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What are some of your favorite things about Madison County?

First and foremost, the commitment to the well being of families

would be our first answer. In practicing the principle of subsidiarity,

knowing that supporting strong families will in turn produce the

greatest community benefit is evident when looking around to the

healthy schools, churches, businesses, and community life in the area.

It’s also unique in that we have a vibrant city with many amenities

and attractions, business and industry, mixed with rural life and

farmland, so you get “the best of both worlds” within a few miles

of each other.

How do you spend your summer breaks?

Summer is a busy time on the farm! We plant a 20-acre garden

of vegetables including sweet corn, watermelons, cantaloupes,

tomatoes, okra, peppers, and a few others that we harvest and sell

to the public from our farm from the middle of June to the middle

of July. During this season, it is all hands on deck! Everyone in the

family works around the farm, in varying degrees of ability, six days

a week starting quite early in the morning. Due to the high demand

during the summer of 2020, we had customers waiting outside our

farm stand as early as 4:30 A.M. The children have cousins that

also work on the farm, and the children spend afternoons playing

around the farm and in our pool as a reward for their hard work in

the mornings. After the vegetable season, we look ahead to our fall

harvest, typically harvesting cotton, and prepare cotton pickers and

other necessary machinery for the fall harvest. There is always

something to do on a farm!

What accomplishments make you proud during your time in Madison?

Besides getting married and starting a family, we started growing

produce commercially for retail stores. We learned a completely

different side of farming as opposed to conventional crops like

cotton, corn, soybeans, and wheat, which we still do. It is very labor

intensive and required learning new types of machinery. We built

a large cooling system and building ourselves that can store the

produce, which was quite an undertaking. Even though we don’t

grow commercially anymore, we still use the knowledge, building,

and machinery to grow produce that is fresh, local, and economical

for many in our community that have relied on our produce for

almost 20 years. Those in the lower income bracket or who are

on a fixed income buy sweet corn in bulk, put it up in their freezer,

and utilize it throughout the year. To be able to provide goods and

a service, while still doing something we love, gives us great joy and

a sense of accomplishment.

What drives you to have the job that you have?

Jeff deeply enjoys farming because it is a job with a purpose and a

tangible outcome. He sees his purpose as providing food and clothing

for people, both here in America and throughout the world, as a

necessity and one that comes with a heavy weight of responsibility.

America exports about 25% of its food to countries around the

world that do not have a source of food as readily available as we

do in America, and that begins with American farmers.

We believe having a lot of freedom in owning a large portion

of land comes a great amount of responsibility to care for the land

and manage it properly. We have the privilege to plant what crops

we choose, hunt, and adventure all around our property. These

are not freedoms that everyone enjoys and we don’t take that for

granted. We ultimately are driven by our calling to glorify God

in all that we do. There is ultimate freedom in glorifying God in

things both great and small, in the mundane and the extraordinary,

in plenty and in want, because it is all a gift.


What is your favorite thing to do as a family?

JAMES I like to go on Gator rides around the farm to explore.

MORGAN I like going on trips together.

MYERS I like going camping and on rides around the farm.

What’s your favorite restaurant?

JAMES Chick-fil-A because I share a protein shake with my daddy.

(Jeff calls the CFA chocolate milkshake a protein shake, ha!)

MORGAN I like going on dates with daddy to Bonefish for my

birthday because they have the door you can spin around and

around in, and they gave me candy for my birthday.

MYERS I like going to McDonald’s because of their fries.

(She often goes on lunch outings with her grandfather,

Jerry Sumrall, to McDonald’s for a ‘hambooger’ and fries.)

What’s your favorite TV show?

JAMES Little House on the Prairie and Reading Rainbow

MORGAN Reading Rainbow

MYERS Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood

Hometown MADISON • 17

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