North Canterbury News: September 23, 2021

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Thursday,<strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>,<strong>2021</strong> | Issue964 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

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...don’t forget your mask!<br />

Plan targets<br />

rural ambience<br />


The brakes havebeen put on the<br />

carving up rural land in the<br />

WaimakaririDistrict in its<br />

proposedDistrictPlan,notified<br />

last weekend.<br />

The council has hit pause on<br />

smallrural subdivision,mainly in<br />

the westofthe district, to ensure<br />

the district’s rural character is<br />

maintained, and there is enough<br />

productive farmland for future<br />

generations.<br />

It has introduced a20hectare<br />

minimum in ageneral rural zone,<br />

and 4haminimum in arural<br />

lifestylezone.<br />

The ProposedDistrict Plan, a30<br />

year strategic guide, specifies new<br />

and expanded areas for<br />

development, protects<br />

environmental features, ensures<br />

productive use of farmland by<br />

creatingtwo rural zones, and aims<br />

to enable the communitytogrow<br />

in amanaged and appropriate<br />

way.<br />

Interactive mapsonthe<br />

council’s websiteallow residents<br />

to enter their address to see what<br />

zone they fallin, and provides<br />

details of other featuresinthe<br />

plan suchasnatural hazards.<br />

The 20 hectare minimuminthe<br />

general zone, whichismostly<br />

confined to the westofthe<br />

district, is likely to be the biggest<br />

talking point of the plan.<br />

It makes up the majorityofthe<br />

ruralarea within the district with<br />

afocus on retaining the<br />

productive potential of land for<br />

primary production and rural<br />

activities.<br />

The 4ha zone,focusedinthe<br />

east of the district, is an area<br />

comprising of the densest<br />

residential unit and development<br />

site patterninthe rural areas of<br />

the district.<br />

The rural changescome into<br />

immediate effect, whichmeans<br />

some applications may be ‘‘stuck’’<br />

betweenthe operative and<br />

proposed District Plan.<br />

The council, which is assessing<br />

the impactofthe proposed plan on<br />

these applicants,will be<br />

contacting them to discussaway<br />

forward.<br />

There arefive rural residential<br />

zones, providing large living areas<br />

of 5000 square metres on the<br />

fringesofthe district’s large<br />

urban areas, with one of the more<br />

significant locations being<br />

Loburn.<br />

The secondgeneration district<br />

plan is designed for online use,<br />

and includes proposed zones<br />

tailored to be consistent with the<br />

Selwyn District and Christchurch<br />

City Councils.<br />

WaimakaririMayor Dan Gordon<br />

says staff have listened to<br />

residents and incorporated their<br />

aspirations into the proposed<br />

plan.<br />

‘‘We’reone of the fastest<br />

growingareasinNew Zealand and<br />

expect up to 15,000 housesmay be<br />

needed to accommodate our<br />

population whichwill near<br />

100,000over the next 30 years.<br />

‘‘Because of this, thereare some<br />

changesthe community have<br />

asked thecouncil to make to<br />

ensure the district continuesto<br />

grow in asuitable andsustainable<br />

way.<br />

‘‘We expectthat the Proposed<br />

District Planwill become<br />

operative within two years<br />

following thehearings and<br />

appealsprocess. Until then,<br />

currentrules apply –except for<br />

those in the proposedplan that<br />

have immediatelegaleffect.’’<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

Aday out with mum ... Heather Gallant, of Kaiapoi, with her 14­week­old dachshund, Oakley, having<br />

his first social outing at the Amberley Farmer’s Market last Saturday morning.<br />


NEWS<br />

2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

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Simplified consents process<br />

From Page 1<br />


The proposed District Plan seeksto<br />

simplifythe consentprocess for<br />

properties with natural hazards.<br />

Anew floor level certificate has been<br />

introduced in place of aresource consent,<br />

simplifying the processfor those wishing<br />

to build in potential flood prone areas.<br />

‘‘If you’relooking to build in aflood<br />

plainyou can applyfor afloor level<br />

certificate for arelativelysmallcharge<br />

and if you meet the floor level<br />

requirement no consent is required,<br />

whichmakes it abit cheaperand<br />

simplifies the process,’’ development<br />

planningmanagerTrevor Ellis says.<br />

‘‘Andyou can add information, so if you<br />

have commissioned areport which shows<br />

the flood riskhas reducedthat can be<br />

added.’’<br />

With the interactive maps on the<br />

council’s website,residents can enter<br />

theiraddress to identify what natural<br />

hazard risksmay apply to their property.<br />

Natural hazards include flooding from<br />

rainfall,coastalinundation and stop­bank<br />

breaches, as wellastsunami, liquefaction<br />

and fault lines.<br />

Improvingthe accuracy of hazard maps<br />

is an evolving process with legislative<br />

changes aroundclimate change, reducing<br />

natural hazard risk and ensuring<br />

preparedness and response to natural<br />

disaster, Mr Ellis says.<br />

With the governmentinthe midstof<br />

Resource ManagementAct and local<br />

government reform, morechanges to the<br />

District Plan are likelyand the council is<br />

prepared for that, Mr Ellis says.<br />

‘‘We havebeen told to box on with what<br />

we are doing and the councillors wantto<br />

have agood regime in place for when the<br />

reform comes in.<br />

‘‘Thegovernment has already signalled<br />

therewill be new piecesofpolicy<br />

statement that councils needtobe<br />

mindful of and we are reasonably<br />

confident of where we are at.’’<br />

New plan ... The new general rural zone in light green, taking up much of the western<br />

Waimakariri. The brown­yellow area is the lifestyle zone, while the darker green is the<br />

Natural Open Space Zone which is essentially the Department of Conservation Estate. The<br />

yellow are towns/settlements, red commercial, purple industrial and silver, special<br />

purpose.<br />


Whilethe District Plan is expectedto<br />

have alife of 10 years,itcannot ignore<br />

longer term hazardssuch as sealevel rise,<br />

he says.<br />

‘‘There is projected coastal inundation<br />

with sea level rise, so it effects beachside<br />

communities.<br />

‘‘Themodelling of the 100 year horizon<br />

is basedongovernment guidance and we<br />

understand the government will be<br />

coming out with more guidance.’’<br />

Residents can view the Proposed<br />

District Plan online, check for any<br />

changes that might affect their property,<br />

and make asubmission duringthe formal<br />

period by visiting waimakariri.govt.nz/<br />

letstalk.<br />

Council staffwill also be availableto<br />

answer questions at the Rangiora Service<br />

Centre during business hours or at several<br />

‘TalktoaPlanner’ drop­insessions being<br />

held around the district.<br />

Submissions closeat5pm on November<br />

26.<br />

VTNZ builds new home at Southbrook<br />


Vehicle Testing New Zealand<br />

(VTNZ) is building anew 540­square<br />

metrehome in Rangiora.<br />

The buildingwill replace the old<br />

VTNZ facility next door at 347 Flaxton<br />

Rd. Once openthe old one will be<br />

demolished.<br />

VTNZ Rangiora manager Richard<br />

Pringle saysconstruction began in<br />

March.<br />

``Progresshas been heldupslightly<br />

due to Covid­19,but we are hoping to<br />

open in late October.<br />

The purpose­built facility will have<br />

two lanes, doubling thecapacity for<br />

our team to perform vehicle<br />

inspections,’’ Mr Pringlesays.‘‘With<br />

more and more peoplechoosing to<br />

live in and aroundRangiora the new<br />

building will help us ensurethey are<br />

all drivingsafe vehicles.’’<br />

Having two vehicle inspection lanes<br />

in the new buildingwill havea<br />

dedicated lane for cars and another<br />

dedicated lane for heavy­traffic<br />

vehicles.<br />

``This will make it easier for our<br />

warrant of fitness customers to get a<br />

quickand convenient inspection,’’ Mr<br />

Pringle says. ``We will also havea<br />

new reception area which will be<br />

more comfortable for waiting<br />

customers.''<br />

Commercial customers willalso be<br />

able to book their heavy­traffic<br />

vehicle inspections which means less<br />

time off the road.The newfacility will<br />

also enable the VTNZ team to offer<br />

new services such as driver licensing<br />

and imported­vehicle compliance<br />

checks.<br />

``This makes driver licensing a<br />

much more seamless process for<br />

customers, as driver testing and<br />

licencing will nowbeoperatingfrom<br />

the same site,’’ Mr Pringle says.<br />

JillianDickie<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Waimakariri has transport wins<br />


Waimakariri has received some<br />

transport wins,despite the Woodend<br />

Bypassagainmissing out, Mayor Dan<br />

Gordonsays.<br />

Reflecting on WakaKotahi New<br />

Zealand Transport Agency’s <strong>2021</strong>/24<br />

National Land Transport Programme<br />

(NLTP)announced earlier this month,<br />

Mr Gordon says the district has<br />

received funding for several projects<br />

including the Skewbridge Road and<br />

Mulcocks Roadintersection<br />

improvements.<br />

Other key Waimakariri projects<br />

which are set to receive funding<br />

include the SouthbrookRoad and<br />

Coronation Streetsignalisation,<br />

Wrights Road intersection<br />

improvements, River Roadupgrade,<br />

and more than $600,000for public<br />

transport infrastructure and travel<br />

demand management.<br />

But Mr Gordon expressed<br />

disappointment at the Woodend Bypass<br />

and safety projectsbeingexcluded.<br />

He is seeking ameetingwith the<br />

NZTA’s chief executive and senior staff<br />

to raise the council’sconcern athe<br />

proposedWoodendsafetyprojects<br />

being excluded.<br />

‘‘The council is committedto<br />

continuing to advocate for safety<br />

improvements in Woodend as well as<br />

the Woodend Bypass.<br />

‘‘We hope this is an error and we will<br />

be makingthe casestronglytofurther<br />

these projects over the comingweeks.<br />

‘‘We did achieve supportfrom other<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Mayors for the Woodend<br />

Bypass to be included in the10­year<br />

work programme, but unfortunately<br />

this bid was unsuccessful in the NLTP<br />

process.’’<br />

The council’s bid alsoreceiveda$1<br />

million shortfall for the maintenance,<br />

operationsand renewals budget over<br />

the three years,and only half of the<br />

$13.2million ‘‘low cost low risk’’<br />

projects fundingitapplied for.<br />

‘‘TheWaimakariri District Council<br />

acknowledges the funding endorsedfor<br />

the district fromWaka Kotahi New<br />

Zealand Transport Agency, while<br />

noting thatlike many areas around New<br />

Zealand the full amounts included in<br />

our funding requests weren’t met,’’Mr<br />

Gordon says.<br />

Council staff willcontinue working<br />

with NZTA staff to see whatadditional<br />

funding can be secured for key roading<br />

projects, Mr Gordonsays.<br />

Digital disadvantage impacting elderly<br />


Elderlyfolk arestruggling to copewith a<br />

banking system that is more reliant on<br />

internet andphonebanking,than face­toface<br />

contact.<br />

Bank closures, thelossofcheques, and<br />

reduced hoursdue to Covid­19, have<br />

made thestress of every daybankingeven<br />

worse.<br />

Meanwhile many <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

elderly folk,who arefiercely independent<br />

andproud,are beingdigitally excluded<br />

from runningtheirown finances.<br />

They areleftwith no alternativebut to<br />

getotherstodotheirbanking, leaving<br />

them distraught andvulnerable.<br />

Grey Powernationaland <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>president, JanPentecost, says<br />

Grey Powerhas taken the problem to the<br />

MinisterofFinance, and the Bankers<br />

Association to no avail.<br />

It is now calling on the government to<br />

initiate an inquiry to assess whether<br />

governmentagenciesand banks are<br />

providing sufficient servicestoallow<br />

vulnerablepeople to continue to manage<br />

theirfinancial affairs independently.<br />

OneRangioracouple in their 80s and<br />

90s, whoare digitally disadvantaged and<br />

find phone bankingtoo difficultdue to its<br />

complexity and being hard of hearing,<br />

became extremelyanxious aboutpaying<br />

theirrates duringlockdown.<br />

Acloserelativestepped in andpaid<br />

them on their behalf, butthenthey<br />

worried aboutpaying her back.<br />

This resulted in an 85­year­oldlining up<br />

outside alocalbankfor up to 25 minutes<br />

with therelative, andalongsidemany<br />

otherelderly people, to transfer money<br />

andsquare up the transaction.<br />

It was theirfourth trip to the bank,ason<br />

thethreeprevious occasions the bank was<br />

shut duetooperatingonreduced hours<br />

duetoCovid restrictions. Thebank<br />

increased itshoursthis week.<br />

Therelative says thecouple findthe<br />

Digital exclusion ... Many older folk are struggling to remain in control of their finances<br />

because of internet and phone banking.<br />


whole bankprocess demeaning.<br />

‘‘These peoplehave madeahuge<br />

contribution during theirworkinglives.It<br />

is difficulttosee themstruggling.<br />

‘‘Theyhave enough of asenseof<br />

vulnerability with everythingelsethatis<br />

going on in the world, letalonedifficulty<br />

withbanking,’’she said.<br />

‘‘They(banks) shouldbetrying to make<br />

it easierfor the elderly,not making it<br />

moredifficult.’’<br />

Mrs Pentecostsaysupto700,00 people<br />

in NewZealandare unable to usethe<br />

internet.GreyPower is working closely<br />

withthe Bankers Associationtofind<br />

solutionsfor these digitally<br />

disadvantaged people.<br />

Despitefamily effortstoteachtheir<br />

loved oneshow to usethe internet,itis<br />

justtoo hardfor manytomaster, shesays.<br />

‘‘Otherssay thatdoingtheir banking<br />

business face­to­faceisimportant to them<br />

because it is theonly time thatthey have<br />

anyonetotalkto. Butwith banks closing,<br />

this avenue to combat social isolation,is<br />

rapidly diminishing.’’<br />

Theexclusion goes farbeyond financial<br />

transactions, and directlyaffectthe<br />

Government’s aim of enablingolder<br />

peopleto‘‘age in place’’ and to remain<br />

activeintheir community,she says.<br />

‘‘They are frightened andstressed<br />

because they havenoideahow they will<br />

managetheir financialaffairs<br />

independently in thefuture. As one<br />

membersaid because she must now ask<br />

otherpeopletopay her bills anddoher<br />

otherbanking business, theyhaveturned<br />

an independentold ladyintoadependent<br />

oldlady,’’ Mrs Pentecostsays.<br />

‘‘Theimpact of not being abletoaccess<br />

theinternet is exclusion,isolation,<br />

powerlessness,and limited opportunity.’’<br />

Thegovernment had aresponsibility to<br />

ensurethere weremanual bank­related<br />

systems so no­one wasleft behind.<br />

3<br />


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ThreeWaters PublicMeeting<br />

Come hear from National’s Local Government Spokesperson and MP for Botany<br />

Christopher Luxon on National’s take onthe Three Waters reforms.<br />

Tuesday12October at 6.30pm<br />

Riverside CommunityChurch, 45 Charles St, Kaiapoi<br />

RSVP to Waimakariri@parliament.govt.nz. DuetoCovid restrictions,RSVPs essential.<br />

MattDoocey MPfor Waimakariri<br />

Authorised by Matt Doocey MP,Parliament Buildings,Wgtn.

NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />




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Spotlight on RAPID numbers<br />


The pushisonto upgrade the Rural<br />

Address Property Identification<br />

(RAPID) signageinthe Hurunui<br />

district as fears for people’s safety<br />

grows.<br />

The Hurunui District Council has<br />

partnered with Fire and Emergency<br />

New Zealand (FENZ) to encourage<br />

people to ensure theyhave aRAPID<br />

number at theirgate so emergency<br />

servicescan findthem.<br />

Culverden Fire ChiefCraigRitchie<br />

raised concerns about people’s safety<br />

in rural Hurunui earlier thisyear.<br />

He said liveswould be lost if the<br />

RAPID numbering system wasn’t<br />

overhauled.<br />

Mr Ritchie said the numbering<br />

system in the Amuri basin and beyond<br />

had become confusing, due in partto<br />

large dairy farmswith multiple homes<br />

on thembeing established, as well as<br />

the influences of subdivision and<br />

population growth.<br />

The counciland FENZ are now<br />

working to make sureaRAPIDnumber<br />

is on all ruralproperties, easily seen,<br />

and in the correct position,<br />

particularly where there are multiple<br />

properties on afarm, so emergency<br />

servicescan locate peoplequickly in<br />

critical situations.<br />

‘‘Having abold and reflective<br />

number willimprove our response<br />

time.<br />

‘‘Ittakesthree and ahalf minutes for<br />

an entire house to be fully engulfed in<br />

flames.<br />

‘‘Emergencyservices need to be able<br />

to find you quicklyand easily,’’says Mr<br />

Ritchie.<br />

FENZalso respondstoStJohn’s<br />

‘purple’ calls, when an incident is lifethreatening.<br />

In thesecases, tell tail signs of<br />

Emergency personel ... Deputy Fire Chief Brian Stevenson, Mayor Marie Black, Culverden<br />

Fire Chief Craig Ritchie, St John Station Manager Ann Cleaver and St John Ambulance<br />

Officer Helen Wilson.<br />


dangersuch as smokeorflames are<br />

not always evident.<br />

For rural properties,MrRitchie<br />

says GPS is no longerefficient due to<br />

reception and the inabilitytopinpoint<br />

an exact location. RAPIDnumbers,<br />

therefore,remainthe primary means<br />

for locatingproperties.<br />

Mayor MarieBlack saysshe is<br />

extremelygrateful to people like Mr<br />

Ritchie who work very hardtoensure<br />

the safety of everyone in the district.<br />

‘‘I feelagreat sense of pride<br />

knowing that we have people in our<br />

communities who takeitupon<br />

themselvestochampion these very<br />

important messages, helping us to<br />

create asafer Hurunui.’’<br />

For more information on RAPID<br />

numbers,includingmultiple<br />

dwellings, go to hurunui.govt.nz/<br />

property­rates/rapid­numbers.<br />

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Images are artist impressions and subject to change

Mayor thankful for Covid jab<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon is<br />

doinghis bit to fight Covid­19,<br />

receiving his first jab on Wednesday<br />

(<strong>September</strong>15).<br />

Trying to keep abraveface and<br />

donning is ‘‘SuperDan’’ t­shirt, Mr<br />

Gordon lined up for his jab at the<br />

vaccination centre nexttoRangiora’s<br />

Unichem Medical Corner Pharmacy.<br />

‘‘I believe in the vaccination and I<br />

encourage everyone who is able to, to<br />

get vaccinated. It’sour best chance to<br />

beat thisand get backtonormal.<br />

‘‘I’mthankful for the opportunity to<br />

get my vaccine.’’<br />

The Mayorsaid hisarm was ‘‘slightly<br />

sore’’ the nextday, but there wereno<br />

signsofany side effects.<br />

‘‘I was genuinely impressedwith the<br />

service,and the staff are making sure<br />

that peopleare consenting to it.<br />

‘‘I was impressedwith justhow<br />

quickthe service was,the care that<br />

was shown,and the timethat we sat<br />

afterwardstomake sure you are OK.’’<br />

Mr Gordonacknowledged he has<br />

receivedlots of correspondence from<br />

residents in recent weeks expressing a<br />

rangeofviewsonthe vaccine.<br />

He hashis secondjab booked in next<br />

month.<br />

All New Zealanders aged 12­years<br />

Mayoral response ... Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon (left) receives his jab from<br />

