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J - the Quesnel & District Museum and Archives


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-;::•: :.^.i:;i/:-..:^ Distnct of Carihoo./sri.-'•-;•.-'/:::-:-'<br />

- <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo! <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

(<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo<br />

TAKE notice that: Alfred Adams- ofi<br />

TAKS notice that Thomas Bishop TAKE notice that James Sweeney, ;^;/TAKE-notice'that Robert.Ward.'of<br />

of Clinton, teamster, intends to ap- of Vancouver; agent, intends to ap-<br />

TAKE notice that Ann Elizabeth TAKE notice lhat Winnie Potters, Hertford,/, Engl<strong>and</strong>y/ compositor,:/;in-;<br />

Vancouver,:::broker, intends ; to apply<br />

" ply for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong> ply for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong><br />

Pauline, of Victoria, married woman, of Victoria, B.C , mairied woman, tends to apply for:permissionitopur-"'<br />

for permission to: purcaa-ie/<strong>the</strong> fol­<br />

following descrihed l<strong>and</strong>s: Commenc- foBowmg described l<strong>and</strong>s; Cnm Commenc-'<br />

intends to apply?.:for: permission to in-lend- to apDly for pcrmissi ii to .chase.<strong>the</strong>:,'following/descrihed /l<strong>and</strong>s:':<br />

lowing described l<strong>and</strong>s: . Commencing<br />

•-ing .at: post planted^^ a miles ing at /a p ost planted' ah out '7 miles<br />

purchase /<strong>the</strong> following described ; purchase :r/ <strong>the</strong> /following described Commencing." at a post planted about<br />

at a,' post planted about H uiiles<br />

i^K-'-i;; north <strong>and</strong> 2 miles west of <strong>the</strong> ]unc- north of <strong>the</strong> junction of Hixon Creek<br />

l<strong>and</strong>s:.; Commencing at a post plant- l<strong>and</strong>s: Commencing at a post plants 20 chains east <strong>and</strong> about 4: miles from;<br />

no'.T.'i' <strong>and</strong> ;3: miles T.i^-t: cf tlie ju;:c-<br />

' eion of Hixon Creek, <strong>and</strong> Canyon <strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek,: <strong>the</strong>nce 'south, 80<br />

ed about 125. chains west <strong>and</strong>. about .ed about; 9 chains: east of <strong>Quesnel</strong>-: mouth of Redwater- Creek, a v tribu-.<br />

tion -of 'Hixon Creek <strong>and</strong> Canyon<br />

^ 1 Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce: chains;/<strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

140 chains north:.of <strong>the</strong> N.W. corner Alex<strong>and</strong>ria , trail, <strong>and</strong>:-about-l :mile .tary of, Swift River, <strong>the</strong>nce, south 80<br />

Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

east 80. chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 north' 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains'<br />

of Lot-648, <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains ; north of Deep Creek;/<strong>the</strong>nce south 80/ chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west'80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce'<br />

•west '80 chains, <strong>the</strong>nce south 80<br />

1.": :'••'. chains; t <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains; . con- ^• containing '640 acres more or less;<br />

<strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 20 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce -north 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east.SO chains<br />

chains;'<strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains, .con­<br />

taining 640 acres more or less<br />

:•-^:•:/••::•v/^•:/JAMES SWEENEY.' :•<br />

80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce/west 80. chains /to north:20 chains;.<strong>the</strong>nce east 20 chains; . to point of commencement, containtaining<br />

640 acres more or less. •<br />


May 4,' 1910./;- W.v H. Saunders,, algent<br />

point of commencement, - being 640 <strong>the</strong>nce. north.; :20.- chains;. <strong>the</strong>nce - east ing 640 acres. ,.• -r: '<br />

-ROBERT WARD, •acres more'or less::<br />

40/chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north 40-chains ;<br />


;%;:, . :1^^ H. Saunders, agent<br />

May -3,1910: W. H. Saunders,- agent ANN ELIZABETH PAULINE. <strong>the</strong>ncewest 80 chains to- point of com May 3, 1910. J. H, Weismer, agent<br />


