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June 2021



















Welcome to the 1st edition of the annual

CAS magazine of Yeni Yol Schools.

We are really proud and enthusiastic to

annunciate that we are ready with all

new hopes and visions to bring out

the 1st issue , which is going to surely

unfold the unraveled world of the most

unforgettable and precious moments

of our IBDP 2022 Class during their first year.

Berkant Kayışdikici


The magazine is to be viewed as a launch pad for the IB Juniors’ creativeness,

activeness and devotion to social service. We can say without any

doubt that our students’ initiative is full of mind provoking ideas to allow

others to roam free in the realm of imagination and experience to create a

more beautiful world.

Inspirational and informative articles written up by our young writers are

assuredly sufficient to hold the interest and admiration of the readers.

It can easily be seen that they know that the school is an incarnation of

self-respect, love, affection and sensibility, through which our students

genuinely show by their wording. We appreciate, applaud and foster this

fine selection of their intellectual efficiency and teamwork. The magazine

as an enterprise also promotes the spirit established in their IB community

through individual and collective actions and thoughts.

I frankly say this gives me great pleasue to confirm the magazine has perfectly

accomplished its objective. Moreover, the reflection of the students’

creativeness has enriched the scope and content as well. I would like to

take the privilege to acknowledge the Editorial Board who have resumed a

kind of Herculean task to form or edit, and made the magazine attractive

to readers. I would also thank all my colleagues who grabbed the bull by

the horns and enabled the students to achieve in leading it to a safe shore

for publication. Lastly, I would specially thank our school administration

entrusting this unique group the responsibility to edit and issue this magazine.

I heartily wish all the readers to spend good time reading and hope this initiative

will enjoy your critical acclaim and prove itself to play a vital role in

the all-round development of our IBDP journey.




Individual experiences form

one of the most crucial part of

CAS. Here, you will witness what

we have done for CAS, what

were the problems, and how

we overcame those problems.



Mask Design

and Sewing

By Elif Ceren Erdoğan

Depletion of energy resources is one of the

biggest problems we face in the era we live in.

The use of recyclable products tried to spread to

societies. I find it more correct to aim to reuse

things rather than throw them away. This

situation worried me and I thought I had to do

something about it. Earlier, while I was

studying in the first year of high school in

England. I participated in a project where I

designed deckchair fabric from waste fabrics and

papers. This project has been a great inspiration

for me to turn this situation into a CAS

experience. Then I decided to sew usable bags

and masks with the waste fabrics I found at

home and outside.

I and my friend from IB class started to research to put in place this CAS project. We found lots

of creations and images/videos from inspiring platforms like Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram. We

watched many sewing and design videos step by step to adapt to our designs. Also, to improve

our hand skills, and as a result, we started to experience. We searched the places where we can

find waste fabric in the city, where we live to find fabrics. After finding it, we defined it as CAS

experience in our school system. We continued the process by entering reflection and evidence

without any delay. At the end of 1 month, we created fashionable and non-waste products.

With this experience, we have created products without spending any non-renewable energy

resources. As we worked together with my friend while doing this, we developed our

collaborative working skills. Although it was our first CAS experience, since we started in a

planned way, the process progressed as we wanted. I am very pleased to be able to bring new

skills to a friend and be environmentally friendly.


Art Lessons

By Engin Ege Gürel

I have been into drawing for my whole existence.

I started at a really early age and kept it going

for a long time, but I had to stop. There was a lot

to do, and I couldn’t find time to do everything.

I didn’t draw anything for 2 years. But this year

I am back at it thanks to CAS. It is weird because

now I have more responsibilities but I also can

accommodate drawing with me, and I learned


I found out that if you have a lot on your plate,

reducing the responsibilities won’t help. Because

with more time you have to do something, you

will do that thing slower, and in the end, you still

won’t have time to do anything. But there is a

solution: Being organized.

I don’t want to be a hypocrite, I have never liked planning, too, but how you do it changes

everything. Do not plan your hours. There will be times that you might have to change them. Do

not restrict yourself with plans like that. Instead, plan what you will do/ accomplish today. If you

do that, not only will your plan be smooth so that when something important comes up, you will

be able to spare time, but also you will be also psychologically more relaxed too. Moreover, strict

plans cause stress, and when you are under that stress for a long time, it won’t be good.

And also, everyone needs some time to relax their mind, and activities like drawing, playing

instruments, etc. can help you with that.

So to sum it up, those are the things that I learned from this experience. I hope it can also help

someone – other than me – too.


Fridays For

Future Online

Climate Strike

By Ezgi Sönmez

“Fridays For Future” is an international

organization that is fighting against the climate

crisis and trying to create awareness for these

climate problems. I am a co-founder of Eskişehir

region of this organization. On Friday the 25th of

September 2020 we made an online strike about

climate justice and social justice and I made a

speech during which I represented Eskişehir with

my friend Aslı who is the founder of the Eskişehir

region of this organization. We designed and

created some banners and used them for

protesting at a busy corner used by

pedestrians place by holding them. We aimed to

create awareness about social and climate justice

and to make the world a more livable

environment by talking about several justice

problems in the world.

I met the “Fridays For Future” international organization one year ago. My friend informed

me about it. Therefore, we started one in Eskişehir too. This organization provided an attempt

to my mental, intellectual, and emotional development. The FFF online climate strike and all

other small protests that we made were very productive experiences for me. They taught me

to manage my time with all the meetings and the rehearsals we made and also they taught me

to have more self-confidence in myself. I have made many friends from the organization team

and by this, my social communication skills have improved. This experience means a lot to me

because we are trying to become known as the Eskişehir part of the organization for 2 years. So

this strike made our voices heard and maybe opened new doors from which we will need support


In the strike, we made a speech with Aslı where we expressed our opinions about the climate

crisis and social injustices. We started to see the existing injustices increasingly all over the

society, in all ways. Among these, femicide was the one that concerned us the most. The events

we have experienced have shown us that sometimes people can still embrace the idea that they

are superior to someone and something. We think that the biggest source of this sickly mindset

is the wrong policies followed. Just like with the ecological disasters we are beginning to see

so often all over the country. Innocent citizens paid the price for their mistakes. The climate

crisis, on the other hand, came closer to being an inevitable threat for all creatures, despite the

lives climate crisis destroyed and the nature it slaughtered. Although all this saddens us, as the

Eskişehir branch, we will always try to make our voice heard, both locally and throughout the

country, without losing our hope for the future. Beyond being a spectator in this effort, standing

by our side and joining our struggle will strengthen us, so in the climate strike we encouraged

people to join us and we concluded our speech by stating that we hope to overcome all kinds of

injustice together.


The ToK


By Melih Kanatlar

Hello, I am Melih and today I’m going to tell you

about an individual CAS experience of mine.

Back in March 2021, I attended the TOK (Theory

of Knowledge) Thought Quake Conference. The

Thought Quake conference was a two-day online

conference about having discussions about the

TOK knowledge questions and demonstrating

TOK exhibitions done by students.

As attendees, we picked a question and prepared

for a discussion on the conference day. My

question was “Is certainty about the past more

difficult to attain than certainty about the

present or the future?”.

Before the conference, I did some research and some thinking about the subject to prepare.

Researching something such as a knowledge question gave me a wider perspective about the


As the conference started and I went into my discussion room and we started discussing the

topic. There were many people around the world with different perspectives and cultures.

Although, by which I was intrigued how much we had in common. Despite coming from different

cultures and perspectives, we were able to understand and communicate our ideas with each

other quite well. The discussion was really fun and I enjoyed learning new perspectives on a topic

I already knew.

Throughout the preparation progress and the conference itself, I had a chance to think and

demonstrate my ideas on TOK concepts and knowledge questions. Exchanging ideas with

people from different countries and different cultures helped me gain a wider perspective on

the topic. I had a lot of fun meeting these people and I would definitely suggest anyone to attend

conferences like this.



By Oğuz Gür

Hello, I'm Oğuz and currently studying the first

year of the IB Diploma Program. I will briefly tell

you about one of the experiences that I gained

through my CAS course. This experience was a

painting that I made with the dot-art technique.

However, in this painting, I applied the dot-art

technique in a slightly different way. While the

dot-art is normally done with colored pencils on

a piece of paper, I made it by burning the surface

of a wooden plate.

This experience cost me a long time to finish due to the machine that I used to burn the wood

and the size of the painting.

