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for Penn &

Tylers green

APR/MAY 2021

issue 203

Spring has


● Around The Villages ● Church News ● Clubs & Societies

● Schools & Sports News ● Local History ● & Much More...

Cover Photograph: Keith Hawes


...to the April / May 2021 edition of

Village Voice...

Dear VV Readers,

At the time of writing, we have just passed the

one year anniversary of the first 'lockdown'.

This time last year the VV team were

grappling with whether we would be allowed to

distribute April/May edition of VV with our

volunteers under the then restrictions (we didn't

- we used Royal Mail) As the pandemic

worsened, we wondered whether our usual

contributors would have anything to contribute

- given so many Sports & Social activities were

unable to continue. We are delighted that we

have been able to continue to produce VV

throughout the year, and have received

favourable feedback about the content providing

a 'good read' during the lockdown. A big thank

you to all those clubs, organisations and

individuals who have continued to contribute, as

well as the Advertisers who have been able to

continue to advertise. A whole year later, it does

look like there is a route to a return to activities

and events. Penn & Tylers Green has always

enjoyed a varied diary of social and sporting

activities - particularly during the summer

months, so it is good to read in this VV that

there are plans for the Village Show (September

18th) Bucks Art week (11-26 June) Open

Gardens (6th June) to go ahead.

One of the fantastic things about living in

Penn & Tylers Green is the real sense of

community- and the willingness to help others.

evidenced during the past year when

individuals, and groups such as P&TG Together,

and Village Care organised support to those who

needed help.

For most of us, life has been challenging, in

different ways, and the challenges and

experiences of the past year have caused many

people to take time to think about what they


Village Voice April/May 2021

value, with social and family engagement right

at the top of most peoples list, but also an

appreciation of the environment, and amenities

available. Whilst we haven't had the events and

activities we usually enjoy, we have been able to

enjoy our surroundings for our daily walks, and

with the longer days of spring, and warmer

weather will become even more enjoyable

As things start to ease, several village

organisations are looking for help - the Scouts

and Guides are both looking for volunteers, plus

there are activities such as Litter picking (5th

April) Woodland work parties, and 'Pride in

Penn & Tylers Green' (whenever you have some

free time!)

Finally, we welcome your your letters,

photographs or questions to the VV Historians

for the June/July edition of VV - the deadline is

is 3rd May 2021. We hope to hear from you.

Stay safe. Cathy O'Leary VV Editor vvoiceeditor@aol.com


04 Around the Villages

13 Church News

22 Schools News

27 Sports News

32 Clubs & Societies

38 Woodland & Green Spaces

55 Index of Advertisers

56 Village Contacts

In This Issue...

17 In Memory: Frank Aubrey

21 PPG Update

30 Ashwells Update

31 Local Business Feature

37 Filming in Common Wood

In The Insert...

Fields in King's Wood

• The Story of Queen Victoria's


• Ask the VV Historians


Village Voice April/May 2021



Village Litter Pick

P&TGRS and Penn Parish Council are

organising a Litter Pick at 10am Saturday 5th

June to ensure the village is 'sparkling' for the

Open Gardens on 6th June. Details will be on

Facebook www.facebook.com/

PTGResidentsSociety or register with


In the meantime, Litter Picking Equipment is

available from both Penn Parish and Chepping

Wycombe Parish council offices, depending on

where you live, if you would like to pick up

litter on your regular walk. Madalyn Roker

Bucks Art week 11-26 June

Bucks Art week (formerly Open Studios) will

take place from 11 - 26 June 2021. This annual

event takes place every year, where artists and

makers all over the county open their home

studios in a celebration of art and making.

Local P&TG artists to open their studios

include Jennie Roberts and Fiona Read. Jennie

also welcomes artwork submissions from

villagers created over lockdown - contact email:


Keep a look out for the yellow signs in June

when at last we will be getting out and about!

Jennie Roberts, www.bucksartweeks.org.uk

Fix My Street

Run by the UK charity mySociety www.

FixMyStreet.com is a website for reporting

common street problems like potholes, broken

streetlights and dog fouling to your local

council. The great benefit of FixMyStreet is

that you don’t need to know who’s responsible

for fixing your problem, FixMyStreet sends

your report to the right council.

Problems are also published on the

FixMyStreet website, so you can see what the

prevalent problems are and what’s been fixed.

You can also upload a photo to help show what

the issue is. Your report goes straight to the

council, who will get back in touch with you.

VV understands that the more times an issue

is raised with the council, the higher up the

rankings the problems appear. So the more

times an issue is raised, the greater the chance of

it being addressed. VV readers can also consider

reporting recurring problems like fly tipping,

graffiti or dog fouling. www.FixMyStreet.com

4 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

P&TG Village Show 2021

Since our last article in Village Voice we are still

planning to hold the Penn & Tylers Green

Village Show on Saturday 18th September at

the Tylers Green Village Hall with the same

class list we planned in 2020. The class details

are online and we have included our Facebook

and website details at the bottom of this news.

For those with green fingers, nurture your

floribunda, cluster, or hybrid roses, so they are

in perfect condition later this year and don’t

forget to have a rose that will be judged by its

scent only. Other flowers to nourish and care for

are chrysanthemums, dahlias, hydrangeas, and

those that flower in these colours; blue, purple,

white, pink, red, orange, or yellow. So, plenty to

choose from and enter a number of classes.

With your vegetables I am sure some of you

have already started to grow or are about to

plant radishes, carrots, salad leaves, onions,

chillies, squash, and tomatoes. Or, if you want

to aim for the heaviest vegetable then see what

you can do to beat 3kg for a marrow entered a

couple of years ago. Lastly, it may be early to do

much with your fruit but a little extra attention

with your cooking apples, pears, berries, (any

variety), and other homegrown fruit as they

begin to set and grow gives you a chance to

enter these classes as well. We have added a

class for the unusual shaped home grown fruit,

giving everything the chance to be considered.

Have a look at the class list so you can

practise your baking, cooking and preserve

making for those classes. Any recipes specified

for classes are on our website and the Village

Voice website. We’ll also be featuring lots of

inspiration through regular Facebook posts so

make sure you follow us for the latest news.

Why not have a go and see which trophy you

will win in 2021? Printed schedules will also be

available in the usual places around the village

(local shops and then the pubs and Village Hall

when they re-open). We will let you know

when they are available. In the meantime, put

Saturday 18th September Village Show in your

diary and we look forward seeing you on the


Village Voice April/May 2021

day. Watch out for more news in VV, follow us

on our Facebook page; www.facebook.com/

pennandtylersgreenvillageshow/ or visit our

website: www.pennandtylersgreenvillageshow.

com for the full class list.

Finally, if you can spare a couple of hours

each month, we’d love to hear from you.

Simply mail ptgvsc@gmail.com letting us know

what skills or expertise you have to support us.

We are especially keen to improve our website,

adding content using WordPress. If you have a

school or uni project around developing and

promoting a website, why not help us and at the

same time complete your project assignment

too? David & Gwenda Deadman

Opportunity to join the VV Team

Village Voice is a true team effort, made

possible by the contributions from clubs,

societies and organisations, and the support of

our advertisers. We have a dedicated production

team. Our fantastic VV Designer will be taking

paternity leave soon, so we would love to hear

from anyone who has an interest in our

magazine, is able to commit the time to help

with the design of VV, and who is skilled and

experienced in using InDesign. Please contact

Cathy O'Leary 812064 for a chat, or email:

vvoiceeditor@aol.com if this is something you

might be interested in. Cathy O"Leary VV Editor

Update from the P&TGRS

As regular readers will spot, the Residents

Society would normally publish our Annual

Report in this issue of Village Voice.

However, as we all know, the last year has

been anything but normal, so we have decided

to re-organise our schedule this year to take

advantage of the roadmap out of lockdown.

On July 9th we will hold an AGM, reduced to

its statutory elements, and combined with our

first face-to face Board meeting for a year. At

that meeting, Miles Green is stepping down

after being Chairman or Vice-Chairman since

the Society was formed in 2003. He will stay

on the Board of Directors, but we will be


Village Voice April/May 2021

electing a new Chair that evening. We will

include the Annual Report in the June/July issue

of Village Voice.

In a further change to our plans we are

looking to have a ‘Welcome Back Penn &

Tylers Green’ meeting in September with a

speaker and social gathering for anyone keen to

join us.

If you are not already on our mailing list,

please go to our website www.

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk and sign up. We will

also be promoting this September event in

Village Voice and our Facebook www.facebook.

com/PTGResidentsSociety Madalyn Roker

Pride in P&TG

We are fortunate in P&TG that there are

volunteers who regularly give their time to our

community to pick up litter, clear ponds and

other tasks, all of which which makes Penn &

Tyler’s Green a better place for us all.

If you are unable to contribute to these

organised activities perhaps you would consider

tidying the area in front of, or around your


Simple things like sweeping paths, trimming

grass and edges and removing any litter.

Cutting back hedges so pathways are clear.

If something needs fixing report it to the

appropriate authority so action can be taken.

With Spring arriving let’s all get out and show

our pride in Penn & Tylers Green! Mike Morley

Spring Watch on the Common

The first Spring watch on the Common took

place on Sunday 7th March with further

socially distanced watches planned for April

11th, May 9th, and a final outing on Sunday

June 6th. Please come and join us if you fancy,

starting at 7 am from the Village Hall. Walks

usually finish about 9am by the Pond. Bill Sadler

Buckinghamshire Council Update

By the time you read this we are all hoping that

we will not only see the beginning of spring but

the beginning of our lives starting again safely.

As I write this at the beginning of March, over

162,000 vaccinations have been delivered in

Bucks with the help of partnership working of

the NHS and the Council. We have helped to

stand up 20 vaccine centres in Bucks and are

delivering approx. 25000 vaccines per week and

have provided funding from 8 community

boards to enable the Chilterns Dial-a-ride to

offer free transport for those unable to get to

both medical appointments and vaccine centres.

We have been involved in contact tracing, set up

Lateral Flow Testing centres across the County

and completed the surge testing operation in

Flackwell Heath and Wooburn Green.

The Council have yet again been very much

involved in working to help our residents get

through this pandemic. We have supported more

residents than ever before with many

households being forced to shield, self-isolate or

been furloughed. We have delivered over

22,517 grant payments to businesses with a

value in excess of £128m. We know this hasn’t

reached everyone, but we have done our best to

include as many of our businesses as possible.

We have issued supermarket vouchers to over

10,000 pupils eligible for free school meals over

the holidays and launched our Helping Hand

scheme which is now supporting over 500

households. We have recruited Covid Marshalls

to patrol town centres and parks, providing

advise to businesses and the public. Provided

additional resident support through the national

shielded residents scheme to 17.700 people.

This is only the tip of the iceberg of the work

the Council have been doing in addition to

continuing with all our 'business as usual'.

The challenges we have all faced during these

times have allowed the Council to work in a

more agile and innovative way and to form

more collaborations and working partnerships

than ever before. As a Council we now intend to

take this forward as we plan for the future so

that we can continue to harness all the good

things that the ways of working over the past 12

months have produced.

In the meantime, on 6th May we have

6 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

elections. The Council are planning these, with

Government guidance, to make them as Covid

safe as we can, potentially with screens, social

distancing and hand sanitisers being very much

a feature of the election. There will be enhanced

opportunities for people to vote either in person,

by post or by proxy, with emergency deadlines

for anyone diagnosed with covid at the last

minute. If you do want to sign up for a postal

vote please do so as soon as possible to ensure

there is plenty of time for your vote to be

returned. Candidates are allowed to deliver

leaflets and canvass as long as Covid 19

restrictions remain in place, 2 metres distances

are observed and any doorstep activity should

be on a one-to-one basis even after 29th March.

