North Canterbury News: June 25, 2021

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Thursday,<strong>June</strong>24, <strong>2021</strong> | Issue951 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

readers!<br />

Generosity<br />

overflows<br />

at Big Splash<br />


Rangiora made abig splash on<br />

Friday evening and all for agood<br />

cause.<br />

The Rangiora Stroke Club is<br />

set to benefit frommore than<br />

$16,000 after this year’sCharles<br />

UphamBig Splash exceeded<br />

expectations.<br />

The event,which is organised<br />

by Rangiora Promotions, was last<br />

held in 2019, afterlast year’s<br />

eventbecame acasualtyofCovid­<br />

19.<br />

‘‘Last time we made$11,000<br />

and we set thetargetof$15,000,<br />

but Ithoughtwemight getto<br />

$12,000 or $13,000, so it’ssuch a<br />

fantastic achievement,’’ event<br />

organiser Edwina Patterson says.<br />

Donations arestillbeing<br />

acceptedonline via the Rangiora<br />

Promotions website until<br />

tomorrow (<strong>June</strong> <strong>25</strong>) and with<br />

moneystill to be banked, Edwina<br />

expects the totaltogoeven<br />

higher.<br />

Once the cut­offisreached,<br />

Rangiora Promotionswill<br />

announce the ‘‘Splash for Cash’’<br />

winners.<br />

Raewyn Bishop, of Total<br />

Realty, and ScottMurray, of ANZ,<br />

are out in front, having both<br />

raised more than $3000, followed<br />

by MareaMcLennan, of<br />

Unichem, who has raised more<br />

than $2000.<br />

Christine De Maine,<br />

representing the Rangiora RSA,<br />

and Brook Yates,ofBayleys,<br />

have both raised more than<br />

$1100, whileCompass FM’s Steph<br />

McDonald is fastapproaching<br />

the $1000 mark.<br />

Rangiora­AshleyCommunity<br />

Board member SarahLewis won<br />

the prize for bestdressed,<br />

beating off stiff competition from<br />

Peter King, of Giggle<br />

Entertainment, and Hazel<br />

Youngman, of Mike Pero Real<br />

Estate, whileMealofa Faimalo, of<br />

Charles UphamRetirement<br />

Village, won the prize for the<br />

mostentertaining jump.<br />

‘‘All the jumpers this year were<br />

really entertaining and even<br />

(Waimakariri Mayor) Dan<br />

Gordon did air guitar beforehis<br />

jump,’’ Edwina says.<br />

‘‘All in all it was avery<br />

successful night and agreat<br />

opportunity for our wee<br />

community to get together and<br />

for peopletonetwork, intermingle<br />

and let their hair down.’’<br />

Thisyear 22 peopletook the<br />

plunge intoice cold water,<br />

including <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

journalist DavidHill.<br />

Edwina says she likes how the<br />

event attracts people ‘‘from all<br />

walks of life, including young and<br />

old’’.<br />

The youngest jumper was<br />

Waimakariri YouthCouncil<br />

member Sasha Crawford (19),<br />

while there weretwo mumsfrom<br />

Te Matauru Primary School,<br />

local professionalsand the<br />

mayor.<br />

Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey<br />

did some fundraising, but was<br />

unable to attend on the night.<br />

The moneyraisedwill help<br />

suipport people who have<br />

suffered astroke, andtheir<br />

rehabilitation in the community.<br />

Practice makes perfect ... .. Brook Yates from Bayleys Real Estate, Rangiora, plunges into the pool at<br />

Rangiora's Big Splash last Friday evening. Brook used some muddy puddles following the recent floods to<br />

hone his skills.<br />


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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Grow<br />

customers,<br />

salesand<br />

profits<br />

with <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

bestread<br />

newspaper<br />

Readership: 47,000 weekly<br />

Circulation: 30,150copiesdelivered<br />

to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />

&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />

news<br />

RobynBristow<br />

Managing Editor<br />

027 312 1581<br />

robyn.bristow<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

David Hill, Shelley Topp.<br />

advertising<br />

DaynaBurton<br />

Sales Co-ordinator<br />

027 312 0089<br />

dayna.burton<br />

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Amanda Keys<br />

Advertising<br />

027 536 6224<br />

amanda.keys<br />

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After hours facility still on target<br />


Rangiora’safter hours facility should<br />

begintotake shape in January.<br />

The facility will provide seven­day<br />

urgent carefrom8am to 10pm,and will<br />

also house other services, including a<br />

pharmacyand radiology services,’<br />

Aconcept design was presented to a<br />

public meeting in Rangiora lastweek by<br />

new <strong>Canterbury</strong> District HealthBoard<br />

(CDHB) chiefexecutive, Peter Bramley.<br />

Dr Bramley said the board was<br />

committed to providingthe facility as he<br />

gave an overview of healthservicesinthe<br />

Waimakariri.<br />

Health services willinclude<br />

maintainingbeds at Oxford Hospital,and<br />

resourcing the hospitaltoprovidecare for<br />

people closetohome.<br />

Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey, who<br />

organised the meeting, saysthe afterhours<br />

concept plan is ‘‘quite stunning’’.<br />

He says SouthLink Health has<br />

confirmed it plans to startconstruction in<br />

January.<br />

‘‘Unfortunately it comes at the expense<br />

of the Rangiora Hospitalbeing<br />

demolished,’’ he says.<br />

Dr Peter Bramley<br />

Dr Bramley also committedtoa<br />

paramedic servicefor the Waimakariri<br />

area.<br />

‘‘It is important livinginan area likethe<br />

Waimakariridistrict, that you have access<br />

to public service education or health<br />

services, that are comparabletopeople<br />

living in major urban areas,’’ says Mr<br />

Doocey. ‘‘Peopleshould not be penalised<br />

for living in rural areas.’’<br />

The CDHB is keen to engage further<br />

with Waimakariri residents following the<br />

old­style, robust town hallmeeting, at<br />

whicharound200 peopleturnedout at last<br />

Thursday,despite the rain.<br />

Mr Doocey saysresidents and CDHB<br />

representativeswere excited about the<br />

levelofcommunity engagement the<br />

meeting provided,and whichraised not<br />

only concerns, but some greatideas.<br />

‘‘I’mthrilled that this has sparked an<br />

ongoing conversation the CDHB will be<br />

having directly withour community about<br />

creating wrap­around services for our<br />

residents.<br />

‘‘They’ve taken the concerns that were<br />

raised and willbecoming back with some<br />

ideasthat theywill workshop directly with<br />

us as acommunity, and that is very<br />

exciting,’’ Mr Doocey says.<br />

‘‘This putsour residents at the heart of<br />

our health services.<br />

‘‘Many of those who attended are<br />

working in our communityhealth and<br />

aged­care sectorsinWaimakariri, and<br />

they were abletobring someoftheir<br />

concernsabout in­community care and to<br />

feed those concerns through,’’ says Mr<br />

Doocey.<br />

Swimming brings happiness<br />


Swimming is provingtobejustthe tonic<br />

for ChristinePatterson.<br />

Christine,who has been battling<br />

depression for over adecade,has taken<br />

the plunge,and is back in the pool, which<br />

is proving to be agreat place to find<br />

solace.<br />

Recently she swam100 lengths of<br />

Rangiora’sDudley Park pool.<br />

Her effortswere not just for her own<br />

wellbeing however, but to help raise<br />

fundsfor aSalvation Army project,<br />

Embrace Fiji,aretreat for women.<br />

‘‘Formepersonally, through helping<br />

theseladies in Fiji, Ihave been helped in<br />

return,’’ says Christine.<br />

Her decision to get back in the pool has<br />

been life changing.<br />

She can now do every day jobs like<br />

grocery shopping, and enjoys being back<br />

in the garden.<br />

Her problems began with paininher<br />

feet ­Plantar fasciitis.<br />

With the pain beingsohorrific, feet<br />

bandaged, unabletoswim, unable to walk,<br />

unable to continueher lifeguard work,and<br />

unable to be aswim instructor,orwork at<br />

an elderly personshome, Louisebecame<br />

isolated.<br />

The February 2011 Christchurch<br />

earthquake alsotook its toll.<br />

‘‘With the sale of our house, and unable<br />

to begin our new build, it must have been<br />

all too muchand depressionset in.<br />

Once the bandages wereoff, she couldn’t<br />

In the swim .. Christine (centre), with Stacey Bruce from the Salvation Army in Rangiora<br />

(left), and her husband Gordon, who supported her during her swim.<br />

bring herself to get backinto the pool.<br />

But hearing about Embrace Fiji,<br />

Christine madeither goal to get back in<br />

the pool to helpatleastone Fijian lady go<br />

to the retreat, by swimming 100, sponsored<br />

<strong>25</strong> metre lengthsofthe Dudley Parkpool,<br />

Once back in the water,Christine found<br />

she was ‘‘surprisingly happy’’. Each<br />

Tuesdayfor three weeks she swam,<br />

culminating in tackling the 100 lengths.<br />

Her efforts willhelpatleast 14 women<br />


attend the retreat.<br />

Embrace Fiji is the SalvationArmy New<br />

Zealand, Fiji,Tonga and SamoaWomen's<br />

MinistriesTerritorial Project for <strong>2021</strong>. ‘‘I<br />

wouldlike to say ahuge thank you to folk<br />

in Rangiora, and beyond, for your<br />

generosity in sponsoringthis swim, to<br />

support the ladies in Fiji.’’<br />

People can still donatetothe causewith<br />

formsavailable from the SalvationArmy<br />

office in AshleyStreet, Rangiora.<br />

Kerryn Clark<br />

Advertising<br />

021 586 138<br />

kerryn.clark<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

getintouch<br />

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info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz<br />

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heather.hood@ncnews.co.nz<br />

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03 314 8335<br />

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RainbringsAqua parktolife<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

3<br />

Kaiapoi’s proposed aqua play park could<br />

be openbylate October.<br />

Watertest resultstoensurepublic<br />

safety, which delayed the resource<br />

consent process for the project due to a<br />

lack of rain, are now under way.<br />

In apresentation to Monday evening’s<br />

Kaiapoi­TuahiwiCommunity Board<br />

meeting, WHoW Charitable Trust trustees<br />

JasonMill and Tony Joseph said water<br />

testingresultsfollowing the May 31 flood<br />

eventhad come back better than expected.<br />

The proposed site is alake in Kaiapoi’s<br />

NCF Reserve, tuckedinbehindCourtenay<br />

Drive, in theformer residential red zone.<br />

The Waimakariri District Council hopes<br />

to begin public consultation on the project<br />

next week.<br />

Mr Millsaid the trust’s ecologist<br />

completed daily watertests in the days<br />

immediately following the flood eventand<br />

was pleasantly surprised at the results.<br />

‘‘We havecompleted watertests, depth<br />

testsand riparian edge tests,and we’ve<br />

done moretests following the flood. That<br />

was considered aone in ahundredyear<br />

floodevent and we’re not at critical levels,<br />

so that’s agood sign.<br />

‘‘We wereabit worried about the impact<br />

of aflush event, but it came backafterfour<br />

days (of testing)atbetter than it was.’’<br />

Should the projectgoahead,the trust<br />

anticipates the aquapark would close for<br />

aweek,following amajorrain event, to<br />

allowtime for testing to ensurepublic<br />

safety.<br />

Following advicefrom Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> staff, WHoW aims to do 45<br />

watertests, at the trust’s expense. It has<br />

completed aquarter of them.<br />

‘‘We don’t needtodoall 45 tests, but we<br />

want to be as diligent as possible,’’MrMill<br />

said.<br />

As part of it’s social outcomes, the trust<br />

is looking to engage with 88 low decile<br />

schools, with the pupils assistingthe<br />

ecologist with the testing.<br />

‘‘It’s providing education and<br />

opportunities forthe kids. We teach them<br />

awee bit about water ecology, bird<br />

Aqua fun ... Consultation is expected to begin soon on Kaiapoi’s proposed aqua play<br />

park.<br />


habitats, inangahabitats and the<br />

environment,’’ Mr Millsaid.<br />

Seven <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> schools,<br />

including Tuahiwi School havebeen<br />

invited to be part of the initiative, with the<br />

intention of providing the pupils with a<br />

free swimfor theirefforts.The trust is also<br />

keen to advanceits conversationswith<br />

Ngai Tuahuririinabid to support<br />

mahinga kai in the area, and already has a<br />

trustee fromTuahiwi.<br />

Should the trust be successful in<br />

obtaining aconsent, Mr Millisoptimistic<br />

the aqua playpark is on tracktoopen in<br />

late October and would operate for five<br />

months beforebeing packedaway over<br />

winter. It is basedonasuccessful concept<br />

employed at Lake Dunstan in Central<br />

Otagolast summer, and is intendedasa<br />

transitional projectfor threeyears while<br />

the trust works on the proposed aqua<br />

sports park.<br />

Mr Millsaid the trust has completed a<br />

marketingstudytogauge interest in the<br />

Greater Christchurch areaand has begun<br />

work on its full feasibility study.<br />

Racecourse quarry decision due early July<br />


Adecision on applicationsbyTaggart<br />

EarthmovingLtd, to quarry gravel at the<br />

Rangiora Racecourse,should be known<br />

early next month.<br />

The hearing was closed on Friday,<br />

<strong>June</strong> 18, after the independent<br />

commissioners hearing the applications,<br />

received Taggart’s right of reply to<br />

submissions.<br />

The panel chair, Paul Rogers, says the<br />

parties can expect adecision‘‘on or<br />

about Friday,July 9’’.<br />

Submitterswho contactedthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> believe Taggart’s right<br />

of reply minimisesconcerns raised at the<br />

hearing by residents, and experts.<br />

Theyalso feel the legal submissions<br />

madeonbehalf of Taggart Earthmoving<br />

Ltd,completely ignore many<br />

submissions and those who spoke at the<br />

hearing, apart from expertwitnesses.<br />

Taggart Earthmoving Ltd is proposing<br />

aquarrycovering 14.5hectares, with two<br />

hectares disturbed at atime.<br />

It seeks threeconsents fromECan and<br />

aland­use consent from the Waimakariri<br />

District Council, which would be active<br />

for 15 years.<br />

The proposal attracted404<br />

submissions, with 390 opposing it.<br />

Evidence was given on the first day of<br />

the hearing which began earlyMay, that<br />

the quarrywouldassist Taggart<br />

Earthmoving Ltd in meetingthe demand<br />

for aggregateinthe Waimakariridistrict<br />

withoutthe need for any crushing or<br />

screening on site.<br />

The hearingofthe resource consents<br />

was before two independent<br />

commissioners —chairman Mr Rogers<br />

and John Iseli, both of Christchurch—on<br />

behalf of Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> and<br />

the WaimakaririDistrict Council.<br />

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South<strong>Canterbury</strong>DistrictHealthBoard.<br />

She says of thediploma:“It wasfilled with<br />

relevant information that directly relatedto<br />

thefield, as well as skillslikecommunication,<br />

time managementand effective planning<br />

whichIfind myself usingevery day. It wasan<br />

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Olivia Smithworkedinhospitalityfor 12<br />

years before studying abusinessdiploma<br />

at Ara, specialisinginadministration and<br />

technology. “Decidingtostudy business<br />

opened up so many opportunities,”she says.<br />

Olivia didalot of herlearningina<br />

simulated office environment. “Thetutors<br />

were amazing-they adaptedtoeachstudents’<br />

learningstyle.Thehighlight wasrealisingI’d<br />

suddenly acquired amassive number of skills<br />

that Icould useevery dayinall areasofmy<br />

life.”<br />

Olivia is applyingthose skillsinher role as<br />

acustomerservice officer at ACC. “I work in<br />

theveryroleIwastrained for, andIcan do it<br />

with confidence.”<br />

Mike Robertsdiscoveredapassionfor<br />

projectmanagementwhile workingasa<br />

softwaretester. With thesupport of his<br />

employer,hestudied agraduate diploma<br />

in project management at Arawhere he’d<br />

previouslygainedhis IT degree.<br />

Mike says theindustryprojecthe<br />

undertook as part of hispostgraduate course<br />

wasahighlight of his studies. “Beingableto<br />

demonstrateyourlearnings by workingina<br />

real-world settingissovaluable. It’s afantastic<br />

opportunityfor students.”<br />

To learnmoreabout Ara’sbusiness<br />

qualifications, visit ara.ac.nz or call<br />

0800 24 24 76.<br />

NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Slipping away ... The deluge took atoll on infrastructure in the Puhi Puhi Valley Road,<br />

north of Kaikoura.<br />


Flooded roads again<br />


Another significant rain eventon<br />

Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 21, proved alittlebit<br />

more than was neededfor the Hurunui<br />

and Kaikoura Districts.<br />

Kaikoura’sPuhi Puhi ValleyRoad<br />

suffered damageinthe deluge, while<br />

roadswere closed in the Hurunui<br />

Districtdue to slipsand flooding.<br />

Even Cheviot’s main street was<br />

awash, and watered flowedover<br />

sections of the StateHighway as<br />

creeks and rivers struggled to cope.<br />

Hurunui’s roading and water teams<br />

were kept busy making sure<br />

conditions, infrastructure and<br />

services were safe.<br />

On Tuesdayaround 10 roads were<br />

still closed, while slipsand swollen<br />

fords on several roads madedriving<br />

tricky.<br />

The Kaiwara, Hurunui No 1, and<br />

Upper Waitohi water schemes were on<br />

boiled water notices.<br />

In the WaimakaririDistrict the Cust<br />

River, already swollen by rain in<br />

recent days, spilledover roads, while<br />

in theSefton, Ashley, and Saltwater<br />

Creek areas surfacewater made<br />

drivinghazardous,with someroads<br />

closed for atime.<br />

Cheviot awash ... State Highway one through Cheviot on Sunday.<br />

Reaching out to the young<br />

Ayouth mentoring initiative in the<br />

Hurunui District is looking for young<br />

people to take part in the programme.<br />

Hurunui District Council’s Youth<br />

Development co­ordinator, Rebecca<br />

Pugh says youth between the ages of 12<br />

and 18 are being sought to join the<br />

Hurunui Youth programme.<br />

Early last year, aresearch project,<br />

focusing on Hurunui youth was<br />

developed by three women working in<br />

Youth Wellbeing­ Michelle Cole of<br />

Meaningful Health Hurunui, Sarah<br />

Wylie and Dr Jane Spittlehouse of the<br />

Collaborative Trust for Research and<br />

Training in Youth Development.<br />

They found youth mentoring in the<br />

district would be apositive<br />

experience for our local teens, leading<br />

to the launch of the youth mentoring<br />

initiative.<br />

“The research shows many benefits<br />

of amentoring partnership, such as<br />

improved relationship skills, increase<br />

in self­worth and increased sense of<br />

wellbeing.<br />

‘‘We want this for our young people<br />

in Hurunui,” said Rebecca.<br />

Rebeccas is thrilled to have 14<br />

mentors come forward, and is now on<br />

the hunt for young people to join the<br />

programme.<br />

“We would love to hear from any<br />

youth or their whanau who are<br />

interested in this awesome<br />

opportunity and to see if this initiative<br />

is the right fit for them.”<br />

For more information, email<br />

Rebecca at Rebecca.pugh@hurunui.<br />

govt.nz or call her on 02718000582.