I learned that it is very necessary to be patient while doing this work, and frankly, it has made

me a more patient person than before.

Besides, this experience that I tried for the first time attracted my attention. In the future, I

would like to do dot-art in my free time.


Child Marriage:

The Ribbon in

My Hair, Not on

My Waist

By Sinem Yılmaz

“Child Marriage: The Ribbon in My Hair, Not on

My Waist” is a small project that I designed with

my friend Selin, with the help of WGSS(Women

and Girls Safe Spaces) ESOGU. It is an online

event that involves people from all over Turkey,

aiming to address every community. This project

aims to inform its participants about child

marriages happening worldwide, evaluate cases,

and seek solutions.

Designing this project started with the

inspiration I got from a workshop I attended.

I did not want this workshop, which is directly

related to human rights, to be the only project I


As the Eskişehir coordinators of a platform that involves high school students aiming to

organize social responsibility projects, we asked for the WGSS’s support by stating the general

framework of the project idea we had in mind. That’s how we started designing the project’s


The planning phase went through various meetings and extensive research, but as a result, we

prepared something ready to be presented. The application forms that came after the

announcement made me feel very pleased. After reviewing all of them one by one and selecting

the participants, the day has come for our workshop, which is ready to be presented, and filled

with many interactive activities and brainstorming sessions.

The ideas put forward by the participants with the researches I have done and all the

preparations made me feel that the glow of hope has not died out yet. I could see that human

rights were consciously evaluated and defended by many people.





By Zeynep Demirhan

Today, there are many orphans and people who

are not able to take care of themselves, and I

learned that there is a nursing home for these

people in Eskişehir.

Such foundations usually hold an auction at the

end of the year, they are trying to make a living

all year round with the money from the

auction and the money collected from the visits.

I learned that they weren't able to collect enough

items for the auction, consequently the auction

wouldn't take place this year.

That's why I personalized this auction, and

prepared many products for the foundation for

the end of the year.

What is the founding purpose of the ‘’Türkiye Güçsüzler ve Kimsesizlere Yardım Vakfı’’?

In line with the nursing home; It promotes and ensures social assistance and solidarity. In

areas where it aims to serve all social groups; it is to make efforts to increase the quality of life

of those who apply to all foundations in this field by prioritizing service and quality. Along with

everything I mentioned, it also provides scholarships to students

I did not have much experience with painting on canvas before in my project.At the same time,I

wanted my paintings to appeal to everyone participating in the auction. As a result, I had a hard

time generating ideas.It boosted my self esteem. I was also in contact with the foundation while

the project was going on, which made me realize how much these people need us.





By Defne Çukul

In this experience, I teach English to two of my

friends whose English level is between A1-A2. I

am willing to share my knowledge of English, and

I decided to teach English to my friends who need

or request it. Our lessons last for 1 hour. We use

Zoom meetings currently. We use various

sources I find before our lesson—for example,

worksheets, educational videos, and exercises

related to our topic. Our classes cover both

vocabulary and grammar skills. My goals are

learning how to teach a specific subject, gain

experience, and improve my commitment to

any matter. Also, honestly, I want my friends to

benefit from my lessons and see them coming to

better places in English.

We did our first lesson on the 21st of September. We watched a video from the British Council

and completed the activities. I made an introduction to Simple Past Tense. I explained to them

the unknown vocabulary and gave them examples. At the end of the lesson, I wanted feedback

from my friends to improve my teaching method. It was a great feeling to share my knowledge

with my friends and seeing them improve their English. I do not doubt that with this service

experience, my friends and I will enhance our commitment and perseverance in a specific



Feeding Street


By Selin Çukul

Growing cities, rising population, and crucial

issues such as global warming are awfully

affecting our environment and its inhabitants.

With this experience, I was hoping to raise

awareness of the fact that there are numerous

animals around us that are desperate for our

help. I am a pet owner. I have a cat named Nala.

She was severely ill when we found her. She was

suffering from terrible infections that have

affected her vocal cords, and she had a high

fever. Her situation was extremely critical but I

never lost my hope in her. Fortunately, she

managed to survive her battle against those

concerning diseases and became my partner in

crime. Every time you help an animal you earn a

loyal friend. Animals play a valuable part in our lives. I believe we should appreciate the animals

in our lives more often and take good care of them.

My “Feeding Street Animals” project was formed of these elements. It was quite challenging

considering the precautions taken because of covid-19. First, I learned how to organize an event

for a large group of people. This may seem easy however, there were plenty of steps that had to

be taken. For instance, who was going to provide the food or how to find a suitable date and time

for the majority of the participants. After discussing these steps with the organizers and

participants we could land on a date. After that, we had to consider the covid-19. It was an

activity in which all the participants had to be present physically and we were troubled with

finding alternative ways to make our activity safer. This was the step where we had to use our

“problem solving” skills. Finally, we decided to divide people into smaller groups of 5 and also

use plastic gloves to avoid any contagious infections.

When the activity was complete I could realize that I developed my leadership,

problem-solving, and communication skills. Right now, I can apply what I have learned from this

activity and organize many more effortlessly.


European Social



By Baran Bayden

This year, I participated in the European Social

Innovation Competition.The theme of the

competition this year was "Skills for Tomorrow".

The ‘Skills for tomorrow’ 2021 edition of the

competition is looking for scalable social

innovations that will contribute to job creation,

growth and European competitiveness by

helping people, businesses and industries

identify, develop and strengthen the skills that

will power the European economy’s green and

digital future. The competition is open to

early-stage ideas that tackle challenges relating

to the transition to either or both futures.

These include but are not limited to identifying and mapping gaps between skills or skills gap as

well as approaches to development and training that will support people to reskill or upskill.

All solutions must work towards sustainability, taking into consideration their own

environmental impact.

The Competition is looking for social innovations that will help people and organisations to

identify, develop and strengthen the skills they will need to adapt to a changing world and help

power the European economy’s green and digital future.

So I created one for this competition and I'm currently bringing this idea to life. In this project, I

built an infrastructure that carries the services provided to citizens through the digital

platforms such as Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

I prepared the presentation files for this idea, prepared the application files and forwarded

them to the competition commission. I hope to get a positive result in the competition.




By Cemre Naz Tomruk

I thinking that such a CAS experience is very

self-explanatory, I attended a ceramic

workshop! This was a very creative experience

and all I had to do was to implement the

techniques our teacher showed us to product

my little plates.

It is always fun to throw easy activities in

your portfolio. Also, they are great starters if

you don’t know what you should put in. This

was my first experience too. Not only was it

easy, but it also didn’t take much time either.

I had two lessons and it took me 4 hours in

total. Hence, if you want to get out of the strict

study circle we are going through, you should

try attending workshops.

In my reflections, I wrote about what I did and what I gained from that lesson. For example, the

paint used for ceramic is called ‘secret' , because you never know what color it will turn out when

you bake your craft. I also wrote the little challenges I had to face, like having trouble fitting in

since everyone was middle-aged.

My learning outcomes from this experience were the following:

1- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

2- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Pretty basic, right? I achieved the second outcome by helping our teacher schedule our lessons.

Two birds with one stone!

The moral of the story is, you don’t always need to do serious work for your CAS experiences. A

chilling and effortless activity would still do the trick if you learn great things from it.




At the start of my IB education, where a page

in my life closed and a new one opened, a very

close and beloved friend of mine informed me

about an organization where we would work

together but she gave only a little information

about what we were supposed to do -probably

she didn’t know as well. “Me and a friend from

the organization will have an interview with

you on Saturday” she said, “The questions are

simple and easy to get through” September


By Selim İyidirli

Thanks to God I was able to get through the

interview and I landed a spot in the Human

Resources Department of INOCOM. But what

was INOCOM, why did I choose to be a part of this organization? The first honest answer is:

Because my beloved friend suggested that I should do it and the second most logical answer is

that it would look good on paper for my university application. Well if you are looking to apply

for next year you should have better reasons to be sustainable throughout your time in the

project, unlike me:)

INOCOM is an organization where there are committees created to produce and propose

projects that will help to find solutions for the current issues in Turkey and look for the ways to

achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. While there are committees trying to find

solutions to the agendas there are also the people who are responsible with organizing the

whole process. As the Human Resources Department, we were responsible with scheduling and

having interviews with applicants from all around Turkey. Although at times things would get

difficult when there were too many people to interview but the pros always outweigh the cons

in this department. While you get to know many people at your age, you also have the chance to

widen your horizons about knowledge and many other aspects of life.