April 19, 1910. H A. Porter, agent mencement, being about,440. acres<br />


: <strong>District</strong> oi Cariboo.<br />

/:•':: CARIBOO:<br />

\ <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

TAKE notice^ that Albert Drage of<br />


more or less<br />



WINNIE POTTERS. <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. : -<br />

Vancouver, agent, intends to apply<br />

> ' TAKE notice that Thomas Flaher-|<br />

April 28. 1910. H. A. Porter, agent<br />

for permission to purchase: <strong>the</strong> fol­ / ; <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

TAKE notice that Arthur Atkinson<br />

' <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

' -;ty of Victoria, B:C.; clerk, intends to<br />

lowing described l<strong>and</strong>s: : Commencing TAKE notice that Arthur Palmer,<br />

of Steveston, farmer, intends to ap­<br />

-/TAKE: notice that Jessie Louisa<br />

i-Viv/iapply;'for /permission to purchase <strong>the</strong><br />


at a post planted about seven miles of Vancouver,' broker, intends to apply<br />

for permission to purchase '<strong>the</strong><br />

Stevenson, of Victoria, B.C., spinster<br />

:'following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Commencnorth<br />

of <strong>the</strong>; junction of Hixon Creet ply for. permission to purchase <strong>the</strong><br />

following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Commenc­<br />

intends to apply-for permission to<br />

^ ing at a post planted about 4 miles:<br />

<strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek,,<strong>the</strong>nce south 80 following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Commenc­ purchase / <strong>the</strong> following described<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo<br />

ing at a post planted about 3 miles<br />

mm -v' ,_w«Bt'<strong>and</strong> li miles north of <strong>the</strong> south<br />

chains; i<strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce ing at. a post, planted about 5 miles l<strong>and</strong>s: Commencing at a post plant­<br />

•TAKE notice that John Bays,: of north of <strong>the</strong> junction of Hison^Creak<br />

v-ri;,:>3encl corner of Pre-emption Record No<br />

north 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains- north <strong>and</strong> 3. miles -west of <strong>the</strong> .junc­<br />

Victoria, B.C., foreman, intends- to. ::<strong>and</strong>, Canyon Creek, <strong>the</strong>ncesl*south:80r<br />

ed about 125 chains west <strong>and</strong> about<br />

636,, <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

containing 640 acres-more or less. tion of Hixon Creek <strong>and</strong>' Canyon<br />

apply for permission to purchase,<strong>the</strong> chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

140/chains north of <strong>the</strong> north west<br />

, west, 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains<br />

„A,.+v en niihin —"7'r"Z'^7e^'*.-i:~' Z"^,^^ on foUov/tng.described l<strong>and</strong>s: .Commenc-/ north-80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains<br />

.S'^. :..t 80 chains, containing 640 May 4 1910 W.<br />

ALBERT<br />

II Saunders,<br />

DRAGS.<br />

agent- west<br />

^''''S}^?'^':^J''li^}J^J'}^^^^^<br />

80. chains;:<strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains chains;<br />

corner of<br />

<strong>the</strong>nce<br />

Lot<br />

east-80<br />

648, <strong>the</strong>nce^^orth^JO^<br />

chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

.^^^^<br />

a.p^^^^^^<br />

a post planted about.9 chains containing 640 acres more or less.'<br />

^ acres more or less.<br />

may ^, w. au ' °. <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains containing 640 south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west.80 chains .^^^^^^^^<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />



Deep Creek, May 4, 1910. W. H. Saunders, agent'<br />

May 3,-1910. W. H. Meikle, agent i CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT acres more ^ or less. - to point of commencement, being 640 <strong>the</strong>nce north 1 • mile 80; north chains; of <strong>the</strong>nce Deep c .east :.— - : ' "'<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

ARTHUR PALMER. acres more or less. • 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains ; , . CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT<br />


TAKE notice that W<strong>and</strong>a Bonny of May 3, 1910. W. H. Saunders, agent JESSIE LOUISA STEVENSON. <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 cha.ins to point - of <strong>District</strong> ol Cariboo. . .<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

Vancouver, - stenographer, intends to<br />

April 19. 1910., H. A. Porter, agent commencement, being 640 acres more TAKE notice that Richard Booth,<br />

b.:.''..UTAKE, notice-that Wilfred Kipp, of<br />

apply for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong> CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT ,<br />

