Bay Harbour: February 17, 2021

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

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Rescuers recount saving<br />

eight from burning boat<br />

• By Samantha Mythen<br />

RESCUERS HAVE described<br />

how they saved eight people<br />

from a boat fire in Lyttelton<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong>.<br />

Kim Clinch, acting<br />

commodore of the Charteris<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> Yacht Club, was on a<br />

moored boat running a<br />

regatta when she saw the<br />

boat in distress. She phoned<br />

emergency services.<br />

“We saw it unfold, starting<br />

with seeing smoke. Our most<br />

important priority is to save<br />

lives first, rescues are a part of<br />

what we do and so the regatta<br />

support boat – a rib [rigid<br />

inflatable boat] – headed over<br />

to the boat,” she said.<br />

The club’s support crew,<br />

including Steve Palmer, were<br />

first on the scene.<br />

Palmer had been watching<br />

over the <strong>February</strong> 6 regatta<br />

when he first noticed the<br />

smoking boat.<br />

He jokingly asked his<br />

fellow support crew whether<br />

it was a fire or an out-ofcontrol<br />

barbecue. They soon<br />

realised it was serious and<br />

headed to the boat, about 2min<br />

away from their position.<br />

•Turn to page 4<br />

DESTROYED: Thick<br />

black smoke spread<br />

across Lyttelton<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> after the boat<br />

caught fire and sank.<br />


Teenager<br />

fined for<br />

risky stunt<br />

through<br />

tunnel<br />

• By Samantha Mythen<br />

AN 18-YEAR-OLD has been<br />

fined and severely reprimanded<br />

for risking his life by riding<br />

on the back of a moving freight<br />

truck through the Lyttelton<br />

tunnel.<br />

The truck was carrying a 40ft<br />

container to its Lyttelton port destination<br />

after 11pm on Thursday.<br />

It had stopped at the entrance<br />

to the Lyttelton tunnel on the<br />

Christchurch side due to tunnel<br />

maintenance.<br />

The teenager was a passenger in<br />

a burgundy Mazda3 which had<br />

stopped behind the truck.<br />

While they were stationary, the<br />

teenager jumped onto the back of<br />

the container, where he perched<br />

on the edge. After the lane was<br />

opened, the truck continued on<br />

through the tunnel.<br />

The truck driver was unable<br />

to see him due to the position<br />

of the container. The driver of a<br />

pilot vehicle noticed the teenager<br />

as the truck pulled up to the port<br />

gates.<br />

The teenager then jumped off<br />

and quickly ran up the road.<br />

• Turn to page 4<br />

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2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

what’s on<br />

this week<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />

Samantha Mythen<br />

Ph: 021 919 9<strong>17</strong><br />

samantha.mythen@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Jo-Anne Fuller<br />

Ph: 364 7425<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Rob Davison<br />

Ph: 021 225 8584<br />

rob.davison@starmedia.kiwi<br />

The best-read local newspaper,<br />

delivered to 10,514 homes every week.<br />

Brookhaven • Heathcote • Ferrymead<br />

Redcliffs • Mt Pleasant • Sumner • Lyttelton<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> • Governors <strong>Bay</strong> • Akaroa<br />

Redcliffs Social Adult Tennis<br />

Tuesday and Friday 9.30-11.30am,<br />

Sunday, 1pm<br />

75 Main Rd, Redcliffs<br />

All abilities, and non-members<br />

welcome. Adult “Skills and<br />

Drills” coaching is being held on<br />

Tuesday and Thursday nights.<br />

Junior coaching is on Tuesday and<br />

Thursdays, after school. Email head<br />

coach Alan Adair alanmichaeladair@<br />

yahoo.com or for more information<br />

see redcliffstennis.co.nz<br />

Sumner Silver Band<br />

Thursday, 7-8.30pm<br />

Redcliffs School, Beachville Rd<br />

All welcome to attend the band’s<br />

regular rehearsals to either just<br />

listen or to become part of the band.<br />

They can provide instruments and<br />

encourage returning players of all<br />

ages. Phone Peter Croft for more<br />

information 384 9534<br />

QiGong-Tai Chi<br />

Tuesday, 1.50pm<br />

Trinity Church Hall, Rue Lavaud,<br />

Akaroa<br />

Fall prevention-focused classes.<br />

Gentle moving and helping improve<br />

flexibility. Be kind to yourself,<br />

occurring every Tuesday.<br />

Soup and a show<br />

Thursday, 11.30am<br />

The Front Room Cafe, Mt Pleasant<br />

Community Centre<br />

This is the weekly social lunch and<br />

Staying Safe – a refresher driving course for older drivers,<br />

Wednesday, 9.30am-2.30pm, Trinity Church Hall, Rue Lavaud, Akaroa. This<br />

free classroom-based course will help re-familiarise yourself with traffic<br />

rules and safe driving practices. It will also increase your knowledge about<br />

other transport options and help you remain independent for longer. RSVP<br />

phone 304 8659.<br />

movie get together run by the Mt<br />

Pleasant Centre. Soup or another<br />

light lunch is available in the Front<br />

Room Cafe from 11.30am and the<br />

movie starts at midday. Lunch is $5<br />

and entry to the movie is by koha to<br />

the community centre at the door.<br />

Join for lunch or a movie or both.<br />

This week’s movie is Les Misérables<br />

(1998).<br />

Community Garden Working<br />

Bee<br />

Thursday, 10am-11.30am<br />

Mt Pleasant Community Centre<br />

Garden<br />

Contribute time and sweat to the<br />

Mt Pleasant community garden.<br />

Join Jocelyn at this weekly working<br />

bee. The garden is located between<br />

the community centre and the<br />

kindergarton.<br />

Free Music Live at the Point<br />

Sunday, 12pm-4pm<br />

Godley House Gardens, Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong><br />

A summer concert each Sunday<br />

until the end of <strong>February</strong> offered by<br />

the Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> Community.<br />

Featuring several bands, take an<br />

umbrella and some chairs or a blanket<br />

to sit on and enjoy the music. Food<br />

available to purchase. Family friendly<br />

and free.<br />

Create n Connect Art and<br />

Craft Group<br />

Thursday, 10am-12pm<br />

St Andrews, 148 Main Rd, Redcliffs<br />

Company and creativity. Take your<br />

project to work on, or if you are stuck<br />

from inspiration, the group can help<br />

you find some. $3 per session. Phone<br />

Beth for more info 022 678 1252.<br />




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Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

Community Clinic<br />

with Tracey McLellan, MP for Banks Peninsula<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> Library,<br />

Waipapa Avenue<br />

Saturday 20 <strong>February</strong>, 10am – 11:30am<br />

If you are unable to make the clinic please don’t<br />

hesitate to contact me with any concerns or issues.<br />

03 376 4512 | Tracey.McLellanMP@parliament.govt.nz<br />

642 Ferry Road, Woolston, Christchurch<br />

Authorised by Tracey McLellan, 642 Ferry Road, Woolston<br />

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Chris Moores<br />

Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead, 1020 Ferry Road<br />

P: 03 384 7950 | M: 027 588 4440<br />

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• By Samantha Mythen<br />

BARNETT PARK users are<br />

disappointed three large rocks<br />

that tumbled onto the park from<br />

Clifton Hill during the <strong>February</strong><br />

22, 2011 earthquake have been<br />

removed.<br />

The rocks have been taken to<br />

the Te Pae convention centre by<br />

Ōtākaro Ltd, the Government<br />

agency responsible for anchor<br />

projects in the central city. They<br />

will be used as part of the landscaping.<br />

The city council said<br />

yesterday it gave permission<br />

for Ōtākaro Ltd to remove the<br />

rocks.<br />

“The community was<br />

not consulted over their<br />

removal, however, their<br />

presence in Barnett Park was<br />

only temporary – they were<br />

originally put in a pile here<br />

by the council following the<br />

earthquakes,” a city council<br />

spokesperson said.<br />

Elsa Truscott, who walks<br />

dogs in Barnett Park, said the<br />

community should have been<br />

consulted before the rocks were<br />

taken.<br />

“They were quite a cool feature<br />

in a park that is quite empty.<br />


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They were also a good memory<br />

