Business Strategy E-Magazine August 2021

“Business strategy e-magazine” focuses on the Corporate Governance. Some of the best international professionals and entrepreneurs voluntarily provide with informative management & leadership skills, entrepreneur’s choices, career resources & more that you might need to succeed. This time we are segregating content into four parts : Leadership, Management, Career Byte and Brand – Success Stories. Dr Vaneeta Aggarwal illustrates top 8 trending business ideas thriving through the world pandemic. The leadership skills are explained by Fausto Turco (Italian CEO) while the 5Cs of new Context and new leadership are explained by Paolo Gallo (Former CHRO, World Bank and Founder of a Executive advisory firm). Dr Neeta Pant has contributed another interesting article on managing ones emotions during turmoil. Abhinav Sharma elaborates the changes in hospitality business due to covid 19 & more on cryptocurrency.

“Business strategy e-magazine” focuses on the Corporate Governance. Some of the best international professionals and entrepreneurs voluntarily provide with informative management & leadership skills, entrepreneur’s choices, career resources & more that you might need to succeed.
This time we are segregating content into four parts : Leadership, Management, Career Byte and Brand – Success Stories. Dr Vaneeta Aggarwal illustrates top 8 trending business ideas thriving through the world pandemic.
The leadership skills are explained by Fausto Turco (Italian CEO) while the 5Cs of new Context and new leadership are explained by Paolo Gallo (Former CHRO, World Bank and Founder of a Executive advisory firm). Dr Neeta Pant has contributed another interesting article on managing ones emotions during turmoil. Abhinav Sharma elaborates the changes in hospitality business due to covid 19 & more on cryptocurrency.


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We all experience different

emotions everyday. We

have also felt these emotions controlling

us. We have acted impulsively,

only to regret it later or felt

disconnected with our emotions

and numb emotionally. These all

can be indicators that we need to

work on our emotional balance.

To understand this better, we need

to gain insight into how emotions

work and learn strategies to manage

overwhelming feelings, especially

during turbulent times.

Difficult situations derail us. It is

in the difficult situations that we

want to get off the “emotional rollercoaster”,

even out our extreme

mood swings and bring some

emotional balance.

Emotions are inevitable – we constantly

feel a range of emotions in

life all the time. Plethora of emotions

like stress, fatigue, sadness,

anger, anxiety is what makes us

human. Emotions make us who

we are, and are not generally spoken

of, but impact the overall

quality of our life, our whole being.

How we handle the emotions

differentiates us from each other.

They also play a crucial role in decision

making. While there are

lot of rational thoughts, our decisions

unconsciously come from

our feelings.

Emotions are a fool-proof guidance

system. Through evolution,

humans have been designed to

feel emotions. Every single emotion

gives us a message, allows us

to move forward in life. If I am

feeling angry, it is a huge message

for me that something is not right.

If I am feeling fear, I know there

is some part of me that is feeling

threatened at the moment. If I am

content, it’s a clear indication that

I am at peace at the moment. If I

am feeling joy, then I know that I’m

aligned with who I am as a person.

Through our life experiences, we

consider some emotions acceptable,

and some unacceptable.

3 Primary Unacceptable Emotions

1. Anger

2. Sadness

3. Fear

Now we all experience these always

disabling emotions, the only

difference being that we access all

these emotions differently. For

example, in any kind of difficult

or tough situation, I personally

feel angry easily, and then perhaps

sad, but I normally don’t feel

fear as quick. The reason behind

this is that I have been raised in an

environment where expression of

anger was acceptable, but to have

fear, or to not have the courage to

handle perhaps was not so acceptable.

And hence, I judge myself

for feeling fear. Fear for me is being

weak. Even when I am feeling

fearful, the expression that will

come out would be anger as I will

cover my feeling of fear with it;

remember, for me – FEAR is not

an expression that I can easily accept.

And there is nothing wrong

or right here because we all feel

these emotions constantly but not

with the same intensity. We tend

to access one emotion more than

the other easily because of the

way we have been brought up or

learnt life. Required is to identify

our dominant emotion.

46 Issue 14, August2021 | CONTENTS

Issue 14, August 2021 | CONTENTS 47

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