HD 24

Featuring poems of Bruce Levine; Duane Anderson; Gaiyle J. Connolly; Ivanka Fear; Jane Ellen Glasser; and Nolo Segundo

Featuring poems of Bruce Levine; Duane Anderson; Gaiyle J. Connolly; Ivanka Fear; Jane Ellen Glasser; and Nolo Segundo


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Halcyon Days - 2021 Issue 24 | 1

Halcyon Days 2021—Issue 24

Founder, Monique Berry | Hamilton On Canada


Bruce Levine

Winter Images 10

Winter Winds 11

The Palm of Destiny 12

Duane Anderson

Winter’s Voice 6

Gaiyle J. Connolly

Dough Ornaments 4

Christmas Star 5

Ivanka Fear

I Believe In Christmas 7

Jane Ellen Glasser

Be Still 8

Praise Be 9

My Quiet Place 14

Late Afternoon 15

Nolo Segundo

Ode to Mrs. Miller 13

Cover Image: zffoto—stock.adobe.com

Inside photo: romankosolapov—stock.adobe.com

Halcyon Days Magazine

ISSN: 2291-0255

Frequency: Quarterly

Publisher | Designer: Monique Berry

Contact Info


Twitter: @1websurfer


Special Notices

Halcyon Days has one time rights.

See website for subscription details.

No photocopies allowed.

Halcyon Days - 2021 Issue 24 | 2

Contributor Bios

Bruce Levine has spent his life as a

writer of fiction and poetry and as a

music and theatre professional. A

2019 Pushcart Prize Poetry nominee,

a 2021 Spillwords Press

Awards winner, the Featured

Writer in WestWard Quarterly

Summer 2021 and his bio is featured

in “Who’s Who of Emerging Writers

2020.” Bruce has over three hundred

works published on over twenty-five

on-line journals including Ariel

Chart, Spillwords, The Drabble; nearly seventy print books

including Poetry Quarterly, Haiku Journal, Tipton Poetry Journal;

Halcyon Days and Founder’s Favourites (on-line and print) and

his shows have been produced in New York and around the

country. His work is dedicated to the loving memory of his late

wife, Lydia Franklin. A native Manhattanite, Bruce now lives and

writes in Maine. Visit him at www.brucelevine.com

Gaiyle J. Connolly, a poet and artist

from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, has

numerous publications to her credit,

some of them prize-winning. They

appear in local and international

periodicals and journals. Her

collection of poetry, Lifelines, which

she also illustrated, was published in

2015. Her background of several

ethnicities, love of art and travel and

devotion to social justice are reflected

in her work. Her readership includes

Canada, the United States, Mexico and India. She is Past President

of the Tower Poetry Society in Hamilton and has been active in

poetry groups in Mexico. She is at the moment working on her

second book of poetry for which once again she will provide

illustrations. As a change of pace, she is trying her hand at short

story writing inspired by her childhood years spent in rural


Duane Anderson currently lives in La Vista, NE. He has had poems published in Fine Lines,

Cholla Needles, and several other publications. He is the author of ‘Yes, I Must Admit We Are

Neighbors’ (Cyberwit.net - 2021) and ‘On the Corner of Walk and Don’t Walk’ (Pacific Poetry

Press -2021).

Ivanka Fear is a Canadian writer. Her poems and stories appear in numerous publications,

including The Sirens Call, Scarlet Leaf Review, Mystery Tribune, October Hill, Close to the Bone,

and elsewhere. The debut novel of her mystery series is scheduled for release by Level Best Books

in January 2023.

Jane Ellen Glasser’s poetry has

appeared in numerous journals,

such as The Hudson Review, The

Southern Review, The Virginia

Quarterly Review, and The

Georgia Review. In the past she

served as the poetry critic for The

Virginian-Pilot, poetry editor for

the Ghent Quarterly and Lady

Jane’s Miscellany, and cofounder

of the nonprofit arts

organization and journal New

Virginia Review. She won the Tampa Review Prize for

Poetry for Light Persists (2006), and the Poetica Publishing

Chapbook Contest for The Long Life (2011). Jane Ellen

Glasser: Selected Poems(2019) and Staying Afloat during a

Plague (2021) are her recent collections. To learn more

about the poet and her work, visit


Nolo Segundo pen name of L.J.

