golf imperatives web pdf

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Fast Play

Speed of play is a sore point amongst golfers. Amateurs imagine pros play slowly, pros say the

same about amateurs, men insist that women are slow and vice versa.

The true problem lies deeper. Why play faster ?

If you take the afternoon to play golf, so what if it takes four and a half or five hours. The time

spent in the bar afterwards isn’t given the same scrutiny!

No, the reason to play faster is financial, clubs make money by fitting the maximum number of

players on the golf course and the PGA Tour has a television deadline to meet.

Why not return to the proven formula still practiced in some old established clubs where four

ball matches are the norm, mostly foursomes and 4BBB. Singles are not allowed on the course

and two balls only in the final round of the Open Championship.

If we were to play only four ball matches, either organised by the club or amongst friends, the

time taken to play 18 holes would become less important and the number of players on the

course would be optimised.

Changes to golf etiquette have recently allowed a two ball the right to play through a preceding

three or four ball match. We also see too often a single player insisting on playing through the

group in front. All these matches of one, two, three and four balls together make for a forgettable

afternoon of golf.

Let’s hope clubs in the future will put emphasis on quality of play and not the quantity of tee



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