30-6.30pm<br />

Register now at any<br />

Waimakariri library.<br />

Author Talk with<br />

Dr Richard Clinghan<br />

libraries.waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Meeting explores<br />

connectedness<br />


Keeping connected is proving<br />

to be achallenge for elderly<br />

residents in Waikuku Beach.<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

age­friendly community<br />

facilitator Madeleine Burdon<br />

says she has becomeawarethat<br />

severalelderlyresidentsinthe<br />

seaside village don’t know<br />

where to go to get support.<br />

In responseto chatswith the<br />

local WaikukuBeach store<br />

owner, who had grown<br />

concerned for her elderly<br />

customers, Madeleine<br />

organised an informationsharing<br />

and morning tea event<br />

at the Waikuku Beach<br />

CommunityHall this week.<br />

‘‘I thinkpeople oftenassume<br />

that other people can access<br />

information online or on the<br />

phone, but during the lockdown<br />

it was found that over<br />

300,000 over­70sinNew<br />

Zealand don’t have internet<br />

access.<br />

‘‘And it can be quitedaunting<br />

for people on the phone,<br />

because they’re oftentalkingto<br />

strangersorcan getconfused<br />

aboutwhat button to push.’’<br />

Madeleinesaystheresidents<br />

often do not have family nearby<br />

and they may rarely see their<br />

neighbours, who might be<br />

commuting to work.<br />

Social isolation among the<br />

elderly can be an issue in any<br />

community, but she suspects it<br />

may be worse in Waikuku<br />

Beach comparedtoother<br />

communitieswhichhave<br />

facilities suchasmedical<br />

centres.<br />

‘‘Often these peopledon’t<br />

have family and they probably<br />

shouldn’tbedriving, andthey<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