Vaccinationsfor<br />

therestofAotearoa<br />

NewZealand<br />

TheCOVID-19vaccination rolloutfor thegeneral population<br />

starts from theend of July.<br />

OurCOVID-19vaccination programme hasbuilt momentum<br />

steadily since February. We arevaccinating around 100,000<br />

peopleaweekatthe moment. In thesecond half of theyear<br />

we hittop speed andeveryoneinNew Zealand aged16and<br />

over will be able to be vaccinated.<br />

Moving to the general population<br />

So far, vaccinations have been made availabletothose mostat<br />

risk of gettingCOVID-19tolimit thechances of it getting into the<br />

wider population.<br />

With more vaccinesupply coming on,and having ramped up our<br />

infrastructure, vaccinations foreveryoneelse in NewZealand<br />

aged 16 and over (the generalpopulation) startfrom28July.<br />

This is averylargegroup of people. To makethisflow smoothly,<br />

we will breakthisdownbyage bands.<br />

Allpeopleaged60pluscan book theirvaccinationsfrom28July.<br />

Then,two weekslater,peoplewho are55plus. From there, new<br />

agebandswill be openedupevery 2–3weeks basedonconfirmed<br />

deliveriesofthe vaccineand thespeed of rollouttoearlier groups.<br />

By midtolateAugust,invitations should be open forpeopleover<br />

45.Bymid to late September, invitations should be open forthose<br />

over35, witheveryoneelse beingeligiblefrom October.<br />

Invitations<br />

Most peoplewill getadirect invitation to book–eitherbyemail,<br />

text,phone call or in thepost. Youwillthenbeabletobookthrough<br />

Book My Vaccine,anewnationalbookingsystemthatwill be online<br />

from 28 July,orphoneanewnational call centre.Availabilityof<br />

bookingslots (the date,timeand place youcan be vaccinated)<br />

will vary between districthealth board(DHB) regions.<br />

Once youare eligible to be vaccinated, youcan be vaccinated<br />

at anytime. Thereisnocut off.<br />

Registration<br />

Even if your ageband isn’t open, everyoneaged16and over will<br />

be abletogotoBook My Vaccine to registerfor an invitationfrom<br />

28 July.Registrationmeans we willbecertain to have your correct<br />

contactdetails and when your agegroup is opened, youwill getan<br />

invitationtelling youit’syour turn to book.<br />

Getting avaccination<br />

Step 1<br />

Step 2<br />

Step 3<br />

Receiving an invitation<br />

We’llcallorsend youanemail,textorlettertoinvite<br />

youtobook.<br />

Makeyour booking<br />

From 28 July,gotoBook My Vaccine or call thenew<br />

national call centretobookbothdoses,ortoregister<br />

if your ageband isn’topenyet.<br />

Get your vaccination<br />

Have your first vaccinationdose.<br />

3–6weekslater have your second vaccinationdose.<br />

If youdon’t hear from us, or areconcerned, youcan register<br />

foryour vaccinationthrough thenew national Book My Vaccine<br />

booking system at anytimefrom28July.<br />

Importantdates<br />

28 July People60+ Vaccinations open<br />

11 August People55+ Vaccinations open<br />

MidtolateAug People45+ Invitations shouldopen<br />

MidtolateSept People35+ Invitations shouldopen<br />

October People16+ Invitations should open<br />

Other ways to get vaccinated<br />

As we go throughthe year therewill be otherwaysfor people<br />

to be vaccinated. These willincludeworkplace vaccinations and<br />

other targetedvaccinationeventsacrossthe country. Forsome<br />

remote ruralcommunities we will vaccinate allage groupsatthe<br />

same time to makeiteasierfor them.Our successful whānaucentredapproachtovaccinations<br />

will continue forMāori and<br />

Pacific communitiesand those withdisabilities.<br />

Findout more at Covid19.govt.nz


6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Around the electorate with<br />


Final report leaves<br />

many questions<br />

The Climate ChangeCommission has<br />

released its final report, and although it<br />

does take astep back from the Draft<br />

Report, it still leaves many unanswered<br />

questions as to how New Zealand will<br />

reach the net­zero emissions target.<br />

The Commissionproposed policies<br />

such as subsidiesonelectricvehicles<br />

and taxes on some internalcombustion<br />

engines,which the Government<br />

announced last week despitepromising<br />

no new taxes.<br />

This policy will not lower emissions,<br />

and it mayeven drive them up, given<br />

that ute sales have gone through the<br />

roof. Unfortunately it will cost<br />

hardworking Kiwis, especiallythose for<br />

whom there are no practical EV options,<br />

suchasfarmers and tradies.<br />

We live in afree country, and we do<br />

not want the Nanny State tellinguswhat<br />

we can or can’t drive. It was galling to<br />

hear the PrimeMinister say that alarge<br />

number of ute buyers are not usingthem<br />

for “legitimate use”, it showsjust how<br />

out of touchshe is.<br />

We could be heading down aslippery<br />

slope here, the Government want to tax<br />

our cars now, but what’s next?<br />

Will we be restricted on what sized<br />

refrigerator we can buy?<br />

This is why we shouldlet the<br />

Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), do<br />

the heavy liftinghere.<br />

The Climate Change Commissionin<br />

their report said that the ETS will get us<br />

to net zero by 2050 with acost of $50 per<br />

tonne, which is very reasonable, the<br />

danger here is that these poorlythought<br />

out policies may mean we do not get<br />

there at all or we do at acost thatwill<br />

impoverish us. The ETS willallow us to<br />

reach our 2050 net­zero emissions target<br />

through the least cost way.<br />

But most importantly it givespeople<br />

the choice on how they shouldreduce<br />

their emissions, rather than the<br />

Government controlling it through<br />

taxes.<br />

We need to back the market­driven<br />

solution,not costly policies that put our<br />

country further in debt.<br />



People and events<br />

return to Kaikoura<br />

It was good to seesomany people<br />

coming to Kaikoura over the Queen’s<br />

Birthday weekend recently.<br />

The Kaikoura Bike Trails and<br />

Kaikoura Cold Water Classic surfing<br />

events were major drawcards.<br />

Big ups to the community who put the<br />

time in to make these events happen.<br />

Iwas really pleased to seeGina<br />

Solomon on the Queen’s Birthday<br />

honour list.<br />

This achievement recognises all the<br />

work that she has done to protect the<br />

environment in Kaikoura, as well as her<br />

commitment to conservation on a<br />

national level.<br />

Long TermPlan community hui have<br />

gone ahead in town, Goose Bay and<br />

Kekerengu.<br />

In general, Iwould say that we have<br />

had the best response to LTP meetings<br />

that Ihave been involved with.<br />

While no­one ishappy with any rates<br />

increase and everyone has adifferent<br />

viewpoint, thereisarealunderstanding<br />

of the issues facing local government<br />

and most people are agreeing with the<br />

key proposalsthe council wants to focus<br />

on over the next 10 years.<br />

I’d really like people to makea<br />

submission if they agree that we should<br />

improve the roads andfootpaths, start<br />

an urban rubbish collection, support<br />

Destination Kaikoura and review our<br />

out­dated District Plan.<br />

The submission form is online. It is<br />

easy to fill out. Youjust check the boxes<br />

and there is also space to tell us why you<br />

chose thisoption, and other comments<br />

you have on our plan for the next 10<br />

years.<br />

The Three Waters Reform shows the<br />

government is keen on establishing a<br />

small number of large newwater<br />

entities, instead of local councils, which<br />

would deliver water services to<br />

households and businesses.<br />

The next stage in theThree Waters<br />

Reform willbeannounced in afew<br />

weeks, as soon as we know more, we’ll<br />

pass the information on to you.<br />

Take care andifyou can, take some<br />

time to make asubmission to our LTP.<br />

Your submission will let us know we<br />

are on the right track andwill help us to<br />

make our final decision.<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

SinceIamstanding for<br />

councillor in the West ward<br />

of the Hurunui District<br />

Council it wouldbean<br />

opportune time to explain<br />

the difference between<br />

having ‘money’ and having<br />

‘wealth’.<br />

Moneyallows you to buy<br />

product, anew car,overseas<br />

trip etc.Ifyou don’t haveit.<br />

Bad luck.<br />

Wealth on the other hand<br />

relates to whatour culture<br />

offers its citizens.<br />

Examples often quoted are<br />

drinkablewater, swimmable<br />

rivers, quality education,<br />

roadsthat don’tneed<br />

constant repair,an<br />

environment that’sa<br />

pleasure to livein, and all<br />

sorts of things that are<br />

availablenomater what<br />

yoursocioeconomic status<br />

is.<br />

Perhaps it is easier to<br />

explain what wealth isn’t or<br />

signs or symptoms of losing<br />

wealth ­MORE taxes, crime,<br />

welfare, pollution,<br />

pornography, bureaucracy,<br />

or LESSresponsibility and<br />

productivity.<br />

The essentialcriteria<br />

councilsmust fulfil is to<br />

provide basic infrastructure<br />

for the residents to build<br />

wealth upon, and to use<br />

ratepayers taxes efficiently<br />

to the maximum benefits of<br />

everyone withinthe district.<br />

Yours,<br />

Richard ERoe BsC, DC,<br />

Rotherham<br />

The Back of the Painting: Secrets and Stories from Art Conservation, by Linda<br />

Waters<br />

The seal of the Prince of Yugoslavia,the icon thatprotectedpersecuted Russians,<br />

Monet's repurposedcanvas, the excised first wife,the stolen Tissot... all these stories can<br />

be found on the backsofpaintings in New Zealandart museums. This book by three<br />

painting conservators explores the backs of 33 paintings,ranging from 14th century<br />

artworkstothe present day.<br />

ABiker's Tale: TourAotearoa, by John Hellemans<br />

The Tour Aotearoa is amountainbike ‘brevet' —atimed, longdistance<br />

cyclingevent—covering the length of New Zealand. It starts<br />

at the most northern point of the <strong>North</strong> Island,Cape Reinga, and<br />

finishes at Stirling Point, justsouth of Bluff at the bottom of theSouth<br />

Island. The Tour is unsupported, so participants carry theirown gear. To be awarded the<br />

brevet, the riders needtocoverthe full distance within 30 days. Hellemans describes his<br />

journey and how it fitted into the complex worldwelive in.<br />

The Jigsaw Man, by Nadine Matheson<br />

Aserial killerand his copycat arelocked in aviolentgame of cat and mouse. CanDI<br />

Angelica Henley stopthem beforeit'stoo late? On the day she returnstoactive dutywith<br />

the SerialCrimes Unit, Detective Inspector Henley is called to acrime scene. The modus operandibearsa<br />

striking resemblancetoPeterOlivier,the notorious JigsawKiller, who has spent thepast two years behind bars.<br />

These titles are available in both Waimakariri and Hurunui libraries. Find out moreabout recentadditions<br />

to the library collection by goingtothe library catalogue at waimakariri.kotui.org.nz or hurunui.kotui.org.nz.<br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Ok<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Jun 24 Jun <strong>25</strong> Jun 26 Jun 27 Jun 28 Jun 29 Jun 30<br />

Rise 8:01am<br />

Set 5:01pm<br />

Best 11:42am<br />

Times<br />

Set 7:07am<br />

Rise 4:13pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 8:01am<br />

Set 5:01pm<br />

Best 12:15am<br />

Times 12:47pm<br />

Set 8:21am<br />

Rise 5:12pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 8:01am<br />

Set 5:01pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:19am<br />

1:51pm<br />

Set 9:24am<br />

Rise 6:21pm<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 8:01am<br />

Set 5:02pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Rise 8:01am<br />

Set 5:02pm<br />

Rise 8:01am<br />

Set 5:03pm<br />

Rise 8:01am<br />

Set 5:03pm<br />

Gentle SW turning<br />

Gentle Wturning Moderate Sturning Moderate Sturning<br />

Moderate SW<br />

E<br />

Gentle SW<br />

S<br />

SE<br />

SW<br />

Moderate SW<br />

E0.8 mturning<br />

SE 1.2 m SE 0.9 m NE 0.9 m E0.6 m<br />

S SE 1.4 m SE 1.5 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

2:22am<br />

2:51pm<br />

Set 10:14am<br />

Rise 7:34pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

3:20am<br />

3:47pm<br />

Set 10:54am<br />

Rise 8:47pm<br />

Good<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

4:13am<br />

4:37pm<br />

Set 11:26am<br />

Rise 9:58pm<br />

Good<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

5:01am<br />

5:24pm<br />

Set 11:52am<br />

Rise 11:06pm<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 3:32am 2.4 9:45am 0.3 4:29am 2.4 10:44am 0.3 5:27am 2.4 11:41am 0.3 6:<strong>25</strong>am 2.4 12:18am 0.3 7:23am 2.4 1:12am 0.3 8:19am 2.4 2:06am 0.4 9:13am 2.3 2:59am 0.5<br />

Mouth<br />

4:07pm 2.6 10:26pm 0.3 5:03pm 2.6 11:23pm 0.3 5:59pm 2.6<br />

6:55pm 2.6 12:37pm 0.3 7:50pm 2.5 1:31pm 0.4 8:43pm 2.5 2:24pm 0.4 9:36pm 2.4 3:18pm 0.5<br />

Amberley 3:32am 2.4 9:45am 0.3 4:29am 2.4 10:44am 0.3 5:27am 2.4 11:41am 0.3 6:<strong>25</strong>am 2.4 12:18am 0.3 7:23am 2.4 1:12am 0.3 8:19am 2.4 2:06am 0.4 9:13am 2.3 2:59am 0.5<br />

Beach<br />

4:07pm 2.6 10:26pm 0.3 5:03pm 2.6 11:23pm 0.3 5:59pm 2.6<br />

6:55pm 2.6 12:37pm 0.3 7:50pm 2.5 1:31pm 0.4 8:43pm 2.5 2:24pm 0.4 9:36pm 2.4 3:18pm 0.5<br />

3:41am 2.4 9:54am 0.3 4:38am 2.4 10:53am 0.3 5:36am 2.4 11:50am 0.3 6:34am 2.4 12:27am 0.3 7:32am 2.4 1:21am 0.3 8:28am 2.4 2:15am 0.4 9:22am 2.3 3:08am 0.5<br />

Motunau 4:16pm 2.6 10:35pm 0.3 5:12pm 2.6 11:32pm 0.3 6:08pm 2.6<br />

7:04pm 2.6 12:46pm 0.3 7:59pm 2.5 1:40pm 0.4 8:52pm 2.5 2:33pm 0.4 9:45pm 2.4 3:27pm 0.5<br />

3:43am 2.4 9:56am 0.3 4:40am 2.4 10:55am 0.3 5:38am 2.4 11:52am 0.3 6:36am 2.4 12:29am 0.3 7:34am 2.4 1:23am 0.3 8:30am 2.4 2:17am 0.4 9:24am 2.3 3:10am 0.5<br />

Gore Bay 4:18pm 2.6 10:37pm 0.3 5:14pm 2.6 11:34pm 0.3 6:10pm 2.6<br />

7:06pm 2.6 12:48pm 0.3 8:01pm 2.5 1:42pm 0.4 8:54pm 2.5 2:35pm 0.4 9:47pm 2.4 3:29pm 0.5<br />

3:37am 1.8 9:46am 0.3 4:35am 1.8 10:43am 0.3 5:33am 1.8 11:41am 0.3 6:31am 1.8 12:24am 0.3 7:29am 1.8 1:21am 0.3 8:26am 1.8 2:18am 0.3 9:21am 1.8 3:13am 0.4<br />

Kaikoura 4:09pm 2.0 10:29pm 0.3 5:07pm 2.0 11:27pm 0.3 6:03pm 2.0<br />

7:00pm 2.0 12:38pm 0.3 7:56pm 2.0 1:35pm 0.3 8:51pm 1.9 2:31pm 0.4 9:46pm 1.8 3:27pm 0.4<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


J<br />

J<br />

See the Good Sports.<br />

$72.16<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$77.06<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$144.16<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$86.86<br />

PER WEEK<br />

2011 Audi A3 Sport 1.4 TFSi<br />

1400cc with 46,944kms, Auto Tiptronic, 8Airbags,<br />

Aero Body Kit, Alloys, Auto Air Con, CD Player,<br />

ESC, Fog Lights, ISOFIX, Leather Wrapped Steering<br />

Wheel, Power Steering,<br />

Traction Control, Remote<br />

Central Locking, Turbo. $13,990<br />

2016 Honda Fit Hybrid FPackage<br />

1500cc with 52,887kms, Auto, CD Player, Centre<br />

Shoulder Belt in Rear, Child Seat Anchor Points,<br />

Climate Air Con, High Grade 4.5, Remote Central<br />

Locking, Smart Key with<br />

$22,990<br />

Push Button Start, ESC,<br />

Traction Control. $14,990<br />

2015 Hyundai Tucson Elite 2.0<br />

1999cc with 90,041kms, Auto Tiptronic, 5Star<br />

ANCAP, 6Airbags, ABS, Alloys, Auto Air Con, AUX/<br />

USB/Bluetooth, Blind Spot Monitoring, Cruise,<br />

Heated Leather Seats, ESC,<br />

Immobiliser, ISOFIX,<br />

Smart Key, Towbar. $28,990<br />

2013 Subaru Legacy 2.5i B<br />

Sports Eyesight GPack <strong>25</strong>00cc with<br />

79,033kms, Auto, Aero Body Kit, Alloys, Auto Lights,<br />

Auto Wipers, CD Player, Cruise, Dual Zone Climate<br />

Control, ESC, Smart Key<br />

with Push Button Start,<br />

Traction Control.<br />

$16,990<br />

$70.70<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$124.57<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$109.88<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$72.16<br />

PER WEEK<br />

2008 Nissan X-Trail 20X 4WD<br />

1990cc with 88,599kms, Auto, ABS Brakes, Alloys,<br />

Auto Air Con, CD Player, Dual Airbags, Factory<br />

Privacy Glass, High Seating Position, Leather,<br />

Monsoon Shields, Remote<br />

Central Locking, Towbar,<br />

Trip Computer. $13,990<br />

2018 Suzuki Swift Sport Turbo<br />

1373cc with 22,586kms, Manual, 5Star ANCAP,<br />

6Airbags, Adaptive Cruise, Aero Body Kit, Alloys,<br />

Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, Bluetooth, Emergency<br />

Brake Assist, NZ Sat Nav,<br />

Lane Departure Warning,<br />

Rev. Camera, Smart Key.<br />

$24,990<br />

2018 Hyundai Sonata Elite<br />

Series 2 2359cc, 56,611kms, 5Star ANCAP,<br />

Auto Tiptronic, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, ESC,<br />

GPS/NZ Sat Nav, Heated Leather Seats, Cruise,<br />

Dual Zone Climate Control,<br />

Rev. Camera, Smart Key,<br />

Wireless Phone Charging.<br />

$21,990<br />

2016 Toyota Corolla Fielder 1.5X<br />

1500cc with 65,122kms, Auto, 8Airbags, Air Con,<br />

CD Player, Chain Driven, Electric Mirrors, Electric<br />

Windows, Lane Departure Warning, Idling Stop,<br />

ISOFIX, Power Steering,<br />

Remote Central Locking,<br />

ESC, Traction Control. $13,990<br />

$62.37<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$116.24<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$81.96<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$81.96<br />

