HalcyonDays - Issue 21

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Halcyon Days 2021—Issue 21

Founder, Monique Berry | Hamilton On Canada


Bruce Levine

10 In the Land of Their Own Making

18 Deliverance

19 For a Friend

Carolyn Chilton Casas

14 Compassion

15 A Time my Own

Catherine A. Coundjeris

5 Almond Tales

9 An Ordinary Adventure

Emory D. Jones

7 Haiku Sequence

Mark Weinrich

6 Butterfly Power

Nolo Segundo

12 O To Be a Cloud

13 Haiku #107

Pat St. Pierre

11 A Field of Summer Daisies

Royal Rhodes

16 The Sea Speaks

17 Miles of Memory

Stella Mazur Preda

4 Spring Will Come

8 Therapy


Bruce Levine has spent his life as a

writer of fiction and poetry and as a

music and theatre professional. A

2019 Pushcart Prize Poetry

nominee, Bruce has over three

hundred works published in over

twenty-five on-line journals

including Ariel Chart, Halcyon

Days, Founder’s Favourites, Literary Yard; over

sixty print books including Poetry Quarterly, Haiku

Journal, Dual Coast Magazine, Tipton Poetry

Journal, and his shows have been produced in New

York and around the country. His work is dedicated

to the loving memory of his late wife, Lydia

Franklin. A native Manhattanite, Bruce now lives

and writes in Maine. Visit him

at www.brucelevine.com

Carolyn Chilton Casas is a Reiki

Master and teacher, a student of

metaphysics and philosophy. Her

favorite themes for writing are

healing, wellness, awareness, and

the spiritual journey. Carolyn’s

stories and poems have appeared in

Energy, Journey of the Heart, Odyssey, Reiki News

Magazine, Snapdragon, The Art of Healing, The

Edge and in other publications. You can read more

of Carolyn’s work on Instagram at mindfulpoet_ or

contact her at ceccasas@aol.com.

Catherine A Coundjeris, a former

elementary school teacher, she has

also taught writing at Emerson

College and ESL writing at Urban

College in Boston. Catherine is

published in literary magazines,

including Proem, The Dawntreader, Visions with

Voices, Nine Cloud Journal, Academy of the Heart

and Mind, Bombfire, and Paper Dragons. Catherine

is very passionate about adult literacy.

Cover Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay

Halcyon Days Magazine

ISSN: 2291-0255

Frequency: Quarterly

Publisher | Designer: Monique Berry

Contact Info


Twitter: @1websurfer


Special Notices

Halcyon Days has one time rights.

See website for subscription details.

No photocopies allowed.



Dr. Emory D. Jones is Dr. Emory D. Jones is a retired English teacher who has taught in high school and

in several community colleges. He has four hundred and fifty-five credits including publication in such

journals as Writer’s Digest, Smokey Blue Literary and Arts Magazine, The Light Ekphrastic, Big Muddy;

a Journal of the Mississippi River, Three Line Poetry, Auroras & Blossoms, Pegasus, Halcyon Days

Magazine, Falling Star Magazine, The Cumberland River Review, The Delta Poetry Review, Calliope,

Deep South Magazine, Modern Poetry Quarterly Review, and Encore: Journal of the NFSPS. He lives in

Iuka, Mississippi.

Mark Weinrich is a cancer survivor, a retired pastor, gardener, hiker, and musician. He has had over

435 poems, articles, and short stories published in numerous publications, some include The Upper

Room, Birds and Blooms, New Mexico Magazine, Ideals, The Secret Place, and Live. He has also sold

eight children’s books and currently has two fantasy novels on Kindle.

Nolo Segundo is the pen name of retired teacher, L. J. Carber, 73, who only began submitting his

poetry a few years ago but has since been published online/in print in the U.S., U.K., Canada,

Romania, and India. Married 41 years, his life has been mostly mundane other than teaching ESL in

the Far East in 1973-1975, including the war zone of Cambodia which he left about a year before the

Killing Fields began, and the NDE he had at 24 when he almost drowned in a Vermont river [and no,

it was not of the 'white light' sort—far from it—but then his near-drowning was not accidental]. The

title of a paperback collection of his poems that a trade publisher brought out late in 2020, THE

ENORMITY OF EXISTENCE [ ISBN # 978-90202-98-0], reflects the awareness that he has tried to put into many of

his poems: each of us has a consciousness that predates birth and survives death, because it is beyond time and space

itself--the immortal soul.

Pat St. Pierre is an author of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. She is also an amateur photographer. Her

fourth poetry chapbook “Not As it Seems” will be published in 2021. She is widely published both

online and in print. Some of her poems have been published in Three Line Poetry, Ephrastic Review,

Jellyfish Whispers, Pangolin Review, Scarlet Leaf River, Highland Park Poetry, etc. Her fiction and

nonfiction have also been widely published while her photography has adorned the covers and

pages of Mountain Tales Press, Minute Magazine, Poetry Pacific, Touch Journal, Plants and Flowers

and others. Her blog is www.pstpierre.wordpress.com.

