AWC Going Dutch Nov Dec 2021

The bi-monthly magazine of the American Women's Club of The Hague

The bi-monthly magazine of the American Women's Club of The Hague


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Going Dutch

November/December 2021


The sun was shining as we celebrated our

Fall Kick Off at Scheveningen Beach


All are welcome to join us in celebrating

Thanksgiving at the Pieterskerk in Leiden

30 - 42

To most Members fall means family traditions,

but to one it means being chased by


The Magazine of the

American Women’s Club

of The Hague

Table of Contents

5 Officers and Chairwomen

6 Fall Kick Off

8 Message from the President

9 General Meetings

10 Ramblings from the Editor

12 Membership

12 Newcomers

14 Ongoing Activities

18 One-of-a-Kind Activities

19 AWC and the Arts

20 Book Lovers


24 Thanksgiving Service

25 Thanksgiving Luncheon

26 Calendar


30 Jo van Kalveen

33 Celeste Brown

34 Lesley Gerrese

36 Mary Adams

38 Beverly Bennett and Susan


40 Melissa White

43 Classifieds


AWC Clubhouse

Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 43

2582 NJ Den Haag

Tel: 070 350 6007



Going Dutch Magazine


Dues (Effective 2021-2022)

€ 110 per year (€ 66 after January 1)

€ 90 business, professional

€ 55 valid US military ID

€ 35 full-time students under age 26

€ 15 outside the Netherlands (Going

Dutch not included)

€ 15 new member registration fee

Deadlines: Submissions are due no later than the last Monday of the month preceding the publication month.

For example, for the Jan/Feb issue, submissions are due before Monday, November 29.

Please Note: Articles submitted to Going Dutch will be published subject to space limitations and

editorial approval. All rights reserved; reprints only by written permission of the Editor. Please email to:


Legal Notice: Articles in Going Dutch express the views and opinions of their authors alone, and not necessarily

those of the AWC of The Hague, its Members or this publication.



Melissa White

Design and Layout

Teresa Mahoney


Leiden November 2020


Greetje Engelsman, Melissa White


Celeste Brown, Jane Gulde, Diane Schaap,

Debbie van Hees

Advertising Manager & Invoicing



Mary Adams, Beverly Bennett, Barbara

Brookman, Celeste Brown, Susan Cave, Jane

Choy, Suzanne Dundas, Greetje Engelsman,

Roberta Enschede, Lesley Gerrese, Sarah

Partridge, Georgia Regnault, Melissa Rider,

Jo van Kalveen, Anne van Oorschot, Melissa




AWC Bank Account Number

IBAN: NL42ABNA0431421757

KvK Den Haag

40409274 BTW or VAT: 007408705B01

2021-2022 AWC Officers Committee Chairs

Honorary President Marja Verloop

President Barbara Brookman


Vice President Wynne Davis


Treasurer Anne van Oorschot


Secretary Marilyn Tinsay


Club and Community Development


Carin Elam


Clubhouse Administration Officer

Monica Rodoni


Communications Lesley Gerrese


Activities: Sarah Partridge

Arts: Jane Choy

Assistant Treasurer: Teresa Insalaco

Book Club Daytime: Teresa Mahoney

Book Club Evening: Dena Haggerty

Bookkeeper: Lori Schnebelie

Caring Committee: Naomi Keip

Chat, Craft & Coffee: Suzanne Dundas

Community Outreach: Minal Rajan

eNews: Melissa Rider

FAWCO: Molly Boed

General Meetings Programs: Open

Heart Pillows: Jan de Vries

Historian/Archivist: Georgia Regnault

Holiday Bazaar: Georgia Regnault

IT Administrator and Webmaster: Julie


Kids’ Club: Open

Lunch Bunch: Greetje Engelsman

Mah Jongg: Jen van Ginhoven

Membership: Melissa Rider

Movie Network: Tina Andrews

Newcomers: Jo van Kalveen

Parliamentarian: Georgia Regnault

Pickleball: Allison Manning, Sarah

Partridge, Krishna Thakrar

Senior Advisor: Melissa Rider

Social Media Facebook and Instagram:

Lesley Gerrese

Social Media LinkedIn: Open

Thirsty Thursday: Open

Tours: Liduine Bekman

Volunteer Coordinator: Laurie Martecchini

Walkie Talkies: Emily van Eerten

Women with Dutch Partners: Michelle


AWC Mission Statement

The AWC is an association formed to provide social and educational activities for American

women living in the Netherlands and to promote amicable relations among people of all nations,

as well as acquiring funds for general public interest. Membership in the club is open

to women of all nations who are friendly and welcoming to American culture. The association

does not endeavor to make a profit. The AWC is a 100% volunteer organization.


AWC Kick Off

Message from the President

by Barbara Brookman

After a year in which the coronavirus

had us meeting mostly virtually or

outdoors at restaurant terraces and

parks, we were getting ready to get back to

the Clubhouse when I received a surprise

phone call from our landlord that our lease

will not be renewed at the end of this Club

Year. Just when I thought this would be a

more normal Club Year, we’re now planning

to move out of the Clubhouse...

In our 90-plus-year history, the AWC has

almost always had a Clubhouse. To house

the Club’s large English-language library

and support its other activities, the Club has

made its home in many locations around

town, from sharing a space with a restaurant

or a church to owning a large house

for 28 years*. Since selling the house on

the Nieuwe Duinweg in 2012, the Club has

comfortably settled in our current space on

the Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan.

I know everyone has ideas about what we

should do now that we need to move because

I’ve heard from many of you. And,

of course, opinions vary. At our upcoming

Annual General Meeting (AGM) on

November 11, I will present the plan the

Board has laid out. We already launched a

survey in October to get more insight into

how our Members use the Clubhouse. At

the meeting and in a follow-up survey, we

want to get input from you on what you

think is important as we look at alternatives

for the Clubhouse. This will form the

basis for a set of criteria to

evaluate our options.


There are a few

other Clubhouse

updates. As we

see very few

walk-ins and

payments for

Membership and

activities are now

all done online,

there is no longer

a need for

someone to staff

the front desk.

Therefore, we

will discontinue

having posted

office hours.

All Committee

Chairs can open

the Clubhouse for

their activities. If

you would like

to schedule time at the Clubhouse, please

contact Monica Rodoni, our Clubhouse

Administrator. Finally, to attend any activity

at the Clubhouse, the CoronaCheck app

is required. The Activity Chair will scan

your app when you enter the Clubhouse.

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend

the AGM: the Club’s yearly business

meeting where we get together to review

the previous year, approve our budget and

plans for the current Club Year and make

any needed adjustments to how we run the

Club. You will be emailed an invitation

with more detailed information about the

agenda ahead of the AGM. The meeting is

followed by our Thanksgiving Luncheon

and Potluck. I hope to see everyone there!


* See Georgia Regnault’s article in the

June 2020 issue of Going Dutch for a history

of our Club’s Home Away from Home.

Annual General Meeting and

Thanksgiving Luncheon

This yearly meeting is an opportunity

for Members to get an update on Club

activities, plans and finances. We will

review and vote on the budget as well as appoint

the two-member Audit Committee for

the 2021 – 2022 Club Year.

If you cannot attend in person, you

can vote by email by contacting our

Parliamentarian, Georgia Regnault,

at parliamentarian@awcthehague.org before

the meeting.

Following the meeting, we will celebrate

Thanksgiving with our annual Potluck

Luncheon. Please RSVP for the lunch and

bring an appetizer, side dish, salad or dessert

to share. Turkey and beverages will be

provided by the Club.

You won’t want to miss the December

General Meeting with a guest speaker

(to be announced through eNews)

and Holiday Potluck Luncheon. RSVP is

required for the potluck portion of the

meeting. Drinks will be provided. Please

bring a dish to share.

Thursday, December 9

10 a.m. Coffee and tea

10:30 a.m. Meeting and Updates

11 a.m. Guest Speaker

Noon Potluck Luncheon

Bring Dish to Share

For ALL activities and events at the

Clubhouse, the CoronaCheck App is

currently required.