Rangiora pharmacist Ajay Patel on Wednesday.<br />


and over, who haven’t already, can<br />

arrangefor afree vaccine by going to<br />

bookmyvaccine.covid19.health.nz/ or<br />

phoning 0800 282926.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

5<br />


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Nothing To Be Proud Of<br />

DearEditor,<br />

In the Waimakariri Councils, LetsTalk<br />

Document, ThreeWaters,the council<br />

havethecheek to congratulate<br />

themselves on their efforts of<br />

maintaining our waters.<br />

Our wastewater is nottreatedtoany<br />

form ofbest practicestandard butis<br />

simplyanoutdated, overloaded algae<br />

farm.<br />

The Selwyn Council removes, dries and<br />

commercially sells the biosolids.<br />

Rotorua Council has a5stage nutrient<br />

removal process. The Waimakariri<br />

Council has done apoorjob, removing<br />

somesludge,leaving thebulkofittorot<br />

in thewetlandponds, some is storedon<br />

site whilesomegoes out to sea to be<br />

washeduponour coastline.<br />

During any warm summer the resultant<br />

toxic mess in the wastewater plant kills<br />

and continues to decimate our native<br />

birds and wildlife with theresultant<br />

avian botulism.Anarticle to the The<br />

Press on <strong>September</strong> <strong>2021</strong>, by Amber<br />

Allot Water Woes In Full Flow,states<br />

that of30goals to improve<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

water health and management, after 11<br />

years only 2havebeenachieved.<br />

Shouldwebeproudofthis?<br />

Our council states, that they have<br />

workedhardtoupgradeour 3waters<br />

infrastructureover the last 20 years.<br />

We are proudofthis.This reform<br />

programmeappears to us to ask our<br />

ratepayers to subsidise other<br />

communities’’. Another exampleof<br />

moresmoke screenandmirrors.<br />

While our currentMayorhasbeenon<br />

thecouncil over thelast 15 yearsmany<br />

thousands of our waterfowlhave died<br />

dueto our3rd world wastewater<br />

system.<br />

Our rivers have never been in aworse<br />

statedue to the huge nutrient increase<br />

and herbicide use which destroys the<br />

habitat of the micro biodiversity which<br />

has resulted in very limited fish life<br />

which used to be prolific. Nothing to be<br />

proud of here.<br />

Yours,<br />

Michael Bate<br />

Reply from Waimakariri<br />

Mayor<br />

MrBate’s letter makes acouple of<br />

incorrect statements Iwanttoaddress.<br />

Residents shouldbeproud of our<br />

Three Watersinfrastructure.<br />

Over thelast20years we’ve invested<br />

over $100 millionand have a100­year<br />

strategyto fund these assets for our<br />

community.<br />

All of our waterschemes arefully<br />

compliant and we have afurther$41m<br />

setasidefor upgradestoimproveour<br />

wastewaterinfrastructureand address<br />

flood risks in thecoming10years.<br />

Youmentioned wastewater<br />

treatment.<br />

TheEastern DistrictsSchemeisa<br />

commonly­used multi­stage pond<br />

system and the most suitable for our<br />

geography.<br />

Wastewater passes through ponds<br />

and wetlands where natural processes<br />

cleanse the water, sludge is removed<br />

and treated wastewater is discharged<br />

to sea and we meet 100 per cent<br />

resource consent compliance for this.<br />

Waimakariri has seen outbreaks of<br />

avian botulism in recent years. But its<br />

not correct to attribute this to council<br />

operations. Avian botulismisa<br />

commoncauseof death in wild birds<br />

worldwide, and caused by atoxin<br />

producedbyabacteria that thrives in<br />

shallow,warmwater globally.<br />

There have been outbreaks of avian<br />

botulism within the district in recent<br />

yearsandbecause of this council<br />

monitors for outbreaksigns, and<br />

collects dead birds to prevent further<br />

spread.<br />

Weall agreethatquality drinking<br />

water and better environmental<br />

outcomes are something to aim for.<br />

Thecouncilis committed to<br />

continuous improvement andwantto<br />

workwith thecommunity in improving<br />

the quality of our water and waterways.<br />

Yours,<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

Letters to the Editor are welcome.<br />

Please keep themto 250 to 300 words<br />

and sendthem to robyn.<br />

bristow@ncnews.co.nz.<br />

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6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Sep <strong>23</strong> Sep 24 Sep 25 Sep 26 Sep 27 Sep 28 Sep 29<br />

Rise 6:16am<br />

Set 6:26pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

In the Electoratewith<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP forWaimakariri<br />

1:34am<br />

1:55pm<br />

Good<br />

Rise 6:15am<br />

Set 6:27pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:17am<br />

2:38pm<br />

Good<br />

Authorised by MattDoocey,Level1ConwayLane,188 High Street,Rangiora.<br />

Three Waters under<br />

spotlight in Kaiapoi<br />

It wasaparticularly welcomesight to<br />

see theschool gates reopenlastweek<br />

and thesmiles of reliefonthe faces<br />

of the parents dropping offtheir<br />

children.<br />

After three weekswith my twokids<br />

at homeI'm sure I'm not the only<br />

parentinthe district who has a<br />

newfound respect for our teachers.<br />

But whileschoolsare ableto<br />

operateatLevel 2, things arestill<br />

tough out there for other sectors,<br />

withhospitalityparticularlyhard<br />

hit.<br />

Lastweek in Parliament Icalledon<br />

the government to establishamental<br />

health support package for small<br />

businesses.<br />

The proposed$10 million fund, in<br />

partnershipwith BusinessNZ, local<br />

economic developmentagencies and<br />

chambers of commerce, would<br />

significantlyhelp the growing<br />

numbersofbusinessowners<br />

sufferingstress and anxietybecause<br />

of the latestrestrictions.<br />

Aside from Covid­19, akey issue<br />

Waimakaririresidents have<br />

contacted me about of late, is the<br />

governmentsproposed Three Waters<br />

reform.<br />

It doesn’t seemtomatter whether<br />

theyare urban or rural residents,nor<br />

where on the political spectrum they<br />

sit their view is unanimous.Theyare<br />

all veryconcernedaboutthe impacts<br />

for our district.<br />

An overwhelming95% of nearly<br />

4000respondents in arecent council<br />

surveysaid thecouncil should opt<br />

out,with most concernedabout<br />

losing democracy andlocalexpertise<br />

with acentralised model.<br />

This reform is potentially<br />

disastrousfor Waimakariri, which is<br />

whyIamholdingacommunity<br />

meeting to discuss ThreeWaters,on<br />

Tuesday October 12, 6.30pm at the<br />

Riverside Community Church, 45<br />

Charles St,Kaiapoi.<br />

Local Governmentspokesperson<br />

Chris Luxonwill be joining me to<br />

answer your questions, andIhope to<br />

seeasmanyofyou there as possible.<br />

DuetoCovid restrictions it will be<br />

essential to reserve aplace<br />

beforehand,which can be done via<br />

emailtowaimakariri@parliament.<br />

govt.nz.<br />

As a<strong>Canterbury</strong> MP Iwas invited to<br />

attendaneventtocelebrate the<br />

128thanniversary of Suffrage Dayon<br />

Sunday.<br />

Ijoinedmyfellow<strong>Canterbury</strong>MP<br />

andNational Party spokespersonfor<br />

Women, NicolaGrigg, at the Kate<br />

SheppardMemorialonOxford<br />

Terrace in Christchurch.<br />

Sheppardwas thesuffragette who<br />

ledthe way for New Zealand<br />

becoming the first country in the<br />

world to givewomenthe vote.<br />

Therecan be no doubtfor any of us<br />

in NewZealandtoday thatshe was<br />

world­leadingand put this country<br />

on the map for women's rights and<br />

democracy.<br />

We owe heradebtofgratitudefor<br />

havingthe courage to stand up for<br />

what wasfundamentally right,when<br />

at times it would havebeenfar easier<br />

to keep quiet.<br />

Rise 6:13am<br />

Set 6:28pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

2:59am<br />

3:21pm<br />

Good<br />

Rise 7:11am<br />

Set 7:29pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Rise 7:09am<br />

Set 7:30pm<br />

Rise 7:07am<br />

Set 7:32pm<br />

Rise 7:06am<br />

Set 7:33pm<br />

Set 7:25am<br />

Set 7:46am<br />

Set 8:09am<br />

Set 9:35am Rise 12:47am<br />

Rise 1:49am<br />

Rise 2:47am<br />

Rise 8:38pm<br />

Rise 9:41pm<br />

Rise 10:45pm<br />

Set 10:06am<br />

Set 10:43am<br />

Set 11:27am<br />

Moderate SW Fresh SW turning<br />

Moderate SW turning Moderate SW turning Gentle Sbecoming Gentle Sbecoming<br />

becoming fresh S<br />

W<br />

Fresh W<br />

S<br />

E<br />

moderate E<br />

moderate E<br />

NE 1.0 mturning<br />

NE 0.6 m<br />

NE 1.1 m<br />

SE E1.0 m E0.8 m E0.7 m E0.8 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

4:44am<br />

5:06pm<br />

Fair<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor<br />

5:29am<br />

5:53pm<br />

Residents optout<br />

Iwanted to startbysaying abig thank you<br />

to the over3800 residents who took part in<br />

our engagement aboutthe Governments<br />

Three Waters Reform.<br />

Ninety five percent of Waimakariri<br />

residents want the counciltoopt­outofthe<br />

Governments Three WatersReform.<br />

For those who aren’t awareofthe<br />

proposal, the Government is pushing for<br />

reformofwaterwhere council­run water,<br />

wastewater and stormwater services are<br />

transferred to four major entities.<br />

Thisispart of awider push for greater<br />

centralisation of public services like<br />

health, the Resource ManagementAct and<br />

polytechnics.<br />

If the reform goes ahead,Waimakariri<br />

Districtwouldbecome part of an entity<br />

thatcoversmost of theSouth Island.<br />

The Government has given councils<br />

until the end of <strong>September</strong>toprovide<br />

feedback on the proposal.<br />

Residents expressedconcerns about:<br />

Losing local say, knowledge and<br />

controlonhow water services are<br />

provided;<br />

Rates being used to subsidise<br />

upgradesinother areas;<br />

Wantinglocal management and<br />

provision of Three Water Services;<br />

Appropriate compensation for<br />

transfer of community assets.<br />

Theysought for the reformproposals to<br />

takeplace alongside wider Futurefor<br />

Local Governmentand Resource<br />

Management Act (RMA) reforms.<br />

Serious concernswere raisedabout the<br />

accuracy of the proposed efficiencies<br />

behind the proposal for change.<br />

The council has been reviewing the data<br />

fromthe Governmentand throughoutthis<br />

timehave found anumber of issuesand<br />

haveanumberofconcernswith the<br />

proposal.<br />

The position of the council has been that<br />

based on the limited information<br />

presented so far, thatwedonot join the<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:18am<br />

6:42pm<br />

Ok<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

7:07am<br />

7:33pm<br />

Government’s reform programme at this<br />

point.<br />

The overwhelming amountoffeedback<br />

from residents has shown thatyou have<br />

concernsofyour own and this will help<br />

inform myself and the councillors as we<br />

decide on the formal response to give the<br />

Governmentataspecial meetingon<br />

Tuesday 28 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

It is unclear whatthe next stepswill be<br />

following this, but the council and Ihope<br />

the reformswill remain achoicefor our<br />

community and council as previously<br />

indicated by the Government.<br />

Thanks againfor yourfeedback and for<br />

taking part.<br />

Proposed District Plan<br />

On Saturday, council notified its<br />

Proposed District Plan. Consultation will<br />

run until 5pm,Friday, November 26.<br />

Notifying the Proposed District Planhelps<br />

prepare Waimakariri for future growth. It<br />

specifies new and expanded zones and<br />

areasfor development, protects<br />

environmental features, ensures<br />

productive use of farmland, and aimsto<br />

enable our community to grow while<br />

retainingits special character.<br />

This weekaletter will go out to all<br />

ratepayers with more details.You are able<br />

to have amore detailedlook online and<br />

can accessthe eplan on the council’s<br />

website (waimakariri.govt.nz). Council<br />

staffwill also be available to answer<br />

questions at the Rangiora ServiceCentre<br />

during business hours or at severalTalk to<br />

aPlannerdrop­in sessionsbeing held<br />

around the District.Please do come along<br />

to find out more.Ifyou haveany questions<br />

please get in contact:<br />

developmentplanning@wmk.govt.nz or<br />

0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV)<br />

And now we want to knowifyou think<br />

we have it right.Your input will help<br />

shapehow Waimakariri develops over the<br />

coming decades. Please provide feedback<br />

before November26, <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Hopesofaspringstart forwind farm dashed byCovid<br />


Hopes of aspring start on MainPower<br />

New Zealand Ltd’s Mt Cass Wind Farm<br />

Project have been dashed by the impact<br />

of Covid­19.<br />

Construction was expected to be<br />

completed under asingle turnkey<br />

Engineer, Procure &Construct (EPC)<br />

contract with General Electric.<br />

But the model is proving uneconomic<br />

in the current environment, particularly<br />

due to the effects and risks associated<br />

with Covid­19.<br />

Chief Executive, Andy Lester, says<br />

cost increases were anticipated, but not<br />

at the level seen under the EPC<br />

contract.<br />

‘‘We remain confident in the project<br />

and are now focusing on amulticontract<br />

model for construction, supply<br />

and installation,’’ he says.<br />

Mr Lester says there is no doubt New<br />

Zealand needs additional generation to<br />

meet the growing electricity demands of<br />

adecarbonising economy.<br />

‘‘Demand is ramping up quickly and<br />

we want to meet that demand with<br />

renewable energy.<br />

‘‘Completing due diligence on an<br />

alternative delivery model will have an<br />

impact on the financial close and<br />

commissioning dates of the Mt Cass<br />

Wind Farm, but the project team will be<br />

working hard to keep these to a<br />

minimum,’’ he says.<br />

MainPower will continue to provide<br />

updates on the Mt Cass Wind Farm,<br />

including revised timeframes, as the<br />

project progresses.<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 6:06am 2.3<br />

6:52am 2.2 12:39am 0.5 7:38am 2.2 1:<strong>23</strong>am 0.6 9:24am 2.2 3:07am 0.6 10:09am 2.1 3:52am 0.7 10:56am 2.1 4:39am 0.7 11:43am 2.1 5:27am 0.7<br />

Mouth<br />

6:25pm 2.2 12:17pm 0.5 7:10pm 2.2 1:01pm 0.6 7:57pm 2.1 1:46pm 0.6 9:44pm 2.0 3:31pm 0.7 10:33pm 2.0 4:20pm 0.8 11:21pm 2.0 5:11pm 0.8<br />

6:03pm 0.8<br />

Amberley 6:06am 2.3<br />

6:52am 2.2 12:39am 0.5 7:38am 2.2 1:<strong>23</strong>am 0.6 9:24am 2.2 3:07am 0.6 10:09am 2.1 3:52am 0.7 10:56am 2.1 4:39am 0.7 11:43am 2.1 5:27am 0.7<br />

Beach<br />

6:25pm 2.2 12:17pm 0.5 7:10pm 2.2 1:01pm 0.6 7:57pm 2.1 1:46pm 0.6 9:44pm 2.0 3:31pm 0.7 10:33pm 2.0 4:20pm 0.8 11:21pm 2.0 5:11pm 0.8<br />

6:03pm 0.8<br />

6:15am 2.3 12:04am 0.5 7:01am 2.2 12:48am 0.5 7:47am 2.2 1:32am 0.6 9:33am 2.2 3:16am 0.6 10:18am 2.1 4:01am 0.7 11:05am 2.1 4:48am 0.7 11:52am 2.1 5:36am 0.7<br />

Motunau 6:34pm 2.2 12:26pm 0.5 7:19pm 2.2 1:10pm 0.6 8:06pm 2.1 1:55pm 0.6 9:53pm 2.0 3:40pm 0.7 10:42pm 2.0 4:29pm 0.8 11:30pm 2.0 5:20pm 0.8<br />

6:12pm 0.8<br />

6:17am 2.3 12:06am 0.5 7:03am 2.2 12:50am 0.5 7:49am 2.2 1:34am 0.6 9:35am 2.2 3:18am 0.6 10:20am 2.1 4:03am 0.7 11:07am 2.1 4:50am 0.7 11:54am 2.1 5:38am 0.7<br />

Gore Bay 6:36pm 2.2 12:28pm 0.5 7:21pm 2.2 1:12pm 0.6 8:08pm 2.1 1:57pm 0.6 9:55pm 2.0 3:42pm 0.7 10:44pm 2.0 4:31pm 0.8 11:32pm 2.0 5:22pm 0.8<br />

6:14pm 0.8<br />

6:14am 1.7 12:04am 0.4 7:01am 1.7 12:50am 0.5 7:47am 1.7 1:36am 0.5 9:33am 1.7 3:22am 0.5 10:20am 1.7 4:07am 0.5 11:07am 1.7 4:53am 0.6 11:54am 1.7 5:39am 0.6<br />

Kaikoura 6:38pm 1.7 12:25pm 0.4 7:24pm 1.7 1:12pm 0.5 8:11pm 1.6 1:59pm 0.5 9:59pm 1.6 3:47pm 0.6 10:47pm 1.6 4:36pm 0.6 11:35pm 1.6 5:26pm 0.6<br />

6:15pm 0.6<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


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First Steps PLUS for5-8year olds<br />

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Baby Sports forUnder 2year olds<br />

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Toddler Sports for3to4year olds<br />

Mon10:15am • Wed 11:15am<br />

Toddler Sports PLUS for4-5year olds<br />

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SPORT<br />

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-ACULAR<br />

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at the RangioraBorough School &MainPower Stadium<br />

Thursday<br />

at<br />

MainPower<br />

Stadium!<br />


NEWS<br />

8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

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HalfLamb Leg Roast<br />

HarrisMeatsCountry<br />

Pork Sausages 480g<br />

MEAT<br />

$ 16 99 PamsFresh NZ Chicken<br />

kg Kebabs 8Pack<br />

$<br />

8 49 ea<br />

Fresh NZ<br />

Ingham’s<br />

Butterflied<br />

Chicken<br />

$<br />

8 99 1.1kg<br />

ea<br />

$<br />

9 99 ea<br />

www.foursquare.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specials available South Island only from Monday 20th <strong>September</strong> until Sunday 3rd<br />

October <strong>2021</strong> or while stocks last. Wine and beer available at stores with an off<br />

licence. Wine and beer purchases restrict cted to persons aged 18 years old and over.<br />

New owners ... Neill and Denise O’Reilly, of Waikuku Beach, in the garden of their early<br />

childhood centre, My Preschool, in Wales Street, Rangiora.<br />


Hong Kong provides<br />

impetus for dream<br />


Waikuku couple Neill and Denise<br />

O’Reilly, who are both teachers, have<br />

returned home to run an early childhood<br />

centre after four years working in Hong<br />

Kong.<br />

‘‘Denise has always dreamt of owning<br />

an early childhood centre and setting<br />

children up for agreat start in life,’’<br />

Neill says.<br />

Working in Hong Kong provided<br />

renewed impetus for that dream, so<br />

when an early­childhood centre, built by<br />

‘‘friends with an innovative mindset in<br />

1998,’’ became available in Rangiora<br />

they knew it was time for anew<br />

experience, as owners of My Preschool<br />

in Wales St.<br />

They arrived back in New Zealand last<br />

July and are delighted to be home.<br />

‘‘Waikuku Beach is our<br />

turangawaewae,’’ Denise says.<br />

The pair left New Zealand in 2017 for<br />

the ‘‘vertical city’’ after Neill accepted<br />

the role as principal at Kowloon Junior<br />

School, which has 900 pupils and is part<br />

of the English Schools Foundation in<br />

Hong Kong.<br />

Neill is aformer principal of <strong>North</strong><br />

Loburn and Clarkville schools in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Waitakiri Primary<br />

School in Christchurch.<br />

He was invited to apply for the role at<br />

Kowloon Junior School after the<br />

foundation became aware of his online<br />

presentations about the work he was<br />

doing in New Zealand schools. Denise<br />

also ended up working for the<br />

foundation as an early­childhood<br />

teacher while the couple were in Hong<br />

Kong.<br />

Neill was keen to accept the role at<br />

Kowloon Junior School because it<br />

focuses on inquiry­based, studentcentred<br />

learning.<br />

‘‘It is avery positive learning<br />

environment which aligns with my<br />

beliefs about quality education.<br />

‘‘Learning that captures the hearts<br />

and minds of students is most likely to<br />

have lasting impact.’’<br />

The couple say they had an incredible<br />

time in Hong Kong.<br />

The highlights included ‘‘living and<br />

working in such asafe country with such<br />

adiverse culture, and opening our eyes<br />

to the educational possibilities for young<br />

children’’.<br />

They also enjoyed the travel<br />

opportunities and the cuisine during<br />

their time in Hong Kong.<br />

‘‘We made the most of our time to see<br />

the world and also to explore the<br />

education system of avery highperforming<br />

country and consider the<br />

implications and potential for New<br />

Zealand children.’’<br />

The couple also learnt to speak alittle<br />

Cantonese, enough to get around in taxis<br />

and greet people.<br />

‘‘But in Hong Kong you can survive<br />

quite easily with English,’’ Neill says.<br />

‘‘Cantonese is avery complex<br />

language to learn.<br />

‘‘We did intend to learn and went to<br />

night classes when we first arrived, but<br />

with all the tonal sounds it was very<br />

challenging for our limited ears.’’<br />

Although learning the Cantonese<br />

language proved difficult it was not the<br />

only challenge the couple faced during<br />

their time in Hong Kong. The evolving<br />

political situation in Hong Kong, the<br />

National Security Law, and then the<br />

separation from family (in New Zealand)<br />

due to Covid, also proved challenging.<br />

However, the couple still highly<br />

recommend Hong Kong as an<br />

‘‘awesome’’ place to visit.