keeper of the Christchurch<br />

earthquakes,” she said.<br />

The rocks had become a natural<br />

playground for children to<br />

climb on.<br />

People also liked to have their<br />

photo taken while posing on the<br />

rocks.<br />

Mt Pleasant resident Amanda<br />

Rudkin lived on Clifton Hill<br />

before the earthquake still regularly<br />

visits the park with her two<br />

children, Quinn and Ava.<br />

“The rocks are an iconic part<br />

of the community,” she said.<br />

“They weren’t just rocks to<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Park users upset over<br />

removal of quake rocks<br />

HEAVY: Contractors removing three rocks from Redcliffs’<br />

Barnett Park.<br />




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the locals, they were part of<br />

our earthquake story and the<br />

children loved them for climbing<br />

so they had an connection too. It<br />

was great for kids to have natural<br />

resources to climb.”<br />

Rudkin said Ava were “quite<br />

upset” when they watched the<br />

rocks being loaded onto a truck<br />

on Monday.<br />

Have Your Say<br />

Tell us your views on the<br />

removal of the rocks.<br />

Email samantha.mythen@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

• Quake pub reopens, p5<br />

Firefighters rescue<br />

curious cat Coco<br />

• By Samantha Mythen<br />

A PURR-FECT rescue by<br />

members of the Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> Volunteer Fire Brigade<br />

meant a cat-strophe was quickly<br />

averted.<br />

On Friday, Jill Mehalski,<br />

SUCCESS: Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> Volunteer Fire<br />

Brigade member Jim<br />

Pollard enjoys a cuddle with<br />

cheeky Coco.<br />


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groups. Please call us for a speaker to<br />

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Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 3<br />

long-time resident of Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong>, found her curious cat<br />

Coco, a burmese-himalayanpersian-ragdoll<br />

cross, trapped<br />

in a gap between a fence and a<br />

water tank on her property.<br />

The proud owner of three cats<br />

had already found herself in<br />

this situation last year in March<br />

when her ragdoll Cookie had<br />

also got itself trapped in the<br />

same place.<br />

After trying to reach a neighbour<br />

for help to no avail, Mehalski<br />

knew who to call to the<br />

rescue. She promptly got a hold<br />

of the volunteer fire brigade.<br />

“They must have thought: ‘Oh<br />

not again,’ after I rang them,”<br />

laughed Mehalski.<br />

Nathan Graham, chairman<br />

of the Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> Resident’s<br />

Association, navigated the<br />

tricky rescue.<br />

Coco was soon back in the<br />

arms of Mehalski, not too soon<br />

after the fire brigade all received<br />

a cuddle from the cat too.<br />

Graham had also rescued<br />

Cookie the year before.<br />

Mehalski said: “We are so<br />

lucky to have such a fantastic<br />

fire brigade. I’m so grateful and<br />

I hope I don’t have to call them<br />

again.”<br />

She intends to place some<br />

wire-netting over the gap.<br />

Mike Chandler<br />

Funeral Director<br />

Nick Allwright<br />

Funeral Director<br />


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<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

4<br />

• From page 1<br />

Two people were in the water,<br />

five people and a dog were standing<br />

near the back of the smoking<br />

boat, and one person was in a<br />

small tender alongside.<br />

Dan Leech, another of the support<br />

crew, picked up the two in<br />

the water and the person in the<br />

tender. Palmer pulled up alongside<br />

the back<br />

of the boat and<br />

rescued the final<br />

five, and dog<br />

Mannie.<br />

“They all<br />

showed signs of<br />

shock,” Palmer<br />

Kim<br />

Clinch<br />

NEWS<br />

said.<br />

“They were so<br />

frightened, they<br />

seemed shell-shocked,” Clinch<br />

said.<br />

No one was injured.<br />

As they pulled away from<br />

the stricken vessel and headed<br />

towards Naval Point, flames engulfed<br />

the boat, which then sank.<br />

The Coast Guard arrived on<br />

scene around 20min later, Palmer<br />

said.<br />

Skippers are legally required to<br />

carry a correctly-sized life jacket<br />

for every person on board. However,<br />

Maritime NZ only recommends<br />

everyone on board wears<br />

a life jacket if the boat is under<br />

6m. In this case, the boat named<br />

Aroha Mai, was 12m, and it was<br />

fully equipped with safety gear,<br />

including life jackets.<br />

Although at the time of the fire<br />

no one on board was wearing life<br />

jackets, apart from Mannie.<br />

“I want to praise and thank the<br />

quick-thinking of our support<br />

boat crew,” said Clinch.<br />

Palmer said: “It was right place,<br />

right time. It’s usually pretty quiet<br />

as a support crew for the regatta<br />

so it was good to be really useful<br />

for a change.”<br />

In an email response to the <strong>Bay</strong><br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> News, the owners of the<br />

vessel that caught fire, Debbie and<br />

Manaia Rehu, said: “Sorry but we<br />

are too devastated to make any<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

‘They seemed shell-shocked’<br />

FIREBALL: Flames quickly engulfed the vessel. The boat<br />

has since been salvaged from the seafloor.<br />


comments at this time, only to<br />

say we are so grateful no family<br />

members including our fur baby,<br />

suffered any injuries thanks to<br />

the Charteris <strong>Bay</strong> yaught (sic)<br />

club members who took us all to<br />

safety.”<br />

The Rehu family had been attending<br />

a flotilla and then intended<br />

to sail to Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> to<br />

celebrate Debbie’s 60th-birthday<br />

prior to the boat catching fire.<br />

They called Aroha Mai, their<br />

“home away from home.”<br />

The Charteris <strong>Bay</strong> Yacht Club<br />

was hosting the South Island age<br />

regatta with around 60 junior<br />

participants.<br />

Joyride described as<br />

a serious situation<br />

• From page 1<br />

The police have since identified<br />

him and he has been issued<br />

a $150 infringement offence<br />

notice for riding in an unsafe<br />

position.<br />

Said Sergeant Gerard Peoples:<br />

“We want to reiterate that this<br />

behaviour is quite dangerous<br />

and people should think before<br />

they act.<br />

“People need to be aware of<br />

the danger they pose not only<br />

to themselves but also to other<br />

road users.”<br />

Phil Peters is a work colleague<br />

of the truck driver and lives in<br />

Lyttelton.<br />

He was frustrated at the<br />

teenager due to the stress he had<br />

caused his colleague, who he<br />

said was a really good driver.<br />

Peters said that the perch the<br />

teenager was on would have only<br />

Ferrymead<br />

Land<br />

How the Hunger for Ownership Shaped<br />

the Modern World by Simon Winchester<br />

In 1889, thousands of hopeful people raced southward<br />

from the Kansas state line and westward from the Arkansas<br />

boundary to stake claims on the thousands of acres of<br />

unclaimed pastures and meadows. Across the twentieth<br />

century, water was dammed and drained in Holland so that a<br />

new province, Flevoland, rose up, unchartered and requiring new<br />

thinking. In 1850, California legislated the theft of land from Native<br />

Americans. An apology came in 2019 from the governor, but what of the<br />

call for reparations or return? What of government confiscation of land<br />

in India, or questions of fairness when it comes to New Zealand’s Maori<br />

population and the legacy of settlers?<br />

The ownership of land has always been complicated, opaque, and more<br />

than a little anarchic when viewed from the outside. In this book, Simon<br />

Winchester explores the stewardship of land, the ways it is delineated<br />

and changes hands, the great disputes, and the questions of restoration –<br />

particularly in the light of climate change and colonialist reparation.<br />

A global study, this is an exquisite exploration of what the ownership of<br />

land might really mean – not in dry-as-dust legal terms, but for the people<br />

who live on it.<br />

A Sky Full of Stars<br />

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A beautiful story of love and loss from the winner of Romantic Novel of the Year<br />

He’d have done everything differently if he’d known she’d be gone so soon...<br />

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Then Alex meets four strangers. Two men and two women, who never met<br />

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ENTER TO<br />

WIN<br />


been about 15cm and his legs<br />

would have dangled off the side<br />

of the truck.<br />

The situation would have been<br />

very serious had it gone wrong.<br />

“The car following behind<br />

would not have had much<br />

time to react or stop and would<br />

have run him over. If he got<br />

caught in the truck’s wheels, it<br />

would have been instant death,”<br />

Peters said.<br />

“The man was just taking<br />

a dangerous joyride. He<br />

would have seen the trailer and<br />

thought it would be cool to sit<br />

on the back of it. It is frustrating<br />

for us drivers, as if he had been<br />

injured or killed, the finger<br />

would point at the innocent<br />

truck driver.”<br />

Tunnel control gave the<br />

vehicle’s description and<br />

registration to the police.<br />

book<br />

release<br />

We have one copy of Land to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead. To be in the draw, email<br />

giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with Land in the subject line or write to Take Note Book Giveaway, Land, Star<br />

Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch 8140. To be eligible for the draw, all entries must include your name, address<br />

and contact number. Entries close Tues March 2. The book winner for Living Lightly is Mandy Hale of Lyttelton.