PER WEEK<br />

2009 Subaru Legacy B42.5i<br />

LPackage LTD4WD <strong>25</strong>00cc, 61,360kms,<br />

Auto, 8Airbags, Aero Body Kit, Alloys, Climate<br />

Air Con, Factory Privacy Glass, Fog Lights, ISOFIX,<br />

Paddle Shift, Smart Key<br />

with Push Button Start,<br />

ESC, Traction Control.<br />

$11,990<br />

2015 MazdaAxela Hybrid S<br />

2000cc with 29,077kms, Auto, Alloys, Auto Lights,<br />

CD Player, Chain Driven, Cruise, Dual Zone Climate<br />

Control, ESC, Electric Mirrors, High Grade 4.5,<br />

ISOFIX, Smart Key with<br />

Push Button Start, Traction<br />

Control, Trip Computer.<br />

$22,990<br />

2008 Mitsubishi Outlander 30G<br />

3000cc with 68,049kms, Auto Tiptronic, Alloys,<br />

4WD, Auto Air Con, Auto Lights, CD Player,<br />

Cruise, Electric Driver’s Seat, ESC, Heated Leather<br />

Seats, Multi Functional<br />

Steering Wheel, Smart Key,<br />

Traction Control. $15,990<br />

2012 Mazda Axela Sport 20S<br />

SkyActiv 2000cc with 47,490kms, Auto<br />

Tiptronic, 6Airbags, Aero Body Kit, Alloys, Auto<br />

Lights, CD Player, Chain Driven, Cruise, I-Stop,<br />

Dual Zone Climate Control,<br />

ESC, Fog Lights, ISOFIX,<br />

Paddle Shift, Smart Key.<br />

$15,990<br />

$111.34<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$121.14<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$155.42<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$129.47<br />

PER WEEK<br />

2017 Nissan LEAF 30X Aero Style<br />

Thanks Edition Electric, Aero Body Kit, ESC,<br />

21,237kms, Alloys, Auto Lights, CD Player, Cruise,<br />

Dual Airbags, Heated Steering Wheel, ISOFIX, Multi<br />

Functional Steering Wheel,<br />

Reverse Camera, Smart Key,<br />

Traction Control.<br />

$21,990<br />

2013 Mazda CX-5 XD LPackage<br />

4WD 2200cc with 32,174kms, Auto Tiptronic,<br />

6Airbags, Alloys, Auto Lights, CD Player, Cruise,<br />

Dual Zone Climate Control, Electric Seats, Heated<br />

Leather Seats, ESC, ISOFIX,<br />

Fog Lights,Smart Key,Turbo<br />

Diesel, Traction Control.<br />

$23,990<br />

2016 Subaru Outback 2.5i<br />

EyeSight <strong>25</strong>00cc with 58,369kms, Auto, 4WD,<br />

8Airbags, Alloys, Auto Lights, CD Player, Chain<br />

Driven, Dual Zone Climate Control, ESC, Fog Lights,<br />

ISOFIX, Paddle Shift, Radar<br />

Cruise, SI Drive, Smart Key,<br />

Traction Control.<br />

$30,990<br />

2018 Holden Commodore LT<br />

Blackout 2.0T 1998cc with 56,550kms, Auto<br />

Tiptronic, 5Star ANCAP, 6Airbags, Alloys, Android<br />

Auto, Apple CarPlay, AUX/Bluetooth/USB, Cruise,<br />

Auto Lights, ESC, ISOFIX,<br />

Lane Keep, Rev. Camera,<br />

Smart Key, Turbo.<br />

$<strong>25</strong>,990<br />

Stadium Cars Rangiora 03 310 7940 | stadiumcars.co.nz<br />

609 Lineside Road, Waimakariri, Rangiora OPEN 6DAYS<br />

*Conditions apply. Not available with any other offer. Finance offer subject to credit and lending criteria.<br />

Finance calculation based on 60 month term. No deposit with an annual fixed interest rate of9.95%,<br />

includes an establishment fee of$445. See our website for full disclosure.<br />

*On road costs may apply to some vehicles


FOR LESS<br />


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Radius 1.2Round Dining Table<br />

Bramwell<br />

3+2 Suite<br />

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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Bridge to Bridge<br />


9<br />

Stripped clean ... Looking west along the Ashley/Rakahuri River which is now clear of<br />

weeds and vegetation following the recent flood.<br />


Endangeredbirds<br />

benefit from flood<br />


The populations of endangered<br />

braided river birdscould increase<br />

thanks to the recent floodinthe<br />

Ashley/Rakahuri River.<br />

The forceofthe water has stripped<br />

all the weeds fromthe riverbed,<br />

leaving gravelislands,wherebirds<br />

like to nest, free of cover for predators.<br />

Birdssuch as the wrybill,blackfronted<br />

tern, and banded dotterel,<br />

require baregravel to nest on.<br />

The Ashley/Rakahuri Rivercare<br />

Group(ARRG)has found acorrelation<br />

between bird numbers and the amount<br />

of bare gravel.<br />

Afterseveralyears of no large<br />

floods, the beds of smallerfoot­hills<br />

fed rivers such as the Ashley, Opihi,<br />

and Orarihave been overwhelmed by<br />

weeds.<br />

Groupmember Grant Davey says<br />

wherethere weredeep braidchannels<br />

thereisnow high islands,and vice<br />

versa.<br />

All signsofrecent riverextraction<br />

has also beenerased, and the fairway<br />

widened, in some cases by 50 metres or<br />

more,hesays.<br />

“Almost the entire gravel bed of the<br />

riverseems to have been liftedupand<br />

movedbyflood watersresulting in a<br />

complete change in its morphology.’’<br />

Mr Davey saysthe islands are where<br />

the birds prefertonest, and are safest<br />

from predators. Norway rats and stoats<br />

swim to the islands, but other<br />

predators such as hedgehogs and cats<br />

are much less likely to do so.<br />

David Owen, Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s principal biodiversity<br />

adviser, braided rivers, says, the<br />

floods have presented the opportunity<br />

to try to keep the river relativelyweedfree.<br />

‘‘Left unchecked, the weeds will<br />

inevitably return.”<br />

ARRG, with regional council<br />

funding, had been about to<br />

mechanically clear 64 hectares of<br />

weedy islands.ARRG is now working<br />

on astrategy to stop the weeds growing<br />

again.<br />

The floods did hit the grouphard,<br />

however. It lost 100 predator traps, out<br />

of 400, during the floods. They were set<br />

along the bermofthe river and around<br />

the estuary, mostly tied to trees or in<br />

scrub, and were swept awayinthe<br />

raging torrent.<br />

AGivealittle page has been set up to<br />

raise funds to buy more trapsbefore<br />

the breeding season startsin<br />

September. To date over $1800 has<br />

beenraised.Traps cost about $50 to<br />

$70 each.<br />

Overthe past 16 years,ARRG has<br />

protectedan18km stretch of the river<br />

withtraps to eliminatepredators,<br />

allowing the braided river birdsto<br />

breedand raise chicks safely.<br />

Theirwork has helped the birds to<br />

hold their own on the Ashley and even<br />

increaseslightly, comparedwith<br />

gradual to catastrophic decline<br />

(dependingonthe species)on<br />

unprotectedrivers.Tohelp go to:<br />

givealittle.co.nz/cause/flood­destroyspredator­traps­help­us­buy­more.<br />

The Widest Music Variety<br />

The inaugural WaimakaririBridge To<br />

Bridge Ultra Marathon60km event<br />

winner Andrew Wanklyn had asharp<br />

reminder about New Zealand winters on<br />

Saturday.<br />

The Christchurch man had been<br />

workinginthe Australianmine industry,<br />

based at Western Australia’sShark Bay,<br />

but returned home afew days ago, and<br />

despite beingrugged up for his<br />

endurance run on Saturday,hewas still<br />

cold at the finish.<br />

‘‘It was 30 degrees in Shark Bay, when<br />

Ileft,’’hesaid. Andrew finishedthe<br />

60km in fivehours, nine minutesand 33<br />

seconds and saiditwas the longestrace<br />

he had ever competed in.<br />

The firstrunnerhome in the Bridge to<br />

Bridge 15kmrun, was Jakob<br />

Cunningham, of Oamaru, who ran the<br />

distancein19minutes and 28 seconds.<br />

His stepfather, Mark Esselink, of<br />

Oamaru won the 30km event, finishing<br />

the distancein2hours10minutes and 55<br />

seconds.<br />

The UltraMarathon included four<br />

events —the 60km Ultra Marathon<br />

starting at the WaimakaririGolf Club,<br />

the 30kmevent from Downs Rd, the 15km<br />

event, starting at HarrsRd, and the 5km,<br />

starting at WaimakaririRiver Park. All<br />

finishedinRaven Quay in Kaiapoi.<br />

The eventwas was organised by Carol<br />

and John MooreofCJM’S Events and was<br />

born from the Waimakariri Bridge to<br />

Bridge MountainBike Race,which was<br />

held in even more winteryweather on<br />

Sunday, using the same routes.<br />

`‘‘Saturday was afantastic day, perfect<br />

for running,’’ Carolsaid. ‘‘`Sundaywas a<br />

little bit damp, actuallyquite wet at<br />

times, but the ridersloved it (judging by)<br />

the smiles on everyone’s face as they<br />

crossed the finish line. Ithink it brought<br />

BayBlenders<br />

First home ... Andrew Wanklyn taking out<br />

the 60km Bridge to Bridge Ultra Marathon.<br />


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out the inner child in many riders. With<br />

riders rangingfrom seven to 77­years of<br />

age.’’<br />

About400 competitors from<br />

throughout New Zealand took partinthe<br />

events.<br />





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NEWS<br />

10 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Stunning show ... Barb­a­loots, Swomee Swans and Humming<br />

Fish singing Big Yellow Taxi.<br />


The Lorax ahit<br />

The Loraxpaid avisitto<br />

Rangiora last week.<br />

Loburn Schoolpresented Dr<br />

Seuss’, The Lorax,atthe<br />

Rangiora Town Hall, with<br />

nearly 600 peopleattending<br />

overthe two nightseason.<br />

All 173 students at the school<br />

had apart to playinthe<br />

production,whichthey began<br />

practising at the beginning of<br />

Term2.<br />

Principal Stuart Priddy says<br />

the production was based<br />

looselyonthe movie of the<br />

samename,and was a<br />

cautionary tale primarily about<br />

aperson's responsibilities to<br />

the environment.<br />

‘‘Each class were given<br />

specific roles in the production<br />

­Barb­a­loots, Swomee Swans,<br />

Humming Fish, Once­ler's<br />

Family and acollection of<br />

The Lorax .. Barb­a­loots and<br />

Swomee Swans around the<br />

Truffula Trees.<br />

Lorax's,’’ he says.The<br />

production was interspersed<br />

with songsand dance.<br />

Shake up of quake-prone buildings<br />

Anew nationalsystemfor<br />

councils to manage<br />

earthquake­prone buildings<br />

comesinto effect on July 1.<br />

Changes to theBuilding Act<br />

also give councils the<br />

opportunity to identify<br />

buildings theysuspect might be<br />

earthquake prone.<br />

The system uses three profile<br />

categories —anunreinforced<br />

masonary building;apre­1976<br />

building, three or more storeys<br />

or 12 metres or greater in<br />

height above the lowest ground<br />

level; or apre­1935buildings,<br />

one or two storeys high.<br />

Hurunui DistrictCouncil<br />

buildingand propertymanager<br />

KerryWalsh saysthe new rules<br />

Floods put stopbanks to the test<br />


The importance of stopbanks was highlighted<br />

duringthe recent<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>region­wide<br />

flood, an Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>spokesperson<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Althoughthe bulk of therainfall in theregionwideflood<br />

event earlier this month was further<br />

south, thefloodflowswesaw in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

werestillsignificant,’’ Ecan’sriversmanager<br />

Leigh Griffiths says.<br />

‘‘Overallweare reallypleased withhow the<br />

Waimakariri­Eyre­Custfloodprotection<br />

infrastructure heldup,’’ Leigh says.<br />

‘‘Thisisanother reminder that our flood<br />

protection plays abig part in protecting the<br />

health and well­beingofcommunitiesand<br />

critical infrastructuresuch as roads,community<br />

water supplies andpowerlines.’’<br />

‘‘Inthe Ashley River at thegorge, thiswas the<br />

biggestfloodonrecord, and the highflows we saw<br />

all the way downthe usuallylow­flow river<br />

do not apply to most residential<br />

and farm buildings.<br />

An assessor will start<br />

inspectingfrom nextMonday<br />

reviewing buildings thathave<br />

met one or more of the three<br />

criteria.<br />

“We have carried out a<br />

desktop study of over 1000<br />

buildings which has helped us<br />

identify what buildingsneed to<br />

be looked at, but it will likely be<br />

lessthan five percent of<br />

properties affected across the<br />

whole district once we have<br />

carried out the inspections.”<br />

Inspections will takeuptosix<br />

months. Letterswillthen be<br />

senttoproperty ownerswho<br />

havethe optiontoeitheraccept<br />

the earthquake­pronestatusof<br />

their building and commit to<br />

the cost of havingit<br />

strengthened, or provide<br />

evidence to statetheirbuilding<br />

is not earthquake prone, such<br />

as aseismicassessment.<br />

“This is all about providing a<br />

safe place to work, gatherand<br />

socialise,” said Kerry.<br />

‘‘Earthquake strengthening<br />

work can vary in cost, from<br />

$30,000toseveralmillion.”<br />

There is no costtothe<br />

propertyowner for assessment<br />

or pre work such as drilling, but<br />

they must pay the<br />

strengtheningcost which can<br />

be doneany time during the<br />

next15years.<br />

underlined the significance of theprimaryand<br />

secondary stopbank system.’’<br />

The Waimakariri, Eyre andAshley/Rakahuri<br />

rivers sustainedminortomoderatedamage in<br />

isolatedareas.There wassubstantial damage to<br />

someareas of theWaimakaririand Ashley/<br />

Rakahuriregional parks.<br />

Someareas in theparksremain closed while<br />

repairworktis donetofloodgates, anderosion<br />

management and clearingofdebrisiscarried<br />

out.<br />

‘‘FloodingisNew Zealand’s most common<br />

natural disaster andwedoexpect that climate<br />

changewill intensifyrainfall,resultinginmore<br />

frequent,high­intensityevents.’’<br />

Areas of the parks worst hitand thosethat<br />

remainclosed,are listed on the Ecanwebsite, for<br />

the safetyofusers.<br />

‘‘Thisallowsour staff and contractors to<br />

undertake recovery work moreefficiently,’’<br />

Leigh says. ‘‘We want peopletoenjoyasmuchof<br />

the parks as possible.’’<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>,weneedtotalkabout our changing climate. We know this isn’t an easy topic. Or asmall one.<br />

Butwehavetostartsomewhere,sowe’re starting here–with our region. Learn moreatitstimecanterbury.co.nz<br />

It’stime, <strong>Canterbury</strong> is climatefriendly-learn more on our website.<br />

It’s time to talk about climate change, <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Brought to youby:<br />





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NEWS<br />

14 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Satisfaction from helping others<br />



Volunteering is away of life<br />

for Norman Maindonald.<br />

He has dedicated more than<br />

40 years of service to the<br />

community in Christchurch,<br />

and more recently, <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The Rangiora resident, who<br />

volunteers with Community<br />

Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Trust as aRestorative Justice<br />

panellist, says volunteering<br />

gives him asatisfaction that<br />

nothing else does.<br />

Aself­professed jack of all<br />

trades, masterofnone,<br />

Norman held variousjobs in<br />

Christchurch, including arole<br />

as manager at Smiths City,<br />

before becoming South Island<br />

sales representative for<br />

Masport.<br />

‘‘I was happily married, with<br />

two children. Ihad agreat job<br />

but Iwas too comfortable, says<br />

Norman.<br />

‘‘My prayer was, if Ican do<br />

something more productive,<br />

let me know.’’<br />

Normanbelieves his prayer<br />

was answeredwhen aserious<br />

car accident in 1984 left him<br />

with afracturedskull and<br />

unable to resume his job. Once<br />

he had recovered sufficiently<br />

he poured himself into prison<br />

ministry,avoluntary role he<br />

had begun while employed<br />

fulltime.<br />

When Norman began<br />

working with men at Rolleston<br />

Prison, some 41 years ago, his<br />

wife Shirley, while supportive<br />

of her husband’s decision,<br />

Volunteer week .. . Norman Maindonald says he gets<br />

‘‘tremendous satisfaction’’ from volunteering.<br />


stated categorically thatshe<br />

did not want to be involved.<br />

‘‘But three years later, she<br />

was more involved in the<br />

ministry than Iwas,’’ says<br />

Norman.<br />

The couple took prison<br />

inmates into their home for<br />

what was known as 72 hour<br />

parole, part of aprogramme to<br />

help prisoners nearing their<br />

time for release to transition<br />

successfully back into society.<br />

‘‘They were often men from<br />

the <strong>North</strong> Island without any<br />

whanau locally to support<br />

them, says Norman. We would<br />

feed them, talk with them.<br />

Shirley and Imust have had<br />

dozens of prisoners through<br />

our home.’’<br />

Norman grew up in Kurow,<br />

<strong>North</strong>Otago and describes his<br />

parents as straight up and<br />

down good people.<br />

‘‘I was brought up to abide<br />

by the rules because Ihad<br />

parents who cared for me,<br />

loved me, but not everyone’s<br />

so fortunate,’’ says Norman.<br />

‘‘I get tremendous<br />

satisfaction from helping<br />

someone who has been in a<br />

heap of trouble to turn their<br />

life around and have hope for<br />

the future.’’<br />

It was Norman’s work with<br />

offenders that in 2003, led<br />

Deirdre Ryan, now manager of<br />

Community Wellbeing<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust, to invite<br />

Norman to join apilot<br />

Community projects benefit<br />

Twenty­six community<br />

projects have been<br />

supported by the Kaikoura<br />

District Council totalling<br />

$55,000 over the last year.<br />

The Creative<br />

Communities scheme has<br />

contributed $22,000,while<br />

the CommunityInitiative<br />

Fund added$15,000 and the<br />

Sports New Zealand Rural<br />

Travel Fund has provided<br />

$13,380 forthe community.<br />

‘‘It’s great to see the range<br />

of different projects that<br />

have received funding,from<br />

art classes and sports<br />

equipment through to the<br />

development of amarine<br />

mammal app,’’ community<br />

services manager Susi<br />

Haberstock says.<br />

‘‘These initiatives<br />

highlight the skilland<br />

energy withinour<br />

community.’’<br />

The Creative<br />

Communities fund<br />

supported the 48 Hours in<br />

Kaikouraphoto exhibition,<br />

art classes for adults and<br />

tamariki,the Kaikoura Arts<br />

Trailwebsitetopromote<br />

artists in the district and<br />

Zoetrope drawing classes in<br />

schools.<br />

Funding has alsobeen<br />

made available for two<br />

murals, an art book, an<br />

exhibition, the Kaikoura<br />

Talent Quest, the Kaikoura<br />

Children’s Choir,<br />

Inspiration Container Lego<br />

exhibition and Re(start) Art<br />

workshops.<br />

Art class ... Rosvita Haas teaches an art class to local<br />

school children, funded by the Creative Communities fund.<br />

The council’s Community<br />

Initiative Fund supported a<br />

magician’s performance in<br />

the Kaikoura Hospital Rest<br />

Home, asummer holiday<br />

reading programme, the<br />

Great Kaikoura Whale<br />

Count andTinkertime,a<br />

monthly activity programme<br />

for over65s.<br />

The fundhas also<br />

supported the development<br />

of arange of Maori<br />

resources to be utilised<br />

acrossarange of projects<br />

including performance and<br />

the development of a<br />

marinemammalapp which<br />

will enablereal time<br />

collectionofmarine<br />

mammalsightings.<br />

The Sports NZ Rural<br />

TravelFund was used to<br />

help Kaikoura High School<br />

hockey, Kaikoura Netball<br />


Centre and Kaikoura Rugby<br />

travel to localsporting<br />

competitions.<br />

The George Low Trust<br />

Fund has been running for<br />

more than 40 yearsto<br />

providerecreational<br />

equipment for Kaikoura<br />

youth, and it has funded<br />

hockey equipment at<br />

Kaikoura High School,<br />

swim equipmentfor the<br />

Kaikoura AquaticCentre,<br />

which is under<br />

construction, the Kaikoura<br />

NetballCentre’s junior<br />

umpire programme and the<br />

Korora schoolholiday<br />

programme.<br />

The council<br />

acknowledges the efforts of<br />

volunteers who sit on the<br />

community grant boards<br />

and go through the<br />

applications.<br />

Restorative Justice service,<br />

that was being developed in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> by Safer<br />