See the Good Sports.<br />

$271.49<br />

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$75.59<br />

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$116.24<br />

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PER WEEK<br />

2018 Mazda CX-9 LTD2.5PT<br />

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1242cc with 80,338kms, 5Speed Manual, 5Star<br />

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2013 Subaru Forester 2.0XT<br />

EyeSight 2000cc with 78,868kms, Auto, 4WD,<br />

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2008Lexus IS250Version L<br />

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2012 Mitsubishi RVR G4WD<br />

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2014 Mazda Axela Sport 15S<br />

1500cc with 72,128kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />

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2013 Subaru XV Hybrid 2.0i-L<br />

Eyesight 1990cc, Auto, Alloys, Auto Lights,<br />

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Radar Cruise, Rev. Camera,<br />

Traction Control. $16,990<br />

$173.54<br />

PER WEEK<br />

$109.88<br />

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2018 MitsubishiEclipse Cross<br />

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$37,990<br />

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*On road costs may apply to some vehicles

NEWS<br />

10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Tessa’slove of pottery born from ill health<br />


Tenyearsago Tessa Chisholm was<br />

working on theHollywood film The<br />

Hobbit,until herhealth took aturn for the<br />

worst.<br />

Shemoved to her grandmother’s bach<br />

at Waikuku Beach,whereshe was<br />

housebound forfive years struckdownby<br />

aseries of illnesses andback surgery,<br />

untilshe discovered pottery.<br />

Tessa wasworkinginWellington as a<br />

3D­stereographerinpost­production, but<br />

thelonghours peering at acomputer<br />

screenand filmfootagetook atollonher<br />

health.<br />

Nowthankstoher new love of pottery<br />

andEnterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’s(ENC)<br />

business start­up course, Tessa has<br />

launched herown business LittleBach<br />

Pottery.<br />

‘‘Itook up pottery to keepmesane and<br />

make new friends andIhad thedreamto<br />

make aliving offthiscraft,’’ she says.<br />

Shejoinedthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> Potters’<br />

Association six yearsago and shewas<br />

mentored by Rangiorawoman Frederika<br />

Ernsten, who is now in her80s.<br />

‘‘Ireally wouldn'tbewhereIam today<br />

withoutFrederika'stuition, and the<br />

support of the club,’’ Tessa says.<br />

‘‘She(Frederika) waspassing her<br />

legacy on to us and it was justlovely.’’<br />

Shebegansellingher creations at the<br />

Arts CentreinChristchurch and at local<br />

markets,but hadadreamofsettingup<br />

herown businessesand offeringpottery<br />

classes,but lacked the confidence to take<br />

theplunge.<br />

That was until she heard aboutthe<br />

business start­up coursethrough<br />

Michelle Becks at the Ministry of Social<br />

DevelopmentinRangiora.<br />

Tessa received abusiness start­up<br />

grant and wasaccepted on to thecourse<br />

with ENCbusiness developmentmanager<br />

MilesDalton.<br />

‘‘It’snot justaboutthe pottery, it’s about<br />

connecting everything togetherand I<br />

wouldn’t have been abletodo it without<br />

the course.<br />

‘‘I’vebeen wantingtogointhis<br />

direction for anumber of years andI’ve<br />

beenbuyingequipment,but Ididn’tknow<br />

anythingaboutsetting up abusiness, so<br />

the coursegavemethe confidence to go<br />

for it.<br />

‘‘There is an anxiousness aboutnot<br />

having an income, but thecourse<br />

encourages you that the right thingtodo<br />

is to spend the money to get it done<br />

properly,suchasgetting an accountant.’’<br />

Tessa is offeringclassestosmall groups<br />

of six,whichmeansshe is abletooperate<br />

under AlertLevel 2restrictionsby<br />

spacing out thework spaces in thelittle<br />

batch.<br />

She saysanyonecan learnpottery.<br />

‘‘I thought if Icould teach the<br />

boyfriend, Icould teach anyoneand he<br />

madeareally nice beermug.<br />

‘‘Potteryisgoodfor the soul, youget a<br />

lot of reward creating something from a<br />

lumpofclay andwiththe students they<br />

get such abuzz whentheycreate<br />

something.’’<br />

The art of pottery can also be<br />

frustrating,asTessa hasheardstories<br />

about studentsthrowing theirunfinished<br />

potsatthe wall.<br />

Fortunately that hasn’t happened at the<br />

LittleBatchPottery studio so far.<br />

‘‘They’re not allowedtodothatyet,<br />

becauseIwant acleanstudio.<br />

‘‘Untilyou fire yourpot,you can break<br />

it down anddoitagain.<br />

‘‘Once you fire it, it’sforeverand we<br />

don’t wantarchaeologists diggingitone<br />

day and wondering whatpeople were<br />

doing in Waikuku.’’<br />

To findout more, go to<br />

littlebachpottery.com or follow the Little<br />

Batch Pottery Studio on Facebookand<br />

Instagram.<br />

New lease of life ... Pottery has given Tessa Chisholm anew purpose in life.<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

11<br />

Classy line up ... Floral hats were the winners on the day for these students from the<br />

various classes at Amberley School.<br />


School holds belated<br />

Hat Day Daffodil Day<br />


Afloral hat competition at Amberley<br />

School celebrating Daffodil Day has<br />

has finallybeenheld after being<br />

postponed duetolockdown.<br />

Whenpupils returnedtoschool it<br />

tookplacealong witha‘‘wearyourown<br />

clothes day,’’toraisefundsfor the<br />

CancerSociety<br />

The competition wasorganised by<br />

the president of theAmberley Cancer<br />

SupportGroup, LizDean, aformer<br />

teacheratthe schoolwho retired in<br />

2018.<br />

‘‘Manyofthe studentsand allthe<br />

staff created some fabulous hats,’’ Liz<br />

says.<br />

Liz and JennyYates, treasurer of the<br />

Amberley CancerSupport Groupwere<br />

the judgesand gaveaprize to the<br />

winning hatfrom each homeroom<br />

class.<br />

The overall winner was Lucy<br />

Cameron whoreceived aWarehouse<br />

voucher forher creation.<br />

‘‘Lucy put alot of effort into<br />

designingand makingher<br />

masterpiece,’’Liz says.<br />

Theschool’sheadgirl, MilaStanley­<br />

Pihera, and deputy head girl, Hayley<br />

Mitchell, judgedthe staffcreations.<br />

Thestaffwinnerwas one of the<br />

teacher aides,Erica Cairns.<br />

‘‘Themoneyraised willgotowards<br />

supporting cancerpatients in our<br />

district,’’ Lizsays.<br />

In another national cancer<br />

fundraiser, beingsupportedin<br />

RangiorabyThe Sport Shop, the<br />

Childhood Cancer Foundation will<br />

benefitfromLachie’sLaces.<br />

The promotion selling yellow shoe<br />

laces was establishedbythe<br />

foundation in memoryofLachie<br />

Sutherland,who died fromcancer in<br />

2020, aged 12, afterhis dad Chrisalso<br />

diedfromcancer,in2013.<br />

The lacescost$5and canbe<br />

purchasedagain at the Sport Shop in<br />

Flaxton Road,after thefirstbatch sold<br />

out quickly.<br />

Thelacescan alsobepurchased<br />

online fromthe CancerSocietywebsite<br />

at:lachieslaces.co.nz. Thismonthis<br />

Child CancerAwareness month with<br />

officialcollection days plannedfor this<br />

Friday andSaturday.<br />

Remembering an amazing boy ... Lachie<br />

Sutherland, who died in July last year, of<br />

neuroblastoma, arare form of cancer, aged<br />

12, after his father Chris also died of cancer<br />

in August 2013. .<br />

Hat Day ... Jenny Yates (left), Amberley<br />

School librarian and secretary of the<br />

Amberley Cancer Support group, Lucy<br />

Cameron, aYear 7student and winner of the<br />

student competition with Liz Dean, President<br />

of the Cancer Support group.<br />





Transpower, the owner and operator of the<br />

National Grid is carrying out joint testing on the<br />

conductor (wire) on sections ofits Benmore to<br />

Haywards HVDC transmission line (between<br />

Methven and Culverden).<br />

This work will involve alow flying helicopter and<br />

testing of conductor byalineworker suspended<br />

below the aircraft at specific locations along the<br />

line as highlighted on the accompanying map.<br />

The work is planned<br />

to occur between<br />

Tuesday 28 <strong>September</strong> and<br />

Friday 8October <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

In the event of bad weather the work will take place in<br />

the following week.<br />

Helicopter will be<br />

operating at low<br />

levelsinaroundthe<br />

transmissionline in<br />

highlighted zone.<br />

73<br />

Ashburton<br />

77<br />

Hororata<br />

Methven<br />

1<br />

Culverden<br />

Rangiora<br />

Waipara<br />

Christchurch<br />

It’s important to us that you are kept informed and updated on our activities. If you require further<br />

information, please call Brendan Townsend 027 6755 840 or Myles Stichman on 0274 779 693.<br />

7<br />

1<br />

Helicopter<br />

operating zone<br />

Highways<br />



is here<br />

<br />

SPRING<br />

<br />

100%LOCALLY<br />



If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally, we will beatitby15%<br />

If youfind thesame productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll matchthatprice.Excludes trade and special<br />

quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storeprice maybelower than thatadvertised.


TRADIES: Ournew drivethru area is complete!


14 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Enthusiasm for garden festival unwavering<br />


Galeforcewinds, rain,the odd hailand<br />

snowstorm, along withthe repercussions<br />

of Covid­19, have notshaken the<br />

enthusiasm of participantsinthis year’s<br />

HurunuiGarden Festival(HGF).<br />

Preparations arewellunder waywith<br />

lockdown providing for thekeen<br />

gardeners to preen their gardens in<br />

readiness forthe festival whichrunsfrom<br />

Thursday,October28toSunday, October<br />

31.<br />

HGF chair GaryMitchell saysthe four<br />

day festivalisabletooperateatLevel2.<br />

He saysthe gales of recentdays have<br />

leftsome damage in the gardens taking<br />

part, but everyone is in tidy up mode and<br />

it is all systems go.<br />

Atotal of 22 gardens willbeonshowto<br />

admireand inspire, withsomefavourites<br />

returning, andseven new ones joining the<br />

festival.<br />

To aid navigation, thepropertiesare<br />

groupedintosix clusters, eachwith its<br />

own mapshowing how to findthe venues,<br />

along withother useful information, such<br />

as thelocationsofpublic toilets,fuel<br />

stations,wineries, cafes, shopsand other<br />

HurunuiDistrict highlights.<br />

Thisyear for the first time there is an<br />

opportunity to walk inside some of<br />

Hurunui’shistorichomesteads.<br />

Alsoonofferisashowcase of local<br />

artists work, their placeofwork and some<br />

stunningexhibits which are forsale.<br />

Julia Atkinson­Dunn, from the home<br />

and gardenwebsite Studiohome.co.nz,<br />

and author of thebeginner’sgardening<br />

book, Petal Power,will speak at three<br />

gardens on different days.<br />

Penny Zino of Flaxmere (near<br />

Hawarden), Doreen DrydenofLoch Leven<br />

(near Rotherham), andRobert Dayof<br />

RibbonwoodCountry House,nearCheviot,<br />

willsharetheir extensiveknowledge<br />

about establishingtheir gardens in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> throughoutthe festival.<br />

The festivalhas grown in popularity<br />

withmany visitors makingitalong<br />

weekend so they can enjoy attractions the<br />

districthas to offer.<br />

Coldstream ... The tranquil waters of afreshwater stream at Vicky<br />

Collett and Andrew Dalzell's property near Culverden. PHOTOS:ROBYN BRISTOW<br />

The HurunuiGarden FestivalInc<br />

(HGF), is unitedinfollowing itsethos of<br />

being ‘‘inspirational and supportive to the<br />

residents of theHurunui’’.<br />

It offers a$2000 scholarship forlocal<br />

studentstostudy horticulture,<br />

agriculture,landscape design,ora<br />

relatedfield,attertiary level.<br />

The scholarship is opentostudents in<br />

their final year of schooling from Year 11<br />

to 13, and whosefamily homeisin the<br />

Hurunui District.<br />

It is being offeredaspartofHGF’s<br />

commitment to invest back to its<br />

The Widest Music Variety<br />

communityifitmakes aprofit from its<br />

annualHurunui GardenFestival.<br />

Thescholarship is aimed at helping the<br />

successful applicantwithfees associated<br />

with theircourse,such as tuitionfees,<br />

text books,and any courserelatedcostsor<br />

livingcosts.<br />

Applications, which mustincludea<br />

briefletter, and tworeferences with<br />

contactdetails,can be emailed to<br />

info@hurunuigardenfestival.com by<br />

October 31. Thecommittee canaward the<br />

scholarship to oneormore students,<br />

meaning thetotalamount of the<br />

See<br />

your<br />

experts<br />

in Rangiora!<br />

Wistful ... Wisteria frames the veranda of Vicky and Peter Black's<br />

home at Kintail, on Karaka Road, Waikari.<br />

scholarship would be split equally<br />

betweenrecipients.<br />

Ticketsare availablefromthe website<br />

—hurunuigardenfestival.com. Admission<br />

is $10 foranadult to visiteachgarden,<br />

payable on theday as theyenterthe<br />

garden. Children18years of age and<br />

under, accompanied by an adult,may<br />

enter forfree.<br />

Please have cash withyou as the<br />

gardens cannot processelectronic<br />

payments.Alternatively you canbuy a10<br />

ticket admission packthroughthe<br />

website.<br />

• Gardens, ,Lawn<br />

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Tidying up<br />

the garden?<br />

As well as using the<br />

kerbside organics bin,<br />

you can turn excess<br />

garden waste into<br />

compost by dropping<br />

it at the Southbrook<br />

Resource Recovery Park.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

15<br />

Planting in Spring for potatoes at Christmas<br />


New potatoes,freshlydug from the<br />

garden, are atreat for manyKiwisto<br />

enjoy at Christmas.<br />

However, for thattohappen<br />

planting preparations need to begin<br />

now,inSpring.<br />

Helen Roberts, who is oneofthe<br />

original gardenerswho established<br />

the KaiapoiCommunity Garden and<br />

still volunteers there,has seed<br />

potatoes ‘‘chitting’’ for her large home<br />

garden, near Woodend, and she plans<br />

to plant them soon.<br />

Chittingisthe process of<br />

encouraging seed potaoes to sprout<br />

before planting by placingthem on a<br />

trayinadry, shady place. This can<br />

takefour to six weeks.<br />

‘‘I will moundthem up straight<br />

away, thencover them withalayer of<br />

old hay, or other mulch,before<br />

covering the rows with two layers of<br />

frost cloth,because potatoes arefrost<br />

intolerant,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘Westill have frosts hereuntil Show<br />