Royal Rhodes is a retired teacher of global religions, religion & literature, and death & dying.

His poems have appeared in various journals and in collaborations with The Catbird [on the

Yadkin] Press in North Carolina. His most recent project has been for an exhibition of poetry and

art, entitled "The Art of Trees".

Stella Mazur Preda is a resident of Waterdown, Ontario, Canada. Having retired from elementary

teaching in Toronto, she is owner and publisher of Serengeti Press, a small press publishing company,

located in the Hamilton area. Since its opening in 2003, Serengeti Press has published 43 Canadian books.

Serengeti Press is now temporarily on hiatus. Stella Mazur Preda has been published in numerous

Canadian anthologies and some US, most notably the purchase of her poem My Mother’s Kitchen by

Penguin Books, New York. Stella has released four previous books, Butterfly Dreams (Serengeti Press,

2003); Witness, Anthology of Poetry (Serengeti Press, 2004), edited by John B. Lee; From Rainbow

Bridge to Catnip Fields (Serengeti Press, 2007) The Fourth Dimension, (Serengeti Press, 2012). She is a

current member of Tower Poetry Society in Hamilton, Ontario and The Ontario Poetry Society. Stella is currently working

on her fifth book, Tapestry, based on the life of her aunt and written completely in poetic form. Tapestry will hopefully be

released in 2021.

A little madness in the spring ...

Emily Dickinson

Spring Will Come …

By Stella Mazur Preda

Days emerge brighter longer

crispness tinges the air

crocuses peek

through remnants of snow

cracks reverberate

across icy rivers

steamy puddles surface

water spouts

proclaim their arrival

Look carefully ...

tiny buds dot branches

as trees breathe new life

Listen ...

song of robins

mellow whistle of bluejays

nature’s music heralds new spring


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Almond Tales

by Catherine A Coundjeris

Oh, Almond Tree!

The first one to bloom,

budding in the snow

sometimes in January.

A green, hairy fruit developing a month later,

Delectably sour on the tongue,

covered in leathery skin,

splitting open

to reveal the stone.

White flowers

a sign of resurrection,

bedecking the lampstands in the tabernacle

of ages ago.

A miracle on Aaron’s rod,

budding, burgeoning, and fruiting

all at once!

She wore blossoms in her dark hair

after the brain surgery to take out the blood clot,

rising from her bed to live again.

Expanding hopes in her breast

for her children and her children’s children.



for something more.

On and on the cycle goes.

So says the Almond Tales:

It might seem like things are at an end

But then the spring still comes again

And you realize there is little to fear.

Aleksandr Derzhavin—stock.adobe.com


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Butterfly Power

By Mark Weinrich

Cold bears heaviness,

the burdens of weakness

that weighs the butterfly down.

It cannot fly.

Yet in the sweep of its wings

the butterfly carries

the gift of solar power.

Its greatest moment

of weakness is at once

the butterfly’s

glorious opportunity.

It spreads it wings and basks

soaking, gathering every grain

and particle of strength.

Oh, the beauty of weakness

in the butterfly’s willingness

to wait, to rest, and rise.

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cMark — Weinrich taken near Cloudcroft, New Mexico

Haiku Sequence

By Emory D. Jones

Yellow butterflies

Flitting across green meadows

Like dancing sunshine

The insect monarchs

Skimming with orange and black


Holding court in spring.

Butterflies resting

In the shade of the oak trees

Like forest jewels.

Spring sunshine warms

The cocoon on the tree branch

Butterfly will hatch.

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By Stella Mazur Preda

in the kitchen baking cookies

radio playing favourite “oldies”

red-hot emotions and anger

soon dispelled by vigorous mixing

the dull whack and scrape

of the old wooden spoon

dough turns the colour of caramel

like English Toffee at its best

teaspoons click as cookies are shaped

oven door creaks with anticipation

ten minutes and the timer buzzes

m-m-m warm cookies with cold milk

and the radio blasts out “the oldies”

muse studio—stock.adobe.com

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An Ordinary Adventure

by Catherine A Coundjeris

I went on an ordinary

adventure today.

The sky was a cerulean blue.

I drove down one winding

road after another

over a bridge

uphill and downhill.

Out into a country farm—

It could be the Shire—

where sheep’s wool is spun

into yarn ready

for the knitter’s needles.

A brewery nearby invites

a happy crowd.

And I learned something

new and satisfying…

the clack of needles in

my hands.

Surrounded by masters who

shared their skills with others.

My brain did a turn and

my hands struggled

with the new positions,

but I left exuberant

to think of

potential projects

I could create…

Scarves, gloves, curtains

Leg warmers, and hats…

triumphant I would continue

to knit and purl

during the long winter nights

at home.

My red yarn knotted

into bumpy patterns

with a hole off kilter

on the fourth row.

I will undo the mess

and start again, again

and again

until I get it right.