Communities Council with the<br />

help of Rangiora Police.<br />

Afounding Restorative<br />

Justice <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

panellist, Norman is now<br />

approaching 18 years as a<br />

volunteer with what was<br />

named the Turnaround<br />

Programme, now known as the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Police<br />

Diversions Panel.<br />

Restorative Justice <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, run by<br />

CommunityWellbeing <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust, provides an<br />

opportunity for victims to talk<br />

to offenders and say how their<br />

lives have been affected by the<br />

offenders’ actions.<br />

Participation is voluntary, in a<br />

facilitated conversation<br />

between offenderand victim.<br />

‘‘Victims can be reluctantto<br />

take part in arestorative<br />

justice conference initially,’’<br />

says Norman, ‘‘but afterwards<br />

they often say it was the best<br />

thing that could have<br />

happened.’’<br />

Losing Shirleyseven years<br />

ago, after 50 years of marriage,<br />

has been difficult, but Norman<br />

remainsaspassionate about<br />

helping peopleasthe day he<br />

began his voluntary service.<br />

‘‘Life isn’t about being abig<br />

shot. Being the wealthiest,<br />

most influential person<br />

around doesn’t mean athing,<br />

that’s just egotism’’, says<br />

Norman.<br />

‘‘We’re here to help others<br />

and if Ican do something to<br />

genuinely help someone else,<br />

why wouldn't I?’’.<br />

Baker’s delight ... Percival Street Bakery’s award­winning head baker Wayne Rewi, with<br />

his apprentice bakers Nicole Young (19) and Johnny Murchison (20) and some of the bread<br />

they make on site in Rangiora.<br />


Passion for baking bread<br />


Two Rangiora apprentice<br />

bakers are bucking the<br />

nationaltrend of attracting<br />

youngpeople into the<br />

baking profession.<br />

The early­starts put many<br />

youngpeople offtraining to<br />

become bakers.<br />

However, Johnny<br />

Murchison (20) and Nicole<br />

Young(19), who bothwork<br />

at the award­winning<br />

Percival Street Bakeryin<br />

Rangiora are both<br />

passionate about their<br />

career choice, despitethe<br />

earlystarts.<br />

Both Johnny and Nicole<br />

admitgetting to work early<br />

is tough,particularlyfor<br />

Nicolewho is anatural<br />

night owl, but they say<br />

seeinghow much customers<br />

enjoy the bread and other<br />

food they make more than<br />

compensates.<br />

Wayne Rewi, the head<br />

baker at Percival Street<br />

Bakery, says bakingbread is<br />

his passionand he is lucky<br />

to havetwo such talented<br />

apprentices working with<br />

him.<br />

‘‘It is hardtoattract<br />

young,enthusiastic people<br />

into the bakingprofession,<br />

but both Johnny and Nicole<br />

are alsopassionate about<br />

bakingand bread making, so<br />

we are fortunatetohave<br />

Kaikoura<br />

eerily quiet<br />

‘‘Reality is startingtokick in,’’ says<br />

Kaikoura Mayor Craig Mackle.<br />

As winter setsinand with no<br />

international tourists for 15 months,<br />

the towniseerily quiet.<br />

‘‘Hopefully it will pick up abit<br />

nextmonth with the school<br />

holidays.Last winterwas pretty<br />

amazing,’’ Mr Mackle says.<br />

‘‘I think it comes downtoadapting<br />

to the new environment and some<br />

businesses havedone really well,<br />

but you’ve got other businesses who<br />

are dependent on touristsand they<br />

can’t adapt so easily.’’<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Transport<br />

InfrastructureRecovery alliance’s<br />

finalproject, at Peketaand the<br />

Parititahi Tunnels, south of<br />

Kaikoura, is coming to end.<br />

But there is causefor optimism,as<br />

Kaikoura’sMayor’s Taskforce for<br />

Jobshas exceeded its targets. More<br />

than 50 people were placed in jobs<br />

in its first six monthsand funding<br />

has been secured for another year.<br />

‘‘There’s been ahell of alot of<br />

people put into work and they’ve<br />

evendirected peoplewheretogo,<br />

evenifthey fall outsidethe criteria,<br />

so they’re stillhelpingthem which<br />

is good to see.’’<br />

Statistics from the Ministry of<br />

Social Developmentshows there<br />

were66Kaikoura residents on a<br />

Jobseeker’s Benefit at the end of<br />

May.This is the same number as<br />

May 2020.InMay, 2019 therewere<br />

27. ‘‘Unemployment is about half<br />

whatitcould have been and<br />

hopefully we will get that lower too,<br />

butyou’ve got to have the work to be<br />

able to offerthe employment,’’ Mr<br />

Mackle says.<br />

them.’’<br />

Johnny is in charge of<br />

caring for the bakery’s four<br />

bread starters, which all<br />

havenames.They include<br />

the oldest, Boris, which<br />

turns 10 in November.<br />

Nicole,who is gluten free,<br />

specialises in makingthe<br />

bakery’s large range of<br />

gluten­freeproducts.<br />

Wayne saysthere is<br />

somethingspecial about<br />

baking bread.<br />

‘‘There is justsomething<br />

about it. It is not the same<br />

every day.Little thingssuch<br />

as temperature play abig<br />

partinthe perfect loaf.Not<br />

justanyone can pick it up,<br />

you have to wanttolearn it.’’

Winter<br />

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Speed limits to be reviewed<br />

Speed continues to be ahot topic in the<br />

Oxford area.<br />

Earlier this month the Oxford­Ohoka<br />

Community Board signed off areport<br />

seeking to consult with the community on<br />

proposed speed limit reviews on roads in<br />

and around the board’s area.<br />

Top of the list is Oxford’s Main Street,<br />

with several residents keen to see the<br />

speed limit reduced to 40kph.<br />

‘‘It’s been ahot topic in Oxford for<br />

quite awhile,’’ board chairperson Doug<br />

Nicholl says.<br />

‘‘We’ve been given the proposed new<br />

speed limits and there’s afew other<br />

roads we thought should be included.<br />

‘‘We’re asking for a40kph speed limit<br />

on Main Street (Oxford) as residents have<br />

been asking us to do something about it.<br />

Whether we get what we want is a<br />

different story.’’<br />

Roads under review include the north<br />

and west Oxford Town entrances, at<br />

Ohoka township and Mill Road from<br />

Ohoka to Kaiapoi.<br />

Significant population growth and the<br />

expansion of urban areas over recent<br />

years means the existing speed limits in<br />

some areas are no longer appropriate,<br />

council staff said in areport to this<br />

month’s board meeting.<br />

Staff propose reducing the speed limit<br />

through Ohoka from 70kph to 60kph and<br />

down to 80kph on the eastern end of Mill<br />

Road.<br />

The board considered the<br />

recommendations made by staff and<br />

included additional locations in<br />

response to concerns raised about speed.<br />

Speed bumps ... The Waimakariri District<br />

Council will review speed limits in Oxford<br />

and Ohoka.<br />


These will now be considered in a<br />

report to the council next month and the<br />

public will be invited to give feedback<br />

during September and October.<br />

‘‘We want to do everything we can to<br />

make our roads safer, and making sure<br />

speed limits are suitable helps to reduce<br />

the risk of serious injury or worse,’’ Mr<br />

Nicholl says.<br />

‘‘There is always high interest in speed<br />

limits and the public consultation is an<br />

opportunity for people to let us know<br />

what they think and have their say.’’<br />

Cemetery policy unveiled<br />


Waimakariri’s newcemeterypolicy is<br />

expected to tidy up ‘‘afew grey<br />

areas’’.<br />

The WaimakaririDistrictCouncil<br />

adoptedanew cemetery policy at its<br />

meeting earlier this month,<br />

introducingnew rulesaround the<br />

pre­purchaseofgravesites.<br />

The newpolicy allowsresidentsto<br />

pre­purchaseone plotfor their<br />

exclusive use, butalsorequires the<br />

council to review it every 10 years.<br />

‘‘It’s alot more complicatedthan<br />

people think,’’Deputy Mayor Neville<br />

Atkinson says.<br />

‘‘Ifyou buy aplot for yourchildren,<br />

it might not be used for 60 years and<br />

then we run the riskofrunningout of<br />

room in our cemeteries,but there’sa<br />

wholelot of empty plots.<br />

‘‘Thequestionwas asked:‘what if<br />

peoplewanted to go and buyalot of<br />

plotsand speculate on them’. So<br />

there’s gottobeasensible<br />

compromisetopeople owning plots.’’<br />

Thenew rules shouldprevent the<br />

risk of speculation, with individuals<br />

only able to pre­purchase oneplot for<br />

theirexclusive use.<br />

Singleplots canbereservedfor 10<br />

years and will be subject to arevalidationbefore<br />

the 10 years is up to<br />

determine if theplot is still required.<br />

Thenew policygives effect to the<br />

newcemetery strategy adopted by the<br />

council in October lastyear.<br />

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Our readership is<br />

wayup<br />

17<br />

Santa is coming to town<br />


Kaiapoi and Rangiora stand<br />

readytoextendthe<br />

Christmas spirit to<br />

Christchurch.<br />

The two townslook set to<br />

benefit after the<br />

cancellation of the<br />

Christchurch Santa Parade<br />

for thesecondyear running.<br />

Kaiapoi Promotions<br />

Association (KPA)<br />

chairperson Martin<br />

Pinkham and his Rangiora<br />

Promotions counterpart<br />

Ross Ditmer saytheir<br />

organisationsare gearing<br />

up for an extra influx of<br />

visitors for their respective<br />

Santaparades.<br />

The river town is first out<br />

of the blocks on Saturday,<br />

December4,followed by<br />

Rangiora on Sunday,<br />

December12.<br />

‘‘Kaiapoi is more than<br />

happytostep up to fill the<br />

void,’’ Mr Pinkham says.<br />

‘‘We arewell underway<br />

with our planning and we<br />

are about to callfor<br />

registrations.<br />

‘‘We were very pleased<br />

with the turnout last year<br />

and we estimated that <strong>25</strong><br />

percent of the peoplewere<br />

from northChristchurch, so<br />

hopefully we will get more<br />

this year.’’<br />

Therewere arecord 120<br />

floats entered in last year’s<br />

KaiapoiSanta Parade, up<br />

from80in 2019,and it was<br />

watched by up to 6000<br />

people.<br />

KPA is planning to stick to<br />

Christmas magic ... Santa Claus is coming to town in<br />

Kaiapoi and Rangiora this December.<br />


the sameexpanded route it<br />

adopted last year,starting at<br />

1.30pm on the corner of<br />

Charles and Jones streets,<br />

near Kaiapoi New World,<br />

continuing south along<br />

Williams Street and<br />

finishing at HiltonStreet,in<br />

the reserveopposite<br />

Countdown.<br />

The KaiapoiSanta<br />

Parade willonce again be<br />

complemented by amain<br />

street marketinWilliams<br />

Street in the morningand<br />

the Christmascarnivalheld<br />

in the Hilton Street reserve<br />

throughoutthe day.<br />

WhileRangiora<br />

Promotions is yet to begin<br />

preparations, Mr Ditmer<br />

says his organisation willbe<br />

looking to replicate last<br />

year’ssuccessfulevent.<br />

‘‘It’sareal shamefor<br />

Christchurch as it’ssuch an<br />

iconicevent,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘For Rangiora<br />

Promotions, our catchment<br />

is <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, but if<br />

we can get people out from<br />

Christchurch to come and<br />

spend sometime here it’sa<br />

win for the townand it puts<br />

Rangiora on the map.’’<br />

He says last year’s Santa<br />

paradewas Rangiora’s<br />

biggest and he expects to<br />

stick to the same route<br />

which was expanded last<br />

year to copewith the<br />

increased demand.<br />

Once again,the Rangiora<br />

Santa Paradewill be<br />

followed by Party in the<br />

Park in Victoria Park.<br />

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NEWS<br />

20 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Top honours ... The Amberley Road Crash Rescue team took at first place at the United<br />

Fire Brigade Association’s South Island challenge.<br />


Road crash rescue champs<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> motorists are in safe<br />

handsifthey come to grief.<br />

The Amberley RoadCrashRescue<br />

team has carried off the top honours at<br />

the United Fire Brigade Association’s<br />

SouthIsland RoadCrashRescue<br />

Challenge.<br />

The team of Logan Retallick(team<br />

leader), Charlie Ballan (medic), James<br />

Carr,Chris Reeves,Hamish Ward, and<br />

medicLucy Turnbull beat eight other<br />

teamstotake out the eventatManfield,<br />

Fielding.<br />

It was also awardedthe honourof<br />

having the best medical team, was<br />

placed firstinthe trauma challenge,<br />

and secondinthe trauma onlysection.<br />

It is the first timeAmberleyhas<br />

competed in the challenge with the<br />

volunteer firefighters training once a<br />

week for the past four months, outside<br />

of the regular Monday evening brigade<br />

practice.<br />

‘‘Theteam put in ahuge effort,and<br />

did alot of extra training, that has paid<br />

off,’’ Logan says.<br />

‘‘They workedand performed<br />

extremelywell together in ateam<br />

environment.’’<br />

Aformervolunteer and alife member<br />

of the brigade, Gavin Barton, who was<br />

up in Napier, came to support the team<br />

throughout theweekend.<br />

Loganiskeen to hearfrom anyone<br />

who hasold cars that can be cut up, so<br />

volunteerscan continue to hone their<br />

skills.<br />

The brigade is alsokeen to hear from<br />

anyone who wants to join as a<br />

volunteer,orany sponsors keento<br />

support it.<br />

Contact Logan on 027 266 8162.<br />


Rangiora Golf Club<br />

Nine hole Stroke/LGU /Hillsand Thomas<br />

Trophy: Ladies: Colleen White36, Jan<br />

Moffatt38, Janet Maguire 39, Ruth<br />

Crawford40c/b. Men: David Klopper 31,<br />

Robert Madden32, Howard Thomas 34,<br />

Tony Fox 35 c/b, Bruce Pugh35.<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

Individual: <strong>North</strong>/South: Joyce Gray/<br />

Jenny Shore 1, Judith Calder/Jeanette<br />

Chatterton 2, Babs­Merel de Visser/Carl<br />

de Visser 3. East/West: SamGurney/Tony<br />

Quinlivan 1, David McRae/David Rainey<br />

2, JanelleCrawley/Colleen Adam, 3. Rata<br />

Pairs: N/SJeanette Chatterton/Gaynor<br />

Hurford1,JudithCalder/Jill Amer 2, Des<br />

Steere/Judy Hayton 3. E/W: Sue Solomons/<br />

JanRoose1,DaveTocker/Andrew<br />

Findlay, Jack Lyon/Shirley Symns equal 2.<br />

Junior Night:N/S AnnetteCaldwell/Gail<br />

Dunlop 1, Anne Bagrie/Kate Whitehead 2,<br />

IanRouse/Isabel Goodhew 3. E/W: Wayne<br />

Hutchings/Stuart Atkinson 1,Murray<br />

Davis/SharynDavis2,DesleySimpson/<br />

Judith Robinson, Fons Sanders/Ellis<br />

Sanders equal 3.<br />

Tuesday Teams: DawnSimpson/Jeanette<br />

Chatterton/Lesley Shipley/Norm Shipley<br />

1, AnneAnderson/Helen Phillips/Joyce<br />

Gray/<strong>June</strong>tte McIntyre 2, Doreen<br />

Mulligan/Lorraine Proffit/Noeline<br />

Goodgame/PaulineMiller and Alison<br />

Fleetwood/Helen Dunn/Janice Pickering/<br />

NitaSheasbyequal 3. Presidents: N/S:<br />

Pauline Miller/LouiseTapper 1, Liz Duke/<br />

Alison MacDonald 2, HelenMora/William<br />

VanDer Mespel 3. E/W: DavidRainey/<br />

ChristineMiller 1, Owen Evans/Maria<br />

Evans 2, Gaynor Hurford/Andrea<br />

Dempsey3.<br />

AmberleyGolf Club<br />

May 12:NScott 70, BFitzgerald 71,J<br />

Wigley73, PCumming73, SHartley 73, J<br />

Robertson 74, BRayner 74.Twos: BGill, S<br />

Manson, BYates, SThomas,IRouse.<br />

Ladies :LRobertson77, KPepper78, J<br />

Cumming80.<br />

MidWeekMen, May 9: GBlackler37, J<br />

Stringleman35, BBalderstone 34. Twos: R<br />

Wilshire,DWilliams, JStringleman, D<br />

Flewellen.Mid WeekLadies, May10:S<br />

Lee72, BPettigrew 78,JMorgan79. 9<br />

Holers:Putting competition:KHowie 13,<br />

GSteltenpool 16.<br />

Men, <strong>June</strong>19: CliffordCup: BFitzgerald<br />

andLRobertson.Twos: DCameron, L<br />

Robertson, GSmith, PCumming. Longest<br />

Putt: MHarris.Mid week men: DRowell<br />

36, BBalderstone 35,BGill35, IRouse 35.<br />

Nineholders: JDouglas 37,DGoodwin 40.<br />

Ladies: VCook 41, GSteltenpool 42.Paris<br />

BakeryLongestPutt:D.Edwards.<br />

Amberley SmallboreRifle Club<br />

Club shoot, <strong>June</strong> 21: KBrown 99.7, K<br />

Quigley 99.3, MQuigley98.5, DQuigley<br />

97.8, PWisheart97.3, IFrazer 96.3,C<br />

Rhodes 96.3, JTrembath 90.2, CBoyce<br />

88.2, WParker 88.1,TBoyce87.2, E<br />

Douglas 86.0, AMcLean 85.1, MPalmer<br />

76.0.<br />

Cloudy nights frustrate stargazers<br />

Last year it was Covid­19 and thisyear the<br />

weather is hampering efforts to view the<br />

stars.<br />

This winter began withsomuch promise<br />

at the Oxford AreaSchoolObservatory,<br />

with agrowinginterestinastronomyand a<br />

brandnew 12­inch telescopeinoperation.<br />

But nearlyhalf way through the season,<br />

whichruns fromApril to endofSeptember,<br />

the observatoryhas yet to hold aFriday<br />

open night. The one exception was amidweek<br />

viewing of the ‘‘Blood Moon’’ luna<br />

eclipse last month. Volunteers say thereis<br />

plenty to see in July, if the cloudsclear.<br />


Learn about nursing study options at Ara and find<br />

out how our pre-health course can help you meet<br />

the entry criteria for anursing degree or diploma.<br />

Wednesday4August<br />

Manawa campus, 276 Antigua Street<br />

Nursing: 5.30pm-6.30pm<br />

Pre-Health: 6.30pm-7pm<br />

Register toattend atara.ac.nz<br />





At Marvel Health,our focusisonregenerative<br />

and preventive healthcare.Thewhole body<br />

scan we performprovides ourdoctors with<br />

acomprehensive report of apatient’sstate<br />

of health.Itrevealshidden diseases and<br />

their causes andour recommendations, are<br />

basedonthe detailedinformation from the<br />

scan.Thescansearchesfor theunderlying<br />

causes of health problems, whetherinfections<br />

caused by virusesand bacteria or heavymetal<br />

contaminationsuchasleadtoxicity or food<br />

allergies. Furthermore, it searches forthe<br />

causes of organdamagesuchasnarrowing<br />

of thearteries, auto-immuneconditionsor<br />

nutrientdeficiencies. After studying thescan<br />

reports, ourdoctors make personalised and<br />

targetedrecommendations.Duringyour<br />

30-minutetele-consultation with thedoctor<br />

they recommendonlythe 3mostessential<br />

medicines that youneed to kick-start your<br />

healingand stop pain anddiscomfort.<br />

We only recommendscience-based natural<br />

remedies that aresupported by published<br />

medical journals andtrialled clinical<br />

studies. The Marvel Health scan is unique<br />

becauseitrecognisesand searchesfor<br />

harmful environmental factors that promote<br />

diseases. It checksthe bodyfor nutrient<br />

levels,environmental toxins, harmful<br />

electromagneticinfluences, food sensitivities<br />

andpredisposition to geneticdisorders.<br />


Our Marvel Health Lifestyle Specialists spend<br />

30 minutes with youexploring in detailyour<br />

lifestyle,nutrition andother environmental<br />

influences on your health andtheyprepare<br />

adetailedreportwithpersonalised<br />

recommendationsofthe steps youneed to<br />

taketopreserveyourhealth.<br />

However, your healthcare continues even after<br />

consultationswiththe doctor andlifestyle<br />

specialist. We follow-uponyourhealthand<br />

arethere to assist youalong theway until you<br />

feel better.<br />

Book AScan Today 03-669-5410<br />

www.marvel.health<br />

Unit 13/6 Cone Street, Rangiora, <strong>Canterbury</strong>, 7400<br />

293 Durham Street, Awly Building, Christchurch, 8013<br />

The inspections from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. It is not assigned to state the final diagnosis