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

• By Samantha Mythen<br />

THE BYO Pub in Heathcote<br />

Valley is opening its doors once<br />

more on Friday to commemorate<br />

10 years since the <strong>February</strong> 22,<br />

2011 earthquake.<br />

The quake and the September<br />

4, 2010 quake devastated the<br />

Heathcote Valley, significantly<br />

damaging the historic Valley Inn<br />

Tavern and several cafes.<br />

Two weeks after the <strong>February</strong><br />

earthquake, St Mary’s church –<br />

built in 1860 – transformed itself<br />

into a local pub, opening Friday<br />

and Saturday nights with bring<br />

your own drinks and food.<br />

Malcolm Rickerby was the<br />

vicar’s warden in 2011. He was<br />

part of the team, including the<br />

vicar Mary Giles, who came up<br />

with the idea for the BYO Pub.<br />

“We knew we had to do<br />

something for our tight-knit<br />

community,” said Rickerby.<br />

Luckily, the hall that hosted<br />

the pub had been restored in August<br />

2010 and was undamaged<br />

by the earthquakes.<br />

“On the first night, almost 80<br />

per cent of the valley were present<br />

with their kids.”<br />

Anthony Stroud said his<br />

family attended almost every<br />

Friday night.<br />

“After the quake, we had no<br />

where to go, and then this was<br />

the place where you could take<br />

some food and drinks and have a<br />

fun social gathering,” he said.<br />

“You could meet new people<br />

and chat to others about what<br />

they went through and were<br />

going through after the quakes.”<br />

His daughter Poppy Denovan-<br />

Stroud was eight when the BYO<br />

Pub opened for the first time.<br />

“Everyone was making a big<br />

deal about it and it was just nice<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

BYO Pub reopens doors for<br />

10-year quake anniversary<br />

TIME TO REMEMBER: Jeanie Rickerby outside the BYO Pub in<br />

April 2011. The pub will open again to commemorate the 10<br />

year anniversary of the <strong>February</strong> 22, 2011 earthquake.<br />


to see something good come out<br />

of the earthquake. The community<br />

spirits were high,” she said.<br />

Heathcote Ward city<br />

councillor Sara Templeton said:<br />

“It was a safe place to connect<br />

and share. It was the heart of the<br />

village.”<br />

Templeton’s three children<br />

were four (twins) and six in 2011.<br />

She reflected on how the BYO<br />

Pub was perfect for both adults<br />

and the young people of the<br />

community.<br />

“It was all so much fun for the<br />

kids. I remember looking outside<br />

into the dark and seeing all these<br />

little lights running around in<br />

the paddock behind the church<br />

where kids were playing hide and<br />

seek.”<br />

Rickerby said it never rained<br />

on a Friday night. About 80-100<br />

people gathered each weekend.<br />

Although the patronage<br />

decreased over the years, and the<br />

BYO Pub dropped to opening<br />

only one day a week (Friday),<br />

it continued running until July<br />

2014.<br />

Rickerby is looking forward to<br />

joining everyone at the pub on<br />

Friday.<br />

“It’s a fantastic idea to have<br />

the 10 year anniversary there.<br />

The BYO Pub was a large part<br />

of the community’s earthquake<br />

recovery, it brought everyone<br />

together.”<br />

Said Templeton: “The event<br />

will be a time to look back and<br />

reflect, both on how long it has<br />

been since the earthquakes but<br />

also on how time has passed<br />

in the blink of an eye. We have<br />

come a long way.”<br />

The BYO Pub event will<br />

depend on alert levels.<br />

Check the Facebook event<br />

page for updates.<br />

NEWS 5<br />

Other events<br />

to remember<br />

Feb 22, 2011<br />

THE MT Pleasant Community<br />

Centre is hosting an<br />

earthquake exhibition over<br />

the wekend. Made and curated<br />

by Mt Pleasant residents, the<br />

exhibition will tell the stories<br />

of the earthquake’s impact on<br />

people in the area.<br />

On Monday, there will<br />

also be a reflection gathering<br />

at the centre, followed by a<br />

walk of remembrance to the<br />

nearby estuary. The public is<br />

invited to bring a small floral<br />

contribution.<br />

Sumner will host its<br />

memorial event on Monday.<br />

Meeting at the RSA Memorial<br />

Gates on Nayland St at<br />

12.30pm, the event will include<br />

the laying of a wreathe and<br />

flowers. There will be speeches<br />

of remembrance from the<br />

Sumner Volunteer Fire Brigade<br />

and Linwood-Heathcote-<br />

Central Community Board<br />

member Darrell Latham.<br />

In Lyttelton, the Hearts<br />

Shall Anchor earthquake<br />

commemoration event will<br />

start at 12.51pm in Albion<br />

Square, with a piper, followed<br />

by a 1min silence. The Eastern,<br />

Anthea Struthers, Lindon<br />

Puffin, Adam Hattawy and Al<br />

Park will perform.<br />

Our new collection<br />

has arrived<br />

30 interest free^<br />

Offer ends 30 April <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Lending criteria, fees, T&C’s apply.<br />



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6 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

<strong>2021</strong> Scholarships &<br />

Awards Applications<br />

Locals<br />

Helping<br />

Locals<br />

The Sumner Ferrymead Foundation is seeking<br />

applications for a range of scholarships and awards.<br />

Full details on the criteria and conditions, along<br />

with application forms, are available on our website.<br />

Applications close on April 15th, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