Carber, 74, in his 8th decade

became a published poet in 54

online/in print literary journals and

anthologies in the US, UK,

Canada, Romania, India and Italy;

in 2020 a trade publisher released a

book length collection, THE


and in 2021 a 2nd book, OF

ETHER AND EARTH. Both titles

(as do many of his poems) reflect

the awareness he's had for 50 years since having an NDE

whilst almost drowning that he has a consciousness that

predates birth and survives the death of the body--what

poets once called the soul. A retired teacher (America,

Japan, Taiwan, Cambodia), he has been married 41 years to

a smart and beautiful Taiwanese woman.

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“This special devotion

eclipses by far

all other masses;

a true Christmas star.”

Christmas Star

Gaiyle J. Connolly

Fat snowflakes fall.

We stroll to the chapel

for Midnight Mass

in rustic Quebec.

The choir sings carols

en francais.

No need for translation,

a warming sensation;

my heart knows the words.

I thought I would miss

the city Cathedral

but this special devotion

eclipses by far

all other masses;

a true Christmas star.


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Dough Ornaments

Gaiyle J. Connolly

4 cups flour (all purpose)

1 cup salt

1 1/2 cups water

Knead 4 to 6 minutes. Use cookie cutters to shape into candy cane, Christmas trees, stars, wreaths or characters

or whatever you'd like to create by hand.

Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour (until hard and golden brown).

Painted details or collage items may be added.


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Winter’s Voice

Duane Anderson

In the mountains

songs of snowflakes flow

over boulders that have lain

still for many suns.

Winter’s voice touches my hand

and covers it with notes

as I listen to its song.

I stand still like the boulders.

Sergey Nivens—stock.adobe.com

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I Believe in Christmas

(previously published in Spillwords Press December 2019)

Ivanka Fear

In the innocence of my childhood

I believed in Christmas.

Now another year has come and gone,

in the blink of an eye it seems.

Things have changed but things are the same.

In the innocence I believed.

I believed in the magic of Christmas,

in the bright twinkling lights

bringing colour to the darkness,

in the sparkle of the tinsel

glistening amongst the lights and bulbs,

in the snowflakes kissing my face

swirling down from the sky onto my lashes.

In the wisdom of my golden years

I questioned Christmas.

Then the memories of Christmases past

came flooding through,

and erased the doubts of the present.

Things have changed but things stay the same.

In the golden years I still believe.

Laura Pashkevich—stock.adobe.com

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Be Still

Jane Ellen Glasser

as an egret


on one leg

as a boat

in dry storage

during a storm

as a lamp


to be unplugged

as a cat

curled up

in a patch of sun

as a packet

of marigold seeds

during a frost

as butterfly wings

spread and pinned

on a board

as a pond

on a calm night

where stars float

as a meditation—

thoughts drifting—

blossoms in the wind


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Praise Be

Jane Ellen Glasser

Praise be for the uplifting

arms of dawn,

praise be for the thrown-down

shade of trees,

praise be for a day’s doing

that is never done,

praise be for butterflies

hosted by milkweed,

praise be for wheat fields

bowed by the wind,

praise be for kind words

scattered like seed,

praise be for dragonflies

supping on wasps,

praise be for the pollinations

of bees,

praise be for sunlight

seeping through fog,

praise be for the old man

repairing his roof,

praise be for the child

who rescued an old dog,

praise be for a rocking chair

on a front porch,

praise be for a village

of unlocked doors,

praise be for the mockingbird

serenading the night,

praise be for the lullaby

lapping the shore,

praise be for the forgiveness

of turned-down lights,

praise be for the unchartered

seas of dreams,

praise be for the benediction

of sleep.