With great planning and dedication to the project anyone can achieve what they are looking out

to achieve and that was exactly what happened for me in this project. After my beloved friend

decided to leave the department to focus on his studies I became the representative of the

department and I am currently holding on to it for some reason that I don’t know. To be honest,

if I said “I have a part in this organization because I love to meet new people and know them.”

that would be a white lie. I am in this organization for the sake of myself and my team, to teach

something to them, and maybe learn something new about myself. Maybe that is the part I

really enjoy about this organization. Not that it serves the global agenda but it serves as a

learning tool for me. Unfortunately I am not Greta Thunberg. I am Selim Iyidirli, take it or leave





In our adventure in Cas, collective experiences are important

experiences that help us socialize and build our commitment

and support to each other, as well as teach us many things to

overcome the difficulties in our general lives. In this section,

there will be some collective experiences we made together

as our class of IB 2022. We hope that you will have fun while

reading our collective experiences as much as we had fun while

we were doing these experiences.





by Engin Ege Gürel


by Baran Bayden

Drawing Geometric Shapes to explain

Geometry Formulas for Students

It is a project that my friend Oğuz and I

created to help students build interest in

geometry. Most people don’t realize the

beauty of geometry. I won’t be going into the

details of why but we wanted to show people

that geometry is more of a puzzle than a

complicated subject. And I still believe that

If shown in the right direction, every person

can understand and like geometry.

The idea came from a game called Euclidea.

It would give you a task to complete using

geometrical identities – such as

perpendicular bisector, etc. – and help you to

improve your skills. So, we wanted to convert

the game into some sort of a booklet where

we would explain how to create the tasks.

The first, and probably the biggest,

challenge was to complete the game. There

were around a hundred and fifty levels

divided into twelve difficulty levels. We

completed all of them in order to make a list

of all the tasks to departmentalize them into

groups (quadrilaterals, triangles, and angles).

Then we chose the most suitable tasks for

each one to make the booklet as compact

and easy-to-understand as possible. From

there on, it was mostly about understanding

the topics well enough to be able to explain

them to other people. After having enough

knowledge on the topics, we moved on to

the writing part. To reach out to more

people, we also explained it in Turkish, and

I was responsible for the English part. We

wrote everything, added visuals, and some

more stuff, and voilà!

Anyways, we created two more of those

because why not.

Hello, I'm Baran. In this article, I will talk about the

Glass Workshop and Glass Shaping training

I attended.

This event was held in November 2020, when the

rates of the Covid-19 pandemic fell. Because of this,

government slightly eased the bans, so we

participated in this event as a whole class.

The event was held in one of Eskişehir's Historical

Odunpazarı Houses. This is a place transformed from

Home to Workshop.

First of all, a craftsman in the glass workshop gave us

some information about the history of glass.

Later, he taught how glass was shaped. In this

training, information such as which materials should

be used when shaping glass, at which temperature

the glass should be melted, and the type of glass

was given.

As a result of this training, we shaped glass with

what we learned.

This event has contributed a lot to me. We learned

about how to make beautiful glass objects around

us, and then we learned and experienced shaping.




by Oğuz Gür

I decided to do a CAS experience with my classmates, and the

first thing that came to my mind was the glass workshop. First of

all, I consulted our CAS advisor Mr. Berkant about this workshop

experience. Later, I arranged a meeting with a glass workshop

owner that I knew and talked about the glass workshop experience

I wanted to do. I also felt that I had no difficulty doing the

organizational work that made me realize this experience. After

the meeting, I told my friends that I organized something about

the glass art workshop and made a list of those who wanted to

attend. We set a day and time together.

On the day we went to do the experience, Mr. Cem gave us some

crucial information about glass and glass art. Afterward, we made

glass evil eye beads in turn under the supervision of Mr. Cem.

Since we made the evil eye beads ourselves, different designs

emerged from each other. This experience that we did was pretty

fun, and I believe we all develop our creativity. Besides, I think

that organizing such an experience improved my communication



by Defne Çukul

My friends and I from IB class decided to create a CAS

Magazine which includes every subject related to our

lessons. We want to publish this magazine because we

want every student and teacher to benefit from the

articles that we write. We thought the wide range of

subjects from ethics to mathematics would be useful

for the readers to choose under their interests. We

mainly focused our articles on what is going on worldwide,

to increase people's awareness and develop

their life perspectives.

During forming the basis of our magazine and creating

the timeline, I learned something very valuable

about working collaboratively. We have been progressing

in our plans but we realised that we were

behind our timeline which caused set back in our

program. In order to solve this problem: at the end of

every meeting, we set goals for each person depending

on their specific responsibilities and set deadlines

suitable for the student.

At first, we were lack of communication and we didn’t

inform ourselves well enough. We didn’t remind the

deadlines or offer help to each other. I realized how

important clear and open communication is in teamwork.

Thus, we proceed with our works in a more

collaborative way. Before the deadline, we reminded

each other’s responsibilities and offered help if it is


We had so many things to do like SAT preparation,

assessments and activities but we all respected our

ethical choices and actions. We tried to make time

for the magazine meetings and our specific responsibilities.

We did what was ethically the right thing to


While I was doing some research on the series I was

writing about, I was able to learn and discover many

various perspectives and interpretations of the tv

series. I learned how to analyze and personalize my


Overall, planning the process, writing the articles

and editing the photos was a

great way for me to develop my soft skills, and learn

more about planning and taking action.




We would like to keep the

magazine going all fun and games

but some educational articles

wouldn't harm anyone. After all,

this magazine is to give an honest

representation of what IB is like,

so we wrote twelve subjectrelated

articles. You will be able to

learn many things ranging from

gravitational waves to bionic

arms working in alignment with

brain signals and all the way to

literary reviews of entertainment.






Imagine if someone suddenly tells you the word "wave", what would be

the first thing that pops into your mind? Sea, sand, sun, holiday ... Well,

what would you think if the person told you that the word he’s talking

about is related to physics and music? I know that it is a bit hard to wrap

your head around it but waves are the elements that play an effective

role in the fields of physics and music. In this article, I will explore the

frequencies of sound waves in physics on musical notes and find the

frequency of the basic tones in music with you.

Sounds are a set of vibrations that travel around like waves. These sound

waves are vibrating particles that are reflected off surfaces. In this essay,

I am going to examine the sound of musical chords. Every music has a

frequency which is the rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave

or simply Hertz (Hz). When the note gets higher also frequency gets

higher periodically. To find the frequency of a note we should know the

A4 note’s frequency as a reference which is 440 Hz. A4 note is known

as the Pitch Standard (Stuttgart Pitch) which is the reference frequency

used to calibrate acoustic equipment and to tune musical instruments.

We have the formula to find any note’s frequency which is:

fn = f0 * (a)n

f0 = the frequency of one fixed note which must be defined. A common

choice is setting the A above middle C (A4) at f0 = 440 Hz.

n = the number of half steps away from the fixed note you are. If you are

on a higher note, n is positive. If you are on a lower note, n is negative.

fn = the frequency of the note n half steps away.

a = (2)1/12 = the twelfth root of 2 = the number which when multiplied

by itself 12 times equals 2 = 1.059463094359...

Now let’s look at the three notes above:

A5 = 880 Hz A4*2 = 440*2

A4 = 440 Hz

A3 = 220 Hz A4/2 = 440/2

These three notes are various octaves of the A note, and we observe that the frequency of the note doubles

as each octave goes up, or the frequency of the note decreases by half when each octave goes down. Inside

every octave, we have 12 half notes. For every time we increment the number we divide by 12 we get a note

half step above the previous note. But if we want to calculate the frequency of the note below our reference

note we should use negative numbers. So by doing that we will get the frequency of the note a half step

below the previous note every time we reduce the number by one. This is why the variable “a ” in the

formula is equal to the twelfth root of two which takes us from our reference note to an octave higher or

lower by raising or lowering a note by a semitone. So we can understand that “a ” is a constant number

which is approximately equal to 1.059463094359.