Thursday, November 11

10 a.m. Coffee and Conversation

10:30 a.m. Club Updates, News and

Review of 2020 – 2021 Club Year

11:15 a.m. Budget Review and Vote

11:45 a.m. Thanksgiving Luncheon

Bring Dish to Share

December General Meeting

and Potluck Luncheon


Ramblings from the Editor

by Melissa White

It is hard to believe that my family will

celebrate our 16th anniversary of living

in the Netherlands this month, 10 years

longer than we initially expected to stay. We

may not have a lot of holiday traditions, but

we do like to celebrate. Except in 2020, we

have returned to La Lanterna in Scheveningen

each year for a special dinner in remembrance

of our first dinner as new residents of our

adopted country (true that it’s not a Dutch

restaurant, but it was the best option near our

hotel to take our picky daughters who were

only five and eight years old at the time). Last

year our annual visit to La Lanterna wasn’t

possible because all restaurants were closed.

In addition, both of our girls were in the UK

with no easy path to pop back home due to

the pandemic. Instead we held a virtual dinner

thanks to Google Meet and a laptop placed

on our dining room table. At least this year

we will just need to postpone our anniversary

dinner about one month to allow for Ashlynn

to return from Glasgow, where she is studying

primarily online yet again. During our

celebration dinner, we have a tradition of reflecting

back on the previous year and making

a list of our highs and lows. I’m thankful that

our highs have always outnumbered our lows.

Two definite highs that I think we’ll all agree

on were finally getting fully vaccinated and

the ability to hug friends again. For me it

was very nice to start attending Wassenaar

Coffee & Conversation in person again.

I also thoroughly enjoyed attending the

September Evening Book Club discussion

in the courtyard in front of the Clubhouse

on a beautiful summer night.

I’m very much looking forward to attending

the Thanksgiving Luncheon

at the Clubhouse (see previous page).

Thanksgiving has always been one of my

favorite holidays. Cooking for vegans for

the past six years means that going to the

AWC is my one chance annually to indulge

in eating some turkey. When James and I

started dating nearly 30 years ago, we would

either attend or host a Thanksgiving dinner

for other friends who didn’t have any family

in town. Once we started our own family,

we often would travel to either California

or Florida so our daughters could spend

time with their grandparents. Most memorable

was when we hosted James’ dad and

stepmother in North Carolina. We’d already

been married for several years, but it was the

Now is no time to think of what

you do not have. Think of what

you can do with what there is.

first time she’d ever visited our home; needless

to say, I was very nervous and wanted

everything to be perfect. James had bought a

new grill and had practiced grilling a turkey,

which turned out perfectly. Unfortunately,

he had forgotten to preheat the grill in the

same manner and after many hours, the

turkey was still raw. As you can probably

imagine, my mother-in-law wasn’t too impressed

with the microwaved turkey that

we ended up serving her. If you have never

been to the Pieterskerk for the Thanksgiving

Service, I highly recommend that you make

the short trip to Leiden for this very special

event (see page 24).

I hope you’ll enjoy learning about some

of our Members’ fall traditions starting on

page 30. You might notice that this issue is

shorter than normal due to fewer submissions

than usual. We will be continuing with

our seasonal themes, so our next issue will

focus on winter (see page 39 for suggestions).

It would be lovely to hear from some

of our new Members.

Happy Holidays!

~ Ernest Hemingway




by Melissa Rider


big welcome to all of the new

Members who have joined the

AWC for the 2021-2022 Club Year

and a big thank you to existing Members

who renewed their Memberships. We have

had a surge in

new Members,

thanks in part

to many of

our Members

reaching out to

new neighbors

and friends

in their local


Word of mouth is the best advertising for

us. If you know of someone interested in

joining, please invite them to an activity or

event at the AWC. We encourage prospective

Members to try out one or two activities

before applying for Membership. All

Membership queries may be directed to me

at membership@awcthehague.org.


by Jo van Kalveen

It was lovely to see so many AWC

Newcomers at the Coffee Morning

in September and the Dutch Food &

Shopping Workshop in October. Our newest

Members really are an international group and

come to us from

all over the

world, including

North and

South America,

Australia and

the UK. And it

is always nice to

see how easily

AWC Members

connect with each other and soon find common

interests and, most importantly, make


Welcome New Members!

Tammie Boer

Jenee Brantley

Benedicte Cador-Robinot

Sarah Corballis

Manpreet Dhillon

Dee Dickey

Johanna Dishongh

Gail Fornell

Audrey Kaplan

Ellen Kimball

Anuradha Koratkar

Kerrie Mancinelli

Gillian Niklas-McQueen

Stacy Nyikos

Kathleen Smith

Cath Spaanjaars

Alex Ward

Cathy Ziengs

Virtual All You Need to Know

About Shopping in Holland

This virtual workshop will help you find

out where and how to shop, both in brickand-mortar

stores and online. Advice will be

given on shopping the sales, finding those

all-important discounts as well as shopping

for preloved items. Register on the AWC

calendar or Wild Apricot app.

Friday, November 19

10 a.m.


If you have any suggestions for a

Newcomers’ event which you would find

useful, please email me at awcthehague.




Ongoing Activities

Chat, Craft & Coffee

skills are needed, as you can cut, stuff or

wrap the heart pillows. We are proud to provide

something both practical and comforting,

and we know our work helps because

we often receive thank-you notes from the

patients who have received a heart pillow.

For more information, please contact Jan

de Vries at info@awcthehague.org.

Mah Jongg

Mah Jongg is a popular tile-based game

of Chinese origin. This exciting game

is similar to the card game, rummy. We

will play the international version with

144 tiles with no scoring. Be prepared

for a game of strategy and luck that will

quickly become addictive! All beginners

and experienced players are welcome at

any time. Please join us as this game is

simply good fun. For more information or

to register, contact Jen van Ginhoven at


Every Tuesday

1 – 4 p.m.

Location TBD


Out to Lunch Bunch

Interested in exploring new restaurants

in and around The Hague? Join us once

a month for Lunch Bunch. A different

restaurant is selected each month on

varying days. Recommendations are always

welcome to Greetje Engelsman

at outtolunchbunch@awcthehague.org.

NOTE: Food and drink are at your own

expense. You will need the CoronaCheck

app on your phone to create a coronavirus

entry pass. Deadline for registration

is THREE days before the lunch.

November: Ciao Amico (www.ciaoamico.

nl) is a small Italian restaurant and pizzeria,

close to the start of the Frederik Hendriklaan,

with a wide choice of pizzas, pastas, salads,

sandwiches and soups. There is a small >> 16

Chat, Craft & Coffee is a weekly highlight

for those who enjoy crafts and camaraderie.

Whether your craft is knitting, quilting,

needlepoint or simply mending your

clothes, no matter if you are a beginner

or an expert, you are welcome to join us.

Fish that UFO (Unfinished Object) out

of the drawer and get going on it again.

CCandCer’s are always ready with a helping

hand, a lesson, or some advice. Babysitting

is not available as there are lots of sharp

objects about (pins, needles, scissors and

wit) so we cannot accommodate children.

Contact Suzanne Dundas with questions

at chatcraftcake@awcthehague.org.

Every Tuesday except holidays

10 a.m. – Noon

AWC Clubhouse


Heart Pillow Project

Members work together to make heartshaped

pillows designed to help support

the arms of recent lumpectomy and mastectomy

patients. Each pillow is made with

TLC, wrapped, and comes with a note

signed by AWC volunteers. No sewing

Monthly (See eNews)

Noon – 2 p.m.

AWC Clubhouse


Indoor Pickleball

The Fall 2021 season of Indoor Pickleball

is at full capacity. Pickleball is the fastest

growing sport in the US and is exploding

in popularity internationally, combining

elements of tennis, badminton and

table tennis. It is played with a paddle and

light ball on a badminton sized court. All

skill levels are welcome with no previous

playing experience necessary. We

invite any AWC Member who is interested

in trying Pickleball to join us on a

Thursday at the courts for a trial session

with the intent to join in January. If interested,

please email Sarah Partridge at



(except second Thursday of each


10 – 11:30 a.m.