❛During the lockdown<br />

it was found that over<br />

300,000over­70s in<br />

New Zealand don’t<br />

have internetaccess.❜<br />

—Madeleine Burdon<br />

maynot haveamedical alarm,<br />

so the local shopkeeper has<br />

becomelike apastoral care<br />

persontothem.<br />

‘‘Ithink informationis the<br />

keyandthat’s where your GP<br />

practice comes in, because<br />

that’s your primary medical<br />

care,and the MinistryofSocial<br />

Development.<br />

‘‘But if someone doesn’t<br />

know they’re entitled to a<br />

disability allowance they’re not<br />

going to ask, and they can be<br />

embarrassed if they need<br />

someone to help themhavea<br />

shower.’’<br />

Madeleineisconcerned that<br />

social isolation­related<br />

challenges may get worsewith<br />

theageing population, so<br />

society needstofindwaysto<br />

connectwithelderlypeople.<br />

Shesaysalackofphoto<br />

identification is also an issue<br />

for the elderly, as they stop<br />

driving and have no need for a<br />

passport.<br />

The workshop included<br />

presentations from<br />

Presbyterian Support, the<br />

Ministry of Social<br />

Development, health and<br />

budgeting agencies, Citizens<br />

Advice Bureau, the police, and<br />

Greypower <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

It was organised by Agefriendly<br />

Waimakariri.<br />

In brief<br />

Triotoperform<br />

37<br />

Atrioofyoung, world­class musicians<br />

haveaccepted an invitation by the<br />

Waimakariri CommunityArts Council<br />

to perform in Rangiora.Violinist<br />

Matilde Loureiro,who was bornin<br />

Portugal, and Christchurch­born<br />

brothers Jun Bouterey­Ishido (piano)<br />

and Yuuki Bouterey­Ishido (cello) are<br />

all now based in Europebut have<br />

returned to NewZealand for Christmas.<br />

Theyare now in Covid­19 quarantine.<br />

The ChamberGallery concert on<br />

<strong>November</strong>30isthe trio’s only<br />

performance during its visit to New<br />

Zealand. The trio will perform<br />

Schumann, Bartok, Prokofieff and<br />

Beethoven.The concert will startat<br />

7.30pm. Tickets cost$35,or$15 for<br />

students.They can be boughtatthe<br />

Rangiora Librarybycash or cheque.<br />

Exhibition opens<br />

Words are important to Christchurch<br />

artist Jane Barry, whohas an exhibition<br />

of her workinRangiora’s Chamber<br />

Gallery. Shekeepsathesaurus in her<br />

studioand in her latest exhibition,<br />

Something to Send From Acrossthe Sea,<br />

her artwork has beenenhancedby<br />

evocative titleswith amainly nautical<br />

theme, suchasShipwrecked, All at Sea,<br />

Hopeful Harbour, TheDevil andthe Deep<br />

BlueSea,and Message in aBottle.Her<br />

unconstrained, mixed­media work is a<br />

collection of ‘‘abstracted depictions’’ of<br />

seascapes and landscapes. Jane is a<br />

full­time artistbut she alsohas a<br />

Christchurch vintage clothingshop<br />

called TigerVintage. Theexhibition<br />

runsuntil Thursday, December 3.<br />

Walk to mark day<br />

The Glenmark Rural Women’s group<br />

recently celebrated International<br />

Rural Women’s Day, themed ‘‘Women<br />

Walkthe World’’, with awalkalong the<br />

Waikari Walkway. They then enjoyed<br />

international fare at Pams Cafe.<br />

Dog Register<br />

Are Your Details Current?<br />

The summer holidays bring an influx of lost and<br />

found dogs.<br />

If your contactdetailsinthe Dog Register are up to date,<br />

and your dog is wearing acurrentregistration tag,itis<br />

muchquicker and easier to get them home if they’re lost.<br />

Please advise any new:<br />

• Dog arrivals/departures<br />

• Changes to phone numbers, especially cell phone<br />

numbers<br />

• Address transfers within the district<br />

• Microchip number if the dog has been microchipped<br />

since registration<br />

• Changes of postal address and email address<br />

• Neutering details<br />

• Self service with dogs online atwaimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Email us at office@wmk.govt.nz to update the Dog Register<br />

Want to reach 47,000<br />

readers every week?<br />

Talk to us today to find<br />

out how we can help you.<br />

Phone 03 314 8335<br />

or email info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Sales<br />

Consultant /<br />

Administration<br />

Support<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> is the best-read and largestcirculating culating<br />

communitynewspaper in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. We are ownedbyAllied Press, a<br />

New Zealand ownedand operated companyproducingquality newspapers,<br />

magazines and on-linemedia.<br />

We arelookingfor anew teammember to join us whoisanexcellent<br />

communicator to helpgrow our business and sales, and ideallywillhave a<br />

goodunderstanding of the rural sector. Part of your role will be to provide<br />

sales and administration support.<br />

Thisisafull timeposition basedin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

In order to be successful in thisrole, it is essential thatyou have:<br />

• Sales hunting skills and atruehungertosucceed.<br />

• The ability to listen to client needs andprovideeffective solutions.<br />

• Afaultless workethic and be deadline driven.<br />

• Computer literateand be confident learning new programmes and systems.<br />

Youmust also be apeopleperson who is:<br />

• Passionate, positiveand proactive.<br />

• Flexible andable to work across multiple mediaplatforms if required.<br />

• Creativeand deliver freshideasfor our customers.<br />

• Enjoy beingpart of asmall, dedicated team.<br />

Youwillbejoining acompany that is passionate about publishingand looks<br />

after itspeople.<br />

Basesalarypackage plus incentive is on offerfor therightcandidate.<br />

Apply in confidencewith yourCVand cover letter to:<br />

Dayna Burton<br />

dayna.burton@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Applicationsclose<br />

5pm,Friday 27 <strong>November</strong>.<br />

Thursday,August2,2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

2326806<br />

Situations Vacant


38 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Situations Vacant<br />



Waipara School is asmall rural, full primary school with a<br />

stable roll of 58 children.<br />

Located only 45 minutes from Christchurch, our community<br />

is set amongst the thriving wine and farming region of the<br />

Hurunui, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Our school has along serving, experienced leadership team,<br />