If we look to our frequency formula again with these set of knowledge that I hope you obtain

we should briefly understand that “fn” is the frequency of the note we are trying to find, “f0”

is the frequency of our reference note which we use A4 (440 Hz), “a” is a constant number

that is equal to 21/12 which is approximately 1.059463094359, and lastly “ n ” is the number

of half steps from the reference note that we go higher or lower to the note that we trying to

reach. So if we do the calculation below by just adding the number of half steps that we should

go higher or lower from the reference note A4 to obtain our wanted note which is shown by

the letter “ n ” we can find the frequency of the note that we want.

440* (21/12)n OR 440* (1.059463094359)n

For example, let's try to find the frequency of the note E5:

440*27/12 OR 440* (1.059463094359)7 = 659.255 Hz

As you can see for yourself, we can find any notes’ frequency we want by using the formula

and knowing your reference note’s frequency which is A4 for this instance.






The human brain works non-stop at all times of

the day. Every new knowledge an individual learns

and every action they take creates a new path in the

brain; these paths affect personalities, reactions and

behaviors. Mirroring, which is one of these behaviors

and reactions, has been known for a while and

has been studied by psychologists for a long time.

Mirroring is basically the act of synchronizing one's

reactions involuntarily and uncontrollably. Humans

tend to mimic gestures of people they like, and they

do it subconsciously. The question to be asked here is:

what does it mean? Why do humans do that? Is there a

special explanation behind it?

This behavior, called mirroring in psychology, shows

that the interlocutor enjoys and is satisfied with their

communication. It is a proof that interlocutors’

interests meet, and there is a

certain level of agreement.

Historical Explanation For “Mirroring”

Mirroring has been used as a universal signal for a

very long time. Stronger, more respected and smarter

people have always been privileged in society. The

rest of the humankind had to develop certain

behavioral patterns to show their respect and dignity

to these people. For example, if an individual known

in the community as smart and honorable wore a

handkerchief as a decorative accessory, the rest of

the group would think it was fashionable and should

definitely be worn for them as well.

Scientific Explanation

The source of this uncontrolled behavior

of humans is a neuron; the one

responsible for recognizing faces and

understanding their expressions. This

neuron becomes active when interpreting

the responses and behaviors of the person

with whom the individual communicates.

It results in an intense frown or a smiling

face. In an environment full of funny and

cheerful people, the mood of individuals

will rise and they will feel content and

peaceful. A pessimistic environment will

result in the opposite. Feelings

experienced in an unfavorable

environment indicates that the

individual's sympathy has improved and

the neuron is not functioning properly.


Effects of “Mirroring” in Daily Life

Laugh: An involuntary giggle occurs when a joke that a person is accustomed to

hearing and does not find funny is made and everyone else starts to laugh.

Sadness: The sadness of the people around lowers the mood of the individuals and

causes them to feel down.

Yawning: This is one of the best examples for the actions humans can’t resist.

Researchers designate that only sociopaths are resistant to contagious yawning.

Disgust: One can recognize the disgust expression on the faces of those around

them. In doing so, the anterior brain fraction gets activated.

Mirror neurons give individuals the ability to create a foundation for

understanding each other better, empathizing, understanding the importance of

relationships, and sharing their emotions.


UCLA (University of California Los Angeles)carried

out a study of these neurons and the factors on which

human responses depend. As a result of this

experiment and research, it has been revealed that

the human brain varies in its responses according to

the culture it belongs to.

This experiment took place with two participants,

one from the US and one from Nicaragua. These two

participants showed specific gestures to an examined

American group. On the other hand, special

equipment used in the experiment stabilized the

strength of the signals in this group's brain. As a

result of the experiment, it was observed that the

group's neurons responded to the American

participant's gestures much more actively than the

Nicaraguan did, which means the survey shows that

humans are more willing to accept and show empathy

towards people of their nationality or culture.

To summarize

People tend to copy who they love and see with

dignity and wisdom. This is an involuntary reaction,

and an indication that the person enjoys

communication. Some of these involuntary reactions

include laughing, loathing, upsetting, and yawning.

The display of these behaviors is not based solely

on the personal sincerity of individuals; converging

factors such as culture may also cause this.






The stock exchange has recently come up with a decline of

our country's currency unit. That causes the emergence of

people who want to invest their money in

cryptocurrencies, gold, USD, etc. Thus, when almost all

our acquaintances are working on this, why wouldn't you

want to make such an investment? But, before starting to

invest in something, you should know some tricks about

stock markets. And the purpose of this article is to show

such tricks with their relation to mathematics.

First and foremost, regardless of what you are going to

invest in, you must first determine a wave analysis

method. Because if you are planning to invest in this

direction, believing some superstitions will not assist you.

Do not worry, I have another piece of advice for you in this

regard; the Elliott wave principle. This principle has

developed to read the specific and consecutive values

formed by the increase or decrease in the values of the

currencies that we call waves in the stock market charts.

This principle argues that the three sub-waves following

five specific major waves are a period and that these

waves can be applied to both the bull (which means the

currencies increase) and the bear (which means the value

of the currencies) markets. As in Figure 1.1, the first five

increasing waves are expressed in numbers and these

waves are called motive waves. Five motive waves

represent the bull market. After these five major waves,

we can easily find the three sub, corrective waves which


On the other hand, these waves depend on a

mathematical expression called the "Fibonacci

Sequence". Fibonacci sequence is a number

sequence that comes close to the golden ratio

value. In our principle, this sequence can be

found in each wave just like the Figure 1.2. And

the more waves the more our value comes

close to the golden ratio. Also, a period will be

equal to the current value you see in figure 1.3

times the golden ratio itself, or half of it. In

short, when we have a value of 1, it is possible

to have two possibilities, one of which is 1.618

(golden ratio) and the other is 1.382 (half of

the golden ratio). As a result, you can make

some inferences using this information and

shape your investments according to these

inferences. If we want to give an example of

such a situation, when we form a triangle with

the first three data we have obtained, we can

approximately calculate the increase in the

stock market in the short term.

In this way, you can calculate the profit. Therefore, understanding how much profit or loss a stock market has

for you can save you from a great risk burden.

With this article, first I presented a wave

principle for your future investments. I

have explained two important tricks of

this wave principle that I have presented

and showed how they relate to

mathematics. However, do not forget

that even though there is mathematics

in many lives, sometimes unpredictable

situations may occur. Therefore, you

should pay attention to your investments,

especially cryptocurrencies, although they

are increasing, the fact that they are not an

investment unit that can be trusted makes

them risky for the time. being.





“Bir Başkadır” farklı dünyalardan insanların hayatlarını kesiştiren ve bakış açılarını

göz önüne sererken çok sayıda insanı etkileyen çeşitli psikolojik sorunları konu alan

bir dizidir.

Yurtdışında “Ethos” yani Yunanca’da “alışkanlık ve gelenek” anlamına gelen

ismiyle yayınlanmaktadır. Aristoteles’in retoriğinde ethos, pathos ve logos vardır

(Baba, 2018). İkna için bu üçlü gerekmektedir. Ethos hedefin güvenini kazanma

ve kaynağın güvenilir olmasıdır. İsim seçiminin daha çok sözlük anlamına göre

yapıldığı düşünülebilir. Bu yazımda da “Bir Başkadır” dizisine psikolojik açıdan bir

analiz yapacağım.

“Bir Başkadır” hem Türkiye’de hem de yurt dışında gerek

konusu gerek en ince detaylarıyla yazılmış diyalogları gerekse

de kullanılan çekim tekniği ve başarılı oyunculukları ile

oldukça dikkat çekmiştir. Dizinin izleyiciler tarafından ilgi

çeken bir diğer noktası da psikolojik hastalıkları

profesyonel bir biçimde ele alması ve gerçekliğe uygun

olarak yansıtmasıdır. Dizi başlıca: Dönüştürme (Konversiyon)

Bozukluğu, Yeğin (Majör) Depresyon Bozukluğu, Mutizm ve

Oedipus Kompleksinden bahsetmekte ve karakterleriyle de

bu psikolojik hastalıkları izleyiciye yansıtmaktadır. Dizide

açık olarak bahsedilmediği halde izleyiciler çoğu hastalığın

karakterlerin hayatlarının erken aşamalarında yaşadıkları

travmalar sonucu ortaya çıktığını dizide kullanılan semboller

aracılığı ile gözlemleyebilir ve zaman zaman bu sembollerin

ortaya çıktığı sahnelerde karakterlerin hastalıklarının daha

ciddileştiği ve bazı durumlarda da krizleri meydana getirdiği


Travmalardan açık olarak bahsedilmemesinin bir sebebi toplumdaki tabular olarak düşünülebilir. Karakterler,

yaşadıkları travmaları çevrelerine açık bir şekilde aktaramazlar ve genellikle toplumdan bu konuları saklamayı

tercih ederler. İzleyiciler bu durumun bir örneğini de dizinin ilk bölümünde Meryem adlı karakterin birçok sorudan

kaçmasında ve ilerleyen noktalarda da bu soruların getirdiği baskıdan dolayı bayılmasından anlayabilir.

