AWC Going Dutch March April 2021

Bi-monthly magazine of the American Women's Club of The Hague

Bi-monthly magazine of the American Women's Club of The Hague


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Ongoing Activities

Virtual Activities

Due to unknown coronavirus guidelines,

please assume that the following activities

will be held virtually until the Clubhouse

can reopen. Look for updates in eNews.

Please contact Suzanne Dundas with questions.

Chat, Craft & Cake

Every Tuesday

10 a.m. – Noon

Wassenaar and Environs Coffee

1st Thursday of the Month

9:30 a.m.

Walkie Talkies

Whether you count your steps or just want to

take a socially distanced walk with friends,

the Monday morning Walkie Talkies is a

fun and healthy way to start the week. The

group meets in front of the Clubhouse before

heading out promptly to walk to various

destinations in the area, usually racking

up 10,000 steps along the way. No RSVP

is necessary. Contact Emily van Eerten at

walkietalkies@awcthehague.org to be added

to the WhatsApp group for last minute

updates and cancellations.


9:30 a.m.

AWC Clubhouse



Virtual Women in Business

Are you a business owner? Are you thinking

about starting a business? Come to our

ongoing meetings for networking and discussion

among AWC Members about being

a business owner in the Netherlands. All are

welcome, no matter what amount of experience

you may have with owning a business.

Every meeting will include a topic

of interest and time for questions, discussion

and networking. Please watch eNews

for announcements of the monthly topics.

Feel free to email Mary Ellen Brennan

for more information or suggestions at


Friday, March 26 + April 23

10 – 11 a.m.

Virtual Meeting


In Jessie’s Honor

by Georgia Regnault

With great sadness for all who knew

her, Jessie Rodell passed away on

January 18, 2021, after months,

if not years, of fighting cancer. As AWC

Members, we have wonderful memories of

Jessie’s active years at the AWC, as President

(1984 – 1985) and Board Advisor to many

AWC Presidents after she retired. Whenever a

group or committee needed volunteers, Jessie

was the first to sign up. And one of her specialties

was welcoming new Members and

making them feel “At Home in the AWC.”

It is hard to say farewell to a good friend of

more than 40 years.

Jessie’s daughter, Tiersa, expressed, “To all

the family and friends of Jessie, former colleagues,

and parents of the American School

of The Hague and the wider international

community of the Netherlands, whether

here or back at home: We are all happy that

Jessie lived to celebrate Quinn’s birthday in

November, her own in December as well as

her 56th wedding anniversary. She was more

vocal these past few weeks than in the past

few months, so we are very grateful for that.

When they said three to six months, she didn’t

listen, so we had a beautiful nine months to

enjoy as a family. I need to say thank you

for sharing your stories and pictures. It has

given me more of my mother than you can

imagine. Thank you does not begin to cover

our thanks, and hers, for everyone who has

brightened her life. Even in her most quiet

moments she was always aware of and grateful

for the friends of a lifetime.” Tiersa has

set up a website: www.jessierodell.com

Jessie Rodell Educational Award

Some months ago, the Rodell family asked

me to set up an Educational Award in Jessie’s

name. This international community-wide

award will help a person in the Netherlands

further their education and has been set up

with the help of The FAWCO Foundation.

We hope that many of you will support this.

There are several ways to send donations:

The FAWCO Foundation Website

Go to www.fawcofoundation.org and hover

over the tab Ways of Giving and then click

on How to Donate. Please note that all donations

through the website will be in US

dollars. Indicate “Jessie Rodell” in the notes;

if not possible, follow-up with an email to


EU Bank Transfer

Euro denominated donations can be transferred

directly to the AWC of The Hague,

IBAN NL42ABNA0431421757. Please include

your name as well as “Jessie Rodell” in

the comment. For any questions, please contact

me at parliamentarian@awcthehague.org.

Send US Checks

The FAWCO Foundation

c/o Kathy DeBest

1817 Prairie Dunes Ct. S

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

Zelle App

If your US bank uses this app, send

your donation via the email address

of the FAWCO Treasurer at

treasurer@fawcofoundation.org. Please indicate

“Jessie Rodell.”

Employees of American companies may be

eligible to get a company match from their

employer as The FAWCO Foundation is a

recognized 501(c)3 organization.


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