$5000 Science<br />

Scholarship<br />

$5000 Humanities<br />

Scholarship<br />

$5000 Health<br />

Science Scholarship<br />

Scholarship for a 2nd year student<br />

studying the sciences at university.<br />

The scholarship is in memory of<br />

Michael McMullan B.Vet Sci<br />

(Sydney University)<br />

Scholarship for a 2nd year student<br />

studying the humanities at university.<br />

Scholarship for a 2nd year student<br />

studying the health sciences at<br />

university. Scholarship funded by the<br />

O.A. Brauer Family Trust.<br />

Outward Bound<br />

Leadership<br />

Programme<br />

Outward Bound<br />

Adapted<br />

Programme<br />

$3000 Environment<br />

and Sustainability<br />

Award<br />

Funding for a 21 day classic<br />

leadership programme for<br />

18-26 year olds<br />

Outward Bound Adapted course<br />

for people with disabilities<br />

Up to $3000 Awarded to an outstanding<br />

project or concept in the<br />

environmental realm.<br />

Apply today or make a donation<br />


Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 7<br />

Recalling artist Bill Hammond’s generosity<br />

Long-time<br />

Lyttelton<br />

resident<br />

and coowner<br />

of<br />

Busy C’s<br />

Preschool<br />

Caro Davidson writes<br />

about iconic artist Bill<br />

Hammond who died<br />

recently<br />

I WANT to acknowledge Bill<br />

Hammond’s extraordinary<br />

generosity on behalf of the<br />

Lyttelton tamariki/children,<br />

their whānau, the local schools<br />

and the local artists.<br />

In 2003 the first Peninsula Art<br />

Auction was held, which came<br />

about to raise funds for a teacher<br />

salary at Lyttelton Main School,<br />

due to a temporary dip in role<br />

numbers which meant we were<br />

losing a teacher.<br />

We knew a lot of local artists,<br />

and were aware of the talent we<br />

were surrounded by, with the<br />

most notable local artist being<br />

Bill Hammond – one of New<br />

Zealand’s greatest contemporary<br />

artists.<br />

I met Bill in a supermarket car<br />

park and told him of our plan for<br />

the fundraiser art auction and<br />

asked if he would be interested<br />

to be part of it. With no fuss or<br />

hesitation he said “sure, for the<br />

children of Lyttelton – when do<br />

you want the work?”<br />

With that, he has single-handedly<br />

raised tens of thousands of<br />

dollars every second year (when<br />

the Peninsula Art Auction’s are<br />

held) for the schools (now the<br />

one school, Lyttelton Primary)<br />

with his art work which he donated<br />

each year.<br />

He was so talented, unassuming,<br />

efficient – and he inspired<br />

our local and emerging artists<br />

to exhibit (with the privilege of<br />

appearing in the same exhibition<br />

as such an esteemed artist as<br />

Bill), and bidding interest from<br />

all over Aotearoa.<br />

He joined us in our <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

Kitchen’s cookbook fundraiser<br />

in 2009 (which is being repeated<br />

this year) with his favourite recipe<br />

of sliced beetroot and Marmite<br />

on toast – along with an illustration<br />

of the same. A stunning<br />

combination of flavours.<br />

He donated works each year to<br />

the Sculptures on the Peninsula<br />

for Chomondeley Children’s<br />

Centre in Governor’s <strong>Bay</strong> –<br />

BRILLIANT: Artist<br />

Bill Hammond<br />

lived and worked<br />

in Lyttelton before<br />

he passed away<br />

in January. This<br />

painting is titled<br />

Fall of Icarus<br />

(1995).<br />

working wonderful art creations<br />

on whatever medium was supplied<br />

to the artists – saws, chairs,<br />

shovels, wheelcaps.<br />

He and wife Jane opened a<br />

Busy C’s Preschool art exhibition<br />

held in the late 90s at Tony<br />

Palmer’s new gallery opposite the<br />

medical centre, because he was a<br />

neighbour, and so generous and<br />

interested in the well-being of<br />

our tamariki.<br />

A highlight was being parent<br />

help with Bill at his own survey<br />

exhibition Jingle Jangle Morning<br />

in 2007 at the Christchurch Art<br />

Gallery when his granddaughter<br />

was attending Lyttelton Main<br />

School.<br />

Those tamariki received<br />

information about his works<br />

that I believe no journalist<br />

ever got – and Bill also got to<br />

hear the wonderful accolades<br />

the public were giving his work,<br />

as he was rarely photographed,<br />

therefore people were unaware<br />

the artist himself was in their<br />

midst.<br />

The tamariki were set an<br />

exercise to study and draw one of<br />

Bill’s works, and he was having<br />

fun signing some of them . . .<br />

which may or may not cause<br />

some future confusion in the art<br />

market.<br />

Deepest condolences and<br />

best wishes go to Jane and his<br />

family.<br />

•Former Sumner School<br />

principal remembered, page 9<br />

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Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 9<br />