Son olarak “Bir Başkadır” çeşitli yönlerden ele alındığında izleyenlerde

farklı düşünceler uyandıracak, alışılmışın dışında ve

toplumundaki zıtlıklıkları, eşitsizlikleri ve sorunları gerçekliğe en

yakın hali ile sunan bir dizidir. İzleyen herkeste farklı duygular ve

düşünceler uyandırdığına emin olduğum sayılı dizilerden olduğu






Müzik, bir insanın varoluşundan itibaren yaşamının

her evresinde yer alabilecek bir kavramdır ve çeşitli

işlevlere sahiptir. Bu işlevlerinden birisi iletişimdir.

Müzik oluştuğu süreç içerisinde ve sonrasında hem

onu oluşturan besteciye hem de dinleyiciye iletiler

göndermekte ve bir iletişim köprüsü oluşturmaktadır.

Birçok dizi ve filmin müziklerinin işlevselliği

ile hatırlandığını söylemek bile mümkündür. “Bir

Başkadır” dizisini bitirdikten sonra bu kategoriye

girebilen bir dizi olarak ele almanın fena olmayacağı

kanısına vardım.

Müzik, dizi ve film gibi görselliğe dayalı sanat dallarında

karakterleri ve olayları yansıtmada önemli bir rol oynuyor. Bu

önemli rolün anlaşılabildiği sahnelerden biri olarak

Hayrunnisa adlı karakterin dans ettiği sahneyi örnek verebiliriz.

Karakterimizin dini özellikleri ağır basan bir aileye sahip olması

dolayısıyla izleyicinin o karaktere olan bakış açısı bir bakımdan

şekilleniyor ve bu karakter öyle yada böyle bir önyargıyla

değerlendirilebiliyor ama bu sahnede kullanılan müzik

sayesinde izleyicinin karaktere karşı kurabileceği yerli yersiz

kuramlar kırılma noktasına geliyor. Dini bir ailede yaşayıp

büyüyen ve dini gelenekleri sürdüren bu karakterin ekte görülen

sahnedeki gibi dans edilebilecek bir müzik türünü dinleyip dans

etmesi ve bu müziğin beraberinde getirdiği yaşam biçimini

yaşamayı deneyimlemeye çalışması izleyicinin hem ilgisini

çekiyor hem de birkaç konu hakkında düşündürüyor.

Hepimizin hayatında illaki insanlarla veya bazı düşünce

yapılarıyla zıt düştüğü noktalar oluyor. (Bu duruma örnek olarak

bazı arkadaşlarımızın veya aile bireylerimizin baskıcı ve ayrımcı

yapılarını, yeterli bir şekilde gerekçelendirilmeden sunulan

fikirlerin yarattığı karmaşıklığı örnek verebiliriz.) Dizi boyunca

karakterlerin yaşadığı olaylar doğrultusunda zıtlık birçok şekilde

ve biçimde izleyiciye aktarılıyor ve müzik sayesinde izleyiciyle

kurulan bu iletişim köprüsü başarılı bir şekilde oluşumunu


Dizi boyunca kullanılan müziklerin bir yandan duygusal sahnelerde izleyicilerin kulaklarını okşaması ve kişiliklerle

ve olaylarla bir uyum içinde olması, bir yandan da Türk dizilerinde pek görülmeyen modern müziklerin ve hatta

nostaljik müziklerin kullanımı sayesinde “Bir Başkadır” izleyici kitlesiyle öyle ya da böyle bir bağ kurmayı başarıyor.

Ferdi Özbeğen’in nostaljik arabesk müziklerinin kullanılmasının yanında birçok Fransız film müziğinin de yer aldığı

“Bir Başkadır”, Netflix gibi uluslararası bir platformda izlemeye değer bir dizi.





12 Kasım 2020’de Netflix’te izleyicileriyle buluşan, Berkun

Oya’nın yazdığı ve yönettiği sekiz bölümden oluşan dizisi

“Bir Başkadır”, gerek karakterler ve duyguları gerekse de

mekan, müzik ve kurgusuyla uzun süre dillerden

düşmeyecek bir bütünlük yaratıyor. Detaylıca tasarlanmış

ve üzerinde oldukça kafa yorulmuş olduğu açıkça görünen

bu dizi, Türkiye’nin gelenek ve modern olarak ayrılan çift

kutuplu yapısıyla bir derdi olduğunu somut bir şekilde

izleyiciye gösteriyor. Uluslararası medyada “Ethos” yani

“bir kültürün, topluluğun ya da toplumun kendine özgü

niteliği; ruhu ya da eğilimi” (turkcebilgi) adıyla

yayınlanması da barındırılan çift kutuplu yapının bir bütünü

olarak Türkiye’yi sembolize etmektedir.

Kapalı karakterleri ve kapalılık mevzusu yüzünden bazı

grupların samimiyetsizce kendini ahlaki yönden üstün

görerek aşırı duyarlılık gösterdiği, fragmanının yayınlandığı

tarihten beri gündemde konuşulur olan, bazı grupların ise

“Tebrikler, çok başarılı bir çalışma olmuş” dediği yerli bir

dizidir. “Bir Başkadır”ın diğer dizilere nazaran en öne çıkan

özelliklerinden biri sadece belirli birkaç karakter üzerine

yoğunlaştırılmasından ziyade her biri “Türkiye” portresine

ve anlatılan hikayeye yakın seviyelerde katkılar sunan çeşitli

karakterleri bütünlüğü bozmadan bir araya


Dizideki olaylar serisi, Meryem’in (Öykü

Karayel) günübirlik temizliğe gittiği bir evde

bayılmasıyla başlıyor ve zaman akışı izleyiciyi

bir sene öncesine götürüyor. Bu sahnede

Meryem, İstanbul gibi büyük bir metropolün

bir parçası olduğuna kuşku uyandırabilecek

köyvari, neresi olduğu tam olarak

kestirilemeyen bir mekanda evinden çıkıyor.

İlerleyen sahnelerde metropolün kargaşası

ekranlara yansımaya başladığında genel

mekan algısı da genişliyor ve Meryem’in bu

yolculuğu şehrin merkezinde Peri’nin (Defne

Kayalar) sade ama şık döşenmiş psikiyatri

kliniğinde sonlanıyor.


Peri’nin bu sahnede gerek Meryem’in giyiminden

gerekse de alışık olduğu yaşam tarzından ona

önyargıyla yaklaştığına şahit olunuyor. Anlatı,

Peri’nin arkadaşı Gülbin (Tülin Özen), Meryem’in

abisi olan ve bir gece kulübünde güvenlik görevlisi

çalışan Yasin (Fatih Artman), Yasin’in geçmişte

yaşanan travmatik olaylar nedeniyle psikolojik

bozukluktan mağdur eşi Ruhiye (Funda Eryiğit),

Meryem’in günlük evine çalışmaya gittiği Sinan

(Alican Yücesoy) ve Meryem’in mahallesinde

insanların yol gösterici bulduğu hocanın

elektro-müzik dinleyen kızı Hayrunnisa (Bige

Önal) ve geniş bir yelpazeye yayılmış

karakterlerin aslında birbirlerinden ne kadar

farklı olsalar da hayatlarının ortak bir noktada

birleştiğinden bahsediyor. Kısacası, birbirini

izleyen olaylar serisi ve toplumdaki farklı

kesimleri temsilen yazarın mekansal tercihleri

dizideki karakterleri ortak bir değerde

birleştirmeye başlıyor.