who pride themselves in the development of their valued<br />

teaching staff, along with setting high standards, which<br />

has led to Waipara School achieving excellent outcomes of<br />

educational achievement.<br />

We are looking for afixed term Scale Ateacher to join our<br />

small team of dedicated professionals for the 2021 school<br />

year.<br />

To be successful, you will be an experienced teaching<br />

professional, who will be able to demonstrate sound<br />

knowledge of the NZ Curriculum, in addition to past success<br />

in the planning and implementation of effective learning<br />

programmes that cater for avariety of learning styles.<br />

Additionally, you will be someone confident inengaging<br />

with parents and community alike and enjoy being partofa<br />

small but supportive community.<br />

Please send CV, acovering letter outlining your suitability<br />

for the position, your strengths and interests and the names<br />

of three referees to:<br />

The Principal<br />

Waipara School<br />

P.OBox 11<br />

Waipara 7447<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

or email: waipara@xtra.co.nz<br />

Applications close Friday 27 <strong>November</strong>.<br />

Administrative Assistant position<br />

2332328<br />

Waipara School is asmall rural school, in the heartofthe<br />

Waipara winegrowing area.<br />

The position of administrative assistant has become<br />

vacant and we are looking for acommunity minded<br />

person, who enjoys children, with awide skill base to<br />

fulfill this role.<br />

The role involves supporting the Principal managing the<br />

school’s administration, being responsible for the student<br />

database and involves some financial responsibilities.<br />

The position is permanent, working five hours aweek,<br />

and commences on 25 January, 2021.<br />

Please send acovering letter, outlining your experience<br />

and interest in the position, as well as the names of two<br />

referees, to:<br />

The Principal<br />

Waipara School<br />

P.O.Box 11<br />

Waipara 7447<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Applications close at midday on Friday 27 <strong>November</strong>,<br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

2332044<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

EARN money for Xmas.<br />

Labourers required for a<br />

variety of roles Nth Cant<br />

and ChCh. Superior Personnel<br />

313 6180, unit 1/6<br />

Cone Street, Rangiora.<br />

www.superiorpersonnel.co.nz.<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />


YOUR<br />


1914343<br />

Thursday,August2,2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Delivered to more homes<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

Kaikoura regions than any<br />

other publication.<br />

The best read paper in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>!<br />

For contact details see page 2<br />

Public Notices<br />

Te Kura oTuahiwi<br />

206 Tuahiwi Road<br />

RD1<br />

Kaiapoi 7630<br />

Open Day -Nau Mai, Haere Mai<br />

Wednesday 18th and 25th <strong>November</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

9.30am -<strong>12</strong>.45pm<br />

We are asmall, semi rural school 25 kms north of Christchurch City<br />

delivering learning in both Te Reo Maori and English.<br />

We have high quality, effective teaching and learning programmes,<br />

warm friendly kaiako (teachers) and modern pedagogy.<br />

We extend awarm welcome to anyone who would like to visit<br />

Tuahiwi School and discover all that we have to offer.<br />

No appointments necessary, wewant you to see what atypical day<br />

at our school looks like. Everyone is welcome!!<br />

Please call school on 03 313 8521 or text 021 184 9344 if you have<br />

any questions<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 20<strong>12</strong><br />

Tasteful Affairs Ltd has<br />

made application to the<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Rangiora for the renewal<br />

of an On Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated at<br />

373 Williams Street, Kaiapoi<br />

or Kaiapoi Golf Club known<br />

as Tasteful Affairs Cafe,<br />

Restaurant &Bar.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Sunday -Thursday 8am till<br />

11pm, Friday & Saturday<br />

8am till <strong>12</strong> midnight.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may, not later than<br />

15 working days after the<br />

date of the publication of this<br />

notice, file anotice inwriting<br />

of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 131 of the sale and<br />

supply of Alcohol Act 20<strong>12</strong>.<br />

This is the second publication<br />

of this notice. This notice<br />

was first published 5th<br />

<strong>November</strong> <strong>2020</strong>. 2328633v2<br />


CLUB AGM<br />

Will he held on Tuesday,<br />

December 1at8pm in the<br />

clubrooms, Campbell<br />

Road, Cheviot.<br />

All welcome<br />

RESPONSIBLE hunter<br />

looking for properties to<br />

shoot rabbits, hares,<br />

possums. Large properties<br />

preferred. Phone Richie<br />

021 999 520.<br />


“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />

“GOOD NEWS”<br />

What the Bible says about FAITH:<br />

“Abraham never wavered in believing GOD’s<br />

promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in<br />

this he brought glorytoGOD”. Romans 4:20 NLT.<br />

SeniorNet Internet Banking series<br />

1. Introduction<br />

16 <strong>November</strong><br />

2. Workshop<br />

23 <strong>November</strong><br />

Each starts at 10.00 am in the Learning Centre,<br />

178 King Street, Rangiora<br />

Information/enrolment with Bob on 03 3<strong>12</strong> 8933<br />

or jobo@gumbrell.net by 13 <strong>November</strong><br />

2332318<br />

2330867<br />

2330132<br />

At the close of nominations, as the number of valid<br />

nominations was equal to the number of vacancies<br />

required to be filled, Ihereby declare the following duly<br />

elected:<br />

Michal Dyndul<br />

Helen van Toor<br />

Signed<br />

Liz McClure<br />

Returning Officer<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.<br />

kipmcgrath.co.nz/rangiora.<br />

Stock Feed<br />

Hay making<br />

Conventional or<br />

round bales<br />

Full job or partjob<br />

2330135<br />

Ph 0274 782 925<br />

or 313 7938<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

Mid Term Election<br />

Declaration of Parent<br />

Election Results<br />

Gardening<br />

2331660<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 3<strong>12</strong> 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