Advertising Feature<br />

Love of the share market leads to<br />

emerging funds management firm<br />


Christchurch lawyer and friend, Paul Currie, has this to say about Bernard:<br />

“I have never met anyone who has the share market understanding and insights that<br />

Bernard does. He is very approachable and exceptionally interesting to talk to.”<br />

CVIPartnersChief InvestmentOfficer(CIO),Bernard Whimp<br />

As you enter thebusiness park inCone<br />

Street,Rangiora, your eye can’t help but be<br />

drawntoastriking redlogo –CVI Partners,<br />

which adorns twopristinecommercial<br />

buildings.<br />

If curiositydrove you tohave alook<br />

<br />

featuringamid-century moderntheme.<br />

Downstairs,you wouldbewelcomedbythe<br />

<br />

U <br />

abeautiful apartment that canbeusedby<br />

thosewho might work through the night.<br />

Interestingly for Rangiora, this newly re-<br />

<br />

<br />

Chance Voight Investment Partners Limited<br />

(CVI Partners) share market investment<br />

<br />

build onalmost adecade ofexperience as<br />

aprofessional investor incompanies listed<br />

<br />

<br />

as experience has shown him that in this<br />

part of the world that’s where many ofthe<br />

best share market money-making opportunities<br />

are.<br />

At Christmastimein2010, he launched<br />

aseriesofaudacious off-market offers<br />

<br />

million in amatterofmonths, all kickedoff<br />

<br />

Daring to do something differentmade<br />

lots of money.<br />

ernard thenrelocated to thetropical Pa-<br />

<br />

apartment in Port Vila,helookeddownon<br />

what some have described as “the prettiest<br />

<br />

Here,heset to work studying theAustral-<br />

<br />

as aprofessionalinvestor.<br />

Thetimeawayallowed himtodevelop a<br />

deep understandingofwhat shares to buy,<br />

when to buythemand how muchtopay.<br />

To most people,the sharemarketcan be a<br />

bewilderingarray of unfathomable numbers<br />

<br />

T <br />

theopportunity to be incrediblyselective<br />

<br />

-<br />

<br />

hasabout 160listed companies.<br />




“Hedge Fund investment is not playing around<br />

like Sharesies or aglorified savings scheme like<br />

KiwiSaver, it’s concentrated, high conviction,<br />

deep value, stock picking with the unabashed<br />

objective ofmaking afortune.”<br />

10 % pa<br />



EARN<br />


AT<br />





For further information about investment in the CVI Financial<br />

Limited high yield interest rate offer please call oremail<br />

Chance Voight’s Investor Relations Manager, Tracy Macdonald<br />

on 03 3131393 or investors@chancevoight.com<br />

Investment in this fund is only available to wholesale and eligible investors in<br />

accordance with the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.<br />

y day (andoften through the night) the<br />

building buzzes with activity,asagrowing<br />

team of hand-pickedemployees work on<br />

<br />

fund operation. Having ateamofhigh-performance<br />

people –who earn what they’re<br />

worth, is incredibly important for thesuccess<br />

of thebusiness.<br />

SettingupCVI Partnersbackin2018,<br />

<br />

<br />

headquarters. As he owned acouple of<br />

buildings in Rangiora, itmadesense to use<br />

<br />

<br />

Living for partofthe year in<br />

<br />

<br />

city,heisheading in the oppositedirection<br />

–which is theethos of hiswhole investment<br />

philosophy!<br />

So how did CVI comeabout?<br />

“ <br />

<br />

<br />

A <br />

atheory. He made aquick fortuneby<br />

making offers to buy sharesdirectlyfrom<br />

shareholdersincompanies listed on the NZ<br />

StockExchange.<br />

“The sharemarketisessentially a<br />

<br />

understandingand theright skills, you<br />

canturnasmall amount of money into a<br />

largeamount ofmoney. Experiencehas<br />

shownmeIcanrepeatedlybuy worthwhile<br />

<br />

<br />

andcontrarian instincts to unearthshare<br />

<br />

“ <br />

we canobtainsubstantial valuefor nothing,<br />

wherewecan buy astake in aworthwhile<br />

businessthatisworth alot more thanwe<br />

<br />

That’s thesortofsituation that CVIPartners<br />

will be concentratingtheir investment<br />

capitalinto.<br />

If thesharesofaworthwhilebusiness<br />

arechanginghands at abargain price, then<br />

<br />

“ <br />

unless we think the shareprice is capable of<br />

<br />

CVIPartnersare not speculatorsor<br />

traders–they are investors (there’sadifference),combingthe<br />

market for bargain<br />

priced shares.<br />

<br />

building aconcentrated position in which-<br />

“Compounding investor capital at 20% per<br />

annum orbetter, over multiple years.”

ever company it might be, then holding that<br />

position untilthe thesis playsout. After<br />

talking with him for awhile,one starts to<br />

thinkwhat acalm and elegant wayCVI’s<br />

investment processistomakemoney. The<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

He doesn’tratemostofwhat goes on in<br />

thesharemarket at all. You’re not likely to<br />

make muchmoney doing whateveryone<br />

<br />

to be differentand you’ve got toberight!’.<br />

He points out that he’s got littletimefor<br />

what many people payattention to,and says<br />

that hedgefundinvestmentisnot playing<br />

<br />

scheme likeKiwiSaver, it’s concentrated,<br />

high conviction,deepvalue,stock picking<br />

<br />

fortune.<br />

A <br />

theknowledge and experienceI’veaccumulated,tocreatelifechangingwealthfor<br />

investorsbycompounding investor capital<br />

at 20%per annum orbetter, over multiple<br />

<br />

in doingthis. Thesetypesofreturns are<br />

typical ofgood Australian hedgefundop-<br />

<br />

heardofthem andnoone’s ever offeredyou<br />

<br />

Foranyoneinterested in followingCVI’s<br />

<br />

<br />

emailCVI’s investor enquiriesspecialist,<br />

Irina Sharipova to sign up to receiveCVI’s<br />

free monthly investmentnewsletterwhich<br />

<br />

sharemarketinvestment.<br />

Christchurch lawyer andfriend,Paul<br />

<br />

“I have nevermet anyone whohas the<br />

sharemarketunderstanding and insights<br />

<br />

<br />


One of the things that<br />

attracted metothe<br />

Australian share market<br />

was that I’d watch these<br />

companies that at some point<br />

during ayear would end uptrading<br />

at twice the price they had traded<br />

at, atsome other time ofthe year<br />

and itseemed incredible (and full<br />

of possibilities) tomethat there<br />

could besomething like 100%<br />

variance in the value of amajor<br />

business over 12months orso.<br />

Youdon’t usually find this<br />

variance in any other asset<br />

class, but you can imagine how<br />

much money could bemade if,<br />

for instance, houses and farms<br />

changed hands at half their<br />

realistic value at some point of the<br />

year.<br />

In no time at all you’d get onto<br />

the idea ofbuying them attheir<br />

low point and selling at the high<br />

point and making afortune,<br />

you might well not bother to do<br />

anything else inlife, you’d be<br />

making lots ofmoney and having a<br />

good time. Well, that’s how Isee<br />

the share market.<br />

If you can find asmooth and<br />

repetitive way toturn $1into<br />

$2 and then doitonalarge<br />

scale (share markets offer this<br />

opportunity) then the chances are,<br />

you’re likely toprosper.<br />

Advertising Feature<br />

Of course, you’ve got to know<br />

what to buy, when to buy it<br />

and how much to pay for it. To<br />

be successful you have to be<br />

incredibly selective and capable of<br />

forming aview ofwhat acompany<br />

is worth. You’ve got toassemble<br />

acalm, analytical understanding<br />

where you’re unaffected by<br />

the market ‘noise’ that always<br />

surrounds companies and share<br />

prices.<br />

It never ceases to amaze methe<br />

cheap assets (company shares)<br />

to be had from share markets,<br />

companies that will be worth, 2, 3<br />

or 4times as much as you paid for<br />

them in afew short years. Nothing<br />

else I’ve ever come across offers<br />

such opportunity, so often, at such<br />

discounted prices.<br />

Then there’s the liquidity (that’s<br />

the ability to buy and sell these<br />

assets). The liquidity is fantastic,<br />

you’re not locked intoowning<br />

anything. If you like what you’ve<br />

bought you can add toitany day<br />

of the working week bytapping<br />

on akeyboard. If you decide you<br />

don’t like it, you can sell itaseasily<br />

as you bought it. Inthis business<br />

Ilike tosay that you never have<br />

aproblem because if you own<br />

something and your view changes,<br />

you just sell it all inthe morning,<br />

problem gone!<br />

CVIPartnersCIO,Bernard Whimp<br />

What is a<br />

Hedge Fund?<br />


Traditionally ahedge fund<br />

usually referred to atype of<br />

share market investment fund<br />

that held investments that were<br />

both ‘long’ and ‘short’ positions,<br />

along position being aholding<br />

the investment firm believes<br />

will rise in value and ashort<br />

position being aholding the firm<br />

thinks will fall (money can be<br />

made in both directions). The<br />

expression ‘hedge fund’ has<br />

expanded these days outside<br />

the area oflisted equities to<br />

sometimes include investments in<br />

other asset classes or to involve<br />

share investing in aparticularly<br />

incisive and concentrated<br />

manner utilising ahigh conviction<br />

approach –such asallocating<br />

50% ofits available investment<br />

capital toits 5best ideas.<br />

To summarise, you could say, that<br />

ahedge fund is apool ofmoney<br />

contributed by investors and run by<br />

afund manager whose goal isto<br />

maximise returns and minimise risk.<br />

CVIPartners, Cone Street,<br />

Rangiorapremises<br />


“A hedge fund is<br />

apool ofmoney<br />

contributed<br />

by investors<br />

and run by a<br />

fund manager<br />

whose goal isto<br />

maximise returns<br />

and minimise<br />

risk.”<br />


Now you too can be part of the world ofhedge funds and serious share investing! Gain insights into<br />

the thought processes and investment mindset used by many ofthe world’s most successful hedge<br />

fund managers to create fortunes for their investors –insights not commonly available anywhere else<br />

in New Zealand! Understand how high conviction, deep value, concentrated sharemarket investment<br />

takes place –and follow the big sharemarket moves andprogress of Chance Voight as it builds an<br />

outstanding New Zealand based investment business in the Australian Stock Market.<br />


Call or email Irina today – 03 313 1393 or investors@chancevoight.com<br />

to receive your free monthly edition<br />



DISCLAIMER: This feature isintended toprovide general information only. Itdoes not take into account your investment needs or personal circumstances.<br />

It is not intended tobeviewed asinvestment or financial advice and should not betaken assuch.


24 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

An important partofthe annual<br />

calendar is the transition period.<br />

This occurs from three weeks before<br />

calving to three weeks after calving,as<br />

the cowtransitionsfrom the dry period<br />

to the milking herd.<br />

The transition periodiskey for the<br />

health of adairyherd.<br />

During this time,cows can suffer<br />

metabolicdisorders suchasketosis,<br />

milk fever, fattyliver, as well as other<br />

health issueslike retained placenta and<br />

displaced abomasum.<br />

All of these can haveamassiveeffect<br />

on the subsequent performance of the<br />

cow for the rest of thelactation.Itis<br />

easytoset dry cowsaside and deem<br />

themunimportant untilthey become<br />

the “money makers”again.<br />

However, maintaining balanced<br />

rations andbestmanagement practices<br />

before calving are criticaltohow well<br />

the cow performsinthe first60days of<br />

lactation.<br />

It cannotbeemphasisedenough that<br />

a cow’s lactationdoes notbeginat<br />

calving,but starts at theend of the<br />

previous lactation.<br />

It is well to focusonslow body<br />

condition gaintoreachthe targeted<br />

weight at dry off time. Withinthree<br />

weeks of calving,acow’simmune<br />

systembecomes depressed. It is vital to<br />

maintain drymatter intake at this time.<br />

Nutrientrequirementsofthe foetus<br />

continuetoincrease three weeks<br />

prepartum, yet drymatterintake (DMI)<br />

decreasesby10to30percent.<br />

Maintaining feed intake priortocalving<br />

can impact feed intake after calving<br />

whenenergy demandsare high andthe<br />

amount of feedconsumed directly<br />

correlatestomilk production.<br />

Research studies, (M Lopuszanska­<br />

Rusek, KBilik; Ann. Anim. Sci.<br />

11(4):531­545, 2011) thatmeasurethe<br />

performance andmetabolicstatus of<br />

dairy cows supplemented with Yea­<br />

Sacc® (Alltech® Inc.) three weeks precalving,<br />

showed that those cowshad<br />

higherDMI, higher milkyields,higher<br />

feedconversionefficiency(FCE)and<br />

werequicker to achieve maximum<br />

production whenenteringlactation,<br />

having mobilisedlessbody fatthan<br />

cowsthatdid not.<br />

Thisresearchalso showsthat<br />

Alltech’s live yeast Yea­Saccincreased<br />

milkproductionby12% during the first<br />

three weeks after calving,and 7% in the<br />

10 weeks aftercalving.<br />

Enhancingtrace mineral nutrition<br />

during thisperiod, in particular<br />

selenium, copper and zinc,inyour<br />

mineralprogramme,willhelppromote<br />

immunity through thevulnerable<br />

calvingperiod andpreventretained<br />

placenta and otherdiseases. Levels of<br />

these critical trace elements are low in<br />

manyNew Zealandpastures. Bioplex®<br />

organictracemineralshavebeen<br />

proventogivebetter responsesthan<br />

conventional inorganic<br />

supplementation.<br />

If you want to effectively improvethe<br />

health and performanceofyourdairy<br />

cowsinearly lactation,call Alltech<br />

AreaSaleManager,Matt Cassineri on<br />

027 208 4606 or email<br />

matt.cassineri@alltech.com.<br />


Winter feed crops damaged<br />

Flood­damaged winter feed crops pose<br />

challenges for farmers this winter.<br />

Beef+Lamb New Zealand has joined<br />

forces withPGGWrightson Seed’s<br />

veterinary nutritionist Charlotte Westwood<br />

and extensionagronomist nutritionist<br />

Wayne Nichol to offersome advice.<br />

Farmers are encouraged to complete a<br />

feedbudget,prioritising water­damaged<br />

crops, re­transitioning stock back on to<br />

crops, andpaying extra attention to<br />

ongoing crop health, stock health, feed<br />

allocations,and personaland staff safety.<br />

Withupdated feed budgets, farmers can<br />

factor in potential losses of winter crops,<br />

damaged pasture and supplementary feed.<br />

‘‘Itpays to be ruthless. Water­damaged<br />

supplementary feed may not be suitablefor<br />

feeding,’’ theysaid.<br />

‘‘Reassess crops for dry matter yield now,<br />

and again later in winter, as plants may be<br />

lostdue to disease or thecrop may stop<br />

growing due to alack of plant­available<br />

nitrogen in the soil.’’<br />

Review the extent of the damageona<br />

paddock­by­paddock basis and assess<br />

infrastructure damage.<br />

Troughs may need cleaning if<br />

contaminated by floodwaters and may<br />

need‘‘footing material’’ if surrounding soil<br />

is verywet.<br />

Check if kale crops are stillstanding or<br />

beenwashed away, whether swede,turnip<br />

and fodder beet crops are still anchored<br />

and whether or not theyare covered in silt.<br />

Monitorcrops regularly over the coming<br />

weeks to assess plant survival, dry matter<br />

yield and thefeed budget.<br />

‘‘Damagetocropsfrom floodwaters<br />

depends on how longthe crop was under<br />

water. Longer than 48 hours means the<br />

cropisatrisk of soil oxygen depletion with<br />

reducedoxygen available to the roots,<br />

increasing the risk of plant loss,’’ they said.<br />

Mud andsilt thatcover bulb crops and<br />

kalestems may increase the risk of fungal<br />

and bacterialplant diseases.<br />

Feed budgets ... Winter feed is going to<br />

pose some challenges.<br />


‘‘Stockare lesslikely to eat cropscovered<br />

in silt, so expect feedintakes to be lower.<br />

‘‘Considercontaminants thatmay be<br />

risky to stock and staff. Crops and<br />

supplementaryfeed could be contaminated<br />

with overflow from septic tanks,storeof<br />

agricultural chemicals or fertiliser.’’<br />

Once paddocks are dry enough to access,<br />

restoring power and infrastructure is a<br />

priority.<br />

Cattle need to be break­fed on all winter<br />

feed, but wait until conditions underfoot<br />

are suitablefor grazing.<br />

‘‘Re­transition stock back to winter crop,<br />

evenifstock was fully transitioned before<br />

the floods. Thisisespecially important for<br />

cattle grazing fodder beet,’’they said.<br />

There are several potential animal<br />

health risks to stockgrazing floodedcrop<br />

areas, includingclostridial disease,footrot<br />

and hoofdamage, contaminants in flood<br />

water, and copper deficiency. Excessive<br />

ingestionofmud and soil during and<br />

following flood events may result in longertermcopper<br />

deficiency.<br />

Contactyour veterinarian for animal<br />

health advice specific to your animals and<br />

situation or call 0800BEEFLAMBfor feed<br />

assistance.<br />





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Rangiora based and covering<br />

the entire <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> area.<br />

Proudly supporting <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

pumping, water, drainage, plumbing<br />

and gas needs since 2010<br />

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no job too big or too small.<br />

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drainage systems<br />

• Septic tanks –installation of new systems, servicing existing pumps and field drains<br />

• Water treatment systems, water testing (routine water tests and hard water treatment) to suit all requirements<br />

• Filters –replacement filters<br />

• Winter servicing pumps for farm, lifestyle or domestic pumping systems, including farm irrigation pumps<br />

• Pump repairs, pump servicing and replacement, loan pumps if required.<br />

• Back flow prevention as required by councils (meeting council requirements)<br />

