golf imperatives web pdf

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Hold your hips

The golf swing can be broken into three stages. The first is the chip. Chip is defined by the

finish position where the hips don't move and the club head finishes its path in the ground. To

achieve this the wrists extend and point down to bring the club shaft into line with the left

arm at impact. Any early movement of the hips will result in club head throwaway,

deceleration and hitting behind the ball.

To force this movement have a friend turn your hips in the opposite direction during the

downswing. This enables the wrist to lead the downswing and release in the correct way.

When you feel this movement you will then not be afraid to begin any down swing with the

hands or right arm. This movement is recognised as taboo by many instructors only because

it is misunderstood. When done correctly it turns the golf swing into a pure hit, the same as

you would use in baseball, cutting a tree or cracking a whip. It should initiate return to the

ball from any length swing. This chip shot stroke for any small shots with a variety of clubs

from 5 iron through sand wedge, depending on height or backspin required. This wrist

movement is also the same for the putting stroke, although an even shorter version.

exercise - To force this movement have a friend turn your hips gently in the

opposite direction during the down stroke.

The Golfing Machine - Driving the club head toward the Green (Steering), instead of toward

the Ball, is the great disrupter of the Flat Left Wrist. (6)


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