The 10 Leading Data Analytics Course Providers

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ics Astudy

conducted by SINTEF in

2014 showed that more of the

world’s data had been collected in

the past two years than the rest of the human

history combined. Data is essential,

ubiquitous, and profitable – except when it is

not. With such unimaginable amounts of

information produced every day by us

humans, the primary question remains –

How to use this information optimally?

Curation is a mix of art and science which

deals with selecting, organizing, and looking

after the sets of information. Knowledge is

power, they say. Then curation is the most

essential weapon of the digital age. Data

Analytics is nothing but curation in a digital


In the business world, data analytics helps

marketers learn about their customers with

target precision, from which movies they

watch on streaming services to their

favourite scoop of chocolate ice cream.

Analytics and data have given us deeper

insights into the consumer, enabling quick

decision making and thereby optimizing the

marketing efforts. It grounds the information

coming from multiple sources, providing a

platform to view them in one place so that

one can see what is working for them and

what is not.

While Big Data is not a novel phenomenon,

it is only recently that we have begun to

grasp the possible power of data-driven

approaches to decision making in terms of

market penetration. Big Data allows one to

gather and analyze more sets of information,

offering marketers the ability to focus on

informed targeting for greater efficiency.

Algorithms analyze billions of fragments of

data to suit an advertiser’s needs. This

proves an invaluable asset to direct efforts,

resources and customer interactions for

maximizing market penetration and other


The year 2020 has been a year of disruptions

and risks – and for some, successful

management of those risks. The pandemic

and the disruptions caused by it have

completely transformed the way consumers

buy products and services. Much attention

has been diverted to the impressive ways

machine learning and AI help companies by

automating services, making

recommendations and predicting patterns

that lead to greater sales and engagement.

For example, Amazon’s recommendation

algorithm drives a third of its sales. Whereas

YouTube’s algorithm is responsible for 70%

of the content watched on its platform.

What Next?

New Rules

It is an exciting time in the world right now.

How the future will evolve in a world where

both marketers and consumers are

influenced and managed by intelligent, data

and analytics-based software applications, is

something the whole world is trying to


The marketing teams need a higher level of

digital literacy and a deeper understanding

of how to use data to answer important

questions, like: how to advertise? How to

handle customer relationships? How to look

into after-sales support?

For this, the organizational leaders need to

proactively think about ways and strategies

to enable themselves and their organizations

for an AI-powered and Data Analytics

supported future of marketing.

“The companies that are going to win are

the ones who are using data, not guessing.”

- Neil Hoyne, senior fellow at Wharton

Customer Analytics and chief measurement

strategist at Google. T R

- Aditya Umale

APRIL | 2021


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