:;•;:; Ashcroft, -postmaster, intends tr. ap­<br />

following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Commenc­<br />


orless; of ^Vancouver, engineer, ihtends to ap:<br />

ing at. a post planted- about 9 miles <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

JOHN BAYS. . ply for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong><br />

ply for permission to purohj Si.- <strong>the</strong><br />

April 28, 1910. H. A. Porter, agent following descrihed l<strong>and</strong>s: Commencnorth<br />

of <strong>the</strong> junction. of Hixon Creek TAKR notice that Clara Rose Kel­ TAKE notice that Cecil Hay Scott,<br />

/.:w ^ ^<br />

Commenc-<br />

ing at a post planted about 5 miles<br />

<strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 ly of Vancouver, married woman, of Victoria. B. C, collector, intends CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT<br />

^ ing at a post planted aboat 1 mile<br />

north. of <strong>the</strong> junction of Hixon Greek<br />

cliainsj <strong>the</strong>nce west'80 chains; tl ence intends to apply for.permission to to apply for permission to purchase<br />

.«:.',/v,vnorth of <strong>the</strong> .junction of Hixon Creek:<br />

<strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce north' 80<br />

south-80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce.oast 80 chains purchase <strong>the</strong> following described '<strong>the</strong> following described l<strong>and</strong>s: : Com- : / -f,. . .<br />

<strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce north 80<br />

chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains; ^j<strong>the</strong>nce<br />

:/.;:::,;;chains; /<strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce containing 040 acres.more or less. l<strong>and</strong>s: Commencing at a post plant- mencing at a post planted about 80• . mAtrT^^f+rif^^+^'^*^ T „«,^o ^.n+v, sn^ho^nc. +T,a„.i sn^w^t^.<br />

south ' 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80<br />

WAND Saunders, A BONNY agent west l& about of <strong>the</strong> 5 junction miles north of Hixon <strong>and</strong> 3 miles chains west <strong>and</strong> about 20 chains TAKE notice^that Antonio Lcppo, south 80 chans;. <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains<br />

.>f/.:Chains,:/containing . 640 acres, more:<br />

—.' ^ <strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce south<br />

or. less. ;•:; ••: •, -WILFRED KIPP..'<br />

north'80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 20 chains following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Commenc- May 4, 1910.- W, H.: Saunders, agent-<br />

CARIBOO LAND'DISTRICT chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west'80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

May 4, 1910. 'W. H. Saunders, ageilt <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. .. ^::n^^^ chains; <strong>the</strong>nce; west i^^t.^ PAPn^nh T ^ND DTq^RTCT<br />


.-TAKE notice that Kateriria Zahn, containing.640 acres more orless. ' 20; chains; <strong>the</strong>nce vs^^^<br />

Distract of Caiibco. of Vancouver, married woman, in-. CLARA ROSE KELLY. P°i°t of commencement, being 280 <strong>the</strong>nce_^^^^<br />

•\ .TAKE notice that William Maxwell tends chase to <strong>the</strong> apply following for peimission described to l<strong>and</strong>s inir- May 3.;i910.. W. Hr^<br />

...vofsAehcroft/?station agent,.intends to<br />

CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT :' April 20. 1910. H. A. Porter, agent commencement, /^emg^^MO acres^ ply^for"permission iio'purchase, <strong>the</strong><br />

Commencing at a post planted about<br />

//'; apply- for-permission to purchase <strong>the</strong> 9 miles north of.<strong>the</strong> junction of Hix-/;<br />

following described l<strong>and</strong>s: .Commenc-:<br />

CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT April 29;: 1910. n, A • i. orter,agent ^^g at a post planted about 5 miles:<br />

on Creek <strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. ... ,:• V <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo,<br />

• ing at a post planted, about 1 mile<br />

north -of <strong>the</strong> junction of Hixon Creek<br />

north 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce cast 80 chains TAKE notice that Mark Hansen of. Take notice that Charles Oliver" of CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT<br />

.::.:north; of :<strong>the</strong>jjunction. of.iH Creek<br />

<strong>the</strong>nce .south.80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce \vest Vancouver, engineer.-intends to apply Victoria, B. 6., laborer, intends ' to<br />