Adventures worth taking

don’t happen overnight…


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In The Land Of Their Own Making

Bruce Levine

Frozen in time

The sweet embers of a charcoal fire

Linger in the mist of the day

Hovering in the air

Holding fast

While clouds float over the horizon

Making their way in a journey of the unknown

And caterpillars parade across wet grass

Marching to a tune unheard and unsung

And yet pervasive

In the momentum of the illusionary

The myths and legends wrapped in pink ribbons

And fairy tales come to life

In the land of their own making

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Bojan Bonifacic—stock.adobe.com

A Field of Summer Daisies

By Pat St. Pierre

Wings were meant for flying

and fly I must.

Fragments of my life

are superimposed on each other

like Kaleidoscope colors.

Who will be there now to catch me

when I fall from the nest?

The road ahead is dusky and dark

like the burial ground that received your funeral casket.

I must reach up

and grab the rainbow,

for life is a gift

more beautiful than a field of summer daisies.

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c Pat St. Pierre

O, To Be a Cloud!

By Nolo Segundo

O, to be a cloud and

wander the sky untethered,

freer than any bird,

as free as the wild winds...

changing shape endlessly,

effortlessly, easing

from a stallion to a lion

to an elephant in the minds

of open-eyed children

who love the clouds and

love to watch the clouds

as they dance the sky!

Children and clouds,

clouds and children--

a love affair that ends

as childhood ends

and the once children,

now grown-ups, can

no longer see

the living menagerie

way, way up high

where only

the purest hearts

may go....


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Haiku #107

By Nolo Segundo

puffy summer clouds

float across eternity--

so high birds can’t fly

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By Carolyn Chilton Casas

Compassion dresses in soft clothes,

a bright paisley print shawl

draped over her shoulders,

comfy shoes, for all the distances

she hopes to cover. She has the look

of someone’s grandmother or

Mother Earth herself.

Compassion cocks her head,

beckons, then reaches out

her hand to you with a smile.

She loves to think of things

to make you happy,

to help you live your life

like a love song.

Some aspire to return

her benevolence in kind,

and that could be okay,

but Compassion says

it warms her heart

when kindness is paid forward.

Compassion transforms fear to grace,

disease to healing, hate to love.

She gently whispers,

Give to me your discomfort

and let’s make of it a rainbow.

Nikki Zalewski—stock.adobe.com

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A Time my Own

By Carolyn Chilton Casas

Birdsong awakens me to first light

through bamboo slats;

consciousness drifts forward.

The things to do are many

but life has taught me

to honor morning stillness.

Respiration slows and deepens,

becomes more aware,

bathing the space around my heart.

Tingles of energy flow

on the breath, yielding

trust, balance, and wonder.

The gift of sacred contemplation

calmly centers, smooths

round edges from the day to come,

like pieces of glass lovingly

tumbled by the sea.

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Halcyon Days - 2021 Issue 21 | 15

Maya Kruchancova—stock.adobe.com

The Sea Speaks

By Royal Rhodes

The gull's way and the whale's way, words in a schoolbook refrain, came

readily to mind as I strolled Land's End each morning to watch the sea swells

pulsing. And as I picked my steps purposely over the midden of blanched

shells and polished stones I kept an eye out for dolphins as they rise and dive

in a roller-coaster motion, and gulls were loudly calling to the lonely hearts.

But the night made the sea more mysterious as the blinking lights overhead

revealed a fairybook of beasts. It was as if the stars came down to cool

themselves where traveling whales opened giant eyes to marvel at the lights

dissolving in the fathomless waters. A half moon, in a boat shape, skimmed

with pale fire a sea of black silk.

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Helen Hotson—stock.adobe.com

Miles of Memory

By Royal Rhodes

The passenger train along the Connecticut shoreline moves as if in a river of

wooden ties and steel rails. It travels through the old industrial towns like

Bridgeport, long ago a manufacturer of brass, and places settled in New England's

past: Old Saybrook, Groton, and Mystic. Once I rode north during a quick

thunderstorm and witnessed from the window of a coach car the tangled cables of

lightning attaching the sky to the ground. But mostly my travels were on dry, calm

days when I could look out on sun-whitened wetlands and woods, with occasional

glimpses of flocks of boats moored not far from access to the placid Sound

beyond. As I journeyed alone, I saw in the train window a white stick in the marsh

-- a rigid egret.


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By Bruce Levine

Feeling the wind in your hair

Holding the sand between your toes

As the tide washes over your feet

Holding your face to the sun

As shadows cast themselves on the pavement

The remnants of the day a golden glow

The early dusk drinking in the twilight

The twinkling stars invading the heavens

As the moon caresses the sky

And the clouds drift by

Like a blanket covering the earth

And you sleep the sleep of a baby

The innocence of tomorrow

Held for a moment and then let go

As the gentle breeze drifts across your face

And carries you forward toward your destiny

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For A Friend

By Bruce Levine

Traveling through life

Is an open-ended journey

Of picture post-cards

Hung on a wall

Memories hold souvenirs

Of long forgotten triumphs

And photos remind us

On a four by six card

Passions forever

Encased in a moment

Hold the future together

As the road travels on

And bumps on the highway

Are simply distractions

Resolved at the next

Scenic over-look ahead

Take hold of tomorrow

And only look forward

A lifetime is out there

New post-cards to send


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