QNotes, August 20, 2021

This issue centers around LGBTQ youth. We cover studies that show Gen Z has the largest amount of LGBTQ people. Additionally, we offer multiple articles with advice for those starting their college careers. We also have current local, regional, and national news, along with other pieces, that will serve to enlighten and entertain our readers.

This issue centers around LGBTQ youth. We cover studies that show Gen Z has the largest amount of LGBTQ people. Additionally, we offer multiple articles with advice for those starting their college careers. We also have current local, regional, and national news, along with other pieces, that will serve to enlighten and entertain our readers.


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by L’Monique King

qnotes Staff Writer

Born in North Carolina, Peyton-Namire has lived

in Charlotte for most of his 22 years. On a balmy

Friday evening he hangs out at a playground where

a celebration of his girlfriend’s mother’s birthday is

about to begin. Children can be heard playing in the

background, a puppy frolics and the smell of sweet

barbeque sauces wafts up from a nearby grill. In

the midst of all this, a young trans man with an easy

smile makes time to talk to qnotes about what it’s

like to be him/them.

How do you identify?

When I’m out in public I’m a regular cis male. I don’t

live stealth; I just don’t choose to have my transness

out there. Because I live in a red state and I really

don’t feel safe knowing that people can just go into

a fit of rage just from me saying I’m transgender.

When I’m out as Peyton, I’m at an event or anything

that has to do with people of color or trans people,

and I let people know that I am trans. I want people

to know that there are trans people everywhere —

especially trans men of color. I see more white trans

men [in the media] when I see them at all.

Have you always known you’re trans?

No. I figured it out when I was 14. I can’t say that

I’ve always been trans. It took me a year and a

half to come to that conclusion. At the time I had

a partner that helped me, helped me pick out a

name for myself. I’ll never forget what they did for

me. Coming out to my parents was not an easy

experience. Anytime I tried to come out about anything

different or unique, it was not accepted and I

was seen as rebellious.

How’s your family accepting your trans identity now?

I can’t say that my family has fully accepted me; I don’t

even think they really know what that means. I think it’s

because we’re Black people and already at great risk for

discrimination and death. Adding me being trans on top

and transitioning into a Black male is even more frightening

for them.

Is that the most difficult part about being young,

Black and trans in the south, the risk of being taken

for a cis Black man?

Funny thing is, when I tell someone that I am transgender,

they’re always surprised. They don’t think that we exist. I

get people thinking I’m a male trying to be a woman. I tell

them that I’m female to male and most people don’t seem

to know what that means. We’re so invisible. Many are so

stealth that people don’t know we exist, they [stealth trans

men] go about as cis men while I have to prove my transness

to people.

Sounds like a bit of a burden. Is visibility part of your

activism or advocacy for LGBTQ youth? Would you

share a little with qnotes readers about what your role

in LGBTQ advocacy and activism looks like?

It looks like me going on stage and telling you about

me as a person and then me telling you that I’m trans.

I need you to see me as a person before you see me

as a trans person.

Going on stage? Can you elaborate?

I team up with Time Out Youth and do Speakers Bureaus

for colleges and organizations that would like to know how

to best support LGBT kids — the right way. If you teach the

teachers a little bit about pronouns or how to address a

child, that makes a big difference in kids coming to school.

Many are frightened, but having just one staff member, one

teacher they can talk to, helps a lot. It can even decrease

suicide rates. That’s why I want to go state to state to help

Our People: Peyton-Namire

Transgender Youth Discusses Safe Spaces and Misguided Words of DaBaby

establish programs for trans and non-binary kids, [so they]

can comfortably transition while they’re in school. I don’t

understand why schools don’t protect trans kids or trans

kids with disabilities. If I could create a safe space in every

state, I would, a safe space for LGBT kids to go.

What led you to become involved in LGBTQ youth issues?

I’ve never been the type to sit back and let something

happen. So, when it was time to speak, I’ve always been

able to speak up for myself and other people. It’s been a

long journey. My doing this, it just happened, and I took

the responsibility and ran with it. I try to speak for all

LGBT kids if I can. Those that are silent are often the ones

contemplating suicide. So, I try to create change — that’s

what I aim to do.