• Pipes –westock afull range of LD and MD poly pipe, PVC (pressure or DWV)<br />

• Fit aFrost Buddy to save your pump from freezing<br />

Store open 7.30am to 5pm weekdays, and Saturday morning<br />

8am –12pm, for all your supply requirements.<br />

Our Flaxton Road premises are open.<br />

Yeasts<br />

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786792<br />

Email: accounts@pumpservices.co.nz<br />



The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>25</strong><br />

Flood damage ... Farmers have flood damage to deal with on top of their usual winter farm<br />

maintenance.<br />


Challenging conditions ... Access to farms in Lees Valley, near Oxford, is achallenge after<br />

the recent flood.<br />


Damage adds to woes<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> farmers are taking<br />

stock of flood damage, as it adds to their<br />

winter maintenance workloads.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural Advisory Group<br />

chairperson Winton Dalley says the<br />

extent of the repair bill from the recent<br />

flood event will not be known for<br />

sometime, but the damage varies for<br />

different parts of the region.<br />

While Mid­<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Selwyn<br />

farmers appear to have born the brunt of<br />

the damage, farmers in the Ashley and<br />

Okuku River catchments were severely<br />

impacted and there are pockets of<br />

damage throughout <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘There’s more damage in Selwyn and<br />

Mid­<strong>Canterbury</strong>, but we don’t want to<br />

minimise the damage for <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, which was still severe in<br />

some areas.<br />

‘‘For those in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> who<br />

are affected, it’s just as bad as anywhere<br />

else.’’<br />

The <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural Advisory Group<br />

has prepared areport to the government<br />

which attempts to give some estimate of<br />

the likely costs to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

farmers in the hope more funding will be<br />

made available.<br />

‘‘There’s no dollars around what the<br />

cost will be yet. Insurance assessments<br />

are still being carried out and there’s an<br />

unknown around the uninsurable<br />

infrastructure and it’s unknown what<br />

government assistance could yet be<br />

provided,’’ Mr Dalley says.<br />

‘‘We can’t send the message that there<br />

is anything coming, but in past events<br />

there has been support available, so we<br />

are still talking to the government.’’<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> farms face repairs to<br />

fences, laneways, access roads, culverts,<br />

land washed away, gravel and silt over<br />

the top of land damage, and water<br />

damage to houses and farm buildings.<br />

There is also infrastructure damage to<br />

roads, bridges, culverts and other council<br />

infrastructure.<br />

In the Waimakariri district the worst<br />

affected areas including Lees Valley,<br />

Okuku, Loburn and some areas near the<br />

coast.<br />

‘‘Some of the farm damage is severe,<br />

particularly in the Lees Valley and<br />

around Okuku and Loburn there’s some<br />

devastated wee properties.’’<br />

In the Hurunui district there are small<br />

pockets of infrastructure and farm<br />

damage, Mr Dalley says.<br />

‘‘For most Hurunui farmers, the effects<br />

of the drought are still of concern given<br />

what is still ahead of us.<br />

‘‘The rain has been hugely beneficial,<br />

but it doesn’t take away the short term<br />

issue of feed supply. That will still be an<br />

issue right through to spring time.<br />

‘‘If we continue to have amild winter<br />

most farmers could get some growth, but<br />

if we have severe weather then the<br />

situation would become more<br />

concerning.’’<br />

The Hurunui Adverse Events Group is<br />

continuing to monitor and respond to the<br />

ongoing effects of the drought.<br />

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In the ring ... Sam Holland marshalls lot 4, Hemingford Phoenix P158, in the ring during<br />

last week’s Hemingford on­farm bull sale.<br />


The next direction in<br />

Charolais stud bulls<br />


A<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> stud<br />

breeder is looking to take<br />

the next direction.<br />

The 12th Hemingford<br />

Charolaison­farmbull sale,<br />

heldnear Culverden last<br />

Thursday, produced some<br />

solid results,withyoung<br />

bulls sired by Hemingford<br />

NextDirection featuring<br />

strongly.<br />

While the day’s top price<br />

of $28,000went to ayoung<br />

bullsiredbyAustralianbull<br />

ANC Lynx, Next Direction<br />

featured prominently in the<br />

cataloguewith several of<br />

his progeny toppingthe<br />

$10,000mark.<br />

‘‘Itwas agreat sale. We’re<br />

really pleased. We hada<br />

goodtop price of $28,000 for<br />

one stud bulland good,<br />

solid commercialsupport<br />

right through, so we’re<br />

really happy,’’studowner<br />

Sam Holland said.<br />

‘‘It’s taken alongtime.<br />

Breedingcattleisalong<br />

process. We’ve focusedon<br />

the temperamentand the<br />

musclingwith ourbulls and<br />

it’sexcitingtobeable put<br />

up aline of bulls like this<br />

and have such great local<br />

support and from around<br />

the country.’’<br />

NextDirection hasa<br />

growingreputation,with<br />

semen rightsalready sold to<br />

Palgrove Charolaisin<br />

Australia and semen<br />

Punching above his weight ... Lot 2, Hemingford<br />

Punchline P51, displays his size during the Hemingford onfarm<br />

bull sale last week. Punchline sold for $10,000.<br />

exportedtoValley’s End<br />

CharolaisinCanada.<br />

‘‘He’s abullthat we’ve<br />

had semen sold overseas<br />

and Next Direction sons<br />

soldreally well.Wehad<br />

onlyused him as ayearling,<br />

so it’s just hisfirst crop of<br />

bulls, buthedidn’thaveas<br />

manycullssomostofthem<br />

madethe salewhichwas<br />

great,’’ Mr Hollandsaid.<br />

In all, 47 Hemingford<br />

bulls were put up forsale,<br />

with41sold for an average<br />

price of $7488.<br />

The salewas hosted<br />

jointlywith Dave Long’s<br />

Alfriston Hereford bull<br />

sale, with five of theseven<br />

Hereford bulls selling fora<br />

top price of $5500 andan<br />

average priceof$4500.<br />

Next door, theKaiwara<br />

Angusbull salesaw 23 out<br />

of 27 bulls selling foran<br />

average priceof$7068 and<br />

twobulls selling for $10,000.<br />

On Friday, the<br />

GrampiansAngus stud,of<br />

Culverden,sold all 35<br />

Angusbullsfor an average<br />

price of $10,957, with three<br />

bulls selling for the top<br />

price of $16,000.<br />

Later in theday, theRed<br />

Oaks Angus stud, of Weka<br />

Pass, Waikari, sold 30 out of<br />

36 bulls foranaverage<br />

price of $7450, with the<br />

day’s toppricebeing<br />

$20,000 paid by Sudeley<br />

Genetics of Irwell, north of<br />

Leeston.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong> 27<br />

Final awaits Waikari pupils<br />


Waikari School’s year 7­8 pupils never<br />

imagined they would be preparing for<br />

next week’s national AgriKids final in<br />

Christchurch.<br />

The small <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> rural<br />

school had never competed in the annual<br />

competition before, ahead of the Tasman<br />

region contest held at the Sheffield A&P<br />

Show in March.<br />

The school has just eight year 7­8<br />

pupils, so ayear 6pupil was enlisted so<br />

the school could enter three teams of<br />

three.<br />

All three teams qualified for the final<br />

race­off of seven teams at the regional<br />

contest, with Kool Keas placing second<br />

and Klassic Keas third to qualify for the<br />

national final alongside regional winners<br />

Karetu Kids, of <strong>North</strong> Loburn School.<br />

‘‘They work very well as teams. They’ve<br />

all got strengths, so it’s about working<br />

together and working out each other’s<br />

strengths and planning accordingly,’’<br />

Waikari School years 4­8 teacher Debra<br />

Lydon says.<br />

‘‘The younger kids are all keen to get<br />

involved next year. They see it as<br />

something exciting for the older kids, so<br />

this is just the beginning.’’<br />

The two teams are ‘‘getting really<br />

excited’’ ahead of the national final and<br />

look forward to wearing their new team<br />

uniforms, which have been prepared for<br />

the event thanks to local sponsorship.<br />

‘‘It’s going to be quite abig event. It’s<br />

hard to anticipate what it’s going to be<br />

like, because we haven’t been there<br />

before, but being close to home we will<br />

have lots of friends and family coming to<br />

support us,’’ Debra says.<br />

In preparation for the event, the<br />

Waikari teams have been learning about<br />

electric fences, weeds, types of wool,<br />

shearing tips, types of farm animals,<br />

different soil types, tying knots, different<br />

Community Conversation series<br />

withEnvironment<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Apublic conversation to exchangenewsand views<br />

on topics of interest to the community.<br />

Proposed topics fordiscussion:<br />

• Long-Term Plan <strong>2021</strong>-31<br />

• Ourresponse to the recent weatherevent<br />

• Catchment-based project and initiatives<br />

• Biosecurity co-design programme–feedback<br />

• Topics youwouldliketodiscuss with us.<br />

types of farming including aqua culture<br />

and viticulture, motorbike maintenance<br />

and co­operative games.<br />

The AgriKids teams will participate in<br />

the opening ceremony in the<br />

Christchurch central city on Thursday<br />

(July 1), ahead of the competition day the<br />

next day at Innovation Park in<br />

Templeton and the prizegiving in the<br />

Christchurch Town Hall in the evening.<br />

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SPORT<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Kaiapoi, Saracens win away<br />

RUGBY<br />




It was normal duty for Kaiapoi<br />

and Saracens when play<br />

resumed in the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> LuisettiSeeds<br />

division one rugby competition<br />

on Saturday.<br />

Kaiapoihad to workhard to<br />

beat Ohoka23­15, while<br />

Saracens comfortably<br />

accounted for Ashley 29­0.<br />

Points afterthree rounds:<br />

Kaiapoi14, Saracens 12,<br />

Hurunui 10, Oxford 9, Ashley6,<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot 5, Ohoka5,<br />

Woodend 1.<br />

Hard fought win<br />

Kaiapoineeded to show all its<br />

classtohead off adetermined<br />

Ohokaside at Mandeville.<br />

Both sides started with<br />

intent.<br />

Ohokastruck first with a<br />

penalty to Scott Allin. Kaiapoi<br />

was able to regroupquickly<br />

and pressure the Ohoka<br />

defencewhich gaveKaiapoi its<br />

firstconverted try to second<br />

five TaineJacobs­Lawson.<br />

Leading 7­3 thevisitors<br />

camped on Ohoka’s goal line<br />

and asense of inevitability<br />

creptacross the home crowd.<br />

However, the home side<br />

certainlydidn’t sense this and<br />

displayed acourageous<br />

defensive effort in keeping<br />

Kaiapoi scoreless for the<br />

remaining half.<br />

Although down at the break<br />

7­3, momentum had shifted to<br />

the home side. Two<br />

consecutive triestoCodey<br />

Grimes and NacaniellNamata<br />

gave Kaiapoi much needed<br />

momentumat21­3. Ohoka<br />

clawed its way back closing the<br />

margin to 21­15 through tries to<br />

wing,George Wiggins,and<br />

prop,TobiasPulley. Kaiapoi<br />

was rewardedwith apenalty<br />

on fulltime to close out the<br />

match24­15. Its loose forward<br />

duo of Jared Smith and Jared<br />

Gilmore were momentous<br />

around the park, whileOhoka’s<br />

Bernard Ryan, Sam Powell<br />

and Tom Taylor were<br />

industrious. S<br />

Scoreboard: Kaiapoi 24<br />

(Tanie Jacob­Lawson, Codey<br />

Grimes, Nacaniell Namata<br />

tries. Taine Jacobs­lawson 3<br />

conversions, 1penalty) beat<br />

Ohoka 15 (George Wiggins,<br />

Tobias Pulleytries. Scott Allin<br />

1conversion, 1penalty).<br />

Ashleyinthe pink<br />

Tries either side of half time<br />

provedtobekey moments in<br />

Saracens four try to none<br />

defeat of Ashley.<br />

Played at the Loburn<br />

Domain, wherethe large<br />

crowd was also supporting<br />

Ashley’s breast cancer appeal,<br />

thefirst20minutes showed<br />

littledifference between the<br />

teams. With apenalty count<br />

heavily favouring Saracens,<br />

thehome teamspent much of<br />

itstime defending.<br />

Saracens super boot, Ricky<br />

Allin, missed two penalty<br />

attempts and it wasn’t untilthe<br />

<strong>25</strong>thminute beforeitwent<br />

ahead withanOllie Bithray<br />

intercepttry. Allin followed<br />

withapenaltyand on the<br />

stroke of halftime No 8, Josh<br />

Maynard, crashedover in a<br />

wallofjerseystoscore.<br />

Minutes into the second spell<br />

Saracens centre TobyAshby<br />

slicedthroughthe defence to<br />

score. Sevenminutes later<br />

fullback Harry Murrayscored.<br />

Spurred on by its groupof<br />

loyal supporters, Ashley<br />

continued to defendwith<br />

considerable spiritand spent a<br />

lot of time on attack in the final<br />

quarter. Luke Goldatfullback<br />

looked for workand loosieSam<br />

Freeman was effectiveatthe<br />

breakdown.<br />

Scoreboard;Saracens 29<br />

(Ollie Bithray, JoshMaynard,<br />

Toby Ashby, HarryMurray<br />

tries. RickyAllin 3conversions<br />

and penalty)beat Ashley 0.<br />

Unusual line up<br />

ThesightofGlenmark­<br />

Cheviot’s usualhalf­back,<br />

Jordie Gray liningupatfirstfiveeightwith<br />

No 21 on his<br />

back, was thefirst sign that this<br />

fixturemay be alittle different<br />

fromthe usual Oxfordv<br />

Glenmark ­Cheviot clashes.<br />

Though somemischievously<br />

suggested the No 10 jersey had<br />

beenretired, it appears usual<br />

No 10, Brook Retallick, was<br />

onlyaway temporarily,<br />

29<br />

In the pink ... Sam Freeman secures line out ball at the back of the<br />

Ashley line out. Ashley played in pink on Saturday, supporting the<br />

Breast Cancer Foundation, with the jjerseys being auctioned after<br />

the game to raise funds.<br />


travellingnorth to welcomehis<br />

All Black brother, Brodie<br />

home. Gray made agood fistof<br />

deputising.Glenmark­Cheviot<br />

didn’tstrike until very late in<br />

the game, makinguse of a<br />

steadystream of goodquality<br />

possession from itsforwards<br />

where flanker Heath<br />

Cruickshank’s performance<br />

shone out like abeacon. It<br />

scoredtwo excellent back tries<br />

in the finalquarter, but it was<br />

too late as Oxford had aleadof<br />

31­nil, putting the result<br />

beyonddoubt.<br />

All sixOxford try­scorershad<br />

excellent games,theirtries just<br />

rewardfor their efforts.Inthe<br />

forwardsJesse Houston and<br />

Danny Brooker wereboth<br />

powerhouses who proved<br />

inspirational to their teammates.Firstfive,<br />

Gus Mowat, is<br />

growing intohis pivotal role,<br />

and has an uncanny ability to<br />

deliver some pin­pointskip<br />

passestohis outsidebacks who<br />

thrived on the extra roomthat<br />

was created.<br />

Dayne Paton,Jesse Bowring<br />

and Angus Mitchell all got on<br />

the score sheet, and also<br />

playedapart in an impressive<br />

team­widedefensive effort.<br />

At timestheirdefencewas<br />

tigerish, doing extremely well<br />

to restrict Glenmark­Cheviot to<br />

just the two late tries.<br />

It was aperformance that<br />

will give Oxfordalot of<br />

confidence and signalledtothe<br />

morehighly­ranked teamsthey<br />

intend being in the mix at<br />

semi­final time.<br />

Scoreboard: Oxford 37 (Jesse<br />

Houston, Jesse Bowring, Gus<br />

Mowat, AngusMitchell, Dayne<br />

Paton and Danny Brooker<br />

tries. Matt Roberts 2<br />

conversions,one penalty)beat<br />

Glenmark­Cheviot 10 (Uraia<br />

Natobe, MattEarl tries).<br />

Second half revival<br />

Hurunui had the better of its<br />

second half against Woodend<br />

and turned asix point<br />

advantage at half timeinto a<br />

forty six point lead by fulltime.<br />

Thanks to the trusty bootof<br />

Jordy Swaine, Woodend went<br />

out to a6point lead in the<br />

opening quarter, but could not<br />

holdon.<br />

Before half time Hurunui<br />

ran in two tries and Digby<br />

Heard kicked aconversion.<br />

Woodend’s game plan<br />

disappeared in the second half<br />

while Hurunuisteadily got into<br />

its work scoring six further<br />

tries. Scoreboard: Hurunui55<br />

(SamGrigg 2, BrianAnderson,<br />

Emanuel Simpson,Will<br />

Jamison,Ben Funnel,Jock<br />

Phillips, JonathonSchwass<br />

tries. Digby Heard 6<br />

conversions,1penalty) beat<br />

Woodend 9(Jordy Swaine 3<br />

penalties).<br />

WHEEL<br />


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26 th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

Luisetti SeedsCombined Div 1<br />

Glenmark Cheviot VHurunui, 02:45 PM, Chev 1. Saracens<br />

VOhoka, 02:45 PM, Sbk1. Woodend VAshley, 02:45 PM,<br />

Wood 1. Kaiapoi VOxford,02:45PM, KaiOv.<br />

Ellesmere &<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Div 2(SectionA)<br />

Saracens VKaiapoi GOLDS, 01:00 PM, Sbk 2.Kaikoura V<br />

Hurunui,02:45 PM,Kaik1.Glenmark Cheviot BYE.<br />

Ellesmere &<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Div 2(SectionB)<br />