HORSE manure. Delivered<br />

by Rangiora Lions,<br />

Rangiora area, $5 a bag.<br />

Please phone 313 2819 or<br />

021 3<strong>12</strong> 230.<br />

Farming Notices<br />

Standing<br />

Grass Wanted:<br />

Most Rangiora<br />

surrounding areas<br />

considered.<br />

Call 027 236 7577<br />

2330402<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />


for anyunwanted<br />

vehicles,phone<br />

3479354 or<br />

027 476 2404<br />

WANTED to buy Ford,<br />

Holden, Chrysler, or<br />

Chev’s, classic cars. Any<br />

condition. Please phone<br />

Tony 027 313 5000.<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

BUYING estate type old<br />

china, crystal, collectables,<br />

vases. Ph 027 350 3963, or<br />

313 1878.<br />

STANDINGHAY wanted,<br />

Sefton & surrounding<br />

areas. Phone 027 269 9352<br />

or 3<strong>12</strong> 9018.<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

23<strong>12</strong>759<br />

Ph 0800 030 7<strong>12</strong> or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

For Sale<br />

BBQ PLUS new gas, 2fold<br />

up camp beds, glass top<br />

table (semi circle), large<br />

metal step ladder. To view,<br />

with offers please phone 03<br />

310 7393.<br />

QUEEN bed Pinewood slat<br />

frame and near new<br />

innersprung mattress, sell<br />

$350. Can deliver locally.<br />

Ph 021 062 3835 Cust.<br />

Grazing<br />

CHEAP grazing for 20-25<br />

sheep, year round. Leithfield<br />

area. Good shelter &<br />

water. Phone 021 <strong>12</strong>9 4305.<br />

Livestock<br />


&Wild Game<br />

Meat Processing<br />

313 0022<br />

2309602MEAT2U.NZ<br />

Trade&Services<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

PAINTER, qualified, local<br />

professional. Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

cutting with quality and Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

removal work. Free quotes. Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027 RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052 Removal and RRR skips.<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605. Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

ALL TREE SERVICES, and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

chopping, pruning, firewood<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

cut. Affordable & bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

friendly service. Telephone greenwaste, building sites<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

Services. Tree removal, ROOFER - All roof<br />

pruning, height reduction, repairs, roof painting, water<br />

hedge trimming, shaping, blasting, moss treatment,<br />

tree planting, firewood. repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

Free quote. Contact Angus snow straps. And more.<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741 Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com. 027 516 6609.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services. SCREEN PRINTING.<br />

Tree felling, topping, For all your printing<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

removed, stump grind-<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

ing, branch chipping. polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03 Please phone Heather 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 <strong>12</strong>4 4894. 313 0261 or email heather.<br />

BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

types of work undertaken, SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

repairs. Phone Hamish Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

BUILDERS Father &son<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

health check. Trailer, generator<br />

&mobile handpiece<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

available. Experienced,<br />

standards, low overheads.<br />

reliable and honest. Ph 03<br />

No job too small. Check us<br />

4233713 or 021 267 4025.<br />

on fb. Amac Builders Ltd. SHEEP SHEARING,<br />

Ph 027 318 4400. drenching, feet trimming.<br />


For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />

Time to service your fire.<br />

Stu 027 315 6916.<br />

From $80 + gst single STONEMASON, Brick<br />

storey. 0800 SWEEP ME and Blocklayer. Earthquake<br />

or 021 0277 1927. repairs, grind out and<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

repoint, River/Oamaru<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

stone, Schist, Volcanic<br />

tiled shower restorations<br />

rock, paving, all alterations<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

- new and old. Quality<br />

glass & we can even<br />

workmanship. Visit www.<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

featureworks.co.nz or ph<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

027 601 3145.<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a SUMMERFIELD<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />


METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />


Sheetmetal Fabri-<br />

Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

cation, Wrought Iron, horse, all types of animals.<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers, Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