Former Sumner School<br />

principal remembered<br />

Former Sumner<br />

School teacher<br />

Nancy Meherne<br />

writes about Peter<br />

Vesty, a former<br />

principal at the<br />

school, who died<br />

on Christmas Eve<br />

PETER WAS headmaster<br />

at the school for 16 years<br />

from 1976 to 1992.<br />

The teachers, parents<br />

and children attending<br />

the school during these<br />

years will be upset with<br />

death, but will have strong<br />

feelings for his ability in all<br />

respects.<br />

The response from children,<br />

parents and teachers<br />

to his energetic and highly<br />

responsive personality, and<br />

his ability to develop good<br />

humour, meant laughter<br />

was most evident in this<br />

school.<br />

Children loved and respected<br />

him, and if a message<br />

had to be taken to the<br />

office, everyone put their<br />

hands up to volunteer.<br />

I know, I had a list of all<br />

names on the blackboard<br />

and as they were chosen<br />

their name was rubbed out.<br />

One time in weekly<br />

assembly, juniors were<br />

told a very important man<br />

• By Samantha Mythen<br />

FURTHER amenities<br />

will be added to Te Papa<br />

Kura Redcliffs Park as it<br />

transforms into the new<br />

community locale.<br />

The former school site<br />

is to receive a new toilet<br />

block, drinking fountain,<br />

signage and furniture.<br />

More plants and trees will<br />

also be added to the area.<br />

All of this will feature<br />

alongside the two sports<br />

fields – junior and intermediate<br />

– which opened in<br />

December.<br />

Said city council head of<br />

parks Andrew Rutledge:<br />

“The park has been a huge<br />

boost for the area and it’s<br />

been great to see lots of<br />

people making the most of<br />

it as we know it is a really<br />

significant space for the<br />

community.<br />

“We’re getting under way<br />

with plans to make this<br />

asset an even better space<br />

for people to visit.”<br />

Heathcote Ward city<br />

councillor Sara Templeton<br />

said the development of<br />

this park has been a longtime<br />

coming.<br />

from the Royal Family was<br />

coming to walk along the<br />

Esplanade in the weekend.<br />

Who would that be?<br />

So many children’s<br />

hands went up, the children<br />

saying: “Mr Vesty.”<br />

The answer was: “No.”<br />

They all looked puzzled<br />

and disappointed until one<br />

small boy put his hand up,<br />

then down and up again,<br />

saying loudly: “Is it, (pause)<br />

God?”<br />

The answer was: “No. It<br />

is Prince Charles”.<br />

“Oh,” everyone sighed,<br />

and their heads were shaking<br />

with disbelief.<br />

One boy in my classroom<br />

was so impressed by<br />

the head, he always had<br />

an eye on the door ready<br />

to open it and salute Peter,<br />

and close it when he left.<br />

We teachers knew that<br />

we could discuss our ideas<br />

and desires with Peter. He<br />

A lot of the delay with<br />

the park’s development was<br />

because of the extensive archaeological<br />

work that had<br />

to be carried out first.<br />

The park is next to the<br />

Moa Bone point cave,<br />

which is an area of extreme<br />

cultural significance to<br />

local iwi. The cave and surrounding<br />

area are thought<br />

to have been the site of<br />

some of the earliest Māori<br />

settlement in New Zealand<br />

around the 14th-century.<br />

Said Templeton: “Having<br />

the park up and running<br />

now is very exciting. It has<br />

been a community-focused<br />

project.”<br />

trusted us to work hard.<br />

One idea he supported<br />

was a music scheme involving<br />

the whole school<br />

which developed into 230<br />

children playing together<br />

for concerts, and groups<br />

visiting aged people homes<br />

and other schools.<br />

As well as good relationships,<br />

other aspects of the<br />

school received attention<br />

and real improvement<br />

occurred.<br />

The Education Department<br />

planned to pull two<br />

old classrooms down, but<br />

Peter knew we needed a<br />

school hall for all our assemblies,<br />

concerts, breakups,<br />

and fundraising for<br />

school improvement.<br />

At that time we had to<br />

use the village hall.<br />

He succeeded in producing<br />

a good sized hall and<br />

later a big swimming pool.<br />

This resulted in a high<br />

standard of swimming<br />

ability, necessary for safe<br />

swimming in a seashore<br />

zone.<br />

Mr Vesty’s hard work,<br />

energy and determination<br />

to achieve a fully<br />

functional school has never<br />

been forgotten; so highly<br />

appreciated and valued,<br />

which has perpetuated the<br />

high standard of Sumner<br />

School today.<br />

Transformation planned<br />

for Redcliffs Park<br />

UPGRADES: New amenities are on the way at<br />

the former Redcliffs School, which is now Te<br />

Papa Kura Redcliffs Park.<br />

Before the former<br />

Redcliffs School buildings<br />

were demolished, members<br />

of the community were<br />

taken round the area and<br />

asked what they would like<br />

to keep.<br />

The playground was a<br />

key focus and has since<br />

been refurbished and is<br />

extensively used.<br />

The community also<br />

wanted to keep a classroom<br />

which was not badly<br />

damaged.<br />

The Mt Pleasant<br />

Pottery Club has recently<br />

taken up that lease and will<br />

be operating from there<br />

soon.<br />

McMaster & Heap<br />

Veterinary practice<br />

Dental issues in puppies<br />

and kittens<br />

We seem to be seeing or are more aware<br />

of a number of our young patients with<br />

teeth issues at an early age. A thorough<br />

dental check needs an accommodating<br />

patient and a patient vet and is not always<br />

easy! Your initial training of your puppy<br />

and yes your kitten with handing the feet,<br />

looking in the mouth and ears certainly<br />

helps. Positive reinforcement with praise<br />

and play or treats afterwards really helps<br />

this become an experience they look<br />

forward to rather than shy away from.<br />

At our vaccination checks which we do<br />

every 3-4 weeks until your puppy or kitten<br />

is 16 weeks, we will give them a full health<br />

check and examine the mouth to try and<br />

identify any dental issues early so we can<br />

hopefully correct them and not need<br />

major surgery later on.<br />

Some of the things we usually see are<br />

malocclusions where often due to face<br />

shape and size the teeth don’t align in a<br />

normal way. Often these may not cause<br />

any major problems and simple dental<br />

care to help keep the teeth clean will be all<br />

that is needed.<br />

Unfortunately sometimes we have teeth<br />

that erupt in the wrong place or the bone structure<br />

of the mouth does not have enough room for the<br />

teeth to come<br />

up where they<br />

should do.<br />

One situation<br />

is where the<br />

lower canines<br />

hit the roof of<br />

the mouth and<br />

can cause big<br />

painful holes.<br />

Sometimes<br />

we can<br />

correct these<br />

with specific<br />

ball therapy<br />

techniques<br />

but others may<br />

require surgical<br />

extractions<br />

as soon as<br />

possible. Our<br />

goal is to try<br />

and keep your<br />

puppy or kitten<br />

pain free and<br />

to try and sort<br />

Macy at 12 weeks<br />

out issues early<br />

so hopefully<br />

we can save the adult teeth.<br />

Retained teeth are a common problem and it is<br />

often the canines involved. The big issue is that<br />

if we don’t remove these teeth quickly then they<br />

can displace by blocking the normal pathway of<br />

the adult canine teeth. Then we can have long<br />

term problems. This is one of the reasons your<br />

vet may suggest a check up around 6 months<br />

of age so we can recognise this issue early and<br />

prevent permanent problems.<br />

Open 7 days<br />

Cnr Hoon Hay & Coppell place<br />

phone 338 2534, Fax 339 8624<br />

e. mcmasterandheap@yahoo.co.nz<br />

www.mcmasterheap.co.nz<br />

Another condition that happens is that some teeth<br />

don’t erupt or are missing. This seems to affect<br />

dogs more commonly and we notice that there are<br />

missing teeth, often when they are<br />

neutered. This seems to be relatively<br />

common in Boxers, Shih Tzus and<br />

Chihuahuas. If there are teeth under<br />

the gum line we sometimes can do<br />

a simple technique to allow them to<br />

erupt but unfortunately others may<br />

just be too deep. These teeth can<br />

form huge cysts in the bone and if<br />

not detected can end up with a dog<br />

needing it’s lower jaw removed!<br />

These are a couple of x-rays from a<br />

wonderful patient Pepper whose<br />

lower canine teeth hadn’t erupted and<br />

caused these massive cysts.<br />

All in all it is about early detection to<br />

prevent long term problems, your help<br />

with handling training and rewards<br />

can really make a big difference in our<br />

ability to examine your puppy or kitten.<br />

Treats and Cuddles!!!<br />

Dr Terryne Loney<br />

McMaster & Heap

10 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


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Ceiling Banners_Chch_2502x1000_FAem.indd 1 4/02/15 11:

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 11<br />



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READY, STEADY, GO: Pupils about to set sail for school, paddling from<br />

Moncks <strong>Bay</strong> to the jetty outside Redcliffs School.<br />


Paddle to school event<br />

fun and successful<br />

Fresh NZ<br />

Ingham’s<br />

Butterflied<br />

Chicken<br />

1.1kg<br />

$<br />

8 99 ea<br />

Royal Gala Apples Loose<br />

Product of New Zealand<br />

$<br />

3 49 kg<br />

Year 8 pupils Amelie Mogridge<br />

and Annabelle Barker, of Te<br />

Raekura Redcliffs School, write<br />

about their inaugural paddling<br />

event<br />

On Sunday, <strong>February</strong> 14, Te RaeKura<br />

participated in a ‘paddle to school’ day.<br />

Around 80-100 people were involved and<br />

we were all very impressed. Most people<br />

came to school either by paddleboard,<br />

kayak, blow up rafts, canoes and much<br />

more.<br />

Everyone arrived at about 2pm at<br />

Moncks <strong>Bay</strong> and waited for about half<br />

an hour for the wind to calm down a bit<br />

and for the sail races to finish. We got<br />

back into the water around 2.30pm after a<br />

sandcastle competition.<br />

Paddle to school day was a blast and<br />

we all had a lot of fun! After a lot of hard<br />

work, swimming and pushing people off<br />

of their rides, we finally arrived at the<br />

school around 3.15pm.<br />

There were a lot of safety precautions<br />

and water stops if people got tired. Seven<br />

surf lifesavers from Sumner Surf Club in<br />

inflatable rescue boats and on surf boards<br />

were there to help us out.<br />

After we arrived everyone changed into<br />

warm clothing and huddled around on the<br />

grass for a delicious picnic and later played<br />

some games.<br />

Abby, our deputy principal came<br />

around and handed out some tasty ice<br />

blocks which we all enjoyed very much.<br />

A big thank you to Abby and Darren<br />

and all the helpers and organisers. We<br />

couldn’t have done it without you!<br />

Overall the project was so much fun, not<br />

many kids get to paddle to their school.<br />

We all enjoyed it a lot and would definitely<br />

do it again!<br />

Tomatoes Loose<br />

Product of New Zealand<br />

$<br />

2 29 kg<br />

Whittaker’s Block<br />

Chocolate 250g<br />

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SMILES: From left, Tobey Elvy, Luke Cleugh, Tawhai Anglem, Flynn<br />

Halliwell, Luca Rose and Alex Ballin having fun in the sand.<br />

Specials available South Island only from Monday 15th <strong>February</strong> until Sunday 28th<br />

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licence. Wine and beer purchases restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over.