Woodend VAmberley, 01:00 PM, Wood 1. Oxford VOhoka,<br />

01:00 PM, OxOval. Ashley BYE.<br />

Combined Colts (SectionA)<br />

Ashley VDarfield, 01:00 PM, Unallocated. Glenmark Cheviot<br />

VLincoln, 01:00 PM,Chev1.<br />

CanstaffWomens2nd round<br />

UoC Viperettes VKaiapoiWomen’s,02:45PM, Ilam2.<br />

1st XV Round Robin<br />

RHS 1st XV VAshburton1st XV,01:00 PM,RHS 1.<br />

Under 18<br />

Hurunui VWaihora, 01:00 PM, Cul 2. Oxford VSouthbridge/<br />

Dunsandel, 01:00 PM, Ox 2. RHS 2nd XVVMCRU Alps,<br />

01:00 PM, RHS 2. Kaiapoi BYE.<br />

Under 16<br />

RHS Gold VMCRU Plains, 11:20 AM, RHS 1. RHS Green V<br />

MCRUAlps, 11:20 AM,RHS 2.<br />

Under 15<br />

OxfordVHurunui, 11:15AM, OxOval. WoodendVRHS Green,<br />

11:15 AM, Wood 1. RHS GoldBYE.<br />

U12 -U13 -<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Only<br />

Section A<br />

WoodendVOxford Red, 11:00AM, Wood 2. Amberley Black<br />

VGlenmark Cheviot, 11:00 AM, Amb 2. Saracens VKaiapoi<br />

Gold, 12:10 PM, Sbk1. Kaikoura Blue VHurunui Blue, 12:10<br />

PM,Kaik1. Ashley BYE.<br />

Section B<br />

Kaiapoi BlueVOhoka Black, 11:00AM, Kai1.HurunuiBlack<br />

VAshley, 11:00 AM, Cul 2. Saracens VOxford, 11:30 AM,<br />

Sbk 2. Woodend BYE.<br />

Under 11<br />

Kaiapoi VGlenmark Cheviot, 11:00 AM, Kai 2a. Woodend<br />

VOhoka Black, 11:00 AM, Wood 3a. Ashley Blue VOxford,<br />

11:00 AM, Lob 4a. Ohoka Red V Kaikoura, 11:00 AM,<br />

Mandj4b. Saracens BlueVHurunuiBlack,11:05AM, SBJnr6.<br />

Saracens RedVAshley Green, 11:05AM, SBJnr7. Amberley<br />

Black BYE.<br />

Under 10<br />

Kaiapoi VGlenmark Cheviot, 12:10 PM, Kai 2a. OhokaBlack<br />

VAmberley Black, 12:10 PM, Mandj4a. Woodend VOxford,<br />

12:10 PM, WoodJ4a. Ashley VOhoka Red, 12:10 PM, Lob<br />

5a. Saracens Red VSaracens Blue, 12:10 PM, SBJnr7.<br />

Hurunui Black BYE.<br />

Under 9<br />

Woodend VAmberley Black, 10:00 AM, Wood 1a. Hurunui<br />

Black V Ohoka Red, 10:00 AM, Cul4a. Ohoka Black V<br />

Glenmark Cheviot, 10:00 AM, Mandj5a. Ashley Green V<br />

Oxford, 10:00 AM, LobLr6. Saracens Blue VAshley Blue,<br />

10:00 AM, SBJnr6. Kaikoura VKaiapoi BLUE, 11:00 AM,<br />

Kaik1b. KaiapoiGOLD BYE.<br />

Under 8<br />

Saracens Blue VHurunui Black,10:00AM, SBJnr7. Kaikoura<br />

VAshleyGreen,11:00 AM, Kaik1a. SaracensRed VKaiapoi,<br />

11:05 AM, Sbk3a. Glenmark Cheviot VAshley Blue, 11:05<br />

AM, Chev 2a.OhokaBlackVWoodend,11:05 AM, Mandj4a.<br />

OxfordVOhokaRed, 11:05 AM,Oxjn5a. Amberley BlackBYE.<br />

Under 7<br />

Saracens Orange V Ashley Green, 10:00 AM, Sbk3b.<br />

WoodendBlack VOhokaRed, 10:50AM, WoodJ4a. Saracens<br />

BlueVGlenmarkCheviot Black, 10:50AM, Sbk4b. Saracens<br />

Red VGlenmark Cheviot Blue, 10:50 AM, Sbk4a. Ashley<br />

Blue VAmberley Black, 10:50 AM, Lob 4b. Ohoka Black V<br />

Kaiapoi,10:50 AM,Mandj5b.HurunuiBlack VOxford,10:50<br />

AM, Cul5.<br />

Under 6<br />

Section A<br />

Glenmark Cheviot Black VHurunui Blue, 10:00 AM, Chev<br />

1a. Amberley Black VWoodend Green, 10:00 AM, Amb 2a.<br />

Woodend White VWoodend Black, 10:00 AM, Wood 2a.<br />

Kaiapoi GOLD VGlenmark Cheviot Blue, 10:00 AM, KaiOva.<br />

Hurunu Black VKaiapoi BLUE, 10:00 AM, Cul5.<br />

Section B<br />

Saracens RedVSaracensOrange, 10:00 AM,Sbk3a. Ashley<br />

Gold VOhokaRed, 10:00 AM, Lob 4a.SaracensBlueVOxford<br />

Red, 10:00AM, Sbk4a.Ashley Green VKaiapoi WHITE, 10:00<br />

AM,Lob 4b.OhokaBlackVAshley Blue, 10:00 AM,Mandj6.<br />

Ohoka Green VAshley White, 10:00 AM,Mandj7.<br />

Printed draw proudly supported by<br />

Four SeasonsRealty<br />

Your home forlocal property<br />

0800 789 1011<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

For all draw information and updates<br />

please keep up to date with<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rugby<br />


Four<br />

Four<br />

SeasonsRealty<br />

Seasons Realty<br />

LIVING<br />


local<br />

Kimberleyhas been apart of the Pegasus<br />

community forseveral years, she has recently built<br />

anew home right in the heart of Pegasus Town<br />

and is passionateabout the growth in and around<br />

the region. Afterworking in the Merivale officefor<br />

the past year,Kimberleyisexcited to makethe<br />

move to our Rangioraofficetooffer her realestate<br />

expertise to the local community.<br />

Thinking of buying or selling, please giveKimberley<br />

acall.<br />

KimberleySmylie<br />

03 313 6158 |021 424 850<br />

kimberley.smylie@harcourts.co.nz<br />

harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017Ltd |Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Kimberley<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Coopers Creek 160 Sladdens Bush Road<br />

Cust 87 Campions Road<br />

The search ends here!<br />

With lovely garden, hill views and aspacious verandah, the sceneis<br />

picture perfectfor entertaining in idyllic surroundings. This beautifully<br />

presentedhome featuresacountry-style kitchen, with astunning<br />

macrocarpabenchtop and is complementedbyopen-plan diningand<br />

living spaces,while the large wood burner, with wet back, keeps the<br />

charming atmosphere heated throughout the cooler months. The four<br />

double bedroomsare complemented by two ensuites and afamily<br />

bathroom providing versatility to accommodate large families, or<br />

continuing an air BnB business. Andthen you wander outside!<br />

Deadline Sale closes 14 July at 4.00pm.<br />

4 3 1 3<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 14th<br />

July, <strong>2021</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless sold<br />

prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL87464<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Prime location!<br />

•Views back towardsthe Port Hills acrossthe Waimakariri Plains<br />

•4.2 ha rolling land<br />

•Power to boundary<br />

•Soils described as Claremont moderately deep silt and Waipara<br />

moderatelydeepsilt<br />

•2x1000 litre unitsofcounty water<br />

ForSale $378,000<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL80307<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Oxford 3002South Eyre Road<br />

Little ripper<br />

Sunnyand light,threebedroom, relocated board and battenfamilyhome. Entry level lifestyle block on 4hectares andjusta<br />

shortcommutetoOxford. The loungeand two bedroomsopen to the large deck. The externalwalls have been insulated with<br />

battsand there is alog-burner and gas hot water.There is adetached double garage, measuring 12mx6m allowing for a<br />

large studio/workshop.Soil maps indicateMayfield moderately deep siltyloam,whichcan be very productiveand it is fenced<br />

into paddocks for horses,with acentral race and provision for water in all paddocks. With your own well and <strong>25</strong>00lt tankthere<br />

is an abundance of water. Theperimeter is deer fenced andthereisestablishedsheltersurrounding the propertymaking it<br />

very private. An excellent opportunity to addvalue.Shortnotice deadline sale closing 4.00pm Thursday 24th<strong>June</strong> (unlesssold<br />

prior).<br />

3 1 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Thursday 24th <strong>June</strong>, <strong>2021</strong> at 4.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL91754<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Council Seeks Feedback inParking Survey<br />

The Council is asking residents for their feedback<br />

on car parking as it works on anew District<br />

Parking Strategy.<br />

ABOUT AN<br />


With Waimakariri expected togrow from 65,000<br />

people toalmost 100,000 by 2048, we will need<br />

to carefully think about how we manage public<br />

car parking in the future.<br />

We’re encouraging people to share their<br />

thoughts and experiences with parking. Your<br />

feedback will help usunderstand how people are<br />

currently parking, what the community views as<br />

key issues and gather ideas on how wemight<br />

build, manage and fund an increased parking<br />

supply for the future.<br />

The parking survey is open for feedback until<br />

Sunday 4July and can be completed online at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

It’s National Volunteer Week<br />

The Council joins with awide range of groups<br />

and organisations in our District that celebrate<br />

and value our wonderful volunteers in National<br />

Volunteer Week (20-26 <strong>June</strong>).<br />

Wendy Howe, Council’s Community Development<br />

Facilitator says, “You really can’t underestimate<br />

the contribution that volunteers make inour<br />

community and we want torecognise that. We<br />

also want to share the benefits of volunteering and<br />

the wide range ofoptions around –there really is<br />

something for everyone.”<br />

We are running Volunteer Expos this weekend<br />

so people can come and find out more about<br />

volunteering. There are also some really<br />

interesting history talks and guided walks<br />

around Tūhaitara Coastal Park and the work they<br />

do. Anyone who attends an Expo will have the<br />

chance toenter aprize draw and win a$<strong>25</strong>0<br />

grocery voucher.<br />

Pegasus Community Centre –Friday <strong>25</strong> <strong>June</strong> 5-7pm.<br />

Rangiora Library –Saturday 26 <strong>June</strong> 10am-2pm.<br />

Heavy Rain Clean Up<br />

Should the Council support aproposal to<br />

install anAqua Play Park in Kaiapoi?<br />

The WHoW Trust are proposing to createa<br />

temporary water park on the lake within<br />

NCF Reserve.<br />

It would include floatingbouncy castles, pontoons<br />

and supporting facilities and would operate during<br />

peak summer months.<br />

Before adecision is made, we’d like to know<br />

what you think. Share your feedback before<br />

5pm on Wednesday 14 July <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Have your say waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

Free ComputerClasses<br />

at Waimakariri Libraries<br />

Term Two<strong>2021</strong><br />

Introduction to Internet Banking<br />

› Oxford • Monday 28<strong>June</strong><br />

› Rangiora • Wednesday 30<strong>June</strong><br />

› Kaiapoi • Thursday 1July<br />

Introduction to SmartPhones<br />

› Oxford • Monday 5July<br />

› Kaiapoi • Thursday 8July<br />

› Rangiora • Friday 9July<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

› Paramanawa: Morning &Afternoon Teas<br />

› Matariki Weaving Workshop<br />

› Decorate TīRākau –Māori Stick Game<br />

Monday28<strong>June</strong> -Saturday3July<br />

For full event details, visit our website orask<br />

one of the team atany Waimakariri Library.<br />

<br />

Join us asweexplore theMoriNew Year<br />

through storiesand songs, everyoneiswelcome!<br />

<br />

› Rangiora • Monday 28<strong>June</strong>, 10.30am<br />

› Kaiapoi • Friday 2July, 11am<br />

<br />

› Kaiapoi • Wednesday 30<strong>June</strong>, 10.30am<br />

› Oxford • Tuesday 29<strong>June</strong>, 10.30am<br />

<br />

› Rangiora<br />

Tuesday 29<strong>June</strong>, 10am<br />

Thursday 1July, 10am<br />

› Oxford • Friday 2July, 10am<br />

Contractors and Council staff assessed roads and<br />

infrastructure following the rain over the weekend.<br />

There was surface flooding across parts of the<br />

District and debris where flooding has receded on<br />

many roads.<br />

The rain has raised river levels through Lees Valley<br />

and contractors continue working to repair the<br />

slips and provide 4WD access to residents. The<br />

road remains closed.<br />

All classes run from 10am-12pm<br />

Bookings Essential<br />

Find out more<br />

libraries.waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

03 311 8901<br />

or visit any ofour libraries<br />

Follow us<br />

Find outmore<br />

libraries.waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

03 311 8901<br />

Follow us<br />

All the fords in the District remain closed until<br />

further notice as well as anumber of roads. Check<br />

our website for road closures waimakariri.govt.nz


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

33<br />

Upcoming Council<br />

meetings<br />

The following meetings will be<br />

held in July <strong>2021</strong>. All meetings<br />

will be held inthe Function Room,<br />

(upstairs) Rangiora Town Hall,<br />

303 High Street, Rangiora, unless<br />

otherwise stated.<br />

Council<br />

Tuesday 6July at 1pm.<br />

Oxford-Ohoka Community Board<br />

Wednesday7July at 7pminthe A&PRoom, at<br />

theOxfordTownHall, Main Street,Oxford.<br />

(The Public Forum section of the<br />

agenda will occur from 7pm to 7.20pm.)<br />

Woodend-Seon Community Board<br />

Monday 12 July at 6pm at the Woodend<br />

Community Centre, School Road, Woodend.<br />

Rangiora-Ashley Community Board<br />

Wednesday 14July at7pm.<br />

Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board<br />

Monday 19 July at 5pm inMeeting Room 1<br />

at the Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre,<br />

176Williams Street, Kaiapoi.<br />

Audit and Risk Committee<br />

Tuesday 20July at 9am.<br />

Land and Water Committee<br />

Tuesday 20July at 1pm.<br />

Utilities and Roading Committee<br />

Tuesday 20July at 3.30pm.<br />

Allmeetingsare open to thepublic.<br />

Agendas areavailable twoworking days<br />

priortothe meeting.<br />

Agendas and minutes for meetings<br />

can be found onthe Council's website:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Sarah Nichols<br />

GovernanceManager<br />

Winning team ... Rangiora Hockey Club’s division one men’s team on the way to awin over their southern<br />

visitors.<br />


Mid <strong>Canterbury</strong> toppled<br />

HOCKEY<br />

Rangiora Hockey Club's division<br />

one men's team took home the<br />

points in ahard fought win against<br />

Mid <strong>Canterbury</strong> at MainPower<br />

Hockey Turf.<br />

Neither team was able to break a<br />

nil­all deadlockuntil late in the<br />

third quarter when Tom Flavell<br />

found away through the southern<br />

visitor'sdefence. He then took<br />

advantage of alucky bounce to beat<br />

the keeper.<br />

Asecond goal from apenalty<br />

corner early in the last quarterto<br />

Lachlan Millergave Rangiora<br />

some breathing room. Mid<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>'s reply goal was too<br />

little, too late.<br />

Heavy rain Sunday afternoon<br />

made for challenging conditions<br />

for Rangiora's Superleague<br />

Championshipteams.<br />

The Colts and Oddfellowswere<br />

almost swimming in their Knock<br />

Out Cup dead­rubberagainst each<br />

other ­won easily by the Colts in<br />

the end but it was more about<br />

which team adapted to the<br />

conditions best.<br />

RangioraPiwakawaka were 5­0<br />

down against Southern United<br />

when they decided to abandon the<br />

game in the face of heavy rain and<br />

surface flooding.<br />

Meanwhile Rangiora Korimako<br />

couldn't find rhythm against a<br />

more physicalWaikirikiri Tuis,<br />

and despite improving through the<br />

game couldn't find the goal needed<br />

to boostits confidence.<br />

In the mid week competition the<br />

Rangiora Hurunui Hares secured<br />

a2­1 win,thanks to goalkeeper<br />

Eira Beverley­Stone who had her<br />

best game of the seasontodeny<br />

Carlton Redcliffs an equaliser.<br />

The Rangiora HurunuiHawks<br />

dominated in its bottom of the<br />

table clash with SouthernUnited<br />

with five different players getting<br />

on the score card.<br />

The men's Ateam scored a<br />

lacklustrewin against bottomof<br />

the table Waikirikiri, while the<br />

RangioraAllsorts had chances<br />

against askilful Hinemoa­Kaiapoi<br />

Kauri team but couldn't buy agoal<br />

in the end. Three goals in the last<br />

quarter by Kauri blew out what<br />

was until then arespectablescore.<br />

Results<br />

Division 1: Men ­Rangiora CBK 2<br />

(Tom Flavell 1, Lachlan Miller 1)<br />

beat Mid <strong>Canterbury</strong> 1.<br />

Sunday Super League<br />

Championship: Men ­Rangiora<br />

Colts 8beat RangioraOddfellows 0.<br />

Women ­RangioraKorimako 0lost<br />

to Waikirikiri Tuis 3. MVP: Alyssa<br />

Campbell; RangioraPiwakawaka 0<br />

lost to Southern United 5. MVP:<br />

Deb Baggott.<br />

Mid Week Open: Men ­RangioraA<br />

5beat Waikirikiri Petrels0;<br />

RangioraAllsorts 0lost to<br />

Hinemoa­Kaiapoi Kauri 6.<br />

Women ­RangioraHurunui Hares<br />

2(Holly Robertson 1, Lisa Cassidy<br />

1) beat Carlton Redcliffs1.MVP:<br />

Eira Beverley­Stone GK; Rangiora<br />

HurunuiHawks 5(Anneke<br />

Cameron1,Haley Lloyd 1, Maddi<br />

Plimmer1,Sally Berry 1, Annabel<br />

Harris 1) beat Southern United 0.<br />

MVP: Hannah Nelson.<br />

Platinum Grades: Men: Rangiora B<br />

1lost to HSOB/Burnside 12;<br />

Women: RangioraA0lost to<br />

Harewood Red 10; Rangiora Bvs<br />

HinemoaKaiapoi rainedout.<br />

Kwik Sticks 11­a­side Grades:<br />

Boys: Rangiora Renegades1<br />

(Henry Webb 1) lost to Avon 11.<br />

MVP: Aaron Eyles. Girls: Rangiora<br />

Rascals 5(Felicite Antoniuk­<br />

Newall 1, Sarah Walsh1,Lillie<br />

Wilson 1, Jasmine Oliver1)beat<br />

SouthernUnited Snow Leopards 0.<br />

MVP: Felicite Antoniuk­Newall.<br />

Kwik Sticks 7­a­side: Boys ­<br />

RangioraRampage 0lost to<br />

Waikirikiri Hawks 8; Rangiora<br />

Rangers 1(Bram Vermeulen1)lost<br />

to CarltonRedcliffs Breakers 2.<br />

MVP: Seth Anders.<br />

Girls ­Rangiora Rebels 2lost to<br />

Waikirikiri Robins 6; Rangiora<br />

Rainbows4(Ruby Taylor2,<br />

Tallulah Kennett­Ditfort 1, Sophie<br />

Cartwright 1) beat Waikirikiri 1.<br />

MVP: Tallulah Kennett­Ditfort.<br />

RangioraRubys 2(Sabrina Galilee<br />

1, Imogen Abernethy 1) lost to<br />

Carlton Redcliffs 3. MVP: Emily<br />

Lunn.<br />

Kiwi Sticks Grades: Boys ­<br />

RangioraRogues 2(Seth Cann 1,<br />

Tyler Cresswell 1) lost to HSOB/<br />

Burnside 6. MVP:Glen Fricker.<br />

Girls ­Rangiora Rabbits 9<br />

(Catherine McKellow5,Quincey<br />

Hawes 2, FreyaClark 1, Ashlee<br />

Harkess 1) beat Harewood 0. MVP:<br />

CatherineMcKellow;Rangiora<br />

Raiders 1(Lucy McLean 1) drew<br />

with Hornby Leopards 1. MVP: Ana<br />

White. Rangiora Road Runners 6<br />

(Bella Cherry 2, Neve Fantham 2,<br />

Erin Cook 1, Sammy Frost­Smith1)<br />

beat Harewood 2. MVP: Erin Cook.<br />

Mini Sticks Grades: Boys ­<br />

RangioraRoadsters 6(Aidan<br />

Ferguson3,Harry Pullar2,Xander<br />

Moore 1) beat St Andrews Prep<br />

School 0. MVP: Ryan Royds.<br />

Girls ­Rangiora Rockets 5(Ruby<br />

Hutchison 3, Shaylee Eastmond 1,<br />

Hazel O'Steen 1) beatMarist<br />

Kowhai 2. MVP:Adele Ferguson.<br />

RangioraRock Stars 6(Anita<br />

Mones­Cazon 3, Charlotte Hawes 2,<br />

Cleo Halloway 1) beatSouthern<br />

United Snowy Owls2.MVP: Anita.<br />

Have you signed up for the Waimakariri<br />

District Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />

To joinvisit waimakariri.govt.nz/subscribe<br />

What’s happening in<br />

your neighbourhood?<br />

If you’ve got aninteresting<br />

story to tell, letusknow!<br />

Phoneour editor, Robyn,<br />

on 03 314 83<strong>25</strong> or email<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz.<br />

Get your business<br />

noticed by advertising<br />

with us!<br />

Phone 03 314 8335oremail<br />

info@ncnews.co.nztofind out<br />

thebest deal foryou!<br />

Financial<br />




10 % For further information<br />

about investment inthe<br />

CVI Financial Limited<br />

high yield interest rate<br />

offer please call Chance<br />

Voights’ investor enquiries<br />

specialist, Irina Sharipova.<br />

pa<br />










Call today0800797 799<br />

Investment in this fund is only available<br />

to wholesale and eligible investors in<br />

accordance with the Financial Markets<br />

Conduct Act 2013.