At the moment there are around 200

councillors on Buckinghamshire Council, as a

result of the elections being cancelled last year,

as all existing councillors were transferred to the

new Council. This number will reduce to 147

this May, a number which was set by the

Government as part of the Unitary process. So,

there will be 3 candidates elected for each ward

which means that everyone will have 3 votes for

the Buckinghamshire Council. There will also

be Police and Crime Commissioner elections

and Parish Council elections on the same day,

so you may have 3 ballot papers to complete.

If anyone has any queries then please contact

me on katrina.wood@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

Stay safe and well. Katrina Wood . Deputy Leader.

Buckinghamshire Council

Chepping Wycombe Parish Council

Most of my report this time is all about trees!

We are doing some crown lifting and thinning

on the trees on the back common near the Horse

and Jockey Pub and also crown lifting to the

copper beech on the triangle opposite the village

hall. We had to wait for the necessary

permissions to do the work, which has now

been received so we will soon proceed and may

actually be finished by the time you read this.

We have also had to remove some trees in

Kingswood. Ash dieback is the main cause and


Village Voice April/May 2021

trees have therefore had to be removed along

the side of Cock Lane as well as the other side

of the wood near the Beech Tree Pub. There

have also been a few trees that have had root

plate slip and have started to lean badly towards

the properties they border in Kingswood

Avenue, so we have had to do work in this area

too. It does look rather bare now, but please be

assured that we will be replanting in the winter

next year with smaller species like Rowan

(Mountain Ash), which are more controllable

especially on property boundaries.

Moving away from trees, we are hoping to

install the play fencing in Ashley Drive this

month, as well as undertake work to lift the dog

bin that has sunk.

Chepping Wycombe Parish is working with a

very small group from the Beaconsfield and

Chepping Wye Community Board with the

aspiration to make our Parish officially

Dementia friendly. So far most of the work

towards this has been trialled in Flackwell

Heath. However we would like to start rolling

this out in Tylers Green but need help. We are

very grateful to Cathy O’Leary who has come

on board to help in Tylers Green but we need

more volunteers to really make this work. If you

are interested, then please contact either me or

the clerk for more information.

One final note we are this month celebrating

some long services for a couple of our team.

Graeme Christie, our warden has now been with

us for 20 years, and Darren Oxlade who is a

member of our grounds team has completed 30

years. Thank you to them for all they do for our

Parish and congratulations for sticking with us

for so long! Katrina Wood Chairman CWPC

Penn Parish Council

Penn Parish Council's Planning Committee has

recently embarked on a feasibility study to look

at the advantages of producing a

Neighbourhood Plan for Penn Parish. Whilst

we are in the very early stages, we believe with

the Chiltern & South Bucks Local Plan being

withdrawn a Neighbourhood Plan would enable





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us to properly protect the parish's five villages,

their valuable green spaces, and reflect our

communities' desire for appropriate

development, until such a time as a

Buckinghamshire Wide Local Plan is made. We

are working closely with Planning Officers from

Buckinghamshire Council and considering how

we can work together most effectively with

residents associations and neighbouring parishes

to establish a Neighbourhood Plan Working

Party. If you are interested in joining our

working party please email the Clerk to Council

(clerk@pennparish.org.uk). The Parish

Council's bid for a Community Board grant

towards the cost of two new nest swings for the

parish play facilities at Penn Street and Knotty

Green was successful. The additions will form

part of a wider drive to include accessible,

disability friendly play equipment in all the

parish play areas. You will also have seen that

the parking restriction scheme for Penn is being

implemented. This was after public

consultation. Indeed, the proposal was amended

to respect concerns that were raised. We hope

that it will limit anti-social parking and make

the exit from Rays Lane safer. Roy Bentham Chair

Village Celebration of WW1

P&TGRS was approached, via the P&TGRS

website, by a researcher from the University of

Essex, who asked if we would like to contribute

to an initiative that was launched in mid 2020.

This project was the creation of a 'Mapping

the Centenary' an Imperial War Museums-led

digital portal. It showcases information about

activities that marked the First World War

centenary, with a particular focus upon

community-led projects. Key features were to

include a searchable online database, a map

showing where projects took place, alongside

guidance on archiving and digital preservation.

We decided to participate and collated all the

activities that took place in Penn & Tylers

Green. As there were a number or organisations

and individuals who planned and implemented

activities we needed to agree how to manage


Village Voice April/May 2021

our entry as the portal needed a cohesive

approach. It was agreed that we would bring

together the activities under the umbrella of

Penn & Tylers Green with the nomination being

from the Residents Society. With input from

many, a submission was made and I am

delighted that the portal now includes the

village activities. The link below will take you

to the Imperial War Museum website, and the

Penn and Tylers Green entry – which is

reproduced below., and can be found online at


to all

who contributed. Gill Markham on behalf of the


Penn & Tylers Green Village

World War One Commemoration

The Penn & Tylers Green Residents Society set

out to recognise the fifty two local men who lost

their lives during World War One, as part of the

national centenary commemorations. Twenty

two came from Penn whilst thirty three came

from Tylers Green, although not all names are

listed on our war memorials.

As part of our research, we identified the

thirty homes where these men lived, and

acknowledged this with a special plaque in

Tylers Green. To represent each man, we also

identified thirty trees with each having a plaque

containing their names, regiment and date of

birth. Memorial stones, designed and painted by

the local Woman's Institute, further encouraged



be covered by many of the same restrictions, not

to mention Agricultural Land and the fact that

such a development would overwhelm the

already over stretched local amenities.

To add to the above is the damning fact that

the former WDC blatantly lied to local residents

with their continual mantra of (sic) 'we do not

want to join the surrounding villages to Wycombe

Town which would only increase the sprawl (their

word) of the town'.

This is already happening, new builds on

Hammersley Lane, unaffordable to many, to cite a

prime example. Name and address supplied

VV Approached Katrina Wood to respond:

I have been given the chance to respond to a

letter received by the VV editor regarding my

involvement, or perceived lack of engagement

with the Ashwells/Gomm Valley development.

Firstly in response, I did not write the article in

issue 202 Feb/Mar 2021 on Penn School as alleged.

That was written by Peter Miller, who has followed

the issues with Penn School since the purchase of

the site by the Department for Education and has

a deep knowledge of the site and the issues

surrounding it.

With regard to the Gomm Valley/Ashwells, the

issue was that Gomm Valley had been set aside as

a site for reserved housing around 50 years ago so

it was always going to be released at some point

when housing numbers decreed that it was

necessary. Reserve sites did not mean they were

saved for ever more as they were, it meant they

were reserved for housing whenever they were

needed to meet housing numbers set by the

Government. It was a false belief that the site was

preserved as agricultural land and could never be

built on as the opposite was true and it was always

going to be difficult to fight its eventually release

for housing when the need arose. The Ashwells

site itself does not have any major designations

such as Green Belt, Area of Outstanding Natural

Beauty, Local Landscape area, nor is it I the

Conservation area, although it is true to say that

these designations exist on land outside the site.

The are some small areas of Sites of Special

Scientific Interest (SSSI) within the Gomm Valley

development which will retain protection.

Wycombe District Council tried a few years ago to

allocate it Green Belt status but the planning


Village Voice April/May 2021

inspector at that time refused to allow it.

I certainly voiced many objections regarding

this site since it was first mooted to be released

from being a reserve site in 2014, and I spoke

vociferously against its release at the Cabinet

meeting making the decision in October 2014.

One point I emphasised was that if it had to be

released, which I was totally against, then the

infrastructure should precede anything else.

However, as Councillors we cannot not win every

argument for our residents and can only voice our

concerns to the best of our ability.

Once the site had been agreed to be released, I

worked with residents and the Council through

the public workshops and the liaison group set up

by the Council and the local Ashwells forum, to try

and make sure that local concerns were listened

to and that what is eventually built is the best that

local residents can hope for. When the outline

plans were put in for planning, I ensured it went

before the full planning committee for discussion

and argued against certain aspects, again

infrastructure and housing numbers, but outline

planning was given. When the original plans were

discussed there was the prospect of 120 dwellings

on Ashwells, the latest application is for around

104 so working together we have all managed to

reduce the number by 16. That may not sound a

lot but it is significant in an application the size of

Ashwells. Gomm Valley is another matter and

there is a current planning application in for that

site. Surprising as it may seem and although I do

realise how intrinsically these two sites are linked,

the Gomm Valley application has not been part of

my ward and there are limits to what I can do in

that area at the moment.

With respect to the authors comments

regarding the joining up of surrounding villages

to Wycombe Town, well to prevent that is still the

intention of the local plan. The houses being built

in Hammersley lane are infill or the replacement of

one property with more. Developers have every

right to put in applications for what they want to

build and with planning laws relaxing all the time

with the presumption of more houses needed,

there is less and less opportunity for Councils to

shape their own place and request something

different to what developers want to build and

ergo even less ability for Councillors to change

things. Katrina Wood. Buckinghamshire Council for Tylers

Green and Loudwater


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Village Voice April/May 2021


Holy Trinity & St Margaret's

At the time of writing this we are waiting for

advice from the Government and Church of

England concerning how and when the 12,500

Parishes in England can begin to return to

Sunday Services. We continue to post a 30

minute audio service on the website each week.

As they have been throughout all of the last

year, both Holy Trinity and St Margaret’s are

both open each day from 9am to around 3pm.

The heating comes on in both churches for a

couple of hours each morning (to protect the

fabric) so mid-morning is a good time to pop in.

One of the things that has come across to me

over the last year is that it is personal interaction

with people that I had most taken for granted

and is the thing that I most miss. Zoom is a

brilliant invention but it is nothing like getting a

hug from my grandchildren.

Easter is the first weekend in April (3rd/4th)

and it does remind us that the life of Jesus Christ

was bracketed by his birth as a baby at the first

Christmas and death on the Cross that first

Easter as a real human being. God has created

us in his image to need relationship with both

Him and each other. So His plan of salvation

involves him coming to earth as one of us, in

the closest kind of relationship. It also means

that our need for relationship of a physical kind

is actually a reflection of our being created in

his image. It is at the very root of our nature.

That is why it is so important.

It looks as though we will not be able to meet

in Church for our Easter services but I do

recommend that you check out our website

(www.holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk) as the

situation is evolving almost daily and if we can

gather, we will. This also means that we will

not be able to hold our usual Easter Egg hunt in

the churchyard of Holy Trinity. However, there

will be an Easter treasure trail from St


Margaret’s to Holy Trinity (exactly one mile).

So, over the Easter weekend enjoy a walk with

family and collect letters that make up an Easter

Greeting – with a special easter prize (from the

Easter Bunny) at the end. The treasure trail will

be up from Good Friday and will start at St

Margaret’s. From there you will need to visit

the Sanctuary, the Village Hall, the First School,

JJs, the Red Lion, the Vicarage, the church Hall

and finishing at Holy Trinity … where the

Easter Bunny will have been busy. You will

need a piece of paper and pen to make a note of

the letters in each of those places, so that you

can work out the special phrase. Blessings, Revd

Mike Bisset, www.holytrinityand stmargartes.co.uk

Penn Free Methodist Church

The following are the

arrangements for our in-church

Easter services:

• Wednesday March 31st at

8pm: Prayer and a special

Easter study.

• Friday April 2nd at 10:30am: Good Friday

Service to include the Lord’s Supper

• Sunday April 4th at 11.00am and 6.30pm:

Resurrection Day Morning and Evening


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There is a special page on the church website



TIME. This comprises a section of articles

written by the Minister at various stages over

the last year dealing with the pandemic from a

Biblical perspective. Please go to www.


A recent upload to our sermons recordings

website is entitled, ‘Believers in Christ currently

suffer, but are sustained by a glorious hope’. It

is an exposition of Romans 8:18-25, which

includes the words, “For I reckon that the

sufferings of this present time are not worthy to

be compared with the glory which shall be

revealed in us” (KJV).

