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by Oğuz Gür

I decided to do a CAS experience with my classmates, and the

first thing that came to my mind was the glass workshop. First of

all, I consulted our CAS advisor Mr. Berkant about this workshop

experience. Later, I arranged a meeting with a glass workshop

owner that I knew and talked about the glass workshop experience

I wanted to do. I also felt that I had no difficulty doing the

organizational work that made me realize this experience. After

the meeting, I told my friends that I organized something about

the glass art workshop and made a list of those who wanted to

attend. We set a day and time together.

On the day we went to do the experience, Mr. Cem gave us some

crucial information about glass and glass art. Afterward, we made

glass evil eye beads in turn under the supervision of Mr. Cem.

Since we made the evil eye beads ourselves, different designs

emerged from each other. This experience that we did was pretty

fun, and I believe we all develop our creativity. Besides, I think

that organizing such an experience improved my communication



by Defne Çukul

My friends and I from IB class decided to create a CAS

Magazine which includes every subject related to our

lessons. We want to publish this magazine because we

want every student and teacher to benefit from the

articles that we write. We thought the wide range of

subjects from ethics to mathematics would be useful

for the readers to choose under their interests. We

mainly focused our articles on what is going on worldwide,

to increase people's awareness and develop

their life perspectives.

During forming the basis of our magazine and creating

the timeline, I learned something very valuable

about working collaboratively. We have been progressing

in our plans but we realised that we were

behind our timeline which caused set back in our

program. In order to solve this problem: at the end of

every meeting, we set goals for each person depending

on their specific responsibilities and set deadlines

suitable for the student.

At first, we were lack of communication and we didn’t

inform ourselves well enough. We didn’t remind the

deadlines or offer help to each other. I realized how

important clear and open communication is in teamwork.

Thus, we proceed with our works in a more

collaborative way. Before the deadline, we reminded

each other’s responsibilities and offered help if it is


We had so many things to do like SAT preparation,

assessments and activities but we all respected our

ethical choices and actions. We tried to make time

for the magazine meetings and our specific responsibilities.

We did what was ethically the right thing to


While I was doing some research on the series I was

writing about, I was able to learn and discover many

various perspectives and interpretations of the tv

series. I learned how to analyze and personalize my


Overall, planning the process, writing the articles

and editing the photos was a

great way for me to develop my soft skills, and learn

more about planning and taking action.


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