34 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>June</strong> 24, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Rangiora RSA Club has<br />

made application to<br />

the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora<br />

for the renewal of aClub<br />

Licence in respect of the<br />

premises situated at 82<br />

Victoria St, Rangiora known<br />

as Rangiora RSA Club.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Club, Bar and<br />

Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is sold under the licence are<br />

Sunday -Thursday 8am -<br />

11pm, Friday/Saturday<br />

8am -1am Following day.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale<br />

and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012.<br />

This is the first publication<br />

of this notice.<br />

2393743v1<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

The Rangiora High School Board of Trustees has<br />

determined that in 2022, ten Year 9 places are<br />

available for out of zone enrolment.<br />

Applications for out of zone enrolments close on<br />

Friday 30 July <strong>2021</strong>. If the number of out of zone<br />

applications exceeds the number of places being<br />

offered, students will be selected by ballot. If aballot<br />

is required, it will be held on 4August <strong>2021</strong>. Parents<br />

will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within<br />

three school days.<br />

Applications from out of zone students will be<br />

processed in the following order of priority:<br />

(1) students accepted for enrolment in aspecial<br />

programme runbythe school (Lighthouse<br />

Programme);<br />

(2) sibling of acurrent student;<br />

(3) sibling of aformer student;<br />

(4) child of aformer student;<br />

(5) child of an employee of the board, or achild of<br />

amemberofthe board;<br />

(6) all other applicants (by ballot if required).<br />

Forfurther informationplease contact (03) 311 8888<br />

or email enrolments@rangiorahigh.school.nz<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

ANY old cars, anything pre<br />

1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />

Classic Cars. Please call<br />

027 <strong>25</strong>8 8366.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 <strong>25</strong>8<br />

8366.<br />

WANTED to buy Ford,<br />

Holden, Chrysler or<br />

Chev’s, Classic cars. Any<br />

other types considered, any<br />

condition. Please phone<br />

Tony 027 313 5000.<br />

Rangiora High School<br />

Out of Zone Enrolments<br />

For Lease<br />

RHSncn951<br />


KAIAPOI MR 873 Sec 247<br />

Applications are invited for<br />

alease of 5.613 hectares<br />

(available 1July <strong>2021</strong>) situated<br />

at 924 Main <strong>North</strong> Road,<br />

Kaiapoi. 55-65 stock units.<br />

Ph: 04 474 4657<br />

or email: ritihia.hailwood@<br />

tetumupaeroa.co.nz<br />

for information pack.<br />

Applications close 5July <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

2393783<br />

Motorcycles<br />

SouthPacific Motorcycle<br />

Services (Mandeville)<br />

Repairs, service, tyres etc<br />

for all motorcycles.<br />

Greatservice -great rates!<br />

03 312 0066<br />

office@motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

www.motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

2378088v2<br />

Property Wanted<br />


2-3 bedroom<br />

house in Kaiapoi,<br />

by motivated cash<br />

2393289<br />

buyers. Save<br />

yourself paying<br />

Real Estate Agent’s<br />

fees and the hassle<br />

of open homes.<br />

Ph: :021 101 4046<br />

For Lease<br />


Industrial shed 18 x 12<br />

metres with 480 m2 of<br />

shingled yard, power<br />

single &3phase plugs,<br />

water & alarm.<br />

Newnham street Rangiora.<br />

Lease terms negotiable<br />

.<br />

Phone 0274342831<br />

Livestock<br />


&Wild Game<br />

Meat Processing<br />

313 0022<br />

2309602MEAT2U.NZ<br />

Personal<br />

LADIES are you looking<br />

for amale companion, partner<br />

or just acasual date. I<br />

am single, 5ft11, just<br />

retired, live on own, indep,<br />

fun, witty, charming and<br />

romantic. Why be on your<br />

own? 0276 594 4<strong>25</strong>.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student on an individually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br />

co.nz/rangiora<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

School Bus DriversRequired<br />

Would youliketoearn extraincome whilestill<br />

having mostofyour dayfreeand at the same time<br />

do your community aservice by helpingtoprovide<br />

asafe, high standardofschool transportfor our<br />

region’schildren.<br />

Torlesse Travel has positionsavailable forpart time<br />

schoolbus drivers in Darfield and Rangiora.<br />

If youhaveaClass 2license, aPassenger<br />

Endorsement andare interestedindriving on a<br />

part time basis then this couldbefor you.<br />

Alternatively,ifyou areinterestedinbecoming a<br />

bus driver,wecan provide assistance to help you<br />

achieve the correctlicencing.<br />

If youare interestedinthisrole or wish formore<br />

information, please email.<br />

manager@torlessetravel.co.nz<br />

Phone: 021 198 7358<br />

Dairy Farm Assistant<br />

for a1050 cow farm.<br />

Experience preferred but<br />

training will be given.<br />

Great opportunity with<br />

an awesome team, 5<br />

minutes from Rangiora.<br />

Good references<br />

essential. Please contact<br />

027 236 7577 for more<br />

details. 2394336<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

BUYING estate type old<br />

china, crystal, collectables,<br />

vases. Phone 027 350 3963,<br />

or 313 1878.<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

Firewood<br />

DRY WATTLE two years<br />

old, $700 6m2. Dry old<br />

man pine, $550 6m2.Phone<br />

03 312 8726 Rangiora.<br />

SPLIT Old Man Pine 3.7m<br />

@$260, Split Hardwood<br />

Mix 3.7m @$360. Mobile<br />

021 993 497 Paul.<br />

SPLIT PINE $350 for 4.5<br />

cube trailer load, free delivery<br />

to Rangiora area. Phone<br />

021 241 8075.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 <strong>25</strong>9 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />

types of work undertaken,<br />

repairs. Phone Hamish<br />

0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />


Labourers (of all skill sets),<br />

sawmill, welders, steel fabricator,<br />

factory, brush<br />

hands, and lots of other<br />

local opportunities. An<br />

advantage if you are<br />

physically fit, able to pass a<br />

drug test, have drivers’<br />

license and reliable transport.<br />

Ph Tina 03 310 7285<br />

or 027 636 6967 Elevate<br />

Recruitment, 113A High<br />

Street, Rangiora.<br />

Gardening<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

For Sale<br />

HONEY 4kg bucket<br />

cooking honey, $30 special.<br />

Available at Gracebrook,<br />

Amberley. Telephone 03<br />

314 7076.<br />

MINI bales ofbaleage, $20<br />

per bale. Ph 03 313 2373.<br />


sale 200mls (14 available)<br />

$10 for the lot, 500mls (50<br />

available) $2 each, one litre<br />

(50 available) $3 each. Call<br />

Kerryn 021 288 4848.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

BUILDERS Father &Son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads.<br />

No job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Ph 027 318 4400.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />


Sew Good Services. For all<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />

FIRE GUARDS Custom<br />

made with safety latch.<br />

Phone 021 169 9066. E:<br />

pjfabricators123@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

<strong>25</strong> + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 <strong>25</strong>5.<br />

ROOFER. All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

STONEMASON, Brick<br />

and Blocklayer. Earthquake<br />

repairs, grind out and<br />

repoint, River/Oamaru<br />

stone, Schist, Volcanic<br />

Rock, paving, all alterations<br />

new and old. Quality<br />

workmanship. Visit<br />

featureworks.co.nz or ph<br />

027 601 3145.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. — Ph. 03-<br />

423-3713or021-267-40<strong>25</strong>.<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Movemen Ltd<br />

2Men &agood sized truck.<br />

From $150 plus GST per<br />

hour.Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />

•Interiorand exterior<br />

painting<br />

•Small-medium size/<br />

repaints<br />

•Minorplasterrepairs<br />

•Timberwindowrepairs<br />

Ph: 0800 462 758 Ph/txt: 021314 319 Mark Taylor<br />

Email: jackiemarktaylor@yahoo.co.nz<br />

Long established local company<br />

www.taylorbuildingmaintenance.co.nz<br />

2091848<br />

2220615<br />

2362002<br />

2343272<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

027 216 0000<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

<strong>25</strong> Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />


Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Accountant<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Builder<br />

Butchery<br />

Debra Jowsey &Karla Kilner<br />

Ph 03 314 9480<br />

We help with all Taxreturns for the<br />

salary &wage earner,self employed, rental,<br />

business,farm, GST, payday filing, rentalreturns<br />

2287949<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

ASKO, Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />

Haier, Samsung and more....<br />

“For best resultsbesuretouse authorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

1913020<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

1680439<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

2393549<br />

Dr Jess Ross<br />

ACC RegisteredDrChiropractic<br />

Monday &Thursday |03313 0350<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br />

privatephysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 868 <strong>25</strong>74<br />

ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday &Friday<br />

Select Health<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

Senior’s Handyman<br />

Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

2344089v2<br />

2372616<br />

Bruce Evans<br />

131 Ohoka Road<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

03 327 3111<br />

021 293 6331<br />

compucare@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.compucare.co.nz<br />

Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />

Prompt professional services<br />

Digger Hire and Construction<br />

ECOM Digger Hire<br />

and Construction<br />

•9 ton Komatsu with rubber pads.<br />

•Excavotor can be dry hired or with<br />

one of our expert operators.<br />

•Attachments available:<br />

•Post driver<br />

•Concrete/rock breaker<br />

•Grab bucket<br />

•Tilt bucket<br />

•Rock bucket<br />

No job<br />

too big<br />

–Nojob<br />

too small<br />

admin@ecomconstruction<br />

www.ecomconstruction.co.nz<br />

2384249<br />

Light Transport<br />

NEED<br />

?<br />


LARGE<br />



Specialising in items up to<br />

1500kgs<br />

Quad bikes -mowers -side by sides<br />

Trailers -small vehicles -machinery<br />

Local and NZ wide service<br />

Phone /Txt 0274 332 176<br />

Email benstrailertransport@gmail.com<br />

22765<strong>25</strong>v2<br />

Virus &malware removal<br />

New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />

2374056v3<br />

2364105<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

Heating<br />

Air to Water Heat Pump for Heating and Cooling<br />

Wood Fired Central Heating<br />

Scrap Metal<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

2273277<br />

Allan Pethig<br />

For all your electrical needs. Residential &Commercial<br />

Phone 03 313 7144<br />

027 432 1534<br />

Fax 03 313 2144<br />

rgrantelectrical@gmail.com<br />

PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />

2269236<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

Electrician<br />

Engineering<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $<strong>25</strong> per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

RangioraToyota<br />

WANTED<br />

Quality used late<br />

modelToyotas.<br />

Contactus today<br />

if you’relooking<br />

to sell!<br />

2014 Toyota Yaris Vitz 2013Toyota Prius C<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto,<br />

•1.5LHybrid Petrol, Alloys<br />

•Alloys,5-Door, $ •Camera, Satnav<br />

•Only 32,800kms<br />

13,995 •69,100kms<br />

2009 MazdaDemio<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Alloys, ReverseCamera<br />

•91,350km<br />

$<br />

8,995<br />

2015Toyota Ractis<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />

•45,550km<br />

NOW<br />

•CD/AUX/USB Connectivity<br />

$ •Camera, Bluetooth<br />

14,995 $<br />

14,995<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

2014 Toyota Vitz<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Only 18,900<br />

2018 Toyota Yaris GX<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />

• Reverse Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•40,400kms<br />

$<br />

18,995<br />

2018 Corolla Sedan GX<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Bluetooth, ReverseCamera<br />

•45,800kms<br />

$<br />

21,995<br />

2011 Toyota Sai<br />

•2.4LHybridPetrol, Auto<br />

•Camera,Keyless NOW<br />

•43,300km<br />

2010 Toyota SaiG<br />

WAS$16,995 •2.4LHybridPetrol, Auto<br />

•Camera, Cruise Control NOW<br />

•Alloys, 62,550km<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

WAS$16,995<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

2011 HyundaiElantraElite<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Leather,Sunroof<br />

•Camera<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2014 Toyota Corolla GX<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />

•NZNew,Bluetooth,<br />

•Cruise Control<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />

•ReverseCamera&Sensors<br />

•60,000kms<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2019 CamryHybrid GX<br />

•2.5LPetrolHybrid, Alloys<br />

•SafetySense,Camera<br />

•16,<strong>25</strong>0km<br />

$<br />

36,995<br />

2019 CamryGXHybrid<br />

•2.5LPetrolHybrid, Alloys<br />

•Bluetooth, Safety Sense<br />

•15,<strong>25</strong>0kms<br />

$ 36,995<br />

2011 Toyota Avensis Wagon<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto,<br />

•Alloys, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, Keyless<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX Hatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Satnav,Bluetooth,Camera<br />

•78,850kms<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2014 MitsubishiLancerGSR<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Hatchback<br />

•Alloys, Camera<br />

•80,050km<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

2011 Toyota Wish Z<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, 6-Seater<br />

•Sunroof,Alloys, Camera NOW<br />

•82,300kms<br />

2019 Toyota RAV4 GXL 2009 Toyota Wish Z<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

•2.5LPetrolAWD,Latest Model<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, 6-seater<br />

WAS $14,995<br />

•Satnav,SafetySense $ •Alloys, Keyless NOW<br />

•41,400km<br />

41,995<br />

• 88,500km<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

2010 Mitsubishi Lancer VRX<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />

•Alloys, Leather<br />

•80,750kms<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2018 LandCruiser Prado VX<br />

•130Kw2.8L TurboDiesel<br />

•SafetySense, GPS, Leather<br />

•NZNew,only52,550kms<br />

$<br />

71,995<br />

2017 Isuzu D-MaxLS<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel Auto<br />

•2WD,Bluetooth,<br />

•Camera, 96,200kms<br />

$<br />

35,995<br />

2006 Hilux SR5 4X4<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel Auto<br />

•Canopy &Liner<br />

•Cruise Control<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2016 HiluxSR5 PreRunner<br />

•.8L TurboDiesel Manual<br />

• Satnav,Camera<br />

• Tonneau<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

2007 HiluxSR5 4x4<br />

•3.0L TurboDiesel Auto<br />

•Tonneau,CruiseControl<br />

•Towbar<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2013Toyota AlphardSC<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Seater<br />

•DualElectricDoors<br />

•<strong>25</strong>,<strong>25</strong>0kms<br />

2014 Ford Ranger XLT<br />

2018 Nissan Navara RX4x4<br />

•2.3LTurbo Diesel Manual<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 58,100kms<br />

2018 Landcruiser PradoTZ-G<br />

•2.8L turbodieselauto<br />

•KDSSsuspension, 7-seater<br />

•40,<strong>25</strong>0km<br />

2016 LandCruiser PradoTZ-G<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel<br />

•ReverseCamera, Bluetooth<br />

•Sat Nav<br />

•3.2LTurbo Diesel 4WD<br />

$<br />

36,995 •Bluetooth<br />

$<br />

33,995<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

$ $<br />

•ParkingSensors<br />

71,995<br />

57,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2386571<br />


Thursday,<strong>June</strong>24, <strong>2021</strong> | Issue951 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

<br />

2–4July <strong>2021</strong><br />


<br />

<br />

FREE<br />

<br />



Join us at the Home&Leisure show,stand number 176.<br />

Appliances,beds,furniture&tech.<br />

Everything youneed foryour home.

Explore our unique zones!<br />



Sip, taste and try new<br />

products before you buy.<br />

Discover liquorice, gourmet<br />

dips, fruit juices, local wine<br />

and more!<br />

Learn about eco friendly<br />

products and services<br />

including solar power, pellet<br />

fires, energy efficient homes,<br />

LED lighting, electric bikes,<br />

light therapy, alternative<br />

energy and more!<br />

Be inspired by landscaping<br />

plans, pools, spas, outdoor<br />

furniture, fencing, garden<br />

ornaments, decking, glass<br />

and more!<br />

Upgrade your leisure time<br />

with boats, camper vans,<br />

caravans, jet skis and an off<br />

road vehicle!<br />

Take alook inside several tiny<br />

homes, mega tiny homes,<br />

modular homes and place a<br />

bid in alive auction!<br />

2-4July <strong>2021</strong> • 10am -5pm • Christchurch Arena • www.starhomeshow.kiwi



WORTH $ 22,000!<br />

2016 nissan Leaf<br />

Marvel at the car’s full leather interior, 360<br />

degree cameras, Android Auto and Apple<br />

CarPlay, Bose sound system and 10 air bags.<br />

Visit the hVs stAnd At our show tobeintowin!<br />

Informative seminars brought to you by<br />

On every day —Friday, Saturday and Sunday<br />

Buildright<br />

11.00am<br />

Covering renovations for your home -whether it be your bathroom, kitchen,<br />

reconfiguration of existing rooms or extensions.<br />

Sunshine Solar<br />

11.30am<br />

Learn if solar is right for you, what type of solar is best for what applications<br />

and how you can make money offsolar with little or no money down. Covering<br />

commercial solar as well as residential and batteries.<br />

Resene<br />

12.00pm<br />

Discover how to take your favourite colours and confidently design colour<br />

schemes to suit you, your home and your lifestyle. Make the most ofyour<br />

space and maximise the appeal of your home.<br />

Kitchen Studio<br />

12.30pm<br />

From inspiration to installation, take note ofour tips and tricks when updating<br />

your kitchen to ensure itfits in with rest of your house.<br />

Whitehouse<br />

Builders<br />

1.00pm<br />

Ever wondered how tobuild an energy efficient home? Learn the 5passive<br />

house principles that contribute to atruly efficient home.<br />

NZ Home Loans<br />

1.30pm<br />

Discover the tools that will allow you to become debt free faster, purchase a<br />

property in Christchurch, either a1st home, construction, or investment.<br />

2-4July <strong>2021</strong> • 10am -5pm • Christchurch Arena • www.starhomeshow.kiwi

Place abid in the live auction!<br />



Cosy Homes are auctioning off abrand<br />

new 2-bedroom 50sqm home at our show!<br />

*Digital rendering of outside<br />

This MEGA tiny home could be YOURS!<br />

This mega tiny home is warm, spacious<br />

and homely, itisbuilt and ready to go<br />

and can be transported anywhere inthe<br />

country. Step inside and feel it for yourself.<br />

Don’t miss out on this auction! Cosy<br />

Homes have arange of options to suit<br />

your budget with their 2-bedroom homes<br />

typically ranging in price from $95,000 -<br />

$130,000.<br />

The Cosy Home for auction isatthe<br />

premium end of the range,with the added<br />

bonus of being available immediately!<br />

The auction is set for 1pm on Sunday 4th<br />

of July at the Cosy Home stand.<br />

The auction is sponsored by Ray White<br />

Bishopdale &Strowan.<br />

There isnormally a9month wait on atiny<br />

home, but this one will be yours in aweek!<br />

Auction set for 1pm on Sunday,<br />

4th July at the Cosy Home stand.<br />

To placeabid, youmust register your interest at www.cosyhomes.co.nz/auction<br />



Join us at theHome &Leisureshow, standnumber 176.<br />

Appliances,beds,furniture&tech.<br />

Everything youneed foryourhome.<br />

2-4July <strong>2021</strong> • 10am -5pm • Christchurch Arena • www.starhomeshow.kiwi

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