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The human brain works non-stop at all times of

the day. Every new knowledge an individual learns

and every action they take creates a new path in the

brain; these paths affect personalities, reactions and

behaviors. Mirroring, which is one of these behaviors

and reactions, has been known for a while and

has been studied by psychologists for a long time.

Mirroring is basically the act of synchronizing one's

reactions involuntarily and uncontrollably. Humans

tend to mimic gestures of people they like, and they

do it subconsciously. The question to be asked here is:

what does it mean? Why do humans do that? Is there a

special explanation behind it?

This behavior, called mirroring in psychology, shows

that the interlocutor enjoys and is satisfied with their

communication. It is a proof that interlocutors’

interests meet, and there is a

certain level of agreement.

Historical Explanation For “Mirroring”

Mirroring has been used as a universal signal for a

very long time. Stronger, more respected and smarter

people have always been privileged in society. The

rest of the humankind had to develop certain

behavioral patterns to show their respect and dignity

to these people. For example, if an individual known

in the community as smart and honorable wore a

handkerchief as a decorative accessory, the rest of

the group would think it was fashionable and should

definitely be worn for them as well.

Scientific Explanation

The source of this uncontrolled behavior

of humans is a neuron; the one

responsible for recognizing faces and

understanding their expressions. This

neuron becomes active when interpreting

the responses and behaviors of the person

with whom the individual communicates.

It results in an intense frown or a smiling

face. In an environment full of funny and

cheerful people, the mood of individuals

will rise and they will feel content and

peaceful. A pessimistic environment will

result in the opposite. Feelings

experienced in an unfavorable

environment indicates that the

individual's sympathy has improved and

the neuron is not functioning properly.


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