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T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 8 8

Eating at The Artillery Arms. From left to right: Roger Engledow,

Tony Moffat and Bob Harris.

Tony Bennett, manager of The Artillery Arms, showing off his ales.

The class of 1954 sample their new reunion venue

This was the eleventh reunion for those who joined school in

1954 – after our inaugural fiftieth reunion in 2004 we met again

in 2009 and have assembled on an annual basis since then.

Following a long sequence at the Cheshire Cheese, we met this

time just outside the City of London boundary at The Artillery

Arms in Bunhill Row on Tuesday 2nd October 2018.

As always, we soon dispensed with medical updates and moved

on to the more important issues of the day: how many would

Spurs let in against Barcelona, would Arsenal prosper in

Azerbaijan, and when would Jose Mourinho be sacked? Tony

Hemmings was asked to recount his three most egregious

decisions as a referee and he claimed that he couldn’t remember

any. We suspected that it was his memory at fault rather than his

perfect record with the whistle.

Ray Humphreys claimed that his union branch used to meet in

the Artillery Arms when he was a firebrand of the left. Again,

we asked him to recount what key decisions were made when he

was there, and he was either too bashful or also couldn’t

remember. Andy Wick has finally got a visa to visit Thailand but

he wouldn’t tell us what he was planning to do when he got there.

The delight in having a reunion every year is that so often a

“newcomer” joins us. This year it was Paul Edwards (who myself

and Bob Harris used to walk to school with every day for 5 years.

Why didn’t we get taken by car? Oh yes, that’s it – our parents

didn’t have one!). Richard Woods also returned for the first time

since 2004.

The 18 who attended (in order as per photo below) were, from

left to right standing: Richard Woods, Tony Hemmings, Roger

Engledow, Peter Weeks, Ron Johnson, Martin Brown, Bob Harris,

Graham Ling, Mike Weatherley, Roger Melling, Richard Phillippo.

Seated left to right – Paul Edwards, Tony Moffat, Alan Williams,

Tony McKeer, Ray Humphreys, Andy Wick, Geoff Dawes.


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