Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test ( PDFDrive )

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In tro d u c tio n to th e TOEFL® Test

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2 T h e respon se is Speech is clear at T h e respon se is lim ited T h e respon se conveys

connected to the task, tim es, though it in the range and control so m e relevant

though it m ay be exh ib its problem s of vocabulary a n d , in form ation but is

m issin g som e relevant w ith pronunciation, gram m ar dem onstrated clearly incom plete

in form ation or contain intonation^ or p acin g (som e com plex structures or in accurate. It is

in accu racies. It contain s and so m ay requ ire m ay be used, but they incom plete if it om its

som e in telligible speech, sig n ifican t listen er typically co n tain errors). key ideas, m ak es

but at tim es problem s effort. Speech m ay T h is results in lim ited or vague reference to key

w ith in telligib ility and/ not be su stain e d at vague expression of id eas ; or dem on strates

or over-all coherence a co n sisten t level relevant ideas and lim ite d developm ent of

m ay obscure m eaning. throughout. Problem s im precise or in accu rate im portan t inform ation .

A respon se at this w ith in telligib ility connection s. A n in accu rate

level is ch aracterized m ay obscure m ean in g A utom aticity of respon se dem on strates

by at least tw o of the in places {but not exp ression aaay only m isu n d erstan d in g of

follow ing: throughout). be evident at the

p h rasal le v e l

key ideas from the

stim u lu s. Typically,

ideas exp ressed m ay

not be w ell co an ected

or cohesive so that

fa m iliarity w ith the

stim u lu s is n ecessary

to follow w hat is being

discu ssed.

1 The respon se is very C o n sisten t R ange and control T h e response fa ils to

lim ite d in content or pron un ciation and of g ram m ar and provide m u ch relevant

coherence or is only in ton ation problem s vocabulary severely content. Ideas th at are

m in im a lly connected to cau se considerable lim it (or prevent] expressed are often

the task. Speech m ay be listen er effort and expression of ideas and in accurate, lim ite d to

largely unin telligible. A frequently obscu re connection s am ong vague utterances^ or

resp on se at th is level is m ean in g. D elivery is ideas. Som e very low- repetitions (including

ch aracterized by at least choppy, fragm ented/ level resp onses m ay repetition of prom pt).

tw o of the follow ing: or telegraphic. Speech

co n tain s frequent p au se s

and hesitations^

rely on isolated w ords

or sh ort u tteran ces to

co m m u n icate ideas.

0 Speaker m ak es no attem pt to respond O R resp on se is u n related to the topic.


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