A further address is based on 1 Peter 2:4-8,

which refers to the Lord Jesus Christ as “the

living stone”. We normally think of stones as

being inanimate, but Christ is full of life and

gives life. Most people, however, tragically

reject this living stone, even though “he that

believeth on him shall not be confounded” (1

Peter 2:6 KJV). Those who come to Christ for

salvation from sin will never be put to shame,

but will be gloriously vindicated. Great stones

provide a sure foundation for a building. Christ

is “the chief cornerstone”, providing salvation

for all who repent of sin and trust in Him.

However, a great stone which can be a sure

foundation can also act as a millstone which

grinds to powder. Those who defy Christ must

realise that He is also a Judge to be feared.

These addresses, and many others, can be

found on www.soundcloud.com/penn-freemethodists,

where they can also be downloaded,

as well as listened to from the website. Pastor

Peter Simpson, Minister

Tylers Green Methodist Church

Easter is a time when believers and nonbelievers

alike can have a positive view focused

on new life. In the Christian Church that new

life is focused on the resurrection of our Lord


Village Voice April/May 2021

and the hope of new life that brings. For

believers and non-believers alike that new life is

focused on some of the things seen on Easter

cards, the risen Christ, of course, but also Easter

eggs and the chicks that emerge, or daffodils

and more generally seeing fresh growth in the

countryside and in our gardens.

But the timing is not always right. Climate

change is bringing forward the visible signs that

Spring is here and the fact that the date of Easter

changes from year to year adds to the confusion.

Easter Sunday is always the first Sunday after

the first full moon occurring after 21st March

and so, some Easters celebrations are somewhat

detached from the daffodils and other signs of

new life.

But it is a season of optimism and the

optimism this year should still be a time for

optimism. For church-goers there is the

prospect of attending gathered worship in our

churches on a Sunday rather than the scattered

worship of Zoomed or streamed services. For

all of us there is the prospect of life beginning to

return to ‘normal’ whatever that word will come

to mean post-pandemic times.

At the time of writing, Methodist Churches in

our Circuit are consulting worshippers whether

they are confident about returning to services

under present Covid restrictions and the

possibility of holding a service on Easter

Sunday. Other denominations may be having

similar discussions. Full details about reopening

will be given once these matters have

been settled.

But its Spring! This is a time to look forward.

A new dawn is on the horizon. So, tread

carefully whilst regulations require us to do so,

and when the time is right, let me know if you

have lost family or friend during lock-down or

if you just want to thank God for bringing you

through. We will remember all of them in a

Sunday Service when we can all gather in

church without masking our faces. Have a

Happy Easter and may God Bless you all.

Peter Stevens, Senior Church Steward, psredkite@




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Frank Aubrey

23 March 1926-11 January 2021

Frank was born on the

23rd March 1926 in

the Potteries

(Staffordshire) and

died on the 11th

January 2021 at


He was a muchloved

husband, father

and grandfather. He

lived in Tylers Green

since 1976 and was

an active member of

the village community

He was devoted to his family and encouraged

us all to do whatever made us happy.

He would do anything for anyone, always

looking for ways he could make a contribution

or help out a friend or neighbour. It’s no surprise

that he became a teacher. He taught at

Wellesbourne for many years, before moving to

Dr Challenors after he retired, where he helped

out as a technician.

A practical man, he loved to

understand how things worked

and he could fix just about

anything. For instance, when

his son Chris started to learn

the violin Frank realised that

the local schools had lots of

loan instruments that needed

repairing. So he taught himself

how to repair stringed

instruments and the house

filled with various pieces of

cellos, violins and violas.

That’s how his daughter

Megan came to pick up a cello.

His love of music was


Village Voice April/May 2021

passed down by his mother, who sang opera,

and father, who was a brilliant pianist and


Ever the practical one Frank would drive his

father all around the potteries to play piano in

the local clubs and pubs.

A life-long obsession with engines was

fostered in his youth, with his love of

motorbikes, and a basement full of motorbikes

in various states of repair. He raced as an

amateur on a Norton works bike, until a bad

accident in Ireland landed him in hospital for six

months, at which point he decided it would be

safer to watch happily from the sidelines


Frank had somewhat eccentric views on the

use of spaces in and around a family house. For

example, a lawn was a perfect run for pet

chickens, a bathroom converted easily into a

photography darkroom, and only occasionally

would a garage be used to store a car. Instead it

would become a blacksmith’s forge, or a

workshop for lawnmower engines, or storage

for a horse-drawn trap (without the horse).

He loved to give new technology a try, and

bought Chris a BBC computer in the mid-80s,

which had the obvious appeal that you had to

partially build it yourself.

But he also loved the old-fashioned country

FRANK shoeiNg horses at YouNg Farmers

RAleigh, Cambridge


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FRANK iN PaRAdise st, stoKe oN treNt

crafts which, combined with his love of animals,

drew him to apprentice to become a Fellow of

the Worshipful Company of Farriers. A skill he

was thrilled to practise around the Newmarket

stables when he lived nearby in Cambridge.

He loved the Tylers Green village community,

and helped out where he could, only giving up

driving for Village Care in his 90s. He and his

wife Mary set up a walking group over 25 years

ago which (as well as keeping fitness levels up)

led to many good friendships. The group even

raised money to replace styles with kissing

gates, one of which has a dedication to Frank

and Mary.

Always keeping busy, Frank also loved: his

allotment, the local bowls club and the weekly

painting sessions - and the friendships formed


His friends and family all have memories of

his enthusiasm and appetite for life and how he

helped us.

The family are planning a get-together in the

Village Hall in the afternoon of Tuesday 6th

July (rules permitting) so that friends can share

some memories of dad. Megan Aubrey


Village Voice April/May 2021

Your Voice Bucks

https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com is

where you can take part in public consultations,

surveys and other engagement activities being

held in Buckinghamshire, and includes content

from Buckinghamshire Council and local NHS


Buckinghamshire Integrated Care

Partnership (Bucks ICP) is made up of the

organisations listed below., who work together

to provide joined-up health and care support

for the people of Buckinghamshire. Part of the

commitment to work together for the benefit of

local people, is to make it easier for everyone to

get involved with improving services. Your

Voice Bucks was created to publish all our

community engagement and consultation

activities in one place.

Buckinghamshire Council (BC) provides all

local government services across

Buckinghamshire (excluding Milton Keynes)

Services include waste & recycling, education,

transport, social care, public health, housing,

council tax, parks, libraries and leisure centres.

Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning

Group (BCCG) is a group of 50 GP practices

across the county and serves a population of

over 530,000 people.

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust (BHT)

provides hospital and community services for

people living in Buckinghamshire and

surrounding counties, providing care to over

500,000 patients every year.

FedBucks is a federation of 44 GP practices

covering a population of over 485,000 patients

across Buckinghamshire. The federation

represents iit's members and works with other

organisations to provide community-based

healthcare services.

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust (OHFT)

provides health and social care services to

patients of all ages across Oxfordshire,

Buckinghamshire, Swindon, Wiltshire, Bath and

North East Somerset.

South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS)

responds to emergency 999 calls and calls from

the NHS non-emergency number (111). They

also provides emergency and non-emergency

patient transport services. SCAS serves the

counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire,

Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Sussex and Surrey,

covering a population of over 7 million people.


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Village Voice April/May 2021



As Coretta Scott King, the wife of the great

Martin Luther King said, ‘the greatness of a

community is most accurately measured by the

compassionate actions of its members.’

The Simpson Centre and Penn Surgery would

like to thank the community who during this

pandemic, has provided enormous support and

demonstrated that community spirit is alive and

well in Penn and Beaconsfield. These pictures

highlight just some of this spirit which the

Surgery is immensely grateful for

We have run our biggest ever flu vaccination

programme and are now (alongside

neighbouring practices) running a COVID

vaccination programme at Adams Park. This

has been very successful to date, to the point

that we have already sent invitations to all

priority groups 1-9 (those aged over 50). To

minimise the impact on our regular service the

vaccination programme is largely being staffed

by regular staff on their days off, retired

members of the

team and


As other Covid


centres have

begun to come

online in recent

weeks, the pace

has increased

further and

some of our

patients may

find that they

have received

invitations for a

vaccine from

several different

sources. In spite


of this we

understand that lots

of people have had

and will continue

to have concerns

about their own

specific situation

and feel that they

should have the vaccine sooner. We have tried

to adhere to the government guidelines

regarding vaccine priority as closely as possible.

Second vaccine doses will be arranged 11-12

weeks after the first dose. Typically, we only get

a few days’ notice before vaccine deliveries so

we cannot give out second dose appointments

until the week before they are due. Everybody

who had their first vaccination through the

practice will be contacted by text or telephone

call to be invited for their second.

With all of this going on, the volume of

queries and calls that the practice receives is

extremely high. We are doing our very best to

deal with this increased workload but at times

this has been very difficult, and we recognise

that it has been difficult to get through to the

practice and that the waiting time to speak to a

doctor is longer than usual. Generally, people

have been very understanding about the

pressures we are working under, but this has not

always been the case and we would like to take

this opportunity to remind people that we are all

working very hard and appreciate your

continued support. Emma McPhee PPG




Village Voice April/May 2021



Tylers Green Middle School

Dear Village Voice, it now feels as if Spring is

here and I wish to wish our community a very

Happy Easter.

The pupils returned to TGMS on 8th March,

after lockdown 3, having spent over 2 months at

home. It has been a very challenging, yet

memorable time and the children at TGMS have

been very engaged in their learning. Daily

maths, English and other subjects have been the

diet for all year groups to ensure that the

children keep up with the core learning.

Whether the children were at home, or in school

as part of the vulnerable and critical worker

group, the lessons were following what the

children would have been learning in their


I am so proud of the children and in order to

motivate each one, a gift was sent in the post of

a bookmark and a pencil which have been

created especially for lockdown 2021. This has

been funded by our REACH Fund which is

based on voluntary contributions to the school

with the aim of enhancing and enriching

children’s learning experiences.

In the final week of home learning, the

REACH Fund also provided a bespoke dance

workshop for each class. It was delivered

virtually by Nerine Skinner and whether the

children were in school, or at home, they were

able to join in and learn a dance, along with

their classteacher. The children needed a boost

and this workshop was designed to be fun,

engage the children and promote wellbeing.

Exercise and movement, coupled with music, is

very uplifting. How we feel about something

can have such an impact.

Nerine was fantastic and the fast paced

45-minute Dance workshop was based around

every day habits and routines; from brushing

hair to Zoom lessons and from playing

PlayStation to exercise. By using every day

activities and putting them into simple dance

moves to music, the children told the story of a

typical day in their life. The perfect way to

implement a little bit of mindfulness and

gratitude for the simple things whilst keeping fit

and having fun.

It is so great to have the pupils back at school.

Let us hope that our children never have to miss

out on face to face education in the future.

Vanessa Pinkney Headteacher

Tylers Green First School

Spring seems to be in the air (finally!) as we

begin our wider reopening for all children on

the 8th of March. Our children have been

fantastically resilient and have worked hard on

their remote learning since January. In line with

other schools, we also had a large number of

children of Critical workers attending school

daily, so we have been very busy!

22 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

We had an amazing response to our request

for members of the village community to come

forward to join the Governing Body, and we are

happy to be welcoming the new governors to

our school family. Thank you to everyone who

supported us with this – our school motto is

“Children at the heart of the School, the School

at the heart of the Village” and this support from

the community was the embodiment of this.

