QualPharma December 2020

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Learn to Change,

Change to Succeed

Successful are those who bring change in

the world, since 'Change' is the only constant

in this world. In this world of continuous

motion, everything is changing,

day changes to night (and vice versa),

child changes to an adult and an adult to

an elderly person and so on. Nothing

remains same over time, everything

changes. When change is inevitable, then

why is it that we resist change? When we

are physically changing continuously,

then why are we not changing mentally

and moving ahead with time, or moving

ahead of time?

Well, the answer lies in our mind. Since

our childhood, we are conditioned to

think positive and believe in ourselves,

repeat the activities that bring us success.

This conditioning of our subconscious

mind is so deeply embedded that we forget

a simple fact that 'what brought us

here, will not lead us there', to move

ahead we need to do something different

and to do something different we need to

change. The activities that brought us

success then will not bring us success

today, as everything has changed, and

now we have to change our actions to be

successful. To change our actions, we

need to change ourselves, our thought


All the interpretation of our success till

now is assigned to:

1. Our past performance: If all that

I did, lead me to this success then I don't

need to change, what I am doing is right.

Individuals and organizations have failed

believing this. There are numerous examples

like Kodak, Nokia, Swiss watches,

etc, which believed that their future success

is secured based on their past success,

and resisted change. It is quite evident,

now they are either struggling or

existing nowhere. On the other hand,

there are individuals and organizations

that succeeded by changing before or

with time, like Tata group, Reliance,

Google, etc. and Amitabh Bacchan, as an

individual who got himself into the ventures

those were not accepted/explored

by other individuals of his age or stature.

Ability to influence success: All successful

people believe in their own ability and

are opposed to the idea of being lucky. Since

their ability to succeed has brought them

here, they are able to influence success in

future too. Abilities, too require to change

continuously, as technology and times are

changing, we need a continuous upgradation

of our abilities too.

Gurdeep Singh

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Gold. Medallist)

Mr Gurdeep Singh has started his profession

in Pharmaceutical sales from

Cadila and worked for Ranbaxy, Glaxo

and Allergan at various positions. Handled

training for over 10 years, where he

has trained hundreds of professionals in

sales and marketing. Also worked as a

Product Manager at Win Medicare,

Delhi. Started his own pharmaceutical

company by the name Astron

Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd. in 2005 and Marketing

& Promotion Consultancy company

by the name Ziva Resources LLP

in 2016. With the passion of sharing

knowledge that he gained during his

education and professional years, He

was also involved in delivering seminars

and conducting workshops for professional

college students and pharma professionals.

He has written on various

topics like Personal Development, Interpersonal

skills, Communication skills,

Success principles and related topics.

QualPharma *Dec 2020* , Vol.3 ISSUE 12

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