Sporthal Houtrust

Laan van Poot 22, Den Haag

Cancellation Policy

Members may reserve a spot for an

AWC tour, activity or event in advance.

Payment is required within five

business days of the reservation or

before the deadline date (whichever

is sooner) otherwise your name will be

moved to a waitlist. It is the responsibility

of the Member to notify the Club at


to cancel a reservation prior to the

cancellation deadline. Please note that

there will be NO REFUNDS after the

cancellation deadline. Members may

find a substitute in lieu of cancellation

provided that arrangements are made

with the organizer. Members shall

be held responsible for their guest

reservations in accordance with this




Ongoing Activities (cont.)

Continued from page 15

garden in the back, which is covered during

winter. Warning: the portions are huge!

Wednesday, November 17

Noon – 2 p.m.

Ciao Amico

Aert van der Goesstraat 43, Den Haag

RSVP Required by November 14

December: Every year we organize an

AWC Holiday Lunch open to all Members.

This year’s lunch will be a special threecourse

menu including a starter, main

and dessert at Brasserie Berlage (www.

brasserieberlage.nl), beautifully situated

in the garden of the Kunstmuseum.

Come enjoy good food, wine and company

in a special art area of The Hague. The menu

and registration can be found on the AWC

website calendar or on the Wild Apricot

app. Any special dietary restrictions must

be submitted at least one week in advance

of the lunch to Greetje Engelsman at

outtolunchbunch@awcthehague.org. Please

note that drinks are not included in the

menu price and must be paid for at the

restaurant, which is easily accessible by car

or public transport (Tram 16 or Bus 24 to


Wednesday, December 15

Noon – 3 p.m.

Brasserie Berlage

Kennedylaan 1, Den Haag

€ 40 for 3-course menu excluding drinks

Minimum 6 / Maximum 25

Cancellation deadline: December 10

Thirsty Thursday

We kicked off our popular Thirsty Thursday

evenings once again in October. This social

networking event is held at a different

restaurant in The Hague on the third

Thursday of each month, excluding holidays.

Please keep an eye out for updates

on our online calendar, Facebook page and

eNews and plan to RSVP on Wild Apricot

to receive an email with the restaurant information

closer to the date. Questions

or suggestions? Contact Wynne Davis

at vicepresident@awcthehague.org.

Walkie Talkies

Whether you count your steps or just

want to take a socially distanced walk

with friends, the Monday morning

Walkie Talkies is a fun and healthy way

to start the week. The group meets in

front of the Clubhouse before heading

out promptly to walk to various destinations

in the area, usually racking up

10,000 steps along the way. No RSVP is

necessary. Contact Emily van Eerten at

walkietalkies@awcthehague.org to be

added to the WhatsApp group for last minute

updates and cancellations.


9:30 a.m.

AWC Clubhouse


Wassenaar Coffee &


Do you live in Wassenaar and environs

and long for the camaraderie of the

AWC without the trip to the Clubhouse?

Join your neighbors for a casual coffee

and conversation at a Member’s home.

Since the location changes every

month, contact Suzanne Dundas at

chatcraftcake@awcthehague.org if you

are interested in attending.

Thursdays, November 4 + December 2

10 a.m.

Location TBD


Women in Business

Are you a business owner? Are you thinking

about starting a business? Come to our

ongoing meetings for networking and discussion

among AWC Members about being

a business owner in the Netherlands.

All are welcome, no matter what amount

of experience you may have with owning

a business. We will be conducting a survey

of Women in Business Members to help

determine the best meeting time and place

(virtual or in-person) going forward. Feel

free to email Mary Ellen Brennan directly

for more information.

Fridays, November 19 + December 10




One-of-a-Kind Activities

RSVP directly on www.awcthehague.org or the Wild Apricot app. Payment must be made

within 5 calendar days by bank transfer to the AWC account NL42ABNA0431421757 or on

our website via PayPal (additional fees apply).

Direct any questions to vicepresident@awcthehague.org

Moonlight Bowling Night

Please join us for a guaranteed fun

Moonlight Bowling Night at Bowling

Scheveningen. Everyone is welcome to

come along. Teams will be formed on the

night. We will meet in the reception area

at 6:45 p.m. so payments can be made individually

before play. Food, beverages

and bowling will be at your own expense.

The cost per lane is € 31.50. The cost per

person will depend on the number of attendees,

but we anticipate it around € 8

each for 1.5 hours of bowling. Parking at

Boulevard Strandweg 179 is € 5.50 for three

hours. Lane reservations need to be made

one week in advance, so register now via

the AWC online calendar or Wild Apricot

app. Questions? Contact Sarah Partridge

at activities@awcthehague.org.

Sunday, November 21 NEW DATE

6:45 – 8:30 p.m.

Bowling Scheveningen

Gevers Deynootweg 990-2, Den Haag

To be paid at venue ~ €8 each

Minimum 6 / Maximum 20

Registration Deadline: November 14

WWDP Christmas Drinks and

Jumpers Event

Women with Dutch Partners (WWDP) will

once again host this popular event at the AWC

Clubhouse. Dutch partners are welcome to


come. This was such a popular event when

it was held in 2019, so start knitting or pimping

those Christmas Jumpers now. More

details to follow. Questions? Send an email

to Jo van Kalveen or Michelle Voorn

at wwdp@awcthehague.org.

Friday, December 10

7 – 9 p.m.

AWC Clubhouse

RSVP Required

Christmas Cookie Exchange and


To help get into the Christmas spirt, join us

for some festive fun with Christmas carols

and exchanging of holiday cookies. Please

plan to arrive at 6 p.m. to enjoy a festive

welcome drink, followed by some carols

around the piano and finished with taking

home some yummy baked goods. Each

person must bring along three dozen homemade

cookie of one type. Sorry, but no storebought

cookies are allowed. Participants

will need to send Debbie van-Hees Cascio

the name of the cookie they are bringing so

we don’t get too many of the same kind.

When you arrive at the event, please label

your cookies and set them out for display.

You will also need to bring a large box/container

to take home your goodies. Christmas

attire is most welcome!

Friday, December 17

6 – 8 p.m.

AWC Clubhouse

€ 5 Members

Minimum 8 / Maximum 20

RSVP Required

AWC and the Arts

by Jane Choy-Thurlow, AWC Member and Mauritshuis Docent

Special Note: It is possible to register for

all art activities after the cancellation deadline

date if there is still space, but please understand

that the fee would then be non-refundable.

Also, please understand that these

events may need to be cancelled or modified

due to changes in coronavirus restrictions.

Tour of National Monument


Oranjehotel (www.oranjehotel.org) was the

nickname for Scheveningen Prison during

World War II, where Germans detained over

25,000 people for interrogation and prosecution.

A diverse group from all corners of

the Netherlands had broken German laws:

mostly resistance fighters, but also Jews,

Jehovah’s Witnesses and black market traders.

Even during the war, the complex was

called “Oranjehotel” as an ode to the resistance

fighters who were locked up there.

Among the prisoners were well-known people

like Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema (whose

autobiography Soldaat van Oranje (Soldier

of Orange) inspired both a movie and musical)

and Corrie ten Boom (who later

wrote The Hiding Place, her autobiography

about hiding Jews in her family’s home in

Haarlem). Some prisoners were released, others

were deported to other prisons or camps,

while others were executed on the nearby

Waalsdorpervlakte. Their stories of fear,

hope, faith and love for the fatherland are

told in the National Monument Oranjehotel.

Learn how vulnerable freedom really is, and

which choices people make when injustice,

repression and persecution control society.

Highlights of the Oranjehotel include:

• Death Cell 601 in Death Row D is still

exactly as it was during the war. While

the public is not allowed to enter, the cell

door is open for viewing. By visiting the

adjoining cells, you will get an idea how

terrible life in prison was during WWII.

