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T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 8 5


On a late Summer’s morning, Old Stationers’, family and friends

gathered at the Jewin Welsh Chapel, near the Barbican, London

to attend a Sunday Chapel Service dedicated to the memory of

Geraint Pritchard. Geraint regularly attended the Presbyterian

chapel, which serves the Welsh community that live in Greater

London and beyond and where his grandfather was once

Minister. The service was conducted in Welsh, by the Reverend

Richard Brunt, and an English translation was also provided.

The service began with a hymn sung by the children from the

Chapel Sunday School after which the Minister spoke to them

of the importance of learning and Geraint’s enthusiasm and

dedication to teaching. Then followed a tribute to the life of

Geraint given by the Secretary of the Chapel, Mrs Llinos Morris

explaining his family roots in Anglesey and their move to

London followed by his teaching career at the School. The

hymns included ‘Make Me A Channel of Your Peace’ and ‘Guide

Me O Thou Great Redeemer’, set to the Welsh tune of Cwm

Rhondda. The Rev. Brunt then read the article from ‘The Old

Stationer’ Magazine written by Geraint’s partner, Marj. The

service was followed by a welcome cup of tea and an opportunity

for family and friends to recall happy memories of Geraint.


Something that occurred to me when I read the many tributes to

Geraint in the last edition of The Old Stationer was the number

of times that the Yorkshire Dales 3 Peaks Challenge was

mentioned. I enjoy walking (particularly uphill) but this is

something that I have never attempted; but, in memory of such

a fine individual, I think that I am going to have a go.

So I wonder how many other

Old Stationers might feel the

same. Some of you will have

done it once many years ago.

Some may have done it many

times. Some will be like me

and never yet tried it.

If you aren’t aware what the

Challenge is, or have

forgotten, the 3 peaks are

Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside

and Ingleborough. In total

walking a circular route to climb all 3 involves around 5,000 feet

and 24/25 miles. The Challenge is to complete it within 12


The Yorkshire Dales National Park organize such a challenge at

weekends during British Summer Time. People sign in at the

start and after returning to the same point within 12 hours

receive a certificate. So any of us could try it whenever it suits us.

Geraint died on 22nd April but the first anniversary falls on

Easter Monday. As very few of us live near enough to get there

for a very early start (soon after 6.00 a.m.) and get home again

the same day after a beer (to celebrate) and a meal at least one

overnight stay will be involved (two would make it more

practical). So Easter is unlikely to be a good time to attempt this.

If enough Old Stationers wanted to attempt it together a midweek

fixture might be easier. With 60 to 75 of us we could take

over the HF House in Malham (but that’s beyond my

expectations). However, the organization of such an event would

be formidable. Not just in terms of booking accommodation but

also controlling the walk itself. Apart from trying to find dates

that would suit enough people, maps, people walking at different

paces, making arrangements for those who can’t make it all

sound a more daunting challenge than the walk itself.

When I started to mention my interest in having a go the

question of which charity will I support was raised. It should be

possible to arrange one or two charities (I think Marj was a

MacMillan Nurse) such that we could all try to obtain some

sponsorship for the same charities.

The purpose of this note is to try to find out whether there is any

interest in undertaking this challenge to remember Geraint,

either as a group or individually. If the latter, we could photocopy

all the certificates and send them to Marj together with details

of how much had been collected.

More detail about the Challenge can be found on www.

threepeakschallenge.uk/yorkshire-three-peaks-challenge or


If you think that you might like to participate in some way please

let me know.

Roger Engledow



Promotional programme to encourage

membership of the Stationers’ Company

The relationship between the OSA and the Stationers’ Company

has been a long one going back not only to our school days but

also to the very start of the school in 1861. Of course, the history

of the Company goes back much further to its formation as a

printing guild in 1403. Many of its traditions developed even

earlier stemming from the illumination of parchments in the

grounds of the old St. Paul’s Cathedral.

With the closure of our school in 1983, Stationers’ Hall became

our long term home with which we can all identify. I know there

are many who share my view that our Christmas lunches and

Annual Dinners at the Hall are very special occasions. The

majority of our archives are stored at the Hall; one of our school

stained glass windows looks out from the Stock Room (even

though the Latin motto is grammatically incorrect! Gus would

turn over in his grave if he knew); nearby there is a display case

exhibiting OSA memorabilia, and the many paintings and photos

of past headmasters are on show on the staircase to the library.

Today, we have over 40 Freemen, 15 Liverymen and 2 on the

Court of the Company. Members of the Old School play

important roles in the management of the affairs of the Company

and Stephen Platten, currently Under Warden, is destined to be

the first Old Boy to become Master of the Company in two years

time. Some have joined the Company because they had a career

in one of the many sectors of the Communications and Content

Industry. The majority come from other walks of life and have

applied on the grounds of membership of the OSA.


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