Weekend(in November), so we don’t<br />

wantthem to haveasetback if we want<br />

themfor Christmas.’’<br />

The fastest growing varieties such as<br />

‘‘Rocket’’and ‘Swift’ take around 90<br />

daystobemature enough to dig, and<br />

certified seed potatoes should always<br />

be used becausethey are disease free,<br />

Helen says.<br />

Potatoes should be planted in a<br />

sunny part of the gardenbut not in the<br />

sameplace every year, or where<br />

tomatoes have previously been<br />

planted, to avoidblight, she says.<br />

The planting process begins by<br />

diggingatrench and then adding some<br />

specialisedpotatofertiliser to the soil<br />

to assistgrowth as potatoes are heavy<br />

feeders and require richsoil.<br />

Oncethat is donethe seedpotatoes<br />

<strong>September</strong> Bee Aware Month<br />

Beekeepers are calling on bee­lovers<br />

across New Zealand to take whataction<br />

they can to improvethe health and<br />

resilience of Kiwi bee populations this<br />

<strong>September</strong>for Bee Aware Month.<br />

Apiculture NewZealand,the national<br />

body representing beekeepers and honey<br />

producers, is asking KiwistoFeed the<br />

Bees by planting bee­friendly trees and<br />

plants this spring.<br />

‘‘Oneofthe best things Kiwibee lovers<br />

can do for our bees is to grow bee­friendly<br />

trees, wildflowers or shrubs in their<br />

gardens or public spaces.<br />

‘‘This provides essential nutrition for<br />

our bee populationensuring theycan be<br />

resilient in the faceofthe many challenges<br />

they face,’’ says Apiculture NewZealand<br />

chiefexecutive Karin Kos.<br />

Throughout<strong>September</strong>, Apiculture NZ<br />

members and supporters will be sharing<br />

information about planting for bees.<br />

When choosing whattoplant, Ms Kos<br />

recommends peoplevisit the New Zealand<br />

can be planted out, keeping them<br />

around25cm apart and then covering<br />

them with alayerofsoil around 5cm<br />

deep.<br />

When the shoots start to sprout<br />

through the soil it should be mounded<br />

up to almost coverthem and when<br />

watering the plants it is imporant to be<br />

careful to keepthe water away from<br />

the shoots as this can also cause<br />

blight, Helen says.<br />

As the shoots grow,continue to add<br />

to the mound, until the plantsare<br />

Treesfor BeesResearch Trustwebsite.<br />

‘‘Trees for Bees has done extensive work<br />

on identifyingthe best plants for beesand<br />

has producedregional planting guides,<br />

individualprofiles of star performingbee<br />

plants and adviceonplanting for home<br />

gardeners andruralproperty owners.<br />

They offer awealthofknowledge to<br />

gardeners and bee lovers.’’<br />

Many citrus and pip fruit trees are beefriendly,<br />

alongwith native plants like<br />

harakeke(flax) or rewarewa<br />

(honeysuckle).<br />

‘‘These offer bees excellent, ongoing<br />

sources of nutrition and well­nourished<br />

bees are better abletowithstand threats<br />

like varroa, habitat loss, climatechange<br />

and diseases,” Karinsays.<br />

Bee Aware Monthisanational<br />

educational campaign co­ordinatedby<br />

Apiculture NZ. Educationalresources<br />

producedfor schools,community groups<br />

and families to use are available on the<br />

Apiculture NewZealand website.<br />

around 30cm in height. Thiswill<br />

protect the plants and help the<br />

potatoes to develop.<br />

It also stops the new potatoes from<br />

turninggreen which makes them<br />

toxic.<br />

For more informationonhow to<br />

growpotatoes peoplecan visit the<br />

Kaiapoi Community Garden at 48­52<br />

Hilton Streetduring opening hoursor<br />

visit thegarden’s Facebook page for<br />

moredetailsabout the garden.<br />

Christmas potatoes ... Plant potatoes<br />

now for aChristmas treat.<br />


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<strong>23</strong>25634v1<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />



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In brief<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

17<br />

Amoment for te reo<br />


Takingamoment for te<br />

reo is becoming apopular<br />

activity for many Kiwis<br />

keen to learn the Maori<br />

language.<br />

Last week, at 12pm on<br />

Tuesday, all Kiwis were<br />

encouraged to take part in<br />

the nationwideMaori<br />

Language Moment.<br />

In Rangiora, librarian<br />

Amy Hallmark recorded a<br />

live reading in te reo of the<br />

children’sbook Kei hea a<br />

Spot? (Where Is Spot?) for<br />

the WaimakaririLibrary’s<br />

Facebook page duringthe<br />

Maori Language Moment.<br />

The initiative was part<br />

of Maori LanguageWeek<br />

(Te Wiki otereo Maori),<br />

from <strong>September</strong>13­19and<br />

recognisedthe day and the<br />

hour in 1972 when agroup<br />

of Maori language<br />

champions presented a<br />

petition with 30,000<br />

signatures, on the steps of<br />

parlaiment in Wellington<br />

calling for te reo to be<br />

taughtinschools.<br />

Participants in the<br />

Maori Language Moment<br />

had to register online and<br />

could celebrate the<br />

language in any way they<br />

chose.<br />

AMaoriLanguage<br />

Commissionspokesperson<br />

says those who<br />

championedtereo when it<br />

was socially and potically<br />

unacceptable to do so, will<br />

alwaysberemembered.<br />

Librarian ... Amy Hallmark<br />

‘‘We wanted people to<br />

sign up for the Maori<br />

Language Moment so in<br />

years to come,just as<br />

peoplelook back at the<br />

Maori Language Petition<br />

now, peoplewill lookback<br />

and see who joinedthe<br />

Maori Language Moment<br />

in <strong>2021</strong>.’’<br />

According to the<br />

Ministry of Education, te<br />

reo Maori is apopular<br />

learning option in schools.<br />

‘‘We haveanincreasing<br />

demand on the system<br />

from students and whanau<br />

(Maori and non Maori) to<br />

providetereo Maori in all<br />

learning environments<br />

across educatiion.’’<br />

Last year’sministry<br />

figuresshow 30,626 pupils<br />

studiedtereo and 1324<br />

studiedtereo rangatira<br />

for nativespeakers.<br />

Siren testing<br />

Don’t be alarmed if you hear asiren in one of Waimakariri’s beach communities at<br />

around 1pm on Monday.<br />

Waimakariri Civil Defence is conductingatest of its coastal tsunami warning<br />

sirens at 1pmnext Monday as part of its routine check.<br />

Communities living in beach areaswill hear the alarms,which are beingtested to<br />

ensure they are operating correctly.<br />

There are threesirens in the Waimakariri district, stationedatThe Pines /<br />

Kairaki, Woodend and Waikuku beaches.<br />

The sirens are tested at least twice ayear, usually on the first working day<br />

following achange to or from Daylight Savings.<br />

Adaytime test, during working hours, is chosen in order to minimise the<br />

inconvenience for the coastal communities.<br />

The test will proceed as long as the region stays within Covid­19 Alert Level 2or<br />

below.<br />

It will be cancelledifthe region moves to Level 3orhigher on Monday.<br />

The test usually takes around one minute to complete and depending on the wind<br />

conditions, the sound maytravel further inland to other townships.<br />

The sirens play acritical role in the district’s preparations for the risk of a<br />

tsunami, which would most likely be triggered by an off­shore earthquake.<br />

If anear­source tsunami was to occur, there may not be enough time for the sirens<br />

to activate, so if you feel an earthquake and it's long or strong, evacuate yourself<br />

immediately.<br />

E­Scooter speed restrictions<br />

The impending arrival of pink e­scooters is creatingsome interest among readers,<br />

especially around the speed limits.<br />

Flamingo Scooters says its e­scooters have abuilt­in speed restriction and<br />

Flamingo utilisesspeed governance to ensure scooters can never exceed the<br />

maximum speed limit of 25kph.<br />

The e­scooters arealso programmed to not exceed 15kph in alow speed zones.<br />

Geo­fencing also means thee­scooters will stop immediately if auser attemptsto<br />

enter the exclusion zone, the High and Durham Streetshops in Rangiora.<br />

Lost and found<br />

The following property is reported as lost to the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> police ­have you<br />

seen it?<br />

Acellphoneinred case, an iPhone SE with ared back, aSamsung Galaxy S10 with<br />

ablue back, apouch containing prescription medicine, ablack Warehouse<br />

cellphone with raised keypad, ablack CAT S<strong>23</strong> cellphone, and an Oppo AX5 pink<br />

cellphone in black case<br />

The following property is waiting to be claimed: Abrown leather “Barkers”<br />

cardholder (Kaiapoi)<br />


Engineering at<br />

Ara ‘abreath of<br />

fresh air’<br />

From ayoung age, Stuart Jacksonwas<br />

into motorbikes. It gave him apassion<br />

forall things mechanical so acareerin<br />

mechanical engineeringwas an obvious<br />

choice.<br />

After highschooland agap year<br />

workingasasupermarketdutymanager,<br />

Stuart went to universitytostudy<br />

engineeringbut after ayear, he decidedit<br />

wasn’t forhim. “I didn’t enjoyit,”hesays.<br />

Stuart returned to theworkforce,<br />

workingfor AshbyConcreteand<br />

participating in itsparentcompany’s<br />

traineemanagementprogramme.<br />

However, hisdesire to studyhadn’t gone<br />

away.<br />

He chosetostudy engineeringagain,<br />

but this time at Ara, after afamily<br />

friendrecommended theBachelor of<br />

EngineeringTechnology. “Ara’s degreewas<br />

only threeyears,whichsuitedmebecause<br />

Iwantedtoget back into theworkforce as<br />

soon as possible.”<br />

Stuart discovered abig contrast between<br />

universityand Ara. “Afteruniversity, Ara<br />

wasabreathoffresh airinterms of the<br />

tutor’s engagement with students andthe<br />

more intimate learningenvironment.The<br />

tutorswereveryhonest, down-to-earth<br />

andincredibly bright.Beingabletolearn<br />

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so closelyfromthemwas fantastic.”<br />

Stuart says ago-cartproject, several<br />

interestingfieldtrips andthe practical<br />

approachtoproblem solvingwereamong<br />

highlightsofthe course.<br />

Sixyears on from graduating,Stuartis<br />

nowcommercial directorand machine<br />

designmanager forMotovated Design&<br />

Analysis, amechanical design consultancy<br />

establishedin1999.<br />

He says oneofthe things that’s helped<br />

him advanceinthe companyisthe fact<br />

that he’s kept everycoursenote, exam<br />

paper, hand-out andtextbook from his<br />

time at Ara.<br />

“Wheneveramechanical problem<br />

comesacrossmydesk, Irememberthat<br />

Icovered that subjectatAra so Ihunt<br />

throughall of my notestofind what I<br />

need.It’smade me quitesuccessfulhereas<br />

Ihavethe abilitytobreak down complex<br />

real-world problemsintosmaller,solvable<br />

blocks.”<br />

Stuart planstostayatMotovatedfor the<br />

foreseeablefuture, but oneday he’d like<br />

to starthis ownbusiness andmaybe even<br />

return to Aratoteach.<br />

Ara’sBachelorofEngineering<br />

Technology starts inFebruary. For<br />

detailsvisit ara.ac.nz.

NEWS<br />

18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Afantastical world on show<br />

The firstsolo exhibitionofpaintings by<br />

Fernside artistNikki Parker, Oh, Such<br />

Foolishness!,isbornfromthe need to<br />

tonedownthe dark humourshe is<br />

known for.<br />

For this work she has‘‘swung the<br />

other way’’ andusedink and<br />

watercolourtocreatea‘‘ fantastical<br />

worl’’doverflowing withcolour.<br />

‘‘Sometimes thingsjustneed to to be<br />

fun,stillquirky, still very muchmebut<br />

less‘checkher intothe nearest psych<br />

ward’.’’<br />

Oh, SuchFoolishness! has appeal for<br />

all ages, Nikki says.<br />

She grewupwithapencilinher hand<br />

and herartworkhas been fuelled by a<br />

‘‘bizarre’’ imagination.<br />

Bird contest opens soon<br />

The dates are set for New Zealand’s most<br />

eggcellentannualbird battle, and Kiwis<br />

everywhere are gettingreadyto<br />

campaign.<br />

VotinginForest&Bird's Bird of the<br />

Year/ Te Manu Rongonui oteTau opens<br />

on October 18 and closestwo weekslater,<br />

with the winner announced on<br />

November 1.<br />

Among the finalists are Kaikoura’s<br />

Hutton’s shearwaterand the dotterel,<br />

along with AshleyRakahuri’s wrybill.<br />

‘‘This year’s competition could really<br />

cause aflap,’’says Forest &Bird’s Bird of<br />

the Year spokespersonLaura Keown.<br />

This year the Bird of the Year website<br />

will featureNew ZealandSign Language<br />

translations for many of our native<br />

species,alongside both their te reo Maori<br />

and Englishnames, bird call,and<br />

conservation status.<br />

‘‘This is the 16th annual Bird of the<br />

Year and we're expecting it will ruffle<br />

‘‘Creatingbecame anecessity to stay<br />

sane, or close to,’’ shesays.<br />

Nikki enjoysexperimentingand<br />

pushing theboundarieswithher<br />

artwork, fromlarge framedpiecesto<br />

her small charactersand she is<br />

currently on an illustration journey<br />

‘‘for theyoung ,young at heartand<br />

slightly twisted.’’<br />

Oh, SuchFoolishness! opened at the<br />

ChamberGallery ,inthe Rangiora<br />

Librarylast Sunday andwillrun until<br />

<strong>September</strong>30.<br />

People attendingthe exhibitionwill<br />

havethe opportunitytogointhedraw to<br />

win alimitededition print by<br />

identifying acharacter (Bungle)hidden<br />

in five of thepaintings.<br />

some feathers,’’ Laura says.<br />

‘‘We’ve got somesurprises in store,and<br />

our high­flying volunteer campaign<br />

managers are ready for their bird<br />

campaigns to take­off.’’<br />

Kakapo was the winnerlast year, with<br />

toroa /Antipodeanalbatrossswooping<br />

into second, and the come­back­king<br />

kakaruia /black robin coming in third.<br />

‘‘Climate change and habitat loss are<br />

huge threats to Aotearoa, and about 80<br />

percent of our birds arethreatened or at<br />

risk of extinction,’’ Laurasays.<br />

‘‘We really need to put nature at the<br />

heart of New Zealand’s climate plan, and<br />

make sure our amazingnative species<br />

are here for futuregenerations.’’<br />

‘‘The good news is, when we care for<br />

our nativespecies, we also care for each<br />

other.<br />

‘‘When our rivers, forests,and oceans<br />

are healthy,our climate, wildlife, and<br />

communities are betteroff too.’’<br />

Ukefest ... Christchurch band, Secret Lives of Ukelele,which will feature in the Ukefest in<br />

Kaikoura this weekend.<br />


Ukeleles come to town<br />


Kaikoura will come alivewith the sound<br />

of music thisweekend when the firstever<br />

Kaikoura Ukefest hitstown.<br />

‘‘There will be an infiltration of<br />

ukeleles,’’ saysthe organiser Gay<br />

Newman, who is amember of the<br />

Christchurchband the Secret Livesof<br />

Ukelele. ‘‘Come along and be part of the<br />

commotion.’’<br />

The festival is being held tomorrow,<br />

Saturday and Sunday at outdoor and<br />

indoorvenuesaround the town with<br />

musiciansfrom all around the South<br />

Islandbooked to perform.<br />

The indoorperformances will be for<br />

registered,ticketholders onlytoattend,<br />

but the remainder of the events being<br />

performed outdoors around the town will<br />

be free for the public to enjoy.<br />

The festival is something Gay has been<br />

interested in organisingfor sometime.<br />

‘‘Thisismybaby. Ihave familyhere and<br />

Ireally wanted to do something for the<br />

town becauseitishas beenthrough so<br />

much. Iamreallyhoping it willbring<br />

some life back into this lovely town.’’<br />

The Covid­19 Alert Level 2restrictions<br />

have complicatedplans for the festival,<br />

but there has been agreat deal of interest<br />

in the eventand Gay is ‘‘justpleased’’ it<br />

can stillgoahead as a‘‘mini festival’,<br />

albeitunder isolation restrictions.<br />

The three­day festival will include live<br />

concert performances at Donegal House,<br />

streetperformers in the Kaikoura central<br />

business district, music workshops in the<br />

Kaikoura Memorial Hall, with masterof<br />

ceremonies Sally Lane.<br />

Although the Covid­19 isolation<br />

restrictionswill meanasmaller crowd<br />

than Gay had initially hoped would attend<br />

the festival, she is hopingthat it will prove<br />

popular and eventually becomeanannual<br />

event in the town.<br />

More detailsabout the festival can be<br />

found on the Kaikoura Ukefest<strong>2021</strong> page<br />

on Facebook.<br />

From theWaimakariri River<br />

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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> has well prepared ads<br />

and great coverage around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Craig Schroder,<br />

General Manager, Arthur BurkeLtd<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport & Recreation Trust<br />

relies on NC <strong>News</strong> to get our message out across the<br />

whole region. NC <strong>News</strong> has the best in local grass<br />

roots content that captures the readers we want to<br />

keep inform about our FitnessCentresandthemany<br />

programmesandeventsweruntosupportthehealth<br />

andwellbeing of everyone in our community.<br />

Tony Kean,<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Sport &Recreation Trust<br />

Phone - 03 314 8335<br />

Email - dayna.burton@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Office-14 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

*Source: <strong>2021</strong> Nielsen Readership Survey—<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> vs <strong>North</strong>ern Outlook average readership each issue<br />

*Source: Nielsen readership surveyQ32020 –Q2<strong>2021</strong> all people 15+

NEWS<br />

20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Covid can’tstop birthday<br />

The fourthanniversary of<br />

Kaiapoi’s Food Forest was<br />

marked withacommunity<br />

day under strictsocial<br />

distancing, according to<br />

Covid­19 Alert Level 2<br />

restrictions.<br />

People lined up at the<br />

gatesat9am waiting to get<br />

into the garden before the<br />

celebrations beganat<br />

10.30am on Saturday.<br />

‘‘We had to be so careful<br />

to keep visitors to the 100<br />

allowed in an open space<br />

underLevel 2<br />

restrictions,’’ Kaiapoi<br />

Food Forest chairperson<br />

BrentCairns said.<br />

‘‘There were onlya<br />

relatively small number of<br />

stalls because of the Covid<br />

restrictions, but they were<br />

popular and all the plants<br />

we had for sale sold really<br />

quickly. It hasbeen a<br />

lovely day.’’<br />

The food forest was<br />

established as the<br />

Waimakariri district’s first<br />

community­led<br />

regeneration projects,<br />

following the 2010 and<br />

2011 earthquakes, opening<br />

in <strong>September</strong> 2017.<br />

Food with adifference ...<br />

Inga, who is originally<br />

from Russia but now lives<br />

in New Brighton, brought<br />

an edible weeds stall to the<br />

fourth anniversary<br />

celebrations at the Kaiapoi<br />

Food Forest on Saturday.<br />


WaiYouth cancels party<br />

WaiYouth’s All Night Party is thelatest<br />

casualty of Covid­19.<br />

The WaiYouth teamhas decided to<br />

cancel its6th annual All Night Party,<br />

scheduled for Friday, October 1, due to<br />

uncertainty around alertlevels.<br />

‘‘This was adifficult decision as they<br />

really love organising this iconic<br />

annual event, which eachyear has<br />

attractedaround200 young people<br />

from our district,’’ Waimakariri<br />

DistrictCouncil youthdevelopment<br />

facilitator Emily Belton says.<br />

The eventhas attractedyouthfrom<br />

all over the Waimakaririand Hurunui<br />

districts in recent years.<br />

Despite the disappointment,<br />

WaiYouth has already begun<br />

discussing ‘‘what’s next?’’<br />

‘‘They are planningtoorganisea<br />

couple of smaller events this year that<br />

support both young people andthe<br />

widercommunity,’’ Emily says.<br />

‘‘Rather than resting on their laurels,<br />

WaiYouth has used this short hiatusto<br />

reframe theirpriorities,focusing on<br />

makingadifference.’’<br />

WaiYouth had already begun<br />

collaborating with localenvironmental<br />

groupsand othercommunity<br />

initiatives, including plantings,<br />

helping with the recent Ashley<br />

Rakahuriri Riverclean­upand helping<br />

out at last month’sMainpower Stadium<br />

opening.<br />

‘‘We are reallyproudofthis group of<br />

young people ­theirresilience,<br />

dedication and agility to adapttothe<br />

challenging environment thatweare<br />

currentlyliving in,’’ Emily says.<br />

WaiYouth has also confirmedthat All<br />

Night Party will be back in 2022, so<br />

watchthis space.<br />

To keepuptodate, follow WaiYouth<br />

on Facebook and Instagram. WaiYouth<br />

also hasawebsite waiyouth.nz.<br />

Kaiapoi garden workshop<br />

Aworkshop on how to start avegetable<br />

garden is being held at the Kaiapoi<br />

Community Garden this Saturday<br />

(<strong>September</strong> 25).<br />

‘‘It is an annual event held at the<br />

garden, every spring’’, says Mandy<br />

Griener, avolunteer at the garden.<br />

‘‘It is for new gardeners to come along<br />

and encourage them to grow their own<br />

vegetables,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘I think alot of people would like to<br />

have their own vegetable garden but<br />

they think it is too hard and it takes too<br />

much time.<br />

‘‘We want to show them how easy it is<br />

and how rewarding it is growing your<br />

own vegetables.’’<br />

The free workshop begins at the<br />

garden, in the grounds of Kaiapoi<br />

Borough School at 48­52 Hilton Street,<br />

in Kaiapoi,at10am.<br />

Participants will also be shown how to<br />

germinate seeds, howtoplant out<br />

seedlingsand how to prepare agarden.<br />

There will also be apresentation on<br />

how to grow organic produce and how to<br />

makecompost.<br />

The event will be held under strict<br />

alertlevel two Covid­19 restrictions.<br />

Sign in is essential, masks will be<br />

required, hand sanitiser will be<br />

available at the gardenand asafe<br />

distance must be maintained between<br />

those taking part.<br />


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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Look out for returning shearwater birds<br />