Bir Başkadır’ı yorumlarken sıkça kullanılan “farklı karakterlerin farklı hayatları” ifadesiyle tanımlamak dizide

sadece kişileri ön plana çıkarmak anlamına gelir. Halbuki, dizide asıl incelenmesi gereken karakterlerin

duygularıdır. İstanbul’un keşmekeşinde, devasa binaların, duvarların arasına sıkışmış ve yaşanan olayların

arasında kalmış ruhlar. Dizideki yoğun ve acımasız olayların ardı sıra gelmesi; karakterlerin içinde bulunduğu

toplumun kolektif bilinçaltına işleyen ve sosyopolitik yapının tasarısında kullanılan arada kalmışlığı, farklı gelir

gruplarını ve çift kutuplu yapıyı teşkil ediyor. Berkun Oya, tasarladığı bu geniş karakter yelpazesi ve sembolik

olarak kullandığı mekanlarla aslında toplumda geçmişten gelen kolektif algıyla arketipleştirilen insanları ve

onların arasında zamanla örülmüş olan görünmez bir duvarın varlığını izleyicilere hissettiriyor. Bunu yaparken

de karakterlerle idealize edilen farklı kültürlere, inanışlara ve ekonomik gruplara mensup insanları yargılamadan

objektif bir şekilde yaklaşarak onları olaylar çerçevesine dahil ediyor.

Bir Başkadır’ı, popüler yorumlardan etkilenip ya da boş

vakit geçirmek amacıyla değil, toplumdaki sınıflar

arasındaki görünmez duvarları ve tabuları aşmak

amacıyla izlenmelidir. İzleyici; diziyi sadece karakterlere

bağlı kalmadan mekan, detaylar, alt metinler ve müzik

seçimleri ile değerlendiğinde empati, farklı

grubun yaşamına kulak verme ve objektif yaklaşmanın

gerekliliğini anlayacaktır. Bu detaylara dikkat edilerek

izlendiğinde kişi, dizideki karakterlerde kendisinden

parçalar bulacak, onları birleştirecek ve kendine has



Dizide de anlatıldığı gibi herkesin “bir başka” hayat

perspektifi var. İnsanlarımız dışarıdan nasıl bir başka

gözüküyorlarsa kendi içlerinde de “bir başkadır”. Aynı

gökyüzüne bakan, aynı duyguları paylaşan farklı

dünyalar. Hepimizin “bir başka” hayatı var.




The idea of a gravitational wave has been around for

some time. Einstein, in his general theory of relativity,

predicted that such a thing exists. He speculated that

something should happen when two matters intersect

with each other. But what are gravitational waves? In their

most basic form, they are fluctuations in space-time due

to catastrophic intersections of accelerating masses, for

example, stars. Think of it as two giant bombs exploding

after their collision. They are invisible and travel at the

speed of light (299,792,458 m/s). They are also known to

stretch everything on their path while going through.

Main Causes

It is known that the higher the speed of the colliding objects is, the more immense the effect will be. For it to happen,

the masses should be in accelerated motion. The only exception is perfectly spherical motion which will not

cause any effect in favor of the gravitational waves to radiate. The examples are:

- Two objects orbiting each other can cause gravitational waves. (Two stars orbiting each other, for example)

- Supernovas will eradiate with an exception of a perfectly spherical explosion which is unlikely.

- A spinning non-axisymmetric planetoid.

Its Effects

Gravitational waves are constantly passing over earth. While the effects would be destructive and catastrophic, the

waves get millions or billions of times smaller (1000 times smaller than a nucleus of an atom) than the start because

of their distance from their source. Therefore, even the strongest ones are at a minimal level. The strongest wave

ever recorded reached the earth after traveling millions of light-years. And the whole effect was a millionth of a

proton change in the length of the four km long LIGO arm.


Detection Methods

There is a special observation tool named LIGO, which stands for “Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave

Observatory”. It is the world's greatest gravitational-wave observatory. And it is incredibly sensitive. Apart

from being an observatory – which shows no resemblance to a “classic” observatory – it also functions as a

physics experiment. Experts from LIGO Caltech explain its working progress like this: “Gravitational waves

cause space itself to stretch in one direction and simultaneously compress in a perpendicular direction. In LIGO,

this causes one arm of the interferometer to get longer while the other gets shorter, then vice versa.” As you can

see, this immersively delicate machine does incredible things. And apart from its delicacy, there are a couple of

things that separate LIGO from other observatories.

- It is blind. LIGO does not see electromagnetic radiation, which is something both optical and radio

telescopes require. It doesn’t see electromagnetic radiations because gravitational waves are not a part of the

electromagnetic spectrum.

- It isn’t a hemicycle, and therefore, cannot focus on a specific location. LIGO doesn’t need to collect light,

so an iconic hemicycle shape wouldn’t give any advantage for its purpose.

Its Importance

“This is the first time that the cosmos has provided us

what I would call a ‘talking movie, ’” Said David Reitze,

the executive director of the LIGO observatory. The

discovery of gravitational waves gave us a newer

insight to see what is going on in space. They carry

information from utterly far distances that we

wouldn’t be able to gather otherwise. With the

ability to analyze gravitational waves, we can open

our arms to a whole different world. I would like to end

this article with the words of Rainer Weiss, a Nobel

awarded physicist: “Most of us fully expect that we’re

going to learn things we didn’t know about. We knew

about black holes in other ways, and we knew about

neutron stars … but we hope there are all sorts of other

phenomena that you can see mostly because of the

gravitational waves they emit. That will open a new







The concept of science has had many benefits to

societies since its emergence and continues to do so.

The foundations of science are often based on testing

and proving something. These foundations start with

making a statement and continue with hypothesis

development. After the hypothesis is developed, it's

tested and finally, a result is reached. In this world

of science, which based on research is one of the key

factors. Unfortunately, some biological and chemical

experiments include innocent animals. Also, in many

production sectors, a result was reached with such

experiments and products produced. The cosmetics

industry, which has become widespread in the 20th

and 21st centuries, is among the sectors that use

animal testing the most. It has become a huge issue for

animal-friendly people. They started lots of campaigns

about this problem. However, little do you know there

are always alternatives for bad things…


Researchers are designing human organs and false organs that could fulfil their functions. These artificial

organs consist of chips containing human cells. These chips used in disease screening, drug testing, and many

other areas to reduce the use of animal testing. Besides, it shows better results than animals use to

understand human physiology and to cure diseases.

Cell-based tissues and tests can be used to check the consumer safety of medicines, chemicals, and cosmetic

products. As an instance, there are human cell-derived models. These can be used to reduce the number of

rabbits used in painful, long-term experiments. With this technique, researchers can assess the ability of

chemicals to corrode or irritate the skin.


Computer Models

Researchers have developed computer models to simulate

humans and diseases. By testing these simulations, how new

drugs will react in the human body tested and successful

results are obtained. These tests prove that such methods

can be used in the pharmaceutical industry instead of animals.

Human-patient Simulators

With the developing technology, computerized

patient-human simulators are being developed. These can

perform many human functions such as breathing, bleeding

and even dying. In biological /chemical experiments, such an

application can be more efficient than slaughtering animals.

As a result, no living creature will be harmed.

Consequently, alternative methods are always an option, and

there is no reason why industries still using animal testing

should not use these alternative methods. Hopefully these

alternative methods continue to spread and animal testing

will be minimized.





Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth, often found in shallow

depths in tropical waters, usually in the pacific ocean. Coral reefs are the trees of the

oceans, providing the carbon balance in the ocean.

Carbon circulates between air, soil, water and living organisms. Gaseous carbon is

dissolved in the atmosphere and water as carbon dioxide.

Carbon in water content; it is stored inside Coral Reefs and aquatic creatures or in the

exoskeletons of crustaceans such as mussels.

Coral Reefs form a natural barrier against large ocean waves and tides, helping to protect

coastlines. The fish and other crustaceans contain are very important food and livelihoods

for humans.


Reefs are places where many large creatures

come to breed. Fish hunted intensively by

humans either breed on these reefs or use the

food produced by these reefs.

If we consider that these nutrients form a

chain connected to each other in the shape of

a pyramid, the disruption of the order in the

reefs means that this chain is disrupted.

According to the news in CNN International,

scientists from the University of Hawaii in the

USA pointed out that if the ocean warming and

acidification caused by global climate change

continue at the same rate, the areas where

coral reefs are located today are expected to

become completely unfavorable

by the year 2100. On the other hand, they think that in terms of

temperature values ​and acidity, there is no suitable region for the

formation of reefs or artificial production.