Sadly, we had to fell three trees in our

woodland that had become dangerous and were

at risk of falling. There’s always a silver lining

though, and Penn Tree Services were kind

enough to deliver a load of wood chips to use

alongside our own chippings to refurbish the

pathways in the woodland. Mr Webb (our new

caretaker) has been very busy creating trails for

the children to run around. This is a huge

improvement because the children were getting

extremely muddy in the Autumn Term.

The newly surfaced playground has had

brand new line markings added and now boasts

a five a side football pitch, hopscotch and a

circle for “duck duck goose” games. The

children are really enjoying making the most of

playtimes in the improved spaces as the weather

warms up.

We are hopeful that we will be able to have

some of our important events over the next term

– things like sports day or school productions,

but as ever we will find creative solutions if we

can’t go ahead - so that the children continue to

make great memories of their time with us.

Jude Talbot Heateacher

Village Pre-School

We have had great fun this term with our

themes, including Zoo Animals, Insects (the

children loved the insects set in resin) and Pets

(a visit from Red, the Bearded Dragon was a

great hit with the children). This week is Fire

week and thanks to an amazing resource box

lent to us by Wycombe Fire Station, the children

have spent 2 weeks being firefighters). Next

week we have arranged for a visit from our

local Police Officer and a Police Car. We also


Village Voice April/May 2021

managed to have lots

of fun in the ice and snow as well as the huge

puddle that formed in our outside area!

We are delighted that our afternoon activities

have continued to run: Kiddleydivey, Dinky

Dancers and Playball have all been back with

us. Romar Sports will be back very soon and


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Pre-school Disco will return after Easter. The

children love taking part in all these activities

which offer them the chance to experience

extra-curricular activities during the Pre-school

day at a very reasonable cost.

We are expecting to be at full capacity by

Easter which is great! We have welcomed

several new children, who have settled very

well and look forward to welcoming more

throughout the term as the Covid risk will

hopefully lessen.

We (the staff) were given the opportunity to

attend the Covid testing service provided by Sir

William Ramsay School for a few weeks. This

has now stopped due to their students all

returning. This means that until we are provided

with our own home test kits, we will have to

attend the testing centre in High Wycombe.

We are looking forward to better weather and

resuming our Forest School sessions after

Easter. For all enquiries, please contact Nicky

Lovegrove on 01494 817093 or by email at:


Take care all and keep safe! Nicky Lovegrove


Little Oaks Nurseries

Re-opening on 5th January as we did means that

our nursery children have been in great hands all

term, in many cases allowing for smoother

home-schooling of older children as well as the


Village Voice April/May 2021

direct benefits to them of being at nursery. We

celebrate their resilience, burgeoning

independence and adaptability daily! I would

also like to applaud the amazing Little Oaks

team who have been putting themselves at

heightened risk daily, without PPE, so that the

littlest ones in our care can continue to

experience wonderful challenges and exciting

experiences. What a dedicated workforce.

World Book Day was created by UNESCO in

1995 and the first UK event took place in 1997.

The intention from the start was to ‘change lives

through a love of books and shared reading’.

Our nursery children are fortunate to be exposed

to books and stories daily, and came up with

their own special favourites for this year’s

World Book Day on March 4th. Some of the

most popular children’s authors from the past

three centuries were represented, including Julia

Donaldson, Janet & Allan Ahlberg, Beatrix

Potter and Eric Carle. Traditional tales took their

place too! Here we present:

• Goodnight Spaceman by Michelle Robinson

& Nick East

• Ella Bella Ballerina by James Mayew

• The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson

• Little Red Riding Hood re-told by Ian Beck

To finish, a quote that reflects lockdown to a

tee: “Reading gives us somewhere to go when

we have to stay where we are.”

Ruthie Pocock Little Oaks Nurseries






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P&TG Lawn Tennis Club

At the time of writing we are extremely excited

to be planning to re-open the courts to our

members on 29th March. It has been such a

strange year, there have been long periods

where we have been unable to play and have

walked past the empty courts in the sunshine,

and then also long periods where lots of us have

been working from home and able to play much

more regularly than normal life allows!

We will be arranging a number of events and

friendly competitions over the next few months

for our members to make the most of the spring

and summer months (British weather

permitting, of course!). We are also hoping to be

able to plan a belated celebration for our 60th

birthday last year.

NEW MEMBERS – Our membership renews

annually on 1st April so this is the perfect time

to join. If you are interested in joining us, or

would like to get in touch please visit our

website at www.clubspark.lta.org.uk/PennTennis

or email ptgtennisclub@gmail.com for more

information. Kate Noble

P&TG Football Club

As we write this, we are none the wiser on exact

details, but we hopefully have light at the end of

the tunnel!

Following the governments announcement of

their roadmap, we expect football to return from

the 29th March. We are super excited to get all

the girls, boys, ladies and men back on the pitch

with a ball. For our senior sections, the leagues

have been voided for obvious reasons ( our first

team played just 5 league games so far!) but

there may be mini tournaments to engage the


For the junior sections, league football will

return with a hope of of finishing seasons in


Village Voice April/May 2021

some way, with agreement from the FA to

continue into June. Unfortunately our annual

football tournament won’t go ahead though

For all players at the club, the opportunity to

return to training, safely, is a major step to

normality. We will do all we can as a club, as

before, to ensure a safe return for everybody,

and we are so looking forward to seeing the

smiles, and the net ripple!

This year we are delighted that our close

working relationships with our key partner

venues Beaconsfield High School & Sir William

Ramsey, will enable us to train for as long as

possible, and give us the opportunity to prepare

and perfect our grounds, while giving our

neighbours more opportunity to enjoy the

British summertime

Off the pitch we will reopen the bar for

outside entertainment from the 12th April and

indoors shortly afterwards subject to

government guidance. It’s been extremely tough

financially on the whole club to have our key

source of revenue taken away for a large

majority of the year, so we look forward to and

welcome your support when we re-open. With

so many unknowns over the forthcoming

months, once again we will not be hosting our

amazing beer festival this year, but rest assured

we have some mini beer and music events that

you will not want to miss. More details to come

when we can!

We are hopeful that this years fireworks

display will take place, as an important

community & charity event, which we hope to

confirm as we enter some form of normality.

James keating, Press@ptgfc.co.uk

P&TG Cricket Club PLUS pics

With Easter upon us, the cricket season is now

just around the corner and despite inevitable

cold hands and heavy sweaters, it will still feel

good to get out on the field of play once more,

roadmap out-of-lockdown permitting

Those words were unimaginable just 14

months ago but have become part of our

vocabulary in the time since then. The



restrictions placed upon during the pandemic

have made us all appreciate ‘normal life’ more

than ever and this certainly applies to the joy of

playing cricket.

Of course, with the winter lockdown, we have

not been able to practice our cricket and get in

shape for the Summer, but this should serve as

encouragement to our 2nd XI who will be

hoping to encounter opposition sides scratching

around for form and fitness in the early weeks

of the season.

If you are new to the village and would like to

play some cricket this summer, you’ll be sure of

a warm welcome. Just look up our Facebook

page (‘Penn & Tylers Green Cricket Club’) or

contact Nick Barber at nick.barber@sjpp.co.uk

for further details to introduce yourself.

Waking up the playing square from its winter

hibernation began in March and the outfield has

been rolled to reduce bumps and bobbles which

are natural irritations for the village cricketer.

The whole place has received its first trim from

our newly-acquired mower but there are always

plenty of other jobs to do including assembling

the pitch covers, cleaning/positioning the

sight-screens and giving the batting nets a

general tidy-up. All of this will be done with our

band of willing volunteers.

The new playing season kicks off in late-

April with a couple of warm-up fixtures ahead

of a busy league season for our 1st and 2nd XIs

as we target further improvements to our


Village Voice April/May 2021

encouraging League form of 2020.

Junior Coaching will take place at the Club

on Sunday mornings for School Years 1,2 & 3,

and on Thursday evenings for School Years 4, 5,

6 & 7. We have entered age-group sides into the

revamped Bucks Leagues once more, providing

more opportunities for players to learn about the

game, to emulate heroes like Ben Stokes and

Nat Sciver, and to develop their skills at their

own pace. Look out for further details coming

soon or drop us a line at the email address

below to sign up for updates.

A lot of our Junior players stepped-up and

made important contributions to our Senior

teams during the summer of 2020 and we are

delighted that so many are looking forward to

doing so again this year.

So, if you are interested in playing cricket

yourself or on behalf of your sons or daughters,

you can get in touch with either Nick Barber at

nick.barber@sjpp.co.uk (adults) or ptgcccolts@

gmail.com (juniors).

As with any village club or society, our

success relies heavily on the hard work of all the

volunteers who make everything run smoothly.

There is always more that we want to do and it

is impossible to have too many volunteers so if

you want to join the fun and help in any way

(maybe as a match-scorer or umpire), we would

be delighted to hear from you and you will

receive a warm welcome from everyone

involved with the Club.

You can also find us on Facebook (‘Penn &

Tylers Green Cricket Club’) Jon Wilson


Village Voice April/May 2021



The outline planning consent of March 2020

was limited to site access arrangements, and a

development not exceeding 109 dwellings.

Bucks Council, as owners of the Ashwells site,

has now submitted further documentation in

order to satisfy the pre-commencement planning

conditions. These include a ‘Phasing’ plan and

a ‘Master Plan and Design Framework’

indicating the placing of roads, FPs, cycling

routes and buildings, landscaping works,

constructing the new access road to Cock Lane

and widening Cock Lane up to that point. This

latest version, has 104 dwellings focussed on

the filled-in chalk pit converted to the role of

Village Green. This is not a final design, which

will be determined by further detailed

submissions by the developer, based on an

agreed Design Code.

The Council intends to do the infrastructure

work themselves, comprising utilities diversions

and new incoming services. The site will then

be sold to one or more developers, but subject to

the Design Code to ensure a high-quality

development. Work on the new Cock Lane

access road and utilities is due to start in June

and there are likely to be closures of Cock Lane

during the summer holidays. On completion,

this can be used for vehicular access to the site,

and the existing Ashwells road then closed to

construction traffic.

The proposed breakdown of house types is as

follows: 11 terraced town houses; 46 detached

houses; 42 semi-detached houses; and 5 flats.

We understand that 47 of these dwellings will

be part of the ‘affordable’ provision (32

Discount Market Value units and 15 custom/

self-build units). To satisfy the Council’s policy

on affordable homes, there will also be 68

’affordable rental units’ provided off-site at

Bellfield Road in Wycombe.

The Ashwells Forum group will soon be

meeting the Bucks Council officers and their

design team to discuss the proposals in detail.

Miles Green

30 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk



Part of a Bronze Age planned


Oliver Rackham, a recently deceased

Cambridge academic and the leading historian

and ecologist of British woodland, observed that

both Celtic (prehistoric) fields and strip lynchets

are mostly earlier than the Iron Age, that some

appear to be of Neolithic origin and were in use

throughout the Bronze Age. He and others

found an unmistakeably planned pattern of

parallel, but not straight, main axes of low stony

banks known as reaves, running for miles across

Dartmoor, typically about 100yds apart,

intersected by cross walls at intervals.

He noted that similar evidence of this Bronze

Age reave-type field system had been found in

many areas and regions of Britain and

concluded that they tell a story of country

planning on a gigantic scale, of an organisation

able to parcel out tens of square miles as it

pleased and which set its rules of geometry

above the practicalities of dealing with gorges

and bogs. Thus, the lines can finish on one side

of a valley and then reappear on the other side

on the same alignment. This system ignores

rivers and streams which suggests that they

predate wheeled transport (i.e., before

c.1700BC). They reflect the emergence

throughout Britain of the concept of land as a

form of property, following the intensification of

agriculture, the introduction of new crops such

as hulled barley and spelt wheat, and a move to

exploit heavier soils. They lasted for some

3,000 years.