Kaikoura’s iconic Hutton’s<br />

shearwater birds have begun<br />

returning home.<br />

The annual return means<br />

residents are once again being<br />

asked to keep an eye for their<br />

feathered friends.<br />

The Hutton’s shearwater/titi<br />

live in two colonies in the<br />

Kaikoura mountains (the<br />

Kowhai River and the Puhi<br />

Peaks Nature Reserve) and one<br />

on the peninsula, with the adult<br />

seabirds returning home each<br />

spring for nesting, then flying<br />

out each autumn for their<br />

winter feeding grounds.<br />

Adults and young birds<br />

(fledglings) can easily ‘‘crash<br />

land’’ in and around Kaikoura<br />

because of artificial lighting at<br />

night.<br />

Road users should approach<br />

any dark shapes on the road<br />

with care.<br />

Birds can also gather in big<br />

groups (known as rafts) when<br />

feeding, so boaties should also<br />

take care.<br />

Hutton’s Shearwater<br />

Charitable Trust chairperson<br />

Ted Howard says there are<br />

good numbers of birds in the<br />

peninsula colony, with 37<br />

burrows occupied.<br />

‘‘They’re doing well.<br />

‘‘They’re not laying yet, but<br />

they’re getting ready which is<br />

good.<br />

‘‘I suspect the birds up in the<br />

Kowhai will be struggling abit<br />

with the snow.’’<br />

The 2016 earthquake had a<br />

Royal approval ... Hutton’s Shearwater Charitable Trust chairperson<br />

Ted Howard introduces Prince Charles to aHutton’s shearwater chick<br />

during the Royal Visit to Kaikoura in 2019.<br />


devastating effect on the<br />

Kowhai colony, with birds<br />

nesting in their burrows at the<br />

time of the quake.<br />

But with returning birds, the<br />

numbers seem to have bounced<br />

back reasonably well despite<br />

the ongoing threats posed by<br />

predators, Mr Howard says.<br />

Aferal cat(s) is thought to<br />

have been troubling the<br />

Kowhai colony recently,<br />

despite it being 4500 feet above<br />

sea level.<br />

‘‘I wasn’t able to trap it, but<br />

we pick it on image sensoring,’’<br />

Mr Howard says.<br />

The peninsula colony has had<br />

some issues of its own with a<br />

mouse infestation.<br />

‘‘We’ve had to go and secure<br />

the mouse proof meshing and<br />

now we’ve got to eradicate the<br />

mice,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘I suspect there’s still a<br />

couple of hundred mice there.<br />

‘‘If they get good feed they<br />

can build up high numbers and<br />

21<br />

Homeward journey ... Hutton’s shearwater birds are returning home<br />

to Kaikoura for nesting.<br />

then they eat all their food, so<br />

they go after the chicks.’’<br />

Anyone who finds alost<br />

Hutton’s shearwater should<br />

place the bird in anon­airtight<br />

container or cardboard box and<br />

be delivered to Encounter<br />

Kaikoura at 96 Esplanade<br />

between 7.30am and 4pm.<br />

It will not need food or water<br />

and should not be handled<br />

more than necessary and keep<br />

it in aquiet, dry and cool place<br />

overnight.<br />

Agrounded shearwater may<br />

appear clumsy on land, unable<br />

to take­off or walk, but this is<br />

normal.<br />

If the bird has any signs of<br />

injury, eyes shutting or an<br />

inability to maintain balance<br />

when sitting, it will need to be<br />

picked up.<br />

Call the Department of<br />

Conservation on 0800 362468 or<br />

the Hutton’s Shearwater<br />

Charitable Trust on (021)<br />

0491486.<br />

Go to huttonsshearwater.org.<br />

nz to learn more.<br />



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48 Hours exhibition delay<br />

Theshowmust go on,even ifithas to be<br />

delayed untilNovember.<br />

Covid­19has disruptedtheannual48<br />

Hours in Kaikoura photography<br />

competition, delayingthe judging and<br />

forcingthe exhibitiontobepostponed<br />

until November.<br />

Organiser Neroli Goldsays judging was<br />

finallycompletedlastFriday,after it was<br />

delayed duetothe lockdown.<br />

‘‘Wehad the least number of entries<br />

ever,but the quality was extremely high<br />

so judgingtookmuchlongerthannormal.<br />

‘‘Iamreleasingthenames of the<br />

winners to theentrants,but Iamgoingto<br />

askthemtokeeptheirimagesoffline<br />

until the exhibition to help drivevisitors<br />

to theevent.’’<br />

This year’soverall winner is John Vasta<br />

forhis photo TheDucks Deluxe,which<br />

also wonthe nature /wildlife category.<br />

John Vastaalsowon theland/seascape<br />

category withhis photo Beach Hideaway<br />

Other winners included HollySouth<br />

(11) in thejunior category forher photo<br />

Hapuku,ZoeBattersby for That’s<br />

Amusing in theportrait /peoplecategory,<br />

Marc Angelo’sphoto 10,000Light Years<br />

From Home won thethe dark skycategory<br />

andZarahGreen’s photo Inarush? Stop<br />

andadmire the beauty won the open<br />

category.<br />

Kaikoura’s MayfairArts andCulture<br />

Centre is unable to host theexhibition<br />

this month due to Alert Level2<br />

restrictionsand with anexhibition<br />

already plannedfor October, the48<br />

Hours in Kaikoura exhibitionwill nowbe<br />

heldfrom November 20 to December 4.<br />

The Mayfair centre will be open to the<br />

public dailyfrom10amTuesday to<br />

Sundayfor the duration of theexhibition.<br />

Results:<br />

Junior:<br />

Holly South (11) Hapuku 1, Cameron<br />

South (11) RockyRoad 2, HollySouth (11)<br />

MellowYellow 3, TaylorHeger (11) Shards<br />

of Memories andIsla Heger (11) Iwonder<br />

where they are going? highly commended.<br />

Portrait or people:<br />

ZoeBattersby That’sAmusing 1, Nyree<br />

Alexander Areweready yet? 2,Zarah<br />

Green Riding the wave 3, Linley<br />

Earnshaw TheSelfie highlycommended.<br />

Nature /wildlife:<br />

John Vasta TheDucks Deluxe 1, Robyn<br />

Hay PlayingBefore theStorm 2, Zarah<br />

Green Majestic gulls 3­equal, Kristen<br />

Kinny Let it show 3­equal, Rhonda South<br />

Throughthe Trees andZarah Green<br />

Buriedtreasure highlycommended.<br />

Land or seascape:<br />

John Vasta BeachHideaway 1, Marc<br />

Angelo Sunrise over Kaikoura 2,Linley<br />

Earnshaw Dawn 3, Zarah Green Kaikoura<br />

bynight highlycommended.<br />

Dark sky:<br />

Marc Angelo 10,000Light Years from<br />

Home 1,ZarahGreen Space Kiwiover<br />

Kaikoura 2, NyreeAlexander Star Sailing<br />

3, Marc Angelo Jimmy ArmersBeachby<br />

Night highlycommended.<br />

Open:<br />

ZarahGreen Inarush? Stop and admire<br />

the beauty 1,SusanneDunnet GoneViral<br />

2, Nyree Alexander Heather Honeymoon<br />

the WeddingCow 3,RhondaSouth Marine<br />

Chart highly commended.<br />

OverallWinner:<br />

John Vasta TheDucks Deluxe.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>23</strong><br />

Cans for food banks<br />


Asurge in demand for food parcels in<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> duringlockdown has<br />

seen BayleysCans for aCause food drive<br />

extendedtothe end of <strong>September</strong>.<br />

Now in its secondyear, Cans for aCause<br />

is acollaborationbetween Bayleys <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and the Community Wellbeing<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust to helplocal<br />

families struggling to put foodonthe table.<br />

Bayleys <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> property<br />

consultantJan McCormick says winteris<br />

especially tough for some families, so the<br />

food drive was originally planned for<br />

August.<br />

‘‘Buthearing of the increased needinour<br />

community, we decided to extend the<br />

collection date to helpmore families across<br />

the Hurunuiand Waimakariri,’’she says.<br />

Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Trustmanager Deirdre Ryansays demand<br />

for food has beensohigh thatsome <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> food banks wereliterallyout of<br />

food during lockdown.<br />

‘‘Thankstogenerouscommunity<br />

donations to Cans for aCause prior to<br />

lockdown, we were able to respond quickly<br />

to help these foodbanks replenish their<br />

supplies and get foodout to families in<br />

urgent need,’’ she says.<br />

Anumber of primary schoolsin<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> are supportingCans for a<br />

Causewith events such as crazy headress<br />

day, sausage sizzles,mufti days or a<br />

wellbeing afternoon.<br />

This yearBayleys <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

manager Ross Ditmer is giving away $1000<br />

on behalf of Bayleystoa<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

primary school.<br />

All participatingprimaryschools will go<br />

Cans for cause ... Roger Hornblow, of the<br />

Hurunui District Council community team,<br />

accepts adelivery of food from Community<br />

Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> to deliver to<br />

Hurunui food banks.<br />


in the drawtowin theprize to put towards<br />

sports equipment.<br />

Anyone who wouldlike to donate to Cans<br />

for aCausecan drop their donation into the<br />

trolley at theBayleysoffice at 251 High<br />

Street, Rangiora, or phone(03) 3118020.<br />

Anything you would buy in yourown<br />

groceryshopping thatisnot perishable,<br />

and has agood shelflife, makesagreat<br />

donation, saysDeirdre.<br />

Itemslike toiletries, dishwashing liquid<br />

and laundry powder are welcome also.<br />

Phone: 021­454656 or email:<br />

marketing@wellbeingnc.org.nz.<br />

“Is there<br />

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emissions?”<br />

“How can I<br />

reduce my<br />

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rightnow?”<br />

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Got questions about loweremissions? We can help.<br />



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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

NC services step up in uncertain times<br />


25<br />

Local mental health advocates are<br />

seeking to normalise ‘‘health­seeking<br />

behaviour’’.<br />

As they look ahead to Mental Health<br />

Awareness Week next week, <strong>September</strong><br />

27 to October 3, the partners of<br />

Waimakariri’s Wailife Suicide<br />

Prevention Action Group want to help<br />

people find the tools to better mental<br />

wellbeing.<br />

Waimakariri District Council safe<br />

community facilitator Nicola Trolove<br />

says local organisations are keen to<br />

showcase what services are available in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> to support the<br />

community through the uncertainty of<br />

Covid­19.<br />

‘‘There’s alot of negative messaging<br />

out there and people are busy beavering<br />

away to offer that support.<br />

‘‘We want people to know that support<br />

is available and our partners are keen to<br />

make themselves more accessible and to<br />

normalise health­seeking behaviour.<br />

‘‘It’s about putting aface on service<br />

providers, because sometimes it’s easier<br />

to access help if you are familiar with<br />

them.’’<br />

The Wailife Suicide Prevention Action<br />

Group is running asocial media<br />

campaign to coincide with Mental Health<br />

Awareness Week, offering people tools<br />

around taking action for their own health<br />

and wellbeing and where to find support.<br />

Nicola says the Mental Health<br />

Foundation’s ‘‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’’,<br />

of connect, be active, keep learning, give<br />

and take notice, and the Maori holistic<br />

health model Te Whare Tapu Wha<br />

provide agood basis for improving your<br />

wellbeing.<br />

‘‘<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is amazing for the<br />

services we have and how they all work in<br />

together.<br />

‘‘Sometimes it’s hard to find the right<br />

Nicola Trolove<br />

help, but the message is you’ve got to<br />

have hope of help.<br />

‘‘We want our community to see a<br />

collective response from aunited group<br />

of people who are working together.’’<br />

Local services include: Comcare Trust,<br />

the Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust (and Kaiapoi<br />

Community Support), the Oxford<br />

Community Trust, Barnardos,<br />

Presbyterian Support, the Hope<br />

Community Trust, Waitaha Primary<br />

Health (rural <strong>Canterbury</strong>) and Pegasus<br />

Health health improvement<br />

practitioners (HIPs), Rangiora and<br />

Kaiapoi High Schools’ guidance<br />

counsellors, the Rangiora Youth Trust<br />

24/7 workers, the Mental Health<br />

Education Resource Centre, the Step<br />

Ahead Trust, Yellow Brick Road, the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural Support Trust<br />

and Lifeline.<br />

If you believe someone may be at risk<br />

of suicide consider the ‘‘AEIOU of<br />

Seek support ... Local groups are promoting ‘health­seeking behaviour’ for Mental Health<br />

Awareness Week.<br />


suicide prevention’’: ask them, ensure<br />

their immediate safety, identify<br />

perceived problems, offer hope and use<br />

professionals.<br />

If you are worried about your own or<br />

someone else's mental health, the best<br />

place to get help is your GP or local<br />

mental health provider.<br />

In an emergency call the police<br />

immediately on 111 or phone the Crisis<br />

Response line on 0800 920092.<br />

Free call or text 1737 (available 24/7).<br />

Support is also available from Lifeline<br />

on 0800 543354.<br />

Youthline 0800 376633, free text <strong>23</strong>4 or<br />

email talk@youthline.co.nz or online<br />

chat.<br />

Kidsline 0800 543754.<br />

Suicide Prevention Line 0508 Tautoko<br />

(0508 828865).<br />

HowMarvelHealth delivers<br />

advanced diagnostics and<br />

science-based naturalmedicine<br />


At MarvelHealth,our focusisonregenerative and<br />

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The scan searches forthe underlyingcausesofhealth<br />

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toxicity or food allergies. Furthermore, it searches<br />

forthe causes of organdamagesuchasnarrowing<br />

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deficiencies.<br />

After studying thescanreports, Marvel Health doctors<br />

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During your 30-minutetele-consultation with the<br />

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We only recommendscience-based naturalremedies<br />

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unique becauseitrecognisesand searches forharmful<br />

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OurMarvelHealth LifestyleSpecialists spend30<br />

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your health andtheyprepare adetailedreportwith<br />

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However, your healthcarecontinues even after<br />

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We follow-uponyourhealth andare theretoassist<br />

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CALL TODAY 03 669 5410 www.marvel.health<br />

Disclaimer: The inspection from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. It is not designed to state the final diagnosis

NEWS<br />

26 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Be kind to yourself says advocate<br />


ARangiora­based mental<br />

health advocate is<br />

encouraging people to be<br />

kind to themselves in atime<br />

of uncertainty.<br />

Next week(<strong>September</strong> 27<br />

to October 3) is Mental<br />

Health Awareness Week<br />

andDepression Support<br />

Network facilitator Bryon<br />

Cope says the week is<br />

opportunity for peopletake<br />

stock of where they are at as<br />

we waitfor morecertainty<br />

around Covid­19 alert<br />

levels.<br />

‘‘For me every day is<br />

mental health awareness<br />

week when I’m working,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘Iguess for me it’s around<br />

just rememberingtobe<br />

gentletoyourself and think<br />

about what’s important to<br />

you.’’<br />

TheMentalHealth<br />

Foundation’s‘‘Five Waysto<br />

Wellbeing’’, of connect, be<br />

active, keep learning,give<br />

andtake notice, provide a<br />

good basis for ahealthy life.<br />

Bryon encouragespeople<br />

to make surethey are eating<br />

andsleeping well,getting<br />

plenty of exerciseand good<br />

communication is<br />

important.<br />

‘‘It’s about goingback to<br />

thebasics,ifyou are<br />

struggling to think about<br />

what you like doing.<br />

‘‘Ithink we can losesight<br />

of what makesusfeel real.<br />

Whether it’s reading abook,<br />

getting you hands into soil<br />

or doing apuzzle, you just<br />

need to get backtowhat you<br />

feel happy doing.<br />

‘‘Duetothe dominant<br />

narrative, we thinkwehave<br />

to do bigthings to change<br />

our world, but it’s just about<br />

getting back to whatfeeds<br />

our soul.’’<br />

Some times ‘‘doing<br />

nothing’’ canbejust as<br />

important for your<br />

wellbeing as accomplishing<br />

goals.<br />

Drawing on the Olympic<br />

Gamesand the Paralympics<br />

whichwere recentlyonour<br />

television screens, Bryon<br />

says eliteathletes ‘‘do not<br />

trainatthe same intensity<br />

everyday’’ and the same<br />

applies to us.<br />

As one commentator said<br />

during the Olympic Games,<br />

rest is an undervalued, but<br />

important partof<br />

preparation.<br />

Beingkind to yourself<br />

doesn’t necessarily mean<br />

giving up your habits in<br />

favour of being healthy,<br />

Bryonsays.<br />

‘‘When it comesto<br />

drinking, it may meanone<br />

beer as opposed to five, or<br />

instead of buyingadozen,<br />

buy asix­packand put two<br />

in the fridgeatatime.<br />

‘‘People thinkit’s all or<br />

nothing, but it doesn’t need<br />

to be.’’<br />

If you havenot been to the<br />

doctor in awhile, now is a<br />

Be kind ... Bryon Cope has some mental health tips.<br />

goodtime for acheck up, he<br />

says.<br />

And with anxiety around<br />

the Covid­19 vaccine, Bryon<br />

saysseek advice.<br />

‘‘Ifyou are OK with it, do<br />

it, and if youare<br />

uncomfortable do your<br />

researchand seek advise<br />

fromyour GP.’’<br />


Springisalso atime to<br />

reset,hesays.<br />

‘‘It’scominginto spring,<br />

it’s not 12 months of the<br />

year and nor is our mental<br />

health, it goes through<br />

changes too.<br />

‘‘It’sabout whatyou feel<br />

comfortabledoing at the<br />

level you are at.’’<br />


Sailing<br />

An easterly wind maderacing funatthe<br />

Pleasant Point YachtClub’101st season<br />

openingheldlastSaturday at South<br />

Brighton.<br />

About50members and guests joined in<br />

the opening ceremony before 17 crewsand<br />

theiryachts tackled theblustery conditions<br />

in an assortment of multi­hulls,trailer,<br />

sunburst and sailqube yachts.<br />

Club official Nigel Humphrey said itwas<br />

agreatturnout forthe startofthe season as<br />

the yachtstooktheir turn at lining up for<br />

the Mark Foy handicap formatted race,<br />

wherethe slowest starts first forthe hour<br />

andahalf racearound the estuaryatSouth<br />

Brighton.<br />

In the multi­hullrace for the Eric Orange<br />

trophy,Ian Douglas andSimonThompson<br />

won aboard Iznerz,aWetatrimaran, from<br />

James Cains in Neva Weta, while in thePet<br />

CupNoémiGulliver andGraeme Hore<br />

werefirstaboardTafua(Sunburstclass).<br />

In theNinaMandertrophy Dan<br />

O’Sullivan in Humbug (Firebug) was first<br />

from Arthur MahoninAphid (Firebug).<br />

AmberleyGolf Club<br />

Women’s championship: BPettigrew<br />

beatSLee,JBrownbtAWilshire, J<br />

Cumming bt BScott,SPratt bt JYates.<br />

WomenLGU: SPratt61, KPercy 71, L<br />

Robertson 71. Men: BYates 70, GSmith 71,<br />

RWilshire 73,GDunlop 73, BMills74, R<br />

Hornblow74, SDalkie 74, BFitzgerald 74.<br />

MidWeek Men: KRayner 42,JWigley 39, D<br />

Smith 37,SJohns37. MidWeekWomen: S<br />

Pratt 65, JBrown70, BPettigrew 71, K<br />

Percy71. 9­Holers: OPatchett22, HKemp<br />

20,LEdwards20.<br />

Waimakariri Gorge Women’sGolf<br />

ThirdChampionship Qualifying<br />

18­Holes:Silver:N.Weavers, 88, 1.<br />

Intermediate: LPatton92, 1;JBlatch 97,L<br />

Steele, 97,equal 2; LSmith98, 3. Junior: S<br />

Gillespie, 110,1;KBush,112, 2; PRivers,<br />

114,3.9Holes: VMcKenzie, 59,RRoy, 59<br />

equal1;VMcKenzie 59, RRoy 59 equal 2;<br />

JDeans60, 3.