• Het Poortje (the small gate), in the outside

wall of the prison, gateway to the

Waalsdorpervlakte where many prisoners

RSVP for all Arts Activities directly on


Direct any questions to


were executed

• A memorial plaque on the outside wall

with the text “zij waren eensgezind”

(“they were united”) referring to the resistance


• The four Doodenboeken (Books of the


Please note that this will not be a guided tour,

but registration is required. The group will

meet at 1 p.m. for an introduction and a short

film presented by museum staff; then there

will be free time to wander the museum via

audio guide. At 3 p.m. the group will gather

for coffee and cake in the museum café and

talk about what we have seen so far. Those

interested in exploring the museum longer

can continue to do so. Museumkaart is not

accepted. If COVID-19 restrictions change,

the first 15 registered will have priority.

Wednesday, November 3

1 – 3 p.m.


van Alkenmadelaan 1258, Den Haag

€ 4.50 for group presentation

€ 9.50 Entrance fee to be paid at the museum

(PIN only)

Maximum 30



Book Lovers

Book Clubs

The AWC Book Clubs are FREE and open

to all readers. New Members are especially

welcome! There are no requirements that

you must attend every meeting or lead a

discussion. Snacks are provided by a different

Member each month. We have a

daytime and an evening group. Questions?

Teresa Mahoney organizes the daytime

group: bookclubday@awcthehague.org.

Dena Haggerty handles the evening meetings:


Happy reading!

Daytime Book Club

November Selection: The Netanyahus by

Joshua Cohen

There should be plenty to

discuss after reading this

snarky academic satire

about Benzion Netanyahu

(Professor of History

at Cornell University

and father of Benjamin

Netanyahu, the former

Prime Minister of Israel)

working at the fictional Corbin College in

western New York during the winter of 1959.

Thursday, November 18

10 a.m.

December Selection: Intimacies by Katie


Taking place in our own

backyard, this novel tells

the tale of an interpreter

for the International

Criminal Court who is

asked to interpret for a former

president accused of

war crimes. She confronts

power, love and violence

Daytime Book Club Reading List:

Thursday, January 27: Small Pleasures

by Clare Chambers


as cracks widen in both her personal and

professional lives.

Christmas Potluck

Thursday, December 16

11 a.m.

Georgia Regnault’s Home


Evening Book Club

November Selection: In Praise of the

Bees by Kristin Gleeson

Blending fiction and legend,

this literary historical

novel takes place in

Ireland in 590 A.D. Inspired

by real women, it features

complex female characters

who strain against the crippling

prejudices of a society

where no woman has power.

Wednesday, November 10

7:30 p.m.

December Selection: Inland by Tea


Another historical fiction

choice, this novel

takes place in the Arizona

Territory in 1893, telling

the separate but eventually

intertwined stories of an

unflinching frontierswoman

and a former outlaw with

some magical realism thrown in.

Wednesday, December 8

7:30 p.m.

Daytime Book Club Recaps

The Weekend by Charlotte Wood

This novel centers around three women in

their 70s who gather to clear out the beach

house of their recently deceased friend

Evening Book Club Reading List:

Wednesday, January 12: The Appeal

by Janice Hallett

Sylvie. Jude is a type-A perfectionist who

used to work as a restaurant manager, but

is now a “kept woman.” Wendy is a writer,

who in her heyday resembled Susan Sontag

and is now becoming increasingly forgetful.

And Adele is a struggling actor in a perilous

financial situation whose partner has

just kicked her out. As they perform a Marie

Kondo-style purge of what Sylvie has left

behind, some of their long-buried grievances

towards each other are released and it

appears that their beloved fourth friend may

just have been the glue that held the quartet

together. The themes of aging and friendship

are intertwined within the novel, contemplating

if it is possible for friendships to

truly adapt and endure for many decades,

and remain as rich as when they began. One

of the things that it does so well is examine

the various characters’ separate attitudes toward

aging, both their acceptance and resistance,

something which many of us present

could relate to. Whilst it may not be the best

book you read in 2021, there was a general

consensus around the table that this was an

excellent book club pick as it certainly led to

a lively, wide ranging and poignant discussion.

A readable and relatable book choice!

Three Women by Lisa Taddeo

This selection was perhaps a lesson in not

choosing a book solely based on the brief

summary given on Amazon. We were promised

a “book about women’s appetites and

desires and how men frustrate and warp

them.” Upon reading the book, many of us

felt we were misled! It tells the true stories

of Maggie, Lina and Sloane. Maggie’s

story, the most engaging, tells of her affair

with her married English teacher at 17, her

decision to report it at the age of 23 and

the subsequent trial. Lina is a stay-at-home

mom in a passionless marriage who reconnects

with an ex-boyfriend and embarks on

an all-consuming affair. Sloane, a beautiful

and sophisticated restauranteur, has sex with

other people that her husband selects for her.

The author spent eight years researching and

certainly goes into minute detail particularly

when retelling sexual encounters. We all

agreed that the book would have been more

successful if more women with different

stories had been featured. Many of us were

frustrated by the choices made, particularly

by Lina and Sloane. We found it hard to feel

much empathy, but accepted this could be

due to the relatability of their stories. One

member appreciated the thought process behind

the book and said it has made her stop

and think more about comprehending rather

than condemning others in similar situations

to these women. The book certainly gave us

lots to talk about; the way people modify

their behavior to fit the needs and desires

of their partners, who holds the power in a

relationship and why, how women discuss

and act on their desires, and how women

can at times feel threatened by other woman’s

happiness and success. However, there

was general agreement that this was one of

the weaker book selections we have had in

a long time.

Evening Book Club Recap

Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart

The 2020 Booker Prize winner was definitely

well-written and heart wrenching, but for

several of our group, it was just too depressing

to finish. Despite being written as a novel,

the author’s biography of his early life

seemed to match Shuggie’s pretty closely,

leading us to assume that much of the book

was autobiographical and hence even more

heartbreaking. One Member shared that she

had struggled growing up with an alcoholic

parent and praised the book for being so relatable.

AWC Guest Policy

Guests are welcome to participate in

AWC activities and tours on a limited

basis. As a non-member, a guest is

limited to attend two functions per

calendar year and will be charged an

additional non-member fee.


FAWCO Corner

by Molly Boed

Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas, a United Nations NGO with

consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council



have been somewhat out of the “FAWCO

loop” lately due to an extended time in

the US, but as I catch up on FAWCO

updates, talk with AWC friends and read our

Inspiring Women publication, I am starting to

feel connected again and motivated to update

you about what is happening at FAWCO. I

am grateful to be back in Holland and finally

meeting up again with various AWC friends,

all the while soaking up the good September

weather we have been having.

I returned to my hometown near Chicago

at the beginning of May to celebrate my

mom’s 84th birthday and attend my son’s

graduation from college. Both events were

well worth traveling for, and I am so glad I

was able to celebrate both milestone events

considering continuing pandemic travel restrictions.

I then returned to Holland at the

end of May, intending to spend the summer

in The Hague to connect with FAWCO

Regional Representatives, start plans for

the Handbag Auction, etc. However, this

was to be delayed after my mom fell on

Memorial Day (just after I returned) and

broke her hip. I realized that she would

have a difficult recovery, so I returned to

Chicago in mid-June to be closer to her.

She did have a difficult recovery; in fact,

she was not recovering well at all, so I

was glad that I could be with her. In early

August, she sadly passed away.

Although I have been preoccupied with my

mom, FAWCO has been present and active

all around the world! I am pleased to share

with you the link to the most recent edition

of the FAWCO publication Inspiring

Women, which is focused on Women and

Justice. I encourage you to sign up for

future issues at www.fawco.org/about/



As you page through the issue, I recommend

you read every article. In particular,

the Human Rights in Focus on pages 16 and

17 gives you a good overview of the virtual

conference on Human Rights that FAWCO

is hosting from November 4 – 6. As an AWC

Member, you are automatically a member

of FAWCO and are invited to register for

this online conference at www.fawco.org.