In lowland areas these early boundaries have

generally been overlaid by millennia of farming,

but they are still clearly visible where

cultivation was later abandoned, such as on

moors and uplands. One such area where

ancient landscapes have been strikingly


Village Voice April/May 2021

preserved is on Salisbury Plain, as a result of

occupation by the army for the last century. The

absence of deep ploughing has left areas of

Bronze Age fields about 3,500 years old which

David McOmish of the Royal Commission on

Historical Monuments for England describes as

"cloaking the downs like a chequer board of

small rectangular paddocks".

McOmish observes that "Remarkably, the

fields share a common axis of alignment NE to

SW, which in many instances ignores the

topography,". Since this makes the fields more

difficult to plough, there must have been some

important motive: the alignment faces the

midwinter sunrise (SE), like Salisbury Plain's

most famous monument, Stonehenge.

McOmish says, "The opening up of the

landscape was presumably regarded as being

legitimised by this alignment and its association

with important earlier communal monuments”.

The next two articles will consider how

Buckinghamshire and King’s Wood fit into this

picture. Miles Green

Two gorgeous muntjack deer snapped by Carl Hale

Photographs: Carl Hale

Village Voice April/May 2021




What's the link between a scarf, Queen

Victoria, The Horse and Jockey, and the

church of St Margaret?

Back in the 1980’s I was looking through a box

of old family photographs with my father when

I noticed an old sepia photograph of a scarf.

“What’s that?” I asked. “Oh that’s Uncle Tom’s

scarf hanging on your Nan’s washing line” my

father replied. “I wonder what happened to

that?”. The story that he relayed intrigued me

and so my quest began.

My Great Uncle Tom Ferrett was born in

September 1863 in the hamlet of Holybourne,

near Alton, in Hampshire. The family were

from humble beginnings and his father worked

on the land in common with many folk in rural

Hampshire. Up until the industrial revolution it

would normally have been expected for children

to grow up following in their father’s footsteps.

But during the mid to late 1800’s big changes

were afoot. With the advent of the newly

constructed railway network, young men could

now travel further afield to find work and make

their way in life, with the possibility of better

pay and working conditions. And so it was that

at the age of 17, Tom left the family home and

went to work for the London and South Western

Railway Company. His job as an engine cleaner

was not perhaps the most glamorous of

occupations but he had at least left home and

was making his own way in life, living as a

lodger in a house in Windsor. Six years pass

and Tom is now understandably looking to the

future and engine cleaning is perhaps not what

it was cracked up to be!

What might a young man turn to in the late

1800’s that would give him the opportunity of a

steady wage and the chance to see the world?

Yes – he enlists with the Royal West Surrey

Regiment in August 1886 at the age of 20 years

11 months. He signed up as a ‘stableman’,

initially for ‘short service’ but then extended this

to a term of 21 years. He became a career

soldier, ready and prepared to serve his Queen

and country. Beginning as a Private, he rose

through the ranks to finally become Colour

Sergeant Tom Ferrett. During this time, of

course, Queen Victoria was on the throne until

early 1901 being succeeded by Edward V11.

A brief summary of Tom’s career shows that

he served in East India, followed by two tours

of South Africa between 1899 and 1904, which

of course included the period covering the Boer

War, and it is here that I began to find some

answers. Tom served as a Colour Sergeant

directly under General Hildyard throughout the

Boer War and received the Kings South Africa

Medal with clasps for Tugela Heights, Relief of

Ladysmith, as well as the Battle of Colenso. He

was mentioned in dispatches for acts of bravery

by Lord Roberts and was awarded the DCM

(Distinguished Conduct Medal) in 1902.

In 1900 Queen Victoria presented Lord

Roberts with 8 woollen scarves, all hand

crocheted by Her Majesty, and with ‘VR’

embroidered in one corner. These were to be

presented to “the most distinguished private

soldiers serving in the South African Campaign”

and as you will have already guessed, our Tom

was one of the proud recipients. On the off

chance I wrote to the military museum of the

Royal West Surrey Regiment to see if they had

any detailed information on these 8 scarves.

Their reply took me by surprise. “We’ve got

your Great Uncle Tom’s Scarf – would you like

to come along and see it?” Well yes !! We went

to the museum where it was carefully taken

from its glass case and my father and I were

allowed to hold it. The campaign medals are not

held by the museum (whereabouts remain

unknown) and I later discovered that the DCM

was sold at auction to a private collector in


Tom was discharged from the army due to ill


health and declared “unfit for further duty” in

February 1905. He and his wife Martha became

the publicans at the Horse and Jockey in Tylers

Green where they planned to live a quiet life

after the rigors of being a career soldier. Sadly

the quiet life yearned for did not last. Tom died

suddenly of an aneurism on 3rd February 1907

– just two years after settling in Tylers Green.

Martha left the pub immediately and returned to

her old family home in

Middlesex where she lived with

her widowed mother. She never

married and for many years,

according to my late father’s

recollection, would display

Tom’s scarf at various local

events, raising money for charity.

For a number of years I have

endeavored to find Tom’s final

resting place. Did Martha return

him to the family home at

Holybourne? Was he buried in

Middlesex along with Martha’s

father and her other close family.

Or was Tom laid to rest at the

church of St Margaret in Tylers

Green where they had made their

home for just two short years.

After more research I have

recently discovered that Tom

rests in your churchyard at Tylers

Green. He was buried on 9th

February 1907 aged just 43. Due

to the Covid-19 pandemic I have

yet to visit the church from my

home near Bury St Edmunds, but

I would like to visit and pay my

respects at the church and to also

raise a glass in the Horse and

Jockey in memory of Tom and

Martha. Sadly, I do not know his

whereabouts in the churchyard.

Is he in an unmarked grave or

has his headstone become too

weathered to read? Are there

any records tucked away that


Village Voice April/May 2021

might lead us to his exact final resting place? A

member of your community has very kindly

taken a look around the churchyard but to date

we have not located the spot. Perhaps we never

will. If any local folk have any information I

would be only too pleased to hear from you.

In closing, I never did find out why Great

Uncle Tom’s scarf was hanging on my Nan’s

washing line! Geoff Benton, geoffbenton51@gmail.com

Village Voice April/May 2021



Ask the VV Historians your questions

about local history, people, and places

The Royal Standard

I was contacted recently by a keen freelance arts

and travel writer who had been commissioned

to write a piece for a magazine about the Royal

Standard of England pub in Forty Green. She

had been told that ‘the long history of the

pub included mention of The Ship in the

dedication papers for the founding of

Penn Church in 1213’ and was looking

for documented evidence to give real

historical weight to her piece.

I had to disappoint her by responding

that whilst the Royal Standard is a nice

pub, the history the landlord claims for it

is breath-takingly exaggerated. In fact, it

started life as a humble beer house in

about 1840 and was not a fully-fledged

public house until the 20th-century. It is

the youngest pub in Penn Parish whereas

the Crown, Red

Lion and several

others have long,



In 1838, the

Penn Tithe Map

records no pub in

Forty Green and

the site of the

present pub is

described as an

‘Orchard with

Cottage’, a part of

Holespur Heath

Farm owned by

Earl Howe. The

first mention of a

publican appears in the 1841 census, and local

Directories first record it as The Britannia. The

1855 Inclosure Award plan shows it was briefly

The Ship, but by 1865 it had become the Royal

Standard. The ‘of England’ was not added until

the 1880s, and it was still a beer house in the


The ludicrous claim that King Charles II hid

there after losing the Battle of Worcester in

1651 meant that it was a leading candidate for

the ‘Old Wives’ Tales’ section of ‘Our Royal

Connections’ (published in 1812 and available

via the P&TGRS website at www.

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk) Miles Green



We are Two Spoons, a local tea

company named after the tools

of our trade, our tasting spoons.

We are tea tasting professionals

with 50 years of combined tea

trade experience and have taken

the plunge to set up our own

business. From buying and blending, to supply

chain and product development, we have

covered all things tea related.

We believe that tea is an unsung hero. It’s

delicious, it’s good for you and a huge amount

of effort is involved in the journey from bush to

cup. We want to share stories about that journey

and our experiences along the way.

Our products: On tea gardens around the

world, the best of the days production will be

reserved for the estate manager to take home

and use for visiting guests. This is known as the

Bungalow Blend, after the style of

accommodation in the gardens. We named our

signature blend after this tradition because like

the estate manager, we know good tea.

Our Bucks Blend is a nod to the fact we are

adopted sons of Buckinghamshire. We’ve used

a sprinkling of Darjeeling, the champagne of

teas, because we think Bucks deserves it.

We recognise that everyone drinks their tea

differently, so offer our blends in loose form

alongside their Single Origin ingredients. This

allows for experimentation and the opportunity

to create a personalised signature blend.

The Two Spoons Philosophy: We encourage

experimentation and we will never tell you how

to drink your tea. Giles’s mum, for example, has

come up with a mix of Bucks Blend and Assam

- a perfect accompaniment, she says proudly,

for her Thursday afternoon Zoom sessions!

However you make it, you can rest assured

you will be using really good tea that we have

personally selected.

We have worked hard to ensure that our


Village Voice April/May 2021

packaging is sustainable, from the teabag

material and pouches, to our product labels and

packing tape. We only buy tea from estates we

know operate ethically and sustainably.

Your chance to win… For a chance to win

your very own Two Spoons Bungalow Blend

decorative tea caddy, please answer this

question: How many combined years of tea

experience do Giles and Mark have?

Email your answer to: teatasters@

twospoons.co.uk with your name and address by

10th April. You’ll also have an opportunity to

sign up for our friendly newsletter. First correct

entry pulled out of the hat will be the winner.

Only one entry per email address.

Exek Taxis

Dear VV Readers,

You may not know that local company Elite Taxis

is now under new ownership. It is still locally

owned and still serves the local community. We

have taken the decision to re-brand, and as part

of our re-branding strategy, our name has

changed from Elite to Exek. This re-branding is

part of our improved management strategy,

focusing on giving our customers a much higher

level of customer service and reliability that our

local community deserves.

Along with the re-branding we have invested

heavily in the latest technology and

implemented policies so we can achieve our

promise of better service.

We are in operation even during these tough

times, serving our local community in all their

transport needs, ensuring the drivers follow the

correct Covid-19 safety protocols and guidelines

to protect themselves and our customers.

We hope you can support a local business like

ours who are proud of its heritage spanning over

25 years in the local community that has had its

reputation built on professionalism, reliability

and commitment to customer service.

We can cover all your needs from local journeys,

airport transfers and business travel to an

executive fleet that can cater from 4 to 16


Our new brand reflects our proud heritage and

bright future. Many thanks and we look forward

to seeing you all soon. The team at Exek 01494

711100 / bookings@exek.co.uk


Village Voice April/May 2021



Guiding in P&TG

Sadly at present we have very little to share

about our units, as everyone is waiting

expectantly for better news after Easter. Our

Trefoil unit are looking forward with hope that

they can finally meet in the summer. As always

they have kept in touch via monthly newsletters

and members contributing, with their news. As

Easter is not far away, they have included an

Easter craft and quizzes for members to do at

home this month. Anglia Girlguiding, our

region, is 50 years old this year and along with

many activities and celebrations, including a

commemorative badge, some of the Trefoil

members will be partaking in a challenge that

they have set in the next few months. Some

members have kept in touch using zoom and

also with other members in the County. They

look forward to meeting other County members

in November when they have their yearly

winter gathering.

We as a district are still looking for volunteers

to help with virtual meetings and hopefully later

this spring even help with unit meetings, which

initially will take place outside with fingers

crossed, better weather! If you are considering

doing some local voluntary work then please

think of us. www.girlguiding.org.uk/getinvolved/become-a-volunteer

Katie Barnes

P&TG Scouts

Fingers crossed, at the time of writing this we

have seen the start of face to face meeting again.