.. . <strong>and</strong> ,Canyon Greek, <strong>the</strong>nce north 80<br />

-<strong>and</strong> Canyon Greek, <strong>the</strong>nce north, 80 80 chains,: containing .640 acres more /for'permission, tb/purchase <strong>the</strong>/; fol-; applv for permission to piirchase <strong>the</strong> . <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains;'<strong>the</strong>nce<br />

chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

•.Bouth 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains<br />

orless ^ KATERLVA ZAHN.: l^ about 120,chains .east"^^^^^^^ tnence cribed l<strong>and</strong>s: Commencing -• at;a post ' • /orvSoiS^^<br />

'<br />

lowing desciibed l<strong>and</strong>s Commencing.. Creek<br />

of Steveston, married v/oman, intend<br />

" ' .1* .<strong>the</strong>nce sout.h 1-1-,.- 80 chain|; ••_.j,t__„.i._ <strong>the</strong>nce south .11 80 n n chains;; - ^.' > <strong>the</strong>nce 'j-i-L'.-' west.80 ' j. nA chains planted about 40 chains east <strong>and</strong> 5 Sv for SrSssio^to''^^^^^^^^^ <strong>the</strong><br />

at a post plahted about 4 miles north J^^^ 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north:80.chains <strong>the</strong>nce north.80 chams;;<strong>the</strong>nce;east 80 miles from mouth of Redwater.Creek, S<br />

V. to apply for permission to purchase <strong>and</strong> 2 miles west of <strong>the</strong> junction of <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chams, containing 640 chains to point: of commencement, be- a tributary of - Swift'River, .<strong>the</strong>nce ' [°„f/''J'S<br />

-<strong>the</strong>-following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Com­ Hixon Creek <strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek; ^^'^'^^ ^o^^ or. less. --^-^ - ing 640 acres; more orless. . . : north .80 -chains; •.<strong>the</strong>nce east .80 : ^<br />

mencing at a post planted about 3 <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains, <strong>the</strong>nce west :' ' - ERNEST BROWNE. - ANITA BOURGET. chains; <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce ?Sn ,f Hi^nn C^^^^^^^<br />

miles north of <strong>the</strong> junction of Hixon 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce south 80: chains ; May 3, 1910. W./H. Saunders, agent April 28, 1910. ;H.;A. Porter, agent west 80 chains to point of - commence ^hem? m,rfS sf c^s-^S<br />

Greek <strong>and</strong> Canyon Greek <strong>the</strong>nce north <strong>the</strong>nce east SO chains containing.640 • ' . . : -' .. .. -. • - - — ment, containing 640 acres. S 'cn ^^o-"c<br />

80 chains; . <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains ; acres more or less. •<br />

/ <strong>the</strong>nce south - 80>chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east<br />


80 chains, containing 640 acres - more<br />

ARTHUR JARVIS. - <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. ' - : ' :: <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. ' L.; May 3, 1910. J. H. Weisner, ageht"^^'""' taining ^^'^^'^ 640 acres more or less.<br />

or less. ALICE ATKINSON. May 3., 1910. W. H.-Saunders, agent TAKE notice that i; David A. Hig- TAKE notice that Siisie Baker, of • — — — -<br />

:;; ; JOSEPH .FENNER.<br />

May 4,:1910. W.H. Saunders, agent<br />

; — — don, of <strong>Quesnel</strong>, B.C.,- rancher,. in- Victoria, B.C., married woman, in- _ CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT May 3, 1910. W. H-.; Saunders, agent-<br />

CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT tends tb apply for permission to pur- tends to; apply for; permission to pur- .- <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo<br />

CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT • TAKE <strong>District</strong> notice that of Cariboo. Emma Boyd '•- •::,. of chase;<strong>the</strong>;.foUowing Commencing at a post.planted described/ l<strong>and</strong>s: aliout chase Commencing <strong>the</strong> fbllo.-wingdescri^ at a post planted l<strong>and</strong>s about, : of TAKE Hertford, notice Engl<strong>and</strong>, that Joseph baKcr, liayment ii'itends CARIBOO , <strong>District</strong> LAND of Cariboo. DISTRICT ^<br />