General Metalwork. No job shelters, runs.<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908. 30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Find us on facebook/ Steve is available to help with<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx. your design &planning.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com. Ph office033<strong>12</strong> 4747<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant, ANTHONY SYMONDS<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph Forall your painting &<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568. plastering requirements<br />

PAINTER & Decorator. Local with 30 years<br />

25 + years experience. experience<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs & All workmanship<br />

waterblasting. For a free Guaranteed.<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930. Phone 021 344 023<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Specialist.<br />

All plastic &fibreglass<br />

repairs. Telephone James<br />

021 180 5103.<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

2091848<br />

2220615<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 <strong>12</strong>8 9867<br />


Movemen Ltd<br />

2Men &agood sized<br />

truck. From $157 per hour<br />

(incl gst). Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

2316549<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

2225862<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

39<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Builder<br />

Butchery<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

ASKO,Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />

Haier, Samsung and more....<br />

“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

Denture Clinic<br />


CLINIC<br />

(Formerly Riccarton Denture Clinic)<br />

1843944<br />

2269236<br />

New Dentures<br />

Relines<br />

Repairs<br />

1913020<br />





Kaiapoi<br />

Ph (03)327-0077<br />

Gold Card<br />

Discount<br />


<strong>12</strong>3 WILLIAMS STREET<br />

Engineering<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Motorcycle Service &Repair<br />

South Pacific Motorcycle Services<br />

“we’re your LOCAL motorcycle guys”<br />

• Service • Repairs • Tyres<br />

• Motorcycle Rental<br />

•Fully Equipped Workshop •Quality Work •Affordable Rates!<br />

Ph: 03 3<strong>12</strong> 0066 |office@motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

www.motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

2313195<br />


Advertise your trade or service in our<br />

Trusted Trades &Professional Services<br />

Phone Amanda today and get your<br />

business noticed 03 313 2840 or email<br />

amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

Shingle<br />


CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

2208<strong>12</strong>6<br />

Ph 3<strong>12</strong> 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

1680439<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 3<strong>12</strong> 4709<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

For all your computer repairs, parts, servicing, sales &more..<br />

Come and see us for friendly &supportive service<br />

Electrician<br />






M: 0275 543 958 E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

Scaffolding<br />

•Edge protection<br />

•Working platform<br />

Phone<br />

0274 366 901<br />

Plans for pricing<br />

jas.rangiorascaffolding@xtra.co.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />

1783878<br />

<strong>2020</strong>478<br />

Dr Carissa McGregor Chiropractor<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

ACC Registered and Accredited<br />

Monday-Thursday | 03 313 0350<br />

Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br />

privatephysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 868 2574<br />

ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday&Friday<br />

Select Health<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Scrap Metal<br />

2227883<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

2273277<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Keep up to date with your local news<br />

Visit our website www.ncnews.co.nz or www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Find and follow us on Facebook

NICOL’S<br />


DEALS<br />

MixMaster Beater<br />

•6Speeds plus Boost<br />

•Quick Rlease Button<br />

•Dough Hooks &<br />

Balloon Whisks<br />


$47<br />

Series 4Dishwasher<br />

Stainless<br />

•14Place Settings<br />

•6Wash Programmes<br />

•46dBANoise Level<br />

Cafe Barista<br />

•15Bar Pump<br />

•Espresso,Cappuccino<br />

&Latte<br />

•One Touch Controls<br />

•Stainless Bowl<br />

•800w<br />

•3Attachments<br />

Cake Mixer<br />

SUPER<br />

SAVER!<br />

$214<br />

GREAT<br />


$349<br />


$1199<br />

5.5kgWashsmart<br />

•6Wash Cycles<br />

•Load Sensing<br />

•100RPM Spin Speed<br />

Series 4Dishwasher<br />

White<br />

•14Place Settings<br />

•4Star WaterRating<br />

•4Star EnergyRating<br />

7.5kgFront Loader<br />

•16Wash Programmes<br />

•<strong>12</strong>000RPMSpin Speed<br />

•5Year Warrantyvia<br />

Registration<br />

7kgWashsmart<br />

•6Wash Cycles<br />

•AutoWaterLevel<br />

•1000RPM Spin Speed<br />


$899<br />


$1115<br />


$820<br />


$1099<br />

Closed <strong>Canterbury</strong> Anniversary Day<br />

+<strong>12</strong> MONTHS<br />



FREE! $499 &OVER *<br />

*Terms&Conditions Apply<br />

343A FlaxtonRoad, Rangiora•Phone (03) 313 7886

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