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T h e O l d S t a t i o n e r - N o 8 8

my parents final home alongside which a

close friend has just passed on at 100 years;

you have move went to Harrogate

Grammar so we got to know the area quite

well in the two years we were there and

visited Harewood on a number of

occasions. They were happy years. I now

have an Australian great grand-daughter

living and working in York. Tony

Hemmings lives in Cheshunt a short

distance from my brother and my sister is

in Stevenage as is Peter Thomas so all

those mentions gave rise to much mental


Page 5 referred to John Partridge walking

in the snow from Finsbury Park where I

spent my early years off Stroud Green


As usual I enjoyed all your content even

though so many names and faces were

long past my generation. A great picture of

Taffy Hempstead on pages 18 and 19. He

was a great fellow in his dedication

particularly to the cadet corps which he

headed and in his years with us in Wisbech.

When I got to page 21 Cedric Street

referred to Les Wingrove and Tony Budd.

Les was one of my Corporals in the 2049

Squadron of the ATC. His father was the

local manager of the British Legion Hall

by town hall and ran the Friday and

Saturday night dances in the Town Hall. I

had organised a fund raising dance on for

the squadron on New Years Eve in the

Legion Hall in 1944 but the band did not

turn up so Les arranged with Dad to allow

us to move to the town hall for free by

which favour I met my wife of 65 years.

Tony was the youngest of the three Budd

brothers all of whom were great achievers.

Dereck was two years ahead of us and

Brian went right through with the A

stream to the sixth form with me and went

on to become the European manager for

Monsanto Chemicals of the USA.

And so on to another great family of the

era, the Moningtons, who again I

remember well, his departure letter was

another great trigger for my memory. In

Wisbech the three boys were my

predecessors at a billet in Victoria Road.

The Bell family of parents with a teen age

daughter found the combination rather

overwhelming so they were moved on and

I was transferred in and spent three years

in their home. The 17 year old daughter

wanted to attend the weekend dances at

the local town hall which was attended by

military members posted in the district but

her Victorian parents would not permit

without a chaperone so she taught me to

do ballroom dancing so that I could

perform that function and dancing became

a fascination for the remainder of my life

until 10 years ago.

The travel articles, especially the Baltic

were interesting particularly the Baltic area

where I again gained and maintained


I guess that's enough of my mytherings as

they would say in Yorkshire so I will close

with best wishes for a long and happy stay



Hi Ron,

Could you resend your email to Geraint

(24/03/2018) as I have inherited the printed

copy with strange double spacing.

I would like to include it in our next issue.


Tim Westbrook

Congratulations Tim on your tribute

edition No 87.

I would be interested to know whether

there are any other survivors in the

Association from my era of 1937-43.


Michael Brady


You will no doubt be aware that Stephen

Platten was made Under Warden of the

Stationers’ Company on Tuesday evening

and is in line to be the first Old Stationer

to be Master of the Company in I think

2020. Strange isn’t it how the pendulum

swings… Hope you are both well.



mail to: Peter.Sandell@hotmail.co.uk

30th May 2018

The Old Stationer magazine number 87

Dear Fellow Old Stationers'

Please see below a note from our acting

Magazine editor. Will you please respond

directly to Tim at the e mail address


As you will know from recent OSA magazines,

class reunions are now very popular events in

our social calendar and are proving to be an

effective source for new members.

The reunions all take place around September

time being the anniversary of joining the

school. Our next magazine, issue 87 will be

published in July and is therefore an ideal

platform to promote forthcoming reunions to

the membership.

Would you please notify me of any reunions

that are planned for later this year, or even for

future years so I can include the details in our

“reunion update” in the magazine and on the

web site.


mail to: george_copus@btopenworld.com

Dear George (Copus),

It was a pleasant if unexpected surprise to

receive your phone call this evening.

Did you know that all the school magazines

during your time at school are now

accessible on The Old Stationers web site.

Go to www.oldstationers.co.uk and click

the Library option, enter password,


Volume 20, issue 3 has all 100 class mates

in your year group listed alphabetically by



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