Another very interesting read is the article

by our own Member Mary Adams starting

on page 24. Five years ago, FAWCO hosted

the Stand Up Against Human Trafficking

Symposium. Mary co-coordinated this

event and co-wrote the book entitled Hope

is the Thing with Feathers, available as an

e-book on the FAWCO website. (I just ordered

my copy!) I think you’ll agree that

this is an informative issue that is tightly

packed with information about Women and

Justice along with the associated Sustainable

Development Goals.

While I was home in early June, I teamed

up with Danielle Kuznetzov and Christine

Riney of the FAWCO Health Group, plus

Ginny Trowman, Membership Coordinator

of Heidelberg IWC, and Tharien Van Eck, the

head of the Target Project: Hope for Women

and Girls in Tanzania–Protecting Girls from

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to host a

virtual “First Aid Basics” and “What to Do

in an Emergency Course.” Our original intention

was to hold this session for FAWCO

members, but Tharien wisely included the

girls at the safehouses in Tanzania since we

were holding this workshop virtually. Nurse

Linda Malley talked about what to do in

case of an emergency and it was wonderful

to see the girls in Tanzania “tune in” and

listen to good advice and tools for handling

a basic injury or an emergency. We hope to

do another event to connect with the girls at

the safehouse in the near future.

I am finally going to begin scheduling and

planning our famous Handbag Auction in

support of the Target Project. It has been

too long since we have had this event and

I know we are all ready to let loose and enjoy

a fun evening together bidding on and

buying exquisite purses with a glass of sparkling

wine, of course. Stay tuned for more

details as we set the date and get the auction

planned. You can also look forward to

another tasty Desserts for Donation event,

in which we sell and deliver delicious pies

and cakes to raise money in support of the

Target Project.

If you have ideas for fundraisers or want to

apply for an Education Grant for you or one

of your kids (applications are due at the end of

January) or are interested in joining one of the

FAWCO groups – Education Environment,

Health, Human Rights – please contact me

at awcthehague.fawco@gmail.com.


Thanksgiving Day Service

by Roberta Enschede

Thanksgiving Day Lunch

by Greetje Engelsman

Good news! Now that COVID-19 is being

controlled, we are able to gather

together once more. Please join us

on Thanksgiving morning at the historic

Pieterskerk for the annual non-denominational

Thanksgiving Day Service. A Catholic priest,

Protestant ministers, a rabbi and a cantor will

conduct the service. Our Dutch friends and

friends from all nations and of all faiths are welcome.

This is a service for everyone! Consider

joining the AWC for lunch afterwards (see following

page for details).

Thanksgiving at the Pieterskerk in Leiden is

unique. In that church, the Pilgrims recorded

their births, marriages and deaths. They

lived in its surroundings from 1609 to 1620.

Some of the descendants of Moses Fletcher,

a Leiden Pilgrim and subsequently a signer of

the Mayflower Compact, still live there. Ria

Koet, his direct descendant, will tell the story

of her family, the only non-American members

of the Mayflower Society.

On July 17, 1989, during the first visit of a sitting

American President to the Netherlands, the

Pieterskerk was the chosen site for President

George H.W. Bush to speak. Standing in the

resplendent Pieterskerk, he said,

And it was from this place the Pilgrims set

their course for a New World. In their search

for liberty, they took with them lessons learned

here of freedom and tolerance.

The Bush family trace their ancestry to Francis

Cooke, a signer of the Mayflower Compact

and a Leiden Pilgrim. President Barack Obama

also has family roots in Leiden: the Blossom

family. In fact, through the Blossom Family,

Presidents Bush and Obama are distant cousins.

A total of nine American Presidents are

descendants of the Leiden Pilgrims, including

John Adams, John Quincy Adams and

Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

In Leiden one feels how inextricably the values

of the American nation are linked with the

Netherlands. The story of a group of English

Thursday, November 25 at 11 a.m.

Pieterskerk in Leiden

dissenters who were welcomed and able to

live and worship freely, and even publish at

a time when freedom of religion and the press

were certainly not the norm, is a Dutch story,

an American story and the story of all nations

that aspire to be free.

We are hopeful that the Mayor of Leiden,

Henri Lenferink, will welcome everyone and

Marja Verloop, AWC Honorary President

and Chargé d’Affaires for the US Embassy

in the Netherlands, will speak and read excerpts

from the annual Thanksgiving Day

Proclamation of President Joe Biden. Since

1863, Thanksgiving is “proclaimed” each

year on the fourth Thursday of November.

The congregation will sing familiar hymns.

Coincidentally, one hymn, We Gather Together,

is Dutch and familiar to Dutch people as Wilt

Heden Nu Treden. The American School of

The Hague’s Choir JAKK and Concert Band

will be there, as will the Scouts and “The Little

Pilgrims.” Children are an integral part of the

Service as well they should be.

You won’t forget Thanksgiving in Leiden!

Join us. Bring your friends and neighbors.


Please bring some cookies for coffee after the


Carpool, if possible

Unless you have a parking permit from the

Pieterserk, you will be ticketed if you park in

the area in front of the church.

Sponsored by OAR ~ Overseas Americans

Remember (oarinnl@yahoo.com): Roberta

Enschede, Coordinator, Anneke Beeuwkes,

Michele Fiszbeijn and Tove McGrew



Each year, Overseas Americans

Remember ~ OAR hosts a wonderful

non-denominational Thanksgiving

Ceremony at the Pieterskerk in Leiden, where

our Pilgrim story began. For further information,

please see the article on the facing page by

Roberta Enschede, Coordinator for OAR. We

will meet at Startbucks in Den Haag Centraal

at 9:45 a.m., to travel to Leiden Centraal by

train (bring your OV-chipkaart). In Leiden, we

will walk from the station to the Pieterskerk

to attend the Thanksgiving ceremony. The

church opens at 10 a.m., and the ceremony

begins at 11 a.m. Entrance is free and there is

no need for registration to attend the service,

but be prepared to show your coronapass on

the CoronaCheck app. The church is expected

to be crowded. We will get there early enough

for good seats, but please don’t be disappointed

if we can’t all sit together. Following the ceremony,

please join the AWC at the back of the

pulpit for a group photo.

If you are interested in joining us for lunch

(at your own expense) at the Koetshuis de

Burcht (www.koetshuisdeburcht.nl), please

register on the Wild Apricot app. This restaurant

sits at the base of a historic castle ruin

built in the 11th century. It was a coach house

from 1657, until being opened as a restaurant

in 1981. For more information, please contact

me at outtolunchbunch@awcthehague.org.

Thursday, November 25

9:45 a.m. – Meet at Starbucks in Den

Haag Centraal

11 a.m. – Ceremony begins

FREE Ceremony

Lunch at own expense

RSVP for lunch by November 23



November 2021

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat







Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m

Chat, Craft & Coffee 10 a.m.

Mah Jongg 1 p.m

Visit to National Monument

Oranjehotel 1 p.m.

Wassenaar Coffee and

Conversation 10 a.m.

Pickleball 10 a.m.

Mexican Train Dominoes &

S'mores Indoors 7 p.m.

7 8






Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m

Chat, Craft & Coffee 10 a.m.

Mah Jongg 1 p.m

Evening Book Club

7:30 p.m.

November 2021 Annual

General Meeting and

Thanksgiving Luncheon

10 a.m.

Buddy Check 12

Indian Festival of Lights

Dinner 6 p.m.

Sinterklaas Arrives

14 15






Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m

Chat, Craft & Coffee 10 a.m.

Mah Jongg 1 p.m

Out to Lunch Bunch Noon

Daytime Book Club 10 a.m.

Pickleball 10 a.m.

All You Need to Know About

Shopping in NL - VIRTUAL

Workshop 10 a.m.

Women in Business TBD

Thirsty Thursday 6 p.m.




24 25

26 27

Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m

Chat, Craft & Coffee 10 a.m.

Mah Jongg 1 p.m

Trip to Pieterskerk

Thanksgiving Ceremony

with Lunch Afterwards

9:45 a.m.

Moonlight Bowling Night

6:45 p.m.