12 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


<strong>17</strong>0 years of Prep School Excellence<br />

Educational matters have<br />

been much in the news at the<br />

start of the school year. At St<br />

Michael’s, we are delighted<br />

that history teaching has finally<br />

been acknowledged as essential<br />

for developing well-informed,<br />

articulate Kiwi citizens.<br />

For at St Michael’s, history<br />

is our foundation. As New<br />

Zealand’s oldest prep school,<br />

for <strong>17</strong>0 years we have educated<br />

and nurtured the visionaries and<br />

dreamers who have built our<br />

city and country, shaping our<br />

history and future.<br />

At St Michael’s, our<br />

young pupils have limitless<br />

potential to lead exciting and<br />

generous lives, and we have<br />

the responsibility to educate<br />

and inspire them, to encourage<br />

every child to flourish in<br />

mind, body and spirit.<br />

St Michael’s is a prep school<br />

for girls and boys in Years<br />

1-8. ‘Prep’ as in a preparation<br />

for secondary school, and a<br />

foundation for a fine life. For<br />

at the heart of St Michael’s<br />

are the essential values of<br />

Christian faith and good global<br />

citizenship: respect, integrity,<br />

faith, hope and love.<br />

Our small co-ed classes and<br />

specialist teachers ensure that<br />

each child is an individual,<br />

well known by staff and fellow<br />

pupils alike. Every child has a<br />

desk and chair, locker and peg<br />

– their own space in which to<br />

establish their own sense of<br />

place and identity.<br />

Traditional foundations<br />

in English and Mathematics<br />

are assured at St Michael’s.<br />

The mechanics of English –<br />

punctuation, grammar, spelling,<br />

vocabulary and sentence<br />

construction – are taught,<br />

practised and tested. Learning<br />

to read develops into reading<br />

to learn, and the delights of<br />

children’s literature, poetry<br />

and drama. Simple sentences<br />

become finely crafted creative<br />

writing, accounts and studies.<br />

Maths teaching has been<br />

in the media firing line again<br />

recently as our national results<br />

continue to slide against key<br />

international markers. At St<br />

Michael’s, we keep it simple<br />

and teach proper, ‘good, old<br />

fashioned’ maths. Our pupils<br />

are taught and have to learn<br />

basic facts, times tables and<br />

essential algorithm methods.<br />

We don’t bundle anything! Our<br />

parents can help their children<br />

with their maths homework,<br />

because they recognise it!<br />

This academic rigour then<br />

underpins our wider curriculums<br />

in History, Geography and<br />

Science. Spanish and, for the<br />

older pupils, Latin, offer the<br />

enrichment of learning another<br />

language and about another<br />

culture. IT literacy is taught,<br />

not assumed, and computer use<br />

is measured. We like teaching<br />

and talking to our pupils!<br />

A prep education offers<br />

balance. St Michael’s cultural<br />

and sports’ programmes<br />

further develop each child’s<br />

foundation, as creativity and<br />

problem-solving come in many<br />

forms. Specialist art and music<br />

classes are enjoyed weekly.<br />

Many pupils participate in<br />

individual instrumental, singing<br />

or speech & drama lessons with<br />

one of our ten itinerant staff.<br />

Our several choirs, Stage Band<br />

and Orchestra offer key early<br />

steps in group performance.<br />

Our senior programme,<br />

Parare, advances our Year 7&8<br />

education outside the box, from<br />

financial literacy to outdoor ed,<br />

leadership challenges to new<br />

sports, citizenship and civics to<br />

art and technologies.<br />

Nestled as we are on the<br />

banks of the Avon, opposite<br />

the Riverside Farmers’ Market,<br />


To help us celebrate <strong>17</strong>0 years of St<br />

Michael’s Prep School excellence at the<br />

heart of our city, alumni and former staff<br />

are warmly invited to contact us so we can<br />

share our anniversary plans with you.<br />

alumni@saintmichaels.co.nz<br />

St Michael’s extended campus<br />

is spectacular: the art gallery,<br />

museum, library, theatres and<br />

Hagley Park are frequent haunts<br />

only minutes away.<br />

Many of our parents work<br />

in the thriving city centre, and<br />

Lincoln and Riccarton Road<br />

hubs, but they live city-wide.<br />

They comment on the comfort<br />

of knowing their children are in<br />

school nearby and the benefits<br />

of popping over for an hour to<br />

catch a performance or watch a<br />

race.<br />

With the central bus exchange<br />

only a block away, senior<br />

children arrive from all corners<br />

of the city.<br />

An independent school<br />

education is a precious gift<br />

and it doesn’t have to break the<br />

bank. If you think a St Michael’s<br />

education would suit your<br />

child, you are warmly welcome<br />

to discover for yourself our<br />

purposeful, wholehearted and<br />

inclusive prep school.<br />

Our next Open Day is coming<br />

up, on Wednesday 3 March.<br />

Please pop in during the day<br />

between 9.00am – 4.00pm<br />

for a tour, and to book an<br />

appointment on the day with<br />

the principal, please contact<br />

registrar, Bec Hitchcock:<br />

registrar@saintmichaels.co.nz<br />

or 03.379.9790.<br />

St Michael’s School<br />

Your school at the heart of the city<br />

✓ Co-educational, Years 1-8<br />

✓ Small classes<br />

✓ Specialist teachers<br />

✓ Musical excellence<br />

✓ Christian values<br />

✓ Traditional classrooms; academic rigour<br />

✓ Before & after school care: 7.30am - 5.30pm<br />

✓ Central city location<br />

Taking enrolments for 2022.<br />

Some places available for <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Open Day: Wednesday 3 March<br />

www.saintmichaels.school.nz 249 Durham Street Phone (03) 379 9790 to book your tour.

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


NEWS 13<br />

Festival to celebrate the estuary’s beauty<br />

The Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust is a non-profit<br />

organisation formed to protect one of New Zealand’s most<br />

important coastal wetlands. Each week, board members will<br />

discuss matters regarding the estuary, its rich history and what<br />

makes it unique. This week Vicky Southworth writes about<br />

Estuary Fest that will be held on <strong>February</strong> 27.<br />

WHETHER CHOPPY water<br />

and dark brooding sky, or mirror<br />

smooth reflecting the bright<br />

blue of a summer’s morning,<br />

looking across the estuary to the<br />

mountains is a spectacular scene.<br />

I joined the Estuary Trust as<br />

the Environment Canterbury<br />

councillor representative just over<br />

a year ago. I have come to see the<br />

estuary as so much more than a<br />

picture-perfect landscape; it is<br />

home to many species, of which<br />

the birds are the most visible.<br />

Riding my bike along the<br />

Coastal Pathway, I can now name<br />

the birds I see, and know something<br />

about them.<br />

There’s the sharply dressed pied<br />

oystercatchers with red bill and<br />

crisp black and white attire – they<br />

take their time picking through<br />

the exposed shellfish beds at low<br />

tide.<br />

ACTIVITIES: Children taking part in past Estuary Fest<br />

events, there will be fun for all ages on <strong>February</strong> 27.<br />

The godwits in brown blend<br />

in but are worth a closer look for<br />

their unfeasibly long beaks. I love<br />

how the cormorants congregate;<br />

wings outstretched soaking up the<br />

sun after diving for fish.<br />

However, my favourite is the<br />

royal spoonbill which, in spite of<br />

its pure white feathers, reminds<br />

me of a bulldozer, head down<br />

trundling through the muddy<br />

shallows to feed.<br />

Go along to the annual Estuary<br />

Fest to celebrate the beauty of<br />

everything estuary; its wildlife, its<br />

beauty and the recreational opportunities<br />

provides.<br />

The free event will be held<br />

on <strong>February</strong> 27, 1-5pm,<br />

McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> Reserve (turn<br />

right just before the causeway).<br />

There will be ample and<br />

controlled parking space, live<br />

music, pony rides, food stalls,<br />

children activities, native plants<br />

sale, several stalls providing you<br />

with information on everything<br />

estuary and so much more.<br />

When we call, hundreds<br />

of Kiwi businesses answer.<br />

At Fire and Emergency, 80% of our people are volunteers, many running or working at businesses<br />

just like this. In an emergency, their businesses proudly allow them to rush out and help.<br />

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14 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Technology boost for Kia Sorento<br />

THERE’S NOT a lot in an<br />

automobile that fazes me.<br />

As technology has advanced,<br />

I’ve usually embraced it. However,<br />

I was very reluctant to use the<br />

remote control function in Kia’s<br />

new Sorento.<br />

Put simply, you can drive the<br />

Sorento autonomously from the<br />

outside. Say it is jammed into a<br />

car park and you can’t access the<br />

driver’s door, you can start the<br />

vehicle with the key remote and<br />

drive it out of the car park. It will<br />

stop if it detects an object.<br />

While I applaud the concept<br />

and it is rather amazing, it just<br />

doesn’t seem natural for someone<br />

who always likes to be in total<br />

control behind the wheel.<br />

That’s just one of the many clever<br />

features in the new Sorento; it’s<br />

fair to say, though, that that function<br />

is only available in the top<br />

spec Premium model – as evaluated.<br />

The Sorento Premium could<br />

well be described as a premium<br />

car, it is a big sport utility vehicle<br />

absolutely crammed with features<br />

and built with high quality trim<br />

materials.<br />

The Sorento for <strong>2021</strong> is all-new.<br />

The fourth-generation model has<br />

a new platform, new engine and<br />

new styling, it’s quite a departure<br />

from its predecessor. However,<br />

none of the changes have altered<br />

the concept of Sorento because,<br />

as mentioned, it is big and fulfils<br />

many roles.<br />

There are four models in the<br />

range starting at $59,990, the<br />

Premium tops out at $76,990,<br />

with an EX sitting at $63,990 and<br />

Deluxe $69,990.<br />

All variants are powered by a<br />

2.2-litre diesel engine. Regular<br />

readers will remember that I<br />

wrote with enthusiasm about the<br />

R-Series diesel unit that powered<br />

Sorentos of the past. Well, that<br />

engine is gone, the new Smartstream<br />

diesel is a totally new<br />

development; as opposed to the<br />

iron-block R-Series, the newcomer<br />

is all aluminium and, of<br />

course, it has the benefit of being<br />

much lighter as well has having<br />

a heightened awareness around<br />

smooth and quiet operation. It is<br />

also incredibly efficient.<br />

Kia’s claims for the diesel<br />

are 148kW and 440Nm, both<br />

pumping out at low engine<br />

revolutions 3800rpm and<br />

<strong>17</strong>50-2750rpm for torque. It<br />

is also rated with an inspiring<br />

6.1l/100km combined cycle<br />

fuel usage average. The latter<br />

figure is no hurdle, during my<br />

highway run the readouts were<br />

listing at an amazing 4.5l/100km<br />

instantaneously at 100km/h<br />

(engine speed 1600rpm).<br />

When I returned the Sorento<br />

back to the dealership it was<br />

showing a 7.5l/100km combined<br />

average, which I thought was very<br />

CAPABLE: The Santa Fe’s four-wheel-drive system has been<br />

enhanced to take you further off-road.<br />

KIA SORENTO PREMIUM: Advanced features are incorporated into the range-topping<br />