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

27<br />

Out and about in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

The waiting game ... Fishing and whitebaiting was in full swing at the Waimakariri River mouth at Kairaki Beach, near Kaiapoi.<br />


Busking ... Willie McArthur, of Oxford, performs<br />

at the Amberley Farmers Market.<br />

Helping to create aforest ... Waimakariri District Council<br />

community projects officer Mike Kwant was on duty during<br />

the Honda Forest community planting day in Kaiapoi on<br />

Saturday.<br />

Keeping watch ... Seagulls wait for the spoils at the<br />

Waimakariri River mouth at Kairaki Beach, near Kaiapoi.<br />

Father and son ... Chris Blanchett (right) and his son Kanye, both of<br />

Christchurch, were out at the Waimakariri River mouth at Kairaki Beach,<br />

near Kaiapoi, last Saturday.<br />

Out on the water ... Waimakariri Sailing Club juniors and seniors race on the Waimakariri River mouth<br />

on Saturday.

NEWS<br />

28 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Record real estate prices in Waimakariri<br />

The latest lockdown has done<br />

little to dampen confidence in<br />

the region’s housing market.<br />

The Real Estate Institute<br />

(REINZ) says median house<br />

prices in <strong>Canterbury</strong> set anew<br />

record of $619,000 in August, up<br />

24.3 percent from $498,000 in<br />

August 2020.<br />

Waimakariri District<br />

($645,000), Kaikoura District<br />

($675,000) and Christchurch City<br />

($650,000) all reached record<br />

median prices.<br />

‘‘<strong>Canterbury</strong> is experiencing a<br />

low level of stock down 49.6%<br />

annually. These low levels of<br />

stock have meant that<br />

competition has remained high<br />

for available properties, and<br />

these are selling quick,’’ REINZ<br />

chief executive Jen Baird says.<br />

‘‘<strong>Canterbury</strong> saw the lowest<br />

median days to sell aproperty<br />

for an August month since 2013,<br />

at just 28 days.<br />

‘‘Before the Level 4lockdown,<br />

listings were starting to increase<br />

heading into spring, but the<br />

lockdown slowed things down<br />

and as aresult, new listings are<br />

down 35.5% when compared to<br />

August last year.’’<br />

Auctions continued online<br />

throughout the lockdown and<br />

August saw <strong>Canterbury</strong> sell 28%<br />

of properties by auction up from<br />

13.8% in August last year.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> saw anew record<br />

on the REINZ House Price<br />

Index of 3492 up 31.2% annually,<br />

Ms Baird says.<br />

‘‘People are remaining<br />

optimistic that if alert levels<br />

continue to ease, activity should<br />

increase and recover from the<br />

lockdown promptly. The impacts<br />

of the lockdown are expected to<br />

be felt throughout the coming<br />

weeks, easing as more<br />

properties come to the market.’’<br />

The Real Estate Institute's<br />

house price index, which<br />

measures the changing value of<br />

property in the market, rose<br />

31.1% nationally in the year<br />

ended August to 4012.<br />

The national median house<br />

price rose aseasonally adjusted<br />

25.5% in the past 12 months to<br />

$850,000. The national median<br />

price excluding Auckland was<br />

$700,000, a22.8% increase on a<br />

year ago.<br />

This latest lockdown has not<br />

dampened demand for, or<br />

confidence in, the housing<br />

market as we saw in early 2020,’’<br />

Ms Baird says.<br />

The number of properties sold<br />

in August fell by 26.5% when<br />

compared to the same time last<br />

year, reflecting the effect of the<br />

reintroduction of lockdown<br />

restrictions.<br />

At the same time the number<br />

of properties available for sale<br />

fell by close to athird in the past<br />

12 months to 12,259, the lowest<br />

level of inventory ever recorded.<br />

‘‘We have heard from across<br />

the industry that prices<br />

achieved on sales completed in<br />

the early part of this lockdown<br />

continue to illustrate an ongoing<br />

excess of demand over supply<br />

and prices are still rising,’’ Ms<br />

Baird says.<br />

But she expected more<br />

properties would soon come to<br />

market.<br />

‘‘It is this time of year that<br />

For sale ... House prices are continuing to break records.<br />

people start to prepare their<br />

property for the usual increase<br />

in spring sales activity, and it is<br />

expected that this will be<br />

stronger this year as listing is<br />

delayed as aresult of lockdown.<br />

‘‘We understand that vendors<br />

have been preparing their<br />

properties for market, to list<br />

once we reach alower alert level<br />

­weexpect to see the result of<br />

this in our <strong>September</strong> data,’’ Ms<br />

Baird says.<br />

The median number of days to<br />

sell aproperty fell three days to<br />

30 days.<br />

August saw 26% of all<br />

properties sold via auction, the<br />

highest percentage ever<br />

recorded.<br />

‘‘Conducting an auction is a<br />

great way to understand the<br />

value of aproperty in afastmoving<br />

market, and even with<br />


August being in Alert Level 4<br />

lockdown for half the month,<br />

auctions still made up more than<br />

aquarter of all sales.’’<br />

Property prices hit new<br />

median highs in four out of 16<br />

regions, including <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />

Auckland, Waikato and<br />

Manawatu­Whanganui. The<br />

median house price in Auckland<br />

is $1.2 million compared to<br />

$949,500 in August 2020.<br />

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30 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Increasing clover content<br />

Dryland farmerslooking to increase the<br />

subterranean clovercontent in their<br />

pastures should be thinking about when<br />

to shut up paddocks to allow seed­set.<br />

Beef +Lamb New Zealand (BLNZ) says<br />

subterranean (sub) clover flowers are<br />

apparent in pastures at this time of the<br />

year, so it is agood time for farmers to<br />

assesshow much of this valuable legume<br />

is in their swards and consider shutting<br />

areas up to allow re­seeding to occur.<br />

As arule of thumb, BLNZ says if there<br />

is more than one cloverplant every<br />

secondstep when walking uphill, then<br />

the correct management will increase<br />

the population.<br />

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Harvest Time!<br />

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If there is less than this, then farmers<br />

should consider over­sowing with sub<br />

clover next autumn.<br />

But in this spring period, farmers<br />

wanting to build sub clover content<br />

should avoid grazing targeted areas<br />

below 1200kgofdry matter per hectare<br />

and then should allowthe sub clover<br />

plants to set seed by shutting sheep out of<br />

the area for acouple of weeks at least.<br />

After aspell, the area should be grazed<br />

with cattletolimit grass­seed<br />

production.<br />

‘‘It is important not to use sheep as they<br />

will actively seek out sub clover runners,<br />

reducing seed production,’’ BLNZ says.<br />

All heading and windrowing<br />

requirements<br />

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1951439<br />

Harvest time ... There is plenty to consider with amaize crop.<br />


Better maize results<br />

The Foundation for Arable Research<br />

(FAR) is expanding its research into<br />

the use of cover crops, following maize<br />

grain harvest, with anew cover crop<br />

research strategy.<br />

The strategy encompasses cover<br />

crop economics and how they can<br />

contribute to improving production<br />

resilience and beneficial<br />

environmental outcomes in maize<br />

grain systems.<br />

FAR maize researcher David<br />

Densley said cover crops for maize<br />

grain required quite adifferent<br />

approach to cover crops for maize<br />

silage.<br />

‘‘In maize silage, the function of a<br />

cover crop is mostly undertaken by<br />

annual ryegrass, which is sown<br />

immediately following harvest.<br />

‘‘With maize grain crops,<br />

establishment is not so easy. Many<br />

maize grain crops are not harvested<br />

until the end of April, or later, atiming<br />

which can make cover crop<br />

establishment tricky, and the amount<br />

of crop residue remaining following<br />

grain harvest presents another<br />

establishment challenge.<br />

‘‘Land that is being used to grow<br />

maize for grain has been identified as<br />

‘high risk’ for soil sediment and<br />

nitrogen loss over winter, so it’s<br />

important to look for ways to<br />

incorporate cover crops into maize<br />

grain systems to help reduce these<br />

risks.’’<br />

Cover crops can provide numerous<br />

benefits to maize and other farming<br />

systems.<br />

These include nutrient management<br />

­legumes, such as faba beans or<br />

clovers, fix nitrogen as they grow and<br />

after cover crop termination, this<br />

nitrogen becomes available for use by<br />

future crops.<br />

On the other side of the scale, nonleguminous<br />

cover crops can ‘‘mop up’’<br />

nutrients left over from the previous<br />

crop, reducing the potential of nutrient<br />

losses through the soil profile.<br />

Cover crops help hold soil in place,<br />

protecting it from wind and rain<br />

erosion and can contribute to soil<br />

organic matter, which helps to improve<br />

soil structure, water infiltration, and<br />

water­holding and nutrient­supply<br />

capacity.<br />

Non­grass cover crops can<br />

contribute additional soil microbial<br />

biodiversity where maize grain is<br />

grown in amonoculture system.<br />

Cover crop roots can help to break up<br />

compacted soil layers, while the plants<br />

themselves can reduce the impact of<br />

heavy rains.<br />

Cover crop residues increase water<br />

infiltration and limit soil water<br />

evaporation, helping to reduce<br />

moisture stress in the following crop<br />

during drought conditions.<br />

Weed suppression is something else<br />

to consider, with cover crops reducing<br />

weed germination and growth during<br />

winter and spring, while some can also<br />

have an allelopathic effect on weeds.<br />

Some cover crops can be grazed<br />

provided care is taken with the grazing<br />

programme or conserved as silage<br />

before termination.<br />

Copy: Foundation for Arable<br />

Research.<br />

“FARMERS”<br />

•Baling<br />

•Silage<br />

•Hay<br />

•Cultivation<br />

•Seeding<br />

•Heading<br />

•Beet Lifting<br />

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Sun needed for spring growth<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s contractors are looking<br />

forward to some sunshine.<br />

Contractorsspoken to by <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> say the new season<br />

promises to be aproductive one, provided<br />

the weatherplaysits part.<br />

After the drought conditions in recent<br />

years,anabundance of winterrain has<br />

recharged groundwater and provided the<br />

moisture needed for spring growth.<br />

Elmwood Ag owner Bill Mason says the<br />

cool, early spring weather meansthe new<br />

seasonisslow gettingunderway.<br />

‘‘We’re slowly getting into cultivationand<br />

drilling and we usually get into baleage in<br />

late <strong>September</strong>orearlyOctober.<br />

‘‘Its lookinglike it (the baleage) will be a<br />

bit later this year, butitshould be apretty<br />

good season withall the moisture we’ve<br />

had. We just need the heat and we will be<br />

right.’’<br />

Elmwood Ag services farmers in the<br />

Waimakariri district and expects to get into<br />

makinghay aroundChristmas time,and<br />

sowingwinter crops in between.<br />

Asmalloperator,MrMason brings in a<br />

coupleofcasualstaff to help him get<br />

throughthe busy period.<br />

At this time of year Sanders Contracting<br />

owner Stuart Sandersdoes some<br />

earthmovingwork to keep him busy until<br />

the baleage is readytocut.<br />

‘‘It is lookinggood at present with the<br />

rain we’ve had, as long as we get some good<br />

rain later on and some sun. Everything is<br />

starting to move, we just need mother<br />

nature to do its bit for us.<br />

‘‘I don’tthinkthere’smuch surplus<br />

baleageorsilage around, so farmers will<br />

need to start building that up again.’’<br />

Markham Street, Amberley |Karaka Road, Waikari<br />

www.arthurburke.co.nz<br />

Ready to roll ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> agricultural contractors are ready for the new season.<br />

Mr Sanders doesn’texpect to do much<br />

baleageuntil nextmonth, but if there’s<br />

plenty of moisturesome farmers will get a<br />

second cut in the New Year.<br />

‘‘It’s looking good at present withplenty<br />

of ground moisture. The late winter rains<br />

made things abit wet,but we’re definitely<br />

not complaining.’’<br />

Fletcher Farmsowner Nigel Fletcher<br />

has asheep, beefand cropping farm at<br />

Waikariaswell as his contracting business,<br />

and says‘‘as long as the grass grows’’ it will<br />

be agood season.<br />

‘‘From afarming perspectiveit’s been a<br />

bit of abattle so we needwarmth,and as far<br />

as hay and baleage goes, there’s nothing left<br />

locally.<br />

‘‘Everything that’s going to be available is<br />

going to be madeover the next few<br />

months.’’<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />


At this time of year Mr Fletcher and his<br />

team are starting to plantcerealcrops,<br />

spring barley and summercrops like<br />

brassicasand kale,and doingthe<br />

maintenance on the balersand wrappers in<br />

the shed readyfor the new season.<br />

Fletcher Farms serves farmers in<br />

Waikari, Hawarden,Waipara and Scargill,<br />

makingbaleagefrommid­October, and hay<br />

and combine harvesting in the NewYear,<br />

beforeautumnsowing.<br />

Mr Fletcher has managed to retainsome<br />

staff over the winterand expects to have his<br />

usual team of workers back over the<br />

summer.<br />

‘‘We probably need to get another truck<br />

driver, but otherwiseweare prettywell<br />

lined up. We don’t rely on overseas<br />

workers, we employmostly locals and<br />

kiwis.’’<br />

Lecturer finds novel way to help farmers<br />

Farmers can improve their decisionmaking<br />

skills without having to stop<br />

milking.<br />

Lincoln University honorary<br />

associate professor Peter Nuthall has<br />

released an audiobook, The Intuitive<br />

Farmer,which is written in an<br />

innovative novel­style and tells the<br />

fictional story of group of farmers<br />

meeting to improve their intuitive<br />

decision­making skills.<br />

It is based on actual data collected<br />

from hundreds of farmers.<br />

Each chapter addresses adifferent<br />

issue affecting farmers, such as risk<br />

management, benchmarking,<br />

budgeting, planning, negotiation skills,<br />

active listening and farm ownership.<br />

By the end of the novel, the listener<br />

will have absorbed important farm<br />

management principles and practices<br />

through the activities and findings of<br />

the group, Dr Nuthall says.<br />

Improved intuitive skill requires<br />

farmers to constantly and objectively<br />

self­critique their decisions so that<br />

slowly, the appropriate approach<br />

becomes second nature as part of their<br />

kit of intuitive tools, he says.<br />

The book is described as the first of<br />

its kind to be applied to agricultural<br />

management practices, providing a<br />

source for farmers, agricultural and<br />

farm management students, and people<br />

involved in agricultural industries.<br />

An Amazon review described The<br />

Intuitive Farmer as an innovative and<br />

useful resource for farmers.<br />

‘‘Having the author appear as a<br />

character in the book is anice bonus, as<br />

it gives the reader arare chance to get<br />

an insider’s view on the personal and<br />

professional life of aresearcher,’’ the<br />

reviewer wrote.<br />

Dr Nuthall’s next book in the farm<br />

management series is called The<br />

Decisive Farmer and will be published<br />

before Christmas by the<br />

Professor Peter Nuthall<br />

Commonwealth Bureau of Information<br />

(CABI).<br />

Asample of the audio book can be<br />

accessed on the Google Play app.<br />

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32 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Feed those twin lamb ewes<br />

Strong lamb prices are an added<br />

incentive for farmers to maximise preweaning<br />

growth rates this season.<br />

Beef +Lamb New Zealand facilitator<br />

and farm systems scientist Dr Tom<br />

Fraser says ewes need amassive amount<br />

of feed in early lactation to provide<br />

adequate milk for their lambs while<br />

maintaining or recovering body<br />

condition.<br />

In week six aewe feeding twins<br />

requires more 4.27kg of dry matter per<br />

day, reducing to 3.84kg of dry matter a<br />

day by week nine.<br />

Dr Fraser says this means they should<br />

be running on to pasture covers of 1300kg<br />

to 1400kg of dry matter per hectare.<br />

‘‘If pastures covers are too low, she<br />

physically cannot take enough food in.’’<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> farmers Tom and<br />