Pickleball 10 a.m.

28 29

Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m


Chat, Craft & Coffee 10 a.m.

Mah Jongg 1 p.m




December 2021

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4

Wassenaar Coffee and

Conversation 10 a.m.

Pickleball 10 a.m.

5 6






Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m

Chat, Craft & Coffee 10 a.m.

Mah Jongg 1 p.m

December 2021 General

Meeting and Potluck

Luncheon 10 a.m.

Women in Business TBD


Evening Book Club

7:30 p.m.

WWDP Christmas Drinks

and Jumpers Event 7 p.m.








Buddy Check 12

Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m

Chat, Craft & Coffee 10 a.m.

Mah Jongg 1 p.m

Holiday Out to Lunch Bunch


Daytime Book Club

Christmas Party TBD

Pickleball 10 a.m.

Thirsty Thursday 6 p.m.

Christmas Cookie Exchange

and Carols 6 p.m.

19 20

Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m

21 22 23 24 25


26 27

Walkie Talkies 9:30 a.m

28 29 30 31



The Gift of Apples

by Jo van Kalveen

Jane Austen once said, “Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness.”

In my case, this applies more to apple crumble than to apple pie, but I totally get

what Miss Austen was saying!

Located about a 30-minute drive north of The Hague, you will find Landgoed de

Olmenhorst, a farm consisting of 31 hectares of organic apple and pear orchards, a farm

shop, restaurant and atelier workshops. It is open all year, but in the autumn, it becomes THE

place to pick apples.

As a family, we have always enjoyed picking and eating apples. We used to have a small

apple tree in the garden of our old house. I have very happy memories of seeing the blossom

flowers arrive in the spring, watching the apples slowly appear and grow and then helping

the boys to pick them in the fall. The boys will tell you that for them, picking apples not

only signals the arrival of autumn, but also the beginning of the FUN festive days that mean

so much to you when you are small (and not so small!) such as Halloween, Sint Maarten,

Sinterklaas and Christmas.

When I was stuck for a gift idea for my husband Kees’ birthday, fellow AWC Member

Una suggested adopting an apple tree at the farm. It was an inspired suggestion. We have

always enjoyed visiting the farm as a family and I was sure Kees would appreciate a tree

rather than another pair of socks!

Adopting a tree is easy: go to the

Olmenhorst website at www.olmenhorst.nl

and choose from several varieties of apples.

We picked Jonagored: a crisp, red variety,

which is not too sweet. You adopt the tree

for 12 months and can choose to extend

your adoption on a yearly basis. Only you,

as its owner, can pick apples from your tree.

Each adopted tree has a small name plaque

next to it and you are given the tree’s location

on a map. Please note that you don’t

have to own a tree to pick apples at the farm.

Large parts of the estate are open to the public

for “pick your own” picking, too.

had to make do with Kees’ shoulders for the

high branches. We struck lucky with our tree

as it had SO many apples. We soon filled the

bags we had brought with us whilst munching

away on delicious, crisp apples.

Kees and I went back to the tree a couple

of weeks later, this time armed with a small

step ladder as Kees had wisely pointed out

the lighter members of the family were not

accompanying us this time. Members of

Kees’ family also joined us, and we spent a

lovely afternoon picking apples and pears,

having a walk around the estate before having

a cup of tea and a slice of apple tart (obviously!)

at the open area restaurant.

Kees would say the apples at Olmenhorst

are the best he has ever tasted and there

is something quite special about eating fruit

you have actually plucked from a tree. I have also enjoyed finding new recipes to help use up

our harvest (though they do keep for several weeks if stored in the fridge). Dutch apple tart

is obligatory (tip: the Koopmans’ Appeltaart mix is easy to use, even for non-bakers), apple

cakes and muffins, apple sauce and, of course, our family favorite: apple crumble.

With Sinterklaas and Christmas coming up, I highly recommend an apple tree as a gift

for any member of the family. Socks are always useful, of course, but I think Miss Austen

would agree with me when I say they don’t really contribute towards domestic happiness in

the way an apple crumble can.

>> 30

Last fall we received an email from

Olmenhorst informing us that our tree was

ready for picking. On arrival you will see just

how seriously some people take their apple

picking! There are the “professional” types

carrying ladders, stools and even old-fashioned

fruitplukkers (long sticks with a circular

blade and small bag in which to catch individual

apples). We forgot to take anything and



The Gift of Apples (cont.)

Carving Pumpkins

by Celeste Brown

Jo’s Apple Crumble Recipe

My go-to recipe for apple crumble comes

from an old recipe book my Mum gave me

when I was 11 and about to start cooking

lessons in high school. The book is now

well thumbed and a little dog-eared, but

contains many of my tried and tested baking


The topping:

75g butter

150g plain flour

75g sugar (I use a mix of white crystal sugar and soft brown sugar)

2 x teaspoons of cinnamon (optional, but recommended)

The filling:

675g apples (approximately)

Small amount of water if required.

Sugar if apples are a sour variety

Preheat oven to 180C / 350F

Rub the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

Stir in the sugar and cinnamon.

Peel, core and slice the apples.

Place the apple slices in layers in a pie/baking dish. Depending on the apple type, you may

need a sprinkle of water (dry) or sugar (sour) on top of each layer.

Sprinkle the crumble mixture over the apples to cover them completely.

Bake in a pre-heated oven for about 40 minutes until the apples are cooked and the crumble

is golden brown.

Serve on its own or with vanilla ice cream or cream. Even better if eaten cold for breakfast

the next day (don’t judge, we have all done it!)

Did you know that any woman who speaks English is eligible to

join the American Women’s Club?

Invite your English-speaking friends, wherever they’re from,


to join us today!

In the 23 year I’ve lived in the Netherlands,

Halloween activities have grown. I’ve

never lived in a neighborhood where

children don costumes and trick or treat at

local houses, but I know it exists. My two

older grandchildren live in a neighborhood

where the community organizes a Halloween

evening. My stepson and his wife do their

best to decorate their house and front yard

with traditional ghosts, spider webs, witches,

etc. It’s not quite the same as Halloween in

the US, but I know the kids like it. After all,

it’s fun, it’s scary, and what child doesn’t

like candy?

This year, a couple of weeks before the

big day, my 11-year-old grandson is coming

to our home with a friend to carve pumpkins.

When we invited him, his first question was “Do I get to take it home?” I was incredulous

and found it difficult to answer his question with a straight face. “OF COURSE, you get

to take it home. Both of you will take home a carved pumpkin.” He was a happy camper.

In the meantime, I need to research the intricacies of guiding two 11-year-old boys hellbent

on attacking pumpkins with knives. I’ve already warned my husband that he needs

to join the fun. One adult at

the elbow of each boy seems

like the sane thing to do. Then

again, I’ll also need to teach my

Dutch husband how to carve a


Thanks to AWC friends,

I’ve found the perfect place to

buy suitable pumpkins. (Our

AWC Memberships have so

many unforeseen and very helpful


We are looking forward to

a fun afternoon with the boys

and hope everyone goes to bed

that night with ten fingers, ten

toes and no bloody scars. If we

do, we will have photos to memorialize

the day and stories to

tell for years.


A Fall Memory

by Lesley Gerrese


remember what fall meant to me as a teenage schoolgirl. I smile to think back on our

annual fall trip. On a Saturday morning, my family of six would pile into our burgundy

Volvo 164E, turn on the cassette player with all our favorite songs, pull out our tiny

needlepoint projects (trying not to poke each

other in the backseat), and be driven by my

father three hours from our small Missouri

town to the far-away city of St Louis, the

city of exciting and endless possibilities of

shopping, dining out and a show!

We always began those annual outings

at Frontenac Plaza, a shopping center built

around the elegant Saks Fifth Avenue and

Neiman Marcus department stores, where

we girls would joyfully shop for school

clothes for the year ahead. How exciting,

from our perspective! It was fall, a new school year, a chance to renew on all fronts. What a

happy memory for me . . . although I can now imagine the exhaustion (and financial dread)

of my parents, taking us three excited girls and one fast-growing boy to the city to stock up

on all things needed for the upcoming school year. I adored the soft sweaters that brought

eager anticipation of the cold weather to come. The new plaid skirts in wools and cottons,

the pretty shoes and warm socks, a pair of deep-purple gloves, and some years a beautiful

coat which I would wear like a royal princess, even when it wasn’t cold enough outside.