Coral reefs play an important role in protecting the coasts,

providing food security and economic well-being to millions of

people around the world. Corals are an important source of protein

and a potential source in the pharmaceutical industry. Lauretta

Burke from the World Institute of Natural Resources also reminds

corals are attractive to tourists.

Tourism is an important source of economic income in 95 countries

of the world. It contributes 20 percent of the gross national

product of 20 countries. one of the lead authors of the study.

According to research, 275 million clays are dependent on income

from coral reefs.

What can be done to protect coral reefs?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent global warming in our

current situation, but it is possible to slow down the occurrence of

this. One of the biggest impacts of coral reef extinction apart from

global warming is the pollution of the oceans. To prevent this, a

garbage collection campaign can be organized to raise

awareness of people, filters can be placed in the ocean and reefs

can be prevented from being destroyed.






Graph Theory is a branch of mathematics that uses

vertices and edges to represent objects and the

relationships between them. In the modern world,

it is mostly used in the creation and maintenance

of computer networks. Other uses include subway

networks, models of social relationships, maps, and

map coloring, and many more. It can even be used to

model something as simple as people in a room and

their handshakes. Graph Theory is easy to

understand, visually representable, and versatile

but its origins come from an old city entertainment

called the “7 Bridge Problem”.

Königsberg was a city in Prussia that birthed a lot of talented mathematicians (Fig1.1). It later

became Kaliningrad as a part of the Soviet Union. Nonetheless, we are interested in a particular

part of the city. A part that includes 4 pieces of land and 7 bridges to be precise (Fig1.2). We have a

hero in our story as well: Leonhard Euler. The story goes like this:

As stated above, there were 4 pieces

of land and 7 bridges connecting

these lands (Fig1.3). The people of

königsberg had a game with the

bridges. They wondered whether

was there any way to walk over all

the bridges once and only once and

return to the same piece of land

where they started the walk. It was

common for people to traverse these

bridges to try and complete the



To explain his thought process that led to the discovery

of the “Euler’s Circuit Theorem” we need to know some

terms about graph theory. As stated before, graphs

consist of points called “Vertex” or “Vertices” if plural.

An “Edge” is a line that connects two vertices. In graph

theory, “Vertex Degree” means the number of edges that

enter or exit the specified vertex. In Fig1.4, vertex D has

a degree of 3 as 3 edges enter or exit it. Vertex degree is

important to many algorithms in graph theory but it is

the simple solution to the seven bridge problem.

“Euler’s Circuit Theorem” is rather a simple mathematical

theorem. It simply states that for a path to traverse along

every edge of a graph only once to loop back at the

starting point, every vertex should have an even degree.

This is proved by a simple proposition of a graph. Let’s

assume that G is a graph where you could walk every

edge and end up at the starting point(which is called an

“Eulerian Circuit”). The starting point has an edge coming

towards it and an edge that leaves it because it must loop.

So the starting vertex has a degree of at least 2. Then,

every vertex that the path follows, it adds 2 degrees to

the vertex as it adds 1 entry and 1 exit edge(that includes

the starting vertex). Therefore, an “Eulerian Circuit”s

vertices must all have an even degree.

On the other hand, one man thought that it was

impossible to walk every bridge and come back

to the starting point. That man was

Leonhard Euler. So he set out to prove his claim

and he came up with a way that basically created

a new branch of mathematics. He simplified

the landscape in which the problem existed. He

represented the land with vertices and he used

lines called “edges” to represent the bridges

connecting the land. He then made a “graph” of

the problem (Fig1.4). Euler then used this graph

to prove his claim that it was impossible to make

a walk through all the bridges and come back to

the start.

If we circle back to the 7 bridge problem, we have

4 vertices A,B,C,D with degrees 5,3,3,3 (Fig 1.5). As

you can see, the vertices are not all even. According

to the theorem we just proved, the 7 bridges of

königsberg can’t all be walked once to loop back to

the starting point. Or in other words, the 7 bridges

of königsberg isn’t an Eulerian circuit.

Leonhard Euler was a great mathematician but

most importantly, he envisioned real life in terms

of mathematics. He used mathematics to model

and solve real-world problems, which eventually

lead to a whole new branch of mathematics. Our

universe can all be modeled through mathematics

and we should all strive to understand and

interpret our universe mathematically.





The Professor and the Madman is a movie that can make

you feel a lot of different emotions and it may surprise

you with its deep meaning. Take it from me, when I

started watching it, I felt tense, then I felt disturbed,

then disgusted, then sad, then angry, and then I was

furious and I was sad again… In the end, I had cried three

times and when I left the computer screen, I was really

proud to be able to get through that emotion storm. It

affected my brain as well as my heart, I was questioning

some moral and deep ideas while wiping my nose.

This 2019 film is about the creation of the first edition of

the Oxford Dictionary, which is why my English teacher

suggested the movie to me. The two protagonists have

different lives but they have similar minds. One of them

is a hardworking linguistic professor -not a formal one

yet- who knows almost everything about his profession

and acts very humble about it because of his education

level. He -James Murray- applies to a project of Oxford

and is very passionate about it. He is a well-qualified

person but he has to solve some controversies with

Oxford’s authorities to be able to continue his noble

mission. There comes the second protagonist:

Dr. William Minor is a qualified doctor and he is a genius.

However, this intellectual is facing psychological

problems due to his horrific military past. He is also

a criminal, he unconsciously kills a man in the first 10

minutes of the movie and he is hated by the community

for the murder. Because of this crime, he becomes a

prisoner. After a certain sequence of events and regrets,

the genius prisoner somehow learns about the

dictionary project.



This impossibility appeals to him and he starts helping

with the project from his cell. His significant help led

the way to these two men's friendship. While they enjoy

their newly bloomed friendship, they also fall in love

and learn to balance their career and family

relationships. This great painting is unfortunately just

the inciting incident of the movie, I will let you guys

feel the shock of the climax by yourselves. That was the

simple -and spoilerless- explanation of the events of

the movie from my perspective.

If you wonder what happened, I’d say you should see

it, it is a ten out of ten for me. From the storyline to

acting, it was a great movie. It serves the requirements

of the drama genre and it’s also a real story, you can

see the actual pictures of these people at the end of the

movie, I cried when I saw the pictures too! I used to

prefer Cambridge’s dictionary but I’m not so sure

anymore. You can tell me which one you prefer and your

opinions about the movie by sending me an e-mail. I

hope you enjoy the movie!






In humans, arm amputation (surgical removal of the limb from the body) or limb deficiency due to congenital

reasons can be seen. The quality of life of people with limb deficiency, disabled people, is greatly affected by this

situation. However, with the development of technology, it is aimed to increase the quality of life of people with

disabilities like this. Prostheses are one of the most important things invented for this purpose. Thanks to

prostheses, it is aimed to fill the missing limb with artificial products. Primitive prostheses were the first to

appear. These prostheses were generally used on generally straight limbs such as legs because they had no

mobility. Primitive prostheses improved the quality of life for the disabled to some extent, but more was needed.

With the developments in the field of technology, the

robotics and sensor sectors have also developed together.

Sensors capable of very precise measurements and

robotic systems capable of maneuvers were invented.

Thanks to the developments in this sector, there has been

some mobilization in the medical sector. Led by these

developments, the first bionic arm study, the arm that

can be controlled by the brain command, was announced

at the First International Rehabilitation Robots Workshop

in Ottawa, Canada, in June 1988. After this bionic arm,

R&D studies were carried out. Thanks to these studies,

bionic arm technology developed. These R&Ds had only

one goal, and that was to improve the quality of life of

people with disabilities. As a matter of fact, we see with

the recent developments that really good products

emerge as a result of these efforts.

Most recently, it was led by Max Ortiz Catalan, associate

professor at the Chalmers University of Technology,

in collaboration with Sahlgrenska University Hospital,

University of Gothenburg, and Integrum AB Company

in Gothenburg, Sweden. Researchers from the Medical

University of Vienna and the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology also took part in the research.

As a result of these studies, a first occurred and people

who had an arm amputation (whose arm was amputated

by surgical intervention) became able to experience the

sense of touch with the "mind-controlled arm

prosthesis" they use in their daily lives.

A study published in The New England Journal of

Medicine reported on three Swedish patients who

had been living with this new technology for

several years. This technology is one of the most

highly interactive interfaces between man and

machine in the world. The improvement is

noteworthy: Patients used a mind-controlled

prosthesis for up to seven years in their daily lives.