-i/ ?; - • <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. . Clinton, married woman; intends to 10 chains north of:<strong>the</strong> north-east cor-: '2 miles north of/Deep .Greek along to apply for permission, to-purchase- ,TAKE notice that. Thomas-Hali-<br />

• TAKE notice that • Helena Esta- apply for permission to piirchase <strong>the</strong> nerof D' A 'Hisdon's Pre-emption <strong>Quesnel</strong>-Alex<strong>and</strong>ria-trail <strong>and</strong>/.about <strong>the</strong>: following described; .l<strong>and</strong>s: Comr day, of Vancouver, . capitalist, inbrooks,<br />

of. Steveston, teacher, in.-<br />

-• ••• - -• <strong>the</strong> tends to. apply for permission to pur--<br />

- tends to apply for permission to purchase,<br />

<strong>the</strong> following- described- l<strong>and</strong>s:<br />

»0 chase <strong>the</strong> following described l<strong>and</strong>s :<br />

Commencing at a post planted abbut<br />

•reck Commencing at a post planted about<br />

•ion/ of Hixon Creek <strong>and</strong> Canyon PQint .ofy commencement,-.containing- SO .chains, to point of commencement; <strong>the</strong>nce north 80, chains; ; <strong>the</strong>nce east<br />

• 8 miles north of <strong>the</strong> junction of- Hix-<br />

3 miles north <strong>and</strong> 2 miles west of <strong>the</strong><br />

llreek,. <strong>the</strong>nce north SO chains; tnence 80 acres. DAVID A. HIGDON. being 640 acres more or less. . 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains .<br />

on Greek <strong>and</strong> Canyon Greek, <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

junction of Hixon Greek <strong>and</strong> Canyon<br />

•east 80- chains; <strong>the</strong>nce south 80''chains Dated April 30th, 1910. " : ! /:<br />

SUSIE BA;KER. <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains to point of<br />

/north 80 chains; - east 80: chains ; <strong>the</strong>nce v/est; 80 cnains, containing 640<br />

April 28, 1910. H. A. Porter, agent<br />

Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

commencement, containing 640 acres, east 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce so.uth 80 chains<br />

<strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west acres more or less: / -<br />


JOSEPH loiuri-i RAYMENT.<br />

j\Aiivj.CiiM. <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains, pontaining 640<br />

.80 chains, •containing 640iacres more<br />

EMMA BOYD. <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

. CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT - May 3, 19.10.- J. H. Weisner, agent acres more or less. • ;:-;;': --^.-ri/<br />

or less..-<br />

May 3, 1910. W. H. Saunders, agent TAKE. notice that I, George P. <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />



.Adams, of <strong>Quesnel</strong>, Cariboo, B. C, TAKE notice that Lena Reid, of CARIBCO LAND DISTRICT<br />

May,4,, 1910. W. H. Saunders, agent<br />

May 3, 1910 .W./H. Saunders, agent<br />

CARIBOO LAND DL-JTRTCT steamboat fireman, intend to apply Victoria, rnarried woman, intends to <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. to <strong>the</strong>: Chief ::Commissioner . ^ of L<strong>and</strong>s'. apply for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong> TAKE notice that Sarah Gardner,<br />



TAKE notice that Lilian Evans of for a license to prospect for coal <strong>and</strong>' following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Gornmenc- of Watford, Engl<strong>and</strong>, nurse., intends<br />

• : <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. -<br />

Glinton, spinster, intends to apply petroleum oh <strong>the</strong> following described ^nt at a post planted 2 miles north to — apply .— for permission r to purchase<br />

/ TAKE notice. that Sarah Esta-<br />

TAKE notice that David Haliday.<br />

, brooks,, of . Steveston, spinster, in­ for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong> ;'fol- l<strong>and</strong>s: Commencing at a post nlant- of Deep Creek, on <strong>Quesnel</strong>-Alex<strong>and</strong>ria <strong>the</strong>TouWing^describ^^^^^<br />