Jasmin Merdan—stock.adobe.com

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Winter Images

By Bruce Levine

Winter winds

and icicles at dawn

Parades of snowmen

in family groupings

Wrapped in scarves

and derby hats

Holiday grog

and festive evenings

As carolers serenade

the yuletide season

Flasks hidden

in inside coat pockets

A nip against

the cold winter chill

Frozen lakes

filed with boats and skaters

And fishing huts in rows

haphazardly defined

Twinkling lights

draped over reindeer

And chimneys readied

for Santa’s descent

As milk and cookies

laid out in dreamland

And letters are written

with crayons and pens

Cold weather breathing

clouded with breath

Happiness abounding

filled with children’s laughter

As skiers descend mountains

and sleigh rides race to the


Winter coats and mittens

bring warmth through the day

And cozy fires and hot chocolate

prepare for the night

The joyous winter season

together just right

Springfield Gallery—stock.adobe.com

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Winter Winds

Bruce Levine

Winter winds across the horizon

challenging the season to prepare

Squirrels checking their cache of nuts

and bears seeking dens to hibernate

Women adorning themselves

in long tweed skirts

and turtlenecks and boots

Preparations for cooler temperatures

adding pleasure to the eye

and warmth to the body

As the days grow shorter

and dreams of winter games prevail

children prepare for sleigh rides

and costumes for snowmen

Festivals of light and food tempt the senses

as mittens and down coats come out of storage

and hand-made scarves wrap against the winter winds

Gift-wrapped packages filled with the joy of the season

piled high in evergreen forests

Icicles hang from bare tree limbs

refracting in the sun and casting rainbows

like ribbons to remind us of the beauty of winter


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The Palm of Destiny

Bruce Levine

Borne on the wings of destiny

A new chapter begins

A telephone call

Igniting a chain reaction

As complex as nuclear fusion

Yet as simple as a robin

Bringing the dawn of spring

Seasons fade one into another

And calendar pages tick off days

As fate holds hands with new beginnings

A new landscape to be painted

On a new canvass readied with gesso

As bright as the future

Held in the palm of destiny


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Ode to Mrs. Miller

Nolo Segundo

I did not know how brave she was—

Ninety-two and I, seventy less,

So young that old age

Was textbook stuff:

A fact of life,

But not mine.

I was alive and free

To stride the world,

A colossus of youth—

Whereas she had ate

Almost a century.

And all her friends

And all her family

Lay dead somewhere—

Except in her mind,

Still crisp, poignant

In its memories

Of a wealthy husband,

A daughter dead young.

Her own youth and beauty

Remaining lonely in a

Silver-framed photo.

She never complained,

This old lady—

Never once did I hear

Lamentations, a bewailing

For the richness of life:

The ripe fullness she once felt

As a wife, a mother, a woman

Of grace and beauty.

She lived alone

In a basement flat,

Barely five feet tall—

Yet I’ve never known

Any being braver—

Yet it is only now,

That I am become old,

I envy such courage.

sv production—stock.adobe.com

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My Quiet Place

Jane Ellen Glasser

Outside my glassed-in patio,

one hand opened in his lap,

the other resting on his knee,

Buddha sits in barren dirt.

No bodhi tree for shading,

I planted horsetail grass

at his back. In front,

a path of grey rocks leads

to a simple wooden bench

where I daily sit, studying

the sealed mouth, the eyes

rolled back, as if to measure

a serenity my life lacks.

If I close my eyes, focus

on my breath, inhaling a

cleansing wash, exhaling

my distressing thoughts

some days, for a while,

the misbegotten world recedes

and I become the stillness.


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Late Afternoon

Jane Ellen Glasser

In a frayed patch of shade

old women sit and talk.

Like dolls, their eyes roll back.

“See,” says this one,

holding up a faded print.

“Remember,” says this one,

touching up the past.

Beneath the spread arms

of a magnolia tree, they nod

and nod like leaves in the wind.

Dusk brings them in.


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