model.<br />

respectable given the Premium<br />

spec model weighs in rather<br />

tubby at close to two-tonne.<br />

The other benefit is that of<br />

its 67-litre fuel tank, when I<br />

picked up the car it was showing<br />

a distance to empty figure of<br />

850km, that would stretch if a<br />

long highway run was planned.<br />

That’s the benefit of diesel,<br />

economy is spectacular and you<br />

lose nothing in the way of performance.<br />

The Sorento will accelerate<br />

to 100km/h from a standstill in<br />

8.9sec along with 6sec to make 80-<br />

120km/h. The latter figure has the<br />

benefit of that fabulous mid-range<br />

torque that big turbocharged<br />

diesel engines offer, response is<br />

lively and forceful, and those who<br />

can’t get their heads around diesel<br />

power don’t know what they are<br />

missing out on, the Sorento’s performance<br />

is fabulous.<br />

The engine is something special,<br />

the way it drives through an<br />

eight-speed dual clutch automatic<br />

transmission also contributes to<br />

the feel of sophistication. It, too,<br />

is smooth and quick to change.<br />

If you feel like overriding the<br />

changes or shift protocols, paddle-shifters<br />

allow you to do that.<br />

Not only does the new Sorento<br />

look smart and have power on<br />

its side, so does it cover distance<br />

and handle well beyond its design<br />

brief. Kia’s engineers have also<br />

• Price – Kia Sorento<br />

Premium, $76,990<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

4810mm; width, 1900mm;<br />

height, 1695mm<br />

• Configuration – Fourcylinder,<br />

four-wheel-drive,<br />

2151cc, 148kW, 440Nm,<br />

eight-speed automatic<br />

• Performance –<br />

0-100km/h, 8.9sec<br />

• Fuel usage – 6.1l/100km<br />

placed a greater emphasis on the<br />

four-wheel-drive mechanicals,<br />

the potential to travel cross-country<br />

has been enhanced, there are<br />

several drive modes that can be<br />

pre-selected depending on the<br />

surface ahead.<br />

The Sorento is all about<br />

transporting your family in<br />

comfort. The newcomer is larger<br />

than before, and the interior<br />

layout has been designed so that<br />

it is more practical than before.<br />

It is a genuine seven-seater, and<br />

for those assigned to the rear row,<br />

that area has been made even<br />

more spacious with easier access.<br />

Cargo space is generous, with<br />

the two rear rows folded there is<br />

up to 2011-litres available. With<br />

the rear rows in place 187-litres<br />

and 821-litres are available. In<br />

Premium form rich black leather<br />

is used as seat trim material.<br />

As you would expect, the new<br />

Sorento also has a higher level of<br />

fitment; comfort and convenience<br />

items abound, and while column<br />

space doesn’t allow major<br />

detailing, I must mention the<br />

large, wide central display panel/<br />

touch screen the functions and<br />

its capability are deep. Also, the<br />

Sorento has a significant number<br />

of new safety features.<br />

The Sorento has been a<br />

popular and important model<br />

for Kia New Zealand. It also has<br />

global popularity and Kia, as a<br />

manufacturer, has recognised<br />

that it needed to change with the<br />

times.<br />

That has certainly happened,<br />

and Kia won’t be sitting back<br />

resting on the success of the<br />

newcomer. The engineering<br />

changes that have been made<br />

to the fourth-generation model<br />

allow flexibility, soon there will<br />

be hybrid and plug-in models<br />

landing.<br />

It’s been a busy couple of<br />

years for Kia NZ, it has landed<br />

a succession of new models,<br />

and judging by the information<br />

coming out of the company, there<br />

are more exciting models on their<br />

way. If the Sorento is anything<br />

to go by, the Kia faithful will be<br />

well rewarded and those who<br />

do buy into the brand won’t be<br />

disappointed.<br />

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A Winning Combination<br />

9 Enticott Place, Huntsbury<br />

Auction 25 Feb <strong>2021</strong> (Unless Sold Prior)<br />

4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1 living room 1 dining room 1 office/study<br />

2 car garage 2 off-street carparks - Listing no. BE193658<br />

Location space & style are all on offer here<br />

in this lovely executive home.<br />

The feeling of space starts as you walk<br />

into the wide entranceway. At this level are<br />

three good sized double bedrooms and<br />

family bathroom along with a generous<br />

study which opens onto a pretty garden<br />

courtyard.<br />

Come up the stairs to a very large kitchen<br />

and dining room, then into the generously<br />

sized open plan living. Here you can step<br />

onto the balcony, big enough to be<br />

described as an outdoor room. Ideal for<br />

entertaining and with it having a roof you<br />

will be able to use it for most of the year.<br />

Here also is the master bedroom and<br />

ensuite. Step from your bedroom to the<br />

balcony in the morning to enjoy your<br />

breakfast before the start of your day.<br />

Location is perfect, at the foot of the<br />

popular Broadoaks subdivision. Only a few<br />

minutes from cafes, the doctor and sought<br />

after primary and secondary schools.<br />

This home offers tremendous value, my<br />

clients are downsizing and will listen to<br />

what the market says!<br />

Call me now to view.<br />

AUCTION: Thursday 25th <strong>February</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

from 12:00pm Harcourts Grenadier 98<br />

Moorhouse Avenue (Unless Sold Prior)<br />

Open Home Times: Saturday and Sunday<br />

1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />


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renovations including existing<br />

or new plasterboard.<br />

Available also for commercial<br />

work and new builds.<br />

Free Quotes<br />


Phone Peter on<br />

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Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />

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painting<br />

by Certified Tradesman<br />

Book now for<br />

Summer and<br />

receive 20%<br />

discount.<br />

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a speciality.<br />

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Specialize in home<br />

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Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100

16 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

end of summer<br />


SALE<br />

Primavera Outdoor 3 Seater<br />

WAS $<br />

2799<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

2499<br />



ON SALE!<br />

Chaise Sofa<br />

NOW $<br />

1999<br />


ON SALE!<br />

Queen Mattress<br />

FROM $<br />

269<br />


ON SALE!<br />

Queen Bed<br />

NOW $<br />

799<br />

Bedside<br />

NOW $<br />

325<br />

All mattress<br />

bases also<br />

on sale!<br />

Snap up these SUPER DEALS before they’re gone!<br />

Clare 3 Seater<br />

WAS $<br />

899<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

599<br />

Valletta Outdoor Lounge/<br />

Low Dining Set<br />

WAS $<br />

2499<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1999<br />

Seychelles Double<br />

Mattress<br />

WAS $<br />

549<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

399<br />

Dallas Queen Bed – Jet<br />

WAS $<br />

449<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

349<br />

Chia 5 Drawer – W60<br />

WAS $<br />

499<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

399<br />

Sono Boxed Mattress – Queen<br />

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WAS $<br />

599<br />

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targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire 01/03/21.<br />

Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News <strong>17</strong><br />

Thinking of selling<br />

and actually selling are<br />

quite different things<br />

Contact Ray White Ferrymead<br />


Ray White Ferrymead<br />

Ready When You Are!<br />

Phone (03) 3844 <strong>17</strong>9 | Email prier.manson@raywhite.com<br />

rwferrymead.co.nz /RayWhiteFerrymead<br />

Prier Manson Ltd. (Licensed REAA 2008)<br />

Craig Prier

18 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Position Perfection<br />