Comlo'wing<br />

described lauds: Commencing ed-about 21 miles down <strong>the</strong> Fraser t'^^!^':^"^'^^°"t 120 of mencing at a post planted about 40<br />

of Vancouver, ;capitalist.: intends • to<br />

tends to apply for permission to pur­<br />

apply for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong><br />

at -a post planted about nine miles River from <strong>Quesnel</strong>,' C^rj.ttoo, <strong>and</strong> on trail, <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce chains east of Redwater Creek,, <strong>and</strong> following: rtP^cfihPH'in,,?ic^^<br />

chase <strong>the</strong> following, aescribed l<strong>and</strong>s: north n-nr-fh <strong>and</strong> 2 'X miles ^,-ip.,„..f west of .f+K^ <strong>the</strong> June ..,.,„/ <strong>the</strong> wcst bank of <strong>the</strong> Fraser river, Hvpr east ,80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains _ about 2 miles from <strong>the</strong> mouth, Wee; L i g ^ described l<strong>and</strong>s, Gommonc-<br />

Commencing at apost planted about tion of Hixon Creek <strong>and</strong> Canyon <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains to point of<br />

at a post planted about 3 miles<br />

south 80, chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 80-<br />

3. miles north of <strong>the</strong> junction of Hix­ Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains* commencement; being 640 acres more<br />

north <strong>and</strong> 2 miles west of <strong>the</strong> juncchains;<br />

<strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

on Greek <strong>and</strong> .Canyon CreeK, <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains to point of or less. LENA REID.<br />

tion of ; Hixon Creek <strong>and</strong>/Canyon<br />

east 50 chains to,point of commence­<br />

south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 <strong>the</strong>nce east SO chains, containing 640 : commencement, containing 640 acres April 28, 1910. H. A. Porter, agent<br />

Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce sbuth 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

ment, containing 640 acres.<br />

chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains ;<br />

east 80" chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains<br />

acres more or less.<br />

GEORGE P. ADAMS. "<br />


<strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains, containing 840<br />

LILIAN EVANS. - Dated May lOth, 1910. ^<br />


<strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains, containing 640<br />

May 3. 1910. J. H. Weisner, 'agent<br />

acres more or less-<br />

May 3, 1910. W. H. Saunders, agent<br />

. <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. -<br />

acres more or less.<br />




May 4, 1901, W. H.. Saunders, agent CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT<br />

of Victoria, B. G., spinster, intends . <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

^ -May 3, 1910. W. H. Saunders, agent<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo . • - to apply for permission to purchase TAKE notice that Ada Morris, ; of<br />

CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT TAKE notice]that Gilbert GuUen, TAKE-notice that Ernest" Mills of <strong>the</strong> following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Com- ,Phippenham, Engl<strong>and</strong>, married wo­<br />


<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo.<br />

Smithy Bridge, Lancashire Engl<strong>and</strong> mencing at a post planted about 89 man, intends to apply for permission<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. /<br />

TAKE notice tnat George Oakley, % ^ ^ r ^ ' i ^ ^ til stonemason,antends to * y fo^i;;?! chains east of <strong>Quesnel</strong>-Alex<strong>and</strong>ria to purchase <strong>the</strong> following described<br />

TAKE notice that Edward Challi-,<br />

.of Vancouver, booKKeeper, intends to S^Slo^n^descrihed l<strong>and</strong>^:^!^^^ — d 'L^'^Zr^^T'l trail <strong>and</strong> abouif. 40 chains north of l<strong>and</strong>s: Commencing at a post plant­ ner, of Vancouver,. clerk, intends to<br />

Deep Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains ; ed about 20 chains east <strong>and</strong> about apply for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong><br />

apply for permission to purchase <strong>the</strong> ing at a post planted about 9 miles . ^^^^^^ ^ miles ea'st of •<strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce south 4 miles from mouth of j led water following described l<strong>and</strong>s: Commenc-;<br />

ioiiowing described l<strong>and</strong>s: Commenc­ north a.nd 2 miles west of <strong>the</strong> luic-.^^^^l^^ ranch <strong>and</strong> on a tributary of -40 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 20 chains ; Creek, a tributary of Swift River, ing at/a post planted auuut o-uiufas.<br />

ing at a post planted about 7 miles tion o Hixon Creek <strong>and</strong> Cdnyon j^^^^^^J ^<br />