The schools have opened up and we have a

timetable of further changes to follow. The

National Youth Agency which overseas all

national youth groups has confirmed scouting

will move to amber readiness from 29th March.

This is great news with the upshot being we can

start outdoor meetings. From April 12th we can

go another big step forward with indoor

meetings. The unit leaders will be busy putting

together their plans for meetings and everyone

involved will be told when and where.

With so many of us being at home and

perhaps changing our working patterns

permanently there will hopefully be more free

time available. This could be the perfect chance

for you to try volunteering ? As we plan for the

units to start meeting again one important factor

is having enough volunteers/helpers to make it

all work. We really need your help so please

think about helping or even asking your friends

or relatives about it. It isn’t some enormous

commitment of time, it can be very flexible and

tailored to what you can offer. Go on, why not

give it go. Paul Wickes. 815715. www.ptgscouts.org.uk

Evening WI

At last the children are back to school, a

wonderful step forward, that glimmer of light

shines much brighter at the end of the tunnel.

Now many of our members have had at least

their first dose of the vaccine which means we

are feeling more confident.

Our meetings continue via the internet, in

February we travelled across the out back and

desert regions of Australia in a 2CV. In March

we had a talk titled Jail Tales from the first

female governor of Stangeways and Dartmoor

Prisons. For our April meeting it will be

somewhat different in that we are having a

practical craft session via the the internet. A first

for many and hopefully we will all 'have a go'.

When the Birds Sing is the the title of our May

32 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

meeting presented by a guitarist/singer/

composer and bird song recordist.

June will be our birthday meeting and we are

very much hoping we will be able to gather in

person somehow. We are very fortunate that we

have the technology to hold meetings via the

internet but this is not open to all members as a

a number are not able or uncomfortable using

this means. Also very much not the same as

active to face gathering. Everyone is very much

looking forward to the relaxing of the current

rules and life getting better.

We usually meet on the second Thursday of

the month and if you think you may be

interested in joining our So you are welcome to

visit us and join us in one of our zoom meetings.

Contact Hilary Forbes on hforbes@pennsoft.

co.uk for further details. Lydia Andrews

Morning WI

So once again we have hope on the horizon,

which for most of us, cannot come too soon!

The morning WI we have been doing our best

to keep the members interested and to that end

our speaker in February was Misha Khan who

in 2018 joined a euro/Arabian expedition to the

North Pole. This was an all women team and it

was hoped that a greater understanding between

women of different cultures, background and

ethnicity would be achieved.

In March we had Simon Gregor speaking

about the life of one family in Prague

throughout the 20th century.

As soon as the 'rule of 6' returns and the

weather is warmer we shall resume our coffee

and tea get togethers, and we hope that by then

the second wave of jabs will have started.

We are trying to plan a bit for the future but as

we all know this is not easy at the moment, but

it is amazing a year of restricted living has

passed and as a community we have done very

well adapting to the circumstances.

With best wishes to all readers, Sheila Sparrow

Penn Pond Waders Golf Society

Covid-19 continues to disrupt our golfing


Village Voice April/May 2021

calendar. Our first event of 2021 at Beaconsfield

GC has had to be cancelled and our tour to

Cascais in Northern Portugal is now postponed

until next year. With the lifting of restrictions

over the coming months, we are optimistic that

the Waders will be back in action in time for our

next event at the excellent Porters Park GC. The

revised 2021 event schedule looks like this:

• 20th May 2021 - Porters Park GC

• 11th June 2021 - Berkhamsted GC

• 9th July 2021 - Henley GC

• 27th August 2021 - Gerrards Cross GC

• 30th September2021 - Hindhead GC

• 14th October 2021 - Remedy Oak GC

• 15th October 2021 - Ferndown GC

• 26th November 2021 - Ashridge GC

If you are interested in joining our friendly

Society or coming along as a guest at any of our

2021 events, please contact our Secretary Bob

Teuton on 07973 137446. We would love to

welcome some new Waders at any of the great

golfing venues above. For more information,

please visit our website: www.

pennpondwadersgolfsociety.com John Horton

Hazlemere Gardening Association

Although garden centres remain open the

committee have decided that we are not yet

confident enough to risk opening in the

customary manner until later in the year.

I am, however, pleased to say we have started

renewing memberships and operating our

‘Order and Collection Service” This worked

very well last year and with our new website

now fully operational, has enabled members to

purchase the full range of our stock under this

system. Please see our website for details of

membership, how to place an order and the full

range of products in our Barn store.

Peter Pearman (Membership Secretary) 711570


Village Care

Peter Sachs is stepping down as contributor to

Village Voice and the committee would like to

thank him for all he has done over many years.



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Although Village Care hasn’t been operating

its usual service since the first lockdown in

March last year, our telephonists continue to call

our clients regularly for chats, checking that

they are coping, ensuring they have everything

they need and offering help or advice where

they can. We know that clients are appreciative

of these calls and telephonists are pleased to

provide a listening ear. Village Care telephonists

will only call clients between 10am and 1 pm

on a weekday , and clients are always welcome

to call the duty telephonists during that time if

they would like to chat or need anything, and

we will do our best to help if we can.

Following on from the announcement about

easing the lockdown, we are hoping to resume

driving on June 21st. Clients wishing to book a

driver will be able to do so as before, and a

reminder that we are available for local trips

anywhere- to visit friends and family for

example, as well as medical appointments, trips

to local clubs and to get your hair done (at last! )

Although it is disappointing that we aren’t

now able to welcome clients to our tea party in

May, we are happy to say that we hope to hold

it on Friday 3rd September instead. Details will

be available later in the year. By the time you

read this, clients will have had their invitation ,

together with a pack of Information produced

by the Leap Active Partnership and Bucks

Council offering some really helpful tips and

advice about staying healthy at home.

We are still planning to hold Open Gardens

on 6th June and have fingers crossed for a

beautiful day just like last year.

Tylers Green First School have asked for a

donation to provide a bench in their Woodland

Garden so we hope to include a photo in the

next edition. There will be a plaque on the

bench acknowledging the Village Care


Village Care aims to offer help and support to

both individuals and organisations in Penn &

Tylers Green, Penn Street and Winchmore Hill.

Please do get in touch if you could use our

help.” Anna Allen


Village Voice April/May 2021

Warning Over Royal Mail

Text Message Scam

The text message attempts to obtain a person’s

personal and financial details

Everyone is being warned to watch out for a

new text message scam in which criminals pose

as Royal Mail in an attempt to steal personal

and financial details.

The Chartered Trading Standards Institute

(CTSI) has said that it has received evidence of

the scam, which uses a text message to claim a

parcel is awaiting delivery but a “settlement”

must first be paid.

The message also includes a link that leads to a

fraudulent website posing as a Royal Mail page

and asks for personal and payment details,

which could then be used by scammers for

further fraud.

It follows a similar email scam which was

flagged by Royal Mail recently.

Concerns have been raised about the increase

in online scams since the beginning of the

coronavirus pandemic as millions of people

began spending more time online and there

was a surge in online shopping.

The fraudulent text message asks users to pay

a settlement (typically £2.99) before their parcel

can be delivered

The CTSI warned that the rise in online

shopping means more people are likely to be

waiting for parcels and deliveries, making them

more vulnerable to this kind of scam.

Lead officer Katherine Hart said: “This delivery

scam is yet another example of fraudsters

attempting to make money out of the

unsuspecting public. Due to the lockdowns,

many millions of people rely on product

deliveries, so scammers have focused their

efforts on this theme.

The Royal Mail will only ever contact customers

via text or email if a customs fee is due, not for

domestic parcel delivery. If you have any

suspicions, contact Royal Mail to verify before

you click any links or share details."

These types of scams come in many forms, and

scammers do not only use Royal Mail branding,

they may be sent via text, emails and by phone.

Everyone is encouraged to report any suspected

scams to Action Fraud, or for email scams contact

the National Cyber Security Centre by emailing



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Village Voice April/May 2021



February saw a group of new visitors to

the wood as filmmakers commenced

principal photography on short film

"Hunting Bears".

Conceived during the first lockdown by Writer

Director Jason Ruddy, the film was inspired by

his own experience as a carer for a family

member. It follows a day in the life of Kenny,

who is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s

disease, and younger brother Andy, who has

reluctantly become his primary carer.

As a Director of Photography, I’m always

excited to work on

projects where the

Director has a personal

connection to the story.

When we began

discussing the type of

location that Jason

wanted to use, it

became clear that the

beautiful Common

Wood fitted the bill

perfectly! We were

delighted that Mike and

the society were happy

to have us, and perhaps

the hardest part of the

shoot was picking the


right spot in the woods, as it’s so visually


The film stars actors Nathaniel Parker

(Stardust, The Inspector Lynley Mysteries) and

Joel Beckett (The Office, Green Street) and is

due to be released this summer. Suzanne Smith

For more information and updates on

future screenings, you can follow the film on

Instagram @huntingbearsfilm


Village Voice April/May 2021



Has Spring sprung?

It has been a very wet winter, this has led to

many parts being very soggy and I am

constantly amazed by the number of people

who walk with most inappropriate footwear.

The consequence of this is that paths get tracked

wider and wider damaging the margins. Litter is

a continuing menace but we appreciate the

small number of people that take it on

themselves to clear some occasionally. We have

had a couple of fly tipping incidents mainly

involving wheels and tyres. If rubbish lands on

our property it costs us to dispose of this

rubbish. Please keep your eyes open and report

any fly tipping to Bucks council.

Our maps and noticeboards need some

refurbishment. With a couple of other guys we

have reinforced the corners with metal supports

but the tops need replacing ready for our new

maps. These reflect the changes in the latest

leaflets available at the main gate and Rushmoor


A debate about whether the monsters at the

Widmer field should be installed in Common

Wood arose on Facebook. It was decided not to

go ahead on the basis that the paths to the

woods were already significantly damaged and

muddy and that the strange creatures would

cause horses to shy possibly injuring the rider.

On one weekend, a large number of ribbons

were tied low onto trees and bushes. I received a

frantic phone call from a dog owner whose dog

had been choking on one left on ground. The

dog owner removed all after checking with me.

It is important to consult with me as manager of

the woods if it is okay to undertake an activity

that may leave changes or material to the

environment. I would like to speak to the people

who create the structures in the wood from the

fallen branches.

I met an individual recently looking for a

geocache. I’m told there are currently two in the

woods although some years ago there were

more. This is an example where we were

consulted before going ahead.

There are a number of teenagers who like to

meet with their friends and having spoken to

them asking them to ensure that the area is clear

and tidy they have largely kept to this

agreement. Unfortunately another group don’t

have the same responsible attitude and we often

have to clear up behind them. If your offspring

belong to the latter group please could you

impress upon them to ensure that the wood is

kept clean and tidy so that it is safe for dogs and

the wild animals.

We were faced in early March with a situation

where some youngsters called out the Fire

Brigade when they discovered a fire in a tree

along the bluebell walk. The hollow tree was

acting like a chimney and flames were shooting

out the top. The big problem was one of access

38 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Village Voice April/May 2021

We have a number of tasks that we have to

undertake. Cutting down laurel, clearing a few

ditches and pruning back the sides of paths. In

the autumn we would like to undertake some

coppicing but all through the summer we will

continue with tasks removing invasive weeds

from the field or installing posts. If you fancy

some fresh air and good company then sign up

to receive emails of when and where. No more

than a couple of hours but any time is

appreciated. We hope to hold a session in April

after lock down. Email commonwoodvolunteer

@gmail.com to be kept informed. Mike Morley

and the Fire Brigade

had to come

through the

Gravelly Way

Stables. The first

appliance was unable

to come across the field so

they had to bring a special vehicle from

Maidenhead. What was sad is that the tree

looked to be a suitable roost for bats. The

simple act created a lot of disruption, possible

danger to passers-by on the path, expense

because we now have to fell the tree, and the

possible loss of bat habitat.