I still remember. After we were worn out from the whirlwind clothes-shopping spree,

we’d grab a small lunch in the mall and then eagerly run to our favorite chocolate shop for

dessert. It was a special shop selling large sheets of chocolate bark. We were each allowed

to pick a flavor and a small piece; white

chocolate with peppermint was my favorite.

And how we’d enjoy our choices, nibble by

nibble, slowly and dreamily, across the rest

of the afternoon.

I still remember. In those days, there

were no cell phones or rentable movies nor

any form of digital entertainment. Back then

we enjoyed books, books and more books.

If we’d all been very well-behaved, we’d

find ourselves in an enormous bookstore

after lunch, hurrying to our respective age

sections, poring over the potential selections

(romance, mystery, sci-fi, classics),

asking parental approval, and then finding

a comfortable chair in the shop where we’d

begin reading our first book while we waited

for the others.


As if that wasn’t enough for a wonderful fall day, we were over-the-moon when we

could stay in a hotel (The Cheshire) in the city, dress up and go to dinner at our favorite

family restaurant, and then ride in a red double-decker bus to the St. Louis Muny Opera to

watch an outdoor stage production! My lifelong love for singing and musicals is likely due

to my parents taking us to see stage shows like Annie, Brigadoon, My Fair Lady and Oliver

on those outings. Those fall nights were my dreams come true. Oh, I do still remember.

We’d drive back to our small town of Mexico, Missouri (population 12,000) with tired

smiles on our faces. We were usually quieter on the way home, with our heads full of

thoughts about the new school year, new friends, new books, and beautiful new fall clothes.


by Lesley Gerrese

Warm fires,

cool evenings,

bare branches.

Hot food on tables,

pumpkin pie smells,

summer barbecues packed away.

Birds flying south,

changing tree colors,

leaves thick on the ground,

jack-o-lanterns glowing.

Grey smoke above chimney tops.

Thick clouds and foggy mornings,

jackets and scarves bundled against the cold,

expressions somber and inward looking,

visible puffs of steamy breath.

School children back in classrooms,

quiet, muffled streets.

Bare branches,

cool evenings,

warm fires.


Falling Into Place

by Mary Adams

The memories that I have of the fall season start with my mother’s admonition that the

beginning of September means “no more white pants.” Winter whites were fine, but the

brisk crisp air of fall meant changing your wardrobe to match the natural colors of the

changing leaves. The winds of fall brought an excitement that rippled through the air marking

the end of summer vacation. In my youth, fall meant beginnings: a new school year, new clothes,

new tv shows (after a summer of reruns), my father “multi-watching” college football games,

and most of all, the anticipation of Halloween and family time at Thanksgiving.

As I grew up, pieces of fall fell away as I focused more on work. Fall became business conference

season, sweater and boot weather, and the anticipation of Christmas holidays. Without

children, Halloween turned into costume cocktail parties. I adopted the Mexican tradition of

Dios de los Muertos to honor ancestors. When I moved to Paris in 2000, Halloween, football,

the ancestors, and Thanksgiving ceased to exist to me. Fall season in Paris meant that the summer

tourists were gone, fashion was on the runway, a steaming cup of chocolat chaud was chic,

and patio heaters blasted warm air on my shoulders while I slurped French onion soup before

joining the craziness of Beaujolais Nouveau Day.

When I moved to the Netherlands, I started to miss American fall traditions. I decided to

put Thanksgiving back on the calendar. I bought a roasting pan, ordered a whole turkey, and

prepared a traditional menu of my favorite recipes for my partner’s family. I carved the turkey

and filled the plates. The mostly silent diners picked at their food. They disdained the gravy as

well as NPR Correspondent Susan Stamberg’s recipe for cranberry sauce. Perhaps it was the

cranberry sauce’s hot pink psychedelic glow that fellow diners didn’t find appetizing. I attempted

to lead a conversation about the Pilgrims and Delftshaven in Rotterdam, but alas, it was not so

interesting for a Dutch audience. I realized that I hadn’t even visited the harbor. T-Day rapidly

turned into D-Day. Dinner was a flop. The following year, I focused on the Dutch version of

the fall season, experimenting with fluffy scarves, nature walks, celebrating Prinsjesdag in The

Hague with the AWC, sipping hot chocolate with sky-high whipped cream, slurping snert, and

exploring Christmas markets.

Years rolled by before it occurred to me to mix and match fall traditions. It didn’t have to be

all American or all Dutch. Rather than a whole turkey, one could serve a single breast. Rather

than pea soup, one could serve pumpkin soup. I think the event that really put Thanksgiving

back on my mental map was the AWC Walking Tour of Pilgrim’s Leiden, where the Pilgrims

arrived as refugees in 1609. It was here that history and the present intersected in my brain and

released an intense feeling of gratitude. Although technically I was there as a tourist, emotionally

it was as if I had come full circle to the beginning.

Fall is the time between summer and winter when the days get shorter and colder. The

harvest moon glows and the aurora borealis lights up the sky. Birds and butterflies start their

migration. Fall becomes a state of mind, a celebration and preparation for things to come.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.”

Emily Brontë might agree, “Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” I

think it was Henry David Thoreau that captured the true essence of fall, “I would rather sit on a

pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” As I sit on my pumpkin

and examine all my fall memories, it reminds me that slowly, everything is falling into place.


Mama Stamberg’s Cranberry Relish

Makes 1 1/2 pints

2 cups whole raw cranberries, washed

1 small onion

3/4 cup sour cream

1/2 cup sugar

2 tablespoons horseradish

1. Grind the raw berries and onion together

in a food processor until a chunky grind—

2. not a puree.

3. Add everything else and mix.

4. Put in a plastic container and freeze.

5. Early Thanksgiving morning, move it from

freezer to refrigerator to thaw.

The relish will be thick, creamy, and shocking pink. As Susan Stamberg says. “OK, Pepto

Bismol pink. It has a tangy taste that cuts through and perks up the turkey and gravy. Its also

good on next-day turkey sandwiches, and with roast beef.”

The Fall of Persephone

by Mary Adams

I nibbled on a few pomegranate seeds

and the crown I wear now is hot and heavy on my head.

I yearn for Atu, Autumn, Equinox, and Fall

deciduous shades to fill my eyes with fiery colors

But I only see the red-hot flames against my throne.

I only nibbled on a few pomegranate seeds

dreaming of kollivozoumi broth laced with raisins.

I yearn for hærfest, harbitas, Herfst, Haust

the bright noon that nurtures the harvest

But I only see the demons of this dark palace.

I simply nibbled on a few pomegranate seeds

and my now lips are stained deep dark red.

I yearn for Demeter, Ceres, Earth Mother and

sweet, sour, musty, earthy, fruity aromatics

But I only see a gold chariot filled with chaff.

I ate six pomegranate seeds

and now I sit with Hades waiting for Spring.


Log Cabin Coverlet

by Beverly Bennett and Susan Cave

The Log Cabin pattern is one of the two most popular patchwork quilt designs of the

19th century, with the other being the Crazy Quilt. The Log Cabin is a family of patterns

rather than one single design. It is simple to construct and there are an infinite

number of variations. The Textile Research Centre (TRC) in Leiden has several examples

of this quintessential American design, but only one from the 1880s. The more recent TRC

examples show a continuum from this early time, always reflecting when they were made

by the fabric used.

The design evokes the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, who promoted the pioneering values

of the American frontier. The logs, stacked around the central fire of the household, signify a

land built from hard work, humility and freedom. Millions were made in the late 19th century

as the blocks were easy to construct. Women who could neither read nor write could easily

work out patterns based on the light and dark of their fabric. Some women dyed fabric with

leaves, berries or vegetables to get tone. The fabric scraps might have come from pajamas,

dressing gowns, or old shirts and dresses.