Do you have any trans role models, celebrity or otherwise?

Yes, there’s a person on Instagram, his name is

SteroidBeyonce, and I like him so much because he’s both

masculine and feminine. I think people get too hung up

on gender norms, what’s supposed to be for boys and

what’s supposed to be for girls. They don’t pay attention

to what their kids really like or who they really are. They

just want them to fit in. There are so many simps — I call

them simps, for simple minded people — in the world, and

there’s no need for that. You can find out anything you

want; all you have to do is Google it or YouTube it. You can

learn about trans people by hearing people tell their transition

stories. So, I just think [those who aren’t informed]

don’t want to learn. And you don’t have to want to learn,

but you will respect my pronouns.

So, what do you think about the recent drama surrounding

some homophobic and HIV-stigmatizing comments

made by rapper DaBaby?

He’s been canceled for me a while ago. He’s been doing

things like what he said during that festival; it’s not

new. Rappers that act like that are not new. I don’t understand

why it took this for him to get canceled.

There was a time when he knocked one of his

fans on stage, a girl. He should have been cancelled

long ago. His apology video was bullshit — I

put nothing past him, especially since he hangs

with Lil Boosie, who had so much mean stuff to

say about Dewayne Wade and Gabrielle Union’s

[trans] daughter.

DaBaby was raised in Charlotte, and the impact

of religion is a big thing in the south. Are you religious?

If so, how have you been able to reconcile

your identity with your religion?

I practice Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism. I know

a lot of queer people that practice and do yoga.

Through Buddhism I’ve learned how to become

one with myself to achieve Nirvana. Nirvana is

another word for enlightening, finding peace, happiness.

So, I’m okay.

Outside of the peace you find in practicing

Buddhism, is there anyone in particular in your

life that has supported you? Maybe a role model

or a mentor that you’ve learned any valuable

lessons from?

Yes, James Rice III. I met him at Time Out Youth when

I was 18. He works there. He’s helped me from the

beginning of my transition, and he introduced me to

Shaq Clarke, my Housing Administrator. She helped

me get housing and taught me a lot about budgeting

and other things.

James has been more of a father figure to me

than my actual dad, though he’s in my life but doesn’t

do nuttin’. James taught me that many of the feelings

that I have are okay. He taught me that it’s okay to be

angry. He’s always told me that he’s going to accept

me for who I am and what I come with, and that he’s

always going to love me for who I am.

Wow! It’s wonderful that you have such supportive

people like them in your life. The world is

changing. When you think about the lives of the trans

community of color 25 years from now, what do you

think things might look like?

I think everyone is gonna’ wanna’ look like trans and nonbinary

people because it’s the style, though they don’t

want the life [many trans and non-binary people live], like

a trend. I could see that. Androgynous looks are already

becoming fashionable.

What’s a typical day like in the life of Peyton-Lamire?

I go to work around 11:00 a.m. at an uptown restaurant,

my shift ends around 4:00 or 5:00 p.m., I’m a host. When

I get off, I go home, play with my dog and try to ground

myself. I put my feet in the grass and try to unwind fully

with a little bit of nature. Once I go in the house, I try to

eat something healthy, like salad with chicken, berries

and pecans, shower and meditate for as long as I feel like

I need to. Depends on the type of day. My happy place is

sleeping to thunder and rain. Being an introvert, I think

I enjoy more alone time than lots of people, so I fill time

with painting or going to a movie by myself. I’ve learned

that I don’t have to be around people to feel accepted. I

work at a job where there are a lot of people, so I really

need to use my downtime as self-care time. My company

is the best company.

What makes you smile?

Seeing others happy and knowing that I put that smile on

your face.

Any advice for trans or non-binary kids navigating the

difficult journey of living as their authentic selves?

I’d tell them, you are not crazy, you are exactly who you

say you are. Who others say you’re supposed to be is

not important. You can transition. It is possible, and

even if you don’t transition, you are valid, you are loved

and you can be you.: :

Aug. 20-Sept. 2, 2021 qnotes 19

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