If anyone can identify the culprits please let

me know.

In mid March, people were taken by surprise

when they came upon a film crew. I had been

approached to see if they could use the wood as

a scene location and I agreed. See the separate

report. They made us a donation which we will

put to good use.

We are expecting to receive some trees and

hedging plants as Village Voice goes to press.

Volunteers will plant these.




Beauty Retreat

Beauty & Holistic Therapy

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Rycote Lane, Thame OX9 2JB



DJ Beck Plumber

Est. in Penn 35+ years



No job



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Chartered Building Surveyor

based in

Hughenden Valley




Contact Jason Wood

for further information

t: 01494 562547

m: 07791 503607

e: jason@applewoods-surveying.co.uk


W J Kepetzis Optometrists

Est. 1989

Friendly, professional personal service

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Ample on-site parking

26, Eastern Dene, PROFESSIONAL Hazlemere

HP15 7BS

01494 716708

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5.30pm, Sat 9am -1pm

New patients welcome


Village Voice Advertising

email Ruthie Pocock


Full Colour Rates for 2021

Back Cover POA

Inside Cover £135

Full page £125

Half page £75

Quarter page £50

Eighth page £25

Village Voice reaches 2400 households locally


Specialist in Amtico, Karndean and other

high quality vinyl products

All types of carpet and vinyl supplied and


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01494 815523 or 07788 440852

Bespoke Automatic Gate Systems

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01494 81 81 81 01494 - 53 11 11




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Emma’s Walkies

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For free advice and estimates, please contact:

Tel: 01494 816201 • Mobile: 07956 131543 • email: dmchalker@yahoo.co.uk



A gentle class suitable for Seniors at

Tylers Green Village Hall.

Thursday 10.30am

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build strength, improve balance &


Breathe & Focus

sleep well, manage stress, increase


Manage & Thrive

manage chronic conditions, ease

aches & pains

Speak to Victoria on 07984 492094 or

email: victoria_yogini@msn.com

Weekly class continues online during CoVid


Private Hire

d Airport Transfers

d Train Stations

d Executive Business Travel

d Conference Meetings

d London Theatres

d Luxury 7 Seater Vehicle

d Company Accounts Welcome

Professional and Reliable Door

to Door Service

Mob: 07973 137446 Tel: 01494 715915



Ovens, Agas, Hobs, Extractors,

Grills, Microwaves, Barbecues etc

For an appointment

or quotation

please telephone

Alan on

01494 269264

or 07906 301639

891 London Road, High Wycombe

01494 472572

32 Gregories Road, Beaconsfield

01494 685000

• Traditional and

Alternative Funerals

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Supply and Install new garage doors

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and Tree Surgeon

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W: www.garagedoordoctorbucks.co.uk

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Fencing & Logs

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01494 815444





We endeavour in these difficult times to

be a place of refuge, encouragement

and fellowship. Do join us.

Sundays : 11.00am and 6.30pm

Wednesdays : 8.00pm

People need theology, not just science,

to understand what has been happening

over the past year. Only the Bible can

explain why diseases and viruses exist

in the first place. Yes, of course we need

scientific research to help relieve

suffering, but science must not be

viewed as the ultimate saviour. A nation

in crisis should humble itself before the

Creator God who is the author of all

science. The Bible teaches that the

welfare of nations is in the hands of the

God who manifests Himself in Jesus

Christ. Our nation must turn back to

Him without further delay.


Pukka Planting Services

RHS Dip Hort

All Types of Plan.ng work undertaken including :

• Hedges

• Renova,on of ,red beds & borders

• All year round interest & colour

• Plan,ng ideas & plans

• Friendly reliable service

• 15 years experience

• Fully insured

v Also all types of fencing work


Please call or email Andy

for more informa,on

Mobile : 07932 775488

Tel : 01494 812662


Sharley Domestics

Repairs to most makes of:

• Washers

• Dryers

• Electric Cookers

• Ovens

Hire Cedar Barn or The Stables


Converted Barn and Newly Reburbished

The Stables

Each room holds 60 people

Suitable for meetings, parties and fitness groups etc

Cost: £18 per hour Cedar Barn

Cost: £12 per hour The Stables

• Hobs

• Microwaves

Tel: 01494 485926

Mob: 07858 453224

Email: sharleydomestics@btconnect.com

Please call Rachel on 01494 715548

or email cedarbarnbookings@btconnect.com

or visit Hazlemere Parish Council website


Mick Smith Carpets

Quality Floor Coverings

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01494 528847

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Andrew Davies or Wendy Davies

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garage doors in Penn and Tylers Green.











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A boost in Literacy & Numeracy KS1 & KS2

11+ tuition

SATS preparation Year 6

Local Teacher with

30 years experience

Zoom tuition available during pandemic

Contact: Avril Stewart

01494 816316



11+ tuition

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Ros Kendrick BSc (Oxon)

Phone 07765 432258

Always wanted to Play?

Violin, Viola, Recorder, Brass,

Piano Lessons

professional musician, experienced teacher, DBS

Free tryout Zoom lesson


Shakespeare Pilates

Strengthen & Lengthen Tone & Improve Posture

Rehabilitate Injuries

• Private Sessions in Studio with reformer

• Group Classes covering all levels for fitness

& rehabilitation

• Sports Specific Pilates

Qualified teacher with over 10 years experience

Hilary Shakespeare

T: 01494 812617 M: 07800 992122

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Boilers, Gas Fires, Cookers

Repair, Servicing and Installation

Gas Safety, Landlord Certificates

Unvented Systems & Plumbing

Building Regs. Part P Electrical

01494 524357

Take that first step to a fitter and healthier self

Ann Fry Personal Trainer

Former World, European and Commonwealth

Judo Champion

Private Studio in Old Beaconsfield

Call: 07973 841 821


tk plumbing and electrics

Tom Kehoe

For all your plumbing and electrical needs

City & Guilds qualified

No job too small

All work guaranteed

References can be supplied on request

Contact Tom on:

phone: 01494 580518 / mob: 07716 440916

Email: tk_plumbingandelectrics@hotmail.co.uk





01494 815300

07973 673337







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We follow current Public Health England &

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6 Coppice Farm Rd., Tylers Green, High Wycombe,

Bucks. HP10 8AL

Window and Conservatory cleaning,

Gutter clearing & cleaning of

Fascias and Barge Boards

Fully insured

Free Estimates

For further details tel: 01494 815456 or

07791 273789

Stephen O'Connell's

Carpentry and Joinery Services

(Advanced craft carpentry and joinery)

Free Estimates

All aspects of Carpentry undertaken.

Tel Number: (Beaconsfield) 01494 670785

Mobile: 07773 284844



For retired and over 50-year olds

Please come and make some new friends!