Our 1880s example is a “coverlet” rather than a quilt, since it does not contain an inner

layer of batting. It consists of 81 “Log Cabin” blocks made from strips of light and dark calico

and shirting fabrics pieced in a clockwork fashion around a central square. Lots of variations

of this block can be made by altering the width and number of the strips (commonly called

“logs”), the size of the central square (or maybe piecing a square for the center) or by playing

with the arrangement of the light and dark fabrics.

The TRC example shows the most recognized version of a Log Cabin Block, with a red

center, said to represent the hearth of the home, and with the logs on two adjacent sides being

darker fabrics and those on the other being light, giving rise to a strong diagonal feel to the

block. It is this diagonal that allows many designs to be made from the same block. Here we see

what is called a “Streak of Lightning” set, but they could also have been arranged as “Straight

Furrows” with diagonal dark

and light bands, or a “Barn

Raising,” where dark and

light diagonal bands radiate

from the center. There are

many more sets possible with

this versatile block.


The lack of batting allows

us to see clearly how

the coverlet was constructed.

It has been made by machine,

each block being individually

sewn on a foundation

square of cotton. The red

square is centrally placed

and then each strip attached

in turn and then flipped before

the next was added. The

stitches are clearly visible

on the back and the seams

are only secured by being

crossed by the next seam to

be sewn.

The blocks are joined

together on the front by machine

and the backing/foundation

fabrics are hemmed

and finished by hand in a

technique we recognize as

“quilt-as-you-go” today

when a batting is used.

This means that the backing

shows a pattern of squares

making it reversible if required.

Despite the lack of

batting, it is still quite heavy,

due to the number of seams in the construction and so would still have been quite warm.

The indefatigable Log Cabin is perhaps the one pattern that was used by all sectors of

American society: in the grand homes of the East, the poorer homes of the prairies, the Wild

West, and among the African American, American Indians, Amish and Mennonite communities.

Today it is as fresh as it was well over a century ago and modern quiltmakers are still

playing with its possibilities.

Submissions Needed

Now that we’ve covered summer and fall in these last two issues, let’s see what our

Members can come up with if we continue with the seasonal theme for the next two

issues. Thus, the theme for our issue

to be published in January will

be How I Cope with Winter. Once

again this is a broad theme allowing

for a wide variety of musings,

such as New Year’s resolutions,

favorite winter destinations, movies

to watch on a snowy day and

family traditions. Feel free to get

creative. Please understand that we

have the right to edit any articles

and are not obligated to publish

all submissions. Send articles or

questions to Melissa White at


by Monday, November 29.


Chased by Zombies

by Melissa White

Frankly, I’m not particularly fascinated by zombies. I saw Night of the Living Dead as

a kid, but had no interest in watching the sequels or the modern series of The Walking

Dead. In general, I’m a wimp and stay far away from horror films (I had nightmares

for over six months after seeing the original Halloween slasher flick when I was 15). So,

it might come as a surprise that I love being chased by zombies, especially while inside

abandoned buildings.

Some of you might have heard of (or even participated in) Zombie Runs in the US, an

unusual variation of a 5K fun run. In our version, it is like one of our normal cross-country

Hash House Harriers running trails—essentially a treasure hunt for beer—where “hares” set

a trail in flour and chalk, and the “pack” has to follow the trail, except we also have to avoid

zombies (other members of our group dressed as the undead).

In 2015, James and I travelled with a

friend down to Doel, Belgium to do our first

Zombie Hash. Located in the shadow of the

nearby nuclear power plant (which had just

started up again after being closed for over

a year and a half due to safety concerns), the

village was slated for demolition starting in

2008 so that the Port of Antwerp could be expanded.

Most of the buildings were boarded

up by the time we visited. However, there

were still some residents who refused to relocate,

making Doel essentially a ghost town.

Although I lost one life there, my dear husband

managed to earn me another as there

were several life tags hidden in some of

the abandoned buildings, one of which he

quickly snatched up.

The following year we headed to a park

near Liege, Belgium. After a great trail

through the woods, we came upon Fort de

la Charteuse, where our zombie friends were

waiting for us. Built by the Dutch, it was

used as a fortification from 1823 to 1891.

During both World Wars, Germany used it

as a prison. The Americans then used it as a military hospital from 1944 to 1945 and the

Belgians later used it as military barracks until 1988.

After our Dutch friends volunteered to hare the next Zombie Hash, they quickly came

to the realization that the Netherlands wasn’t a good spot because the Dutch are so good

at knocking down dilapidated buildings. Instead, they led us to Boom, Belgium, which we

weren’t impressed with when we stopped in the city center for lunch. However, it turned out

to be a great location to be chased by zombies due to an abandoned brick factory and many

decaying buildings. I must confess that I was disappointed to be caught by the slowest of

the three zombies. Luckily, getting caught was painless and had no long-term repercussions.

In 2019, James could no longer stand being on the sidelines and volunteered to hare

with a friend. James and our daughter had first visited Charleroi in 2015 to explore the many

abandoned industrial buildings scattered around the city. In fact, Charleroi is so full of

them that this city in the French-speaking region of Belgium has earned the unofficial >> 42

We surely didn’t expect to meet the zombies before the hash started, nor did we expect

them to be such a friendly group. Like a game of flag football, we were each given a string

to put around our waist with

two paper tags signifying

two lives. The goal was to

get to the finish with at least

one life remaining.

Since there were only 6

zombies chasing about 35

hashers, the odds were actually

in our favor. However,

there were several tricky

spots including a lot next

to the church and cemetery.

I managed to get past one

zombie, not realizing that

I was heading straight into

another just as the path narrowed

with no way around.



Chased by Zombies (cont.)

Continued from page 41

title of Ugliest City in the World. Ever since

they entered the cooling tower that was built

for a power plant in 1921 and closed in 2007

due to its high carbon dioxide emissions,

he dreamed of ending a hash trail inside.

Everyone agreed that it was an epic location

to end a great trail. It earned him the honor

of planning the next Zombie Hash, which

got curtailed by the pandemic.

He’s now planned this year’s Zombie

Hash for November 13 in the Ardennes in

Belgium. After searching www.atlasobscura.

com (an excellent travel website to discover

unusual sites around the globe, mostly still

active sites rather than abandoned), James set

his sights on an abandoned sanatorium for

the first Zombie Hash in two years. Built in

1903 to treat tuberculosis, it is unclear when

it was abandoned, but it was apparently used

to house asylum seekers from 2010 to 2013.

Due to the long journey time, we want to


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The AWC is not responsible

for accidents or injuries

occurring at Club activities

or on Club property. Sports

and exercise instructors

must carry their own

liability insurance.

AWC is a Pet-Free Zone

As much as many of our

Members love their pets,

please do leave them at

home as the AWC has a

long-standing policy of

no pets in the Clubhouse.

Thank you for your understanding!

Members: eNews Distribution

A weekly electronic newsletter is sent to all

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If you have not been receiving your eNews,

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make a weekend of it. James thought perhaps

our group could camp inside the enormous

sanatorium overnight, but luckily the other

organizers agreed with me that they’d prefer

to stay in a hostel in nearby Coo, where we’ll

also get to see Belgium’s highest waterfall.

If you too have the desire to be chased by

zombies, please feel free to contact me for

more information.

Going Dutch is Available Online

Go to www.awcthehague.org to share the current month’s issue with friends and family. You will

also find links to our annual advertisers, whose support makes this magazine possible. If you

visit or contact one of our advertisers, let them know Going Dutch sent you!

Member Privacy

Please be reminded that the AWC Membership List is for AWC Member reference only and

use of this information in any communication other than AWC official business is strictly

prohibited. Members may not share the list with anyone other than another AWC Member

in good standing and never to any third party.

The AWC takes care to protect Member information and adherence to this policy is critical to

maintain Member privacy. Members are asked to report suspected misuse of the list to any

AWC Board Member.







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