'<strong>the</strong>nce south 40 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>u;o ca;3t north, <strong>and</strong> 2 miles west of <strong>the</strong> juac:/<br />

north or <strong>the</strong> junction of Hixon Creek Greek <strong>the</strong>nce south 80. chams; <strong>the</strong>nce <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east<br />

r - —^ "1," ' -/r .T ,.i.v>;na tion of Hixon Creek Creek<strong>and</strong>. ' Canyon'<br />

/_^<strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek, <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 east 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains - • -<br />

60 chains to point of commencement, 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce south .^fvl-ams ^^^^ <strong>the</strong>nce south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce<br />

''chains; tnence west 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce <strong>the</strong>nce west .80 chains, containing 40 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north 80 chains <strong>and</strong> being.560 acresymore^oivles^^^^ - <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains to ,Pomt^^ of chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north SO.chains<br />

. suutn 80 cliains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains 640 acres more or less.<br />

containing 320 acres more or less.<br />

FANNIE OSBORNE. commencement, containing 640 acies. _ • r. . ^ _<br />

- containing 640 acres more or less.<br />


ERNEST MILLS. April 28, 1910. , H. A. Porter, agent ;- .. ., ADA WRRIS. '=°'italnlng 640 ,<br />

GEORGE OAKLEY. May 3, 1910. W. H. Saunders, agent April 28. 1910. Jas. Shepherd, agent<br />

May 4^,1910. 'W. H. Saunders, .agent<br />

CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT ' ' ^ ^ " ^ " ^ ^ ^ —^l^C^TI^^^^T^' May.3, 1910.^ W ^ agent<br />

TAKE notice that Hannah Savage / <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. .<br />


<strong>District</strong> of. Cariboo.<br />

<strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. " • TAKE notice that Leila Challiner, <strong>District</strong> of Cariboo. . of Seattle, Wash., bookkeeper,,/in-;'. TAKE nbtice that Alex<strong>and</strong>er Ray- CARIBOO LAND DISTRICT<br />

TAKE notice that Rol<strong>and</strong> Margctte of Vancouver, married woman, in­<br />

TAKE notice that Isaiah Smith of tends to. apply for permission to pur- ment, of Hertford, Engl<strong>and</strong>, baker, ' . <strong>District</strong>' of Cariboo. : ;-; •<br />

of Vancouver, agent, intends to ap­<br />

Smithy ;Bridge, Lancashire; Engl<strong>and</strong>,, chase <strong>the</strong> following described, l<strong>and</strong>s : intends' to. apply for permission to TAKE notice that Malcolm Hamptends<br />

to apply for permission to purwarper,<br />

intends to apply for permis- Commencing^ at a post planted about purchase <strong>the</strong> following described^ ton, of; Victoria, B.C., waiter, 'intend;<br />

ply for permission<br />

' - purchase .'<br />

following described<br />

Gom-<br />

ing at a post<br />

north<br />

north of <strong>the</strong> junction<br />

<strong>the</strong>nce<br />

<strong>and</strong> Canyon Creek<br />

chains;<br />

chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce north chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 40 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce^<br />

, ^. , . , 4 . U on „i,o,-r.a- +bP7ire west <strong>the</strong>uce north; 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west<br />

. south 80 chains; <strong>the</strong>nce west 80 chains SO chains; <strong>the</strong>nce east 80 chains, con- north 80 chains <strong>and</strong> containing .320'<br />

place of commencement, ^containing <strong>the</strong>nce;noijh 80 chains.^^th^^^^^^ point of commencement,<br />

containing - 640 acres more or less.<br />

:320 acres more or less. ' Marked H. 80 chains/to^ppint of;Commencement, , t^^-^g ^gQ/—^ n^^j.^ QJ..-less. ; /.<br />

tainmg. 640 acres, more or less. acres more or less. - ; S. <strong>and</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>ast corner. _ • containing 640 acres „ .^^^vrm , , MALCOLM HAMPTON.<br />




' May 4. 1910. W. H. Saunders, agent May 3, 1910. W. H, Saunders, agent: April 22, 1910. -Jas. Shepherd, agent May 16. 1910. Geo. L. Brown, agent May 3, 1910. J. H. Weisner, agent «rll 24, 1910., H, A. Porter, agent<br />

s:sS&;;« i;S!^s(S-»s/.?;-n<br />

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