Meetings every 4th Thursday of the month

(except Dec / Aug) with a speaker, tea and biscuits

2pm at St. Francis Assisi Church, Amersham Rd,

High Wycombe

All new members and visitors WELCOME



Please call 01494 715775 / 812163 or 07769 631592


... of Penn

Full range of stringed instruments

and bows

Sheet music, strings, cases,

accessoriesand gifts

Classical and acoustic guitars

Instrument rental/purchase scheme

Workshop facility

Easy Parking


Elm Road, Penn, Bucks. HP1O 8LB Tel: 01494 819966

Penn Church Hall

opposite the church

Available for lettings

Main hall seats 70

Additional room & kitchen

Rates on application

Gail Wellings

01494 813254

Mulberry Flooring

Specialists in bespoke hardwood floors

Specialists in installation and

refurbishment of all types of

wooden floors

T: 01494 535348 M: 07786 652271

E: enquiries@mulberry-flooring.com




Freelance Hairdresser

07980 46 9208



Plumbing & Heating

For all your plumbing and heating


• Installation • Services • Repair

• 24 hour emergency call-out

Tel: 01494 813917

Mobile: 07799 850110


Children and Adults

Beginners, GCSE, A level

and conversation

For further details telephone


01494 815749




Page Numbers for Village Voice


Accountancy & Finance

FA F A Magee Accountants

Page 44 45

Financial FM Mortgages Management IFA Page 188

FM KMB Pensions Accountancy

Page 28 16

KMB Philip Accounting Harper Financial Management

Page 59 28

Architects & and Designers Designers

Applewoods Surveying Page 42

Penn Carrie Design Peck Design

Page 18 51

Bathrooms Penn Planning & Kitchens

Page 50


Bathrooms and Kitchens


Page 12


Building & and Property Property

ABA All Locks Gate Solutions Page 14 43

All Amersham Locks Aerial Fix

Page 42 14

Amersham Chalker Property Aerial Fix Maintenance

Page 46 24

Chalker Don The Property Handyman Maintenance Page 51 46

Don Dulieu the Builders Handyman Page 51

Dulieu Garage Builders Door Doctor

Page 48 51

Garage Hi Garage Door Doors Doctor Page 50 48

Hi Mick Garage Smith Doors Carpets

Page 44 51

Mike McLeod Window Cleaner Cleaning

Page 53

Penn Mike Garden Morley Rooms Handyman

Page 46 18

Sharley Penn Design Domestics Page 45 49


Sharley Domestics

Page 49


TJ Windows


Page 43








Joinery Services

Page 53

A Steve's & T Cleaning Furniture & Stopressed Repairs Ironing Page 53 41

Alan's Church Clean Ovens 47

Ovenproud Penn Free Methodist Church

Page 48 51

Red Cleaning Kite Carpet & Ironing Cleaning 49

Procare A & T Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Page 30 45

Computer Alan's Clean Services Ovens

Page 47

Ingenuity Ovenproud IT Page 51 41

Phil Red Jones Kite Carpet Cleaning

Page 49 46

Education Procare Carpet & Childcare Cleaning Sevices

Page 50

Little Computer Oaks Nurseries Services& Wraparound 24

The Ingenuity House IT that Jack Built Page 41 34

The John Village Phillips Preschool Page 41 20


Phil Jones PC Repair

Page 42



Jones Electrical

& Childcare


Little Oaks

Page 18


Little Oaks



Page 16


R The O'Donoghue House that Electrican Jack Built

Page 34 53

Flooring The Village Pre-School

Page 20

Hayes Electricians Flooring 43

Mick Alex Smith Burridge Carpets Electrical

Page 18

Mulberry Oakfield Electrical Flooring Page 53 54

Trio R O'Donoghugh Flooring Electrician

Page 53 24

Funeral Estate Agents Directors

Arnold Ford and Funeral Partners Services Page 47 2

Beacon JNP Funeral Services Page 42 43

Gardening Tim Russ Services

Page 10

A Flooring Ellis Tree Services 28

Four Hayes Seasons Flooring Gardening Page 43 54

Mike's Mulberry Garden Flooring Services Page 54 41


Trio Flooring

Page 24





Beacon Funeral Services

Page 43

Arnold Funeral Service

Page 47


Village Voice April/May 2020 2021


A Ellis Tree Surgeon

Page 24

Four Seasons Garden Services

Page 54

Keith's Maintenance

Page 43

Mike's Garden Services

Page 45

Penn Landscapes

Page 30

Penn Tree Services

Page 48

Pukka Planting Services

Page 49

Tylers Green Garden Maintenance

Page 53

Penn Health Tree & Lifestyle Services 48

Pukka Alison Planting HaircareServices Page 49 54

Tylers Ann Fry Green Personal Garden Trainer Maintenance Page 53 52

Health Bloom Beauty & Lifestyle Room

Page 43

Alison Fellas Barber HaircareShop

Page 54 46

Ann Fitness Fry Function Personal Trainer Page 52 36

Bucks Hazlemere Fish Spa

Page 598

Shakespeare Jane Symington Pilates Chiropody

Page 52 38

Signature Lorraine's Nails Professional Skin Therapy

Page 20 30

The Shakespeare Beauty Retreat Pilates

Page 40 52

Two Signature Spoons Nails

Page 36 20

WJ The Kepetzis Beauty Retreat Optometrist Page 42 40

You Victoria & Yoga Green You & Yoga

Page 47 46

Your Wendy Doctor Kepetzis Opticians

Page 34 42

Interior Your Doctor Design / Decorating

Page 34




Design/Decorating Services


Jon Woodbridge

Page 53

Mella Design Ltd

Page 50 50

N Gillie Decorating Services Page 40

Ruffles Paul Smith Curtains Decor & Blinds Page 52 50

Shakespeare Ruffles Curtains Decorating and Blinds

Page 53 52

Pet Shakespeare Services Decorating

Page 50

Dogwalkies Plumbing & Heating


Emma's Chiltern Walkies Heating & Gas

Page 46 16

Plumbing Dave Beck & Plumber Heating

Page 40

Barrett Jackson Domestics Plumbing

Page 46 54

Dave N J Barrett Beck - Plumbing Plumber Page 40 46

Jackson Penn Heating Plumbing Page 54 12

Penn Steve Heating Hobson Plumbing & Heating

Page 12 52

Steve TK Plumbing Hobson & Electrics

Page 52 45

TK Retail Plumbing & Electrics 52

Fields Domestic Appliances

Page 14



Page 54

Fields Schools Domestic & Tuition Appliances 14

Strings Avril Stuart of Penn Tuition

Page 54 52

Services French Tuition

Page 54

Car Pauline Leasing Quirke Solutions Academy

Page 24

Aerial Ros Kendrick Fix English/Literacy Tutor

Page 24 50

Cedar Services Barn Hire 49

High Alexa Wycombe Beck Photography Friendship Page 54 44

Mr Cedar Van Barn Man& The Stables

Page 53 49

Penn Companion Church Care Hall Page 54 59

Penn Crossroads Free Methodist Vet Church Page 48 24

Solarbean Emma's Walkies

Page 16 44

Turville Gill Morris Printing Services Page 40 16

Taxi Joy Whittaker Services Crotchet & Sew

Page 45











Loraine Grainger-Dogwalkies

Page 45




and Shine





Penn Private Church Hire Hall

Page 20 54

Tuition The Phone Man

Page 54

Avril Turville Stewart Printing Tuition Services

Page 52 40

French Vintage Tuition Teaware Hire

Page 54 53

PQA Your Academy Eco of Performing Arts Page 26 52

Ros Taxi Kendrick Services- Tutor 52

Shirley Impact Good Private Music HireTuition Page 52 46

Vehicle Penn Private Services Hire

Page 20

ASM Vehicle Auto Sales, Recycling Servicing & Repairs


Parnell's ASM Auto EVRecycling

Page 10 40

Penn Paul Russell's Motor Company Garage

Page 60 42

Prestwood Penn Motor Motors Company

Page 44 60

Prestwood Motors

Page 26

Email adverts@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


Village Voice April/May 2021



Need a number or an

e-mail address?

For changes or additions to these pages;

e-mail; voice@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk.

animal Welfare

● Cats Protection 448849

● Lost Cats: 676702 / www.buckscats.org.uk

● RSPCA (South Bucks) 0300 1234 999

(24-hour) www.southbucksrspca.org.uk

● Stokenchurch Dog Rescue: 482695 /


● The Bat Conservation Trust www.bats.org

uk / www.northbucksbatgroup.org.uk

● Village Care; 816909 (Mon to Fri, 10am-1pm)

● Village Show Committee Helen Whiting


● Women’s Institute (morning): Sheila

Sparrow 812163

● Women’s Institute (Evening): Hilary Forbes

816438 / www.bucksfwi.org.uk/pandtgevening

● Woodrow High House 433531


● Holy Trinity & St Margaret’s Churches

Rev Mike Bisset (t) 816700 /

(e) vicar@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk

Revd Derrick Carr (t) 442212

(e) carrd@btopenworld.com

Gail Wellings (Parish Office): (t) 813254

(e) office@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk


● Penn Free Methodist Church Rev Peter

Simpson 816202/812829 revps@icloud.com /


● TG Methodist Church Rev. Vida Foday

Charities/ social & Conservation

● Bridge Club: Tylersgreenbridge@gmail.com,

Karen Taylor 816450 & Val Macdiarmid 812528

● Careers Springboard


● Chiltern Samaritans (24 hours) 432000


● Citizen’s Advice Bureau 0844 245 1289


● Common Wood: www.commonwoodpenn.


● NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000

● NSPCC Childline 0800 1111 Confidential

line for young people /children to seek help

● Penn & Tylers Green Residents Society

Chairman - Miles Green 815589


● Royal British Legion Colin Doyle 816484

● The Campaign to Protect Rural England

(CPRE) Bucks; www.cprebucks.org.uk

● The Chiltern Society www.chilternsociety.


● Village Blog; www.pennandtylersgreen.com

health & Welfare

● Chiltern Prostate Cancer Support Group

Alan Rowe 814324

● Dentists www.nhsdentistlocator.co.uk

● Drug Abuse Confidential help, advice &

support 473666

● Emotions Anonymous Kevin 814702

● High Wycombe General Hospital 526161

● Stoke Mandeville Hospital 01296 315000

● Highfield Surgery (Hazlemere) 813396


● NHS (t) 111 / www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk

● Overeaters Anonymous Juliet 07808403602

● Penn Surgery 817144 / Simpson Centre

671571 / www.thesimpsoncentre.com


● All Bucks Libraries - 0845 230 3232


● Beaconsfield lib-bea@buckscc.gov.uk

● Hazlemere lib-haz@buckscc.gov.uk

● High Wycombe lib-hw@buckscc.gov.uk

56 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Political groups

● Conservative Association Katrina Wood,

814848, katrinawood02@gmail.com


● Labour Party Mrs Jan Kaye, 813591


● Liberal Democrats Ian Forbes, 816438


● UK Independence Party www.ukip.co.uk


● Thames Valley (non-Emergency) 101

● Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

● Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG)

Suzanne Ludgate

● Neighbourhood Police Community Officer

PCSO Matt Sara and PCSO Claire Bowles

early Years services

● Little Oaks Nurseries Ruthie Pocock 07881

737149 or ruthiepocock@little-oaks.org - Little

Oaks @ The Parish Rooms Jackie Richmond

01494 815413 | Little Oaks @ Tylers Green /

Breakfast & TeaTime wrap around care: Amy

Pass 07437 689158 | Little Oaks @ Forty

Green: Linda Franklin 01494 671228

● Toddler Group Thursdays @ Village Hall

Julie Rugg 07766 881567

● Toddler Group Wednesdays @ Parish Rooms

Ali Bisset 01494 816700

● P&TGRS Village Preschool: Nicky Lovegrove

817093 / thevillagepreschool@btinternet.com

Public halls

● Penn Church Hall Gail Wellings 813254 or


● St Margaret’s Parish Rooms

Mrs Mary Coker 812162

● Tylers Green Methodist Church Hall

Mrs G Nelson 815631

● Tylers Green Village Hall 819990 / Emma

Byrne / tylersgreenvillagehall@gmail.com


schools in P&tg

● Tylers Green First School Head: Mrs Jude


Village Voice April/May 2021

Talbot 813201 www.tylersgreenfirst.co.uk

● TG First School PTA: Sarah Elderton 07831

180083 / Janet Velde 07776 252261

● Tylers Green Middle School: Head Mrs

Vanessa Pinkney 812465 www.


● TGMS Friends Association Harriet Woolley


schools (other local)

● Manor Farm Infants School Head teacher

Mrs Paula Coppins 814281

● Manor Farm Community Junior School

Head Andrew Sierant 814622

● Manor Farm Preschool and Nursery

Mrs Kate Austin 816730

● Sir William Ramsay School Head Mrs

Christine McLintock 815211 www.swr.bucks.


sports & Youth groups

● Cricket Club Nick Barber 07714720280


● CC Colts ptgcccolts@gmail.com

● Chiltern Music Academy www.


● Football Club Tony Hurst 815839, ptgfctony@

btinternet.com, www.penntylersgreenfc.co.uk

● Guides & Brownies Sue Stephens 817436

● Hazlemere Youth Club Nikki Arnold 813364

● High Wycombe Croquet Club 858202 / www.


● Loudwater Bowls Club: Alan Tombs 481855

● Penn Pond Waders Golf: Bob Teuton 715915

● Penn Pond Ladies Golf Society Jane Frizoni


● Pennants Badminton Club (Tylers Green

Village Hall) John Youers 711647

● Scouts: Adrian & Heather Cooper 816505 &

Paul Wicks 815715, pennandtgscouts@gmail.


● Seido Karate Stuart Wilson 717400

● Sports & Social Club 815346

● Table Tennis 815180

● Tennis Club Kate Noble ptgtennisclub@

gmail.com, www.clubspark.lta.org/PennTennis


Village Voice April/May 2021

elected representatives

● Members of Parliament;

Cheryl Gillan (Chesham & Amersham

constituency includes Penn) 673745,

Steven Baker (High Wycombe constituency

includes Tylers Green) 521777,

Neighbouring MP Jo Morrissey

(Beaconsfield constituency) 673745

● Buckinghamshire Council Councillors

● Tylers Green & Loudwater Ward

David Shakespeare OBE 817248 -

TG, Loudwater & part of Ryemead, Katrina

Wood 07827 820531, Tylers Green &

Loudwater, Lawrence Wood 07739 181043 -

Tylers Green & Loudwater

● Penn Wood & Old Amersham Ward Isobel

Darby 07798 538697 - Penn & Old Amersham /

Julia Burton 726411 / Jonathan Waters

890210- both Penn & Coleshill

● Chepping Wycombe Parish Councillors for

Tylers Green (CWPC includes councillors for

Flackwell Heath & Loudwater)

Ian Forbes 816438 / Sharon Herron 07905

614133 / Katrina Wood 814848 / Haydn

Darch 813967 Council clerk; Wendy Thompson


● Penn Parish Councillors for Penn (Penn PC

includes councillors for Penn Street, Forty

Green, Winchmore Hill & Knotty Green.);

Mike Morley 816638 / Roy Bentham 813897 /

Jane Creasy 816818 / Council Clerk: Nicole

Johnson 815458. www.pennparish.org.uk

email clerk@pennparish.org.uk

P&tg residents society

Chairman: Miles Green (815589),


Website; www.


Village Voice is owned and

published by the P & TG

Residents’ Society

is produced 6 times a year and delivered to

all houses in Penn & Tylers Green.


Cathy O’Leary 812064

Letters can be sent by post c/o Catbells, Kingswood

Avenue, Penn, Bucks. HP10 8DR or email:



Callum Hawes


Ruthie Pocock

e-mail: adverts@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

vv aCCouNts

Gill Lynn 813219


Mrs J C Collins 814561

25 New Road Penn, Bucks, HP10 8DL

email: vvsubs@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

distributioN & deliverY

Ron Saunders 816237

Supported by an army of volunteers

VV Web liaisoN

Hilary Forbes 816438

vv house PhotogRAPhers

Eddie Morton / Keith Hawes


Turville Printing Services 520322

VV (both cover and insides) is printed on FSC Certified

Paper (Forest Stewardship Council) and contains 15%

post consumer recycled fibre.All products carrying the

FSC Logo have been independently certified as coming

from forests that meet the internationally recognised

FSC Principles and Criteria of Forest Stewardship.

To get your voice heard in Village Voice write to us with

any news, views, events or articles. Please send them

to voice@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. Please be aware

that articles and contributions may be edited to

appear in the magazine and may also appear on www.

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk unless authors and

contributors request otherwise.

58 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


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