For the last few years, they have been living with

a brand new function: the sense of touch in their

prosthetic hands. It's a brand new concept for

artificial limbs, called neuromusculoskeletal

prostheses, as they are attached to the nerves,

muscles, and skeleton of the user. This new concept

of the neuromusculoskeletal prosthesis is unique

because of the fact that it offers several distinct

features not combined in other prosthetic

technologies around the world:


• The prosthesis has a direct connection with the

patient's nerves, muscles, and skeleton.

• Mind-controlled a nd conveys the sensory

deficiencies caused by the patient's lost arm to the


• It is self-sufficient, works independently, so all the

necessary electronics are in the prosthesis. Patients

do not need to carry additional equipment or


• safe and stable over the long term; It can be used

by patients during their daily activities without the

supervision of researchers.

So how is this artificial feeling experienced?

People who lose an arm or a leg often experience ghostly

sensations, as if the limb is there, even though it is not

physically present. When the force sensors in the

prosthetic thumb react, patients feel that the sensation is

coming from their ghostly hand. The exact location of the

ghost hand varies among patients, depending on which

nerves in the root receive the signals. The lowest pressure

level can be compared to touching the skin with a pencil

tip. The higher the pressure, the stronger the feeling, and

more and more open to electrical conduction.

So how does this technology work?

The implant system of the arm prosthesis is called


The implant system connects the prosthesis to the

skeleton in the stump of the amputated limb, using a

process called osseointegration. Electrodes are

implanted into muscles and nerves within the

amputation stump, and the e-OPRA system sends

signals in both directions between the prosthesis and

the brain, just like a biological arm.

The prosthesis becomes mind-controlled through

electrical muscle and nerve signals sent from the arm

stump and captured by electrodes. The signals are

transmitted to the implant that passes through the skin

and attaches to the prosthesis. These signals are then

interpreted by an embedded control system developed

by the researchers. The control system is small enough

to fit inside the prosthesis. This system processes

the signals using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms,

resulting in control signals that allow the

movements of the prosthetic hand.

The sense of touch is created by the force sensors in the

thumb of the prosthesis. The signals from the sensors

are converted into electrical signals sent by the control

system in the prosthesis to stimulate a nerve in the arm

stump. The nerve stimulates the brain, which allows it

to detect pressure levels in the hand. The

neuromusculoskeletal implant can be attached to any

arm prosthesis. available on the market; This makes the

prostheses work more effectively.

Such good things happen when technology is used for the

benefit of humanity. This structure, which now consists of

pieces of iron, will be made with living tissue in the future

and will be almost indistinguishable from real limbs. As I

mentioned in certain parts of the article, the first purpose

of the development of these products is to improve the life

quality of the disabled user. For this reason, I think that the

development of technology will benefit the development

of humanity. Thanks to these benefits, human beings will

develop better technologies and enter a cycle. If technology

is developed in reliable hands, the world, humanity, and

its friendly creatures will always win.







And finally, we will end our magazine

with a few articles on topics that we

think will interest you, to entertain you

a little and to ensure that you will close

the cover of this magazine with a smile.

Now it's time to leave you alone with

the different and entertaining articles

we have written, hoping that you will

read them with fun :)




Kırmızı ve Mavinin ahenkinden kaçıyordum,

Kaçışımın son aşamasındaydım,

Karşımdaki vapura bir binebilirsem,

Bu parmaklıklardan kurtulacaktım.

Fakat cebimdeki son parayla,

Elimde sımsıkı tuttuğum ROM şişesini


Yanında da yürüttüğüm birkaç paket fıstık.

Kaçak binmeliyim

Adı üstünde, kaçıyordum

Nasıl binebilirim diye düşünürken,

Bana yaklaşan telsiz seslerini fark ettim

Telsizden benim ismim anons ediliyordu

Kalbim güm güm atmaya başladı

Ne vardı ki son paramı bir zehire harcadım?

Bu gemiye bir bineyim,

Gittiğim yerde imana kavuşacağım.

Bir açıklıktan gemiye binmeyi başardım,

Ama üstüm başım kan içinde kalmıştı.

Boş bir koltuk buldum ve oturdum.

Çok şükür bilet kontrolü daha önce yapılmıştı.

Fakat içerisi beni bastı,

Dışarı çıktım, Romumu açtım.

Denize bakarken, seni hatırladım.

Hatırlıyor musun

Birbirimizi ilk gördüğümüz anı?

Vücuduma kan pompalayan kalbime,

Yeni bir görev daha vermiştin.

Akşama kadar konuşmuştuk,

Sana dair pek bir bilgim olmamıştı

İsmini dahi hatırlamıyorum şu an,

Ama aklıma sen geldiğinde,

Bu şiiri herhangi bir duygu hissetme yeteneğine

sahip olmayan kendi yarattığım bir

yapay zeka yazdı. Yapay zekam tekrarlayan

sinir ağlarından (recurrent neural network -

RNN) oluşuyor. Bu modelde şiir yazabilmesi

için yapay zekamı seçtiğimiz bir şairin ,ki şu

an okumuş olduğunuz şiirde bu şair Atilla

İlhan, şiirleri ile eğittim. Recurrent Neural

Network'un eğitim modeli için LSTM'yi tercih

ettim. Bu eğitim sonucunda Yapay Zeka algoritmam,

yazarın dili, üslubu, kelime seçimi,

vurguları, tonları, temaları, syntax'ı gibi şeyleri

elde ediyor. Bu süreçlerden sonra yapay

zeka algoritmasına, nasıl bir şiir istediğim ve

hangi kelimelerin geçmesini istediğim gibi

bir takım komutlar verdim. Yapay zeka algoritması

ise bu komutları kullanarak eğitilmiş

sinir ağları ile şiiri yazdı. Sonucunda da solda

gördüğünüz şiir ortaya çıktı.

- Baran Bayden






Truman Burbank lives on

an island that is as beautiful

as a postcard. He has a job,

a house, and a wife that he

loves very much. But everyone

except Truman knows

it's a game. Truman's life

in these studios, which he

thought was real, has been

broadcast live on television

24 hours a day, uninterruptedly

and without advertising,

for exactly thirty years.

Truman's mother, father

and wife, in short, his entire

family, are also fake. Even in

his childhood, Truman tried

to be convinced that the

outside world did not exist.

In his school, he was not

allowed to emulate professions

that would cause the

outside world to be seen,

such as explorers. He fell

in love with a girl he met

in high school. Then was

asked by all the players

to break up with this girl.

He started to learn all the

truth when he saw that his

fake wife had made a lie in

the wedding photo. At that

time, in the episode where

he turned 30, he resisted

the director of the series.




Most of this song was written by

Paul McCartney. The name ‘Eleanor’

was taken from actress Eleanor

Bron. She also appeared in the 1965

Beatles film Help! ‘Rigby’ came from

the store called Rigby and Evans

Ltd. he saw in Bristol (UK). Mccartney

liked the name ‘Eleanor Rigby’.

At that time McCartney's songs

came mostly from his imagination

by his explanation. He said, "It just

came. When I started doing the melody

I developed the lyrics. It all came

from the first line. I wonder if there

are girls called Eleanor Rigby?" when

he was concerned about this song.

When McCartney came up with

the line, "Picks up the rice in a

church where a wedding has been."

he became sure what the song

was going to be about. He concluded

that the story should be

based on an old, lonely woman.

The story of the song is about two

lonely people. First, we meet a

churchgoer woman named Eleanor

Rigby. She was seen cleaning

up rice after a wedding. The second

verse presents the pastor, Father

McKenzie, whose sermons "no one

will hear. "This might mean that

no one attends his church or that

his sermons aren't reaching the audience

on a spiritual level. Then,

Eleanor dies in the third stanza,

and Father McKenzie buries her.


Editorial Board

Editor in Chef

Engin Ege Gürel

Photo & Video Editors:



Assistant Editor

Cemre Naz TOMRUK

Online Publishing


Design Editors




Section Editors

Individual Experience

Oğuz GÜR


Collective Experience

Elif Ceren ERDOĞAN

Zeynep Demirhan

Subject Article


Selin Çukul

Fun & Culture

Oğuz GÜR

Elif Ceren ERDOĞAN

Artificial Intelligence




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