64 Wakatu Avenue, Redcliffs 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living, 1 dining, 4 car garaging<br />

A supreme park-side position provides a magnificent backdrop to this<br />

sizeable 70s home which offers an effortless lifestyle in Redcliffs.<br />

Boasting immediate access through to neighbouring Barnett Park, this<br />

property is well-positioned to embrace Redcliffs various offerings, with<br />

a mere stroll leading you to the beach, cafes and bars while in-zone<br />

Redcliffs School is also nearby.<br />

Superbly presented and meticulously maintained, this appealing<br />

family home is tastefully styled and has enjoyed refreshed flooring, an<br />

upgraded kitchen and refurbished bathroom over the past decade and<br />

a half.<br />

The expansive five-bedroom layout is arranged across two floors, with<br />

bedrooms and a bathroom on each for ultimate everyday ease. The<br />

home’s ground floor accommodation is ideal for teens, with a bathroom<br />

supporting the three bedrooms, two of which open out to a patio. An<br />

additional bathroom separates the two upper-level bedrooms which<br />

boast elevated views, one of which is the generously sized master.<br />

Large living spaces occupy the ground floor, including the kitchen,<br />

dining and lounge area as well as a sunroom that leads outdoors to<br />

the spacious deck and garden. A courtyard at the front of the section<br />

soaks up the morning sun to provide the perfect spot for enjoying your<br />

morning coffee.<br />

Extensive insulation, double glazing and a new log burner keep this sunbathed<br />

home incredibly comfortable throughout the seasons.<br />

Storage has been thoughtfully considered throughout, with a four-car<br />

garage, two garden sheds and on-site parking offering abundant space<br />

outdoors.<br />

This fantastic family home represents a rare opportunity in a favoured<br />

location, and prospective purchasers are encouraged to act quickly.<br />

Contact Paula or Simon for more information.<br />

No.1 Sales Consultants 20<strong>17</strong>-2020<br />

Simon & Paula Standeven<br />

Auction: Sunday 7 March at 1:00pm,<br />

on site (unless sold prior)<br />

Open Homes: Wednesday 12:30 - 1:00pm,<br />

Sunday 2:30 - 3:00pm<br />

rwferrymead.co.nz/OPA25278<br />

Simon and Paula Standeven<br />

M. 0274 304 691<br />

E. thestandevens@raywhite.com<br />

Paula & Simon Standeven<br />

Jan Edlin Pip Sutton<br />

Cherie Mooyman<br />

Marie Malone Elenor Corston<br />

Anna Loader & Bronny Clifford

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 19<br />

Repair, Rejuvenate or Redevelop<br />

16 Hurst Seager Lane, Sumner<br />

5 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 4 toilets, 2 living, 2 car garaging<br />

Enjoying an elevated position to take in unrivalled coastal views and set on<br />

a substantial parcel of land, this large family home tucked away at the end of<br />

a quiet cul-de-sac on Clifton Hill is offered to the market on “as is, where is”<br />

basis. With both the interior and exterior remaining true to its origins, the<br />

property represents a unique opportunity for a savvy buyer with vision and<br />

flair to repair, rejuvenate and reap the benefits.<br />

With double garaging on the ground floor, and living and accommodation<br />

arranged over two light-filled upper levels, the cleverly-configured floorplan<br />

has been designed to take full advantage of the spectacular outlook with<br />

sweeping views across the Avon-Heathcote Estuary to the Southern Alps<br />

from almost every room. Incorporating five bedrooms, three bathrooms plus<br />

a guest toilet, and a generously proportioned interconnected kitchen, dining<br />

and living space with adjoining study, the home will accommodate modern<br />

living with ease and with a multitude of flexible spaces, will appeal to those<br />

seeking to work from home.<br />

Rich with bird life and featuring easy-care plantings, the magnificent<br />

1.8-hectare section’s sloping gradient ensures you’ll never be built out and<br />

imparts a sense of space and seclusion while being just a few minutes’ drive<br />

from Sumner Beach and 20 minutes from the central city.<br />

Designed and built to our vendors’ specifications, this property has served as<br />

a very special family home for many years but with the decision to sell firmly<br />

made, this property is a must-see for buyers ready to tackle a new project.<br />

Auction: Thursday 4 March from 11:00am, in rooms, Ray White,<br />

Level 2, 76 Hereford Street (unless sold prior)<br />

Open Homes: Wednesday 12:30 - 1:00pm and Sunday 3:30 - 4:00pm<br />

www.raywhite.co.nz/OPA24531<br />

Simon and Paula Standeven<br />

M. 0274 304 691 E. thestandevens@raywhite.com<br />

Boundary line<br />

indicative only<br />

No.1 Sales Consultants<br />

20<strong>17</strong>-2020<br />

Simon & Paula Standeven<br />

Sensational Seaside Sanctuary<br />

85 Beachville Road, Redcliffs<br />

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living, 1 car garaging<br />

Soundly constructed in 2015 by the highly respected local firm Trevor Hone<br />

Builders, this home is set in a stunning seaside locale, offering the ultimate<br />

retreat from busy, modern life.<br />

Spread over two superbly finished levels; the ground floor encompasses the<br />

spacious open plan kitchen, living and dining area along with one double<br />

bedroom and a full family bathroom. Upstairs, a further two bedrooms,<br />

including the master, are cleverly separated by a dual access ensuite.<br />

Bedrooms include built-in storage and joinery while the master bedroom<br />

takes maximum advantage of the spectacular sea views.<br />

A studio space incorporated into the new single garage offers further<br />

accommodation or presents a private space for work, while plenty of offstreet<br />

parking ensures ample room for additional vehicles.<br />

Positioned for excellent sun and enjoying the most modern construction<br />

standards, including double-glazing and full insulation, this home offers<br />

superior comfort and is a pleasure to live in, year-round.<br />

Situated on a perfectly proportioned 456m² site just metres from the coastal<br />

pathway; the beautifully landscaped grounds combine space for outdoor<br />

living and entertaining with lush, low-maintenance plantings to ensure<br />

your downtime can be spent revelling in all that this incredible waterfront<br />

location offers.<br />

Offering contemporary post-earthquake construction and an unsurpassed<br />

setting with the estuary, beach, village and Redcliffs School all on the<br />

doorstep, this endlessly appealing home is guaranteed to attract a<br />

wide range of buyers. Interest will be high, and your earliest viewing is<br />

encouraged. Contact Paula or Simon for more information.<br />

Auction Sunday 7 March at 11:00am, on site (unless sold prior)<br />

Open Homes: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 1:30 - 2:00pm<br />

rwferrymead.co.nz/OPA25276<br />

Simon and Paula Standeven<br />

M. 0274 304 691 E. thestandevens@raywhite.com<br />

No.1 Sales Consultants<br />

20<strong>17</strong>-2020<br />

Simon & Paula Standeven<br />

Craig Prier Yvette Wright<br />

Donna Lee<br />

Bev Prout Rod Cross James Shepherd Gretta Ulmer Mark Gardner

20 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>February</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

2 Wakatu Ave<br />

Beach House on the <strong>Bay</strong><br />

2 Wakatu Avenue, Redcliffs 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 car garaging<br />

• Easy living, low maintenance 3 bedroom Lockwood design, with loads of potential<br />

• Perfectly positioned for a primo coastal lifestyle without breaking the bank<br />

• Walk to the waterfront, beach and village<br />

• Dual access from Main Road or Wakatu Ave<br />

• Easy care garden; garage with off street parking. Perfect ‘Lock and Leave’<br />

• Surplus to requirements, vendors instructions are - must be sold<br />

Auction: Thursday 25 <strong>February</strong> at 4:00pm,<br />

on site (unless sold prior)<br />

Open Homes:<br />

Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 1:00 - 1:30pm<br />

rwferrymead.co.nz/OPA25282<br />

Mark Gardner<br />

M. 021 633 669<br />

E. mark.gardner@raywhite.com<br />

Ray White Ferrymead<br />

Ready When You Are!<br />

Phone (03) 3844 <strong>17</strong>9 | Email prier.manson@raywhite.com | rwferrymead.co.nz | /RayWhiteFerrymead Prier Manson Ltd. (Licensed REAA 2008)

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