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On The Way To The Ballet

By Nolo Segundo

The old ladies march

Onto the elevator,

Steadied by their canes,

Each a shrunken frailty

Wrapping an unending

Soul—they are going

To watch young people

Dance dances of grace

And beauty, while re-

Calling their own beauty

Long dissolved in the

Acid of time. Yet, they

Are happy—I even joke

With them as I lean on

My own cane: “Come

Ladies! Let’s have a

Foot race!” They all

Laugh, as the young

Girls within their

Tattered frames

Flirt with the potent

Young man hiding

Behind my time-

Marked mask.

For a moment

We all feel a jolt

Of that spark

We call life.

Nolo Segundo, pen name of retired teacher and late-blooming poet, L.J. Carber, 74, married 41 years, has in his 8th

decade been published online/in print in 39 literary magazines in the U.S. U.K., Canada, Romania, and India. In 2020 a

trade publisher released a paperback collection titled THE ENORMITY OF EXISTENCE and in 2021 a 2nd book, OF

ETHER AND EARTH. Both titles reflect the awareness he has had since having an NDE whilst almost drowning in a

Vermont river at 24 and has tried to put into many of his poems: that each of us has a consciousness that predates birth

and survives death, because it exists beyond time and space--the immortal soul.

Halcyon Days - 2021 Issue 22 | 15

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