golf imperatives web pdf

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Solve the mystery

Try to understand acceleration because it could be the one thing which is holding back your

progress. Every driving range in the country has a machine which measures club head speed.

Of course this promotes a contest between golfers to have the highest club head speed. Often

this becomes a greater measure of golfing prowess than the game itself. The true measure

should be golf ball acceleration although often in the search of club head speed, compression

of the ball becomes secondary. The club head should

accelerate until after impact or the bottom of the

divot. After this point the slowing down period begins

and ends with a complete stop at the top of the follow

through. The biggest enemy of this acceleration is to

begin the swing too fast. Often in the search of more

club head speed this is exactly what happens. Lets

take two swings, the first achieves 80 kph club head

speed at impact but because earlier in the swing it was

traveling at 90 kph this deceleration causes the club

head to pass the hands making the impact position weak with the club face laid back. As the

true speed of the ball is not at impact but at separation this club head throwaway will cause a

loss of compression and therefore speed. The final speed of the ball could be as low as 50

kph. The second swing has a much slower club head speed of 60 kph at impact, but earlier in

the swing it was even less at 50 kph. This is almost half the speed of the first swing at the

same point. Because of this the compression of the ball will be more efficient and the ball

should leave the club face with almost the full 60 kph of speed and also a better launch angle

and spin rate to maximise distance. Finally, body mass, club head speed and ball compression

all combine to create distance. Don't sacrifice ball compression in the quest for club head


" Many shots are spoiled at the last instant by efforts to add a few more yards " Bobby Jones


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