Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test ( PDFDrive )

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In tro d u c tio n to th e TOEFL® Test


Independent Speaking Rubrics (Scoring Standards)


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4 T h e response fu lfills

G en erally w ell-paced

T h e response

R esp on se is su stain e d

the dem ands of the ta sk ;

flow [fluid expression).

dem on strates effective

and su fficien t to the

w ith at m o st m in or

Speech is clear. It m ay

u se of gram m ar and

task . It is generally w ell

lap ses in com pleteness.

include m in or lap ses

vocabulary* It exh ibits

developed and coherent ;

It is h igh ly in telligible

or m in or d ifficu lties

a fairly h igh degree

relation sh ips betw een

and exh ib its su stain e d ;

w ith pron un ciation or

of autom aticity w ith

ideas are clear (or clear

coherent discourse, A

in ton ation p attern s/

good control of basic

progression of ideas).

response at this level is

w hich do not affect

and com plex stru ctu res

ch aracterized by a ll of

overall in telligib ility.

(as appropriate). Som e

the follow ing:

m in or (or system atic)

errors arc n oticeable but

do n ot obscure m ean in g.

3 T h e response addresses

Speech is generally

T h e response

R espon se is m o stly

the task appropriately

clear, w ith so m e flu idity

dem onstrates fairly

coherent and su stain e d

but m ay fall short of

of expression , though

au tom atic and effective

and conveys relevant

b ein g fu lly developed. It

m in or d ifficu lties

u se of gram m ar and

id e as/in f o rm atio n .

is generally in telligible

w ith p ronunciation,

vocabulary and fairly

O verall developm ent is

and coherent, w ith som e

inton ation , or pacing

coherent expression of

som ew h at lim ite d and

flu id ity of expression,

are n oticeable and m ay

relevant ideas. R espon se

u su ally lack s elaboration

though it exh ib its som e

require listen er effort at

m ay exh ibit som e

or specificity.

noticeable lap ses in the

tim es (though overall

im precise or in accu rate

R elation sh ip s betw een

expression of ideas. A

in tellig ib ility is not

u se of vocabulary or

ideas m ay at tim es not

respon se at th is level is

sign ifican tly affected).

g ram m atical stru ctu res

be im m ediately clear.

ch aracterized by at least

or be som ew hat lim ited

tw o of the follow ing:

in the range oi stru ctu res

used, T h is m ay affect

overall fluency, but it does

n ot seriou sly interfere

w ith the com m unication

of the m essage.

2 T h e response

Speech is b asically

T h e response

T h e resp on se is

addresses the task,

in telligible, though

dem on strates lim ite d

connected to the ta sk v

but developm ent of

listen er effort is needed

range and control

though the n um ber of

the topic is lim ited. It

becau se of u n clear

of gram m ar and

id e as presen ted or the

contain s in telligib le

articulation^ aw kw ard

vocabulary. These

developm ent of id eas is

speech, although

intonation/ or choppy

lim itatio n s often

lim ite d . M o stly b asic

problem s w ith delivery

rh yth m /pace; m ean in g

prevent fu ll expression

id e as are expressed w ith

and/or overall coherence

m ay be obscu red in

of ideas. For the m ost

lim ite d elaboration

occur ; m ean in g m ay be


p artyonly b asic sentence

[details and su p port)* A t

obscured in places. A

stru ctu res are u sed

tim e s relevan t su b stan ce

respon se at th is level is

su cc e ssfu lly and spoken

m ay be vaguely

ch aracterized by at least

w ith fluidity. S tru ctu res

exp ressed or repetitious.

two of the follow ing:

and vocabulary m ay

C onnection s of ideas

exp ress m ain ly sim ple

m ay be unclear.

(short) and/or general

propositions, w ith

sim ple or unclear

connection s m ade

am on g tlaem [serial

listin g/ conjunction,

juxtaposition ).


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