James Maxwell mob­up set­stocked ewes<br />

and lambs into small mobs of around 200<br />

ewes as soon as they have finished<br />

lambing and rotate them around six or<br />

seven paddocks, moving them every two<br />

to three days.<br />

This means both lambs and ewes are<br />

getting the pick of the best possible feed.<br />

‘‘Don’t try to clean up paddocks at that<br />

time of year,’’ the pair say.<br />

The pair admit it is alot of work, as<br />

many mobs will have been shifted over 25<br />

times before weaning, but they believe it<br />

is well worth the effort.<br />

The Maxwells make use of the<br />

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Spring lambs ... Mums of twin lambs need<br />

to be well­fed.<br />


subterranean clover endemic in their<br />

hill country pastures to drive preweaning<br />

growth rates.<br />

This means actively managing the sub<br />

clover to allow it to set seed in late­spring<br />

and early summer and not grazing it too<br />

hard.<br />

They also found apre­weaning drench<br />

made abig difference to lamb weaning<br />

weights.<br />

Farm consultant Jansen Travis says<br />

farmers often fall down in that late<br />

lactation period by not having the highquality<br />

feed lambs need.<br />

‘‘In the early phases, pre­tailing,<br />

quantity is the issue, but after tailing it’s<br />

about quality,’’ he says.<br />

He says high­legume systems, or where<br />

legumes have been introduced, hold<br />

their quality and this is reflected in lamb<br />

performance.<br />

Country of origin ... NZPork wants country of origin labelling now.<br />


Label delay frustrates<br />

New Zealand’s porksectoris<br />

disappointed ‘‘countryoforigin’’<br />

labellinghas been delayedagain.<br />

The Governmenthas announcedthe<br />

regulations covering fresh and chilled<br />

food,including pork and curedpork have<br />

been delayed for three monthsuntil<br />

February 2022.<br />

‘‘We wereeagerlyawaiting these<br />

regulations to come into force in<br />

November,’’ NZPork chief executive<br />

DavidBaines says.<br />

‘‘Without theseregulations, imported<br />

pork can be ‘hidden’ in ham and bacon<br />

processedinNew Zealand underalabel<br />

‘MadeinNew Zealand’.’’<br />

Research by NZPork indicates many<br />

consumers are surprised when they<br />

learnpork in these products may be<br />

imported fromanumber of countries.<br />

‘‘That’swhy thisthree month delayis<br />

hugely frustratingfor our New Zealand<br />

farmers when cheaper pork imports, that<br />

don’thavetomeetNew Zealand’s high<br />

welfare or environmental standards, can<br />

be presented to consumers without clear<br />

labelling,’’MrBainessays.<br />

‘‘While we appreciatethe delayisdue<br />

to the disruptionand uncertainty caused<br />

to business by there­emergenceof<br />

Covid­19, we are particularly<br />

disappointed that the regulationswill<br />

notbeinplace for the Christmas period<br />

like we expected.<br />

‘‘Despite theregulatory delay, NZPork<br />

will still be encouraging consumers to<br />

look on the label and ask retailers for<br />

NewZealand born and raisedpork,<br />

especially goinginto theChristmas ham<br />

season.’’<br />

The regulations will enable consumers<br />

to be moreinformed as to where their<br />

food is being imported from and what<br />

pork is New Zealand born and raised, Mr<br />

Baines says.<br />

NZPorkremains concerned the<br />

regulations are not comprehensive<br />

becausethey will not apply to all<br />

imported pork, he says.<br />

‘‘The regulations willonly cover fresh,<br />

chilledpork and curedpork.<br />

‘‘Pork processed in otherways will not<br />

have to be labelled.<br />

‘‘That means imported porkwouldbe<br />

labelled withits countryoforigin if<br />

presentedas‘fresh’ (chilled), whilethe<br />

same product,ifmarinated or infused,<br />

would sit alongside New Zealand pork<br />

andescape the need for labellingas<br />

imported.’’<br />

TheGovernmentinitially delayed<br />

country of origin labelling in May last<br />

year as part of its measures to manage<br />

business disruption duetoCovid­19.<br />

Glen RAngus<br />

Annual Bull Sale<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

35<br />

Popular spot ... The Kaiapoi Food Forest attracts lots of visitors.<br />


Creating afood forest<br />


Home gardeners with arelatively small<br />

area of land can create abountiful food<br />

forest, the designer of Kaiapoi's Food<br />

Forest says.<br />

‘‘A food forest can be established on an<br />

area of less than six metres square and<br />

the layers fill all the potential growing<br />

spaces which allows you to grow far more<br />

in any given area than you would in a<br />

traditional garden,’’ says Brent Cairns.<br />

‘‘You start by killing the grass where<br />

the food forest will be established, to<br />

build the soil.’’<br />

Then put layers of cardboard or<br />

newspaper —not glossy as it is toxic— on<br />

the grass, then apply athick layer (at<br />

least 300mm) of mulch, which ideally<br />

includes leaf litter to speed up the mulch<br />

breakdown.<br />

Layers are then created to form the<br />

food forest structure, beginning with the<br />

canopy which includes taller fruit or nut<br />

trees, followed by six other layers of<br />

vegetation underneath them. ‘‘Choose a<br />

fruit that you like, apples, pears,<br />

apricots, plums, peaches etc and plant<br />

the tree (choose from hardy heritage<br />

varieties) in the centre of where you want<br />

to create your food forest,’’ Brent says.<br />

The main fruit tree can be planted first<br />

or by digging through the mulch into the<br />

soil below, but care must be taken to keep<br />

the mulch 300mm away from the trunk<br />

and ensure grafts are not covered,<br />

otherwise the mulch will rot the trunk<br />

and kill the tree.<br />

Choose asmaller fruit tree (semi­dwarf<br />

apricot or nectarine etc) for the second<br />

layer of the canopy —acitrus tree or a<br />

small nut tree like ahazelnut.<br />

Three or four of the smaller trees can<br />

go in this layer, depending on what space<br />

and light is available.<br />

‘‘We also plant Kowhai and Kakabeaks<br />

in this layer to provide nitrogen to the<br />

other trees and plants,’’ Brent says.<br />

For the third layer berries such as<br />

currants and raspberries are planted,<br />

while in the fourth layer perennial<br />

vegetables and herbs such as asparagus,<br />

rhubarb, globe artichokes, chives and<br />

coriander are planted alongside flowers<br />

that will attract bees, and are also edible,<br />

such as nasturtiums, rosemary and<br />

borage while the fifth layer can include<br />

strawberries, pumpkins, kamokamo and<br />

other varieties of squash.<br />

‘‘The idea is to cover the garden with<br />

an abundance of plants. If you don’t do it,<br />

nature will fill the space with weeds,’’<br />

Brent says.<br />

Root crops, such as turnips, carrots<br />

parsnips and beetroots fill the sixth layer<br />

and climbers, including peas and beans<br />

which will climb up trees or on frames<br />

make up the bottom layer.<br />

Annuals like lettuces, can be used to<br />

fill gaps on the food forest floor along<br />

with brassicas such as cauliflowers and<br />

Brussels sprouts.<br />

‘‘We also plant garlic and onions as<br />

food but they also ward away pests,’’<br />

Brent says.<br />

To learn more about food forests go to<br />

kai.net.nz or visit the Kaiapoi Food<br />

Forest on Cass St in Kaiapoi.<br />

Leithfield Garden Tour<br />

AGarden Tour in Leithfieldon<br />

Saturday, October <strong>23</strong>, and Sunday,<br />

October 24, will raise funds for the<br />

historic Leithfield Library.<br />

Atotal of 17 gardens will be open to<br />

the public from 10am to 4pm, and<br />

therewill be opportunities to visit<br />

artists’ studios,view free<br />

demonstrations,discover hidden<br />

gems and old homesteads,and<br />

indulge at local eateries.<br />

Tickets are $25 an adult, $15 for<br />

seniors, with kidsunder­15 free.<br />

Tickets are availablefromOderings,<br />

Barrington;Sally Macs, Amberley;<br />

Woodend Nursery,Ouruhia Nursery,<br />

Pukeko Junction Gallery, Mobil<br />

Amberley and TerraViva.<br />

BotanicalExpo<br />

An expo and rare plant fair on<br />

October 9(postponement October<br />

<strong>23</strong>), will be heldatBroadfield<br />

Garden, 250 SelwynRoad, from 10am<br />

to 4.30pm.<br />

The event replaces the planned<br />

BotanicalExpo in the LincolnEvents<br />

Centre, which was postponed earlier<br />

this month.<br />

The outdoor event, run by the New<br />

Zealand AlpineGarden Society, will<br />

feature floral design, alpine and<br />

woodland plants, demonstrations,<br />

music and food. $10 entry.<br />

Rangiora Museum<br />

The next meeting of the Rangiora<br />

Museumwill be held on Tuesday,<br />

<strong>September</strong>30.<br />

Roger Pearson will speak about Eric<br />

Armstrong, who once worked for GW<br />

Pearsons, and also the Rangiora<br />

CountyCouncil.<br />

All welcome to attend at the museum<br />

at 29 GoodStreet from 7.30pm.<br />

Supperwill be served.Adonation<br />

from non­members is requested.

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

All info onchanges to Council services and facilities can be found at waimakariri.govt.nz/covid19<br />

Waimakariri Proposed District Plan now<br />

out for Feedback<br />

Waimakariri District’s Proposed District Plan –a<br />

planning document which shapes development and<br />

growth for the next 10 years –isout for feedback.<br />

The District Plan is the ‘rule book’ that manages<br />

how people use, subdivide and develop land,<br />

including what and where they can build, and what<br />

kind of activities they can undertake.<br />

It looks aer aspects such as cultural value,<br />

heritage, the natural environment and biodiversity,<br />

and ensures the District retains its unique<br />

characteristics for future generations.<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon says staff undertaking the<br />

review have been actively listening to residents<br />

and incorporating their aspirations into the<br />

proposed plan.<br />

“We’re one of the fastest growing areas in New<br />

Zealand and expect up to 15,000 houses may be<br />

needed to accommodate our population which will<br />

near 100,000 over the next 30 years.<br />

“Because of this there are some changes the<br />

community have asked the Council to make to<br />

ensure the District continues to grow inasuitable<br />

and sustainable way.”<br />

The Proposed District Plan specifies new and<br />

expanded areas for development, protects<br />

environmental features, ensures productive use of<br />

farmland by creating two rural zones, and aims to<br />

enable our community to grow inamanaged and<br />

appropriate way.<br />

We expect that the Proposed District Plan will<br />

become operative within two years following the<br />

hearings and appeals process. Until then, current<br />

rules apply –except for those with immediate<br />

legal effect.<br />

Residents can view the Proposed District<br />

Plan online, check for any changes that might<br />

affect their property, and provide feedback at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

Council staff will also be available to answer<br />

questions at the Rangiora Service Centre during<br />

business hours or at a‘Talk to aPlanner’ drop-in<br />

sessions being held around the District.<br />

Feedback closes at 5pm on 26 November <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

Scooter Trial Gains Momentum<br />

E-scooters could soon be wheeled out around the<br />

District aer the Council approved asix-month<br />

trial with hire company, Flamingo Scooters.<br />

Flamingo Scooters could soon become acommon<br />

sight in Rangiora, Woodend, Kaiapoi and Pegasus.<br />

The permit is yet tobefinalised, but it’s planned<br />

that around 400 e-scooters will be made available<br />

for hire across Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Woodend and<br />

Pegasus from November until April next year.<br />

To hire aFlamingo scooter, riders will need to<br />

download and open the Flamingo Scooters mobile<br />

app, search the map to locate their nearest scooter<br />

and unlock it by scanning the QR code on the<br />

handlebar. Users will be charged $1 to unlock the<br />

scooter, then 45c per minute of use. Riders will<br />

need to be over the age of 18.<br />

Council staff have already discussed the trial<br />

with Waimakariri Access Group, Age-Friendly<br />

Waimakariri and the Youth Council, their concerns<br />

included the speed of scooters and congestion<br />

on footpaths. In response, the Council have put<br />

safety measures around the trial such as speed<br />

restrictions in busy areas and geo-fenced, no-go<br />

areas such as part of the High Street in Rangiora.<br />

The trial has the support of Waimakariri’s four<br />

community boards.<br />

Flamingo Scooters will be offering Learn to Ride<br />

community events for people who want to learn<br />

how touse the scooters and have aride. An<br />

advertising campaign will also be launched before<br />

the scooters arrive onthe streets to educate the<br />

community about the trial.<br />

Ablocked drain?<br />

New pothole?<br />

Fallen tree?<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

Use the free Snap Send Solve app to tell<br />

Waimakariri District Council about it.<br />


Visit our website to find out more<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz<br />




Civil Defence will be testing the coastal warning<br />

system at 1pm on Monday 27 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

Sirens are located at The Pines Beach/Kairaki,<br />

Woodend and Waikuku beaches, however depending<br />

on wind conditions, the sound may travel further.<br />

The test message will last for approximately one<br />

minute and depending on how close you are, may be<br />

quite loud.<br />




The Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary<br />

Buildings Policy 2016 is under review.<br />

We’ve draed some changes and want to<br />

hear your thoughts.<br />

We welcome your feedback on the dra Policy to<br />

make surewe’re on the right track before it gets<br />

finalised.<br />

Before adecision ismade, we’d like to know<br />

what you think. Share your feedback before<br />

5pm Friday 24 <strong>September</strong>.<br />

Have your say waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

37<br />

Public Notices<br />

Upcoming Council<br />

meetings<br />

The following meetings will be<br />

held in October <strong>2021</strong>. All meetings<br />

will be held in the Function Room,<br />

(upstairs) Rangiora Town Hall,<br />

303 High Street, Rangiora, unless<br />

otherwise stated.<br />

Council<br />

Tuesday5October at1pm, Meeting Room1<br />

at theRuataniwhaKaiapoi CivicCentre,<br />

176WilliamsStreet,Kaiapoi.<br />

Oxford-Ohoka Community Board<br />

Wednesday 6October at 7pm inthe Ohoka<br />

Community Hall, Mill Road, Ohoka.<br />

(The Public Forum section of the agenda<br />

will occur from 7pm to 7.20pm.)<br />

Woodend-Seon Community Board<br />

Monday 11 October at 6pm at the Woodend<br />

Community Centre, School Road, Woodend.<br />

Representation Review Hearing<br />

Tuesday 12October at 9am.<br />

Rangiora-Ashley Community Board<br />

Wednesday 13October at 7pm.<br />

Hearing for Dangerous, Affected and<br />

Insanitary Buildings Policy Review<br />

Thursday 14 October at 9am.<br />

Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board<br />

Monday 18October at 5pm inthe Hall at the<br />

Tuahiwi School, 206 Tuahiwi Road, Kaiapoi.<br />

Mahi Tahi Joint Development Committee<br />

Tuesday 19October at 9am.<br />

District Planning and<br />

Regulation Committee<br />

Tuesday 19October at 1pm.<br />

Community and Recreation Committee<br />

Tuesday 19October at 4pm.<br />

Utilities and Roading Committee<br />

Tuesday 26October at3:30pm.<br />

To ensure compliance with theCovid-19<br />

restrictions,some of theabovementioned<br />

meetings’ arrangements may change.<br />

Membersofthe public aretherefore<br />

requestedtoconsult theCouncil’swebsite<br />

at waimakariri.govt.nz forthe latest<br />

informationonmeetings.<br />

Allmeetings areopentothe public.<br />

Agendas areavailable twoworking days<br />

priortothe meeting.<br />

Agendas and minutes for meetings<br />

can be found onthe Council's website:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Sarah Nichols<br />

Governance Manager<br />

Get your business noticed with an advert on our<br />

Classified or Trades and Services pages!<br />

Ph 313 2840 or Email info@ncnews.co.nztodiscuss your options<br />

Budgeting Services <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Inc.<br />

Notice ofAGM <strong>2021</strong><br />

Tuesday 28 th <strong>September</strong> at 4.30pm<br />

War Memorial Hall<br />

1Albert Street, Rangiora<br />

Please RSVP for catering purposes<br />

03 313 3505<br />

servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz<br />

2416766<br />

Property Wanted<br />

★★★<br />


WANTED with or without a<br />

house, Sefton, Balcairn<br />

area. Anything considered<br />

ph Emily 0272429983<br />

Wanted To Rent<br />



2Bedroom<br />

DoubleGarage<br />

JohnBoy 021 168 6338<br />

Former NZ Senior Government Officer<br />

john.doherty.300@gmail.com<br />


required. Retired gentle<br />

bloke requires single bedroom<br />

self-contained dwelling<br />

in avery quiet country<br />

location in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

up to within 30<br />

minutes from Christchurch.<br />

Preferably long-term. Good<br />

references. Please phone<br />

027 271 3222.<br />

MATURE woman seeks<br />

long term, nicely kept 2-3<br />

bdrm, spacious home in<br />

Rangiora or surrounding<br />

areas, max rent $380, excel<br />

refs. Ph Julie 020 420 2712.<br />

DESPERATELY seeking<br />

2 bdrm house or flat, in<br />

Rangiora long term tenant,<br />

excellent references. Only<br />

have to beginning of October,<br />

landlord is selling. Ph<br />

Odette 027 812 0261.<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />



AND BE THE<br />



FIRST<br />

Advertise with<br />

us and get<br />

noticed<br />

today!<br />

Phone us today<br />

on 03 314 8335<br />

or email us at<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz to<br />

find out how we can help!<br />

WOODEND Spring<br />

Flower Show, Saturday 2nd<br />

October <strong>2021</strong>, 1 - 4pm.<br />

Woodend Community<br />

Centre, School Road. See<br />

BLOCK gorgeous spring flowers,<br />

photography, crafts, floral<br />

art, and lots more. Enjoy a<br />

Devonshire Tea, browse<br />

plant /craft stalls and buy<br />

Daffodil bulbs for next<br />

season. Entries welcome.<br />

Schedules at Paws Vet<br />

Woodend, Veg NOut and<br />

Libraries in Woodend and<br />

Rangiora also on line and<br />

Facebook. Admission $2<br />

Adults, Children free.<br />

Phone Lyanne Wheeler<br />

0210 306 460. Email<br />

lyannewheeler@gmail.com.<br />

Gardening<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />


BAGS<br />

15 xbags for $50.<br />

40 Litre bags.<br />

Quality screened compost<br />

made from trees<br />

and shrubs.<br />

Pick up Ohoka.<br />

Text: 021 260 9899<br />

Personal<br />

GENT, single & indep,<br />

older and bolder, living on<br />

own, happy and educated,<br />

seeks aslim tallish spunky<br />

lady to enjoy activities and<br />

outings together either<br />

casually or in amore committed<br />

relationship. Ph/text<br />

027 659 4425.<br />

SEMI RETIRED, kind,<br />

caring man looking for a<br />

loving relationship.<br />

Seeking agenuine, caring<br />

woman in her 70’s, light<br />

drinker. Ph 020 4129 5331.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student onanindividually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03 313 3638) or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.kipmcgrath.<br />

co.nz/rangiora<br />

Farming Notices<br />

HUNTERS Looking for<br />

hunting, father & son,<br />

experienced hunters new to<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. Keen on<br />

anything from pigs, deer,<br />

goats & hares. Please ph<br />

027 636 3710.<br />

Automotive Services<br />


HOMES. Interior &<br />

exterior repairs, maintenance<br />

& upgrades. Solar,<br />

satellite, awning installations.<br />

Sheetmetal, light<br />

engineering & welding<br />

services. Professional<br />

coachbuilder specializing<br />

in the RV industry 25 years.<br />

Call Darryl @ Advanced<br />

Auto Homes 027 220 6566.<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Siri Ltd has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the issue of an<br />

On Licence in respect of the<br />

premises situated at 4/246<br />

High St, Rangiora known as<br />

Siri Thai Restaurant.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are:<br />

Tuesday -Sunday 12noon<br />

to 2.00pm, 5.00 -10.00pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the issue<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section 105(1) of the Sale<br />

and Supply of Alcohol Act<br />

2012.<br />

This is the first publication of<br />

this notice.<br />

2419709v1<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

NC Holdings 2016 Limited<br />

has made application to the<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Rangiora for the renewal<br />

of an On Licence in respect<br />

of the premises situated<br />

at 14 Southbrook Road,<br />

Rangiora 7400 known as<br />

The Brook Bar &Eatery.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to be<br />

conducted) under the licence<br />

is Bar and Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are:<br />

Sunday - Thursday 8am -<br />

11pm, Friday -Saturday 8am<br />

-1am (the following day).<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may, not later than<br />

