QNotes, August 20, 2021

This issue centers around LGBTQ youth. We cover studies that show Gen Z has the largest amount of LGBTQ people. Additionally, we offer multiple articles with advice for those starting their college careers. We also have current local, regional, and national news, along with other pieces, that will serve to enlighten and entertain our readers.

This issue centers around LGBTQ youth. We cover studies that show Gen Z has the largest amount of LGBTQ people. Additionally, we offer multiple articles with advice for those starting their college careers. We also have current local, regional, and national news, along with other pieces, that will serve to enlighten and entertain our readers.


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Couch Talks at Dudley’s Place

Getting a diagnosis of HIV, living with HIV, or being part of

someone else’s journey are all very difficult waters to navigate.

The news and the related fallout can be devastating to many.

That is why, for many reasons, having a solid circle of support

can be just as instrumental in helping someone battle this

disease as is the medication. At Rosedale Health and Wellness

and Dudley’s Place, we understand this need. The clinical needs

of every patient are handled at Rosedale with the upmost care

and concern of qualified and compassionate staff in the area.

They always go the extra mile to make a new client or a client

that has been seeing us since the day we opened feel like part

of a family. The patient centered care model is something that

both Rosedale and Dudley’s Place work hard to perfect every

day so that your experience as a patient is focused on you.

Dudley’s Place offers “Couch Talks” every other week on Tuesdays

at 6:30 pm at their offices. Couch Talks are a form of a support

group, but not like all the others. When we launched the program

prior to COVID, we talked with a variety of clients and community

members to hear from them what they would want a group to

look like. Many said they simply wanted a chance to talk, share

and connect. So, that is what we are doing. The group is lead and

facilitated by staff of Dudley’s Place that are also HIV positive.

Currently the groups are limited to only HIV positive individuals

in order to protect their anonymity and to create a safe space

for sharing. Aside from sharing stories and experiences, the

groups help to connect people with others in similar situations.

Dale Pierce, Executive Director has said, “the great thing that

has come out of these groups are the connections being made.

The relationships are blossoming from a room of strangers

into a family of sorts that supports, listens and assists each

other inside and outside the confines of the setting.” Members

are saying that it has opened them up to new experiences

and perspectives. The traditional meeting settings are helpful

and needed, but we are also instituting some other options to

make it a more social experience. Plans are in the works for a

picnic this summer, painting classes, and maybe even a trip to

Carowinds, along with a Thanksgiving potluck and holiday party.

Many factors and feelings can come into play with a diagnosis.

Feeling like fear, anxiety, isolation, depression, sadness, anger, even

a fear of the future. One client, an African American heterosexual

woman that attends Couch Talks and has been positive for almost

two decades, says the group saved her. “Especially during the

pandemic, I retreated even further into myself and self-isolated

more than ever. Having HIV can be scary, it made me feel like I

wasn’t worthy of being around people, that I was somehow less

than others. The Couch Talks at Dudley’s Place changed all that.

I have a whole new support system of friends I consider family.”

If you would like to know more about Dudley’s Place, Rosedale

Health and Wellness, and Couch Talks; visit our websites at

Dudleysplace.org and Myrosedalehealth.com. You can also follow

both organizations on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Aug. 20-Sept. 2, 2021 qnotes 15

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