Roxana Halls Crime Spree Limited Edition Catalogue
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R O X A N A H A L L S<br />
S i g n e d L i m i t e d E d i t i o n s
Signed <strong>Limited</strong> <strong>Edition</strong>s<br />
In conjunction with <strong>Roxana</strong>’s solo exhibition we are<br />
delighted to present four exclusive signed limited editions<br />
from this unique collection.<br />
Published by Colmore <strong>Edition</strong>s, these editions come issued<br />
with a certificate of authenticity and can be ordered online<br />
or via the gallery.<br />
For more info visit
“When I made my first depiction of<br />
laughter I felt a rush of recognition<br />
that women in paintings rarely had<br />
their mouths open, much less smiled<br />
and almost never bared their teeth. I<br />
realised that if I wished to see it then I<br />
would have to paint it.<br />
I can't really remember a time when I<br />
didn't observe that most women<br />
exercise self-surveillance without even<br />
having an awareness that they are<br />
doing so....That whatever their<br />
impulse was they should learn to<br />
suppress it.<br />
I suspect most women are not<br />
conscious of when they learned to<br />
subsume their true instincts but rather<br />
when they learned that they could<br />
elect to no longer do so.<br />
I’m always thinking about where and<br />
how women, more often in<br />
collaboration, take up space and<br />
disrupt politeness, how they<br />
circumvent this impulse of self-control<br />
and containment, and in my work I<br />
increasingly explore what might<br />
happen were the confines of good<br />
conduct to fail.<br />
I have been researching historical<br />
examples of women engaging in<br />
violent and disruptive acts, be it<br />
vintage and historical gang culture,<br />
images of Victorian bad girls, pipesmoking<br />
women from the 30's, Teddy<br />
Girls...women getting together in a<br />
pack and having an edge of threat and<br />
danger about them. In tandem I've<br />
been reflecting on the prohibitions<br />
which are placed on women within<br />
society and the particular kind of<br />
opprobrium placed on women who<br />
misbehave. I want to paint what<br />
happens when they do.“<br />
Laughing While Conducting – Shoe<br />
Signed <strong>Limited</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> of 25<br />
65 x 60 cm / Paper only £400, Framed £650
Laughing While Smashing<br />
Signed <strong>Limited</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> of 25<br />
60 x 60 cm / Paper only £400, Framed £650
Laughing While Marauding<br />
Signed <strong>Limited</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> of 25<br />
80 x 60 cm / Paper only £450, Framed £700
Laughing While Conducting Switchblade<br />
Signed <strong>Limited</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> of 25<br />
65 x 60 cm / Paper only £400, Framed £650
Laughing While Looting<br />
Signed <strong>Limited</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> of 25<br />
60 x 60 cm / Paper only £400, Framed £650
85 - 89 Colmore Row<br />
Birmingham<br />
B3 2BB<br />
Tel : 0121 236 0920<br />
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