15 working days after the<br />

date of the publication of this<br />

notice, file anotice in writing<br />

of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag 1005,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the firstpublication of<br />

this notice.<br />

2420288v1<br />

Notice of Annual GeneralMeeting<br />

Noticeishereby given that the<br />

Annual GeneralMeeting of<br />


is to be held at<br />

Takahanga Marae<br />

7TakahangaTerrace,Kaikoura<br />

On Saturday25 th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

at 11.30am<br />

Subject to the covid alert levels this may change.<br />

However we will not advertise again but it will be rolled<br />

over to the third week of the following month.<br />

There will be elections for two Pa Trustees<br />

Maani Stirling<br />

Chairperson<br />

2413641<br />


“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />

“GOOD NEWS”<br />

The GOD of the Bible isaGOD of truth and unfailing love,<br />

towards those who seek HIM. “Lead mebyYOUR truth<br />

and teach me, for YOU are the GOD who saves me. All<br />

day longIput my hopeinYOU. Remember, OLORD,YOUR<br />

compassion and unfailing love, which you haveshownfrom<br />

longages past” Psalm 25:5-6.NLT.<br />



38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

Fees and Charges -Public Consultation<br />

Public Notices<br />

Hurunui District Council is consulting with the community on the proposed fees<br />

andcharges for<strong>2021</strong>/22.<br />

Theconsultation document canbefound on ourwebsite<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz/have-your-say/consultations<br />

under ’StatementofProposal -Feesand Charges<strong>2021</strong>/22’.<br />

Submissionswill be openfrom<strong>September</strong> 20 <strong>2021</strong>at9am until October 20 <strong>2021</strong><br />

at 5pm. These can be madevia thesubmissionprocess below.<br />

Email: submission@hurunui.govt.nz-with the subjectline‘fees and charges’<br />

Post to: HurunuiDistrict Council,POBox 13, Amberley, 7441<br />

Dropinto: HurunuiDistrict Council,66Carters Road,Amberley.<br />

Those who file awritten submission have the option to present their views to<br />

Councilinperson on October 28 <strong>2021</strong>. Submitterswishing to be heard in person<br />

mustclearlystate this in theirwrittensubmission.<br />

2418771<br />



The Kate Valley Landfill Community Trust is seeking nominations for one community<br />

trusteefrom the Waipara Community Area.<br />

The principal task of this charitable Trust is to distribute funds provided by Transwaste<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>for purposes thatare beneficial to people whoseprincipal place of residence<br />

is within the contributing area to the Waipara School (the Community Area). This<br />

includes funding community activities or facilities inany location that are capable of<br />

conferring such benefit.<br />

In the event ofmore than one nomination being received, apublic meeting will beheld<br />

in the Waipara Memorial Hall on Monday,15November <strong>2021</strong>.Voting willbe openfrom<br />

6:30pm-7:30pm. Avote will take place to elect one trustee who will be appointed for<br />

aterm ofthree years. It will bearequirement ofthose wishing tovote to be present on<br />

the night of this election meeting and to sign aregister statingtheir nameand address in<br />

order that eligibility to votecan be assessed.Noproxy/absentee votes will be accepted.<br />

The existing trustee whose term is expiring isnot precluded from offering themselves<br />

for re-election.<br />

The KateValley Landfill CommunityTrust is made up of threeCommunitytrustees, one<br />

Amberleytrusteeand two Settlor’s trustees.<br />

Who Can Be Nominated?<br />

Any person over the age of 18 whose principal place of residence is within the Waipara<br />

Community Area identifiedonthe plan in the Trust Deed.<br />

Who Can MakeaNomination?<br />

Any person over the age of18whose principal place of residence is within the<br />

Community Area and whose name and address appears on the applicable current<br />

electoral roll.<br />

How Can aNomination Be Made?<br />

Writtennotice in the formof aletterofnominationisrequired. This must:<br />

•Contain the fullname and residential address of the person makingthe nomination,<br />

and thatperson’s date of birth and signature.<br />

•Contain asignedstatementofwillingness toserve as atrustee from the person<br />

nominated, together with his/her full name, date of birth and residential address.<br />

•Becompletein all respectsand be received by The Secretary,Kate Valley Landfill<br />

Community Trust, POBox 96, Amberley 7441 on or beforethe closing date of<br />

Friday, 22October <strong>2021</strong>.<br />

More Information<br />

Enquiries canbedirectedto SecretaryKVLCT@gmail.com<br />

Official complaints mustbemade to the Secretary no later than 5days after the<br />

electionresultsannounced.<br />

Acopy of the Kate Valley Landfill CommunityTrust Deed can be requested by phoning<br />

0800 TRANSWASTE (872 679).<br />

2417596<br />

Notice of Annual GeneralMeeting<br />

Notice is hereby given thatthe<br />

Annual GeneralMeetingof<br />


is to be held at<br />

Takahanga Marae, Kaikoura<br />

On Saturday 25 th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

at 10.30am<br />

Subject to the covid alert levels this may change.<br />

However we will not advertise again but it will be rolled<br />

over to the third week of the following month.<br />

The business of such meeting shall be as follows;<br />

1. To receive, consider and approve the annual report<br />

of the Company.<br />

2. To receive, consider and approve the annual<br />

financial statements of the Company.<br />

3. To appoint an auditor for the ensuing year who<br />

shall audit the financial accounts of the Company.<br />

4. To consider such other business as may be<br />

accepted by amajority of the members present<br />

with power to vote at such meetings.<br />

Proxy votes will not be valid<br />

Darran Kerei-Keepa<br />

Director<br />

2413639<br />



FRIDAY 24AND<br />

SATURDAY 25<br />

SEPTEMBER, <strong>2021</strong><br />

The Book Fair planned<br />

to take place at St<br />

Bart’s Church Hall, <strong>23</strong><br />

Cass St, Kaiapoi has<br />

been cancelled due to<br />

Covid 19. We hope that<br />

our next Fair will happen<br />

in February, 2022.<br />

If you have books to<br />

donate please leave<br />

at the church hall or<br />

contact Norman Clark<br />

327 5552 or Ray Maw<br />

327 6404 2419814<br />

THE AGM FOR the<br />

Ashley Rakahuri Rivercare<br />

Group is October 7 at<br />

6.30pm, DOC office,<br />

Cones Road Rangiora. All<br />

welcome. Meeting deferred<br />

if still in level 2.<br />

Notice of Annual General Meeting<br />

Notice is hereby given that the<br />

Annual General Meeting of<br />


is to be held at<br />

Takahanga Marae<br />

7TakahangaTerrace, Kaikoura<br />

On Saturday 25 th <strong>September</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />

at 9.30am<br />

Subject to the covidalert levels this may change.<br />

However we will not advertise again but it will be rolled<br />

over to the third week of the following month<br />

The business of such meeting shall be as follows;<br />

1. To receive, consider and approve the annual report<br />

of the Officers.<br />

2. To receive, consider and approve the annual financial<br />

statements from the Treasurer.<br />

3. To appoint an auditor for the ensuing year who shall<br />

audit the financial accounts of the Runanga.<br />

4. To consider such other business as may be accepted<br />

by amajority of the members present with power to<br />

vote at such meetings.<br />

5. There will be aconstitutional change this year on<br />

page 11 section 16, Notices. “Notices of Annual,<br />

Special, Shareholder and Directors Election meetings<br />

called by Rūnanga shall be given (and deemed to<br />

be given) by public notice in those newspapers<br />

circulated within Kaikōura takiwā and no later than<br />

fifteen (15) working days prior to the meeting”.<br />

Proxy votes will not be valid<br />

Hariata Kahu<br />

Chairperson<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Van Driver Position<br />

At Karanga Mai Young Parents’<br />

College in Kaiapoi, the part-time<br />

van driver position involves working<br />

directly with the School Director and<br />

Van Coordinator to provide areliable<br />

and safe transportservice to and from<br />

school for students and their children.<br />

We are seeking areliable person with<br />

initiative to join our team.<br />

For ajob description<br />

please contact the college on<br />

(03) 327 8386 or email<br />

ypc@kaiapoi.school.nz<br />

School Bus DriversRequired<br />

Would youliketoearnextra income while still<br />

havingmostofyourday free and at the same<br />

time do your community aservice by helping to<br />

provide asafe,highstandardofschooltransport<br />

forour region’schildren.<br />

TorlesseTravelhas positions available forpart<br />

time busdriversinRangiora.<br />

If youhaveaClass 2license, aPassenger<br />

Endorsementand areinterestedindriving on a<br />

part timebasisthenthiscouldbefor you.<br />

Alternatively,ifyou areinterestedinbecoming<br />

abus driver,wecan provide assistance to help<br />

youachieve thecorrect licencing.<br />

If youare interested in this role or wishformore<br />

information, pleasecontact.<br />

manager@torlessetravel.co.nz<br />

Phone: 021 198 7358<br />

2420160<br />


PASSION! Local painter<br />

with 30 years of quality and<br />

integrity in all aspects of<br />

painting. Phone Mike on<br />

021 0903 8546.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed,stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

Trade &Services<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $70 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

021 0277 1927. Visit<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restoration,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

KITCHEN bathroom,<br />

renovations, decking,<br />

pergolas, fencing. Honest<br />

reliable licenced builders.<br />

Ph Don 027 727 9162.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, <strong>23</strong> Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9<strong>23</strong>0.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. — Ph. 03-<br />

4<strong>23</strong>-3713 or 021-267-4025.<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

2091848<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Movemen Ltd<br />

2Men &agood sized truck.<br />

From $150 plus GST per hour.<br />

Kaiapoi based.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

movemen.co.nz<br />


Paving<br />

Patio &Pathways<br />

-New or Existing<br />

Free Quotes<br />

–Competitive Pricing<br />

Blair Gibson<br />

027 699 5815 03 313 7933<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

Cars Wanted<br />


arbour work, pruning, tree<br />

removal. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 0<strong>23</strong><br />

2220615<br />

<strong>23</strong>62002<br />

2401953<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

027 216 0000<br />

2225862<br />



<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>September</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2021</strong><br />

39<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 313 7216<br />

2412522<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

ANY old cars, anything pre<br />

1990, unfinished Hot Rods,<br />

Classic Cars. Please call<br />

027 258 8366.<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />


Roadster. Please phone 027<br />

445 91<strong>23</strong>.<br />

Motorcycles<br />

SOUTH PACIFIC Motorcycle<br />

Services. Local family<br />

business since 2003. All<br />

types of service and repairs,<br />

all makes and models. Collection<br />

service available.<br />

Please phone 03 312 0066<br />

office@motorbiketours.co.nz<br />

www.motorbiketours.co.nz.<br />

Pets<br />


½PRICE -$25 for 10<br />

Plus - DOG BONES<br />

and more<br />

313 0022<br />

2410274MEAT2U.NZ<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

<strong>23</strong>12759<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

CLOTHING 1900 –1999.<br />

027 222 2425.<br />

Livestock<br />

HOMEKILL & Wild<br />

Game meat processing. Ph<br />

313 0022. www.meat2u.nz.<br />

Firewood<br />

FIREWOOD logged -<br />

ready to saw up, 7km from<br />

Rangiora, $10m3. Please<br />

text 027 435 40<strong>23</strong>.<br />


Old Man Pine, $450, 6m2.<br />

Phone 03 312 8726.<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

2070788<br />

Automotive &Recovery<br />

Landscaping<br />


Landscaping -Fencing<br />

& Earthworks<br />


03 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br />

www.stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

contact@stewartcontracting.co.nz<br />

• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />

• Vehicle Servicing &<br />

Repairs<br />

• Tyres &Punctures<br />

• Jump Starts<br />

•<br />

Towing &Salvage<br />

• Courtesy Car Available<br />

Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />

0272 588 366<br />

13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />

Swannanoa<br />

Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

Bruce Evans<br />

131 Ohoka Road<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

03 327 3111<br />

021 293 6331<br />

compucare@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.compucare.co.nz<br />

Computer Repairs &upgrades<br />

Prompt professional services<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Painter /Plasterer<br />

HURUNUI Painting<br />

• Qualified tradesmen, quick,neat and friendly.<br />

• Reasonable rates. • Interior /exterior painting.<br />

• Interior plastering &wallpapering.<br />

• Spray painting &water blasting.<br />

P: Rod Hermes 027 414 0830 or 03 314 <strong>23</strong>91<br />

E: r.hermes@xtra.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>94026v2<br />

2276525v2<br />

Virus &malware removal<br />

New &UsedPC’s4Sale<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />

2136148<br />

• New Builds &Renovations<br />

• Light Commercial /Re-strengthening<br />

• Project Management<br />

• Bathrooms<br />

• Farm Buildings<br />

• House Lifting Re-piling<br />

• Shop Fit Outs<br />

2408831<br />

• Ear Health checks.<br />

• Wax removal using Microsuction<br />

• Removal of foreign bodies<br />

• Basic hearing aid care<br />

Clinics in Rangiora, Amberley and Kaiapoi<br />

Rest homes/retirement villages, booking by prior arrangement.<br />

Bookings: Online www.earcare.nz |Phone 020 4124 25 25<br />

Email alison@earcare.nz | Ear Care <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>23</strong>24849<br />

Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

<strong>23</strong>72616v2<br />

Builder<br />

Ear Health<br />

Scrap Metal<br />

40+ years experience<br />

027 222 5078<br />

markw.hills@xtra.co.nz<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 <strong>23</strong>0 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

• ACC provider<br />

• WarVeteran provider<br />

• No medical referral<br />

required<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

2273277<br />

Plumbing<br />

For all<br />

general<br />

aspects of<br />

plumbing<br />

Discounts for over<br />

65 years old<br />

Fast friendly service<br />

All work guaranteed<br />

Aaron McCartney<br />

Certifying Plumber<br />

Cell 027 366 9091<br />

A/H 03 310 2137<br />

Free Call:<br />

0508 44EVER<br />

EMAIL:<br />

plumber_27@yahoo.com<br />

Butchery<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

2172994<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />


2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

2227889v2<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />

Seamless Spouting<br />




Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



* I S<br />

HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />

Supply and Install<br />

of Seamless Gutters<br />

10 year no leaks<br />

guarantee<br />

• Continuous spouting made on site,<br />

large colour range available<br />

• High grade and thicker material used<br />

• Repair or replace any type of gutter<br />

• Undertake all insurance work<br />

• Independently owned and operated<br />

• Competitive pricing<br />

Servicing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Districts<br />

Call Danie 021 875 462<br />

<strong>23</strong>59362<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

Windows & Doors<br />


• New & Used<br />

• Timber & Aluminium<br />

• Windows & Doors<br />

8am-5pm Weekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 379 6159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax (03) 962 1012 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />

ncn1242200aa<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

RangioraToyota<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2017 Corolla GX Hatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto<br />

•Bluetooth, Camera<br />

•Cruise Control, 37,100km<br />

$<br />

22,995<br />

2013CorollaGXHatch<br />

•1.8L Petrol, Auto<br />

•Bluetooth, CruiseControl<br />

•7Airbags<br />

2015Yaris GX Hatch<br />

•1.3LPetrol5-speed manual<br />

$ •Camera, Bluetooh<br />

13,995 $<br />

10,995<br />

•NZ-new<br />

2019 Corolla SX Hybrid Sedan<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol<br />

•SafetySense, Satnav, Keyless<br />

•Only7,200km<br />

$<br />

33,995<br />

2015Yaris SX Hatch<br />

•1.5LPetrol, auto<br />

•Camera, alloys, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 39,400km<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

2015Toyota Ractis<br />

•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />

•45,550km<br />

NOW<br />

•CD/AUX/USB Connectivity<br />

2014 TOYOTA SPADE<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

•1.5Lpetrolauto,<br />

•4-door/left side door<br />

•Climate,5-seater<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />

•Camera ,Bluetooth<br />

•4.5-Star Safety<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2015Mazda6GSXSedan<br />

•2.5LPetrol, Auto<br />

•Satnav, Cruise, Head Up Display<br />

•Keyless<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2015Corolla GX Hatch<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto,<br />

•Rear Camera &Sensors<br />

•62,000km<br />

$<br />

18,995<br />

2011 HyundaiElantraElite<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Leather,Sunroof<br />

•Camera<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2017 Corolla GLXHatch<br />

•1.8L Petrol, Auto, Alloys<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•5-Star Safety, only 47,700km<br />

$<br />

<strong>23</strong>,995<br />

2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />

•ReverseCamera&Sensors<br />

•60,000kms<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

<strong>2021</strong> CorollaSXHatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•SafetySense,5-star<br />

•Only 350km<br />

$<br />

33,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />

•Satnav ,Radar Cruise<br />

•Only <strong>23</strong>,500km<br />

$<br />

36,995 27,995<br />

2011 Toyota Avensis Wagon<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto,<br />

•Alloys, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, Keyless<br />

$<br />

14,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXHatch<br />

•2.0L Petrol, Auto<br />

•Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•5-Star Safety,only 25,300km<br />

$<br />

26,995<br />

2014 CamryGLSedan<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />

•Cruise Control, Bluetooth<br />

•7Airbags<br />

$<br />

12,995<br />

2011 Toyota Wish Z<br />

•1.8L PetrolAuto, 6-Seater<br />

•Sunroof,Alloys, Camera<br />

•82,300kms<br />

WAS$15,995<br />

2012CamryGLSedan<br />

•2.5LPetrolAuto<br />

2009 Toyota Wish Z<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, 6-seater<br />

•Alloys, Keyless NOW<br />

•88,500km<br />

NOW $ •CD&USB Connectivity<br />

14,995<br />

$<br />

13,995<br />

$<br />

13,9955<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

WAS$14,995<br />

2010 Mitsubishi Lancer VRX<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto<br />

• Alloys, Leather<br />

•80,750kms<br />

$ 12,995<br />

2016 HiluxSR5 4x4<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Sat Nav<br />

•Cruise &ClimateControl<br />

2019 LandCruiserPrado VX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Facelift<br />

2019 Peugeot 3008 Active<br />

•1.6L TurboPetrolAuto<br />

2007 Toyota Rav4<br />

$ • Leather, Safety Sense<br />

•Satnav,5-StarSafety<br />

• Safety Sense, Camera,<br />

46,995 $ $<br />

•2.4LPetrolAutoAWD<br />

•Only31,300kms 82,995<br />

$<br />

15,995<br />

• Only 21,300km<br />

36,995<br />

95<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

995<br />

•Satnav,Camera<br />

•Cruise Control<br />

2019 GX Rav4<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•Only8,850kms<br />

2013Toyota AlphardSC<br />

•2.4LPetrolAuto, 7-Seater<br />

•DualElectricDoors<br />

•25,250kms<br />

2016 HiluxSR5Limited2WD<br />

2018NissanNavaraRX4x4<br />

•2.3LTurbo Diesel Manual<br />

•Alloys, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 58,100kms<br />

2018 HiluxSR5 Cruiser<br />

•2.7LTurboDiesel,leather<br />

•18” alloys,Tonneau<br />

•Only 37,250km<br />

2018 HiluxSExtraCab<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Manual<br />

•2WD,Camera<br />

•Only 50,100kms<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather<br />

$<br />

36,995 •18”Alloys<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

$ $<br />

•SportsBar &Tonneau.<br />

60,995<br />

34,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />

2416735<br />


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