Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test ( PDFDrive )

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fn trb d u ctio n to th e TOEFL® Test


integrated Writing Rubrics (Scoring Standards)

- 扭 排 向 邱 1 酿 拍 i\:.


5 A respon se at th is level su cc e ssfu lly selects the im portan t in form ation from the lectu re and coherently

and accurately presen ts th is in form ation in relation to the relevant in form ation presen ted in the reading.

T h e respon se is w ell organized^ and o ccasio n al lan gu age errors that are presen t do n ot resu lt in in accu rate

or im precise p resen tation of content or connections.

4 A respon se at th is level is generally good in selectin g the im portan t in form ation from the lectu re and

in coherently and accurately presen tin g th is in form ation in relation to the relevant in form ation in the

reading, but it m ay h ave m in or o m issio n inaccuracy, vagu en ess ;or im precision of som e content from the

lectu re or in connection to p oin ts m ade in the reading. A respon se is a lso scored at th is level if it h as m ore

frequent or noticeable m in or lan gu age errorSj as lon g as su ch u sage and gram m atic al stru ctu res do not

resu lt in an yth in g m ore th an an o ccasio n al lapse of clarity or in the connection of ideas.

3 A resp on se at th is level co n tain s so m e im portan t in form ation from the lectu re and conveys so m e relevant

connection to the reading, but it is m arked by one or m ore of the follow ing:

« A lth ough the overall resp on se is defin itely oriented to the task , it conveys only vague^ global, unclear, or

somfewhat im precise conn ection of the p oin ts m ade in the lectu re to p oin ts m ad e in the reading.

®T h e response m ay om it one m ajor key p oin t m ade in the lecture.

®Som e key p oin ts m ade in the lectu re or the reading/ or connection s betw een the tw o/ m ay b e incomplete^

inaccurate, or im precise,

« Errors of u sage and/or gram m ar m ay be m ore frequent or m ay resu lt in n oticeably vague exp ression s or

obscured m ean in gs in conveying id eas and connections.

2 A respon se at th is level co n tain s som e relevant in form ation from the lecture, but it is m arked by

sign ifican t lan gu age d ifficu lties or by sign ifican t o m ission or in accu racy of im p o rtan t ideas from the

lectu re or in the connection s betw een the lectu re and the reading* A resp on se at th is level is m arked by

one or m ore of the follow ing:

« T h e respon se sign ifican tly m isrep resen ts or com pletely om its the overall connection betw een the

lecture and the reading.

®T h e response sign ifican tly o m its or sign ifican tly m isrep resen ts im portan t p o in ts m ade in the lecture.

* T h e respon se contain s lan gu age errors or exp ression s that largely obscu re connection s or m ean in g at key

ju n ctu res or th at w ould lik e ly obscure u n derstan din g of key ideas for a reader n ot alread y fa m ilia r w ith

the reading and the lecture.

1 A respon se at th is level is m arked by one or m ore of the follow ing:

* T h e response provides little or no m ean in g fu l or relevant coherent content from

the lecture.

« The lan gu age level of the resp on se is so low that it is d ifficult to derive m eaning.

0 A respon se at th is level m erely copies sen ten ces from the reading, rejects the topic or is oth erw ise not

connected to the topic^ is w ritten in a foreign language, co n sists of keystroke characters^ or is blank*


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